'V -I '. I RELIGION AND EDUCATION See Page 4 rIC 4an ~Iaii4r I 'i n FAIR.,WARMER Latest Deadline in the State VOL. LXII, No. 145 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 30, 1952 SIX- PAGES w T s s * * * 4> Eisenhower Leading Taft n Primary Kefauver Paces Democrat Field BOSTON-(P)-General Dwight D. Eisenhower piled up a runaway majority of the popular vote in the Massachusetts presidential prim- ary yesterday. With one-third of the vote tabu- lated, Eisenhower had 48,621 votes in the write-in section of both the Republican and Democratic bal- lots. All the other candidates counted had only 34,369 tallies. EISENHOWER'S VOTE on the Republican ballot alone-42,583- topped all the other candidates on both ballots by more than 8,000. At the one-third point Taft ad 18,587 Republican write-ins, nd 2,466 on the Democratic ellot. At midnight, two Eisenhower convention delegates had been elected in one district contest and were leading in 10 others. ...TABULATIONS in the remain- ing three of the state's 14 districts were unreported at that hour. The returns also showed a strong tide for Eisenhower among the Democratic voters, although Sen. Estes Kefauver of Tennessee was out in front. The preference write-in, how- ever, is not binding on delegates to the party conventions., THE REAL STAKE is the Mas- sachusetts GOP district delegation of 28 convention votes. Eisenhower and Taft slates are opposing each other in all 14 Congressional dis- tricts. Ten delegates running at large are unopposed. They include. two Taft supporters and two Eis- enhower backers. Republican returns from 403 Precincts of 1,739 in the state ave Eisenhower 24,985; Gen. Douglas MacArthur 294; Harold E. Stassen 124; Taft 11,043; and Gov. Earl Warren of California 241. t In the Democratic balloting, 385 precincts gave Gov.. Paul A. Dever of Massachusetts 560; Kefauver 5,305; Sen. Richard B. Russell of Georgia 133; Gov. Adlai Steven- ,, son of Illinois 323; President Tru- man. 1,799; Eisenhower 4,003 and Taft 1,519. The surprise in the early returns was the strength Eisenhower showed in the Democratic poll- particularly in Boston.. With 23 per cent of the Demo- cratic vote counted, the two lead- ing Republican contenders won a combined vote greater than that rolled up in the preference poll by the Democratic front-runner, Kefauver. Unusually heavy primary voting was reported from all parts of the state, indicating that final tabu- lations would be late. The polls closed oat 7 p.m. r Wherf the tabulation reached 306 precihcts, Eisenhower had polled 69 ter cent of the popular Svote, Taft 1+29 per cent. Meanwhilp, Taft and one of his Ohio campaign managers, Paul Walter, predicted that the Ohio Senator will have enough dele- gates lined up to be a shoo-in on the first ballot at the Republican national convention in Chicago. With Taft nodding assent, Wal- ter claimed that by June 3-more than a month before the big con- vention-Taft will have 650 pledged delegates. Nomination re- quires 604. Four More Guards Quit Prison Posts Fox Says He'll FightSuspension JACKSON - W)-- Four more prison guards resigned yesterday and Dr. Vernon Fox said he would fight for his job at the State Pris- on of Southern Michigan. The new resignations and Dr. Fox's rebuff to criticism marked the fifth day of the restoration period at the big prison following last week's disastrous riot. SIX GUARDS now have resign- ed as a result of the riot. One con- vict was killed and about a score of inmates and guards injured. The prison employs 475 guards. Dr. Fox, prison psychologist and assistant deputy warden, was relieved of 'duties for his congratulatory speech to prison mutineers as the latter prepared to surrender. The assistant warden was a friend of many of the convicts. He was a leading peacemaker in the four days of rioting. * ** AT HIS Jackson home, Dr. Fox, Factories Close As Union Strikes Government Officials Plan Appeal; 'Inherent Powers' May Be Tested WASHINGTON--(A)-A federal judge held the seizure of the strike-threatened steel industry illegal yesterday in a ruling that instantly set off a nation-wide strike of CIO steelworkers. In an opinion studded with biting passag'es, District Judge David A. Pine said President Truman acted "without authority in law" or the Constitution when he took over the industry to avert a walkout. Ruling that the mills must go back to their owners, the Judge de- clared the Taft-Hartley law is the legal tool at hand for heading off a strike. * * * * IF HIS RULING stands, it strikes down the whole theory that hPresident has "inherent" emergency powers not specifically stated in the Constitution. It also stopsr" * * a pay raise the government was e about ready to order over man- agement's head. Thn Tlrlr f nntinnn F fi ' * * * AMOROUS Ann Arbor reads Generation. Today is the day that all things lovely come to light in print. To- day is the day Generation comes out. The spring-summer issue is il- luminated with four short stories by Lucy Rosenthal, Alton Becker, Al Shumsky and Allan Hanna, S* * * e poetry by Kathleen Musser, Saul Gottlieb, Allan Hanna and Josh Kessler and graced with the art- work of John Goodyear, Jamie Ross, Carolyn Pickle, Hal McIn- tosh, and Judith Pick. Varied subjects are featured. The reader spends a photographic day in Ann Arbor, travels poeti- cally across the Pacific and remin- -Daily-Don Campbell * * * isces about childhood in the Phil- ippines. He experiences the feelings, of a killer and an Indian. He is excit- ed in one story and psychological- ly frustrated in the next. He sees' holy nuns at choir and relives the March 21 student riot. And all for 35 cents. JUDGE DAVID A. PINE .. . "Unconstitutional" StelStrike Chronology 1 z Reviewed PITTSBURGH--(P-The great steel strike which the CIO United Steelworkers clamped on the na- tion last night has a pre-walkout history dating back to mid-No- vember of 1951 when the Union listed 22 demands. Here's a step-by-step history of World News *Roundup By The Associated Press RIO DE JANEIRO - A double decked. luxury stratocruiser with 50 persons aboard vanished yes- terday while flying over the jun- gles of northern Brazil on the way from Buenos Aires to New York. Pan American World Airways, operators of the $1.125,000 plane, said it was probably down in the wilderness. The luxury liner was on non-stop flight scheduled for the 2,600 miles from Rio de Ja-f neiro to Trinidad when its last McPhaul Dinner Inquiry' Assailed by YP Members made clear he would not accept the events leading up to the walk- removal, out: Dec. 17 - USW Wage-Policy "I could get a nice, easy job committee voted to strike Jan. 1 teaching," he said, "but I intend wheni the old contract expired. to fight this out." By VIRGINIA VOSS Four Young Progressives In- volved in th, :McPhaul diner in- vestigations testified last night be- fore a crowded YP meeting that the University "tried to find a rule McPhaiil Case Still Undecided radio call was heard by a station The McPhaul dinner case edg- at Barreiras, Bahia State. No TeM~aldne aeeg trouble was' reported at that time. ed toward a final decision today ,as the University Sub-Committee * * * MUNSAN, Korea-Allied truce delegates today stood by for the second straight day, awaiting Communist reaction to a new and secret proposal for com- pleting an armistice in Korea. * * * LANSING-Four Republican- sponsored tax measures which GOP leaders estimated will bring between $17,000,000 and $18,- 000,000 in revenues were signed yesterday by Gov. Williams who held that the new laws would. only account for about $13,- 500,000, * * * TOKYO-Japan's new indepen- dence brought rumblings yester- day of a political movement led by three top ministers in Hideki Tojo's wartime cabinet. The trio, who yesterday formed a "Japan Reconstruction League" as a na- tional "cultural society, was in- volved in war crimes trials after the Japanese surrender. MEET WITH WALTER: on Discipline tentatively planned to consider the affair at a 2:30 p.m. meeting. There was no indication that the decision would be forthcoming today however. The Sub-Commit- tee's function is to approve recom- mendations from the nine-student Joint Judiciary Council. and the latest word is that Judiciary still has several points to decide. Even if the Judiciary gets its .recommendations drawn up in final form by this afternoon, it is doubtful that the three Sub-Com- mittee members c o u ld wade through the hundreds of pages of testimony in one day. And there was an outside chance that the Sub-Committee wouldn't be able to meet today anyway, since one of the three members, Professor Axel Marin of the engineering school, is out of town and may not get back. A second member, Prof. Arthur Van Duren of the German depart- ment, is ill violation" in the action of studentsj attending the dinner. The students presented their charges of violation of academic freedom to more than 75 members and observers attending the meet- ing. The hearing marked the first time the McPhaul issue has been given public consideration. * * * . AN INVITATION to- President Hatcher or his representative to present the administration's stand on the McPhaul issue at the meet- ing was unanswered, according to officers. No administration repre- sentatives were present last night. The first to testify, former YP President Gordon MacDougall, charged the University with us- ing "guilt by association" tactics in the Joint Judiciary proceed- ings. He objected to the unoffi- cial representation of adminis- tration officials in the Judiciary hearings. MacDougall also said he was "shocked at the preponderance of administrators" and the "apathy of students" on the special ptu- dent-faculty subcommittee. DAVID LUCE, Grad., recently implicated in the investigation, gave three reasons for his belief that the University had no legal' grounds for charging violatiop of the Regents by-law: 1. No rule was violated by holding the McPhaul dinner at the Union. 2. No rule was violated by thosej who attended the dinner. 3. Arthur McPhaul was never permanently banned from talking to campus. Speaking as the third witness, Ed Shafer charged the administra- tion with violation of civil liberties. The last witness, Myron Sharpe, drew a connection between protest over McPhaul's topic of genocide and the national "pattern of war hysteria." Dr. Fox, 36, presumably was re- ferring to a college teaching job.! He received his doctor's degree from the University. Dr. Fox'exact capacity since he was relieved of duties has not been made clear. Officials said he was being transferred to duties outside the prison. Two of the latest resignations came from guards who had been held hostages in notorious disci- plinary cell block No. 15 of the 170-odd prison mutinees. Meanwhile, Rep. Robert M. Montgomery of the State Legis- lature has filed a bill calling for' the death penalty by electrocution for any prison inmate who com- mitted murder. He first announc- ed that he would introduce the bill during the prison riots last week. ACE Athletic Plan Endorsed CHICAGO--(A')- Heads of the Big Ten and Pacific Coast con- ferences in a statement yesterday endorsed in general the American Council on Education's recommen- dations on athletic policies. The statement reserved judg- ment on some phases of the pro- gram. It also indicated a desire by the two conferences for more athletic competition between the two groups. Presidents or representatives of the ten schools of the Intercolle- giate Conference (Big Ten) and the nine universities of the Pacific Coast Conference met in Chicago Monday to consider the recom- mendations. The ACE proposed a ban on spring football and bowl games, and made other recommen- dations to tighten athletic prac- tices. Dec. 22 -- President Truman turned dispute over to the Wage Stabilization Board for a recom- mended settlement. Dec. 27-Union agreed to stay at work past Jan. 1 and submit future course of action to special USW convention. Mar. 20-WSB recommended these pay raises: 12, cents dat- ed back to Jan. 1, with 2% cent raises next July and next Jan. 1. WSB recommended a union shop. Mar. 21-USW accepted the recommendations and postponedE strike deadline to April 9. Mar. 22-Steel companies, which contended they couldn't meet WSB unless government permitted price increases of $12 a ton, agreed to talk WSB recommendations over with Union. The negotiations were fruitless. Mar. 30-Chief Defense Mobi- lizer Charles Wilson resigned in midst of controversy within gov- ernment as to whether steel firms should be allowed price boosts. April -8--A few hours before' start of strike President Truman seized the .steel industry and the Union called off its strike. April 9-Leading steel compa- nies went to Federal Court with a plea for an injunction which would rule out government seizure as illegal. M.e In the morning, In the night, Sons of Thespis Show their might; The die is cast, The curtains fall, The chosen few Will hear their call- The Mimes have spoken! T n Jiudges reference to the Taft-Hartley law got a quick echo in Congress where several mem- bers called for immediate action to get an 80-day anti-strike in- junction under that act. The available comment in Congress was nearly all favor- able to Judge Pine's ruling. The steelworkers' walkout quick- ly involved most of the 650,000 unionists. Workers poured out of the na- tion's steel mills in swift obed- ience to cease work orders from President Philip Murray of the CIO United Steelworkers. MURRAY SAID in Cleveland that the men had 'no alternative but to cease work immediately" and declared that the men will stay out until they win a contract on the pattern cut out by the Wage Stabilization Board. T[he WSB recommended a three-step raise to give the men an addition- al 171/2 cents an hour by next January, another eight and one half cents in "fringe" benefits, anc, the union shop. Murray said it is up td the steel companies to make the next move to negotiate. Picketing began in South Chi- cago and Gary, Ind. plants of the U. S. Steel Corp. within an hour after the government seizure was ruled illegal. In Cleveland, union officials said steel mills are being closed as fast as possible. The big Bethlehem Steel Co. plant at Johnstown, Pa., is ex- pected to be shut down complete- ly by this afternoon. That steel mill employs about 16,000 men. John Murray, Director of Dis- trict 16 CIO United Steelworkers, issued orders yesterday to shut down two big Jones and Laughlin Steel Corp. plants and 15 other steel plants in the Pittsburgh area. In Detroit, the Great Lakes Steel Corp. closed its plant in suburban Ecorse late yesterday after 2,000 CIO steelworkers walked off the job. Meanwhile the National Produc- tion Authority last night clamped an embargo on shipments of steel from warehouses to producers of civilian-type goods and to for- eign countries. SL Meeting Slated The Student Legislature will meet at 7:30 p.m. today for the first time under its newly elected officers in the Strauss-Anderson dining room at East Quadrangle. Industry Hi t By Walkout DENVER --(P)- Eastern United States refineries went out on strike at 12:01, Eastern Standard Time, this morning as a nation-wide strike of union oil workers was launched, according to a spokes- man at the Oil Workers Interna- tional (CIO) here. The spokesman said he could not disclose which plants were struck, their number or location. * * * HOPES FOR settlement of the strike of some 90,000 union refin- ery and pipeline oil industry work- era held little promise. Standard Oil Co. of Indiana and the Independent Central States Petroleum Union failed to agree on contract terms after the union reportedly had low. ered its demand three cents. The trend was the same over the na- tion. However, reports of a near set- tlement for the 25,000 CIO oil workers in California eased the picture somewhat. Such a settle- ment could set a nationwide pat- tern. O. A. Knight, president of the 'Oil Workers International Union (CIO) in Denver, earlier had said California members had been re- quested to remain on the job so as not to hamper the Korean war effort. Union officials in San Francisco said they had not re- ceived the request. About 10,000 were set to strike in that state. The rest were not involved. Knight also said the supply- of natural gas would be affected along the east coast. He said he could not elaborate on just how other regions would be effected. Knight said he expects half the nation's production of refined oil products to be cut off. Russians Blast French Plane BERLIN --(A- Two Russian MIG fighters blasted at an Air France airliner on its way to Ber- ln yesterday, wounding four of the 17 persons aboard with a hail of cannon and machinegun fire. The incident resulted in an ex- change of charges by the Western Allies and the Russians. British, French and American high commissioners promptly sent a note of protest against the "un- warranted attack" and demanded an immediate investigation and compensation. They said the plane was flying in the corridor pre- scribed by Four-Power Agreement. The Russians ignored the pro- test and sent a counter-protest of their own, charging the plane was not flying in the corridor permitted by them over the Sov- iet Zone of Germany. The Russian note said the jets were sent up to investigate when the plane was sighted flying off SL Inaugurates P.lan To Balance Income Pla 1TLckets Season tickets for the 1952 Drama Season will go on sale from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. today at the Lydia Mendelssohn box of- frn_ C T. 1: 1: 1. Members of the Student Legis- lature cabinet convened with Dean of Students Erich A. Walter early this week in the first of a series of meetings with the administra- tion over a satisfactory allocation of funds to keep student govern- ment operating. Faced by serious problems both in the stability of its sources of income and its economic capacity to' keep operating, the Legislature is asking the University for a fixed allocation of student fees. per student next year, 66 2/3 cents the second year and one dollar per student the third year. This would put SL on the same basis as the League and Union as a regular recipient of University funds. THE ARRANGEMENT would give the Legislature an operative' budget of $6,425 next year which would increase proportionately in the coming years. In the past, SL has raised money by fund-raising projects,j Security E PROFESSORS STATE VIEWS: Bond Interest Raised <> By MARGE. SHEPHERD University professors expressed a divergence of opinion yesterday over the importance of the Treas- I ury Department's decision to in- SUPPORTING THE issuance of a new "H" bond, which will pay off in semi-annual checks, Prof. Musgrave said that this was a bet- ter move because it will aid in tax collection. search center has indicated that rate was inappropriate to the people are dissatisfied with pre- times. sent government rates, he said. "However, the inducement for "This change will give an ad- individuals to hold present bonds, ed incentive to buyers," he con- or buy new ones depends on the incenP tiv=em P. b yers, he 1Pc treasury's ability to merchandise I