& FOUR THE MICHIGAN DAILY 1 RUItSDAY, UAY 1, 1952 FOUR TIIUktSI)AY, MAY .L 1952 U U _______________________________________________________ U CAMPUS INTIMIDATION: The Lecture Committee's Power (EDITOR'S NOTLI: This is the first in a series of editorials on the current infringements on student rights.) URING THE past two months a series of speaker bans and investigations have set a precedent dangerous to the future well- being of this University. Both the bans and the investigations could be aptly labeled an amateur witch-hbnt, amateur insofar as the methods used were blatantly illegal and the procedures tinged with melodramatic secrecy and sloppiness. Because of the secrecy many of the facts behind the University actions' are still not "officially" available. Pertinent questions such as: why has the Lecture Committee asked for an investigation of the Young Progressives; why has the Lee- ture Committee refused to consider allow- ing William Hood to speak on campus; why has the Union suddenly been regarded as University property; why has a vague, inspecific Regent's rule suddenly been in- terpreted as a stringent all-inclusive law; and why have 16 students, been charged with its violation?-all go unanswered ex- cept in circuitous innuendos. Because the administrative groups have chosen to act in secret and to hinder honest attempts to clarify the situation, the atmos- phere is thick wtih suspicion and doubt. The University has been accused of violat- ing the rights of many of its students The available facts bear the accusation out. To find a beginning to all the cloak and dagger theatrics, it is necessary to return to the recent House Un-American Acti- vities Committee hearings in Detroit. The publicity that the University received in the state press became steadily worse as five former students were accused of be- ing Communists and three were wit- nesses before the Committee. The climax came when it was testified that three Communist cells existed in Ann Arbor. Newspaper headlines read "Colleges In- filtrated." When this is added to the rather popular belief that colleges are hotbeds of radicals and reds, the attitude of publicity-conscious administrators can be determined. This is the University that has been banning Com- munists since 1935, that banned a student group even before the Justice Department considered it subversive, and that refused to re-admit 13 students on the unqualified charge that they were embarassing the Uni- versity and were a "disturbing influence." T WAS THEREFORE small surprise that the Lecture Committee banned Arthur McPhaul and Abner Greene from speaking on campus. Both men are officials of groups on the Attorney General's subversive list. Both are accused of being Communists. This latter charge carries deep meaning to the Lecture Committee which regards violent overthrow of the government a fundamental concept held by all Communists despite an individual's record or writings to the con- trary. In fairness to the professors on the Committee it must be noted that they are carrying out what they consider the desire of the Regents who are their employers. Their beliefs are not necessarily in sym- pathy with their actions. Because this is a state university dependent on the state legislature for a third of its financial re- sources It is expedient that the Cbmmit- tee constantly evaluate how much the general public can take. Both the hear- ings in Detroit and the budget request before the Legislature were important factors in the double banning of McPhaul and Greene. University-wise neither of these men have been banned. They have only been "temporarily" prevented from speaking until "sufficient evidence" is presented that their speeches will not be subversive. No definition of sufficint evi- dence was given. The answers to the Committee's stand are numerous. The most important is that men are innocent until they are proven guilty and not guilty until proven innocent. No one can tell in advance that a man will give a subversive speech. It can come from the mouth of lambs or even from a Senator Taft. Finally, there is both a state and fed- eral statute that makes it a criminal offense to give a subversive speech. Seemingly encouraged by the success of its ban, the Lecture Committee went even further when it arbitrarily suspended the privilege of the Young Progressives to have speakers, and asked that they be investigated to see if they are a "res- ponsible group." It is reasonable to expect that the actions of student organizations be open to review. It is also reasonable that requests for such an inspection be allowed. However, there should be reasons given for such a request, and to date, the Lecture Committee has failed to do so. Moreover the Committee is waiting until the YP's are investigated and cleared of sus- picion before ruling on the request to hear William Hood. The Committee has been In- formed by the Dean of Students, who origi- nally upheld the Committee's action, that the YP's are a recognized student group and should be regarded as such. The Committee, however, has ignored this. They claim that since Hood lives in Detroit, he can come here anytime without inconvenience. What they apparently disregard is that the perti- nence of his speech is rapidly disappearing as the feud between Walter Reuther and Lo- cal 600 wears off.,What they are regarding is that Hood is the secretary of Local 600, and that it is accused of being the center of Communism in the UAW-CIO. It is because Hood is suspected of being a Communist and because other speakers requested by the YP's fall into the same category, that the Lecture Committee is asking for the investi- gation. It has no other reason that could apply to the YP's that could not be tacked onto the Young Democrats or even the Lea- gue. ANOTHER INCIDENT that reveals the petrified attitude of the Committee de- veloped when Senator Taft was rightly al- lowed to speak in Hill Auditorium. A member of the Committee stated that candidates of all recognized political parties would be al- lowed to appear on campus. However, when informed that the Progressive candidate was presently serving a six month jail term for contempt of court while defending the 12 top Communists, the Committee member doubted that he would be allowed to speak. The extent to which the Lecture Com- mittee is becoming the campus watchdog over "Communism" both by its own choos- ing and by the power being gradually vest- ed in it, was re-demonstrated several weeks ago. Professor Dirk Struik of MIT, who is accused of advocating the violent overthrow of the government, visited an informal faculty group. When the faculty members Inquired whether they could use University property they were told to clear it with the Lecture Committee. Never be- fore have faculty members been required to submit their guests to a screening. The group refused to do so and met off campus. It is unfortunate that the off-campus movement Is the only recourse left to stu- dents. For a price they can secure most any hall in town, and one or two free of charge. Any time, however, that students must leave the University to hear diffring points of view, there is sickness in the academic halls. And when the Lecture Committee goes fur- ther and adopts devious, illegal means to deny even a Regent sanctioned right, then the dangers inherent in any system of thought control become more apparent. As it proceeds uncheked the Lecture Commit- tee presents a dangerous threat not just to the freedom of speech but to the freedom of living in a democratic society ruled by laws and not by superstition. -Leonard Greenbaum (Tomorrow-The McPhaul Investigations) DREW PEARSON: Washington Merry-Go-Round W ASHINGTON - It was supposed to be "confidential and unified," but a pros- pective delegate recently hit Senator Ke- fauver of Tennessee for "expense money" in return for his support at the Democratic convention. The would - be delegate is Warner Bloomberg of Gary, Ind., who hinted sig- nificantly that expenses at the 1948 con- vention ran around $1,000 per delegate. .But he solicited the wrong candidate in crime-busting Senator Kefauver, who may end up investigating instead of paying him. Bloomberg made his shocking request for money in a confidential letter, dated March 29, to Kefauver's campaign headquarters. "I would prefer that this letter be kept confidential and unfiled," Bloomberg wrote cautiously. "I have been approached by some friends of mine who have long been active in the Indiana Democratic Party ... They indicated to me that they would be happy to bring about my selection as one of Indiana's delegates to the national conven- tion. Of course, there is always that slip between cup and lip in politics of this sort- but the offer presents a good possibility. I have tentatively accepted." "Because of the expense involved-it was estimated at $1,000 per delegate in 198- it is often difficult to get anyone to take the job in such 'poor' districts as the second, where I live . . . while I can take care of any personal expenses in Chicago and I am willing to sacrifice a week's loss in pay, I understand that there are fees or contri- butions or some such running into several hundred dollars which would be a very heavy burden for me. I probably could solioit some funds from friends. Can national head- quarters make up the rest, presuming I am elected?" Queried by this column, Bloomberg ex- plained that he needed the money to pay a $200 registration fee. The Democratic National Committee denied, however, that convention delegates are charged any fees or contributions. Bloomberg admitted to this column that he lived only 37 miles from Chicago, that he could room with friends during the conven- ,tion and that he expected financial help from his labor union or the local Democratic organization. So Senator Kefauver would like to know what is at the bottom of this strange request for a financial touch "running into several hundred dollars." Bloomberg confessed to this column that his letter had been a "political error," but denied that he had any "ulterior motives." "I am just a poltical amateur," he plead- ed. "I didn't ask Senator Kefauver for any money. I asked Jack O'Brien (Kefauver's campaign manager) if he could help me out. After all, he isn't entirely poverty- stricken." Kefauver, however, indicated that he is not interested in subsidizing delegates, though he would like to catch someone try- ing it. (Copyright, 1952, by The Bell Syndicate, Inc.) Stevenson THE CONTINUATION of the recently created Stevenson-for -President Club, despite Governor Stevenson's statement that he does not want to campaign for the Pres- idency, demonstrates that the club's mem- bers believe the Democratic party, because it does not have a qualified candidate, must draft a man who is unwilling to run. Stevenson would have made an excellent choice if he had left himself in the pres- idential race. But, it must be remembered, if the Governor wanted to leave the slightest doubts as to what his future plans were, he merely had to refrain from affirming that he "could not accept the nomination." Actually, the Democratic party has many competent, liberal candidates besides Stev- enson. To name a few, there are Kefauver, Harriman, Russell, Kerr, Barkley, Humph- rey, Rayburn, MacMahon, Williams, and Ewing. Unable to reconcile themselves to political realities, the Stevenson-for-President Club will probably continue to meet and plan for the future. The only loss, luckily, is a waste of their time and effort, which could other- wise be used to campaign for a candidate who has a chance for the nomination. Bernie Backhaut Spring11Beaver COMES SPRING and we find ourselves full of lazy reflections about everything and nothing. "What?" we ask as we gambol across the verdent mead, "makes the dandy- lions, timothy grasses, cherry blossoms, always quietly sprout out at this time?" "Why do the katydids keep warming up to the same summer song, year after year?" "Why does the river seem in such a hurry to get to the sea?" "Where did the clouds go?" We gambol further spying humans. "Why?" we ask again, "do they lie be- neath the blistering sun so their skins will bake to a brown hue, at the same time re- jecting their brown-skinned brothers?" "Why do they spend days sitting in old rowboats, disgustedly throwing back three inch catfish, but always hopefully throw- ing the line back too?" "Why do they give away nins thev have treasured Double Whammy pp jfr p~l- P.1! rI DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN i 1.''! 'i (Continued from page 2) General Tire & Rubber Company, Akron, Ohio desires to hear from young men who might qualify as a traveling auditor for this company. This company is also interested in young men who would like to become Assistant Office Managers.aCredit Managers, or Sales Service Managers. Arthur Fulmer, Memphis. Tenn., would like to consider young men who are interested in merchandising and to learn its business and progress into saleswork. The company is a leader in -the manufacture of automobile seat covers. Pet Milk Company, Bryan, Ohio, needs mechanical and electrical engineers. Purdue University's Comptroller's Of- fice (Lafayette, Ind.) is seeking two young men who are training for or are interested in college and university bus- iness administration. Both positions re- quire an accounting background. Onaconda Wire & Cable Company, Hastings-on-Hudson, N.Y., would be in- terested in receiving applications for their Industrial Plant Management Managers, Credit Managers, or Sales Training Program in the field of Me- chanical Engineering, Industrial Engi- neering or Industrial Management. The Federal Bureau of Investigation of Washington is now accepting appli- cations for the positions of Special Agent Employees from men who possess a Bachelor's, Accounting or LLB degree. June graduates are eligible. Applicants must beacitizens, 25 years old, in perfect health, and be willing to serve In any part of the U.S. or Territorial posses- sions- For further details, appointments and application blanks, see the Bureau of Appointments, 3528 Administration Building, or call extension 371. Lectures University Lecture, auspices of the De- partment of Botany. "The Vegetation of Australia." H. B. S. Womersley, Uni- versity of Adelaide, South Australia. Friday, May 2, 4 p.m., Rackham Amphi- theater. Academic Notices qualifying Examination for Graduate Students in Botany. May 1, 7 p.m., 2033 N.S. Aero Seminar: Dr. John R. Sellrs will discuss "Use of Asymptotic Serses in Physical Problems," Thurs., May 1, 4 p.m., 1504 E. Engineering Bldg. In- terested students, teaching, and re- search staff welcome. Astronomical Colloquium: Fri., May 2, 4:15 p.m., the Observatory. Dr. Freeman D. Miller will speak on "Current Views on Stellar Evolution from the USSR." The school of Education Testing Pro- gram will be given on May 6 in Room 131, Business Administration Building. The afternoon session will begin at 4:15 p.m. The evening session will begin at 7 p.m. All students who are working toward a teacher's certicate and who missed the March 25th administration are required to attend. Doctoral Examination for Thomas James Cobbe, Botany; thesis: "Secon- dary Forest Successions of Clermont, Brown, and Adams Counties in South- western Ohio," Thurs., May 1.IWest Council Roon, Rackham Bldg., 9 a.m. Chairman, H. H. Bartlett. Doctoral Examination for Lua Stew- art Bartley, Education; thesis: "An Ex- perimental Study to Determine the Ef- fectiveness of Two Different Methods of Teaching Tennis," Thurs., May 1, West Council Room, Rackham Bldg., 2:30 p.m. Chairman, M. E. Rugen. Doctoral Examination for Walter S. Hom und, Education; thesis: "Design and Evaluation of an In-Service Train- ing Program for Teachers in Child Growth and Development," Fri., May 2, 4019 University High School, 2 p.m. Chairman, H. C. Koch. Doctoral Examination for Lu-Shien Hu, Civil Engineering; thesis: "The In- stability of Top Chords of Pony Truss- es," Fri., May 2. 315 W. Engineering Bldg., 4 p.m. Chairman, L. C. Maugh Bacteriology Seminar: Fri., May 2, 11 a.m., 1520 E. Medical Bldg. Speaker: Dr. Ruth Lofgren. Subject: Principles and Techniques in Microscopy and Photo- micrography. Seminar in Applied Mathematics: Thurs., May 1, 4 p.m., 247 W. Engineer- ing. Mr. Paul Gray continues his talk on "A new approach to birac delta func- tions; theory of distributions." Psvhal- olnonu,,,,,.. M , 2. prano; Set Svanholm, tenor; Philip Duey, baritone; George London, bass; The Philadelphia Orchestra; University Choral Union; Thor Johnson, conduc- tor. Saturday, May 3, 2:30. Nathan Mi- stein, violinist; The Youh Chorus; Philadelphia Orchestra; Alexander Hils- berg and Marguerite Hood, conductor. saturday, May 3, 8:30. Wagner pro- gram. Astrid Varnay, soprano; Set Svanholm, tenor; The Philadelphia Or- chestra; Eugene Ormandy, conductor. Sunday, May 4, 2:30. Walton's "Bel- shazzar's Feast;" Mack Harrell, bari- tone; Jorge Bolet, pianist; Philadelphia Orchestra; University Choral Union; Thor Johnson, conductor. Sunday, May 4, 8:30. Artist night. Patrice Munsel, soprano; Philadelphia Orchestra; Eugene Ormandy, conduc- tor. Concerts will begin on time and doors will be closed during numbers. Tickets on sale at Burton Tower until Thurs- day morning, at which time all tickets will be transferred to the Hill Audi- torium box office. Student Recital: Mary Jo Jones, So- prano, will present a. recital at 4:15 Thursday afternoon, May 1, in Lydia Mendelssohn Theater, in partial fu- filment of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Music. A pupil of Arthur Hackett, Miss Jones will sing works by Brahms, Leroux, Chausson, Liszt, Del-Acqua, Charpentier, and Mary Turner Salter. The program will be op- en to the public. Student Recital: Alexandra Moncrieff, pianist will play compositions by Han- del, Schubert, Beethoven, Liszt, and Bartok, at 4:15 Friday afternoon, May 2, in Lydia Mendelssohn Theater, in par- tial fulfillment of Music degree. Miss Monterieff is a pupil of Ava Comin Case, and her recital will be open to the public. Events Today Canterbury Club: Married Students Group meets at 7:30 p.m. Literary College Conference Steering Committee.1101 Angell Hall, 4 p.m. Electrical Engineering Research Discus- sion Group. Mr. Edwin E. Henry of the Kellogg Foundation Institute will speak on "The Thermistor as a Device for the Measurement of the Velocity of Flow in Water," 4 p.m., 2084 E. Engineering Bldg. S t u d en t Advisors: Organizational meeting of the student advisors in 1209 Angell Hall, 3 p.m. All must try to be present. International Center Weekly Tea for foreign students and American friends, 4:30-6 p.m. Modern Poetry Club: Meeting, 7:30 p.m., Ann Arbor Room, League. Poems to be discussed are Peter Viereck's: "Better Come Quietly," "Blindman's Buff'," "Which of Us Two?" "Of Course Not," and "Some Lines in Three Paris." Copies of these poems will be available in the English office in Angell Hall on Wednesday. Mr. Hill, of the English de- partment, will participate in the discus- sion. Members are urged to attend, and the meeting is open to the public. U. of M. Sailing Club: Meeting, 7:30 p.m., 311 W. Engineering. Shore school on the finer points of sailing. Satur- day- team race with Notre Dame for Whaletail Pail and commissioning party at Whitmore; Sunday-eliminations for districts and informal sailing. Deutsche Kaffeestunde: German Cof- fee Hour, 3 to 4:30 p.m., Round-Up- Room, League. International Relations Club. Open meeting, 7:30 p.m.. Union. Panel dis- cussion: "The future of colonial Africa." Everyone welcome. Spanish Club. 7:30 p.m., League. Job Opportunities in the Field of Spanish. Singing and dancing to follow program. La p'tite causette meets from 3:30 to 5 p.m. in the south room of the Union cafeteria. Chess Club. Meeting, 8 p.m., Rm. 3D. Union. John O'Keefe will play 30 boards simultaneously. All chess players in- vited. Michigan Chapter of the NAACP (Na- tional Association for the Advancement of Colored People). Election of new of- firers 7:30 p.m., League. All members are urged to be present. All other inter- ested persons are invited. Coming Events Canterbury Club. Holy Communion and breakiast, 7 a.m., Fri. PREXY CANDIDATES: MacArthur Considered 'Dangerous, Enigmatic' OF ALL THE POTENTIAL Republican candidates for the presi- dency, General Douglas MacArthur is the most dangerous, the most controversial and the most strangely-motivated. Always an enigmatic figure, MacArthur has managed in his 50-year military career to make more enemies and more loyal friends than any other public figure. He is either deified or despised by his associates, soldiers and the general public; no one takes an indifferent view toward him. One cannot discount his brilliant record over the last five decades, for he has established a well-earned reputation for hard work and competence. His record in the Phillipines from 1937 on, his Pacific campaigns and his administration of Japan are commendable. Mac- Arthur succeeded in instituting land reforms in feudalistic Japan and gave the country a fair, honest administration. However, his handling of the Asia policy, which resulted in his removal, highlights the dangers implicit in a MacArthur candidacy, and reveals his major flaw as a presidential aspirant. In the Asia situation, the .General overstepped his authority and placed our whole position in danger. After the exhibition he gave in Korea, MacArthur should be disqualified as a candidate. He is not responsible enough to be trusted with execution of a world-wide foreign policy because he is 'too biased in favor of Asiatic defense. It is difficult to trust European or domestic responsibility to some- one who has spent the last 15 years in Asia and is not orientated on the sufficiency of our European defenses or the need for their strengthening and continuance. * * * * GENERAL MAC ARTHUR is also the type who comes to mind when we picture the "autocratic militarist." To MacArthur, there can be no division of opinion among his associates. Unfortunately, his atti- tude leads more to a stifling of new ideas than to absolute staff co-ordination. His extreme flair for the dramatic has been over-publicized, and his use of the Deity in public speeches, his odd costuming and his seeming aloofness have been a bad combination for a political or military figure. It is significant that disfavorable reports from soldiers serving in the Pacific Theatre were reasons why the 1944 MacArthur for President boom was so quickly de- flated. Many people distrust MacArthur and are not reassured by his mannerisms, his irrationality or his childishness. Speeches such as his talk to the Filipinos when he stepped ashore on Leyte inspire this distrust. It has been maintained that the famous charge to "Let no heart be faint. Let every arm be steeled. The guidance of Divine God points to the way. Follow in his name to the Holy Grail of righteous victory" was never meant for statewide consumption. How- ever, the remarks did the General no good back home and gave rise to such ditties as the Marine poem which ended: "And while possibly a rumor now, Someday it will be fact That the Lord will hear a deep voice say, Move over God, it's Mac. Potentially a deadlock candidate, MacArthur has little backing at the present time. He is without strong delegate support and has very few influential backers. It is entirely feasible, however, that he would be a deadlock candidate in a Taft-Eisenhower clash, for Sena- tor Taft's supporters would prefer MacArthur to Eisenhower. His chances of gaining the Presidential office on the Republl. can ticket are poor, though not impossible. If a strong Democrat would run against him and plan a good campaign, he could prob- ably whip Mac with no trouble. One cannot, however, discount the General's commanding presence and ability to inspire fanatical devotion. There is still substantial sentiment that MacArthur must be stopped. The feeling is found as much within the Republican Party as among Democrats. Many Republicans agree with a comment made by MacArthur's divorced first wife. When queried in 1948 about his chances for the nomination, she replied "If he's a dark horse, he's in the last roundup." We can only hope she was right. -Harry Lunn X etteM TO THE EDITOR The Daily welcomes communications from its readers on matters of Igeneral interest, and will publish all letters which are signed by the writer and in good taste. Letters exceeding 300 words in length, defamatory or libelous letters, and letters which for any reason are not in good taste will be condensed, edited or withheld from publication at the discretion of the editors. . " "I r -I' . 4 N' DORIS FLEESON: Trend in Alabama Indicates State Will Favor Kefauver over Russell AUBURN, ALA.-Alabama, the first state to answer the rolleall at a National Con- vention, is breaking away from the supposed solid-south support of Senator Russell of Georgia in favor of Senator Kefauver of Tennessee. Concrete evidence to support the opti- mistic claims of the Kefauver state cam- paign manager, W. D. Partlow Jr., of Tuscaloosa, broke on the eve of a personal drive by the rival senators for victory in the Florida presidential primary May 6. It had been assumed that Florida, the only state where the two are directly match- ed, would afford the solid clue to their rela- tive popularity in their native South. But, az so often happens, Washington and the professional politicians were taking too much for granted. Partlow told this column that more than half the Alabama delegation would be pledg- ed to Senator Kefauver when it went to the convention in Chicago. The Montgomery Advertiser backed him up with its own check of the delegation. In a story beginning with the admission that "Senator Kefauver is out-pacing Sen- ator Russell here in Alabama," the Adver- to Russell, leaving seven whose stand is in doubt. The Kefauver support is anchored as usual to the younger generation. It in- cludes, his backers say, women, church people, independent voters, veterans and labor. It has been shown in other states that the Tennesseean strongly appeals to such groups. Hall explained that northern Alabama had always felt a great kinship for its neighbor, Tennessee, and had in fact once wanted to be part of that state. The region has shown marked political independence in the past, he said. It should not really be too surprising to Washington that Alabama should break away from the conservative ranks which are closing around Senator Russell. Both Ala- bama senators-Lister Hill and John Spark- are articulate and able Southern liberals, siding with the Administration for the most part except on civil rights. Both indeed helped to lead the successful Supreme Court fight to confine the Ala- bama delegate slate to loyalists who will vote for the regular party nominee. This !Strike Solution Dear Sir: THE PRESENT steel situation suggests restatement of an earlier proposal to deal with strikes in essential industries. This proposal is based on these four premises: (1) Major production stoppages in essential industries, especially in emergency periods, are not tolerable; (2) The right to strike must be protected; without it, the balance of power in collec- tive bargaining is destroyed; (3) The democratic method of settling industrial disputes is through col- lective bargaining, not compulsory arbitration; (4) Government seiz- ure is no way out and thoroughly unsatisfactory to both labor and industry. These conditions can be satis- fied by the follow solution: Given a strike threat in an essential in- dustry, first Congress declare a sit- uation in which there can be no work stoppage strike but either party to the dispute may call a Statutory Strike. Under condtions of Statutory Strike, production continues but the two bargaining parties are placed in the same po- sition in which they would find themselves if there was a work stoppage. For industry this means imposition of a fine (equal to 100 percent of profits from current sales plus fixed costs) so as to cause losses equal to those suf- fered in case of work stoppage. For labor this means continued work at a substantially reduced wage; but to compensate for loss of free time, this would be somewhat above the relief paid in . case of work stoppage. tive is there that will meet our four conditions? -Richard A. Musgrave - * * Man or Mouse... To The Editor: For years I have tried to teach students that ability to solve prob- lems is a source of some satisfac- tion. Yet you tell me that the members of a visiting Institute were informed that "ability to meet and solve problems is among the causes of frustration." That may be true for a rat; I wouldn't know. It is not true for a man. The ladies come here for two days. We welcome them and try to entertain them, but why do we call the result Adult Education? Norman Anning Sixty-Second Year Edited and managed ; by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Gontrol of Student PublicatioWs. Editorial Staff chuck Elliott.......Managing Editor Bob Keith ................city Editor Leonard Greenbaum, Editorial Director Vern Emerson .........Feature Editor Ron Watts .............Associate Editor Bob Vaughn ...... ...Associate Editor Ted Papes ................Sports Editor George Flint ....Associate Sports Editor Jim Parker .....Associate Sports Editor Jan James............Women's Editor Jo Ketelhut, Associate Women's Editor .t Busneass Staf, Bob Miller.... ......Business Manager Gene Kuthy, Assoc. Business Manager Charles Cuson ....Advertising Manager I I