-I THE LECTURE. COMMITTEE'S POWER See Page 4 Yl r e , A flait xij I FAIR WITHOUT CHANGE Latest Deadline in the State VOL. LXII, No. 146 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, MAY 1, 1952 SIX PAGES Campus To Fauce . --- Officials OK $15 Blanket' Fee Boost Appropriations Cut Forces Hike By CRAWFORD YOUNG A fourth post-war tuition in- crease will hit the campus next September, University officials in- formed a group of student leaders at a special conference yesterday. Undergraduates and graduates in non-professional schools will face a blanket $15 per semester hike, with increases ranging from $5 to $75 in other schools. THIS WILL MEAN for the bulk of the student body an accumu- lated boost since the war of $60 yearly in in-state tuition, and $190 in out-state fees.. Vice-President Marvin L. Nie- huss explained that the new tui- tion - schedule, approved by the Board of Regents last Friday, was made necessary by the $1,600,000 slash in the Univer- sity operating budget by the State Legislature. "The tuition raise is the only way to* avoid a deficit without lowering our standards," Niehuss. pointed out. AFTER IT became apparent that the Legislature was going to cut the budget, University offi- cials undertook a thorough review of the operating budget, arriving at a figure of $22,200,000 as a rock-bottom total, Niehuss report- ed. Prospective income from the appropriation, student fees, and miscellaneous sources fell $570,- 000 "short of that figure. "It is expected that the higher tuition will cover this deficit," Niehuss said. The new schedule of semester fees, effective in September, fol- lows: Tauit(ion APPEL U.S. Increuse * * * * * in September I- TE COURT GIVES STEEL ILL CO TROL -Daily-Alan Reid PAUSE THAT REFRESHES-Fran Bartlett hastily gulps a coke, one of the tasks he had to perform during the obstacle race in the all campus bicycle race sponsored by the International Students Association yesterday at Yost Field House. He had just bebbed for an apple and went on to put a paper bag filled with colored chalk over his head. Holding his own he rode through the ob- stacle track to emerge as winner of the race. IFC Reaffirms Acacia Anti-Bias Clause Plan. By an emphatic 26 to 6 vote, the Interfraternity Council House Presidents Assembly last night went on record for re-affirmation and further implementation of the Acacia anti-bias clause plan. Last December the IFC passed the Acacia Plan over the stronger recommendation of the joint Student Legislature-IFC committee which had studied fraternity discrimination on campus. . * * * THE ACACIA PLAN as then passed stated that IFC is "strongly in favor of having its members take action for removal of discrim- inatory clauses," but favored educational rather than "coercive" School In-state Law ......... $90 Public Health .$125 Music ........$150 Medicine and Dentistry ...$200 Nursing ...... $65 All others .... $90 Out-state $125 $250 $275 $350 $130 $215 The biggest Increases were in the Schools of Medicine and Den- tistry, with hikes of $130 and $150 respectively in yearly fees. s *ss MICHIGAN remains first among the Midwestern state universities in tuition fees. However, Vice- President Wilbur K. Pierpont as- serted that this has always been the relative tuition situation, and " that it is justified by a higher caliber of educational program. Several other Big Ten Univer- sities are contemplating similar raises, Pierpont reported, indi- eating that a corresponding hike See TUITION, Page 2 CLC Takes Up MePhaul Issue The Civil Liberties Committee decided last night to start a cam- paign to "enlighten the campus community on the circumstances surrounding the McPhaul Dinner investigation." The Committee stated that it believes that the 16 students who are on trial for havini attended the dinner are innocent of the charge of having made illegal use of University property. CLC plans to contact recognized campus organizations, representa- tives of residence units, and facul- ty members in order to discuss the McPhaul investigation and plan a program 3f action. McPhaul Decision Still Forthcoming methods of removal. It declared that the IFC fraternity desiring removal of its 'U' Signs Lab' Contract Bid University Vice-President W. K. Pierpont yesterday announced the signing of the contract with the Jeffress-Dyer firm for the con- struction of the Cooley Memorial Laboratory on the new North Campus. The Washington, D.C., firm is also building the Out Patient Clin- ic and Kresge Medical Research Center. The University has been grant- ed an allotment of steel for the current quarter of the year and work is expected to start as soon as equipment can be moved to the building site. Wolverine Club At a general meeting of the Wolverine Club last night, Larry Bloch, '53, was elected president and Bob Golten, '54, was chosen vice-president. would offer assistance to any clause. Twelve campus fraterni- ties have bias clauses at the present time. Last night's action came through a motion of Acacia which blasted the IFC Executive Council for not completely fulfilling its responsi- bilities in carrying out the broad powers of the original plan. THEREFORE they recommend- ed that: 1) IFC "unreservedly reaffirm the Acacia plan as its policy basis," 2) IFC officers be charged with responsibility to carry it out. 3) Houses with clauses co- operate in "good faith" with the IFC in carrying out the pro- gram. 4) IFC Human Relations as- sume leadership in the actual work of implementing the plan. 5) The Human Relations com- mittee prepare a brief for Presi- dent Hatcher showing work now under way and plans for the immediate future. In addition Acacia asked the IFC for help in removing the clause in its national constitution which members said, "in effect prohibits adherents of certain creeds for membership." Willens Airs Joint JudIC Plan at SL Questions SAC i- Logic on Issue A proposed Joint Judiciary con- stitutional revision was discussed in a report to the Student Leg- islature last night by president Howard Willens, '53. Reporting on a Student Affairs Committee meeting which took place Tuesday, Willens questioned the committee's logic in rejecting the method of selecting judiciary members proposed by the judi- ciary. * * * A VOTE was taken at the SAC meeting to withhold announce- ment of the-proposal until their suggested alterations of the plan had met with the approval of Joint Judiciary. Willen's criticism centered on a provision in the plan which concerned the interviewing and appointive board for new mem- bers to the projected Joint Ju- diciary Council, which would re- place the present Men's Judi- ciary. Suggestions for the interviewing board's composition, ranging all the way from the SL cabinet to the SAC student membership were discussed, Wilens revealed. * * * , AT THIS TIME, SAC favors placing the appointive powers in the hands of its.student members. Willens felt that such powers fell logically within the realm of the legislature, and said that a com- bined League-SL appointive body suggested by the judiciary and voted down at the SAC meeting would be "more than agreeable" to the legislature. The SAC is scheduled to meet Tuesday for further consideration of the judiciary issue. Also at last night's meeting,I the Legislature appointed a com- mittee to investigate the Mc- Phaul dinner hearings and de- termine whether any violation of student rights has occurred. Ted Friedman, '54, who insti- gated the motion, stressed that the committee will make no at- tempt to pass on the guilt of the students being investigated but will confine itself to the tactics used in conducting the hearings. The Culture and Education Committee, headed by Jean Jones, '53, will conduct the investigation. The group also confirmed cabi- net appointments which will be effective until fall elections. Head- ing the Campus Action Commit- tee will be. Bob Ely, '54E. Miss Jones will remain at her post as Culture and Education Commit- tee chairman, and public relations will be handled by Lee Fiber, '54. Audie Murphy, '53, received the chairmanship of the International committee. Human relations will be directed by Sue Wladis, '53, and the varsity committee will have Mike McNerney, '53, as chairman. Other positions announced were: Robin Glover, '53, director of elections; Sue Popkin, '54, Stu- dent Affairs Committee represen- tative; John Baity, '55, NSA co- ordinator; and Bert Braun, '54, parliamentarian. -Daily-Matty Kessler NEW CABINET-IFC's House President's Assembly last night elected next year's officers, (left to right) John Messer, '53, treas- urer; Eli Schoenfield, '53, secretary; Pete Thorpe, '53, president; and Sandy Robertson, '53 BAd, vice-president. Eisenhower Scores BigWin In Massachusetts Primary By The Associated Press BOSTON-Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower scooped up 27 of 28 dele- gates to the Republican National Convention in Tuesday's Massa- chusetts presidential primary, nearly complete returns showed last night. In record-shattering balloting, Eisenhower received more than 240,000 write-in votes on the Republican ticket-136,000 more than Sen. Robert A. Taft of Ohio-and was second only to Sen. Estes Ke- fauver of Tennessee on the Democratic side. The "write-in" result does not bind convention delegates. ' *.* SEN. ROBERT A. TAFT conceded yesterday that he was "some- what disappointed" over t h e -_ showing he made in Massachu- setts but insisted it was the voter of "one-day Republicans" thatIworld News mean union instructions for the striking steel workers to return.to work, Murray said: "I will have nothing to say tonight." Meanwhile, the 1-day-old steel strike cut production from giant to pygmy size today in a dusk-to- dusk shutdown which broke all records for speed. THE COUNTRY'S defense vital steel mills were darkly silent less than 24 hours after President Phil- ip Murray of the CIO Unitedr Steelworkers grimly orders 650,000 USW members to stop work in al- most 100 basic steel companies. Here and there across the na- tion, a steel plant still is wind- ing up the laborious process re- quired to prevent damage to fantastically expensive equip- ment. But steel production in 24 hours slipped from around 290,000 tons to an estimated miserly 10,000 tons. * * * Also, in Washington, a new and tough bill to prevent strikes in de- fense industries was introduced in the House yesterday as Cpngress reacted swiftly to the walkout of CIO Steelworkers. MacArthur Plans Ann Arbor Visit Gen. Douglas MacArthur will make a short stop in Ann Arbor at 10 a.m. May 16 on his way from Lansing to Detroit, Cecil O. Creal, president of the City Coun- cil, announced yesterday. Local Young Republicans will discuss bringing MacArthur to campus at their meeting Thursday, May 8. piled up a towering lead for Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower in the GOP Presidential primary. At the same time he predicted that he will make a better show- ing as the race moves into West- ern states. In contrast to the reaction in the Taft camp, Eisenhower sup- porters were jubilant over the out- come in Massachusetts, where their man pulled in nearly. 69 per cent of the Republican vote; a mar- gin better than 2 to 1. Season Tickets The Drama Season Office in t' Y Garden Room of the League will be open for season ticket sales from 10 a.m. to noon today but closed this afternoon to take care of mail orders. -i - Seizure Legality Still Undecided. Strike Halts Industry in Record Time Virtually Halting Defense Production By The Associated Press The Government yesterday regained control over the steel mills -now strikebound-pending a ruling by the Supreme Court on Presi- dent Truman's seizure action. A U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals 5 to 4 decision in Washington put the Government in the steel business again. The court made its stay indefinite. The decision which did not deal with the legality of the seizure will remain in effect until the Supreme Court acts upon an appeal in the case. Should the high court refuse to review the decision, the seizure could continue effective until the appeals court issues a further order. But the Government must file its appeal to the Supreme Court by 2:30 p.m. tomorrow, to keep its seizure effective. AT PITTSBURGH Phillip Murray, president of the CIO steel workers, said he would have no comment tonight on the circuit court. action. Asked if the order would- Roundup By TheAssociated Press TOKYO-Shirt-sleeved, milling crowds of about 300,000 had been peacefully observing Japan's first post-occupation May Day with speeches and soft drinks when about 50 Reds, waving Communist banners and singing the "Inter- nationale," broke through police lines and began breaking tables and chairs on the speaker's plat- form. ** * LANSING -- Michigan's law- makers were in a "get tough" mood yesterday as they headed for Lan- sing, recalled by the necessity for appropriating money to repair damage done by the rioters at the State Prison of Southern Michi- gan. Oil Workers' Walkout Hits' Entire Nationl DENVER-P-An often-post- poned strike of oil workers swept across the nation yesterday. It closed some refineries, curtailed pipeline operations and started motorists lining up for gasoline. Nearly 90,000 men-about half those who run the pipelines, re-- fineries and distribution plants- walked out as facilities werb closed down in orderly fashion. CIO, AFL and independent un- ions worked together. Socony- Vacuum's East St. Louis Refinery was shut down when CIO and AFL members walked-out together, even though they're tangled in their own jurisdictional dispute there. Union officials estimate 44 percent of the nation's daily re- finery capacity-2,850,000 of the 6,500,000 barrels-is affected by the strike. The cut could go deeper as the movement of crude oil is reduced by pipeline strikes. There were no reports that the Federal government, which tried three times without success to .settle the dispute, was ready for another try. * * * IN LANSING, Justin R. Whiting, Chairman of The Board of Con- sumers Power Company, told the State Public Service Commission yesterday Consumers Power had enough gas stored to outlast a strike by employes of Panhandle Eastern Pipeline Company, its sup- plier. However, many motorists were taking no chances of running out of gas, lining up to fill their tanks. Some local shortages could de- velop in a day or two but most re- tailers reported two to three weeks' supply. The nation's over-all stocks are at a record high. New Members Tapped by Mimes Mimes, the honorary society for Union Opera workers, last night tapped the following members: Effervescent Ezio Evans, Dy- namic Durante Daugherty, Elfin Erlanger Ely, Handy Hammer- stein Heck, Hippy Hayworth Hicks, Jazzy Jolson Johnson, Jovial Jeze- bel Joy, Katty Kenton Katz, Ka- PROLETARIAN HEYDAY: May Day in Ann Arbor The Same As Any Other By MIKE WOLFF Today is May Day-a day known as much for its ancient custom of playing "ring-around-the-may-pole" as for the tumultuous political rallies and giant military displays that have marked its more recent history. But while Moscow prepared for its annual gala demonstrations and police in Japan were on the lookout for Communist inspired trouble, indications were that Ann Arbor would remain quiet and almost oblivious of this 63rd May Day. THE DAY SEEMS to have claimed little interest from campus po- litical leaders who have not reported any plans for its celebration. Nor was there a may-pole in sight yesterday. Local May Days were not always such nonchalant affairs, however..Back in 1932 sweeping changes in University life, includ- FIFTY-NINTH SEASON: Steber To Open May Festival Today Variety, both in program content and performers offered, will char- acterize the fifty-ninth annual May Festival, slated to open with a concert by Eleanor Steber at 8:30 p.m. today. . Included in the six concerts for the season will be performances by six major Metropolitan Opera1 artists, University Choral Union, Festival Youth Chorus, violinist Nathan Milstein, pianist Jorge Bo- let, and the Philadelphia Sym-1 phony Orchestra. CHOOSING COMPOSERS from{ Classic to the Contemporary per- iod, soprano Eleanor Steber will ufriends I have met all over the MeneggmI country." * * * ALSO TO BE heard in tonight's opening May Festival concert will be the Philadelphia Symphony Or- chestra under the direction of Eu- gene Ormandy. They will play "Short Symphony" by Swanson, and "Suite No. 2" from the Ballet, Daphnis and Chloe by Ravel. Hailed by music critics for their high technical skill, the Orchestra's prestige and popu- Generation Remaining copies of the "new Moody To ApI "" 1 ' TV , pear i