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April 18, 1952 - Image 6

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1952-04-18

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FRIDAY, APRIL 18, 1952.

Official Ceremonies, Informal Greetings Mark Juliana Visit

Dutch Queen Honored at
Convocation, Luncheon
(Continued from page 1) shouts of American "good-byes"
followed the distinguished guests
one-minute audience with the as they left Ann Arbor. They
queen during the promenade boarded a plane for San Fran-
from the building to the car. cisco at 2 p.m.
Several hundred watchers were * * *
disappointed as they waited in BOTH THE QUEEN and the
front of Rackham before the con- Prince expressed regret at not
vocation. Although four busloads being able to stay and see more
of special guests and the attending of the University students.
newspeople drew up in front from "It's a shame we have to run
the Administration Building, the off so quickly," the queen re-
Queen and the Prince were hustled marked to one of the luncheon
in through the back door. guests.
This was the only time they But one group of University stu-
eluded a waiting throng. dents did get a special, although
* * * unplanned audience with the royal
LAST EVENT of the visit was a pair. They are the ten Dutch
private luncheon at the Union. students currently enrolled here.
The party dined on a chicken din- Their group was standing near the
ner. Tulips and hyacinths graced Administration Building elevator
the tables. when the couple first walked in.
The royal pair was last seen Shouts of Vlong live the queen"
In and around the Union at 1:20 drew Juliana to'her subjects, and
p.m., when they left for Willow she and the prince chatted with
Run. Near the Union billiard them for 10 minutes.
room a crowd of sportsmen had "We were just shivering in our
left their game to get a glimpse boots at first," Mrs. Karel F. Bot-
of the visitors. ermans, wife of a Hollander grad-
They gazed, cues in hand, but uate student said."But we soon
the royalty didn't seem to mind, found out what nice people they
Finally, friendly waves and really were."

* * *

* s

* * f


--Daily-Alan Reid
DISTINGUISHED FACES--Queen Juliana is escorted to Administration Bldg. by Gov. Williams,
Vice-President Niehuss and (far right) Dutch Foreign Minister Dirk U. Stikker, head of Organi-
zation for European Economic Cooperation and one of the most outstanding statesmen in Europe.

'U' Scientists May Determine.
Body Injury from Atom Rays
NEW YORK-A new blood test, laboration with Dr. Helene V.
developed by two University scien- Petrenco, told the group the ex-
tists, may determine body injury periments were aimed at prepared-
from atomic rays, according to a ness in the event of an atom bomb
report made yesterday to the attack against the United States.
American Association of Immun- * *
ologists meeting here. THIS test, Dr. Kahn explained,
Dr. Reuben L. Kahn, chief of is capable of measuring the con-
the University's serology labora- centration of natural -as well as
tory, who made the study in col- newly acquired antibodies in the
blood stream.
The antibodies appear as the
Survey W ork result of tissue breakdown in
injury or disease. Therefore, the
In Li S ho l et is believed to be a new
measuringstick to determine
how much injury is done to the
Discussed body tissues simply by observa-
tion of the antibodies produced
- --__in the blood stream.
(Continued from page 1) The scientists used rabbits in
the experiments. The animals
would require considerable stu- were first examined to see if their
dent interest to be successful. blood reaction was normal, and
* * then they were exposed to small
NO GENERAL plan of action amounts of gamma rays three
was suggested at the meeting but times weekly over a period of
students expressed a desire for a several weeks. The effects of this
shift in curriculum emphasis to a exposure were then studied by
broader more comprehensive level, means of the blood test.
Stanford Cain, '53, referred to Dr. Kahn said the tissue in-
the general program adopted at jury resulting from the rays
Harvard College as an example. showed a direct effect upon the
Under this plan, he said, "the stu- concentration of antibodies in
dent is provided with a liberal the blood stream.
background in the social sciences, The amount of rays absorbed
natural sciences and,the humani- by the human body after expos-
ties." ure to an atomic explosion has a
"The students are unanimous in two-fold effect upon the body tis-
their support of this setup," he sues-immediate and long range.
concluded. The discovery will aid physicians
. . *in attempting to neutralize the
SPEAKING IN defense of the body against the long range effect
present curriculum structure at of atomic radiation.
Michigan, Prof. Kenneth Jones,
of the botany department, stated City businessmen
that the "University curriculum is.
intended to be a general four year To Fete Hatchers
educational plan."__
He said the students and fac- "Ann Arbor greets the Hatch-
ulty do not fully understand this ers" is the theme given to the din-
and the result has been that the ner sponsored by the Ann Arbor
general procedure is to concen- Junior and Senior Chambers of
trate in the final two years after Commerce and city luncheon
completing basic requirements clubs.
as an underclassman. The dinner is to be held at 6:15
The final result of the confer- p.m., April 22 in the Union. Mayor
William E. Brown will be pres-
ence will be a report of the ideas ent and local businessman Robert
and suggestions brought out. This E. Lewis will serve as toastmaster.
will be sent to literary college of- Chamber of Commerce spokes-
ficials for their study and action. men announced that anyone in-
terested in making reservations for
the dinner should call 2-5671.
Ticket price is $2.50, they reported.

Cadets Headed
For West Point
Two student cadets have been
selected to represent the Univer-
Mity Army ROTC at the United
States Military Academy at West
Point, New York from May 1 to 4,
Captain William Langworthy an-
nounced yesterday.
They are: Cadet Colonel Henry
E. Buchanan, '52, and Cadet Lt.
Colonel Fred M. Knipp, '52E.

Campus Calendar

MUSIC-Prof. J. A. Westrup,
professor of music at Oxford Uni-
versity, will speak on "Towards a
History of English Music" at 8:30
p.m. in Rackham Amphitheatre.
. * *
SCULPTURE -- An illustrated
talk on "The Modern Sculptor
and His Material" will be given
by David Smith of New York at

4:15 p.m. in the Architecture
MOVIES - "Navajo Indians,"
"Navajo Children" and "Painting
with Sand" are the subjects of
three movies to be shown under
the auspices of the Museums at
7:30 p.m. in Kellog Auditorium.



White Nu-Buck Oxfords



A $10.95 value

Hurry Men! We have
just 40 pairs of
this fine shoe.





Hear These Outstanding Operatic Performances On
AGNER'Sar alComplete
WAGNER'S Music Drama
MANON (complete) Jules Massenet
Paris Opera-Comique - Albert Wolff
LaBOHEME (complete) Puccini
Tebaldi, Gueden, Arie, Etc.-Alberto Erede
GYPSY BARON (complete) Johann Strauss
Soloists, Vienna Opera, Vienna Philharmonic - C. Krauss

Tebaldi, Other Soloists, Chorus and Orchestra - Erede




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