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April 15, 1952 - Image 6

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1952-04-15

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Sen. Moody
Sees Easy
(Continued from page 1)
Republican Congressmen, if they
back Ike', will be repudiating their
own stand on foreign policy," the
youthful Senator emphasized.
With regard to his own race
for re-election, Sen. Moody anti-
cipated little trouble in obtain-
ing the Democratic nomination.
However, a different story is in
prospect for the November elec-
tion, as any of several Republican
contenders could give the incum-
bent Senator a tough battle.
State Auditor General John Mar-
tin and former Lt. Gov. Eugene
C. Keyes. Rep. Charles E. Potter,
of some fame as a member of the
House Un-American Activities sub-
committee recently in Detroit, yes-
terday threw his hat into the ring
with a blast at Sen. Moody's al-
leged association with the "ultra-
left-wing of the Democratic
Party. "
Donald S. Leonard, retiring state
policecommissioner, is expected
to enter the race.
Sen. Moody declined to name
which he felt would be his tough-
est protagonist. However, he
promised to force the GOP candi-
date to debate the issues before
the people.
The handsome Senator felt his
most important achievements in
the Senate had been working' in
the fields of cleaning up corrup-
tion, promoting economy in gov-
ernment and foreign policy.

G&S Will Present
Play Tomorrow
Producing their 11th show since 1947, the Campus Gilbert and
Sullivan Society will present "Princess Ida" at 8 p. m. tomorrow at the
Lydia Mendelssohn Theater.
Though seldom produced because of staging difficulties and
technical expense, the operetta, according to student director Jim
Ueberhorst, '52L, "contains the usual Gilbert and Sullivan enjoyment
plus something truly musical."
* * * *
"PRINCESS IDA", which is the only three act operetta of Gilbert
and Sullivan, posed a staging problem because three different sets are
required. The enterprising group solved the problem by using several
levels so that in each act there is action going on at more than one
level. One of the acts -will show a stage with a massive castle and a
chorus of 40 people.
The audience will be greeted by a wide variety of costumes.
"The purpose of this is to typify the different meanings of the
plot," said Ueberhorst. Costumes will range from 18th century
Renaissance, to medieval armor, to far back in the Egyptian period.
As a satire on women's attempt to become man's equal, "Princess
Ida" unwinds the story of 100 beautiful women, led by Princess Ida,
who set up a woman's college in an old medieval castle which they
appropriate name "Castle Adamant."
Princess Ida had been married at the age of one to Prince
Hilarion, who was then twice her age - two. As the story continues
Hilarion, now 23 years old, tries in many devious ways to obtain his
legal bride from her "intellectual hideout".
* * * *
THE GROUP DIRECTS and produces all its own shows with the
help of two faculty advisors. The dramatic director for "Princess Ida"
is Clarence Stevenson, '52 Grad. David Klein, '53 is music director.
The principles in the case are Ara Bererian, '52 BAd, as King
Hildebrand; Frank Dorretta, '52M, as Hilarion; Mary Anne Dun-
worph, '53, as Psyche and Jerry Bilik, '55M, as Gama.
Tickets for the operetta, which will run through Saturday, are
90 and 60 cents for Wednesday and Thursday night, and $1.20 and 90
cents for the Friday and Saturday performance. Tickets may be pur-
chased by the Lydia Mendelssohn box office.

'U' Eligibility
By Faculty
(Continued from page 1)

two other conclusions:


1-In some ways, the basic
requirements for athletic eligi-
bility are more stringent than
for non-athletes. A failure, a
grade of E or F, means auto-
matic disqualification from ath-
letics regardless of other grades
received by the student.
2-All available information
indicates that the University's
C average requirement for ath-
letes is the highestin the West-
ern Conference.
The committee made only one
recommendation: "that the pro-
cedures and practices of the eligi-
bility committee of the Board in
Control of Intercollegiate Ath-
letics be formulated and printed
in a clear fashion."
'I *' *
THE GROUP concluded: "It is
clear that a number of opinions
and impressions were based on in-
accurate or fragmentary informa-
The report is expected to pro-
voke comment at the May 19 ses-
sion of the Senate, a group made
up of all faculty members with the
rankrof assistant professor or
Second -Cooley
Lecture Today
The problem of conflicting
laws of states and countries will
be the subject of the Fifth Series
of Thomas M. Cooley Lectures this
Hessel E. Yntema, research pro-
fessor of comparative law, will de-
liver the second lecture, "Postu-
lates: Evolution of Basic Concep-
tions Concerning Conflicts of
Laws, at 4:15 p. m. today in Rm.
120, Hutchins Hall.
The Thomas M. Cooley Lectures
were instituted by the law school
faculty in 1947. They are named in
honor of the three members of the
first faculty of the Law School.
LS&A Conference
"Interdepartmental Courses"
will be the topic of the next Liter-
ary College Conference which will
be held at 7:30 p. m. Thursday in
the League.
Students and faculty members
are invited to air their views on
the subject at the conference, Joe
Sullivan, '52, chairman of the
steering committee, said.

Well, Well
The Ides of March left Uni-
versity students relatively un-
touched, according to Dr. War-
ren E. Forsythe, director of
Health Service.
Although March is usually a
month of increased illness, this
year found student enrollment
in Health Service six per cent
lower than that of last March.
Total clinic calls dropped 10
per cent and infirmary bed pa-
tients dropped 22 per cent.
However, outpatient clinic
nurse visits increased approxi-
mately 20 per cent, he reported.
Prof. Moore
Dies Suddenly
A heart attack claimed the life
of vacationing Prof. George R.
Moore of the School of Dentistry,
April 6 in St. Petersburg, Fla.
Prof. Moore had flown to Flori-
da for spring vacation. Funeral
services for the 52-year old facul-
ty member were held at-3.00 p.m.
April 10 in St. Andrews Episcopal
Prof. Moore joined the faculty
in 1924 after graduating from the
University with a DDS degree in
1923. In 1937 he was made a full
He was a specialist in the field
of orthodontics, the correction of
irregular teeth.

Two Speech
Dept. Shows
Win Honors
Two University radio programs
presented by the speech depart-
ment copped honors'at the 16th
Annual Exhibition of Educational
Radio and TV held at Ohio State
University this week.
"Window on Moon Street" a
mystery drama by Bob Foshko,
Grad, and Mort Zarcoff, Grad, won
first prize as representative of
scripts done on "Angell Hall Play-
Receiving honorable mention
was the children's drama by Don
Postma, Grad., "The Haughty
Rooster." This was cited in the
division of children's programs,
and was entered as typical of the
type of show done on "Down Story
Book Lane."
Restaurant Group
Will MeetToday
The Washtenaw Restaurant and
Caterers will hold a meeting to
acquaint local restaurant owners
with the latest OPS regulations
at 8:30 p.m. today at the King-
Seeley Cafeteria.
An OPS official will be there to
answer questions asked by the


-Daily-Larry wilk
NEW ORGAN-An unusual new Austrian organ has been pur-
chased by the School of Music. The semi-portable instrument,
which occupies more floor space than a concert grant piano, got
its inaugural recital last night at Hill Auditorium, with University
organist Robert Noehren at the keyboard. The recital was part of
the spring meeting of the Michigan Music Teachers Association.
A member of that organization (above) inspects the new instru-
ment before the concert began. The organ, built by Rieger Organs
of Schwarzbach, Austria, is a self-contained instrument with
three complete divisions: great, positive, and pedal. It contains
20 registers, 22 ranks and over 1,100 pipes.




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