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February 13, 1952 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1952-02-13

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kal' Tryouts
you like to know what '

To Learn Inside Dope at eetin


# . *

# * *

* s *

an of your college did on
ay night?
Ld you like to know what
latcher really thinks about
abor? Or would you like to
who fired the three literary
presidents and why?
u would like to know these
and know them before they
i, then come over to The
an Daily at either 4 p.m. or
im. today. At these times
ally will hold its first try-
etings of the semester and
then on students who at-
ill know what is actually
on in the University.
meetings are open to any
aically eligible student. Stu-
interested may be -enrolled
he editorial, sports, wom-
photography or business
viduals who do try out will
he ,opportunity of becoming
s on a newspaper annually
as one of the two or three
>llege dailies in the country.
half-a-million dollar plant
houses The Daily is prob-

ably the best in the college world.
It includes Associated Press wire
service, four linotype machines, a
new $70,000 high-speed rotary
press, an uncounted number of
typewriters and other machines
necessary for modern publication.
The Daily also has the finest try-
out set-up in the Big Ten, and an
unbroken heritage of editorial and
managerial freedom which student
editors have exercised from the
Founded in 1890, The Daily
was first published by a group
of independent students who
were disgruntled with fraternity'
domination of campus affairs.
Later in the decade fraternity
men were allowed on the staff,
but The Daily continued as a
completely free student enter-
prise until 1903.
At this time, in the interests of
greater continuity, larger student
participation and sounder fi-
nances, the assets of the paper
were sold to the University. From
then on, The Daily grew quickly.
By 1932, the combined student
publications had accumulated

enough money to pay for the
building which they now occupy.
The profit was largely made dur-
ing the '20's, as The Daily roared
to success along with the rest of
the nation. Papers at that time
were of 12 to 16 pages, while the
average Daily today is of six or
* * *
Today it is a $100,000-a-year en-
terprise which runs more than
72,000 column inches of advertis-
ing a year.
The editorial staffs of The
Daily will meet at 4 p.m. and 7:30
p.m. today at the Student Publi-
cations Building (411 Maynard
St.). TryQuts will be broken down
into news, women's, sports and
photography staffs. Previous
newspaper experience is not neces-
sary except in the case of photog-
All staffs will receive basic
training in headline writing,
proofreading, basic news report-
ing, feature and editorial writing
and makeup.
A semester-long program in

various aspects of The Daily
has been planned for tryouts.
* * *
Following the first term, the
neophyte news people move up to
the new soph staff. In addition
to their night desk duties they will
be given specific beats to cover
and receive other assignments.
The training will also continue,
covering more complex problems
faced by reporters.
The third semester is spent on
the old soph staff where the vari-
ous aspects of the editor's prob-
lems and techniques are stressed.
Old sophomores will continue to
work night desk and cover beats.
Their preparation will be especi-
ally geared for junior staff duties.
In the junior positions, the
staffers have the responsibility of
editing the paper one night each
week. The night editors and as-
sistant night editors who make up
the junior staff are also thorough-
ly grounded in reporting. They
handle the top news stories that
break on the campus everyday.

The final step in the climb to
Daily fame is the senior staff. The
seven. lucky people who finally
make the grade haye complete
responsibility for the publication
of the paper. in every aspect.
Their jobs are divided into Man-
aging Editor, City Editor, Editor-
ial Director, Feature Editor, Pho-
tography Editor, and two Asso-
ciate Editors.
The histories of past Daily
luminaries show that more than
a thousand have left the staff to
achieve reknown as novelists, for-
eigh correspondents, editors, bus-
iness executives, governors and
other potentates.
Business staff tryouts, meeting
at 4 p.m. and 7:30 p.m. today,
will learn methods of advertising
layout, copywriting, accounting
and promotions work.
Tryouts will become advertising
servicers when they join The
Daily. At the end of the semester
deserving tryouts may petition for
paid junior positions in the various
business departments.

-Daily-Al Reid



See Page 4



:4iaiI 4p


Latest Deadline in the State

LXII, No. 87




a N

)cal GOP
ubs Swing
to Action,

Plant Service

Bolstered by the overwhelming
Republican majority shown in a
recent Daily poll of students,
campus GOP groups are swing-
ing into a semester of pre-conven-
tion activities.
In a meeting at 7:30 p.m. to-
day in Rm. 3-G of the Union the
Young Republican Club will hold
their annual election of officers.
According to 'president Floyd
Thomas. '52, the meeting will be
open to all students interested in
joining YR.
Following the YR meeting,
the newly organized Students
for Taft club and the Students
for Eisenho*er group will hold
open organizational meetings at
9 p.m. in the Union to 'enlist
new members and elect offi-
cers. Both clubs have previ-
ously been informal organiza-
tions headed by temporary
Sponsored by the Young Re-
publican Club, two chief figures
in the GOP Presidential nomina-
,.tion race wil speak on campus
this semester. YR and local Re-
publican officials will co-sponsor
an 4ddress by Sen. Henry Cabot
Lodge, Jr., before the Washtenaw
county Lincoln Day dinner Sat-
urday at the Union.
Local radio stations WPAG and
WHRV will broadcast the talk.
On April 16, Sen. Robert A.
Taft will address a Hill Auditor-
ium audience. Taft's speech will
be open to the public.
Wendy Owen
'Daily' Award
The establishment of the Wen-
dy Owen Memorial Award for
Daily staff members was an-
nounced yesterday by President
Harlan H. Hatcher.
The award was established by
Mrs. David Owen by a $5,000 con-
tribution from the estate of her
daughter, the l a t e Rosemary
Miss Owen, who received a
Bachelor of Arts degree here last
June, died shortly after gradua-
tion. She was a member of the
Daily staff from 1949 to 1951,
holding the position of night edi-
tor in .1951.
One award of approximately
$150 will be made each year to a
member of the Daily editorial
staff "whose contributions to the
University community through
The Michigan Daily have been
solely constructive."'
Applications for those eligible
to receive the award may be filed
either with tie Dean of Women
or 'Dean of Men by April 1. The
selection will be made by the two
deans in consultation with the
Daily managing editor, women's
editor and sports editor.

Two Men Fired at Maintenance Unit;
Police Officials Brought into Probe
Apparent irregularities in operations of certain departments of
the University Plant Service are currently under investigation by Ad-
ministration and police officials, The Daily learned this week.
One shop foreman and a laborer have already been dismissed from
the giant maintenance and repair outfit, and the inquiry is still under-
S * A *

LATEST SIGNIFICANT STEP in the investigation was a meeting
Monday afternoon of University Vice-president Wilbur K. Pierpont,
Chief of Police Casper Enkemann, Prosecutor Douglas Reading, De-
tective Claude Damron, Plant Service' Superintendent Walter Roth, a
personnel officer, and an attorney for the fired foreman.
Apparently because of the nature of the investigation and its
delicacy at this stage, no officials are willing to speak openly about
the matter now.
However, certain points stand out from the welter of con-
flicting charges which have marked the case thus far.
. The foreman, It was learned, was relieved of his job for "im-
proper use of University materials and labor." This charge allegedly
refers to:
1) manipulation of a time card for the laborer who was also fired.
2) a $35 repair job the foreman readily admitted having work-
men paid by Plant Service do on a second-hand furnace at his home
three years ago.
3) what some officials regard as unnecesary expense incurred inI
the ordering of certain chemical supplies.'
There were indications that any suspicions of more serious of-
fenses could not be supported by legal evidence.
* * * * -
THE INVOLVED foreman's position is substantially this:
He denies commiting any major offenses, or anything that would
merit his discharge after 22 years of University employment. ' He
feels he did only what is common practice throughout the Plant Serv-
ice, not only in work for personnel there, but professors, deans, "how;
high do you want to go?"
Mentioned in this context was the foreman's superior, Edward C.
Pardon, formerly chief of the Plant Service and presently Operations
and Maintenance Supervisor.
Pardon retorted last night that he never even "took a pencil"
from the Plant Service. Explaining reports of University trucks
on his property, Pardon said they were there to haul away objects
he gave or lent to the University, including farm equipment and
the large elm tree now growing on President Hatcher's lawn,
Roth, who succeeded Pardon as superintendent five years ago,
gave him his unqualified support. "He worked under Shirley Smith
(a former University Vice-President and business manager) for many
years and enjoyed his full confidence. I would not question his hon-
esty. I regard Mr. Pardon as I do myself. You can trust him."
Roth did not comment further on the matter.
It was understood, meanwhile, that police officials have decided
to take no action on the dismissed foreman and have not been asked
to proceed further on other aspects of the situation. Apparently any
additional steps are in the hands of the University.

To Announce
Peace Plan
Talks Recessed,
Fighting Flares
By The Associated Press
The main Korean armistice
talks were recessed yesterday when
the Communist delegation an-
nounced it would submit shortly a
revised proposal for a final peace
The Reds gave no hint of what
changes they would suggest, nor
when they would be ready to un-
veil the new plan.
*, * *
T MEANWHILE, Allied troops
staged their biggest single ground
action in three weeks when they
mowed down 226 Comunist sol-
diers who attacked yesterday
through a snowstorm on the east-
ern Koreai front.
A total of 420 Communists
struck in two waves down the
Mundung Valley. The waves
broke up in a storm of Allied
mortar, rifle and machinegun
Allied casualties were not given.
A series of much smaller Com-
munist probes were reported else-
where along the 155-mile front.
Low, clouds hampered Allied
planes in their attacks on Com-
munist supply lines in North
Korea. However, Allied fighter-
bombers cut rail lines in 63 places.
IN TOKYO, the "Voice of the
UN Command Radio" yesterday
declared "The stage now is set
for a possible truce" if the Con-
munists stop "stalling progress."
Yet the Allied Broadcast said
the Communists were stalling
"with the obvious object of try-
ing to . .. becloud the Korean
peace settlement with other is-
sues in which the Communists
and the free world are at log-
As of early today, the Reds had
not asked for resumption of the
full-dress meetings, which are dis-
cussing the final armistice agenda
item-recommendations to gov-
ernments concerned.
However, low level staff officer
meetings on prisoner exchange
and truce supervision questions
were continuing in Panmunjom.
There was no resumption yes-
terday of 'the fierce air battles
such as Monday's, which cost the
United States its leading active
ace in Korea, Maj. George -A.
Davis, Jr. Davis had destroyed 11
Red jets.
An Air Force spokesman said
Air Force policy always required
the completion of 100 missions in
Korea before rotation home.
Davis had completed 59 missions.
IFC Continues
Rushing registration will con-

Truman Quoted
As '52 Candidate
If Need Arises
Illinois Lawmaker Says President
May 'Sacrifice' To Secure Peace
WASHINGTON-(I)-President Truman was quoted yesterday
as saying 'he would be willing to "sacrifice" himself and run for re-
election if convinced such a step was necessary to lead the nation to
The latest clue to the President's intentions came from Rep. Adolph
J. Sabath (D-Ill.),-85-year-old dean of the House, who said Truman
told him he may feel "obliged" to run.
BUT SABATH, emerging from a White House talk with the Presi-
dent tol newmen

WITHOUT A COUNTRY-Two youngsters, part of a group of
some 700 Kalmucks, formerly of Russia, sit in a DP camp in
Ingolstadt, Germany, waiting for some country to admit them
within its borders.
Legislatuase Togdebate
Bias Clauses Tonight

A swollen agenda, packed with'
such controversial items as fra-
ternity bias clauses and the
Thanksgiving vacation,' promises
to provide an action-filled eve-
ning when Student Legislature
meets at 7:30 p.m. tonight in the
Opera Tryouts
To End Friday
Auditions of singers and danc-
ers for the Union Opera, "Never
Too Late," will continue today
through Friday.
Promotions manager M a r k
Sandground, '52, urged all male
students with any dancing or
singing talent to drop in to Rm.
3-G of the Union between 3 and
6 p.m.
With an estimated cast of seven
speaking parts and 32 chorus
roles for the March musical, the
field is wide open for all aspir-
ants, Sandground said.
Broadway director Fred Evans
is taking charge of the casting,
assisted by the Union Opera gen-
eral committee.

Cooley-Hayden House dining room
of the East Quadrangle.
Biggest item is the discrimin-
atory clause problem. At its last
meeting before Christmas vaca-
tion, SL postponed action on the
clause until tonight.
AT THAT TIME, it also passed,
by an unofficial straw vote, a
motion introduced by Leah
Marks, '52, which provided that
the SAC should deny recognition
to campus organizations with dis-
criminatory clauses, if they do
not take action to eliminate them
at conventions.
Debate tonight is expected to
center about that motion. A pro-
posal to add a time limit to the
Marks measure may also be in
the offing.
The bias clause issue will be
one of the last items discussed.
Before it reaches the floor, SL
will learn the details of the
Thanksgiving vacation from
Bob Neary, '54,
The SL-PanHel committee on
sorority bias clauses will also have
an extensive report on their re-
cent activity.

dent, told newsmen.dedta
"He (Truman) added that
perhaps conditions may develop
which may make it unnecessary
for him to serve again and that
other candidates might do as
Sabath's remarks gained signi-
ficance from the fact that he is a
frequent White House visitor and~
is thoroughly familiar with the
rules against quoting the Presi-
dent without hi$ knowledge. Spe-
culation immediately arose that
Truman was aware of what Sa-
bath would say when he talked
with newsmen later.
* * *
THE VETERAN Illinois legisla-
tor described their conversation
in these terms:
"The President said that aft-
er putting in seven years in the
job, he thought he had had
"However, he said if he actually
felt he could be of aid to America
and the world in bringing about a
peace and adjusting world prob-
lems, he would be willing to sac-
rifice himself and possibly short-
en his life.
"He said if it would help, these
would be the only conditions un-
der which he felt he could seek
Sabath's comment clearly left
Truman plenty of room in which
to turn in either direction-to run
or withdraw-as events develop in
the coming months. It was im-
portant, however, as perhaps the
sharpest delineation of how Tru-
man feels about the possibility of
another four-year term in the
White House.

FBI Woman
Tells of Red-
er of three related yesterday how
she became a "reserve leader" in
the Communist Party . under-
ground apparatus while serving
as a counter-spy for the FBI.
Bereniece Baldwin, 49 years old,
of Detroit, told her story before
the Subversive Activities Control
Board. The Board is conducting
hearings on a petition by the at-
torney general to require the
Communist Warty to register un-
der the 1950 Internal Security
(McCarran) Act, list its officers
and members and give a finan-
cial accounting.
MRS. BALDWIN testified that
Oscar Rode, a Party organization-
al secretary, called her to his
home in' October, 1950, and told
her the Party had established an
underground apparatus and that
she was to be a reserve leader.
She testified Rode gave her
strict instructions for going un-
derground-stay away from other
Party members and all Party
Mrs. Baldwin testified that
her various Party jobs included
the collection of dues, keeping
of membership records and
selling the Daily' Worker, Com-
munist Party newspaper,
Her testimony was challenged
by John Abt, an' attorney for the
Communist Party. He said it was
inadmissable because she. joined
the Party "at the instigation and
.request" of the FBI.eHis protest,
however. was rejected by the'
Officials Consider
Airport Problem
NEW YORK-P)--Government,
state: and airline representatives
went into a huddle yesterday in an

I v I


World News Roundup



. I

By The Associated Press
LONDON-A hushed stream of Britons flowed through ancient
Westminster Hall at the rate of 4,000 an hour yesterday to bid fare-
well to King George VI-the monarch they remember as "George the
WASHINGTON-The Senate Banking Committee gave Ellis Ar-
nall a unanimous vote of confidence yesterday as the nation's new
price stabilizer.
*v * * *
LANSING-The Senate yiesterday approved a proposed consti-


GOP Hits Democrats on Lincoln Day

By The Associated Press
Republicans in a series of Lin-
coln Day speeches last night raked
the Administrationdon the "cor-
ruption" and spending issues.
They promiseda government of
integrity and clearer thinking if
returned to power.
* * *
SENATORS, representatives,
and governors led the parade of

would "like to turn the clock
back." He mentioned no names in
a prepared speech at Boston.
S* *
AND SEN. DUFF of Penn-
sylvania, a backer of Gen. Dwight
D. Eisenhower, cracked down on a
group of Republicans he said are
engaging in "vicious personalities"
and have set up "a nationwide or-

day's issues during his first cam-
paign because he feared his words
would be twisted..He relied instead
on previous speeches and letters.
IN SEATTIE, Sen. Taft of Ohio,
another presidential aspirant, ad-
vocated a speeding up of economic
and military aid to Chiang Kai-
Shek's Nationalist regime on For-


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