I. FORGERY OFTHE NEWSPAPER See Page 4 t41i Daicty wA FAIR AND WARMER Latest Deadline in the State VOL. LXII, No. 141 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, APRIL 25, 1952 .4 TEN PAGES . _ ............. Jackson Riot Ends; East I Grads Will Take Over r In Autumn. Dorm Residents Deery Measure By JAN WINN and HARRY LUNN Over vehement student opposi tion, the administration decide yesterday to turn over Tyler an Prescott Houses in East Quac rangle to 200 women graduate stu dents next fall. x It was also announced that Vic tor Vaughan residence, occupied b women students since last Septem ber, will remain a co-ed house. s* " THE NEW housing plan was ap proved yesterday afternoon at meeting attended by Presider Harlan H. Hatcher and other to University officials. Immediately following the de- cision, Dean of Students Erich A. Walter presented the plan to the Board of Governors of Resi- dence Halls. The Board "regretfully reaches the conclusion" that the action wa necessary because of present over crowding of women's housing unit and a predicted increase in th number of women students ox campus next fall. Francis C. Shiel, manager a service enterprises, could not pre diet when men would return t( the houses, but added "we ar talking in terms of three to fiv years." Victor Vaughan will even tually be a men's dorm once agair but not in the "foreseeable fu ture," Shiel said. However, both he and Deat Walter anticipate no further fe male occupancy in men's unit beyond the new plans. Fear was expressed by student and administrators alike that th decision would seriously affect thi Michigan House Plan. LAST NIGHT at a joint meet- ing of the three Quad Councils Dean Walter said he thought the move would "tend to impede" the famed housing plan, but added "you cannot operate a university without being affected by the twists of the world." However the joint councils ' went on record against the plan, asking for reversal of the deci- sion. East Quad President and Boarc of Governors student representa- tive, Earl Alden, '52, declared stu- dents should have been consulted ,. before the decision was made. "I know this move will disrupi the tradition and spirit of the Michigan House Plan which stresses the individuality of the houses," he maintained. Dean Bacon saw the move as "an interesting experiment in co- educational housing." As yet de- tails have not been worked out on where the women will eat or what co-operative facilities will be utilized. Board of Governors women's representative, Sue Wladis, '53, voicing co-ed opposition said, "tra- dition should hold precedence over over-crowding," Seizure Ruling Slated Today By The Associated Press United States District Court Judge David A. Pine put off un- til today the completion of legal arguments on the steel industry's plea for an injunction which would void President Truman's seizure. As soon as arguments are ended, * * Eht igt * el Hostages * * Qd, To House -Daily-Myles Gray FINAL TOUCH-A last minute going over is given to one of the booths at Yost Field House before the opening of the Michigras carnival tonight. Michigras Hits Tow Today 'Ultimatum ! Got Russians Out of Iran Truman Explains Action of 1946 WASHINGTON-(')-President Truman stirred up a short-lived sensation yesterday by saying he sent Premier Stalin an ultimatum -backed up by the presence of U. S. troops and ships in the Middle East-and forced the Rus- sians to get out of Iran in 1946, Truman's "disclosure," which he volunteered at a news conference, startled and even amazed official circles until the White House, some three hours later, announced officially that: 1-The President did not send a personal- note to Stalin that led to Russia's evacuation of the Middle East country, and 2-Truman used the word ulti- matum in a "non-technical, lay- man sense"-that is, he didn't mean to imply he told the Rus- sians to get outAor we would go to war. THE PRESIDENT meant, it was explained, that U. S. leadership exerted in the United Nations, and "through diplomatic channels," was a major factor in bringing about Russian withdrawal from Iran. The President brought up the Iran matter himself in outlining some of the actions he and other presidents have taken to meet national emergencies. He said the country right now is faced with an emergency as great as any in its history. He said it is trying to keep free nations armed, and keep our forces in Korea from being shot in the back. And that, he declared, is why he felt it necessary to take over the strike-threatened steel indus- try. * * * TRUMAN ADDED midlly that a congressional move to impeach him for seizing the steel mills is just a political proposition, adding that he has a pretty good defense. He said also that he never has given any thought to taking over the nation's newspapers and radio stations, despite a lot of published "hooey" to that ef- feet. The White House "clarification" of Truman's statements about Iran were pretty much at odds with what the President himself said, and repeated under questioning, at the news conference-adding that he was telling the correspondents something not previously divulged. He said that in 1946-at first he said 1945, then decided it might have been later-he had to send an ultimatum to the head of the Soviet Union to get out of Iran. The Russians got out, the Presi- dent said, because this country was in a position then to meet a situa- tion of that kind. -Daily-Roger Reinke REUNION-One of the eight Jackson prison guards held hostage by rioting Cell Block 15 inmates for four days greets his wife and child after his release yesterday. The hostages were visibly shaken by their ordeal but unharmed. McPHAUL DINNER: Fire More Summoned Before Joit Judiciar The McPhaul dinner investigation appeared to be broadening last night, as it was learned that several new witnesses have been called to appear before the Joint Judiciary Council this morning. Although it could not be discovered exactly how many were scheduled to testify, at least five were summoned. , , , ,R NONE OF THESE have previously testified before the special faculty-student investigating committee which originally handled the probe. The Judiciary has thus far questioned only the fourteen - students known to have attended By ERIC VETTER After months of planning and furious last minute preparations, Michigras will make a spectacular 1952 bow at 3:30 p.m. today with an hour and a half long parade. The colorful, panoramaof Kansas City Beats Flood KANSAS CITY-(AP) - Kansas City stood the strain yesterday as the upper Missouri River's greatest flood surged past on its way to the sea. "I'm smiling today because it looks awfully good," Brig. Gen. Don G. Shingler of Omaha, Mis- souri River division engineer, said. "But when the record flood on the Missouri is passing your doornand you're sitting behind dirt, you have to be watchful." * * * SHINGLER explained the Mis- souri is carrying about 400,000 cubic feet of water a second-much less than the paralyzing flood of 1951. Last year the rampaging Kansas River dumped more than 500,000 cubic feet a second into the Missouri at Kansas City. An emergency fence of lumber and sandbags-flashboarding of the kind that saved Omaha and Council Bluffs last week-was built on top of the dikes. floats, bands, balloons and clowns will usher in the festive weekend activity at Yost Field House. * * * . a THIRTY-THREE floats are en-' 'tered in the mile-long parade which is expected to be seen by ten thousand people as it passes through town. Beginning at Cath- erine and Fourth Streets, the par- ade will be officially reviewed by judges in front of the Union. The other half 'of Michigras, the Yost Field House carnival, will begin its fun-packed two- day stand at 7 p.m. Concessions, 33 booths, and amusement rides will begin operating at 7:30 p.m. and before the fair is over they are expected to have entertained twenty thousand people. "Fifty Years With Michigras" Tobin Attacks Ike As 'Mystery Man' CUMBERLAND, Md.--(A)-Sec- retary of Labor Maurice Tobin, in 'one of the first administration attacks on Gen. Dwight D. Eisen- hower as a politician, said last night the Democratic party "is- n't interested in a mystery man" as a candidate for president. "It won't be satisfied with a smile or a good military record or a knack for kissing babies," Tobin' said in a speech for Cumberland's Jefferson-Jackson Day dinner. is the theme of the bi-annual pageant which received its im- petus in 1902 with a two-day show at Waterman and Barbour gym- nasium. THIS YEAR'S production is ex- pected to break all records for at- tendance and interest. Three prizes See special Michigras supple- ment, Pages 7, 8, 9 and 10. will be awarded for the best judg- ed floats and three more will be given booths at the carnival. Women have been granted 1:30 a.m. permission on both nights as the carnival will last until 1 a.m. The admission price for the carnival and the ceiling price for booths is 45 cents. Trophy winners for floats and booths will be announced on Sat- urday night over the loud speaker. Judges for the parade are Mayor William E. Brown, Jr., Richard Wilt, instructor in the School of Architecture and Design, and J. Fred Lawton, composer of the lyrics for Varsity. Booth judges have not yet been named. World News Roundup By The Associated Press EAN FRANCISCO-Top civil defense officials of 42 states, the federal government, Hawaii, Can- ada, and Puerto Rico opened three days of secret security discussion sessions here yesterday. * * * LONDON-The London Even- ing News said yesterday it un- derstands QueenElizabethun1 has approved June 2, 1953, as her coronation day. * * * MENTON, France -- Mountain torrents swept disaster onto this French Riviera resort city last night with an impact of land- slides similar to a small earth- quake. The number of dead could not be learned immediately, but 10 persons were known to be miss- ing after the slides. Millions of city folks-local ones excepted-will turn their clocks ahead one hour Sunday for the annual start of five months of Freed All Reforms Promised By "Officials But Att'v General May Prosecute By BILL WIEGAND Special To The Daily Cellblock Fifteen surrendered yesterday at four p.m. Eight hostage guards emerged, shaken but unharmed, from the inmate stronghold shortly after the convicts themselves had filed out as they had promised many hours before. The evacuation went according to schedule, Warden Julian N. Frisbie said, and the four-day Southern Michigan pris- on riot was at an end. THE QUESTION of who had won was apparently yet to be de- termined. Although Warden Fris- bie had accepted the eleven point demand of the rebel convicts, late interpretations of the agreement by Attorney General Frank C. Millard indicated that no immun-, ity had been granted to the 169 inmates who had surrendered. The guarantee against repris- als, Millar6 said, did not mean that crimes committed during tlhe violent riot would go un- puinished. "No state official, not even the Supreme Court, can grant anyone immunity for the.commisson of a crime," Millard said. The eight hostage guards, most of whom broke down whe re- united with their families at tle main gate, did not seem to care for'the moment. All reported god treatment at the hands of the in- mates, and returned to their homes imediately. THE DRAMATIC clifnax of the long, cloudy afternoon came while about 50 newsmen watched from a distant roof overlooking Block Fifteen. A squadron of armed prison guards had come out of the main corridor of the prison proper a few minutes before four o'clock. They were closely followed by Warden Frisbie, Captain Harold Tucker, Asst. Deputy Warden Vernon Fox, and Deputy Warden George Bacon. When the doors to the -beleag uered block were flung open, ex- actly on time, rebel leader Earl E. Ward, kidnap-murderer, appeared at the door to survey the scene. He seemed satisfied, and immed- iately the long parade of convicts from the inside began. Each- of them backed out and was searched individually by Ward's first lieutenant, "Crazy Jack" Hyatt. As the line filed past, a pile of butcher knives, pickaxes, and other weapons grew next to the door, but the parade from Block Fifteen was orderly and without official intervention. * * * THE CONVICTS then passed into the mess hall for a dinner of steak and ice cream, a menu they had requested as one of the con- ditions of their release. Before Ward and his immed- iate assistants left the block themselves they gathered all the weapons still within and deposited them before the offi- cials. Then Frisbie, Bacon, and Fox were invited inside, and when they reappeared in a few minutes, the guards were with Ithem. The reign of King Earl ended a few moments later when he joined a prison guard near the mess hall kitchen and passed in- side. The inmates returned to- a guarded block after they ate. See JACKSON, Page 6 Youths Stage Riot in Berlin BERLIN --(P)- About 25,000 Communist Blue Shirts stormed West Berlin's frontier last night in a professed peace rally that resulted in a few cracked heads and 14 arrests. Reds Call OffI Prisoner Talks Indefinitely By The Associated Press MUNSAN, Korea, Friday, April 25 - Communist nego- tiators today called off secret talks at Panmunjom on pris- oner exchange in a Korean Armistice. A UN spokesman immediately proposed that the prisoner talks be recessed indefinitely. Col. George W. Hickman, UN staff officer, said the UN Com- mand wants to resurvey its stand in the light of this new develop- ment. The Reds said they wanted to call off the closed door talks, a UN spokesman reported, because the Allies have used them "to de- ceive the world on this central question of the negotiations and' to carry out their aim of forcibly retaining captured personnel of this side." Allied and Red staff officers try- ing to solve the problem of truce supervision met only 14 minutes. the McPhaul dinner March 6 at the Union. The Judiciary now is setting its sights at a decision early next week. Earlier, it hOd been pre- dicted that the recommenda- tions to the University sub-com- mittee on discipline would be ready by yesterday. It is not clear at the moment what the significance of the call- ing of further witnesses is. It is possible that, in the course of the Judiciary hearings, more names of students attending the dinner have been uncovered. Nearly 30 students were at the banquet, but the original investi- ;ating committee only discovered the names of 14. These were all charged with vio- lation of a Regent's by-law on the use of University property. Cobo Stricken By Heart .A.ttack DETROIT- (A)--Mayor Albert E. Cobo suffered an acute heart attack last night after he had ad- dressed a high school football ban- quet and was reported in serious condition. Cobo, 59 years old, was first re- moved to his home in a patrol wagon but later was ordered mov- ed to Henry Ford Hospital. TO HONOR 613: Correspondent To Talk At ConvocationToday Prisoners Head for Chow "How to Wean an American" will be the topic of an address by Alistair Cooke, chief American correspondent for the Manchester Guardian and commentator for the British Broadcasting System at the 29th annual Honors Convo- Oil Workers Plan Nationwide Strike. DENVER-(A)--The Oil Work- ers International Union (CIO) called a meeting of its 26-mem- ber policy committee for Denver cation at 11 a.m. today in Hill Auditorium. Cooke will speak before the 613 students receiving rewards, their families and special guests. The convocation is open to the general public. HONORED will be 28 James B. Angell Scholars who have main- tained an alt-A record for the past two semesters; 224 seniors, 98 juniors and 107 sophomores having an average equivalent to at least half A and half B for the past two semesters. n_ - . . -It - - _ ._ -