F THE MICHIGAN DAILY WEDNESDAY, WEDNESDAY, ___________________________________________________________________________________________ I ON THE Washington Merry-Go-Round WITH DREW PEARSON It has been reported that Field Marshal Rommel, the famed desert rat, was thus disposed of. In 1942, Dr. Schreiber was the senior medical officer at a conference which ordered experimental injections made of human guinea pigs. Later at Buchenwald concentration camp, four or five prisoners were dragged in and injected with raw phenol. They doubled up in a cramp and died. The experiment was pronounced a success. -- MICE AND MEN - TwO Kicking, screaming young Polish girls were held down by SS troops and forcibly operated on at Ravensbrueck con- cenetration camp in August 1943. At least three were killed by these experiments in gas ganggrene. Dr. Karl Gebhardt, who was hanged for performing the experiments, tes- tified that he has discussed his work with Dr. Schreiber, also that Schreiber had re- ceived reports on the experiments through official channels. Nuremberg document No. 619 also shows that Schreiber was second on a list of prominent German medical officers who were detached to the SS for two days, May 16-18, 1944, to attend a meeting at the SS hospital in Hohenlychen. The results of the gas gangrene experiments on the un- willing Polish girls were presented at this meeting. 3. Human victims were also used in typhus experiments at Buchenwald and Natzweiler concentration camps. Deadly virus wa stransferred from men to mice and bac kin an attempt to produce live vaccine. Prisoners were innoculated with typhus merely to keep the virus alive. Many died, but new ones took their place. Professor Eugene Haagen, who was con- ducting the experiments at Natzweiler, wrote to Dr. Schreiber on June 12, 1944, requesting more mice (he had plenty of men). Schrei- ber fired back a prompt, affirmative reply, dated June 20, 1944. The leters show that Schreiber thoroughly understood what was going on at Natzweiler. 4. A favorite Nazi experiment was to plunge human victims into tubs of ice cold water to study the shock reactions. Schrei- ber was No. 76 on a restricted list of medical officers who received reports on the criminal shock experiments. These are the qualifications of the man who is now in the United States doing re- search for the Air Force. Other Nazi me- dicos were hanged or imprisoned on the same evidence.-, Note: In fairness to the Air Force, Schrei- ber was cleared by the American authori- ties in Germany before the Air Force hired him. The mysterious thing is how Schreiber was cleared in the first place. The Air Force is now re-investigating Schreiber. (Copyright, 1952, by The Bell Syndicate, Inc.) BOOKS SENATOR ROBERT A. TAFT'S new book "A Foreign Policy for Americans" should be read by both friends and foes of the avowed Republican Presidential candidate, for this short policy statement promises to become one of the major issues of the forth- coming Presidential campaign. As might be expected, the book reflects the "out of office" feeling that the Repub- licans have had for the last 20 years. This feeling is especially evident in Taft's dis- cussion of the constitutional relationship of Congress and the President in the con- duct of foreign affairs. Although he con- cedes the President initiative in con- ducting our foreign relations, he would reserve to Congress a greater power over policy and decisions that has been the wont of either Roosevelt or Truman. Should Taft himself become President it is assumed that he would abide by his pre- cise limitations on the President to commit troops abroad, a power which Taft would now rather see reside in Congress. One cannot help but think that should he become President, Taft might someday be very em- barrassed by his words if foreign develop- ments forced such commitments by him. * * * IN DISCUSSING the United Nations, Taft is preocupied with a nebulous "undrlying law and an administration of justice under that law" which he believes should have been the original basis of the United Nations Charter. His solution for final international peace is the formulation of a law by which all nations would abide, and through which they could settle all disputes that might arise between them, At the present time Taft regards the veto power as a great obstacle to success in the international undertaking, but un- til his vague law is established, he does not countenance letting the veto power go. Methods for enactment of the "underlying law" seem even less .concrete than the law itself. Taft recognizes that an internation- al convention is impossible because of Rus- sia, and so realizes that the law cannot be enacted by any such gathering. He re- grets that it was not established on a small scale in the North Atlantic Treaty and looks with hope for future alliances of small groups of countries as a method of establishing the law. However, his comment and solutions can- not be too reassuring to the reader who won- ders just what the relation between the United States and the United Nations would be under a Taft regime or until international law is established. Unfortunately the book does not satisfactorialy outline this relation- ship. Perhaps this example and the other in- definite policies stated by the Senator are the major flaw of the book and of his whole Presidential campaign. Taft's main appeal rests in his supposed ability to get to the bottom of a complex problem and propose solutions to counteract the trouble. Campaign managers are selling Taft to the American public as a brilliant man who can meet and solve the problems fac- ing us today. Unfortunately, Taft's book does not instill this view in my mind, and IE doubt if it will convince many others. In addition there are several rather dis- turbing contradictions in the book which make the reader wonder about Taft's real positions on atomic warfare and the extent of American aid to countries in need of military help. Regarding atomic power and the Russian threat, Taft states in his in- troduction that "today Stalin has atomic bombs and long-range bombers capable of delivering them to the United States." Then later in the book he remarks "I somewhat doubt whether the Russians really can de- liver an atomic bomb." The frightening thing about these conflicting statements is that they sound entirely logical in context and substantiate some phase of Taft policy. * * * TAFIS CONTRADICTION about military aid is more deep seated and harder to discern. Writing on Asia he accuses the ad- ministration of making Korea a "soft spot" for Communist aggression, but in discussing European defense he advocates policies which many will regard as leading to thei conversion of Europe into a similar "soft spot." Though he agrees that Europe needs some help, he still demands that every country take a great initiative in its own defense. Taft does not seem to consider that had the United States made such a demand of South Korea, the disaster there would have been more serious than it has been. One can honestly observe that Senator Taft's hindsight is excellent, but his fore- sight leaves much to be desired. With great documentation and clarity of reasoning, Taft succeeds in proving some of the ad- ministration's policy mistakes since World War If, but on the whole these errors have already been recognized by most of the American public. Few will disagree that Korea has been a terrible mistake, many will accede that Yalta and Potsdam left much to be desired in statesmanship and benefits for the Western powers, but the bulk of the American public is thinking of future policies. However, in looking through the book for constructive future plans, one has a rather unrewarding search. The haziness of Taft's ideas on international organization, the con- flicting views and opinions evident in the structures of his policies, and his great re- liance on recognition of past administration mistakes as the backbone of the book com- "Tll Take All That Stuff, Bud" ~ " -' t ~CONG Rf,5 11 ---- ,H g . P IettePJ TO THE EDITOR The Daily welcomes communications from. its readers oni matters of general interest, and will publish all letters which are signed by the writer and in good taste. Letters exceeding 300 words in length, defamatory or libelous letters, and letters which for any reason are not In good taste will be condensed, edited or withheld from publication at the discretion of the editors. The Learning Process . . To the Editor: I HAVE JUST finished reading the article "The Black Silence of Fear" written by Justice Wil- liam O. Douglas which appeared in the New York Times magazine section dated January 13. This ar- ticle prompted me to analyze the American educational system-the system which is molding and de- veloping the minds of our young people. Upon completion of my master's degree, I intend to teach history in the secondary schools of New York City. Frankly, I am very ap- prehensive about entering the pro- fession. Social studies has become the most controversial subject matter taught in our schools to- day. Unfortunately, I am not a conformist-that is, I question. I never realized until I got to this university what unorthodoxy it is to question our established values. Classes are large and on the grad- uate level as many as two hundred are packed into a lecture hall to "so call" learn history. It is a far cry from the small discussion groups that were the rule in un- dergraduate work. Students hur- riedly scribble each word the pro- fessor states, never once consid- ering whether the assertion is valid. Yes, we are supposed to be sponges, sopping everything up, only to give it back on examina- tions. This is called education. Un- fortunately, Michigan is not dif- ferent from most universities and this, in turn, is a part of a pattern which pervades our entire society. In the high school teachers are told to extol men for patriotic rea- sons, even if it means distortions. They are under constant pressure, they must sign loyalty oaths and restrict their outside activities to conform to acepted standards. What is subversive? I have just read that Students for Democratic Action has been banned in one of the New York City Colleges. Yet these institutions are places of learning, places where immature' minds try to grope forward, to search for values, to find them- selves and it is here that the very process is squelched. The article that Justice Douglas wrote expressed perfectly the un- healthiness of this situation. In- deed, it is a sad story when history repeats itself and the Palmer Raids become the McCarran Com- mittee. The liberals of this coun- try look to Justice Douglas to keep the democratic faith alive. He has repeatedly stated that he will not run for the presidency in 1952. It is a great loss to the American people for under his guidance we could once again lead the world in the battle of ideas instead of leading men on the bloody battle- field. --Sallie Zuckerman A (Continued from Page 2) N I ART ACTIVE AND potential print collectors may have themselves a field day any time through February 26th in the West Gallery of Alumni Memorial Hall. "Four Centuries of French Prints" is, as I under- stand it, a dealer's show; in any case, all the prints are priced and for sale. Miss Hall, in the Museum office, will be happy to make the necessary arrangements. It is worth pointing out that although all are "limited editions," the purchaser cannot expect to buy the only existing copy of any particular print, as he could if he were buying a drawing. Full parti- culars are provided on the accompanying placards. With certain few exceptions, the prices are attractively reasonable, and lower than I would have been inclined to expect. The prices range. from $10 (for example, a Dau- mier called "Les bons bourgeois") to $500 (Francois Paninet's color aquatint, "L'Agre- able Negligee"). However, of the 75 entries, 26 are $25 or under, and only nine are $100 or over. And it costs nothing just to look. In the lower price range, some of the more attractive specimens are Daumier's litho- graph "Berceuse" ($25) and his drypoint "Portrait de M. X" ($25). An exquisitely simple Maillol, "Nu ossis" ($70), gets my vote for the best of the show, although there, are many other excellent exhibits. I would have no serious quarrel with anyone who preferred the Rodin, the Picasso, the Lau- trecs, or the two beautiful Roualts. A very few are rather disappointing, I must admit. "La bonne deese" by Redon is one of these; perhaps I have been led to expect too much from him. The Cezanne, the Renoir, and the L'Hote finish off the list in this category, but even so, only the Renoir is overpriced. The North Gallery at present houses a sort of bonus exhibit, unannounced but not unrewarding. The items on display are part of the museum's permanent collection, and Professor Slusser informs me that as soon as possible, they will be hung in the mez- zanine. Two Flemish 16th Century tapestries de- picting the legend of Troy almost cover the large wall. These, together with another 16th Century Flemish tapestry and a 17th Cen- tury Spanish embroidery, have unfortunate- 1V ~n:h p"cns fn .. . fi., - - an 1ew-0 h students, Thursday, February 14, at 4 P.M. in Room 35 Angell Hall. For fur- ther information call at 3528 Adminis- tration Building or phone University Extension 2614. Lectures University Lecture in Journalism: Edward Lindsay, editor of the Decatur (Ill.) Herald and Review will lecture on "How Can Newspapers Be Made Better" at 3 p.m., Wed., Feb. 13, 1025 Angell Hall. Coffee hour following at 4 p.m., Department of Journalism, 512 S. StateSt. Lecture and coffee hour are open' to the public. Sigma XI Lecture: Wed.. Feb. 13, 8 p.m., Rackham Amphitheater. Prof. Paul R. Burkholder, Chairman, De- partment of Plant Science. Yale Uni- versity, will speak on "Cooperation and Conflict among Primitive Organ- isms." Academic Notices Aero. Eng. 160 - Theory and Appli- cation of the Electronic Differential Analyzer: Organization meeting, Wed., Feb. 13, 4:30 p.m., 1512 East. Eng. Bldg. Aero.Eng. 250 - Theory of Nonlinear Oscillations. Organization meeting, Wed., Feb. 13, 4 p.m.. 1512 East Eng. Bldg.. to determine whether there is sufficient interest to offer the course this semester. History Seminar 324. Wed., Feb. 13' 4:30 p.m., Clements Library. Philosophy 63, Tuesday, Thursday & Saturday at 11:00 has been changed from Room 1025 A.H. to Room 348 W. Engineering Building. Philosophy 67, Monday, Wednesday & Friday at 11:00 has been changed from Room 2231 A.H. to Room 231 A.H. Sports and Dance Instruction for Women Students. Women students who have completed their physical education requirement may register as electives in physical educationclasses on Tuesday and Wednesday nmornings, Feb. 12 and 13, in Barbour Gymnasium. There are openings in Badminton; Basketball; Modern Dance; Square and Social Dance: Fencing; Posture, Fig- ure and Carriage; Riding; Outing: Rec- reational Games; Swimming and Life Saving. Medical College Admission Test: Ap- plication.blanks for the May 10 admin- istration of the Medical College Admis- sion Test are now available at 110 Rackham Building. Application blanks are due in Princeton, N.J. not later than April 26. Freshman Health Lectures for Men, Second Semester 1951-52. It is a Uni- versity requirement that all entering freshmen, including veterans, attend a series of lectures on Personal and Conmnunity Health and pass an exam- ination on the content of these lec- tures. Transfer students with fresh- man standing are also required to take the course unless they have had a similar course elsewhere, which has been accredited here. Upperclassmen who were here as freshmen and who did not fulfill the requirements are requested to do so this term. The lectures will be given in 25 An- gell Hall at 4 and 7:30 p.m. as per the following schedule: Lecture No. Day Date 2 Tues. Feb. 12 3 Wed. Feb. 13 4 Thurs. Feb. 14 5 Mon. Feb. 18 6 Tues. Feb. 19 7 (Final Exam) Wed, Feb. 20 You may attend at either of the above hours. Enrollment will take place at the first lecture. Note that attendance is required. Health Lectures for Women not giv- en second semester. Anthropology 152, The Mind of Pri- mitive Man will meet in Room 1025 Angell Hall instead of in Architecture Auditorium. Engineering Mechanics 103, Experi- mental Mechanics is being offered this semester. Tentative hours are Tues- day and Thursday at 1 p.m. with one three-hour lab peod to be arranged. Classroom is 109 West Eng. Instructor. T. A. Hunter. Three credit hours. Romance Philology, 158. Class will meet Monday, Tuesday, and Friday at 3 p.m. in room 206 Romance Languages. First class meeting will be Fri., Feb. 15. English 184, Novel Since 1850, will meet in West Gallery, Alumni Memor- ial Hall, MWF at 10. Seminar in Linear Spaces: Organi- zational meeting, Thurs., Feb. 14, 4 p.m., 3010 Angell Hall. Seminar in Mathematical Statistics: Organizational meetingeat .noon, Thurs., Feb. 14, 3200 Angell Hall. Seminar on Representation of Groups (continuing Math. 217) will meet on Thurs., Feb. 14, 3-5 p.m., 3011 Angell Hall. The University Extension Service an- nounces that most of the Spring se- mester classes offered in the evening program for adults open this week. Students electing courses scheduled to be held in the Business Administra- tion Building (Monroe at Tappan) and in the Architecture Buildin may reg- iter from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m., Monday through Thursdy during the first two weeks of the semester, beginning Feb- ruary 11, in Room -164 Business Ad- ministration Building. Students elect- ing courses scheduled to be held in all other buildings may register in the thirty-minute period preceding the first class session in the rooms desig- nated. The following classes open tonight, February 13: Contemporary Novel. Contemporary American and European novelists will be discussed, the group selecting novels by such writers "s Faulkner, Heming- way, Joyce, Silone, Kafka, and Mann for study. Dr. William R. Steinhoff, the instructor, points out that this is a continuation, not a repetition, of the fall course. Eight weeks, $5.00. 7:30 p.m. 165 Business Administration Building. Great Books. This University of Mich- igan Great Books course introduces the student to the great books by reading, in translation, the books themselves. Instructor is John E. Bingley. Eight sessions, alternate Wednesdays, $8.00. 7:30 p.m. 69 Business Administration Building. Office Standards and Procedures. (Bus. Ad. 109, two hours credit). In- structs students in the principles and problems of scientific office manage- ment and gives them an understanding of the function of the office in the structure of the business organization. Deals with all departments of the modern office. Fred S. Cook, instruc- tor. May be elected without credit. Sixteen weeks, $16.00. 7 p.m. 267 Business Administration Building. Painting. Beginning and advanced students will be given individual help in the technical problems of painting in either oil or water color. Richard Wilt is the instructor. Sixteen weeks, E$16.00. 7:30 p.m. 415 Architecture Building. Personnel Administration (Bus. Ad. 142, two-hours credit). This introduc- tory course deals with the development and direction of people as distin- guished from the management of things. Employee attitudes and mor- ale; recruitment, selection, placement, induction and training; grievance ad- justment, merit-rating, discipline; wages and hours; effective supervisory techniques. Lectures and discussion of case material. May be elected with- out credit. Instructor is Tom H. Kin- kead, director of personnel, King- See- ley Corporation, and lecturer in bus- iness administration. 7 p.m. 170 Bus- iness Administration Building. Writer's Workshop. This workshop will offer beginners and those who have already done some writing an] opportunity to write stories, poems,4 critical essays, and expository articles., Dr. Sheridan W. Baker, Jr., is the in- structor. Sixteen weeks, $16.00. 7:30 p.m. 171 Business Administration Building. The following classes will open on February 14: Design Principles in the Home. Prof. Catherine B. Heller, instructor. Six-1 teen weeks, $16.00. 7:30 p.m. 346 Ar-3 chitecture Building. Personality Development (Psych. 151, two hours credit). Dr. Elizabeth M. Douvan, instructor. Sixteen weeks, -Sallie Zuckerman $16.00. 7:30 p.m. 176 Business Admin- istration Building. Short Course in Personal Typewrt- ing.. Fred S. Cook, instructor. Six weeks, $5.00. 7 p.m. 276 Business Ad- ministration Building. Concerts Chamber Music Festival. The Buda- pest String Quartet will give three concerts in the Chamber Music Festi- val series Friday and Saturday nights and Sunday afternoon, February 15, 16 and 17, in Rackham auditqriu m. Tickets may be procured at the of- fices of the University Musical Society in Burton Memorial Tower, or in the lobby of Rackham auditorium one hour preceding each program. Faculty Concert: John Kollen, As- sociate Professor of Piano in the School of Music, has planned a program of works by Mozart, Schubert a n d Brahms, for his recital at 8:30 wed- nesday evening, February 13, in Lydia Mendelssohn Theater. It will open with Mozart's Fantasy in C minor, K. 475, followed by the Sonata in G ma- jor, Op. 78 by Schubert; after inter- mission Mr. Kollen will playBrahms' Variations and Fugue on a theme by Handel, Op. 24. The public is invited. Faculty Program: Norma Heyde, So- prano, will present a program at 8:30 Thursday, February 14, in Lydia Men- delssohn Theater. An Instructor in the School of Music, Mrs. Heyde will open her program with compositions by Gluck, Haydn and Mozart, followed by a group of songs by Schubert, and Scena and Aria from "Faust" by Gou- nod. The second half of the recital will include Ravel's Cinq Melodies Pop- ulaires Grecques, Granados' La Maja y el Ruisenor from "Goyescas," and three English songs by Griffes. Mrs. Heyde will be accompanied by Mary Fishburne, Assistant Professor of Piano. The public is invited. Events Today Michigan Christian Fellowship. Bible Study in Lane Hall, 7:15 p.m. Come prepared to discuss Hebrews 11. Wesleyan Guild: Do-Drop-In for tea and chatter, 4:15 to 5:30 p.m. at the Guild. Visitors are invited. School of Christian Living at 6:15 p.m., in the social hall. Prof. McClusky will be guest speaker. Guild cabinet meet- ing at 8:30 p.m., in the Green room. All Guilders are requested to attend. Religion-in-Life Month Policy Com- mittee meets at Lane Hall, 4 p.m. Literary College Conference Steering Committee Meeting, 4 p.m., 1011 An- gell Hall. Union Weekly Bridge Tournament will continue in the small ballroom of the Union, 7:15 p.m. Admission charge. Coeds should obtain late per- mission from their housemothers. Congregational-Disciples Guild: Sup- per Discussion Groups, 5:30 to 7 p.m., and Freshman Discussion Group, 7 to 8 p.m., Guild House. Young Republicans will elect officers at 730 p.m., Rm. 3-, Union. After the YR. meeting, Eisenhower and Taft clubs will elect officers. All students are invited. Charles Laughton Tickets on sale to- day-Hill Auditorium box office opens today for the sale of tickets for the Charles Laughton lecture, February 19. Box office hours are 10-1, 2-5 daily ex- cept Saturday P.M. and Sunday. Seats are still available in all price loca- tions. Hillelzapoppin' Central Committee Meeting. Wed., Feb. 13, 7:30 p.m., Lane Hall. Student Legislature. Meeting, 7:30 p.m. in the Cooley-Hayden dining room, East Quad. Women members should obtain late permission. All in- terested students are invited. U. of M. Rifle Club. Business and practice meeting at the Rifle Range, 7:15 p.m. Ullr Ski Club: Meeting to discuss weekend ski trip. Movies. 7:30 p.m., Room 3A, Union. Polonia Club. Meeting, 7:30 p.m., International Center. Elections for this semester's officers. Plans for a dance will be discussed. All students of Po- lish descent and their friends are in- vited. Coming Events International Center Weekly Tea for foreign students and American friends, 4:30-6 p.m., Thurs., Feb. 14. U. of M. Sailing Club. Business meet- ing, 7:30 p.m., Thurs., Feb. 14, 311 West Engineering. Acquiring of new plastic hulls to be discussed. Also talk on functions of M.C.S.A. Square Dance Section of the Faculty Women's Club. February dance, 6:30 to 11:30 p.m., Sat., Feb. 16, Barbour Gymnasium, with Dave Palmer of Jacksop as the caller. Civil Liberties Committee. 'Meeting, Thurs., Feb. 14, 7 :30' p.m., Room 3K. Union. Agenda: Discussions pertain- ing to the Un-American Activities Committee, the Lecture Committees and a campus referendum. Hillel. Friday night services, 7:45 p.m., Lane Hall. Speaker: Mr. C. L. R. James, noted British author and Co- lumbia University lecturer. Topic: "A Critique on Hollywood Movies." Re- freshments. . :y The natural attraction toward the busy, prop-filled stage, I felt, did not conceal a certain spiritual inadequacy in the work as a whole. Undoubtedly Brecht's intention at the time he wrote the play in 1931 was to bring a certain scientific precision to artistic consideration of the Nazi movement in Ger- many at the time. He evidently wished to in- terrupt the empathy of the audience to re- move himself from the rapt emotionalism that was generally associated with the new fascism. However, in achieving this, in care- fully marking his equal signs, his pluses and his minuses, he emerges with a rather abstract propaganda piece that is almost meaningless at its realistic level. Like most works of abstraction, it makes important use of props and movements; and is most ef- fective when it uses these well. Don Douglas acts the main part of Gayly Gay, the common man, convincing- ly enough, but Brecht has made the char- acter so weak, it is impossible not to be- lieve that a stronger man might not have Sixty-Second Year Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board of Control of Student Publications. Editorial Staff Chuck Elliott . Managing Editor Bob Keith ..... .......City Editor Leonard Greenbaum, Editorial Director Vern Emerson ..........Feature Editor Rich Thomas .......... Associate Editor Ron Watts .............Associate Editor Bob Vaughn ...........Associate Editor Ted Papes ................Sports Editor George Flint ....Associate Sports Editor Jim Parker .....Associate Sports Editor Jan James...........Women's Editor Jo Ketelhut, Associate Women's Editor Business Staff Bob Miller ...........Business Manager Gene Kuthy, Assoc. Business Manager Charles Cuson ....Advertising Manager Sally Fish ............Finance Manager Stu Ward ..........Circulation Manager Telephone 23-24-1 Member of The Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or otherwise credited to this newspaper. All rights of republication of all other matters herein are also reserved. Entered at the Post Office At Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second-class mail matter. Subscription during regular school year: by carrier, $6.00; by mail, $7.00. BARNABY It's important, deciding whether to grow up or not. You ought to get a wide range of opinion before you sit Or wait! Your Fairy Godfather has an even better idea! Invite --...Ja i .- Sill prepare a list of participants, Barnaby. Fair-minded people who ahnoa n nicu ,n o l wf a