See Page 4
Latest Deadline in the State
a Ag
Riot Pictures
- - - -
1 4
Walter Says
SAC To Review
Group Next Week
The Young Progressives are still
a recognized student organization,
Dean Erich A. Walter said last
night, despite the fact that a re-
view of their activities will be held
by the Student Affairs Committee
sometime during the next few
weeks in order to establish their
The investigation was called for
by the University Lecture Commit-
tee, which is withholding decision
on a YP request to sponsor a talk
by William Hood, secretary of Ford
Local 600 (UAW-CIO). The date
of the review is not yet set.
* * *
retary of the Lecture Committee,
refused comment on why the in-
vestigation had been asked. No
decision on the Hood petition is
expected to be made, however, un-
til the SAC has completed their
review, he said.
U.S. Raises Steel
Prices $3 a Ton
Economic Stabiliz Putnam Sees
No Reason for Further Increases
WASHINGTON-(JP)-The Government ordered an increase of
about $3 a ton in steel price ceilings yesterday.
At the same time Economic Stabilizer Robert L.. Putnam said he
sees no justification Jor any further price increases to pay for wage
THE MOVE CAME only a few hours after the Truman Admin-
the seized industry by putting up to Putnam the question, "how much?'"
Putnam said it will be next week before he can make the
pay recommendation.
Secretary of Commerce Sawyer, operator of the mills for the
government, referred the pay is-
RIIA to tha .rt bili7-Qin ffir ad
-Daily-Bill NeIle
NEW SL CABINET-Howard Willens, '53, (seated, right) new SL president poses with cabinet: Phil
Berry, '52 BAd., vice-president; (seated, left) and standing (left to right) Roger Wilkens, '53, member-
at-large; Karin Fagerburg, '54, corresponding secretary; Sondra Diamond, '53, member-at-large; Sue
Popkin, '54, recording secretary; and Bob Neary, '54, treasurer.
* * P* * * * * *
Wilens Elected New SL President
Photo by Jack Bergstrom
This .trio claimed they missed Monday's rations.
Dean Walter pointed out that
in the eyes of the SAC, the YP
was in no way banned or limited.
"Until the review can be insti-
tuted and completed by the SAC,
YP is a recognized group," he
Howard Willens, '53, will lead
Student Legislature for the next
five school months.
He was elected president last
night after nosing out former
treasurer Phil Berry, '52 BAd.
However, the veteran Berry was
soon elected vice-president defeat-
ing Roger Wilkins, '53.
*r* *w
THE NEW president: who suc-
Photo by /Jack Bergstrom
Leonard Block 15 Convict Frisbie
Recognition by the SAC gives
the group status as an accepted
student organization. Conversely,
no group which is not recognized
by the SAC can remain on cam-
S* s
JOAN BERLER, '54A, co-chair-
man of the Young Progressives,
saw the Lecture Committee stand
as being "a legalistic device to
arbitrarily ban speakers." Calling
it "political discrimination," Miss
Berler claimed the procedure to
be "an attempt to undermine the
effectiveness of the YP as an ex-
pression of progressive student
sentiment on campus."
She added that the organiza-
tion was planning to submit
petitions to the Lecture Com-
mittee asking permission to have
Arthur McPhaul and Hood speak
here under the sponsorship of
YP. McPhaul; banned by the
Committee last month, was in-
volved in a dinner at the Union
which is now being investigated
by the Joint Judiciary Council.
Hood's availability as a speaker
entered into the Lecture Commit-
tee's decision to postpone consid-
eration of the YP request, Prof.
Brandt explained. "If this was
something in which time was an
important matter, then the Com-
mittee would probably consider it
at once. Hood, on the other hand,
apparently could come anytime."
No reasons were given by Brandt
about the necessity for a review of
YP activities. Their constitution is
at present being studied by the
SAC in order to clear up certain
technical deficiencies, such* as no
specification of a quorum.
Dawson Named
To Advise Club
John Appel, '53 BAd, president
of the Draft Stevenson for Presi-
dent Club announced yesterday
that Professor John Dawson of
the Law School has consented to
be the organization's faculty ad-
The group received a letter from
the national Stevenson organiza-
tion urging all local groups to con-
tinue their support of the Illinois
governor in the race for Demo-
cratic presidential nomination.
Ike Backers
Drive To Get
Eastern Bloc
PHILADELPHIA --(')- Backers
intensified yesterday a drive to
solidify an eastern bloc of Repub-
lican presidential delegates behind
Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower on
his strong ballot showings in New
York and Pennsylvania.
The five-star General of the
Armies swept to about a 675,000
vote victory over Sen. Robert A.
Taft, his chief rival for the nom-
ination, in Tuesday's Pennsylvania
Presidential popularity poll. The
poll is not binding on delegates.
BUT TAFT, who had kept his
name off the ballot and had asked
supporters not to vote for him, got.
a national record write-in total of
172,829 with 36 precincts missing.
And Taft seemed likely to get a
substantial share of Pennsylvania's
70 delegates.
In New York, Eisenhower was
assured thesupport of about 70
of the state's 96 nominating
votes his supporters won in pri-
mary there. Taft got three, and
the views of 17 are not known.
Six more will be selected later.
On the basis of present tabula-
tions made by the Associated Press
Taft-in the nation-wide picture-
leads Eisenhower 233 to 209 in
delegates, with 603 needed for the
nomination at the Chicago con-
The tabulation is based on dele-
gates .pledged, instructed, favor-
able or willing to state a first
ballot choice.
The immediate future objective
of the Eisenhower supporters was
next Tuesday's Massachusetts pri-
mary. There the General will meet
Taft in an equal contest where
both will be write-in candidates.
Taft already has campaigned in
the state, which wil cast a size-
able 38 convention votes. "Ike"
and "Bob" nicknames will be
counted in the write-in total.
ceeds Leonard Wilcox, '52, prom-
ised to "pursue effectively the pol-
icies established last year with
particular stress on common in-
terests. of SL with other campus
The 20-year-old Oak Park,
Ill. resident, also pledged im-
mediate consideration of the
Lecture Committee problem.
Willens spent his freshman
year at Stanford University and
has served on the legislature only
one year. He is president of Zeta
Beta Tau fraternity, a member of
Sphinx, junior men's honorary and
has played for the tennis team.
Berry, a 20-year-old Detroiter
has also served on SL as secretary
and as an NSA representative.
S* *
IN THE RACE for recording
secretary, Susan Popkin, '54, beat
out Jean Jones, '53. Miss Popkin
had served as Public Relations
Karin Fagerburg, '54, the only
candidate, was acclaimed as new
corresponding secretary.
Bob Neary, '54, another SL
committee chairman was select-
Of RFC Set
Back in Senate
WASHINGTON -(P)- Senators
backing a bill to abolish the Re-
construction Finance Corporation
were set back on their heels last
night after scoring an initial vic-
After first giving tentative ap-
proval to'the measure, the Senate
backtracked and voted to send
it back to its Banking Committee.
The vote was announced as 39
to 36.
THE MOTION instructed the
Committee to bring back an RFC
bill by June 2, but Sen. Dirksen
(R-Ill.) shouted that the effect
was to kill the measure to abolish
the huge government lending ag-
Earlier in the date the senate,
by a vote of 42 to 37, approved a
motion by Sen. Byrd (D-Va.) to
substitute his bill to liquidate the
RFC for a rival measure which
called for reforms in its opera-
But after this a storm of debate
broke out, and a parliamentary
tangle developed.
A switch in several votes among
both Democrats and Republicans
reversed the initial tentative de-
cision to end the RFC.
The Reconstruction Finance
Corporation was the target of a
sensational investigation into in-
fluence peddling last year.
ed as treasurer, winning over
Mike McNearney, '53.
In the race for the first cabinet
member-at-large post, literary
senior class president Wilkins won
on the first ballot defeating Shir-
ley Cox, '54, Sondra Diamond '53,
and McNearney.
The second member-at-large
seat was decided after three close
ballots with Miss Diamond nosing
out Wally Pearson, '53, McNearney
and Miss Cox, in that order.
Just preceding the cabinet elec-
tions, retiring president Wilcox
gave a vigorous farewell speech
claiming that "passive observance
of student government by the ad-
ministration is not enough."
He maintained that "positive
and helpful recognition is neces-
sary." He called on the new of-
ficers to exercise patience in
their increased responsibility.
Following cabinet elections, SL
passed a resolution asking for stu-
dent representation on the Board
of Governors of Residence Halls
to consider the proposal of mov-
ing women into East Quadrangle.
Introduced by Bob Ely, '54, the
motion stated that SL recognizes
the administration's right to make
such decisions, but, due to the dir-
ect effect upon student lives it
feels that student opinion should
be consulted in this case.
The legislature will ask the
Board to allow the presidentsof
the three men's quadrangles, the
president of Assembly and the
three student representatives on
the Board to assist in reaching the
decision. The Board of Governors
is expected to meet today. ' i
Reading Hits
Royal's Plea
For .Retrial E
David Lee Royal's petition.f or a
new trial in the hammer slaying
of Nurse Pauline Campbell got a
rebuttal yesterday when Prosecu-
tor Douglas K. Reading issued an
answer to the defense's claim that
key witness Daniel Baughey had
perjured himself.
Reading denied that naughey,
the son of an Ypsilanti clergyman,
had lied when he testified that he
met Royal with his companions,
William R. Morey and Jacob Max
Pell (both serving life terms at
Southern Michigan Prison) on
Sept. 13. 1951-three days before
the murder.
Baughey told the court that the
trio had bragged at this meeting
of assaulting another nurse. Read-
ing admitted that the minister's
son had lied about certain details
but insisted that Baughey told
the truth on all essential points.
Se i e zaIon ceand
said that when he gets the answer
he will take it to President Tru-
man for final action.
* * *
PUTNAM then announced at a
news conference that he had dir-
ected Price Stabilizer Ellis Arnall
to get out an order under which
the mills may, if they choose, boost
prices by the amount allowed un-
der the Capehart Amendment to
the Defense Production Act.
That provision allows price ad-
justments to reflect cost changes
up to last July 26. Officials have
estimated it would give the steel
industry about $3, which is about
a fourth of the amount some in-
dustry spokesmen have said they
would need to meet wage raises
recommended by the wage stabili-
zation board.
Putnam told the newsmen that
the steel industry some time ago
asked that action be held up on
its Capehart price allowance.
"I think it was for bargaing
purposes," he answered w he
/ was asked why the companies
wanted delay.
"Because the steel companies
have not applied for this increase
for their stockholders, I don't
know of any reason why we should
hold it up," the stabilization chief
But he stressed that it will be
up to the companies to decide
whether to make an actual price
boost-"we're not going to force
Capehart on anyone."
In connection with his statement
that he does not expect pay re-
commendations to be ready be-
fore next week, Putnam said fram-
ing them is a very complicated
task, and they must be cleared
with the Justice Delartment for
W orld News
By The Associated Press
MUNSAN, Thursday, April 24-
Korean armistice negotiations ap-
peared today to be heading toward
climax with no sign of a break
in the critical deadlock on prisoner
But pessimism was apparent
both in Washington and Peiping.
U. S. officials privately expressed
belief the talks were moving
through the most critical phase
in many months, with adecisive
turn expected soon.
* * *
NEW YORK-Condemnation
of President Truman's seizure
of the Steel Industry and his
implication that a President al-
so could take over the nation's
press and radio was expressed
yesterday in a resolution placed
before the American Newspaper
Publishers Association.
WASHINGTON-Two treasury
agents said today they had dis-
covered that Joseph C. Nunan,
former Commissioner of Internal
Revenue, banked $161,609 more
than he reported in his income tax
returns from 1945 to 1950.
WASHINGTON - President
Truman today scrapped his plan
to shift flood control and other
river and harbor work from the
army engineers to the Interior
WASHINGTON -- A Congres-
sional dispute over special com-
bat pay for Korean fighters threat-
ened today to wipe out 40 to 70
million dollars of extra pay for
all persons in uniform, including
Korean veterans.
I JT.... .. D -s2..... 1
Clamp Lid '
On McPhaul
A shroud of secrecy has de-
scended over the progress of the
McPhaul dinner charges against
fourteen students known to have
attended the Union banquet.
The Joint Judiciary Council met
yesterday afternoon and evening,
but refused to give any indication
whether a dicision on the cases
had been reached, or if and when
any further meetings are planned.
* * *
PREVIOUSLY, the Judiciary
has not kept secret the dates of
its meetings.
Earlier in the week, Dean of
Students Erich A. Walter had
indicated that the Judiciary
might reach a decision by yekw
terday. Last night he "didn't
know" whether any decision had
been made.
Indications were that the lid on
information on the proceedings
will remain clamped until the de-
fendants receive informal notice
of the outcome of their cases. Be-
fore this can happen, the Judici.
ary must make up its mind on
what disciplinary action, if any,
to take on the fourteen and the
University sub-committee on disci.
pline must approve the decision.
Meanwhile, at a Student Legis-
lature meeting last night, a move
to promote an SL investigation of
the Judiciary procedure in the'
cases to determine whether "any
student rights have been jeopar-
dized" was squelched by a parlia-
mentary maneuver.
Ted Friedman, '53, had just won
a suspension of the rules to con-
sider his motion calling for an
SL counter-probe, when Jack Des
.ardins, '53, introduced a success-
ful motion for adjournment.
Judge Halts-
Anti-Red Act
In New Order
DETROIT -(A")- Federl judge
Arthur F. Lederle yesterday issued
an order restraining Michigan
from enforcing her new anti-Com-
munist law, the Trucks Act.
The judge issued a temporary
injunction on the plea of William
Albertson, secretary of the state
Communist Party, who claimed the
law was unconstitutional.
remain in effect until a panel of
three federal judges conduct a
joint hearing May 20.
As passed recently by the
Michigan legislature, the Trucks
Act requires all subversives to'
register with the state police and
sets up penalties of 10 years im-
prisonment or $10,00 fine for
Albertson named as defendants
in his suit secretary of state Fred
M. Alger, Jr., Michigan Attorney
General Frank Millard and other
"responsible officials."
Judge Lederle restrained the
State from enforcing the law's
three major provisions-the regis-
tration of subversives, compilation
of a list of Communist front groups
and barring of subversive organi-
zations from the state ballot.
Dikes Raised
Photo by Jack Bergstrom
Mrs. Velma Carrier learns of her husband's release.
* . * *
W iliams Gives Prisoners
Poniise To Meet Demand1s
Sigecial To The Daily
JACKSON-Gov. G. Mennen Williams last night gave '169 rebels
at Southern Michigan Prison his personal assurance their demands
for peace terms would be met.
R Officials said the move might restore order in the big prison
some time today.
THE GOVERNOR interceded after "Crazy Jack" Hyatt seized
control of holdout Detention Block 15 from former ringleader, smooth-
talking Earl Ward.
The Governor sent a letter to prison officials approving
their acceptance of the convicts' 11-point peace manifesto if
that is the only way to restore
Earlier rumors ripped through
the prison as the rebels hurled per-
sonal effects of two captives from
the punishment block's window.
Minutes later officials rushed
to the block window and reported
Hyatt had offered assurances that
the guards whose effects were
4 thrown out had not been harmed.
The guards were identified as
John Akins and John W. Holmes.
This was the first tip-off on
the overthrow in command fol-
lowed by a tense telephone call to
Warden Julian N. Frisbie in which
Hyatt screamed a demand, that
Gov. Williams be brought to the
prison at once,
Crazy Jack once used Gov. Wil-
liams as a shield in an attempted
break at Marotte nrison.
points are unchanged from those
which were shown to me this
afternoon, except that the final
point has been made to read as
'No reprisals of any sort shal
be initiated or perpetrated by
the personnel of the Michigan
Department of Corrections.'
"If this in the judgment of
yourself, Commissioner Leonard,
Warden Frisbie and Assistant Dep-
uty Warden Fox, is in the public
interest and necessary to restore
order and save the lives of the
hostages, I approve your accep-
tance of these terms to effect th
release of the hostages and the end
of resistance."
* * *
Prize List Announced for Michigras
A date to IFC with Miss DSR of
Detroit for May will top a huge
list of prizes at Michigras tomor-
row and Saturday.
Beginning at 7 p.m. tomorrow,
the mammoth carnival will run for
State until it passes in front of
the judges stand at the Union.
The date with the lovely blue-
eyed Detroit redhead will be the
first prize of the more than
$2,500 in prizes available. In
cluded in the date is a dinner
., n Y+ +.., m. -_-._-4
prizes. The numbers will appear in
the programs with one winning
number announced at 10:30 each
night. Winners may pick up their
blankets at the prize booth.
A special prize feature will be
a grab bag that includes free din-
local merchants are stuffed ani-
mals, stationery, cosmetics, rec-
ord albums, jewelry and articles
of clothing.
Women have been granted late
permission for both nights. Alice
Mencher '53; newspaper bublicity