'AGE FOUR THE MICHIGAN DAILY WEDNESDAY, APRiL 23, 1952 The Tru THE Michigan Legislatur has taken an- other step backwards.,in the fight against Communism with its passage of the Trucks Communist Control Bill. The bill, which contains a rather fren- zied outlawing of the Communist Party from the ballot, loose definitions of Com- munists and Communistic organizations, registration of known Communists with a compulsory informer process and the ban- nings of suspect Communists from state employment, is of doubtful constitution- ality. Instead of strengthening the pro- cesses of democracy, it indiscriminately tears, down a good many, heretofore valued precedents of law, order and citizens' rights. And in helping to drive the CP underground, it will negate its supposed purpose of controlling the party. Since the Bill was passed a week ago. more than one admitted Communist has strongly implied that no registration pro- cess would serve to keep the party down. "The party will always find a way and a means of functioning," one CP official told the press last week. The underground versus on-the-surface schools of thought have been dragged about so much lately, it seems repetitious to back- track again. Yet it cannot be emphasized enough. It is better to have the Communists func- tioning in plain view of everyone, operating so that they can be openly refuted, than to have them function exclusively from a tight underground network. Such a web is harder to keep track of and harder to counteract than any openly operating column. In accomplishing its purpose, the bill poses a threat to the constitution, and to the citizenship priviledges of a good many innocent people. Under the law, known Communists in Michigan are fored to register, on threat of being charged with a felony and landing in prison or paying a large fine. Never in the past have citi- zens been forced to openly incriminate themselves in writing. The Communists, under this bill are backed against a wallz There are those who may argue that known Communists are by political allegi- ance, not citizens of the United States, and so do not deserve protection under the Con- stitution. Even if this point were granted, the bill would still foster injustice, for the way the registration has been set up, known Communists would not be the only ones to get on the list. s* * E ACT is so loosely worded it- can, in the words of a state policeman, "Make them tell us anything we might want to know about Communists a'nd Communist activity in Michigan." This includes listing the names of people who have ever attended one meeting of a Communist or allegedly Communistic front organization. There are a good many people who have no doubt attended such meetings from time to time. Yet, though it would be ridiculous to believe that anyone who ever attends such a meeting is automatically a Commun- ist, this bill is suggesting just that, and would put such people on the Michigan sub- versive list. The definitions, which compose a bulk As Bilk or the bill, are on the whole, nebulously worded, and could be open to any kind of interpretation. A Communist is anyone who commits or advocates the commission of any act "reasonably calculated" to over- throw the government. A Communist or. ganization is any group which is "sub- stantially directed" by the USSR. And, perhaps worst of all, no person may hold a state office where "reasonable ground exists" for the "employer or another su- perior" to believe that such a person is a Communist. There is no statement within the act to say who is to interpret these clouded phrases. It might be the state police, who are charged with carrying out the provisions of the act, or it might be the courts. But In either case, the chance for injustice is great. With little or no evidence, a person can be branded a Communist, perhaps deprived of his livelihood, and made an outcast with a dangerous political record. This could hap- pen not only to Communists, but to anyone who might disagree with current foreign policy, or perhaps agree with something that the CP might advocate. It would take only the impetus of a frightened or unthinking "employer or other superior" to send the axe falling down on an innocent neck. Finally, the Trucks bill provides that the records and registration data which the State police collect will be open almost with- out restriction to the public. This is an al- most unheard of precedent; the FBI keeps its security records secret even from the Senate investigators. But almost any mem- ber of the general public could look at the police records. Someone on the list could be pursued mercilessly, guilty or not, by the public fact of the listing. * * *0 ULTIMATELY a localized McCarran Act, the Trucks bill is another bad example of fear overtaking and overpowering ration- al intelligence in the now raging cold war. On March 3 Justice William O. Douglas, in a speech in Philadelphia explained some of the process, which he noted, leads to legislation like this bill. "Irresponsible talk by irresponsible peo- ple has faned the flames of fear," he said. "Accusations have been loosely made. Char- acter assassinations have become common. Once we could debate with impunity along a wide range of inquiry . . . Now there is a suspicion-innocent acts become tell-tale marks of disloyalty. The coincidence that an' idea parallels Soviet Russia's policy for a moment of time settles an aura of suspicion around a person,.. Justice Douglas said a great deal more. But he seems to have hit the core of the problem, with these few words. People are so overwhelmed by the fear of Communism, they forget how to fight it. They are willing to throw over even the precious In order to squelch the enemy. They fight fire with fire-forgetting that a little water might have more effect. The Trucks bill is one of the conflagra- tions of the age. It is a sad manifestation of this overwhelming Fear. It will cause a great deal of misfortune, unnecessary problems and headaches. -Donna Hendleman DREW PEARSON: Washington Merry-Go-Round (Editor's Note-Drew Pearson is now in Europe making a survey of General Eisen- hower's work as he concludes his European assignment and of Russia's current drive to upset the formation of a unified European army. This is the second of Mr. Pearson's dispatches from France.) PARIS-If Dwight D. Eisenhower is elected president, the time may come when American publishers and newsmen who now berate Truman will look back on the free- and-easy press relations of today with signs of nostalgic longing. For Ike's press rela- tions are going to be a lot different from the present system, under which a news- naperman can throw any question under the sun at Ilarry Truman and have him bat the ball back most of the time. They will also be a lot different from the present system whereby a White House press conference can be quoted verbatim except for putting quo- tation marks around the President's actual words. Ike just isn't going to do it that way. His press relations are pleasant and cor- dial but are played according to his rules. And his rules so far do not permit ques- tions. Current White House rules whereby you can ask Truman "Have you written any more letters to music critics?" or "Who is your candidate for president?" are out with Ike. Furthermore it looks as if free and open press conferences, such as those conducted by Senator Taft and other candidates, would be out when Ike gets back to the U.S.A. be- tween June 1 and the Chicago convention, There will be some press conferences but not many, and detailed questions will not be encouraged. In brief, the old Herbert Hoo- ver system whereby questions had to be sub- mitted in writing 24 hours in advance may be the order of the day under the next Republican president. BRITISH DON'T WANT BRADLEY EISEHOWERS personal prestige and popularity are so great in Europe that the job of replacing him is much more diffi- cult than is generally appreciated. If it weren't for a little-known event in a muddy Dutch village during the Winter of 1944, Gen. Omar Bradley, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, would be the natural choice. At that time General Bradley had suf- fered a setback in the Battle of the Bulge following which his First and Ninth Armies were transferred to Field Marshall Bernard Montgomery and, with this added American support, Monty hit the German flank through Holland and stopped the Nazis. After the victory Monty's chief of staff phoned-Allan Morehead, now press relations officer of the British War Ministry, and said: "Monty wants to hold a press confer- ence. What do you think of the idea?" "I think it would be a great mistake," Morehead replied. "The Americans will be mortally hurt and no good can come of it, Go back and persuade him not to.," However, Montgomery held the confer- ence just the same. British, Dutch and American journalists were called into the schoolhouse in a Dutch village where Monty, in a red beret and red blouse and with hand grenades strung over his shoul- der, told how he had won the Battle of the Bulge. Of course, the use of Bradley's First and Ninth Armies was not mentioned during the interview and Bradley never forgave Monty for this, as was made quite clear in Bradley's recent masterful book in which he told how, prior to the Battle of the Bulge, Montgomery remained rooted alongside the English Channel demanding more troops while American forces chased the Nazis up to the Rhine. .That book caused a furor in England and fanned the flames of national jealousy to the point where Bradley couldn't possibly get British cooperation in the NATO Army. KREMLIN'S ASTUTE PROPAGANDA FRENCH COMMUNISTS have adopted a -k policy of cutting the tires on any Amer- ican car that looks too prosperous if they find it parked in an isolated street. The strategy behind this policy is not so much anti-American as to make Americans anti- French. American tourists visiting France this summer should bear this in mind. They should also bear in mind the fact that, if the Communists are able to stir up ill will betwen France and the United States, they will have taken an important step toward thwarting the formation of a unified Euro- pean Army - an Army which Moscow fears more than any other single postwar develop- ment. Incidentally, that's why Sen. Pat Mc- Carran of Nevada, while making a great fetish of tracking down alleged Commun- ists with one hand, plays right into the Communist lap with the other hand by curtailing U.S. propaganda abroad. In Alsace, a French friend told me he had listened to the Moscow radio recently broad- casting an interview with an alleged "Mr. Iks" who had "escaped" from New York. "And what did you do for recreation in America?" the Moscow interviewer asked. "Oh, on Sunday," Mr. Iks replied, "we went to the lynchings." "Who did you lynch?" he was asked. "Mostly Negroes," was the reply. "Some Jews and some other people." "How many did* you lynch?" the alleged refugee from America was asked. "About ten every Sunday. Finally I got sick of it," he continued. "I couldn't stand it any more and had to come back to Russia." i U ,The Gingerbread House etteP4 TO THE EDITOR The Daily welcomes communications from its readers on matters of general interest, and will publish all letters which are signed by the writer and in good taste. Letters exceeding 300 words in length, defamatory or libelous letters,'and letters which for any reason are not in good taste will be condensed, edited or withheld from publication at the discretion of the editors. *0 9. DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN + MUSIC + WI (Continued from page 2) mittee on Graduate Studies in Educa- tion, 4019 University High School. History 12, Lec. Gr. 11, Examination. Fri., April 25, 10 a.m., Natural Science Auditorium. Aero Seminar: Dr. Maurice A. BruU will discuss "The Effect of Creep in Aircraft Structures Operating at Ele- vated Temperatures," Thurs., April 24, 4 p.m., 1504 E. Engineering Bldg. Inter- ested students, teaching and research staff welcome. Chemistry Colloquium. Prof. R. W. Parry will 'speak on "Borine Comi pounds," Wed., April 23, 4:10 p.m., 1400 Chemistry Bldg. Visitors are welcome. Engineering Mechanics Seminar, Wed., April 23, 3:45 p.m., 101 W. Engineering Bldg. Prof. o. Laporte will speak on' "A. Sommerfeld and His Work in En- gineering, Physics, and Mathematics." Geometry Seminar. Wed., April 23, 4:10 p.m., 3001 Angell Hall. Mr. Kilby will speak on "Convex Polyhedral Cones and the Weyl Theorem" Logic Seminar. Wed., April 23, 2 p.m., 2219 Angell Hall. J. R. Shoenfield will speak on "Axiom Systems for Mathe- rmatics." Seminar in Applied Mathematics. Thurs., April 24, 4 p.m., 247 W. Engi- neering Bldg. Mr. Paul Gray will talk on "A New Approach to Dirac Delta Functions: Theory of Distribution." 6Seminar In Mathematical Statistics Wed., April 23, 3 p.m., 3201 Angell Hall. I Speaker; Mr. Bicknell. Orientation Seminar (mathematics). Wed., April 23, 2 p.m., 3001 A. H. Mr. Al Dhahir will conclude his remarks on "Some Problems in the Beginnings of Non-Euclidean Geonetry," and Mr. Stubblefield will begin his discussion of "The Transcendental Character of p1 and e." Doctoral Examination for Wilbur Al- len Williams, Education; thesis: "Re- lationship of Eye-Hand Coordination in Children to Total Development," Wed.. April 23, West Council Room, Rackham Bldg., 4 p.m. Chairman, W. C. Olson. Doctoral Examination for ' James Schuyler Jordan, Wildlife Management; thesis: "Lead Poisoning in Migratory Waterfowl, with Special Reference to the Mallard Anas platyrhynchos L.," Thurs., April 24, 9 a.m., East Council Room, Rackham Bldg. Chairman, W. W. Chase. Doctoral Examination for Chi-Jung Lu, Pharmaceutical Chemistry; thesis: "The Preparation of Local Anesthetics and Antispasmodics from Basic Alco- hols which Contain 5-, 6-, 7-, and 8- Membered Nitrogenous Rings," Thurs., April 24, 10 a.m., 2525 Chemistry Bldg. Chairman, F. F. Blicke. Concerts U. of M. Women's Glee Club Spring Concert, under the direction of Jean- ette Floyd Estep, will be held tonight at 8:30, in Rackham Aditorium. Pro- gram; works by Bach, Noble Cain, Gershwin, and others. Ellen Traxer will be the guest soprano, with Mary Ann Smeltzer playing a piano repetoire. It is open to the general public. Voice class Program, 4:15 p.m., Wed., April 23, 506 Burton Tower, under the direction of Arlene Soilenberer. Solo- ists: Mary Gallagher, soprano, Alice Woodard, Mezzo-soprano; accompanists: Margaret Strand and Bethyne Bischoff. Open to the public. Composers' Forum under the direc- tion of Ross Lee Finney, will be held at 8:30 Wednesday, April 23, in the Rack- ham Assembly Hall. The program will include works by Rolv Yttrehus Karl Magnuson, Donald Harris, George Wil- son, and Alexander Smith, payed by Unto Erkkila and Donald Miller, violin- ists, Donald Truesdell, William etter- son and Karl Magnuson, pianists, Da- vid Ireland, violist, and Jerome Jelinek, cellist. It will be open to the- general- public, Student Recital: Joan Robinson, stu- dent of piano with Marian Owen, will be heard at 8:30 Thursday evening, April 24, in the Architecture Auditor- ium, presenting a program in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Music. It will in- cude works by Bach, Beethoven, Brahms, Villa-Lobos and Prokofieff, and will be open to the public,. f Events Today open' tonight at 8 o'clock! in Lydia Mendelssohn' Theatre. Presented by the Dept. of Speech, the satire will run through Saturday night. Tickets for all performances may be purchased at the Mendelssohn box office, 11 a.m. to 8 p.m., daily. Students may purchase tickets at a reduced fee for tonight and tomorrow night's performances. Canterbury Club: Chaplain and Mrs. Cooke are inviting all Episcopal stu- dents and faculty to an open house in their home, 1005 Lincoln, this evening from 7:30 to 10:30. Leadership Training Retreat: First meeting of committee for organization plans, Lane Hall, 4:30 p.m. Comparative Religions Seminar, Lane Hail, 7 p.m. All interested students wel- come. Michigan Christian Fellowship. Ev- eryone is invited to the Bible Study at. 7:15 p.m., Lane Hall. Wesleyan Guild: Do-Drop-In for tea and chatter, 4 to 5:30 p.m., at the lounge. Visitors are welcome. Ukrainian Students Club. Meeting, 7:30 p.m., Madelon Pound House, 1024 Hill Street. The official picture of the Club will be taken and the presence of all members is required, Literary College Conference Steering Committee. 4 p.m., 1011 Angell Hall. Michigan Arts Chorale will meet in Lane Hall, 7 p.m. U. of M. Rifle Club. Meeting, 7:15 p.m., ROTC Rifle Range. A postal match is to be fired and a meeting of the club officers to be held. Scabbard and Blade. Meeting, 7:30 p.m., TCB, to elect new officers and finish unsettled business of this se- mester. Try to attend. Undergraduate Botany Club. Meeting, 7:30 p.m., at Dr. Clover's house, 1552 Hill. Our speaker will be Dr. Wagner at 8 o'clock. Albion College Alumni and friends are invited to meet at 7:45 p.m., West Con- ference Room, Rakham Building. Mr. Robert McCoy, Detroit, will talk on "Human Relations," and college repre- sentatives will be present. Refresh- ments, Further information may be ob- tained from the local president, Mr. John Stone, 'phone 5695. Coffee Hour for students and faculty of Economics and Business Administra- tion, 4-6 p.m., Union Terrace Room. Weekly Union Bridge Tournament. 7:30 p.m., small Ballroom, Union. Open to all students. Late permission for coeds. Polonia Club. Meeting, 7:30 p.m., In- ternational Center. All those of Polish descent and all who are interested in Polish culture are invited Delta Sigma Pi, Professional Busi- ness Fraternity. Regular meeting and election of officers, 7:30 p.m. at the chapter house. Coming Events Kappa Phi. Dinner and program, 5:39 p.m., Thurs., April 24, at the Methodist church. All members are urged to be present. U. of M. Sailing Club. Meeting, Thurs., April 24, 7:30 p.m., 311 W. Engineering. Shore school on regattas and racing. Michigan Invitational Regatta Satur- day and Sunday at Whitmore Lake. Union Opera Cast: General meeting, Thurs., April 24, 7:30 p.m., Union. Re- cordings and other unfinished business.. Inter-Cultural Outing, Saturday and Sunday, April 26-27, Pinebrook Farm. Theme: "Life in the United States." Leave Lane Hall Saturday, 2:30 p.m. and return Sunday, 3 p.m. 'Phone Lane Hall by Thursday noon for reservations. International Relations Club. Meet- ing, Thurs., April 24, 7:30 p.m., Room 3D, Union. Topic for discussion: "South Africa." Hillel Social Committee meets Thurs., 7:30 p.m., at. the new Hillel building, 1429 Hill St. All members and inter- ested people are invited. Open House. All members of the fa- culty are invited to attend thehAlice Lloyd Hall Open House, Sun., April 27, 3-5 p.m. Chess Club. Meeting, 7:30 p.m., Thurs., April 24. Union. Spring tournament to Serious Mischief..*. To the Editor: ACCORDING to the Daily of April 19, the McPhaul dinner conspirators are being charged with violating a by-law which reads: "No permission for the use of University property for meet- ings or lectures shall be granted to any student organization not recognized by University authori- ties, nor shall such permission be granted to any individual stu- dent." Isn't it obvious that this regu- lation can only be violated by a University official who grants such permission? Are any of the conspirators being charged with illegally granting permission for a meeting? It may seem thatthe point I am raising is pettifogging, but that is the level of the whole affair. If the University is really interested in combatting subversion, the way to do it is to let it out into the open. Characters like McPhaul spouting in public would lose more followers than they would gain, and might even learn something themselves (if that is possible) from having to face an audience not composed entirely of the faith- ful. Also, a good part of the thrill that these affairs give their simple minded participants is from the atmosphere of conspiracy and re- bellion surrounding them. But maybe the University knows best, and is intentionally giving the students who are so inclined, something to conspire about, and thereby keeping them out of seri- ous mischief, such as passing out leaflets. -Leonard M. Naphtali Free Speech... To the Editor: IN THE latest issue of U.S. News and World Report the cat has slipped out of the bag. The cover page is titled War Outlook for 1952. After discussing the fact that for various reasons the Soviet Union does not want a war in 1952 the following revealing state- ment is made. "Problems for the, U.S. are not overlooked in this new situation. Strategy of avoiding war, now dominant in Kremlin policy, confronts the United States with some real headaches. A sud- den outbreak of peace' can change almost everything. Rearmament programs are far advanced in the U.S. and are being pushed by the U.S. in other Western countries. Without the threat of expandingj war, rearmament may take on less urgency." More and more people are be- ginning to realize that an artifi- cially continued arms race is not the way to peace. The question is being asked, can nations of dif- ferent ideologies and different eco- nomic systems live together side by side in peace? I think every1 outstanding difficulty on the road to peace can be settled peacefully1 over the conference table if only for the reason that the lives and futures of all people in the world would be jeopardized by a war to an alarming degree. We can meet our supposed enemies. We caii meet themaround the conference table, we can meet them in trade, we can meet them in science, cul- ture, and sport. But we cannot do this if here at home an atmosphere of fear and hysteria is maintained. We cannot do this when at a Univer- sity which is .supposed to be the citadel of free discussion of all ideas, the Administration makes every effort to make it a crime to hear a speaker whose view they don't agree with. When the Ad- ministration tries to punish people for the right to hear a speaker, they reveal that they are gripped by fear. It is our responsibility to see that speakers of all shades of opinion be heard whether it be Taft or Arthur McPhaul. There is only one standard, that is the standard of free speech for all. . -Robert Schor Stevenson Club . . To the Editor: THE BEST qualified man for the Presidency today is undoubt- edly Governor Adlai Stevenson of Illinois. As governor he has a remark-' able record of positive achieve- ment. In the field of civil rights, Stevenson has abolished offi- cial segregation in the public schools, inserted non-discrimina- tion clauses in state contracts, and ordered the state labor depart- ment to refuse to accept discrim- inatory job orders from employ- ers. Illinois' labor laws have been liberalized by increasing work- of agriculture, the Illinois com- merce commission, and the state welfare system, have been reor- ganized and cleansed of graft. In making the government of Illinois more efficient, Governor Stevenson has made it less expen- sive."Our aim," Stevenson assert- ed, "has been a better job with fewer employees." Thus. Stevenson has proved himself an exceptionally able ad-' ministrator. In the field of foreign affairs, Stevenson has also had consider- able experience. For nearly a year, Stevenson was an American min- ister in London and chief of the U. S. delegation to the prepara- tory commission that drew the ground plans for the U.N. In 1946-47, he was the American delegate to the General Assembly. Unfortunately, Governor Stev- enson said he could not run. But, I for one, can not believe that he would refuse to accept the Demo- cratic nomination if it is tendered to him, No American as uniquely quali- fied for the job as Stevenson so clearly is, can or will refuse his personal services to his country in the time of crisis. All those who believe the coun- try needs a man like Stevenson to lead it through the times ahead, are invited to attend the Steven- son-for-President Clubs meeting at 7:30 tonight in Room 3D in the Union. -Joni Marlow * 0 * Lecture Committee ... To the Editor: NOT long ago, large posters dom- inated University bulletin boards, stating pointedly the wis- dom of Senator Taft's politics and leading the reader to believe that, presumably with the full blessing of the lecture committee, Mr. Taft would publicly violate a University regulation in Hill Auditorium. On the other hand, some time prior to that "educational lecture," another speaker, Mr. McPhaul, whose announced topic was not in violation of University regulations, was denied the right' to. speak. Subsequentrdevelopments are a matter of record. There are some aspects of Mr. Taft's approach with which I do not find myself in accord. Mr. McPhaul has not been so explicit in regard to his policies, but al- though I believe in innocence until guilt is proved, I strongly suspect that his approach might also prove foreign in some respects to my own. However, I fail to see the jus- tice in welcoming with open arms one end of the political spectrum (in flagrantly-announced viola- tion of established rule-as inad- visable as we may consider the rule) and in banning a speaker closer to the other end (even though there were no such state- ments - only unproved assump- tions - that rules would be vio- lated). The net result is an increased awareness of the awkward posi- tion forced upon the unfortunate lecture committee, which, as has been said so often before, should be eliminated. Perhaps the Uni- versity is now better aware that banning an unpopular speaker may result in far more unfavorable pub- licity than that which would re- sult from allowing him the free- dom quietly to appear. Ed Vons ail~~gn tu~h K. R UDOLPH SERKIN, who presented a re- cital in Hill Auditorium last night, is an extraordinary pianist and a thorough-going musician. His performance was elevating, thought-provoking and fatiguing by turns, and always rewarding. Palmer Field THE TENNIS SEASON is swinging into full speed again. And the many tennis enthusiasts on the campus are swarm- ing to the courts in Palmer Field and Ferry Field. However, there does not seem to be enough court space in Palmer Field, for there are often many students waiting at the sidelines for vacant courts. This line- up is large over weekends, but it is just as apparent during the week. There are two ways by which this waiting problem could be alleviated. First, more of the men students could use the forty-eight courts in Ferry Field instead of coming to the Palmer courts which are primarily for the use of women students. And second, a lighting system could be installed. It would be advantageous for the following reasons: 1. The many students that are not lucky in obtaining a court while the tennis classes are in session, could come back at night. 2. There are a great number of students that are unable to play tennis during the day. They would appreciate a chance to play tennis in the evening, 3. Also more outdoor activities such as square dancing could take place on the Palmercourts. According to the director of Women's As a technician; Serkin is almost, but not quite, the complete master of his instrument. His remarkable facility seems to explode from a coil-spring nervous system, with such drive and tension that control is some- times sacrificed. His fortissimos are electric, but they are also harsh; his legato is facile but not fluid; his scale passages are brilliant, but they are sometimes erratic. His tone is very consistent, unerring in texture and weight, but in this consistency he fails to exploit variety of color. As a musician, Serkin is scholarly, poetic and profound. The Bach Prelude and Fugue were approached matter-of-factly and with- out variety, and in this they suffered. The Busoni "Berceuse" and "Perpetuum mobile" were delightfully conceived and executed, but seemed, as music, hardly worth the effort. The Chopin numbers were pleasing and pleasingly free of misinterpreted rubato. The well-known "Invitation to the Dance" by Weber was pure delight. The only really important thing that hap- pened last evening was a Herculean reading of the Beethoven "Hammerklavier" Sonata. This vast composition, the immensity of which cannot fail to awe, is taxing to com- prehend, very nearly impossible to execute. That Serkin not only comprehended, but executed it so that his comprehension got through to the audience, was an accomplish- ment of no small proportion. The Allegro, which seems to cry for resources richer than those afforded by mere hammers and strings, was forced at times, but on the whole overwhelming. Serkin seemed to miss the somewhat inscrutable humor of the Scherzo-a humor which is essential to the proper effect of the dolorous and profound- 'ly moving Adagio which follows. The col- ossal fugue, over which the greatest artists strain, was richly realized. The conclusion of the work brought an ovation which testi- Sixty-Second Year Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Editorial Staff Chuck Elliott ........Managing Editor Bob Keith ..................City Editor Leonard Greenbaum, Editorial Director Vern Emerson *.........Feature Editor Ron watts .............Associate Editor Bob vaughn ...........Associate Editor Ted Papes ...............sports Editor George Flint ... .Associate sports Editor Jim Parker .....Associate Sports Editor Jan James............Women's Editor Jo Ketelhut. Associate Women's Editor BnLsMesS taff Bob Miller ...........Business Manager Gene Kuthy, Assoc. Business Manager Charles Cuson ....Advertising Manager