FOUR THE MICHIGAN DAILY TUESDAY, APRIL 22, 1952 UI Marriage Series A 14-YEAR tradition was almost ended at the University this spring. But because of a grassroots movement among the students, the traditional Marriage Lecture Series was not terminated. Today the tickets for the 4-lecture series go on sale. From here on, it's up to the students to prove that they really want to continue the series. Since 1947, the Marriage Lecture Series has consis- tently lost money. Last year it ran up a $471 deficit. However, several student organizations have agreed this spring to back the series In case of financial failure. They believed it was worth the risk, if the students really wanted the Series continued. The lectures have been steramlined in their approach. They will be entirely frank. And above all, the lecturers are considered by experts to be the best in the field of human relations. Details of ticket sales, lecture dates and titles hre listed on Page 1. This year's Series is crucial if the tradition is to be continued. Won't you give it your fullest support? -Ron Watts INTERPRETING THE NEWS: Point IV By J. M. ROBERTS, JR. Associated Press News Analyst TrHE UNITED STATES, without much money appropirated for the job, is try- ing to expand its point four program and at the same time avoid the tag of imperial- ism. After much discussion and many trial runs, point four administrators seem to have gone back to the long-standing Nelson Rockefeller program, conducted by the Institute of Latin-American 'Af- fairs, for basic policy. That idea is to get underdeveloped coun- tries to accept the gift of American techni- cal, assistance and conduct their own pro- grams. But they are not being pressed, either at the government or the public level. Govern- ments agree, in return, merely to "join in promoting international understanding and good will, and in maintaining world peace, and to take such action as may be mutually agreed upon looking toward the elimination of world tensions." That's what the Commu- nists and -some of the extreme Nationalists don't like, but to any middle-of-the-roader it would hardly see mto contain the means of coercion or hegemony. The policy is simply exemplified in Iran, where an educational and agricultural pro- gram has been started. Nothing high flown. Where education of the masses has con. sisted almost entirely of memorizing the Koran under the tutelage of teachers who themselves could not write, or read anything else, the teachers are now being taught, and expected to pass on, the three R's. Where agricultural methods have re- mained unchanged for hundreds of years, and there Is antipathy toward change, Americans merely plant small gardens with better seeds and till them with mod- ern methods and let the people look at the results. If people inquire, they will be shown how. They will not get free seeds, however, since personal investment and pride is believed essential to the program. Instead they are sold seeds at the extreme- ly low prices they can afford, and told to go and do likewise. Well-bred baby chicks are flown from America and traded to In- dividuals for their own scrawny fowl. Then the latter are slaughtered to help pay for the program. The aim is to give the countries hygienic, agricultural and educational bases for a healthy labor force and prepare for intro- duction of private development capital. CJINIEM THE MAN IN THE WHITE SUIT, with Alec Guinness. WITH NO HOLLYWOOD pretensions the British moviemakers have brought out what is probably the best comedy of the year. The picture, reportedly making its midwest debut in Ann Arbor after a run in New York, comes off much better than the earlier "Lavender Hill Mob." Both pictures make use of the little man rocking a good part of the world, a role which seems cut out for Quinness. In this case he is an amateur scientist wjth hopes of creating a synthetic cloth which neither wears out nor gets dirty. His near success causes a major upset in the textile in- dustry and almost brings on the end of his promising career. The film takes a playful swipe at several typical industrial characters-a decadent capitalist, a fanatic labor unionist, and a not-too-bright-businessman-that makes it almost a study in caricature. The most ridi- culously hilarious person in the picture is a wheezing old man, at least as rich and pow- Sorority Rushing "Talk About' Trouble Getting Men For Government THE 1NEW sorority rushing plan which would have houses rush in the fall in- stead of the spring of each year should be retracted before it is put into effect. Ostentatiously an aid to inter-campus relations-it would remove sorority con- tact rules which now keep affiliated wo- men out of the dorms until after spring rushing-it would really serve little good and could be harmful to the social well- being of a good many rushees. Under the new plan interested persons would sign up to rush the Thursday of ori- entation week. In other words, after less than one week in residence at this Univer- sity, women would have to decide whether or not to send themselves through the rush- ing mill. Coming here from high schools and other colleges, they could have only the smallest inkling of what being affiliated might mean at Michigan. Yet they would be making de- cisions which would influence the rest of their .college lives. Under the now usurped process, women have at least a semester to look around and decide whether or not they want to try for an affiliated house. Pan Hellenic association might argue that people can always de-pledge if they find afterwards that they have made the wrong, choice. It seems that Pan Hel would here be making more work for itself than is needed. With more confused people rushing than ever before, the number of disappoint- ed or disillusioned pledges might climb to embarrassing proportions. This would make rushing a singularly ex- pensive process. Finally, one might notice the possible academic problems rushing might create for the freshman. A good many freshmen have all they can do to acclimate them- selves to their four course-fifteen hour grind without bothering with any outside worries. For these reasons, it seems that Pan Hel- lenic has made a selfish decision in chang- ing its rushing dates. For the good of all concerned, it should reconsider its stand. -Donna Hendleman fl11ps r_ -orEoRT 'N. WIL - . ;{ 4 ' ".+ _ , / R DE taA44 .' To UI f AK /etteA4 TO THE EDITOR The Daily welcomes communications from its readers on matters of general interest, and will publish all letters which are signed by the writer and in good taste. Letters exceeding 300 words in length, defamatory or libelous letters, and letters which for any reason are not in good taste will be condensed, edited or withheld from publication at the discretion of the editors. Othello Permission o fvTS TMi .Nf41NVG'i'ans ?1 9C Ca WOMEN'S JUDICIARY receives three cheers for deciding to grant midweek late permission to coeds attending the Arts Theater production of '"Othello." Judic took this action after Dean of Women Deborah Bacon refused to revoke her previous ruling of no late permissions for "Othello." This ruling, nominally based on the length of the play (four hours), seemed unwar- ranted at first glance. In the past the Dean has granted very late permission for such overtime events as the King Cole-Sarah Vaughan jazz concert last fall. Hence the time element seemed a pretty meager ex- cuse for a ruling which amounts to a boycott on Shakespeare. When Dean Bacon was approached by pro- testing coeds, she said that she considered midweek late permission for "Othello" to be unnecessary, because coeds could attend the weekend performances and matinees, She also pointed-out that it would be unfair to make the house mothers stay up late every night over such a long period of time. Dean Bacon decided not to reverse her earlier stand for the above reasons, but she also felt that the students should work through their own student government, not through the Office of the Dean of Women. This idea was indeed worthy; the stu- dent body as a whole certainly favors a strong student government. However, Dean Bacon could have worked toward it in a more positive way. Her refusal needlessly inconvenienced many students and was unfair to the Arts Theater Club. During the time between her ruling and Judic's action, many coeds either stayed home or walked out in the middle of "Othello," rather than make up several hours' time. Women's Judiciary came through, as Dean Bacon and the students had hoped, and de- cided to grant the necessary late permission. Perhaps this incident will serve to remind the students that they can express them- selves through their government if they only make the effort. DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN I I ---Hemmy Klawans 0 1 ON THE Washington Merry-Go-Round WITH DR EEASON iI 'U'! PARIS-Most of the newsmen around Paris seem to think that the most important story in Europe Is Eisenhower-when he will leave, where he will speak, what he had for breakfast. I don't think so. To me, the most important story on either side of the Atlantic today is that the peace of Europe may be within our grasp. Peace can be made or unmade within the next few months. And it's unfortunate that Eisenhower is leaving at this crucial time, when a push here or his persuasive influence there could make such a difference for fu- ture war or peace. The vital fact to be remembered about Europe today is that for 80 years men have been marching into battle on either side of the Rhine and now, for the first time in 80 years, they plan to organize on both sides of the Rhine under one army wear- ing the same uniform. Eisenhower did not conceive this idea of a. a unified European army. The diplomats conceived it, notably Robert Schuman of France. But Ike has given it its longest push,. forward, and if the final push can be given in the next few weeks it will be more im- portant to his grandchildren than his be- coming President. That's why future his- torians may write that Eisenhower's de- parture at this particular moment influenc- ed the future of Europe for better or for worse and for a long time to come. -MOSCOW FEARS UNIFIED EUROPE- HOW STRONG the drive is toward a uni- fied Europe may be judged by the drive of the men in the Kremlin to head it off. Nobody knows better than they what a uni- ted Europe.under one army would do, first, to European defense, and second, to the fight against Communism. That's why peace in Korea, elections in East Germany, the evacuation of the Red army from East Ger- many, even the return of East Prussia to Germany all are involved in the Kremlin's efforts to block the new accord between France and Germany. It's a race for unity by the allies and a race against unity by the Kremlin, with Mos- cow ready to throw most of its most im- portant blue chips into the pot to block the dreaded idea of France and Germany de- fending each other from the common ene- my with a common army. Unfortunately, Moscow has some potent allies-even including a few in the United States. Here is a roll-call of the "eople and factors lined up with Moscow to defeat the most important step toward world peace in eighty years: ALLY NO. 1-is corruption in the U.S.A. After World War I a great leader, Woodrow Wilson, got sick and with him sickened the world's aspirations for peace. After World failing to clean up the corruption in his administratoin, and by letting public atten- tion focus on that corruption' rather than on world unity. - ALLY NO. 2-is French fear and apathy. Though he lives with a potential enemy across the border and though his land has suffered two devastating irnasions in three decades, there is no man more provincial than the Frenchman. And today, though most French leaders are for unity with Ger- many, the man in the street is skeptical. "Do not arm Germany with anything more than a wooden sword," he says. The average Frenchman not only fears Germany but he is apathetic about the whole business of peace. He is like many Ameri- cans today-tired of paying high taxes, against peacetime military conscription, op- posed to having American or any foreigna troops on French soil. ALLY NO. 3-is the German Socialists. They are deadly opposed to German rearma- ment of any kind: in fact, German youth have laid down in the streets to demonstrate against the proposed Germanarmy. So far, Chancellor Konrad Adenauer, who favors a European army, has the majority of West Germany with him, but his margin of votes is dangerously slim. , ALLY NO. 4-is a religious one. It's the opposition of French Socialists to a West European army, which they claim would be an army of the Catholic church. e * * -FEAR ROME'S DOMINATION- lULES MOCH, former French Minister of 'Defense and leading Socialist, outlined this view recently to the American officers at SHAPE. He pointed out that Foreign Minister Schuman and Georges Bidault, the French architects of the unified army, were strong leaders of the Catholic party, that Adenauer was a leader of the Catholic party in Germany, that Premier Alcide de Gasperi of Italy was trained in the Vatican, and that the leaders of the Belgian government are strong Catholics. Therefore, the members of the French Socialist Party, he said, were opposed to creating an army that might be dominated by Rome. The French Socialists, Moch said, were counting on Protestant England to counter- balance this, but, with England out of the European army the Socialist Party of France would vote "no" when it came to ratifying the army plan. While Moch's view represents a minority nevertheless it is significant -. because the French government cannot get parliamentary approval of a unified army without the Socialist votes. Thus it may be that France, which originally proposed an army fighting under one uniform, may be the country finally to reject it. Thus, also, Eisenhower, who now faces the first poli- (Continued from Page 2) System. The openings are for native- born citizens and are for both men and women. Typing and shorthand are re- quired. Koppers Company, Inc., of Chicago, has openings for a Forester and Chemi cal Engineer for their Cadet Training Program. This program is designed to gain as much knowledg'e as possible about the company and the Wood Pre- serving Division. The Eli Lilly and Co. of Indianapolis Is interested in individuals with a Bachelor's degree in Chemical Engi- neering and who are completing work toward, a degree in Pharmacy. June graduates are eligible to apply as well as people completing their work in June 1953. Contact the Bureau of Ap- pointments for further information. Montgomery Ward of Chicago has an opening for a woman to be a Mail Ora der Department Manager. The position would entail running. a Mail-Order Catalog office. For further Information, appoint- ments, and application blanks, contact the Bureau of Appointments, 3528 Ad- ministration Building, Ext. 371. Lectures University Lecture, auspices of the Department of Fine Arts. "A New Chap- ter of Medieval Art-the Frescoes of Castelseprio," by Dr. Charles R. Morey. 4:15 p.m., Room D, Alumni Memorial Hall, Wed., April 23. Lecture, auspices of U. of M. Society of Medical Students. "Neuroaatomica Basis and Clinical Significance of Cer- tain Eye Movements," Dr. Elizabeth C. Crosby. Tues., April 22. 8 p.m., Na- tural Science Auditorium. Academic Notices Engineering Mechanics Seminar. Wed., April 23, 3:45 p.m., 101 W. Engineering Bldg. Prof. O. Laporte will speak on "A. Sommerfeld and His Work in En- gineering, Physics, and Mathematics." Mathematics Colloquium:'Tues., April 22, 4:10 p.m., 3011 Angell Hall. Prof. George Piranian will speak on "Suc- cessive Simplification of a Special Con- struction in Conformal Mapping." Logic Seminar. Wed., April 23, 2 p.m. 2219 Angell Hall. J. R. Shoenfield will speak on "Axiom Systems for Mathe- matics." Medical School Admission 'Test: Those students who have not as yet obtained their application blanks for the Medical School Admission Test to be given May 10, 1952, can obtain them at 110 Rackham Building. These appli- cation blanks are due in Princeton, New Jersey not later than April 26. Selective Service. Examination, April 24: Students taking the Selective Ser- vice College Qualification Test on April 24 are requested to report to Room 130, Business Administration Building at 8:30 a.m. Golf Instruction-Women Students. An additional course in golf instruction is to be offered on Fridays at 2:20 be- ginning April 25 at the Women's Ath- letic Building. Students who are interested should register immediately in Office 15. Bar- bour Gymnasium. Doctoral Examination for Betty Jane Ganzhorn, Education: thesis: "Rela- tion of Physical, Mental, and Clinical Characteristics to the Biological Pro- files of Seemingly Satisfactorily Ad- usted Adolescents," Tues., April 22, 4019 University High School. 4 p.m. Chairman, H. C. Koch. Doctoral Examination for Wilbur Al- len Williams.'Education; thesis: "Re- lationship of Eye-Hand Coordination in Children to Total Development," Wed., April 23, West Council Room, Rackham Bldg., 4 p.m. Chairman, W. C. Olson. Geometry Seminar. Wed., April 23, 4:10 p.m., 3001 Angell Hall. Mr. Kilby will speak on "Convex Polyhedral Cones and the Weyl Theorem." Orientation Seminar (mathematics). Wed., April 23, 2 p.m., 3001 A. H. Mr. Al Dhahir will conclude his remarks on "Some Problems in the Beginnings of Non-Euclidean Geometry," and Mr. Stubblefield will begin his discussion of "The Transcendental Character of- pi and e." Seminar in Organic Chemistry. Alex- ander Ross will discuss "Recent Achievements in the Synthesis of Cor- tisone and Related Compounds," Tues., April 22, 7:30 p.m., 1300 Chemistry Bldg. Visitors are welcome. Chemistry Colloquium. Prof. R. W. Parry will speak on "Borine Com- pounds," Wed., April 23, 4:10 p.m., 1400 Chemistry Bldg. Visitors are welcome. Concerts Student Recital Postponed: Robert Eason, Baritone, whose recital has been announced for Tues.. April 22, in the direction of Arlene Sollenberger. Solo- ists: Mary Gallagher, soprano, Alice Woodard, Mezzo-soprano; accompanists: Margaret Strand and Bethyne Bischoff. Open to the public. Events Today Christian Science Organization: Tes- timonial meeting 7:30 p.m., Upper Room, Lane Hall. Hiawatha Club meeting, 7:30 p.m., League, Students for Democratic Action meet- ing, 7:30 p.m., Union. Discussion of na- tional and campus issues and activities, All are invited. Wolverine Club meeting, 7:15 p.m., League. All students are invited. Young Progressives. Meeting, 7 p.m., Union, to vote on new constitution, and discuss recent student investigations on campus. Graduate Political Science Round Table. 7:45 p.m., Rackham Amphitheat- er. Three departmental graduate stu- dents will discuss: "The Graduate Pro- gram in Political Science." All interested persons are invited. Square Dance Group meets at Lane Hall, 7:15 p.m. Barf's will meet at Lane Hall, 7:30 p.m. Coming Events Michigan Arts Chorale will meet In Lane Hall on Wed., April 23, 7 p.m. Wesleyan Guild: Do-Drop-In for tea and chatter, 4 to 5:30 p.m., Wed., April 23, at the lounge. Visitors are welcome. Ukrainian Students Club. Meeting; Wed., April 23, 7:30 p.m., Madelon Pound House, 1024 Hill Street. The official pic- ture of the Club will be taken and the presence of all members is required, Albion college Alumni and friends are invited to meet on Wed., April 23, 7:45 p.m., West Conference Room, Rackham Building, Mr. Robert McCoy, Detroit, will talk on "Human Relations," and college representatives will be present. Refreshments. Further information may be obtainedufromhthe local presi- dent, Mr. John Stone, 'phone 5695. Literary College Conference Steering Committee. Wed., April 23, 4 p.m., 1011 Angel Hal. Canterbury Club. Holy Communion and breakfast at 7 a. m., Wed., April 23. Weekly Union Bridge Tournament. Wed., April 23, 7:30 p.m., small Ball- room, Union. Open to all students. Late permission for coeds. Undergraduate Botany Club. Meeting, Wed., April 23, 7:30 p.m., at Dr. Clover's house, 1522 HilL Our speaker will be Dr. Wagner at 8 oclock. U. of M. Rifle Club. Meeting Wed.. April 23, 7:15 p.m., ROTC Rifle Range. A postal match is to be fired and a meeting of the club officers to be held. Coffee Hour for students and faculty of Economics and Business Administra- tion will be held Wed., April 23, 4-6 p.m., Union Terrace Room. Scabbard and Blade. Meeting, Wed., April 23, 7:30 p.m., TCB, to elect new officers and we will finish unsettled business of this semester. Try to at- tend. Inter-Cultural Outing, Saturday and Sunday, April 26-27, Pinebrook Farm. Theme: "Life in the United States." Leave Lane Hall Saturday, 2:30 p.m. and return Sunday, 3 p.m. 'Phone Lane Hall by Thursday noon for reservations. Sixty-Second Year Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of IStudent Publications. Editorial Staff u Elliott . Managing Editor Bob Keith .................City Editor Leonard Greenbaum, Editorial Director Vern Emerson ........Feature Editor Ron watts ............Associate Editor Bob Vaughn ...........Associate Editor Ted Papes ...............Sports Editor George Flint ....Associate Sports Editor Jim Parker .....Associate Sports Editor Jan James .............women's Editor Jo Ketelhut, Associate Women's Editor Bfsftness Stal Bob Miller ... .....Bustnegs Manager Gene Kuthy Assoc. Business Manager Charles Cuson ...Advertising Manager Rev. Hill... To the Fgditor: T ONIGHT, TUESDAY, April 22,. students will have the oppor- tunity to hear Reverend Charles Hill speak on "How To Make De-i mocracy Work in Our Town, To- day 1952." He will speak under the auspices of the Progressive Party, at the Farm Bureau 407 North1 Fifth St. Reverend Hill is widely knowni for his work for peace and inter-I racial unity. He is the pastor ofi the Hartford Baptist Congrega- tion, the largest in Detroit. He is also a member of the executive board of the Baptist Minister's Alliance. Among his distinctionsl are that he is the only honorary member of Ford Local 600, and he was the first member of the Mayor's Interracial Committeel which was set up after the Detroit riots. Added to this, he was also nominated four times in primarys elections for th Detroit Commonf Council.f Here is your opportunity not3 only to hear the issues (1) peace1 in Korea, and (2) is Communism our real enemy discussed, but also4 to hear one of the signers of theI document "We Charge Genocide"1 tell why he considers that the United States pactices genocidej against the Negro people. Millions of copies of "We Chargez Genocide" are circulating in many languages throughout the world. All over the world the charges are being read and discussed, but here in the United States where our government is, the accused, we should be best informed as to the truthfulness or otherwise of the1 charges. Yet only silence prevails. Why has this document been kepti from the public? Why did the State Department try to prevent Wm. Patterson from presenting the charges to the UN? Why hasf his passport since been taken from him? These will perhaps be somej of the questions taken up by Rev- erend Hill. Today, when the heated contro-l versey about genocide rages, we cannot allow ourselves to shrug off the accusation with "Our govern-i ment couldn't be guilty of such a charge," and no further investi-I gation. Instead it is up to us to hear the grounds for the accusa-I tion before deciding one way or the other about its truthfulness. -Marge Buckley ,* * Gov. Stevenson ... To the Editor: T HAT THE Republican Party correctly regards Adlai Ste- venson as by far the strongest Democratic candidate for the presidency was amply demonstrat- ed by the two inaccurate smear letters recently published in the Daily. Governor Stevenson does not owe anything to any political boss. He was nominated as a candidate of unquestionable integrity to be sacrificed to the expected Republi- can sweep of 1948. No boss-domi- nated candidate would have re- organized the politics-ridden Illi- nois state police and placed it un- der a non-political merit system. Stevenson's otherwise impec- cable administration has been marred by three scandals-a thir- teen million dollar a year cigar- ette stamp counterfeiting ring has been uncovered, horsemeat was widely sold as beef and 119 mine workers were killed in a mine ac- cident. However, far from being impli- cated in these scandals, Governor Stevenson acted promptly and forcefully to stamp them out. Private investigatoros paid out of Stevenson's own pocket were instrumental in uncovering the cigarette stamp counterfeiters. Of- fice of Price Stabilization inspec- tors, not state's Attorney General Boyle as alleged by Mr. Seavoy, discovered the horse meat frauds. The blame for the Bloomington mine disaster should be placed squarely where it belongs-on the Republican-controlled legislature wich refused to enact the model mine safety code urged by the gov- ernor. Lacking any evidence of incom- petence or dishonesty some un- scrupulous Republicans seek to make political capital of Steven- son's deposition in the Hiss case and his dicorve. A United States commissioner was sent to Springfield to ask Ste- venson about Alger Hiss' reputa- tion for veracity and loyalty when he and Stevenson were both in the government. The governor replied, truthfully, that at that time his reputation was good. This was Stevenson's sole connection with the Hiss case. Stevenson's wife divorced him because she was unwilling to bear the inescapable and onerous bur- CL*... To the Editor: THE THURSDAY, April 17, issue of the Daily contained a letter by Ronold E. Seavoy which I feel is rather obnoxious. He writes: "If you are a liberal you can be a .... member of the - ... Civil Liberties Committee or the Labor Youth League. . .. Sea- voy's intention is obvious. By link- ing the Civil Liberties Committee with the Labor Youth League, he is trying to brand the CLC a fringe, "pink" organization. In Seavoy's eye one must only yell "pink" to discredit a group. To keep the record straight, however, the CLC has one function as recorded in its constitution: the defense of "Civil Liberties in all aspects and all places." I can hardly conceive of any endeavor which is more honorable. Attitudes toward civil liberties do not fall into the general cate- gory of liberal or conservative, Lib- erals and Conservatives may legiti- mately disagree on many issues, but at the same time unite in de- fense of civil liberties. A recent example of this situation was here on campus when the Young Re- publicans, Young Democrats, and the Young Progressives agreed that the regents' by-law empower- ing the lecture committee violated academic freedom. It is my belief that civil liberties is the most precious heritage of America, that the integrity of the individual is to be eternally cher- ished, that prompted my entry into the Civil Liberties Committee. I do not think that to fight Com- munism or Fascism we have to become miniatiure commissars or fuehrers. There is not one example in history of an idea being defeat- ed by repression. In fact repression has served to enhance ideas. I think we in America have a pretty good idea-democracy-which can easily stand up against Commun- ism or Fascism. And I would al- low Communists or Facists to speak so that the falseness of their philosophies could be exposed. Indeed, may I suggest that those who condone recent violations of civil liberties are the radicals on this question. They are trying to alter drastically the philosophy of this country. In this respect, the CLC is donservative; it is trying to preserve the greatest tradition of the American experience-civil liberties and the dignity of the in- dividual. I should therefore like to chal- lenge Mr. Seavoy to a debate on any of the main issues on which the CLC has taken a stand-the Un-American Activities Commit- tee, the lecture committee, or the Trucks Bill, and I shall uphold the CLC policy on any of these issues. -Leonard Sandwelss * * * . Creeping Socialism' ... To the Editor I WAS certainly disappointed to see one of our prominent Pro- fessors interpret the trend of ,reeping socialism as an issue which "doesn't mean a thing." Our progress towards a welfare state seemed to be well under way-- and after we've spent billions to present these ideas to the people too! Why, Super Social Security, Socialized Medicine, and Federal Aid to Everybody seemed Just around the corner. To secure these things we really could have taxed those exorbitant profiteers in the $3000-$5000 a year income bracket too. I thought we'd really scored a success in seizing the steel indus- try, we sure showed those sto*- holders they can't oppose one of our political supporters. And then Harry said he thought he had the power too seize the press and the radio too-(it would serve them right, they're all filthy Republican mouth pieces.) It seemed as though we were about to get more power business in New York too. Several private companies showed proof that they could do the jobs quicker and cheaper, but it must have been false-everybody knows that a pri- vate company could ngver accom- plish anything quicker or cheaper than a Government agency. Our Army Engineers are a good ex- ample of this. These private com- panies sure help cause unemploy- ment too. Many times they only use half the manpower that the Government would, and then fin- ish the work just as fast. I sure hope that the Professor is wrong. I'd hate to see all the directed efforts of the last twenty years go to waste. -Robert D. Longwish Democratic Policy... To the Editor: WONDER if Professor Slosson of the history department would be so kind as to publish in the Daily a statement of where the 1; I. I j *1