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April 16, 1952 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1952-04-16

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Report from Vienna

EDITOR'S NOTE: The writer of this article,
sthe first in .a series of three, is at present tour-
ing Austria and Italy as a Fulbright scholar. A
former teaching fellow in the English department,
Gross wrote music reviews for the Daily last year.
HERE WE STAND at the midpoint of cen-
tral Europe. From the Kahlenberg and
the Leopoldsberg, which are slightly north
of Vienna and make up a part of the Vienna
woods, you can see the borders of Czecho-
slovakia and Hungary. Directly below, the
Danube turns west to Duerrenstein and
Linz, and east and south again to Budapest.
One of the Danube bridges is still down:
from these heights this is the only evidence
that the war touched Vienna. y
The feeling of history is strong, and
familiar place-names evoke memories of
things you read about a long time ago.
Duerrenstein is where Richard the Lion
Heart sat on his hands while Duke Leo-
pold nearly bankrupted England with his
ransom demands. Heiligenstadt, which is
about a mile south from where we are
standing, was Beethoven's home for a
while: it was there that he wrote the
agonized suicide note, the "Heiligenstadt
Testament." Turning around, and looking
north, we see the green domes of the
church at Klosterneuberg. The church is
baroque and characteristically ornate: all
gold and copper-green, winking and glist-
Sening in the afternoon sun. Consecrated In
the twelfth century (it was completely
rebuilt in the eighteenth century) it is a
symbol from the time of Hapsburg Empire
and from the time when the Emperors of
Austria were Holy, Roman, and Imperial.
On one dome sits the imperial crown, and
on the other sits the archducal hat.
Our eyes strain toward the east and south.
From he're The Iron Curtain is only a meta-
phor; the guarded and mined frontiers ap-
pear only as soft hills and green river val-
leys. From behind these frontiers about sixty
refugees a day come into Vienna. You see
refjigees everywhere, on trolleys, in the
streets, huddled in corners. They carry all
their belongings on their backs; none of
them seem young and all are lost and home-
less. The lucky ones reach an American re-
fugee center, and they manage to escape to
the non-Soviet sectors of Austria, to West-
ern Europe-and the luckiest ones-to Can-
ada and the United States. But some of the
unlucky ones blunder into the Soviet zones
of Vienna and are seized by the Russian
authorities. It has been reported to us that
the Russians pay the Viennese police a
bounty of five hundred schillings (about
twenty dollars) for every refugee they turn
in. Those who are caught are sent back to
serve long prison terms, or "rehabilitated"
in labor camps. The police here are eminent-
ly corruptible: Erst kommt das Essen, dann
die Moral. So says Bert Brecht in the Drei-
We walk down from the Kahlenberg
through the Vienna woods. At various places
along the path there are signs in four lan-
guages-English, French, Russian, and Ger-

man-which warn us not to enter the Rus-
sian sector. America ns are not Allowed out-
side of the city limits of Vienna; anyplace
outside of Vienna is Soviet territory. At the
foot of the Kahlenberg is the wine-making
village of Grinzing. It was in Grinzing that
the citizens, through an incredible sacrifice
contrived to preserve the virtue of their
women and girls from the oncoming Rus-
sian armies. They emptied the wine casks
into the streets until the cobble-stoned
pavements became rivers of sweet flowing
grape. So drunk and diverted were the he-
roes of the Soviet Union that the girls man-
aged to get off unscathed. It is said that
some of the citizens came out with pickle
jars, milk bottles, and old rubberbootssto
join in the celebration. Others were seen
with their heads in the gutters, lapping it up
as it went by.
We ride the street car back into town. On
our left, on the Nussdorferstrasse, we pass
the house in which Schubert was born. This
is the genuine Schubert Birth House; since
we have been in Vienna two other houses
have been pointed out as Schubert Birth
Houses. We have also seen a number of
linden trees reputed to be The Original
Linden Tree (Franz Schubert Composed
Vienna takes its great men very serious-
ly, and its attitude toward them may be
described as sentimental necrophilia. We
spent the very first morning of our offi-
cial sight-seeing trip in the Kaiser Gruft
or Imperial Burial Vault. Here, in the
cellar of a Capuchin church, are crowded
the bodies of a hundred fourteen (or was
it a hundred forty?) Hapsburgs, all done
up neatly in copper sarcophagi. The sar-
cophagi are ornate, very baroque, and
decorated with death's-heads and rotten
armor. In the middle of the vault is the
immense bronze sarcophagus of Maria
Theresa. Ranged around it, and in testi-
mony to her enormous fertility, are the
tiny sarcophagi of those of her sixteen
children who died in infancy. Other kings
and queens are here: Maria Theresa's
oldest son Joseph II (The Enlightened
Monarch), Franz I, and the greatly loved
Franz Joseph. But though all of the kings
and queens are in the Kaiser Gruft, not all
of them are altogether there. The hearts,
lungs, and entrails of the more celebrated
ones were distributed among the more im-
portant churches. Each church got its cut,
so $o speak.
Of course some of the Hapsburgs are still
walking around: in New York, Paris, Lisbon,
Vienna. None of them will escape the Kaiser
Gruft, our guide assured us: they will get
them all and pop them into their bronze
kimonas. Soon all the Hapsburgs, will be
sleeping together in that damp cellar, tend-
ed by nervous little monks wearing the san-
dals and cowls of their order. The guide did
not say whether they still cut out the hearts,
lungs, and livers.
-Harvey Gross

WASHINGTON-An extraordinary human
drama is now being played out in the
Governor's mansion at Springfield, Ill. Ever
since President Truman's surprise withdraw-
al at the Jefferson-Jackson day dinner, Gov.
Adlai Stevenson, in the intervals of attend-
ing the 14-hour-a-day task of governing
his big state, has been wrestling with his
soul. Will he or will he not cooperate in the
strong movement to draft him for the Demo-
cratic nomination? Such is the question
he is seeking to answer.
According to personal friends who have
witnessed Stevenson's private wrestling
match, it has been downright painful to
watch. Gov. Stevenson has gone through a
series of phases. Immediately after the
President's announcement, he was about
ready to "chuck the whole thing," by an-
nouncing that he was not a candidate and
would not accept the nomination if offer-
Twenty-four hours later, after a day in
Washington in which he was showered with
assurances of support from important poli-
tical leaders and cogent arguments from
friends that it was his duty to run, he seem-
ed to have changed his mind. On the tele-
vision program on the Sunday night after
the President's announcement, he certainly
sounded like a receptive candidate, if not
like an active one.
Back in the huge, rambling Governor's
mansion in Springfield, however, torturing
indecision again seized Stevenson. At first,
he was very strongly inclined to pretend,
in effect, that nothing had been changed by
the President's withdrawal. He intended
m'erely to sit tight, to get on with his busi-
ness as governor, and to say nothing at all
about the party nomination. Then he found
himself besieged, by telephone and in per-
son, by hoards of leading Democrats, all
urging him to make the race.
His close friends advised him that he
must somehow clarify his position, and to
this he has now agreed. Again, his first in-
clination was to make a statement on the
famous General Sherman pattern. Last week,
he was actually within a hair's breadth of
removing himself once and for all from con-
sideration. Only the importunities of friends
and admirers, who have been rather in the
position of men hanging on the coattails of
a would-be suicide, prevented him from
doing so. *
THE REASONS FOR these hesitations are
understandable. Stevenson is a man
cursed with an excess of imagination, only
too capable of foreseeing what would await
him if by chance he should be elected Presi-
dent. Moreover, he has what he considers a
"difficult moral problem." He has persuaded
all sorts of able men to throw up their pri-
vate jobs in order to serve the Illinois state
government, on the explicit understanding
that he would run again for Governor.
He fears-and here most Illinois politi-
cal observers agree with him-that anoth-
er Democrat cannot beat the powerful and
well-financed Republican machine owned
by Col. Robert R. McCormick. Thus he
thinks his withdrawal may mean turning
back the state government, in which he
has become passionately interested, to the
sleavy crowd which ran it before his elec-
tion in 1948. He has, also, little desire to
.run against General Dwight D. Eisenhow-
er, whom he admires, and whom he con-
siders the most probable Republican
choice. Finally, he is in some ways a rather
diffident man, and he has a mortal fear
of seeming presumptious, of other people
thinking that he considers himself "an
indispensable man."
Because of these strong feelings of Steven-
son's, there is little or no chance of his be-
coming an active candidate in the manner
of Senators Estes Kefauver and Robert

Kerr. The issue involved in the drafting of
his forthcoming statement is not whether
to announce he will chase the nomination,
because he has no intention of doing so.
The issue is, rather, whether to discourage
the major state leaders who desire to draft
Stevenson, or to encourage them. As these
words are written, the betting is reported as
50-50 either way at Springfield.
PERHAPS IT IS A straw in the wind, how-
ever, that the Illinois Governor has now
decided to attend the New York dinner in
honor of W. Averill Harriman, after first
sending his regrets. At this somewhat fan-
tastic rally on April 17, all the major Demo-
cratic Presidential hopefuls will gather and
will speak under the possibly amused eye of
Harry S. Truman himself.
Stevenson, who can be a very moving
speaker on occasion, is now hard at work
preparing his own speech, as is his old-
fashioned habit. The contrasts should be
curious between Sen. Kefauver's rather
rambling, good-tempered endorsements of
virtue; the strident, rousing partisanship
of Sen. Kerr, and the mixture of friendly
humor and thoughtful seriousness which
is the Stevenson specialty. It will be the
first time Stevenson has done his stuff in
public before a really attentive big league
The Stevenson admirers go so far as to
hope the effect may be comparable to that
produced by the first major New York
speech, at Cooper Union, by another famous

,What Ever Happened To That Code Of Ethics,
2 \ - y
if r
,- 5 ~
*<i /

The Daily welcomes communications from its readers on matters of
general interest, and will publish all letters which are signed by the writer
and in good taste. Letters exceeding 300 words in length, defamatory or
libelous letters, and letters which for any reason are not in good taste will
be condensed, edited or withheld from publication at the discretion of the




4* 4 I

More Theology ...
To the Editor:
In an attempt to refute my ori-
ginal statement that a "religion is
a way of orienting man to his sur-
roundings, and, if need be, modi-
fying his surroundings to facili-
tate this" it has been suggested
that "religion has been tradition-
nally regarded as forming a bond
between God and man." In order
for this to be true, we must broad-
en the definition of God to mean
our surrounding influences. If we
do not do this, and instead define
God asda personalized deity, the
latter definition of religion is un-
workable. To substantiate this I
would quote from a Buddhist cat-
echism compiled by Buddhists of
Southern India. "There is no per-
sonal God-Creator, on whose will
and mercy the universe is depen-
dent. . . Human ignorance it is
alone which invented a personal
God-Creator. The Buddhist utter-
ly rejects the belief in a personal
God, and distinctly denies the doc-
trine of a creation out of noth-
ing." A definition of religion which
excludes this, the largest religion
in the world certainly is a narrow
one. Remember, 500,000,000 Budd-
hists must not be excluded!
Two attempts were made to re-
fute a second statement, "authori-
tarianism in church or social order
subverts the purpose of religion."
One has stated that authoritarian-
ism is the process of guiding wise-
ly, while the other (with some-
what more realistic view) wishes
to justify its existence in church
structure by comparing it to "po-

lice force, jails, and death chamb-
ers." Now, I do not believe that
when someone is told that he
must believe a doctrine, because
of the authority vested in a per-
son or book, that he is being ex-
actly "guided," but rather, that
he is having the idea "forced
down" his throat. Moreover, it is
apparent that the reason that we
have prisons is to keep certain in-
dividuals, who in the past have
shown that they disrupt the whole
of society in the orienting process,
away from the rest of society.
Because we believe that demo-
cracy should be, and in our case
is, a integral component of reli-
gion, we initiated the movement
in S. R. A. to have it state that it
was in favor of students being al-
lowed to- hear speakers of their
choice on subjects of their choice.
We find it hard to believe that
a country may have freedom of
religion (which is desired by all
mernbers of S. R. A.) and not, at
the same time, have freedom of
speech (which does not appear to
be desired by all members of S.
R. A.).
-Dick Phillips
Chairman Unitarian
Student Group
To the Editor:

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The Fight Against McCarthy

(Continued from Page 2) are asked to inform Prof. Hans Kurath,
5208 Angel Hall, which examinations
a representative here on Fri., April 18, they will be ready to take.
to see individuals interested in mer-
chandlising or operating trainees., einrinApid-ahmais
dustrial engineers, accountant trainees, Thurs., April 17, 4 p.m.,,247 W. Engi-
both men and women. neering. Mr. Paul Gray will speak on
Montgomery Ward of Detroit will in- Theory of Distributions.
terview on Fri., April 18, for retailing Logic Seminar. Wed., April 16, 2 p.m.,
and merchandising trainee positions. 2219 A.H. Mr. Clarke will speak on "The
PersonnAbbott Laboratories of North representation of relation algebras.'
Chicago, Ill., has an opening for an Seminar in Mathematical Statistics:
Industrial Engineer. Applicant can have The meeting for Wed., April 16, has been
a degree in Industrial Engineering, or postponed until Wed., April 23.
Business Administration with some En- -__n__dAr_
gineering or Mechanical Engineering orientation Seminar (Mathematics).
and some Industrial Management. Wed., April 16, 2 p.m., 3001 A.H. Mr.
There is an opening for a Control Al Dhahir will speak on "Problems in
Clerk to supervise temporary clerks and the Beginnings of Non-Euclidian Ge-
to take over control work involved in ometry."
tabulating on IBM machines. One will
be taught how to use the machines. Aero Seminar: Dr. Gordon Patterson
The State Mutual Life Assurance, of the University of Toronto will talk
Inc. of Worcester, Mass., has openings on "Shock Tube Investigations," Thurs.,
for Mathematics majors as Acturial April 17, 4 p.m., 1042 E. Engineering
TraineesBldg. Interesed students, teaching, and
The Silver Fleet Motor Express Inc. research staff welcome.
of Louisville, Ky., is in need of an Auto
motive Engineer for their Maintenance Astronomical Colloquium. Thurs.,
Department. June graduates are eli- April 17, 4:15 p.m., the Observatory. Dr.
gible to apply. Stanley P. Wyatt, Jr. will speak on "A
Walter J. Lehner & Sons of Mount Radio Model of the Galaxy."
Clemens, Mich., needs a Draftsman, a
Survey Crew Chief or an experienced Botany Seminar. "The Biology of an
Instrument man and a Civil Engineer. Insect Mycosis," by Dr. A. S. Sussman,
They need men immediately. Wed.,'April 16, 4 p.m., 1139 Natural
The H. J. Heinz Co. of Holland, Science.
Mich., has positions open for summer -_
work and would like interested persons Engineering Mechanics Se m i n ar:
to fill out application blanks. If there Wed., April 16. 3:45 p.m., 101 W. Engi-
is sufficient interest they will come to neering Building. Prof. Paul M. Naghdi
the campus to interview. will speak on "The Influence of Holes
The Detroit Arsenal of Center Line, and Inclusions on the Transverse Flex-
Mich., has some vacancies for the sum- ure of Thick Plates."
mer in the Design Branch for faculty
members and graduate students with Doctoral Examination for George Ed-
experience in Stress and Weight Cal- ward Barker, Chemical Engineering;
culations. thesis: "Rates of Alcoholysis and Dif-
The Continental-Diamond Fiber Co. fusion in Ion-Exchange Resins," Wed.,
has vacancies for chemical, mechanical April 16, 3201 E. Engineering Bldg., at
and electrical engineers. 2 p.m. Chairman, R. R. White.
W. A. Alexander & Co. of /Chicago,
Ill., needs trainees for sales, sales man- Doctoral Examination for Stephen
agement, insurance underwriting or Bassett Withey, Psychology; thesis:
administrative fields. "Consistency of Immediate and Delayed
Bankers Life & Casualty Co. of Chi- Report of Financial Data," Wed., April
cago, Ill., needs high level executive 16, 3121 Natural Science Bldg., 3:30 p.m.
personnel for Actuarial positions. Chairman, A. Campbell.
Indiana Steel Products Co. of Ro-. .
chester, N. Y., is in need of sales engi- Doctoral Examination for Cleobelle
neers. One is needed for Rochester, Harrison, Education; thesis: "A Study
one for Cleveland and one for Detroit. of the Trends in the Certification of
The Northvile State Hospital in ry-SchooTeachers of Art and
Northville, Mich., has openings for in the Objectives of Such Teaching,"
psychologists, psychiatric social work- Thurs., April 17, East Council Room,
ers and nutritionists. Rackham Bldg., 10 a.m. Chairman, F.
Technicolor Motion Picture Corpora- D. Curtis.
tion of Hollywood, Calif., has openings ___r_-
for chemical engineers, electrical engi-
neers and physicists with either an Seminar in Physical Chemistry. John
M.S. or Ph.D. degree required for the H. LaRochelle will speak on "Dipole
positions. Moments in Saturated Hydrocarbons."
The Department of the Army, Office at 4 p.m., Wed., April 16, 2308 Chem-
of the Surgeon General, is in great istry Building. Visitors are welcome.
need of women to enter a training
:ourse for occupational therapists. June A Doctoral Examination for Maurice
graduates are eligible to apply. Andre Brull, Aeronautical Engineering;
The Kroger Food Foundation of Cin- thesis: "A Structural Theory Incorpor-
cinnati, Ohio, has an opening for a ating the Effect of Time-Dependent
junior technician. A man or woman Elasticity," Thurs., April 17, 1077 E.
with a major in chemistry may make Engineering Bldg., 2:30 p.m. Co-Chair-
application, men: E.J. Lesher'and P. F. Chenea.
The LaSalle National Bank of Chi--
cago has available positions for June ,roncerts
graduates interested inentering the
banking field as a career. Voice Class Program under the di-
The Central Soya Company, Inc., of rection of Arlene Sollenberger, 4:15
Fort Wayne, Ind., is in need of a woman Wednesday afternoon, 5 06 Burton Tow-
to fill the position of a personnel secre- er. Soloists: Janice Clark, Soprano;
tary. Constance Shepherd, Mezzo-soprano;
The Florsheim Shoe Company of Lucille Stansberry, Contralto; Edward
Chicago needs recent or June graduates Banghart, Bass and Frank McKowen,
with some accounting for Retail Shoe Baritone; accompanists Kathleen Bond,
Store Auditors and Managers. Glenna Gregory, Esther McGlothin,
For further information, application Margaret Strand. Open to the public.
Fblanks, and appointments, contacttleMratSrndOpno thepulc
Bureau of Appointments, 3528 Admin-
istration Building, Ext. 371. Student Recital: Benjamin Shanklin,
baritone will be heard at 8:30 Thurs-
da eeinci 17, BntheiRaham

WASHINGTON-More was at stake than
appeared on the surface 1A the battle
which the Senate Privileges and Election
subcommittee won against Sen. Joseph Mc-
Carthy (R., Wis.) last week.
The subcommittee now has an ironclad
mandate to proceed with this investiga-
tion of the charges brought by Sen. Wil-
liam Benton (D., Conn.) against the jun-
ior senator from Wisconsin. It it not a job
that can be done hurriedly or carelessly as
any observer of the McCarthy operations,
however casual, knows.
But only 90 days at the utmost are avail-
able to the Senate for the rest of its year's
work which includes all appropriations and
other time-consuming matters that will not
wait. It is thus a virtual certainty that the
McCarthy affair cannot be disposed of prior
to adjournment. Should McCarthy be re-
elected next November, Democrats have de-
Our Decadent
JT IS THE FASHION to believe that art
cannot thrive in our trading democracy.
Our cultured society speaks of are with sol-
emnity and awe, as men speak of one that
has fought the good fight and who rests from
his labors.. Indeed, we have lately been told
by a professor of distinction that there is no
hope here for real literature or art, so hope-
lessly vulgar and sordid is American life.
Surely those burghers of medieval Paris
knew nothing of culture, and doubtless they
were vulgar, but they thoroughly believed in
their religion, and their vulgarity did not
prevent their originating the Gothic cathed-
rals. Doubtless those Florentine traders were
men mercenary, but they loved their city
with fervor, and gladly gave their wealth to
build its public monuments. Neither French-
man nor Florentine had art critics to tell
him his motives, but they applied to their
everyday work vigor, courage, and energy,
and without their knowing it their work im-

termined that they will avail themselves of
the precedent set by the Republican 80th
congress in the case of a Democrat, the late
Sen. 'theodore Gilmore Bilbo of Mississippi,
and challenge him his right to be seated
pending the outcome of charges against
him. Should Democrats retain control of
the Senate-the mathematical probabilities
lean that way-they should have the neces-
sary votes.
In January 1947, when the late Mr.
Bilbo presented himself at the Senate
with a fresh mandate from the citizens
of Mississippi, the dominant Republicans
barred the door. They had a committee
investigating "the man," even as the pre-
sent election subcommittee is investigating
McCarthy, and its report was not ready.
Bilbo, they insisted, must step aside. It
so happened that the Mississippian was
known to be suffering from an incurable
disease. The club spirit prevailed; a com-
promise was worked out by which he
stepped aside temporarily but continued
to draw his pay and emoluments. The
matter was not pursued further, and by
late 1947, he was dead and Sen. John
Stennis was in his seat.
Democrats are confident the precedent
applies. A victorious party can be expected
to find reasons why it doesn't. The debate
last week indicates he can expect support
from Sens. Everett Dirksen and Bourke
Hickenlooper among others.
Should Republicans control the Senate,
the Democrats will make their challenge
anyway, presenting the new Senate at the
very start with a challenge on its stand on
The controversial senator himself, a
gambler by temperament, brought on the
skirmish last week by his intemperate at-
tacks on the subcommittee. Perhaps he felt
it necesary to discredit the committee if he
could before he had to campaign for re-
For the Democrats of Wisconsin have
found in Henry Reuss of Milwaukee a can-
didate for senator who takes seriously the
effect of McCarthy on American public life.
Reuss is swinging hard against McCarthy
and putting the story of his Washington

sophy department will speak on "The7
Logic of Historiography." Refreshments.
Michigan Arts Chorale. Meet at 7
p.m., Wed., April 16, University High
School Auditorium.
student Players. Meeting for all mem-
bers at 7:30 p.m., Room D, third floor,
League. Members from "Two Blind
Mice" as well as "Joan of Lorraine"
should attend.
Weekly Union Bridge Tournament.
7:30 p.m., Room 3K, L and M, Union.
Open to all students. Late permission
for coeds.
Student Science Society: tvieeting,
8:30 p.m., 1400 Chem. Dr. Glaser will
speak on "Particles of Nuclear Physics."
Assembly Newspaper. Staff meeting,
4:15 p.m., in the League lobby.
Society for Peaceful Alternatives.
Meeting, 7:30 p.m., Union. At this
meeting we are making determined ef-
fort to bring the S.P.A. and the issue
of Peace to the students here.
Polonia Club. Meeting, 7:30 p.m., In-
ternational Center. The evening will be
devoted to dancing, eating, and playing
International students Association:
Meeting of the Committees for the In-
ternational Ball at 3:15 p.m., Interna-
tional Center.
Coming Events
Prospective Social Work Students are
invited to hear Joseph P. Anderson,
Executive Secretary, American Associa-
tion of Social Workers, New York, dur-
ing a work shop session Qn Fri., April
18, 1:45 to 3:30 p.m., at the Rackham
Building. The program is sponsored by
the Alumni Organization and faculty of
the School of Social Work, and the
Michigan State Council of the American
Association of Social Workers. Under-
graduate students will have a chance to
hear about opportunities for them in a
social work career.
A naval aviation procurement team
from the Naval Air Station, Grosse Ile,
Michigan, will visit the campus on
Thurs., April 17, Room 112, North Hall,
for the purpose of interviewing pros-
pective candidates for NAVCAD flight
training who have completed at least
two full academic years of college.
Phi Beta Kappa: Initiation Banquet
of the Michigan Chapter, Mon., April
21, 6:30 p.m., Michigan Union. Miss
Sarah:Blanding, President of Vassar
College, will be the speaker. Reserva-
tions should be made at the office of
the Secretary, Hazel M. Losh, Observa-
tory, by Friday, April 18. Members of
other chapters are invited.
Chess Club. Re-organizational meet-
ing, April 17, 7:30 p.m., at the Union.
Discussion of a Chess Tournament and
matches with Wayne University is on
the agenda. After the meeting those
present will be playing chess. All those
that might be interested are invited
to attend.
International Relations Club. Import-
1ant business meeting for all members,
Thurs., April 17. 7:15 p.m. in Rm. 3K
of the Union.
Soaring Club, Meeting, Thursday,
April 17, at 7:30 p.m. in Room 1042
East Engineering Building. All inter-
ested students are invited.
U. of M. Sailing Club. Meeting, April
17, 7:30 p.m., 311 West Engineering.
Shore school on sailing theory and
practice. Sailing and instruction at
Whitmore on Saturday and Sunday.
Inter-Guild Retreat will be held April
18, 19, and 20, at the Methodist Youth
Camp at Port Huron. The topic for
discussion is "The Place of Prayer in
the Life of a Christian." Make reser-
vations and transportation arrange-
ments at Lane Hall or your guild.

PRESIDENT Truman has stated
that he would like to see the
voting privilege extended to per-
sons in the armed forces by use
of a federal ballot. Giving the
serviceman the opportunity to
choose between a Tweedle Dum
Democrat and a Tweedle Dee Re-
publican, both of whose hands
are equally blood stained hardly
proves anything. I think that the
true sentiment of armed forces
would be shown much better if he
were allowed to vote "yes" or "no"
on a question such as this:
"Do you favor the immediate
withdrawal of all American troops
from the Korean peninsula and
the prohibition of the use of
American forces in the internal af-
fairs of any nation in the future?"
For that matter, why restrict the
use of this referendum to the
armed forces ballot? Let us peti-
tion for the inclusion of this ques-
tion on the ballot in the coming
election in all states.
-Robert W. Burns, '53BAd
* * *
Toledo At .. .
To the Editor:
PEOPLE like Miss Hager who
aren't satisfied with the con-
certs presented by the University
Musical Society should perhaps
keep themselves informed of what
goes on in Toledo.
This season the Toledo Museum
of Art has presented, among I
don't know how many other pro-
grams, concerts by the Italian
Quartet, Germani (the Vatican or-
ganist), the Virtuosi di Roma, and
Suzanne Bloch. (Some of these
were free concerts.)
It may not be within the scope
of the. Musical Society to bring
such artists as these to Ann Arbor,
but it doesn't seem to be the prov-
ince of any other agency either.
And if performers of this sort
aren't going to be brought to Ann
Arbor, people who want to hear
them will have to get used to
making the extra effort to go
somewhere else to do it. And I
suppose they can be thankful they
don't have to go to a center more
distant than Toledo.
-Mary Sleator




'The Thomas M. Cooley Lectures, fifth
series. General subject. "Perspectives in
Conflicts Law." Second Lecture, "Poli-
cies: Considerations Controlling Choice
of Law." Hessel E. Yntema. Research
Professor of Comparative Law. Wed.,
April 16, 4:15 p.m., 120 Hutchins Hall.
Third and final lecture: "Basic Factors:
Survey of Conflicts Rules in Specific
Fields of Law." Professor Hessel E.
Yntema. 4:15 p.m., Thurs., April 17,
120 Hutchins Hall.
Mathematics Lectures: Prof. M. H.
Stone will give the second lecture in his
lecture series on "Special Theorems and
Locally Compact Abelian Groups" on
Wed., April 16, at 4 p.m., 3011 Angell
University Lecture. Fritz Kunkel,
M.D., author and consulting psychia-
trist, Los Angeles, California. "The Dif-
fering Dynamics of Psychology and
Religion." Rackham Lecture Hall, 8:30
p.m., Wed., April 16; auspices of Lane

day evening, April 17, in the Rackham
Assembly Hall, in a recital presented in
lieu of a thesis for the Master of Music
degree in Music Literature. Mr. Shank-
lin is a pupil of Arthur Hackett, and
his program will be open to the public.
Events Today
Research Club. Joint meeting with
the Science Research Club and the
Women's Research Club. 8 p.m., Rack-
han Amphitheatre. Program devoted to
commemorating the life and work of
Leonardo da Vinci as follows:
"Leonardo da Vinci the Artist," by
Harold E. Wethey (Research Club).
"Leonardo da Vinci the Engineer," by
Wilbur C. Nelson (Science Researchj
"Leonardo da Vinci as an Anatomist,''I
by Elizabeth C. Crosby (Women's Re-
search Club).
Comparative Religious Seminar, Lane
Hall, 7 p.m. All interested students wel-

Sixty-Second Year
Edited and managed by students 'of
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
Chuck Elliott .........Managing. Editor
Bob Keith...............City Editor
Leonard Greenbaum, Editorial Director
Vern Emerson ..........Feature Editor
Ron Watts .............Associate Editor
Bob Vaughn ...........Associate Editor
Ted Papes ................Sports Editor
George Flint ....Associate Sports Editor
Jim Parker .....Associate Sports Editor
Jan James.............Women's Editor
Jo Ketelhut, Associate Women's Editor
Butsiness Staffj
Bob Miller..........Business Manager
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