THE MICHIGAN DAILY THURSDAY, APRIL 24, 1952 t ON THE Washington Merry-Go-Round WITH DREW PEARSON PARIS - Biggest international guessing game on this side of the Atlantic-now that Ike has announced his date of depar- ture-is predicting who will replace him. Hazards of the game are increased by the fact that the Joint Chiefs of Staff and Eisenhower are at odds over the successor, Ike wanting his close friend, Gen. Al Gruenther, and Gen. Omar Brad- ley favoring Gen. Matthew Ridgway. "'Uncle Omar," as he is affectionately call- ed in the Army, got a little peeved during the Lisbon conference when Ike did not come there himself but sent Gruenther- for the obvious purpose of letting the other nations get better acquainted with him and breaking Al in at the job. Uncle Omar's private reaction was: "Ike ain't no king-maker." And he proceeded to get his back up and root harder than ever for Ridgway. tions among the French as among Ameri- cans. That's partly because one of the main candidates is right here on their doorstep; also because on the outcome of the November elections depends the future defense and peace of Europe ... . Euro- peans make no secret of their belief that if Taft is elected they mught just as well fold up the North Atlantic Pact ... . Re- gardless of the usual sniping at Uncle Sam, there's a great deal of genuine friendship for the American people among the French. The Commies have done their best to kill it, but they can't. For instance, there is much interest in the Missouri flood and sympathy for its victims. Frenchmen find it hard to realize that the area flooded is one-half the size of France! .... Andre Picard, who helped organize the French gratitude train, generously wanted to start a drive among the French people to help the Missouri flood victims. #. # , Pros and cons of the dispute are: 1. The Europeans like Gruenther, feel that he understands their problems; also con- sider Ridgway too much of a fighting man, that his name is linked with a most un- popular war, that even his paratrooper in-' signia and the hand grenade on his blouse link him-distastefully-with war. And few Americans appreciate how little Europe wants war. The Joint Chiefs in Washington consid- er Gruenther too young, and handicapped by lack of combat experiences; that Ridg- way has shown great leadership not only in battle, but in handling Japanese poli- tical problems. They believe Europe needs his dynamic, energetic personality. Compromise now being discussed is to ap- point colorful Field Marshal Montgomery of England as Ike's immediate successor. This would please the British. Then, after the end of the Koorean war, Ridgway would replace him. - BY TRANS-ATLANTIC PIPELINE-When President Truman cruised down the Potomac last week end, he took two significant visit- ors along--Oscar Ewing, Federal Security Administrator, and Clark Clifford, former White House counsel, now counsel for Phil- lips Petroleum and chief booster for its friend, Sen. Bob Kerr of Oklahoma .. .Be- hind this was the new Truman strategy of grooming Ewing as the Democratic nominee, with either Senator Kerr or Senator Russell running for Vice President .... Ewing, a true-and-trusted New Dealer, is hated by the medical profession,- loved by labor and minoritygroups. .. . Paradoxically he's in the position of having been counsel for the most powerful, conservative, pro-Republican Aluminum Corporation of America; also was lhe law partner of Charles Evans Hughes, Jr. .. . Truman thinks that, despite Ew- ing's crusade for compulsory medical insur- ance and the opposition of the doctors, he would make a great campaigner. In fact, the President has told friends he personally would make some special speeches attacking the American Medical Association in Ew- ing's behalf. ALONG THE BOULEVARDS-There's almost as much interest in the U.S. elec- Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writer only. This must be noted in all reprints. NIGHT EDITOR: SID KLAUS GENERAL DE GAULLE-I had an ap- pointment with De Gaulle for an interview but did not keep it. After the time was set for 5:30 p.m., he sent one of his aides around to explain that the interview must be off the record. I explained that I was not much interested in an off-the-record interview, but the aide phoned back later to say that "mon general" was adamant. In that case, I replied, I was not interested in seeing the General. That, I presumed, ended the mat- ter. But at 5:45 De Gaulle's headquarters called complaining that I was late, and the interview was set for 5:30. "You have mis- understood," I replied. "The interview is canceled. I am not coming to see the gen- eral." . . It was FDR who described De Gaulle as fancying himself a "cross between Joan of Arc and Clemenceau." Many French- men still remember that description .... I also recall Bob Parker's story of how De Gaulle came to be where he is. In the spring, of 1940, Bob, then representing the Associ- ated Press, was in the lobby of the hotel at Bordeaux as British, American and top French brass were trying to evacuate ahead of the on-rushing Nazi army. The U. S. mili- tary attache to France, remarked to a group of newsmen gathered in the hotel lobby: "Where can we get a good French military man to rally French forces in exile?" ... . "There's General De Gaulle over there," said Parker. "He's a pretty good tank comman- der." . . .. Thus was launched De Gaulle's career. DORIS FLEESON: Democrats A It NEW YORK-Ninety-four votes in search of a candidate were nominally commit- ted last week end to a New York favorite son who has never run for office, W. Averell Harriman. In the language of the financial world from which he sprang, Mr. Harriman is, however, just a holding company. When the New York delegation becomes opera- tional at Chicago in July, the story will be different. The plain truth is that the biggest bloc of delegates to the Democratic national con- vention has nowhere to go since Gov. Adlai Stevenson of Illinois declared he would not accept the presidential nomination. No other candidate now in sight can bring that com- bination of Labor, Independents, minorities and women galloping happily to the New York polls to overwhelm a whole group of. what Jim Farley in an inspired phrase called typical prairie states. This being true, Boss Jake Arvey of Chi- cago has seen his duty and will try to do it. He has now publicly promised to lead a draft of Governor Stevenson, let the chips fall where they may in Illinois. Admittedly this will annoy many of the boys in the Cook County wards who prefer birds in hand in the shape of Stevenson's re-election as Governor. By far the biggest potential ally of the draft-Stevenson forces is the Republican party. If it nominates Senator Taft, they have an excellent chance of persuading the governor to run. If the Republicans nominate General Eis- enhower, a firm fighter for an internation- alist foreign policy and a man in whom Governor Stevenson reposes confidence and friendship, Democrats are almost surely stuck with a last-minute donnybrook fair at their own convention, two weeks later. Its outcome no one can foresee. If that outcome should be a draft of President.Tru- man, no one is going to be too terribly sur- prised, however. Thus the strange picture exists of each party having more real influence on the choice of a nominee by the other than on their own. Republicans must realize that, in holding their convention later, the Demo- crats are free to improvise. And ironically, for all their bold talk, Republicans areafraid of a Harry Truman campaigning against Bob Taft. Democrats, on the other hand, are scar- ed of General Eisenhower and wish he be- longed to them. If he is not nominated by Republicans, there are certain to be some efforts to reclaim him as a Democrat. It is hard to see how he could accede but very odd things happen sometimes in po- litics, and any politician worth his salt can swallow all the words in Webster's dictionary while his soup is cooling. President Truman and Governor Steven- son have signified that they have no taste for an Eisenhower contest. The President spoke up only after the New Hampshire pri- mary. Stevenson's final rejection did not take place until after New Jersey counted its flood of Eisenhower ballots. A significant paragraph in Governor Ste- venson's speech at the New York preview of the candidates was. not lost on the careful listener. It read: "Our goal is peace . .. and every time a great nation has accepted the full responsibility of its power and its peril; has accepted the leadership from which there is no escape . . . but we must look forward and not back. Rather we lose this election than mislead -the people by repre- senting as simple what is infinitely com- plex or by representing as safe what is infinitely precarious. For there are no painless solutions to war, inflation, com- munism, imperialism, hunger, fear, in- tolerance and all the hard stubborn prob- lems that beset us." Stevenson went on to laud Harriman, one of the principal foreign-policy 'holders of the administration, but he could have easily said precisely the same compliments about his old friend and associate, General Eisen- hower. There is not much room to doubt that he wishes he could say them, but to 'a Democratic rally. The Stevenson boom is not all mere self- ishness on the part of politicians who need a winner. As the candidates made their New York bows, one by one, to an audience which has largely nurtured some of this generation's foremost public servants - Smith, Roosevelt, La Guardia, Lehman - it was Stevenson all the way. Part of it was the man himself. In the biblical phrase, he spoke as one having au- thority and the people heard him gladly. No quality is more valuable in seeking office. One observer declared that "Senator Kerr is running against Hoover, Senator Kefauver against sin, Senator McMahon Stalin, and the Vice President is running against time. Stevenson is running against the world crisis we know is here." Would a Taft candidacy tempt Mr. Ti- man to accede to a draft? Most Democrats think it would, though they would expect him to give Governor Stevenson first shot at what they regard as an easy mark. They could of course be wrong in their estimate. Republicans think, with reason, that they have the administration down. The New York situation is by no means as harmonious as it appears. In Friday's meet- ing at which Harriman won favorite-son en- dorsement, half a dozen voices called for delay. Dan O'Connell of Albany was not even present; he is backing a truly ebony steed; Oscar Ewing, federal security admin- istrator, who is cold poison in many quarters. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN COLLEGE OF LITERATURE, SCIENCE, AND THE ARTS HORACE M. RACKHAM SCHOOL OF GRADUATE STUDIES SCHOOL OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION SCHOOL OF NATURAL RESOURCES SCHOOL OF PUBLIC HEALTH COLLEGE OF PHARMACY SCHOOL OF EDUCATION SCHOOL OF NURSING SCHOOL OF MUSIC JUNE 2 - JUNE 12, 1952 NOTE: For courses having both lectures and recitations, the time of class is the time of the first lecture period of the week; for courses having recitations only, the time of the class is the time of the first recitation period. Certain courses will be examin- ed at special periods as noted below the regular schedule. 12 o'clock classes, 4 o'clock classes, 5 o'clock classes and other "ir- regular" classes may use any examination period provided there is no conflict (or one with conflicts if the conflicts are arranged for by the "irregular" classes). Each student should receive notification from his instructor as to the time and place of his examination. In the College of Literature, Science, and the Arts, no date of examination may be 'Michi this, Michi that, that's all Xette' TO THE EDITOR The Daily welcomes communications from its readers on matters of general interest, and will publish all letters which are signed by the writer and in good taste. Letters exceeding 300 words in length, defamatory or libelous letters, and letters which for any reason are not in good taste will be condensed,edited or withheld from publication at the discretion of the editors. : : changed without the consent Schedules. Time of Class (at 8 (at 9 (at 10 MONDAY at 11 (at 1 (at 2 (at 3 of the Committee on Egamination SECOND SEMESTER EXAMINATION SCHEDULE you hear around here .... f _+ ", C , , TRANS-ATLANTIC POLITICS - Retire- ment of Senator Tom Connally of Texas was greeted with great enthusiasm by the French; not so by the British. The French didn't like Tom's blast at them, didn't re- alize that it was forced on him by the elec- tion campaign and the needling of his op- ponent, Price Daniels . * . . The London Times, on the other hand, paid tribute to Connally's long career and his battle for European cooperation; also bemoaned the passing of all but one U.S. Senator who still wears a frock coat. (The other is Clyde Hoey of North Carolina.) . . .. The French plan to promote Gen. Alphonse Juin to be "Mar- shal of France," which will give him enough rank, they hope, to command all NATO ground forces on the continent . . . . The jockeying for more command in the Western European Army is still intense, and the Bri- tish still are burnt up over Adm. Robert Carney's being top dog in the Mediterranean fleet, where, they say, British interests pre- dominate . . . . Regardless of domestic re- action to Truman's seizure of the steel mills, reaction in Europe is that he cut the ground out from under Communist propaganda. (Copyright, 1952, by The Bell Syndicate, Inc.) Campus Hearings. . * To the Editor: THE Civil Liberties Committee has by its very nature (de- fense of civil liberties) a strong interest in the current investiga- tion of the McPhaul dinner, held March 6th, at the Michigan Union. While we do not challenge the University's prerogative to invest- igate what occurs on the campus, and while we think the circum- stances-of the use of an aliat, and the invitation of a "Daily" report- 'er, for publicty - might have' merited investigation, we feel. strongly that the perhaps inad- vertent effect of this investigation is an addition to the present-day University and national pattern of political conformity. These are the facts and the con- clusions which we, on the basis of inquiry so far conducted, consider pertinent and well-established: I. An inconsistent use of an am- biguous rule. The ambiguous rule referred to appears on page 24 of the booklet on "University Regulations," un- der Section 4, "Use of University Property." It reads as follows: "No permission for the use of Uni- versity property shall be granted' to any student organization not recognized by University authori- ties, nor shall such permission be granted to any University stu- dent." The rule is ambiguous in that the first special investigation com- mittee (made up partially of Uni- versity officials) itself was not sure that a rule had been violated, and had to call in the alleged vio- lators to ascertain if it were. It is therefore not entirely fair to ex- pect students to have interpreted this rule, especially in light of the fact that there .had been no- en- forcement of the rule in the past. The use of the rule is incon- sistent in that there is ample evi- dence that dinners sponsored by students at which speakers who had not been cleared by the Lec- ture Committee appeared, have been held in the recent past. At these times, no attempt by the Lecture Committee to apply their own rule was made, nor was any investigation of the circumstances ever made. II. The irregularity of the pro- ceedings. A. In both the special investi- gating committee and the Joint Judiciary Committee: Students were told that .if they did not answer questions, they would not be cooperating with the University. B. In the special investigating committee: Students were given the impres- sion that whatever they said would be held in strict confidence; yet a typewritten, single-spaced, 124-page report of these proceed- ings was prepared and distributed to the Joint Judiciary Committee. What was to be considered "confi- dential" was not clarified to many of the students. III. The intimidation of indi- vidual students, A. In both the special investi- gating committee and the Joint Judiciary Committee: The entire air of mystery and vagueness surrounding the hear- ings was hardly conducive to get- ting the facts clear and the inter- pretation of the rule more lucid. would be considered self-perjury and/or conduct unbecoming a stu- dent. This is highly intimidating. This letter represents an attempt to study the facts of the case and present to the campus community of the University of Michigan our objections to the investigation and our conclusions. So far as we can ascertain, the above statements are disputed by neither the Uni- versity administration nor the al- leged violators. We invite further information and discussion on the, matter, to the end that a fuller statement can be made. -Civil Liberties Committee Devra Landau, Chairman TUESDAY (at 9 (at 9 (at 10 (at 11 (at 1 (at 2 (at 3 These regular examination periods have precedence over any special period scheduled concurrently. Conflicts must be ar- ranged for by the instructor of the "special" class. Trucks Bill ..*. Spanish 1; 2, 31, 32 j Russian 2 German 1, 2, 11, 12, 31 Chemistry 4, 21 English 1, 2 Psychology 31 Sociology-Psychology 62 Economics 51, 52, 53, 54. 102, 153 (sections 2 and 3) Sociology 51, 54, 90 Political Science 2 French 1, 2, 11, 12, 31. 32, 61, 62 Speech 31, 32 Monday, June 2 Monday, June 2 Tuesday, June 3 Wednesday, June 4 Saturday, June 7 Saturday, June 7 Saturday, June 7 Monday, June 9 Tuesday, June 10 Tuesday, June 10 2-5 R-5 E-5 1-5 2-5 d"- ' To the Editor: T FEAR THAT in enacting the Trucks bill Michigan has taken a useless, dangerous and perhaps unconstitutional step. So long as the Communists remain on the ballot their smallrvoteadvertises their failure; once barred from the ballot they can misrepresent themselves as a large body of dis- enfranchised citizens. Moreover, parties have been known to dis- appear under one label and reap- pear under a new one. A Com- munist who speaks, writes, votes and organizes is not only within his rights, but is relatively harm- less because there are so few of them in this country. The only dangerous Communist is the un- derground worker who engages in secret conspiracy, espionage or sabotage-all of which are already forbidden by state and federal law. Compelling Communists to register is also a futile procedure; it may catch some harmless sheep, but as for the real wolves, it would be as reasonable to stop theft by a law compelling all burglars to regis- ter! Was any real spy or conspir- ator ever caught by oaths and reg- istrations? In the interest of se- curity as well as freedom it is to be hoped that no one will put reliance on this weak and foolish piece of legislation. --Preston Slosson - I Wednesday, June Wednesday, June 11 11 UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING SCHEDULE OF EXAMINATIONS June 2 to June 12, 1952 NOTE: For courses having both lectures and quizzes, the time of class is the time of the first lecture period of the week; br courses having quizzes only, the time of class is the time of tip first quiz period. Certain courses will be examined at special periods as noied below the regular schedule. All cases of conflicts between assign- ed examination periods must be reported for adjustment. See bulletin board outside of Room 3209 East Engineering Building between May 14 and May 21 for instruction. To avoid misunder- standings and errors each student should receive notification from his instructor of the time and place of his appearance in each course during the period June 2 to June 12. No date of examination may be changed without the con- sent of the Classification Committee. Time of Examination Saturday, June 7 Tuesday, June 3 Monday, June 2 Wednesday, June 4 Friday, June 6 Thursday, June 5 Thursday, June 12 Monday, June 9 Wednesday, June 11 Tuesday, June 11 Friday, June 6' Thursday, June 5 Thursday, June 12 Wednesday, June 4 9-12 9-12 9-12 9-12 2-5 9-12 2-5 9-12 9-12 9-12 9-12 2-5 9-12 2-5 Time of Class (at 8 (at 9 (at 10 MONDAY (at 11 (at 1 (at 2 (at 3 DRAMA. .q TUESDAY (at (at (at (at (at (at (at 8 9 10 11 1 2 3 Time of Examination Saturday, June 7 Tuesday, June 10 Monday, June 2 Wednesday, June 4 Friday, June 6 Thursday, June 5 Thursday, June 12 , Monday, June 9 Wednesday, June 11' Tuesday, June 3 Friday, June 6 Thursday, June 5 Thursday, June 12 Wednesday, June.4 "Monday, June 2 *Tuesday, June 3 *Wednesday, June 4 *Thursday, June 5 "Saturday, June 7 *Monday, June 9 *Tuesday, June 10 *Wednesday, June 11 At Lydia Mendelssohn . - ONCE IN A LIFETIME, produced by the Speech Department HAVING "the cultural development of the student" as "its primary objective," the Department of Speech advertises this week a boppo, socko comedy of the early days of Kaufman and Hart. It is fast-moving, amusingly incoherent, and produced with the requisite disrespect for the "cultural development" of everybody who watches it. Eventually, as the authors of this play became the kings of Broadway comedy with a series of hits ,they developed a taste for character and even "meissage" in their frip- pery. But at this stage of their career, they were concerned with straight satire-in this instance, the movie industry serving as vic- tim. Probably Hollywood's own lampoon of itself in the same period, Jean Harlow's "Bombshell" is better because it takes a dener cut and its undertone is sn mnuh be said this time that there is no oppor- tunity for new faces in Play Production presentations. Among the most promising of the new personalities is Sue Ralston playing the role of a cagey vaudevillian who arrives in Hollywood with the advent of talkies to es- tablish a voice culture school. She is con- ceived as one of these soft-hearted, hard- boiled women that exist only in Kaufman and Hart comedies, but Miss Ralston brings to the part the fine metallic sophistication that it needs. As a lovesick heroine, she is less successful, but this is largely the fault of the script which leaves the affair of the heart high and dry for most of the distance. William Hadley, her boyfriend, runs into the same trouble. He is cast as an idea man without very many ideas. Kenneth Rosen, the well-meaning but less than bright straightman of the troupe, stops the show a few times in the course of his rise to "supervisor of production" at the studio. 9-12 9-12 9-12 9-12 2-5 9-12 2-5 9-12 9-12 9-12 9-12 2-5 9-12 2-5 2-5 2-5 2-5 9-12 2-5 2-5 2-5 2-5 Sixty-Second Year= t Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Editorial Staff# Chuck Elliott .........Managing Editor Bob Keith................City Editor Leonard Greenbaum.Editorial Director Vern Emerson ..........Feature Editor Ron Watts .............Associate Editor Bob Vaughn ...........Associate Editor Ted Papes ................Sports Editor George Flint ....Associate Sports Editor Jim Parker .....Associate Sports Editor Jan James............women's Editor Jo Ketelhut. Associate Women's Editor BEstness Staff Bob Miller .........Businew Manager Gene Kuthy, Assoc. Business Manager Charles Cuson ....Advertising Manager Milt Goetz......Circulation Manager E.M. 1, 2; M.I. 82; Spanish Draw. 1; M.I. 135; German Chem. 4, C.E. 21, 22 P.E. 11, 12, 13 P.E. 31, 32, 131; Psyc 31 Ec 53, 54, 102, 153 (Sec 2, 3) C.E. 1, 2, 4; Draw. 3; M.I. 136; Eng. 11 Draw. 2; E.E. 5; French Irregular classes may use vided there are no conflicts. r any of the periods marked* pro- SCHOOL OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION Courses not covered by this schedule as well as any necessary changes will be indicated on the School bulletin board. SCHOOL OF EDUCATION Courses not covered by this schedule as well as any necessary changes will be indicated on the School bulletin board. SCHOOL OF MUSIC Individual examinations by appointment will be given for E I I