THE MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY, APRIL 20, 1952 UeC oil Presidential Aspirants MATTER OF FACT By JOSEPH and STEWART ALSOP THE WEEK'S NEWS WASHINGTON-When Gov. Adlai Steven- son, an intellectual, began to wrestle hard with the problem of tobe or not to be a candidate for president, his final negative was almost a foregofte conclusion. He himself marveled that any man could calmly proclaim he had the qualifications to be -president in times like these and then sell the proposition far and wide. The more he examined every side of the question, as intellectuals -will do, the more probable it became that he would not run. The closest recent parallel is Associate Justice William O. Douglas of the Supreme Court, another darling of the liberals. Jus- tice Douglas weighed the pros and cons of an all-out fight for the presidency to the point where he has definitely landed in the category of "often a bridesmaid but never a bride."' It appeared for some, time that Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower was headed for the same fate. But the Kansan has proved to be more practical than intellectual; he decided finally it was a fine idea and dived in. The obvious immediate effect of the Stevenson renunciation is to throw the Democratic race really wide open. Sen. Estes Kefauver's strategy of not waiting upon others to determine his own course is justified again and, with the rest of the competition, his chances are now improved. It will be respectfully noted that the far- sighted Kefauver has the nation's second largest haul-California's delegation-safely tucked away. But admittedly the Tennesseean does not appeal to many of the big pivotal states be- cause of his moderate civil-rights views- he will stand on the platform to be adopted at the convention but does not personally Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writer only. This must be noted in all reprints. NIGHT EDITOR: SID KLAUS favor a compulsory Fair Employment Prac- tices Commission. So the search for a sub- stitute candidate will continue. Many Democrats are taking Mr. Steven- son's announcement philosophically. They explain that it is absolutely necessary for a president to be able to make tough decisions quickly and rightly. They believe that Harry Truman, with all his minor faults and oc- casional mistakes, has shown this quality and will get his good notices from the his- torians because of it. Examples cited in- clude the dropping of the atomic bomb on Japan, the Marshall Plan, the Korean War, the North Atlantic Treaty Organization. In the rather prolonged Stevenson in- decisiveness these Democrats glimpsed an opposite tendency that bothered them. No one reason can explain Stevenson's de- cision; he is a complex man. The personal factor of his divorce and the deposition he, in honor, had to make in the Hiss case have been often discussed. It is also true that he has rather often said he expected General Eisenhower to be nominated and elected this fall. He is a per- sonal friend of the General and, while more liberal-and more experienced by far-on the domestic front, they are not too far apart in important aspects of their thinking as well as in foreign policy. Stevenson has friends who counseled him to "save himself" for 1956. They told him his party was bound to lose this year and would need a leader in four years when they would have a better chance to win. The first part of this advice is naive: politicians don't ring twice for men who sit back when the going is tough. It will be remembered against Stevenson that he did not pick up the supposedly unprospering cause. A great many Democrats don't believe the second part, either. General Eisenhower may win-but his party has its share of alba- trosses that he cannot escape, and he will not be spared an all-out fight from most of the Democratic aspirants. (Copyright, 1952, by The Bell Syndicate, Inc.) ..IN RETROSPECT -. J ON THE Washington Merry-Go-Round WITH DREW PEARSON WASHINGTON-One of this column's first exposes of tax fraud four years ago was the story of two highway contractors, W. J. Hardy and F. McKenzie Davison, who built the winding labyrinth of asphalt roads around the giant Pentagon building during the war and then sneaked out of paying taxes to Uncle Sam. Following publication of their tax chisel- ing, the two gentlemen from Virginia went to jail-though not until after a suspici- ously long delay. A newspaperman always likes to believe that he's ahead of the news, that he's com- pletely accurate and never omits anything important from a story. I am no exception. In this case, however, I find it necessary to confess that I did an incomplete job of re- porting. I thought I did justice to Hardy and Da- vison but I didn't. One of the most import- ant parts of the story was omitted. This was the manner in which the two asphalt kings scraped up $35,000 in cash to make payoffs and buy their way out of a jail sentence. The money was sealed in a brown manila ART DURING SPRING VACATION, the Uni- versity Museum of Art replaced the por- tion of its scheduled exhibit in the South Gallery with a showing of the Canadian, Hortense M. Gordon. Her paintings will re- main up until April 25th, so you haven't much time if you want to see them. Professor Slusser has deviated from his usual policy of not holding one-man shows. He pointed out that, in the ordinary course of events, the museum seldom has an op- portunity to display the works of Cana- dian artists, so he was happy to make an exception in this instance, especially since the museum accessions will be easily avail- able in the future. Of the 31 paintings, all but one are cubist compositions, most of them abstract. The exhibit suffers a little from overcrowding- too much of the same kind of thing in a small space can easily become oppressive. There is anyway a certain sameness about cubist' paintings, especially non-representa- tional ones,, that no amount of minor vari- ation can alleviate. The number of signifi- cant variation, juxtaposition of color and form, is relatively small in what amounts to a plane geometric presentation. Cubism, except in the hands of a Bra- que or a Gris, seems always to be an ex- perimental excursion on the road to some- thing else; no one knows quite what. As a cubist, Mrs. Gordon is at any rate com- petent, Two of her canvases are strikingly good: "Blinking Lights" is a pleasing ar- envelope on Sept. 23, 1948, and delivered to their attorney, Howard Vesey. Of this amount, $10,000 was to be paid to the "demo- cratic campaign fund," and the $25,000 bal- ance to a "Mr. X." --TELLTALE LETTER- DAVISON EVEN. wrote a letter about the pay-off plan. Dated April 29, 1949, and addressed to his attorneys, Davison's letter bluntly spelled out the tax fix as follows: "When we employed the firm of Vesey, Prince, and Clineburg, we paid a $5,000 re- tainer fee and later, after several conferences at the suggestion of Vesey, we put up in cash $35,000 to be used as follows: Vesey was to donate $10.000 to the Democratic cam- paign fund and the balance, $25,000, was to be paid to a certain Mr. X at that time, and who later appears in the picture as a Mr. Shepard, if, as, and when he succeeded in having our case killed as to criminal prose- cution. No payment was to be made to any- one, Vesey included, until the case was defin- itely killed. This was very plainly set forth in the meetings and was distinctly under- stood by Vesey and all concerned, including Shepard." That was the set-up by which the two road contractors planned to avoid serving jail sentences, and the most interesting thing is who was to pull the tax wires and get the $35,000 pay-off. This column, investigating further, found that members of Mr. Vesey's staff admitted receipt of the envelope containing the $35,- 000. However, they said the money was nev- er listed by the firm as a legal fee. Investigation also showed that the myster- ious "Mr. X" or Mr. Shepard appears to be James J. Shepard, Jr., a tax attorney. He admitted that he had been consulted in the Hardy-Davison case, but claimed that he participated in only one conference, decided they were guilty, and so advised them. -KANSAS CITY FRIEND- SHEPARD VIGOROUSLY denied any part in an attempted fix. Asked several times whether he had ever been offered $25,000- as stated in Davison's letter-he never pns- wered. He claimed he got called into the case through a friend, Walter Maloney. Maloney is a former Kansas City attor- ney, who came to Washington shortly af- ter Harry Truman become a Senator from Missouri. He once served as judge of the Jackson County court, as did President Truman when he was a young protege of the Pendergast machine. Maloney, querie about the case, said he and Shepard were supposed to split the fee 50-50, but in the end he was paid nothing. He denied using any influence, explained that the case "had gone too far, was in the penal division, and there was too much of a record on it." When the above maneuvers didn't work, the two asphalt kings tried potent Sen. Harry Byrd of Virginia. Byrd stated after- ward that he gave them no aid. Tri +ha a rl affrfe n11 ira -,u A "n MAKE SENSE IF YOU CAN WASHINGTON-The following collection of facts, all of them of the most vital importance to every American in the street, suggests the insane confusion of the current defense picture- , ITEM: The Army has now tested and flown the first truly effective ground-to-air guided missile. It is relatively short in range. But it is supersonic. Its guidance system is sturdy and workable. It seeks and finds its target. In short, it represents -an enormous leap forward in an enormously difficult art. ITEM: The successful test of the new interceptor missile has considerably in- fluenced thinking about our air defense problems. Other influences have been the development of radar capable of tracking low-flying attacking aircraft, and the formulation of plans for remote radar out- posts to give very early warnings. A new design has been drawn for a better air de- fense net, combining earliest radar warn- ing and close coordination of aircraft and guided missile interception of enemy bomb- ers. In consequence, the responsible authorities in the Air Force have importantly raised their estimates of the potential effective- ness of a modern air defense. Formerly, they held that the defender would do well to bring down three out of every ten enemy bombers. Now the forecast is that at least half of the enemy force can be destroyed before reach- ing its target. This is considered to approach the rate of loss which will effectively disrupt enemy air attacks, even with atomic weapons. ITEM: This improved modern air defense is as yet no more than a gleam in the plan- ner's eyes, however. Several wings of all- weather interceptors are needed for an ef- fective air defense of this country, but we have as yet only a pitifully small number. The joint Chiefs of Staff's coin-flipping system of allocating production priorities has placed this vital aircraft rather low on the list. Enormous outlays, are also needed to complete the radar screen with its costly Arctic outposts and picket boats at sea; to build adequate quantities of the new interceptor missiles, and for other air de- fense purposes. The decision has not really been made, as yet, whether or not to buy the up-to-date and efficient air defense which we can now, in theory, achieve in this country. ITEM: The difficulties of air defense in the Soviet Union are considerably greater than they are here. Yet it has to be presum- ed that the Soviets, who captured an im- portant group of German guided missile ex- perts, have made the same progress in this art as we have. If the Soviets also possess an efficient interceptor missile, this must reduce the value of our strategic air force as a deterrent to aggression. *0 C AT THE SAME TIME, intelligence esti- mates and informed scientific opinion agree that the Soviets are producing atomic weapons and building up their own strategic air force with unlooked-for speed. The ex- perts have ceased to give their former sooth- ing forecasts about the "time of danger," when the Kremlin will be able to deliver a crippling surprise attack in this country. They do not think the time has come yet, but they are no longer prepared to say it will not come fairly soon. Intelligence studies also reveal a huge increase in armament outlays in the new Soviet budget. The American and British experts, who had hoped the Soviets had already reached their peak of cold war- time military effort, are deeply perturbed by this development with its obvious and far-reaching implications. ITEM: Meanwhile, the Republican isola- tionists and Southern Democratic coalition in the House of Representatives has slashed to ribbons the American defense problem. In the Defense Department by the grim efforts of Secretary of Defense Robert A. Lovett, the Joint Chiefs' original "minimum" bud- get of $71,000,000,000 had already been re- duced to $53,000,000,000. A further cut in the Lovett minimum had already been made by the President and the Budget Bureau. Appropriations that were therefore too low to carry forward our rearmament at the planned rate, were then sliced by 4.5 billion dollars in the House. In a final orgy of total irresponsibility, the House also ordered the Defense Department not to spend $6,000,000,000 in previously ap- propriated funds, which are required to meet contract payments in the coming year. This simply means, of course, that build-up of urgently needed units, includ- ing air defense units, will have to be can- celled despite the heavy risk. And deliver- ies of even more urgently needed hard- ware will have to be refused, despite the enormous resulting waste. If anyone can make sense out of the fore- going series of facts, he is a better man than these reporters. (Copyright, 1952, New York Herald Tribune, Inc.) member of congress. However, he attributes his sucoe to amiet New vrYor Larwir Ar- Local ... WIND-SWEPT HILL-Mr. Re- publican came to town. Before a schizophrenic crowd of students and townspeople, Senator Robert Alphonso Taft of Ohio, who wants to live in the White House, this week gave a thirty-two minute ac- count of himself and his platform in Hill Auditorium. Sponsored by the Taft-for- President Club, the affair was crowded, gala, and according to a Lecture Committee interpretation, educational in nature. Students who cut lunch to attend the ad- dress heard nothing new - but what they saw was surprising. Warm, friendly, and at times amusing, Taft did himself credit personally. Democratic "domestic corrup- .tion" and "international error" were blasted mercilessly. But Taft's alternative proposals got the same treatment from local liberals mumbling in the Hill corridors, * * * McPHAUL DINNER-This week brought new developments in the six-week-old McPhaul dinner in- vestigation. The special faculty- student investigating committee turned over the results of their probe to the Joint Judiciary Coun- cil with blanket charges of viola- tion of a University student con- duct by-law on the use of Univer- sity property for public meetings or lectures against the 14 students known to have attended the Mc- Phaul banquet. The defendants all appeared be- fore the Judiciary for brief hear- ings, with testimony winding up yesterday. Judic then will make recommendations on what, if any, disciplinary action to take in each individual case to the University sub-committee on discipline. It was believed that final approval of the decision would be forthcoming this week. * * * METAMORPHOSIS - Sorority rushing will be streamlined next year, Panhel announced this week, outlining plans for recasting the -Daily-Bill Hampton "THIS is Juliana?" present highly formalized set-up into a more informal system. Also, the whole process will be moved up from spring to fall. Accompany- ing the rushing changes was an ex- pandled scholarship program. * * * ROYAL VISIT-Ann Arbor had a taste of royalty this week, as Queen Juliana and Prince Bern-. hard of the Netherlands made a quick stop-over to receive an hon- orary doctor of civil laws degree. Only previous regal glimpse local- ly was in 1949, when the Shah of Iran provided a breath of Middle Eastern sovereign splendor. * * * National " . .. THEY LIKE IKE-Ike did it again-but this time Bob Taft had an excuse. In the huge New Jersey primary, where Taft had with- drawn from the race, charging Gov. Driscoll with double-crossing him by publicly throwing his sup- port to Eisenhower, the homecom- ing general rode to a 157,000 vote victory over the Ohioan. But Eisenhower forces w e r e quick to point out that, although Taft himself did not actively cam- paign in the state, his cause was carried on by members of the sup- posedly, 100% Ike-solid Trenton GOP organization. On the confused Democratic side of the ledger, Truman-favored Ad- lai Stevenson, who cleaned up Re- publican misdeeds in corruption- ridden Illinois, announced he "could not" accept the donkey's nod. Although outspoken Estes Ke- fauver felt the statement "very favorable" to his own candidacy, a. slew of favorite sons were cropping up around the nation which prom- ised to give the TV star trouble at the July convention. High man on the list: foreign aid administra- tor W. Averell Harriman, who this week pocketed the powerful Em- pire State delegation. , * * NO VELVET GLOVE-A limp grip of government seizure settled on the steel industry this week but Secretary of Commerce Charles Sawyer, new "boss" of the mills, was hinting of a sterner grip to come: unless the industry and its striking steelworkers come to an agreement by tomorrow or Tues- day, warned Sawyer, the govern- ment will take it upon itself to grant its new "involuntary em- ployes" a wage boost. Steel splut- tered, Congress muttered, and the courts prepared to receive what could prove the biggest constitu- tional hassle in years. ROGUE RIVERS -Army Engi- neers and state and federal auth- orities were doing only slightly bet- ter than old King Canute this week as swollen waters of the Mis- sissippi and Missouri ,rampaged through half a dozen midwestern states. Latest region to be threat- ened by the lapping torrent is Ne- braska with the Mighty Mo's enor- mous pressure blasting a concrete sewer line running under .a pro- tecting dike. At weeks end it look- ed as if Omaha was due for trouble, HERRING BAIT -- Michigan's Communists settled down for a seige of watchful waiting this week as Gov. G. Mennen Williams sign- ed the Trucks anti-Communist, Bill into law. State authorities seemed to be taking the new legis- lation pretty seriously with Secre- tary of State Fred Alger ruling the Socialist Workers Party off the state election ballot only four hours after the signing--the Party, Alger pointed out, was on the state Attorney-General's subversive list, and therefore could not remain on the ballot under the new act. Meanwhile state police authori- ties were busily attempting to im- plement the major provisions of the new act-requiring the regis- tration of all CP members within five days after the signing. So far they had found no takers-it seems state Reds would rather risk $10,- 000 in fines, 10 years in prison, or both. .-Barnes Connable, Zander Hol- lander and Crawford Young D DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN ?ettei'4 TO THE EDITOR The Daily welcomes communications from its readers on matters of general interest, and will publish all letters which are signed by the writer and in good taste. Letters exceeding 300 words in length, defamatory or libelous letters, and letters which for any reason are not in good taste will be condensed, edited or withheld from publication at the discretion of the editors. t I 4I (Continued from Page 2) Concerts Concert. Rudolf Serkin, Pianist ,will give his postponed recital in the Choral Union Series, Tuesday evening, April 22, at 8:30, in Hill Auditorium. He will play the following program: Bach Prelude and Fugue in A minor; Sonota in B- flat (Hammerklavler) by Beethoven; Busoni's Bereceuse and Perpetun Mo-. bile; Weber's Invi 'tion to the Dance; Chopin's Bammso , QP. 60 and Bolero, Op. 19. Tickets are ol fte"t the offices of the University Musical Society in Bur- ton Memorial Tower. student Recital Postponed: Robert Elson, Baritone, whose recital has been announced for Tues., April 22, in the Rackham Assembly Hall, will give his program on June 4. Student Recital: Joan Patrick, Pian- ist, will present a program at 4:15 Sun- day afternoon, April 20, in Architec- ture Auditorium, in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Music. A pupil of Helen Titus, Miss Patrick will play works by Bach, Beethoven, Ravel and Brahms. Her program will be open to the public. student Recital: Guinevere Dorn, student of piano with Helen Titus, will play a recital in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Music, at 8:30 Sunday even- ing, April 20, in the Architecture Audi- torium. It will include works by Bach, Beethoven, Chopin, Ravel, and Proko- fieff, and will be open to the public. Student Recital: Theodore Johnson, violinist, will present a program at 8:30 Monday evening, April 21, in the Rackham Assembly Hall, in partial ful- fillment of the requirements for the Master of Music degree. A pupil of Emil Raab, Mr. Johnson will play works by Beethoven, Bach, and Bela Bartok. The general public is invited. Exhibitions A Display of the Ukranian National Art is being held today in the Inter- national Center (Michigan Union); sponsored by the Ukranian Students Club. Events Today Congregational-Disciples Guild: 7 p.m. program at Congregational Church. Guests from the Young Friends So- ciety will present a program on "Real- ity andsthe Spirit," which will be fol- lowed by a discussion. Gamma Delta, Lutheran Student Club: Supper Program at 5:30 p.m. Election of next year's officers. Wesleyan Guild: Morning Seminar, 9:30 a.m., in Pine Room. Guild supper and program, 5:30 p.m. Prof. Lenski will speak on the subject: 'R'eligion- the Opiate of the People." Lutheran Student Association: Meet at 5:30 p.m. for supper at the. Student Center. Program at 7 p.m. Unitarian Students: 7 p.m., Lane Hall. Miss Marian Winterbottom willd is- cuss: "Religion As Experienced," m~_,, _at - , A+ n .4.-.- shown under the sponsorship of the Cercle Francais. Coming Events Lecture-Discussion Session of Music Education 241, 506 Burton Tower, 7:15 Monday evening, April 21, with Dr. Eberhard Preussner, Salzburg, Austria,j speaking on "Music Education in Aus- tria," and Professor John Bishop, Uni- versity of Adelaide, Australia, discus- sing "Music Education in Australia." Open to anyone interested. Economics Club. Meeting, Mon., April 21, 8 p.m., Rackham Amphitheater. Prof. Lawrence H. Seltzer, Department of Economics, Wayne University, will speak on "Theory and Practice of Capi- tal Gain Taxation." Staffmembers and students in Economics and Business Ad- ministration are invited. Others who are interested will be welcome. Volunteer Naval Research Reserve Unit 9-3. Meeting, 7:30 p.m., Mon., April 21, 2082 Natural science Bldg. Speaker: Mr. Stanley Lefond. Subject: "Oil Ex- ploration in Tunisia." Aircraft Icing Research Seminar. Mon., April 21, 3:30 p.m., 4048 E. Engi- neering Bldg. Mr. Charles Sieicher will discuss the work of,- Chapman and Rubesin on heat transfer from a non- isothermal flat plate. Tickets for "Once in a lifetime," the uproarious satire on Hollywood, by Kaufman and Hart, will go on sale at the Mendelssohn box office tomor- row at 11 a.m. This comedy that pokes fun at Hollywood at the time when the "talkies" were first introduced in the '20's will open Wednesday night at 8 p.m. and run through Saturday. The play is presented by the Depart- ment of Speech. International Students Association. Meeting of the General Council, Mon., April 21, 7:30 p.m., Room 3B, Michigan Union. La P'tite causette meets Monday from 3:30 to 5 p.m. in the south room, Union cafeteria. SRA Executive Committee meets at Lane Hall, Mon., April 21, 4:45 p.m. BarnabyHClub: Supper and discussion at Lane Hall, Mon., April 21, 6 p.m. Phone 5838 for reservations. Hiawatha Club meeting, Tues., April 22, 7:30 p.m., League. Civil Liberties Committee. Meeting 7:30 p.m. Monday, April 21, Rm. 3A, Union. Discussion of action regarding McPhaul dinner investigation. All in- terested are invited. Those who wish to vote must have paid their dues at beginning of meeting. Students for Democratic Action: Pol- icy meeting, Tues., April 22, 7:30 p.m., Union. Le Cercle Francais: Meeting, Mon., April 21, 8 p.m., Michigan League, fea- turing songs of Ravel by Dale Thomp- son, and a movie on Normandy, slides on Paris. Young Democrats: Regular business meeting, Tues., April 22. 8 p.m., Union. Tunisian Question .... To the Editor: THE QUESTION of hav ig a full discussion of the Tunisian tension situation came before the. Security Council recently. The "western democracies" were able, to muster sufficient votes to keep this question off of the agenda of the Council. America chose the cowardly way out-our Council1 member abstained from voting, I would like to pose two ques- tions. 1? How long is our Country going to allow Britain, France and the other colonial powers to blind' her to the real opportunity and indeed moral responsibility that, she has to take a positive stand on such questions? 2) Are we going to let the Near East, the Middle East and Africa- go communist by de-' fault? I have had the good fortune to visit several of the areas out in Africa that are under French and British rule. It is my personal opinion that the people who live in these Trusteeship and colonial areas do not want to embrace communism, Word has gotten around pretty much that slave la- bor camps in Siberia are plentiful. In the short-run, then, we can probably count on these down- trodden peoples to bear the very real ills they have rather than flee to others that they know not of. However, our own self interest demands that we look beyond the short-run. There are 200 million black or brown people in Africa who are our potential friends. There are liter- ally hundreds of millions of poten- tial friends and allies in the Near and Middle East. We need these people on our side. Obviously, France cannot kid- nap two or three leaders every time nationalism raises its head in Tunisia or elsewhere. It is equally obvious that America cannot hold on to its claim to the title "Cham- pion of Freedom" if we continue the shameful practice of hiding our head under our snug wings when these thorny problems come up for decision in the UN Security Council. --David L. Stratmon * * * Authoritarianism ... To the Editor: ir TWmu T TATM r.Philn5"(etter having the idea 'forced down' his throat." It is this very type of au- thoritarianism that I objected to in Mr. Philips previous letter to the Daily. Mr. Philips, in that let- ter, stated that "we must recognize that religion is . .." To this au- thoritarian use of "we must" I still object. Mr. Philips is entitled to his own definitions, but he has no right to impose them on me. I subscribe to the traditional de- finition of religion. If that defini- tion excludes Buddhism, as Mr. Philips would have it, then I will simply 'have to place Buddhism in another category. I do not feel obliged to change my ideas to ac- commodate all the "isms" in the world. I would soon have to start accomodating Communism. This I never intend to do. Please, Mr. Philips, if you are going to oppose authoritarianism, I wish you would desist from trying to impose your definitions on me, as well as all those who believe as I do, that religion forms a bond between God and man. -Chester Patrick 04r }. Sixty-Second Year Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Editorial Staff chuck Elliott ........Managing Editor Bob Keith...............City Editor Leonard Greenbaum, Editorial Director Vern Emerson ..........Feature Editor Ron Watts .............Associate Editor Bob Vaughn .........,.Associate Editor Ted Papes ................Sports Editor George Flint ... .Associate Sports Editor Jim Parker ...Associate Sports Editor Jan James............Women's Editor Jo Ketelhut, Associate Women's Editor Bnsfek s Staff Bob Miller ...........Business Manager Gene Kuthy, Assoc. Business Manager Charles Cuson ....Advertising Manager Milt Goetz........Circulation Manager I-