'9 PAGE FOUR THE MICHIGAN DAILY SATURDAY, APRILU, 1952 I I Weaning of an American Ghost *Titer Text of address by Alistair Cooke, chief American correspondent of the Manchester Guardian, given at the 29th annual honors Convocation at the University of Michigan in Hill Auditorium where 613 undergraduate students were honored for scholastic achieve- ments. W HAT I WANT to talk about, as frankly as possible in a short time, is the prob- lem of how to bring up young Americans to fit into a world in which, for the first time in history, the United States is the chief world power and the latest, perhaps the last, inheritor of Western civilization. This is going to be difficult for many reasons, and in the beginning painful. But other nations, notably the Greeks, Rom- ans, Spanish, Dutch, French, and British have done it at one time or another. And it should not be beyond the reach of a new generation of Americans who will cherish their past while seeing very clearly that they have to break with it .. . Americans have been telling themselves, ever since 1787, that they were the grandest, freeest, most enlightened, ingenious and powerful people on the face of the earth. In the earliet days of the Union, when this was a poor, and divided, nation, this boast was not much more than whistling in the dark. Then, when it was certain that the Union would last, they began to flex their muscles in front of a mirror and try to prove it. This narcissism resulted in the war of 1812, and only the preoccupation of the major powers of Europe with the nuisance of Napoleon prevented the United States from learning the hard way, and the humil- iating way, what it means to start a war when you have no money, few arms, and nothing but sass to keep you going. For a time after the Civil War, Europeans paid a quite novel respect to Americans, since they were obviously of the race that produced chivalry and intelligence of Lee, Jackson, Sherman and Grant. But this soon died down, or shall we say dissipated itself on the less serious level of an interest in American sharp-shooting,-in the circus shows of Colonel Cody and the marksmanship of Annie Oakley. The British could not for long contemplate with wonder any other image than their own. They were now In the rich, ripe harvest of the Victor- Ian twilight, though to them it was high noon, and the sun would never set. They were at the peak of their power, their riches, their influence-and therefore, especially abroad, their arrogance. It should have been a warning to the United States, which was learning fast from Britain. By the turn of the century, the United States was half-way through a stirring period of twenty-five years, during which thirteen millions of poor people from the south and centre and east of Europe were pouring into New York, to man Its factor- ies, to mine its endless seams of coal, to lead the ore from its prodigal mountain ranges, and to forge its steel. Please re- mind anyone with an Anglo-Saxon name who sobs to you about the decline of 'true Americanism,' and the enterprise of the old Yankee farmer, that it was the Italians and Poles and Russians and Ger- mans and Czechs who gave to this coun- try the labor that surpassed the British production of steel and coal, that built the workshop in which America manu- factured its unequaled riches and mater- ial power. Even forty years ago America had much to teach Europe in technology and industrial research, in medicine and legal education, in the running of libraries; and it was well on the way to Its present industrial suprem- acy. But Europeans knew for certain only that America produced musical comedies, slang, chewing gum and violence. America resented this condescension, and rightly. But Americans in their turn could not under- stand why Europe was so disrespectful of America's new riches. Were not riches the trappings of power? The European was un- moved, and rightly. For riches may be the raw material of power among nations, but they are not the finished product .. . THE POWER of Britain came not only from the treasure that flowed into the island but from the riches that flowed out. I don't mean only the capital that their manufacturers were willing to risk in over- seas investment, without eighteen carat, ar- mor-plated, guarantees from the goverrn- ment. I mean the riches of the national character: the pride of four generations of able and philosophic men in going to far places and enduring hideous climates if that was the duty they were called to. Many of them, to be sure, were puffing soldiers, of a now unfashionable kind. There were others: doctors, lawyers, tax collectors, engineers, every kind of civil servant; who renounced the ambition to be rich early in life and gave themselves to the overseas service of their country and-far oftener than you will now hear-to the unselfish service of the diseased and the poor in the native lands. They felt as proud as you do of their coun- try's ways. They loved its landscape and cherished it, though they would enjoy it only for the last.few years of their lives. It was their Mother country. But they grew up to reconcile themselves to the deprivation of mother's milk .. . ... no nation ever comes to power, and keeps it, and uses it well, merely because it accumulates vast material wealth and ness, to call on the best and most endur- ing qualities of their people. This country does not have to import food'. And perhaps if we had never invented the long-range bomber and the snorkel sub- marine, we could curl up and snuggle close to the Motherland, and let the rest of the world sink into any slavery the most power- ful outsider was preparing for it. Unfortu- nately, the world has shrunk violently in your own time, so violently that the English Channel, only eighteen miles wide, was a surer rampart for the British during the Napoleonic wars, and even the First World War, than the Atlantic Ocean is today for the people of Chicago. In such a world, we need allies. And you are the generation that will have to forego the 'pleasures of riling the British, regretting the French, and joking about the Italians. You will have to do something that no pre- vious generation of Americans has had to do. Instead of looking on Europe as a pictures- que breeding-ground of the first Americans, and a continent well lost, you will have to learn to make new ties with that continent and to live again with Europeans as equals. This may sound very un-American to some of you. But much that now passes for Americanism, indeed the fetish of the word itself, is no more than the bawling of a child that cannot bear to leave the nursery, the warm protection'of the moth- er, and the mirror which shows it that in the little world of its own there is nobody so beautiful, strong or free. Now the walls of our comfortable, teeming, vigorous, and safe America are down. Now we have to match ourselves with others. If we say we are the heirs of the Western tradition, we had better learn more soberly what that tradition is all about and why it be- came one. If we flex our muscles today, none of our allies will love us for the Ro- man sheen of our biceps. But they will respect us if they know we are defending what was best about Roman justice, and which passed to the British, and which has come down to us as the common law. When we recite to them, as we do so often, the opening sentences of the Declaration of Independence, they are unmoved, unless we prove that the liberty of other peoples, and dependent peoples, is as precious to us as our own. They are already not too impressed with the strength of our demo- cracy in America itself, when so many cowards run around showing that they don't really believe in democracy as a weapon, and have come to rely rather on a subpoena. I have tried to trace for you the history of America's psychological relation with Eur- ope, which is rooted, asyou must see, in an old and entirely natural sense of inferiority. And then to look at the sort of world in which a dramatic reversal of power has made it essential for us to purge ourselves of that complex and its most obvious symptoms: of bombast, and self-glorification, and having to be top-dog, and feeling that no command in the North American alliance dare be en- trusted to any but an American. Another symptom, and it is a galloping symptom with us today, is wishing that other nations would become like us. No nation is given leader- ship to sell or coax a subordinate into the leader's ways. We have to learn to respect other peoples' cultures, and to discover, what historoy has so often demonstrated, that real friendship springs from the awareness of differences and the respect for them. IN THE OLD DAYS, before 1939, when we boasted, the European smiled with a toler- ant and sometimes superior smile. Now his own way of life is depressed or insecure. Now, when we boast, he is full of fear, for since we have boasted so often of things we did not in fact possess, he's not sure we are telling him the truth about the incompar- able things we have. We tell him, for instance, that no other nation can point to a Bill of Rights sign- ed, sealed and delivered-by that courage- ous generation of men in the 1780s who have given us-in spite of the wonders of the hydramatic drive and the deep freeze -the best things we have. It is true. No other nation among our allies has a writ- ten Bill of Rights. So? Well, unfortunate-. ly, it is not the traditions you print up and frafine that matter. It is the ones you live by. The British and the French never wrote down the guarantees of their free- dom, of the right of assembly, or freedom of religion, and the press, and thought. But, as you may have noticed in the past few years, their instinct and practice in these things has been more tenacious than ours. It is not in England, but in America, that many states have suspended the right of assembly. It is not over there that hundreds of school boards have screened what it is safe for students to read, as if the doctrines they fear undoubtedly had the power to seduce young Americans into obedience. What an insult that is to the virtues of our democracy. It is a view of virture as sickly as that of the fearful Nineteenth Century parent, who respected the character of his daughter so little that he felt she was only safe with young men of the parent's choosing. There is a warning in this analogy. The young men the father thought were safe and sound were often so priggish and dull that the daughter in desperation leaped into the arms of almost any forbidden ruffian who would come and take her. Rights says that 'all persons born or natur- alized in the United States' it mehs 'all persons' and not Protestant whites wiho can show a driving license and a paid-up mem- beship in the country club. And when it says that no state shall 'deprive any person of life, liberty, or property without due pro- cess of law, nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws,' it means no more but no less than that. It says, and means, 'any person,' what- ever his color, wherever he came from, what ever his creed. Europeans are not impressed by the elo- quence of our Constitution except as we live it. Every college fraternity that makes a point of barring Jews makes a present of one more talking-point to the Commun- ists. By so much as you are against the Catholics by habit or principle, by just so much you are less of an American These are some of the features of the world you will live in, and the anxieties of the rest of the world as it sees America. vault into the saddle of leadership. You may say you never asked for it. 'I never asked to be born' is a protest that all children make at some time, in a moment of sarcasm o bewilderment or humor. And it would come very understanadably from you, whose life splits almost exactly into two halves: each of which has been spent in two periods of history as different, and decisive, I believe, as the Middle Ages and the Renaissance. I don't envy you the complexity of this new world, but I do envy you the opportunity to meet it. You have one great advantage over us who came before. In the past twen- ty years you have seen the rise of two tyran- nies, one bearing the cloak of national pride, the other the banner of equality for all men. Up until 1930 'tyranny' was a word in a his- tory book, a rather grandiose echo from the late Eighteenth Century. But you have had the chance to see that there is a profound and irreconcilable difference between a so- ciety that tolerates variety in its people, and one that binds them into conformity. A ty- ranny by any name is just as sour, and you should study their origins and history, even if this means that you must be seen carry- ing around, at one time or another, a copy of 'Mein Kampf' and a copy of Karl Marx. Tyranny comes in many forms, and its most remarkable natural gift is a talent for protective coloration. 'The people' said Edmund Burke, 'never give up their liber- ties but under a delusion.' It would not come to America as declared Communism - or Fascism. It might even describe itself as Americanism. You must learn to recog- nize the signs, and especially the habits of mind. One is intolerance. Another is fanaticism. Another is the conceit of be- lieving that your ideals and plans are ' unique. Beware of the dogmatic man and the self- righteous. 'A fanatical belief in democracy,' says a modern philosopher, 'makes demo- cratic institutions impossible, as appeared in England under Cromwell and in France un- der Robespierre' ... You will come to understand what is fun- damentally unreliable about the bitter re- actionary and the violent leftist: they are both suffering from the same disease,-an exaggerated fear, perhaps, of authority. One of them bridles at all authority he did not himself appoint. The other abandons the struggle by giving himself up wholly to the Fuehrer, the Savior, the big strong man who will put all things right. They are two ways out of the same trouble . . . But you have the chance to take thought, to cool off, to get used to your flattering status and to feel yourselves into the un- comfortable discovery that power is not a parade, it is a pile of new problems and a life of responsibility. Remember most of all that what weaker nations demand of the strong is neither charity nor the display of muscle and power. But magnanimity. You may have expected me to bring you a recipe for painless weaning. I told you it cannot be painless. And it would be presump- tious of me to suggest to any one of you, who all have your own characters, by what method or how quickly it should be done. I have tried to point out to you the signs, as I see them, of the coming American maturity and the omens that delay or might frustrate it. If you achieve a half of these virtues, some of which I have implied were lacking in your elders, then you will have no trouble in honoring your Motherland while becoming calmly 'reconciled to the want or depriva- tion of the mother's milk.' I have no doubts about your energy, opti- mism, and endurance. But those are not virtues, they are the animal reflexes of a healthy species. The Nazis had them. Nor do I think this next generation will lack in- ventiveness, sincerity or courage. Those too can exist in nations where liberty is snuffed out. So I hope you will not think me old- fashioned if I wish you good luck with another quality, if I go back for the last word to an old man, wise many centuries before Britain or America was discovered; and to the line he gave to young men about to meet the test of their maturity: "Good luck have thou with thine honor, and thy right hand shall show thee terrible things." New Books at the Library - Crawford, Marion-Elizabeth the Queen. SECOND SEMESTER EXAMINATION SCHEDULE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN COLLEGE OF LITERATURE, SCIENCE, AND THE ARTS HORACE M. RACKHAM SCHOOL.OF GRADUATE STUDIES SCHOOL OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION SCHOOL OF NATURAL RESOURCES SCHOOL OF PUBLIC HEALTH COLLEGE OF PHARMACY SCHOOL OF EDUCATION SCHOOL OF NURSING SCHOOL OF MUSIC JUNE 2 - JUNE 12, 1952 NOTE: For courses having both lectures and recitations, the time of class is the time of the first lecture period of the week; for courses having recitations only, the time of the class is the time of the first recitation period. Certain courses will be examin- ed at special periods as noted below the regular schedule. 12 o'clock classes, 4 o'clock classes, 5 o'clock classes and other "ir- regular" classes may use any examination period provided there is no conflict (or one with conflicts if the conflicts are arrangedj for by the "irregular" classes). Each student should receive notification from his instructor as to the time and place of his examination. In the College of Literature, Science, and the Arts, no date of examination may be changed without the consent of the Committee on Examination Schedules. t etteP TO THE EDITOR The Daily welcomes communications from its readers on matters of general interest, and will publish all letters which are signed by the writer and in good taste. Letters exceeding 300 words in length, defamatory or libelous letters, and letters which for any reason are not in good taste will be condensed, edited or withheld from publication at the discretion of the editors. nical advancements and the way of life in America, the Turks have To the Editor:ibeen sending their youth to be OHN Briley's review of Othello educated in the universities of the attacks Bob Laning and Y. Jo United States rather than in Eur- Willoughby for "hammy" and ope, as was the case up to World' "Hollywood" performances. I War IT. As a result, since 1939 the should like to report that I found' number, of Turkish students has Laning's porptrayal the most be- greatly increased in the American lievable Iago I have seen. Mr. universities. However, even with Briley felt it wanted motivation, this increase. the number of stu- yet I found it honestly motivated dents educated here is far below throughout by the force at the the quota of technically equipped very core of Iago's spirit-the de- men which Turkey needs so badlly. sire to do evil. The reason for this inadequacy Apparently what Mr. Briley asks is that, in the first place the Tur- is a stronger external cause-effect kish Government has to spend motivation than Shakespeare put over half of its budget for na- into the play. True, he has pro- tional defense to safeguard the vided a couple of excuses for Iagos freedom of the country. Natur- actions, but they are so weak they ally, the government is unable to could not possibly account for appropriate mo're scholarships for the monstrous events which take higher education abroad. place, in any production. This Secondly, the high exchange val- point is so generally understood ue of the dollar prevents many in Beginner's Shakespeare it can willing parents from sending their hardly have a place in any serious sons to American universiti, review of a production; yet Mr. Thus, in order to attain effective Briley seized on it, bewildering results in Turkey from the Mar- himself into a cry of "ham!" shall Plan aid, more opportuni- Well, if Laning's performance is ties and scholarship facilities "ham" then the word is henceforth should be made available to Turk- transformed. He has given it a ish students. power and dignity which removes Of the American universities, it permanently from the careless the best known in Turkey is the arsenal of reviewers, and makes it University of Michigan. The num- mean "rightness and truth of por- ber of students attending this uni- trayal." versity increased from 15 to 54 in For he manages to make Iagof 13 years. human. He makes him the perfect In 1940 the Turkish Club of the serpent, to be sure. He slithers. University of Michigan was offi- He insinuates evil into every crev- cially established. At the begin- ice. But he makes him human. ning of this semester, new officers He makes him human in spite of were elected and the constitution the staggering load of evil he was revised. The members of the bears. He causes the realization to club plan to take part in the acti- dawn that this monster is not a 'vities of the ISA, Community beast, or devil, or (in Mr. Brilley's Chest and various campus organi- words) a medieval vice, but a hu- zations as much as time from man being! studies will permit. Upon the Only at the last when he has agreement reached at a meeting, carried his machinations to their the Turkish students participated limit does he thrust himself bodi- in all campus blood bank drives ly upon his victims. Roderigo and to aid the wounded soldiers of the Emilia fall then by his hand. United Nations fighting in Kor- (Even this Laning does with a ea. The members of the Turkish cleanness and lack of theatrics Club are glad for the opportunity which is amazing.) Yet Mr. Briley to participate in the academic and calls for "underplaying." I wonder social life of a university commun- what advice he would have for ity and wish to express their ap- Jose Ferrer, who played the part preciation of the facilities afford- much more flambuoyantly. Be- ed them by the university and side it, Laning's portrayal is the especially the International Cen- essence of restraint and subtlety... ter. Doxie or not, there was a -Turkish Club ! warmth about Miss Willoughby's Halil Kaya, President portrayal which I never knew Em-- ilia could possess. For the first time I saw her as a woman of individuality and life, which Miss Willoughby draws vividly and, if +lfltl we consider the often coarse na- ture of her lines, most accurately. She leaves the pale, half-lighted ranks of serving ladies and be- comes a vital, spirited creature. For this very reason the wit and wisdom in her later lines are all the more belevble. For precedents in low-brow serving ladies, Mr.h Briley, see Nurse, Romeo and Ju- liet. The Arts Theater Othello is a: production of extraordinary vital- Si ty Second Year Edited and managed by students of ity, intelligence and warmth. Flaws the University of Michigan under the it may have, but they should not authority of the Board in Control of be confused with its virtues !IStudent Publications. Time of Class (at 8 (at 9 (at 10 MONDAY (at 11 (at 1 tat 2 (at 3 Time of Examination Saturday, June 7 Tuesday, June 10 Monday, June 2 Wednesday, June 4 Friday, June 6 Thursday, June 5 Thursday, June 12 Monday, June 9 Wednesday, June 11 Tuesday, June 3 Friday, June 6 Thursday, June 5 Thursday, June 12 Wednesday, June 4 9-12 9-12 9-12 9-1; 2-5 9-12 2-5 9-12 9-12 9-12 9-12 2-5 9-12 2-5 TUESDAY (at (at (at (at (at (at (at 8 9 10 11 1 2 3 These regular examination periods have precedenceover any special period scheduled concurre'htly. Conflicts must be ar- ranged for by the instructor of the "special" class. Spanish. 1, 2, 31, 32 Russian 2 German 1, 2, 11, 12, 31 Chemistry 4, 21 English 1, 2 Psychology 31 Sociology-Psychology 62 Economics 51, 52, 53, 54. 102, 153 (sections 2 and 3) Sociology 51, 54, 90 Political Science 2 French 1, 2, 11, 12, 31, 32, 61, 62 Speech 31, 32 Monday, June 2 Monday, June 2 Tuesday, June 3. Wednesday, June 4 Saturday, June 7 Saturday, June 7 Saturday, June 7 Monday, June 9 Tuesday, June 10 Tuesday, June 10 2-5 2-5 2-5 2-5 2-5 2-5 2-5 2-5' 2-5 2-5 Wednesday, June Wednesday, June 11 11 2-5 2-5 UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING SCHEDULE OF EXAMINATIONS June 2 to June 12, 1952 NOTE: For courses having both lectures and quizzes, the time of class is the time of the first lecture period of the week; for courses having quizzes only, the time of class is the time of the first quiz period. Certain courses will be examined at special periods as noted below the regular schedule. All cases of conflicts between assign- ed examination periods must be reported for adjustment. See bulletin board outside of Room 3209 East Engineering Building between May 14 and May 21 ror instruction. To avoid misunder- standings and errors each student should receive notification from his instructor of the time and place of his appearance in each course during the period June 2 to June 12. No date of examination may be changed without the con- t sent of the Classification Committee. Time of Class Time of Eaxamioation (at 8 Saturday, June 7 (at 9 Tuesday, June 10 (at 10 Monday, June 2 MONDAY (at 11 Wednesday, June 4 (at 1 Friday, June 6 (at 2 Thursday, June 5 (at 3 Thursday, June 12 TUESDAY (at (at (at (at (at (at (at 8 9 10 11 1 2 3 E.M. 1, 2; M.I. 82; Spanish Draw. 1; M.I. 135; German Chem. 4, C.E. 21, 22 P.E. 11, 12, 13 P.E. 31, 32, 131; Psyc 31 Ec 53, 54, 102, 153 (Sec 2, 3) C.E. 1, 2, 4; Draw. 3; M.I. 136; Eng. 11 Draw. 2; E.E. 5; French Irregular classes may use vided there are no conflicts. Monday, June 9 Wednesday, June 11 Tuesday, June 3 Friday, June 6 Thursday, June 5 Thursday, June 12 Wednesday, June 4 *Monday, June 2 *Tuesday, June 3 Wednesday, June 4 *Thursday, June 5 *Saturday, June 7 Monday, June 9 *Tuesday, June 10 *Wednesday, June 11 9-12 9-12 9-12 9-12 2-5 9-12 2-5 9-12 9-12 9-12 9-12 2-5 9-12 2-5 2-5 2-5 2-5 9-12 2-5 2-5 2-5 2-5 --Dan Waldron Turkish Club . . To the Editor: T HE friendly relationship which has always existed between the Turkish Republic and the United States Government, has been ce- mented by their belief and mutual support of the democratic way of life and the policy of "peace at home, peace in the world." The close alliance of the two countries has resulted in the friendship of their peoples as well. The Turkish Editorial Staff Chuck Elliott ........Managing Editor Bob Keith ..................City Editor Leonard Greenbaum, Editorial Director Vern Emerson ..........Feature Editor Ron Watts .............Associate Editor Bob vaughn ............Associate Editor Ted Papes ....... ..Sports Editor George Flint ... .Associate Sports Editor Jim Parker .....Associate Sports Editor Jan James............Women's Editor Jo Ketelhut, Associate Women's Editor Bnstnen Staff Bob Miller ..........Businemn Manager Gene Kuthy. Assoc. Business Manager Charles Cuson ....Advertising Manager Milt Goetz......Circulation Manager any of the periods marked* pro- SCHOOL OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION Courses not covered by this schedule as well as any necessary changes will be indicated on the School bulletin board. SCHOOL OF EDUCATION Courses not covered by this schedule as well as any necessary changes will be indicated on the School bulletin board. SCHOOL OF MUSIC Individual examinations by appointment will be given for