Y r e
:43 a t ty
sesPage 4
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Latest Deadline in the State
Truce Talk
See Possibility
Of Breakdown
MUJNSAN, Korea, Sunday-
(.)-The United Nations com-
mand announced this morning
that the full truce session
scheduled for today had been
cancelled at the request of the
No reason for the cancellation
was immediately available,
The UN command also an-
nounced that staff officers dis-
cussing truce supervision would
meet today.
WASHINGTON -e)- Korean
truce talks reached the showdown
stage this week-end.
American officials and Allied
diplomats agreed that a break-
down of negotiations was entirely
possible but hoped it could be
Instructions given Gen. Matthew
B. Ridgway, the United Nations
Commander for Korea, were des-
cribed as making clear that UN
representatives at Panmunjon
should avoid any action on their
side to break off the talks.
S S*
AT THE SAME time it was clear
that the United Nations' aim in
the full-dress session at Panmun-
ion Sunday (Korea Time) was to
determine whether in the final
showdown the Reds really want
a truce and are willing to pay a
price for it.
A Communist rejection of the
UN proposals or a reaction
which demonstrated that key
issues were hopelessly dead-
locked would, some authorities
believe, render the talks futile
in the future, even though the
two sides maintained contact
and continued to exchange views
Advance reports from Tokyo
tha Sunday's full dress session
would be used by Vice Admiral C.
Turner Joy, senior Allied truce
delegate, to make bold new pro-
posals generally were borne out
by private information here. How-
ever, the circumstances indicated
the proposal would be more bold
than new.
The prisoner of war issue Is
considered the key problem and
the sharp rise and fall of opti-
mism has resulted from develop-
ments on this problem.
After a number of secret ex-
changes, the United Nations had
gotten the Communists virtually
to the point of agreement that not
all Reds in United Nations hands
would have to be forcibly returned
to Communist control. But it was
assumed by both sides that a very
small number would violently re-
sist forcible repatriation.
U.S. Accuses
Red China of
Drug Warf are
Communist China was charged
yesterday with waging drug war-
fare aimed at wrecking the health
of American troops based in Japan.
Harry J. Anslinger, U.S. Nar-
cotics Commissioner, drew what
he said was a clear pattern of Red
Chinese and North Korean links
with Japanese Communists to pro-
duce and smuggle opium products,
"push" them through streetwalk-
ers and brothels and smash the
resistance of U.S. soldiers by mak-
ing them narcotics addicts.
* * *
HE NAMED as two powerful
figures in the communist appara-
tus Po I-Po, alias Heku Itsu-Pa,
a Chinese in charge of the Central
Financial and Economic Commit-
tee in Peking, and Akira Ito, a
Japanese stationed in Rashin,
North Korea.
Anslinger's information--com-
piled from reports of his own
undercover men in the Far East,
from Japanese authorities and
from arrested agents-will be
presented formally to the UN
Commission on Narcotic Drugs
meeting here to check up on
international narcotics treaty
Court Decision
White House Meeting with Railroad
Settlement in Old Disputes Hoped
WASHINGTON-(1P)-There were indications yesterday the Gov-
ernment and the steel industry might have to wait until Tuesday or
Wednesday to hear Judge David A. Pine's decision on legality of
President Truman's steel seizure.
* * * *
THE JUDGE SAID when the historic trial opened he would "act
very promptly," but he had hundreds of closely-spaced legal briefs
to examine, along with the transcript of two days of arguments by
Government and industry lawyers. These were packed with citations
** *
Ford Tool,
Die Makers
Start Strike
DETROIT -(p)- Tool and die
workers at the Ford Rouge Plant
went on strike yesterday, walking
out on overtime work.
Nearly 1,400 men quit. Regular
civilian and defense production
was not interfered with, a com-
pany spokesman said.
* * *
HOWEVER, a representative of
the craftsmen expressed uncer-
tainty whether they would return
to work tomorrow.
A week's disciplinary layoff of
one man was said to be at the
bottom of the dispute.
Also represented as part of the
picture was the continuing dis-
satisfaction of tool and die men
with,refusal of the Wage Stabili-
zation Board - (WSB) to recom-
mend a wage increase.
* s
has been on the fire for six
months. The tool and die men are
members of the CIO United Auto
Workers Union.
On March 15 the international
union seized control of Ford Rouge
Local 600, charging its top offi-
cers bowed to Influence of Com-
Ofrom U.S. court decisions which
opposing counsel hope will influ-
ence the judge's decision.
Meanwhile, a House Commit-
tee Investigating the hot steel
controversy sought the views of
former Defense Mobilizer
Charles E. Wilson, a central fig-
ure in the dispute last month.
Wilson resigned his top mobili-
zation post after accusing Tru-
man of changing his mind about
granting the industry a price
boost as at least a partial off-
set against wage and other bene-
fits recommended by the Wage
Stabilization Board.
*: * *
MEANWHILE a major effort to
settle the two-year old dispute be-
tween the nation's seized railroads
and three big rail unions is under-
way at the White House and Pres-
ilential assistant John R. Steel-
man said he is "somewhat encour-
Steelman, acting Defense Mobi-
lizer and President Truman's top
labor mediator, said through a
spokesman he had been meeting
separately "for the last several
days" with labor and management
officials. But informed sources
said Steelman called his first
meetings more than two weeks
ago. They predicted a settlement
might not be far off. More meet-
ings were called for last night.
Truman seized the nation's
major railroads in August, 1950,
to choke off a threatened strike.
Still involved in the fight over a
new contract are three of the four
big operating unions-the engi-
neers, the conductors and the
firemen-with a total membership
of slightly more than 150,000.
Elizabeth I?
PERTH, Scotland-OP--Scot-
tish Nationalists stubbornly re-
newed their demands today that
Queen Elizabeth II drop the HI
from her title.
She's Elizabeth I-not I-as
far as Scotland is concerned,
the Scottish National Party in-
sisted. It delved 400 years Into
history to support its claim that
the first Queen Elizabeth, who
ruled in the 16th Century, had
nothing to do with Scotland,
then independent from Eng-
The National Party said in a
resolution the present Queen's
title was "deliberately offensive
to all Scots who have the
slightest regard for the history
and traditions of their coun-
try." The party claims more
than 100,000 members. It de-
mands an end to 245 years of
union with Britain.
On Feb. 20, the Rolls of the
Court Session, Scotland's Su-
preme Court, had announced
that the Queen is Elizabeth II
in Scotland as well as in Eng-
Williams Says
No to Used
Car Tax Law
Calls Bill Plot To Cut
Needed School Funds
LANSING-(!P)-Gov. G. Men-
nen Williams vetoed the Higgins
Used Car Tax Bill late today-a
measure Republicans had counted
on to raise $12,000,000 annually for
the State general fund.
The measure, originated by
Senator George N. Higgins (R-
Ferndale) imposed a tax on used
car title transfers in place of the
present sales tax.
"THIS IS JUST another sub-
terfuge to take needed revenues
from the schools by changing the
name of the sales tax," Williams
said. "Local units would get less
than under the present sales tax."
The veto was seen sure to
arouse Republican legislators for
a drive to override the Governor
when the Legislature reconvenes
May 1 to consider appropria-
tions for the State Prison of
Southern Michigan.
Williams said in his veto mes-
sage that he doubted the consti-
tutionality of the bill on two
counts. He declared it could be
challenged on the grounds that it
took sales tax funds away from
the schools and municipalities and
also because it might clash with
a provision that all motor vehicle
tax money must go to the high-
way fund.
Group To Hail
Four years ago, spontaneous
singing and dancing in the streets
of Israel broke loose as a new state
was proclamed.
A quieter celebration will take
place in observance of Israel's
fourth aniversary at 7:30 pm. to-
day in the League. Prof. Preston
W. Slosson of the history depart-
ment will be the principal speaker.
Mordecai Krenin, an Israeli
student who participated in the
war of independence of Israeli,
will relate some of his experiences.
A film on the progress of Israel
will be shown, with entertainment
provided by a group singing Israel
folk songs.
Pr ison
-Daily-Don Campbell -Daily-Bob Vaughn
. Managing Editor . . . Business Manager
* i * * *. ** * *
Pr essure
-Daily-Don Campbell -Daily-Don Campbell
. . . City Editor . . . Editorial Director
s * * S * *
-Daily-Don Campbell
. . . Feature Editor
* * *
Transf erred
Message Derided
Warden Julian N. Frisbie re-
ported last night that Vernon Fox
has been relieved of his duties as
assistant deputy warden of riot-
damaged Southern Michigan
Thus the man who was credited
last Thursday with saving the lives
of eight hostage guards in the
Jackson outbreak found'himself
the "goat" rather than the hero
of.the long siege.
* * *
IN AN 'EXCLUSIVE telephone
interview with The Daily shortly
after his "transfer outside the
walls" was announced, Fox said
he was completely dumbfounded
over the dismissal. He reiterated
his explanation that the so-alled
"congratulatory" message that he
had read to the mutineers on
Thursday had been completely
misinterpreted by the press.
Fox said that his statement
which called mutineer boss Earl
Ward "a natural leader" and
which said the rebels "had done
a service" was the final step in
his "psychological campaign" to
secure the release of the hos-
tages. He emphasized that this
speech was given before the mu-
tiny ended and was intended
only as a device to accomplish
that end.
The only reason he had con-
gratulated the rebels, he said, was
because they had surrendered
twenty hours earlier than origin-
ally planned. He said that he cer-
tainly did not condone any of the
actions of the rioters, and had
described Ward "as a natural lead-
er" only as a final note of flattery
in order to end the mutiny.
He also said that in signing
the pact forbidding reprisals
against the mutineers, he realized
that he spoke only for the Cor-
rections Commission. Attorney-
General Frank C. Millard has since
promised prosecution of the rebels
f or their violations during the out-
+ * s
Jack" Hyatt, inmate leaders, have
been in separate solitary-confine-
ment cells since the mutiny ended
Pressure had gathered all day
Friday while Fox rested after his
sleepless service at the prison
during the 93-hour riot. Audi-
tor-General John Martin, Jr.,
Ex-governor Kim Sigler, Sidney
M. Smith, corrections officer at
Ionia, and others issued bitterly
denunciatory statements against
Fox for what was called the
breaking down of "prison disci-
pline" in Michigan.
After the Detroit Free Press
asked editorially that "Fox should
be fired," Governor G. Mennen
Williams added a rebuke for the
deputy's "highly improper" use of
language in his statement.
SeeFOX, Page 2
Hather Will
Give Speech
President Harlan H. Hatcher
will hold a convocation on Monday
May 12 at Hill Auditorium to talk
to the students about his educa-
tional philosophies and his plans
for the University.
President Hatcher is interested
in hearing' possible questions in
Students' minds that he may touch
upon in the speech.
Contributions may be marked
"Hatcher Convocation" and mailed
to the Student Legislature Bldg. at
122 S. Forest. SL members will
open and classify the letters for
Young, Green To Head Daily
World News
By The Associated Press
NEW YORK-Sen. Robert A. Taft scored gains in delegate strength
in Utah, Arizona, Virginia and Arkansas while General Dwight D.
Eisenhower got strong support in .Colorado and Georgia, as reports
came in from six states where 65 delegates were being chosen to the
Republican nominating convention.
Alb tolled, Taft captured approximately 30 delegates while Eisen-
hower got 28. Remaining seats were either uncommitted or for less
strong candidates.
* * *
VIENNA, Austria-A Czecho-
slovakia court today condemned
a former member of the defunct
Agrarian party to death and
seven others to prison on
charges of plotting a putsch
against the Communist regime.
* * *
NEW DELHI, India - Pro-
government circles today hailed
a United Nations report the bit-
ter Kashmir dispute was'nearer
solution, but Communist leaders
demanded the issue be taken
out of UN hands.
Crawford Young, '53, was ap-
pointed managing editor of The
Daily and Alvin Green, '53, was
appointed business managerolast
night by the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Young, a 20 year old junior from.
Washington, D.C., is vice-president
elect of the Literary College, and a
political science major.
GREEN, who is 21 years old and
hails from Chicago is an economics
major. He is a past president of
Phi Eta Sigma and has held the
post of local advertising manager
on The Daily this year.
At the same time, Barnes Con-
nable, '53, was appointed city
editor and Sidney Klaus, '53, was
appointed assistant city editor.
Connable is 20 years old and a
memeber of SphinX.
Klaus, who hails from Detroit,
is treasurer elect of the Literary
College and in pre medical train-
ing. He is 20 years old and a mem-
ber of Phi Eta Sigma, freshman
Cal Samra, '53, of Flint is the
new editorial director. Samra is
specializing in the Middle East
Area. He is 21 years old and a
member of Sphinx and Sigma
Delta Chi, professional journalism
* * *
THE JOB OF feature editor:
went to Zander Hollander, '53, a
20 year old political science major
from Brooklyn, New York. He be-
longs to Phi Eta Sigma and Sigma
Delta Chi.
Associate editors post will be
filled by Donna Hendleman, '53,
of Chicago and Harland Britz,I
'53, of Toledo. Miss Hendlemani
is 21 and a member of Wyvern,
junior honorary society and
Mortarboard, national senior
honorary. She is in elementary
education. Britz is vice-presi-
dent of Pi Lambda Phi fraternity
and is a pre law student. He is
20 years old.
Other top business staff appoint-
ments are Milton Goetz, '53BAd.,
advertising manager; Diane John-
ston, '53Ed., associate business
manager; and Judy Loehnberg,
'54, finance manager.
Wolverine Nine Captures Two
Decisions from OSU, 15-3, 3-0
NEW YORK-Two freighters collided off the New Jersey coast
in murky weather last night, and one of the vessels was reported sink-
ing into heavy seas.
Reporting the collision some 15 miles off the coast of Atlantic
City, the Coast Guard here said there was no word of any casualties.
Some men had taken to boats.
The collision was between the Farrell Lines' freighter Cape Mar-
tin and a Portuguese freighter, the Monte Brasil, the Coast Guard said.
Wolverine hurlers Jack Corbett
and Mary Wisniewski held a high-
ly touted Ohio State nine in check
all afternoon to give Michigan a
neat double victory yesterday.
Wisniewski, a 17 year-old De-
troit freshman, chalked up a mas-
terful one-hit 3-0 shutout in the
seven inning nightcap, while Cor-
Chi Phis, Kappa Kasino Tak(
Top Booth Prize
A photo finish in the Michigras booth contest last night resulted
in a tie for first place between the Chi Phi's "Hall of Wonders" and
the Kappa Kappa Gamma-Kappa Sigma sideshow "Kappa Kasino."
Running a close second in the judging was the Gomberg-Stockwell
House booth "The Showboat." The trophy for the most receipts will
be announced when the totals are tabulated.
THE CARNIVAL closed its riotous weekend before a packed field
house. Crowd estimates ran slightly higher than those for the 1950
show. The children's matinee was an outstanding success, and.helped
put the show over the top, Pat Smith, '52, co-chairman of Michigras
Receipts for the two day stand are also expected to set a
record. Final figures will not be available until sometime today
but early figures indicated a new total might be set.
bett grabbed an easy 15-3 victory
in the first game of the double-
SOUTHPAW Wisniewski faced
only 21 batters because Jim Corn
who got the only safety for the
Buckeyes in the fourth inning was
erased on an attempted steal.
Wisniewski walked none and
struck out seven men in garner-
ing his third victory and second
straight shutout of the season.
Righthander Paul Williams of
OSU went the distance for the
defeat, yielding single tallies in
the third, fifth and sixth inn-
Bill Mogk led the Wolverine
attack in the second game with
three hits, one a booming triple.
He also singled home Bruce Hay-
nam from second to break a
scoreless tie in the third. Hay-
nam had singled and then stolen
second to set up the tally.
Then, after tripling in the fifth,
Mogk came home on Frankie
Howell's ground out for the second!
Michigan run.
Two singles and an error in the
sixth loaded the bases and Hay-
nam's fly ball scored Bill Billings
with the final run of the day.
* * *
RUNS CAME much easier for
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