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April 15, 1952 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1952-04-15

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NI ________________________________________



S ENATOR Dick Russell of Georgia, who
has been more effective than any other
Southern senator in blocking the Truman
civil rights program, now gives indications
that h'e has changed his mind-at least in
Now that Russell is a presidential candi-
date, friends say that he might be willing
to compromise somewhat-though he would
never accept a compulsory FEPC.
T Tip-off on this possibility-and it's only
in the preliminary stages-came when Sena-
tor McFarland of Arizona, the conscientious
Democratic leader, began sounding out
minority groups about a compromise. If
such a compromise can be worked out satis-
factorily both to Negro leaders and moder-
ate Southerners, McFarland will bring it
up in the Senate-with Russell's blessing.
* *5 *
"H ELLO BOSS," was the way Ben Fair-
less, head of the giant U.S. Steel Com-
pany, greeted Secretary of Commerce
Sawyer when he walked into Sawyer's office
after the government seized the steel indus-
try . . . Sawyer was munching a grapefruit
in Detroit when a call came 'through from
the White House telling him to stand by
because the President wanted to take over
steel. He flew back to Washington ... at
a meeting of Defense Department officials,
Secretary Lovett emphasized the absolute
importance of keeping the steel mills run-
ning. He said a closedown would be a disas-
ter to Korea and the defense effort-
Senators Maybank of South Carolina and
Robertson of Virginia have been pulling
backstage wires to give the steel industry a
price increase regardless of the effect on
inflation. Robertson has had calils from the
steel lobbyists. Maybank is chairman of the
powerful Senate Banking and Currency
Committee supposed to help hold the line
against price increases . . . Even labor has
been exerting some quiet pressure to in-
crease steel prices modestly . . . Toughest
man to move regarding prices, however, is
President Truman himself-aloig with OPS
Administrator Ellis Arnall and Stabilizer
Roger Putnam.
PENNSYLVANIA Democrats don't want
to stick their necks out publicly, but
behind the scenes some of the top leaders
are doing to best to block the confirmation
of their fellow Democrat Judge Jim Mc-
Granery as Attorney General.
Pittsburgh's Mayor David Lawrence,
top Democratic leader of western Penn-
sylvania, let off a telephonic blast to
Democratic Chairman Frank McKinney
against McGranery. So -did ex-Senator
Francis Myers of eastern Pennsylvania in
a call to Senate friends on the Judiciary
Neither one wanted to be subpoenaed and
forced to take a stand publicly, though they
were glad to drop a few hints about Mc-
Granery's record to the newspapers.
Interesting fact is that the once rock-
ribbed Republican city of Philadelphia
which hadn't had a Democratic mayor since
shortly after the Civil ,War, last November
elected one. It was the biggest clean-up of
graft-ridden Philadelphia politics in years
and a real triumph for clean government.
But the leaders of this new Democratic
administration, Major ,Joe Clark and Dis-
trict Attorney Dick Dilworth, not only were
not consulted by the White House regard-
ing McGranery, but are vigorously opposed
to him.
Yet McGranery is supposed to clean up
the Justice Department!
THE Secretary of Labor is supposed to
know more about labor unions than any
other man in the cabinet; which was one
reason handsome Secretary of Labor Maur-

ice Tobin, former governor of Massachu-
setts, was invited to officiate at the preview
of the new film "With These Hands."
The film is the history, of dynamic
David Dubinsky's International Ladies
Garment Workers Union, which previously
produced the Broadway musical hit "Pins
and Needles." The ILGW is a rival of
Jacob Potofsky's Amalgamated Clothing
Workers, the latter making men's clothing
and belonging to the CIO, while Dubin-
sky's Ladies Garment Workers . make
ladies' clothing and belong to the AFL.
A notable gathering of senators and con-
gressmen, including Italian Ambassador
Tarchiani, gathered in the Interior Depart-
ment auditorium when Secretary of Labor
Tobin rose to tell about the new ILGW film.
"This film," said the Secretary of Labor,
"is in honor of a great union which has one
done so much for the working people, so
much for trade unionism, so much for the
Anerican people-the Amalgamated Cloth-
ing Workers."!
Bill Green ,President of the AFL, looked
horrified. Ambassador Tarchiani looked un-
comfortable. David Dubinski, whose union
should have been named, was about the only
one who remained impassive. A murmur
ran through the audience. But the Secre-
tatry of Labox kept blithely on.
Boss Crump of Memphis is seriously con-
sidering ditching 85-year-old Senator Mc-
Kellar of Tennessee for re-election. Crump
thinks it would be difficult for the Demo-
crats to win if McKellar were nominated,
is trying to get McKellar to admit his health


and Interpreted by Allan Taylor, Thomas
Y. Crowell Co.
THE BEST CAMPAIGN Neapon that Taft
" forces have discovered to fight off the
omnipresent threat of an Eisenhower nomi-
nation is the General's supposed silence on
all major issues of the day.
While it is true that Eisenhower has not
been able to speak specifically on domestic
political issues while in uniform, he was not
silent on major issues while President of
Colunbia. Further, as a working soldier,
Eisenhower has had frequent opportunity to
make military and foreign policy recommen-
dations which have been recorded in
speeches and in records of Congressional
In order to present the Eisenhower view-
point to the public, Taylor has collected
Ike's most significant remarks and given
them additional interpretation and his-
A merican



Associated Press News Analyst
THE UNITED STATES was busily engaged
last week making friends with one hand
and alienating them with the other.
In Washington, before the National Con-
ference on International Development, poli-
cies for the administration of Point Four
Aid were explained in terms of the utmost
The prime objective was to help under-
developed peoples to help themselves.
There was to be no coercion. No exploita-
tion. Just show people what they could
do and, if they want to, let them adopt
the projects for their own, not something
It sounded fine. It was a reyffirmation of
traditional American attitudes.
At the United Nations another traditional
American attitude was being revised. It in-
volved the right of anyone to air his com-
plaints and make himself heard. Heretofore,
with the exception of last year's Moroccan
complaint against France, the United States
has insisted on this right, even to the point
of letting the Chinese Communists and
others be heard against the United States.
In the case of Tunisia, however, which is
complaining against French Colonialism, the
United States has been abstaining as the
Tunisians try to get their case before the
Security Council
In this case it is known that the Ameri-
can Delegation to the UN is an unwilling
advocate of State Department policy, and
that there has been wide division of opin-
ion in Washington, too. UN observers, are
presuming that, under the circumstances,
the decision has had to be made by Secre-
tary Acheson himself.
The eleven Asian-African sponsors of Tu-
nisia's case are therefore mad because the
United States has not helped them, and the
French, while glad enough to keep the ar-
gument off the agenda, are bound to smart
under the implication that their hands are
not clean enough to deserve outright Ameri-
can support.
All of the sponsors of the Tunisian case
are members of the under-developed bloc,
economically, within which Communism or
Democracy will win the cold war.
They would like to rely on what they had
been led to believe was American sympathy
for the downtrodden anywhere, and on the
long-standing American policy of self-de-
termination of peoples.
The United States, of course, is caught in
the middle between these policies and the
practical strategic situation of the moment
which brooks no weakening of her allies and
which makes points of danger out of weak,
semi-independent states.

torical background. In this manner he has
succeeded in presenting an excellent pic-
ture of the General's views.
After a brief biographical sketch of Eisen-
hower's career, Taylor arranged the quota-
tions and commentary in topical sections.
Since Eisenhower has been most con-
cerned with implementation of our foreign
policy in his roles as European Theatre Com-
mander and later SHAPE commander, he
speaks with most authority on foreign policy
and national defense. These sections are the
most worthwhile in the book.
The General's own remarks indicate that
he is in favor of Universal Military Training,
unification of the services, maintainence of
an effective fighting force both here and
abroad, and aid to other countries in both
military supplies and technological assis-
tance-in short, a policy of international-
Taft supporters will still charge that this
is a vague statement of principles, but it is
actually more clear and decisive than Taft's
book on foreign policy which was frequently
contradictory and confusing.
Domestically, Eisenhower fears the
growth of "statism" and has indicated that
he would examine all government services
and plans with great care to insure that
they do not conflict with the freedom of
the individual and our heritage of free
enterprise. He distrusts the "security" de-
sire which has been cleverly used in po-
litical campaigns. In one speech he said
"If all that Americans want is security,
then they can go to prison. They'll have
enough to eat, a bed and a roof over their
heads. But if an American wants to pre-
serve his dignity and his equality as a hu-
man being, he must not bow his neck to
any dictatorial government .., We owe it to
ourselves to understand the nature of the
times and not trade the principles that
made this nation great for some panaceas
dished out by a bureaucrat sitting in an
easy chair in Washington."
This statement probably expresses as well
as any Eisenhower's desire to keep the iidi-
vidual American citizen supreme, controlled
by himself and not by his government.
In all his speeches, Eisenhower places
great emphasis on cooperation as an essen-
tial element in world peace and national
unity. He believes &Iat in sitting down at a
conference table one should look for points
of agreement and cooperation, not at points
where disagreement might crop up. He be-
lieves in compromise when necessary, but
not to the extent of irreparable damage to
the national position.
Taylor cites a passage from the Forrestal
diaries to illustrate Eisenhower's foresight
in Russian negotiations at Potsdam. Eisen-
hower is quoted as warning Truman that
no important concessions should be made
to get Russia into the Pacific war as Japan
was already beaten.
As effective as Taylor's editing and
commentary may be to his readers, the
average voter will not take the trouble to
plough through the book and so will re-
main in the dark as to Eisenhower's opin-
ions. Certainly the General's decision to
refrain from politics unless he is nominat-
ed is disconcerting to the voter who likes
to believe he is informed about candidates.
Thus Taft's propaganda grows more bitter,
but more effective.
Many an Eisenhower supporter wishes theI
General would take this advice he gave to
other citizens in a 1949 speech:
"Stop shrugging off politics as only the
politicians' business: stop banking on Ameri-
can luck to get us good government and good
policy-sometime it will run out."
-Harry Lunh
Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writer only.

This must be noted in all reprints,

,er r

The Daily welcomes communications from its readers on matters of
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Eddie the Poet *.*,*
To the Editor:
ONE WAS NOT aware that, as
Prof. Joshua McClennen of the
College of Engineering Depart-
ment of English would have one
believe, Mr. Elliott's quotations
from the work of the newly-
wreathed State Laureate were
chosen with malice aforethought.
They seemed rather to be the fruit
of a random selection. Prof. Mc-
Clennen might have counteracted
this unfortunate impression by re-
galing us with a few cullings from
the bard's more felicitous mom-
It is appaling, but nowadays
hardly astounding - especially in
view of the hobnobbing, lately
publicized, of certain campus per-
sonalities with Mr. Edgar Guest-
to find a University member rising
in defence of the scandalous cor-
onation, without a dissenting vote,
of this versifier as Poet Laureate
of the State. It would be interest-
ing to know to just what extent
Prof. McClennen and his col-
leagues sympathize with abase-
ment of standards and official
consecration of the will of the
uninitiate majority in matters
His is reminiscent of the recent-
ly published statement of the
mayor of Detroit, to the effect that
he understood nothing of Modern
Art, confident in his solidarity
with the majority and no doubt
feeling himself by the same token
all the more honorable and up-
right a citizen, and, needless to
say, exempt from the taint of
snobbery and pernicious effects of
what Prof. McClennen righteously
denounces ast "false criticism." He
assumes the tone of one upholding
a popular folk manifestation, or of
one defending a Carl Sandburg
or Vachel Lindsay against the
attack of pedants. The apothe-
osis of Mr. Guest, as a matter of
fact, represents the revindication
of cheap sentimentality, delighted-
ly complacent in the nation-wide
propagation, in the syndicated
form of mechanically-rhymed
lines that nearly always scan,
of its trite and trivial maunder-
ings, a veritable thesaurus of
homely philosophy. The triumph
of a man who has scaled the
summits of success in the indus-
try of verse, the first "poet" to
be understood by a Legislature!
Must we blushingly confess that
iis only in one of "these" United
States that a writer of this stamp
could, in the modern world, be
officially exalted by a governing
body? One would have to revert
to the England of Nahum Tate or
some period of worse taste in
search of a precedent remotely
-Henry C. Schwartz
Jalarn & Semantics .. .
To the Editor:-
Far be it for me to criticise Miss
Judith Wolfe's definition of civil
liberties which appeared in this
column on Tuesday, April 1. How-
ever, I think someone ought to
point out a few careless slips in
semantics. Perhaps it might clari-
fy her thinking.. Miss Wolfe states:
"Struggles of colonial peoples
for independence do not arise
simultaneously and without im-
mediate causation. These bands
of roaming outlaws must obtain
their arms and incentive from
some outside source."
Let us take the current crisis in
South Africa. Prime Minister Mal-
a hs threatanAri o mi a

political and individual liberties,
aside from considering his at-
tempts to abolish all lawful proce-
dure by overriding the constitu-
tion. Is not the existence of a po-
lice state in South Africa suffi-
cient "immediate causation"?
And it seems paradoxical to re-
fer to those who seek to uphold the
constitution as "outlaws"-unless
it is unlawful to riot for the rights
of one's human dignity. Perhaps
the existence of a fascistic govern-
ment in South Africa is not ade-
quate "incentive" for the protesta-
tion of people suffering from pro-
stitution of their individual rights.
As far as the "outside source"
is concerned, I don't think people
who live under the tyrannical op-
pression of corrupt governments
need an "outside" stimulus to
prompt a revolution. The stimulus
is in their own back yards.
-Barbara Hoefeld
(Continued from page 1)
available can betsecured at any time
in the Office of the Dean of Women.
sorority House Managers should ob-~
tain their room contracts from the
Office of the ,Dean of Women im-
University Senate. The spring meet-
ing of the University Senate will be
held Mon., May 19, 4:15 p.m., Rackham
Matters to be placed on the agenda
should be brought to the attention of
the secretary by April 30.
Oscar Mayer of Madison, Wis., will
have a representative on the campus
on Tuesday, April 15, to interview men
for Operation, Sales, and Merchan-~
U. S. Gypsum, of Chicago, will have
a representative here Wed., Aprilh16,
to talk to June graduates interested
in Sales, Accounting, Civil, Architec-
tural and Electrical Engineering.
Lumbermans Mutual Casualty Com-
pany, Chicago, has openings in their
College Graduate Training Program and
will be here on Wed., April 16, to talk
to people interested in Underwriting,
Claim Adjusting, Accounting, Statistics,
Auditing and Sales. They will also see
women for Secretarial, Mathematical
and Accounting positions.
General Electric, of New York City,
will be here Fri., April 18 to speak to
MBA students for their Marketing pro-
Montgomery Ward, or Chicago, will
have a representative here on Fr., April
18, to see men interested in Merchan-
dising or Operating Trainees, Indus-
trial Engineers, and for Accountant
Trainees, both men and women.
Montgomery Ward, of Detroit, will
interview on Fri., April 18, for Retail-
ing and Merchandising Trainee posi-
For appointments call the Bureau
of Appointments, 3528 Administration
Building, Ext. 371.
The Abbott Laboritories of North Chi-
cago, Ill., has an opening for an In-
dustrial Engineer. Applicant can have
a degree in Industrial Engineering, or
Business Administration with some En-
gineering or Mechanical Engineering
with some Industrial Management. Ap-
plication blanks are available.
There is an opening in Ann Arbor
for a Control Clerk to supervise tem-
porary clerks and to take over control
work involved in tabulating on IBM
machines. One will be taught how to
use the machines. Contact the Bureau
of Appointments for further informa-
The State Mutual Life Insurance Co.
of Worcester, Mass., has openings for
Mathematics majors as Actuarial Trai-
The Silver Fleet Motor Express, Inc.
of Louisville, Ky., is in need or an
Automotive Engineer for their Main-
tenance Department. June graduates
are eligible to apply.
Walter J. Lehner & Sons of Mount

has vacancies for Chemical, Mechanical
and Electrical Engineers. Further de-
tails available.
W. A. Alexander & Co. of Chicago,
Il., needs trainees for Sales, Sales Man-
agement, Insurance Underwriting, or
Administrative Fields.
Bankers Life & Casualty Co. of Chi-
cago, Il., needs high level executive
personnel for Actuarial positions. Con-
tact the Bureau for further informa-
Indiana Steel Products Co. of Roclaes-
ter, N. Y., is'in need of Sales Engineers.
One is needed for Rochester, one for
Cleveland, and one for Detroit.
The Northville State Hospital in
Northville, Mich., has openings for
Psychologists, Psychiatric Social Work-
ers, and Nutritionists.
Technicolor Motion Picture Corpora-
tion of Hollywood, Calif., has openings
for Chemical Engineers, Electrical En-
gineers and Physicists with either an
M.S. or Ph.D. degree required for the
positions. Detailed Information is avail-
The Department of the Army, Office
of the Surgeon General, is in great need
of women to enter a training course
for Occupational Therapists. June grad-
uates are eligible to apply.
The Kroger Food Foundation of Cin-
cinnati, Ohio, has an opening for a
Junior Technician. A man or woman
with a major in Chemistry can make
The La Salle National Bank of Chi-
cago has available positions for June
graduates interested in entering the
banking field as a career.
The Central Soya Company, Inc. of
Fort Wayne, Indiana,. is in need of a
woman to fill the position of a Per-
sonnel Secretary.
The Florsheim ShoerCompany of Chi-
cago needs recent or June graduates
with some Accounting for Retail Shoe
Store Auditors and Managers.
For further information, application
blanks, and appointments, contact the
Bureau of Appointments, 3528 Admin-
istration\ Building, Ext. 371.
The Thomas M. Cooley Lectures, fifth
series. General subject, "Perspectives in
Conflicts Law." First lecture, "Postu-
lates: Evolution of Basic Conceptions
Concerning Conflicts of Laws." Hessel
E. Yntema, Research Professor of Com-
parative Law. 4:15 p.m., Tues., April 15,
120 Hutchins Hall. Second Lecture,
"Policies: Considerations Controlling
Choice of Law." Hessel E. Yntema.
Wed., April 16, 4:15 p m., 120 Hutchins
University Lecture. Fritz Kundel,
M.D., author and consulting psychia-
trist, Los Angeles, California. "The Dif-
fering Dynamics of Psychology and
Religion." Rackham Lecture Hall, 8:30
p.m., -Wed., April 16; auspices of Lane
Hall and the Student Religious Associa-
tion. The public is invited.
Mathematics Lectures: Prof. M. H.
Stone will give the second lecture in his
lecture series on "Special Theorems and
Locally Compact Abelian Groups" on
Wed., April 16, at 4 p.m., 3011 Angell
Academic Notices
Preliminary Examinations in English:
Applicants for the Ph.D. in English
who expect to take the preliminary
examinations this spring are requested
to leave their names with Dr. Ogden,
3218 Angell Hall. The examinations
willrbegiven as follows: English Liter-
ature from the Beginnings to 1550,
April 15; English Literature, 1550-1750,
April 19; English Literature, 1750-1950,
Aprill 22; and American Literature,
April 26. The Tuesday examinations
will be given in the School of Business
Administration, Room 140, and the
Saturday examinations in Room 76.
Botany Seminar. "The Biology of an
Insect Mycosis," by Dr. A. S. Sussman,
Wed., April. 16, 4 p.m., 1139 Natural
Doctoral Examination for Robert
Burnett HaIll, Jr., Geography; thesis:
"The Introduction of Flue-Cured To-
bacco as a Commercial Crop in Nor-
folk County, Ontario," Tues., April 15,
15 Angell Hal, 4 p.m. Chairman, K. C.
Doctoral Examination for Richard
Boyd Morrison, Aeronautical Engineer-
ing; thesis: "A Shock Tube Investiga-
tion of Detonative Combustion," Tues.,
April 15, 1077, E. Engineering Bldg., 7
p.m. Chairman, J. W. Luecht.
Doctoral Examination for George Ed-
ward Barker, Chemical Engineering;
thesis: "Rates of Alcoholysis and Dif-
fusion in Ion-Exchange Resins," Wed.,
April 16, 3201 E. Engineering Bldg., at
2 p.m. Chatjman, R. R. White.
Doctoral Examination for Stephen
Bassett Withey, Psychology; thesis:
"Consistency of Immediate and Delayed
Report of Financial Data," Wed., April
16, 3121 Natural Science Bldg., 3:30 p.m.
Chairman, A. Campbell.

Seminar in Mathematical Statistics:
The meeting for Wed., April 16, has been
postponed until Wed., April 23.
Engineering Mechanics S e m i n a r:
Wed., April 16, 3:45 p.m., 101 W. Engi-
neering Building. Prof. Paul M. Naghdi
will speak on "The Influence of Holes
and Inclusions on the Transverse Flex-
ure of Thick Plates."
The University Extension Service an-
nounces the folowing new classes.:
Introduction to Music Literature. En-
rollment for the last half (eight ses-
sions) of this course by Prof. Glenn D.
McGeoch may be made for $8.00. These
sessions, starting with the one this
evening, will include several devoted to
the 1952 May Festival programs. Tues-
days, beginning April 15, 7 p.m., 206
Burton Memorial Tower.
Short Course in Personal Typewriting.
This course, offered as an experiment
by the Extension Service, the School
of Education, and the School of Busi-
ness Administration, is being repeated.
The intensive six-week class presents
the basic fundamentals of touch type-
writing for personal use and is design-
ed for those who have only a minimum
amount of time available for formal
training. Fred S. Cook is the instructor.
Registration, $5.00. Thursdays, begin-
ning April 17, 7 p.m., 276 Business Ad-
ministration Building.
Trees and Shrubs. In this new field
course, the instructor, Walter R. Tu-
lecke, will give special attention to the
identification of 125 to 150 kinds of
trees and shrubs which may be found
in the Ann Arbor area. Information as
to the value and use of this woody
plant material in ornamental settings
will also be .presented. Organization
meeting is scheduled for 10 a.m. on
Saturday, April 19, in 1139 Natural Sci-
ence Building. Remaining sessions will
be field trips. Registration, $5.00.

Glenna Gregory, Esther McGlothin,
Margaret Strand. Open to the public.
4 special exhibition, "Sculpture" by
David Smith, distinguished contem-
porary sculptor and University lecturer,
will be shown on the first floor, ex-
hibition corridor, Architecture Build-
ing, April 14-18.
Events Today
Alpha Kappa Psi, Professional Fra-
ternity in Business Administration and
Economics will hold a rushing smoker
at 7:30 p.m. at the Chapter House,
1325 Washtenaw.
Christian Science Organization: Tes-
timonial meeting 7:30 p.m., U p p e r
Room, Lane Hall.
Deutscher Verein. Members of the
German Club and others interested
may attend a genuine German dinner
at 6:30 p.m. at the Pound House, 1024
Hill St. Turn in your name and small
fee to 108 Tappan Hall by noon today.
Colored slides on Germany and Austria.
Wyvern-Meeting, 7 p~m., in the Lea-
gue, Conference Room. Attendance
Literary College Conference Steering
Committee, 4 p.m.. 1011 Angell HalL
Faculty Luncheon. wednesday noon,
Michigan Union. Guest: Dr. Fritz Kun-
kel, internationally known consulting
psychiatrist, Los Angeles, California.
Phone Lane Hall for reservations.
Square Dance Group meets at Lane
Hall, 7:15 p.m. All interested students
S.R.A. Council meets at Lane Hall,
5:15 p.m.
Coming Events
Research Club. Joint meeting with
the Science Research Club and the
Women's Research Club, wed., April
16, 8 p.m., Rackham Amphitheatre.
Program devoted to commemorating
the life and work of Leonardo da Vin-
ci as follows:
"Leonardo da Vinci the Artist," by
Harold E. Wethey (Research Club).
"Leonardoda Vinci the Engineer," by
Wilbur C. Nelson (Science Research
"Leonardo da Vinci as an Anatomist,"
by Elizabeth C. Crosby (Women's Re-
search Club).
The 46th Annual French Play: Le
Cercle Francais will present "Le Monde
ou l'on s'ennuie" a three act French
comedy by Edouard Pavilleron, on Wed.,
April 30, 8 p.m., Lydia Mendelssohn
U.S. Navy Aviation Cadet Program.
Lt. Eugene T. McNamara will be avail-
able for interviewing interested stu-
dents at the Michigan Union, Thurs.,
April 17, throughout the day.
Phi Beta Kappa: Initiation Banquet
of the Michigan Chapter, Mon., April
21, 6:30 p.m., Michigan Union. Miss
Sarah Blanding, President of Vassar
Collbge, will be the speaker. Reserva-
tions should be made at the office of
the Secretary, Hazel M. Losh, Observa-
tory, by Friday, April 18. Members of
other chapters are invited.
Assembly Newspaper. Staff meeting,
4:15 p.m., Wed. in the League Lobby.
Student Players. Meeting for all mem-
bers on Wed., April116, 7:30 p.m., Room
D, third floor, League. Members from
'Two Blind Mice" as well as "Joan of
Lorraine" should attend.
A naval aviation procurement team
from the Naval Air Station, GrosseIle,
Micigan, will visit the. campus on
Thurs., April 17, Room 112, North Hall,
for the purpose of interviewing pros-
pective candidates for NAVCAD flight
training who have completed at least
two full academic years of college.
Michigan Arts Chorale. Meet &t 7
p.m., Wed., April 16, University High
Schol Auditorium.
Weekly Union Bridge Tournament.
7:30 p.m., Wed., April 16, Room 3K, L
and M, Union. Open to all students.
Late permission for coeds.
Romance Languages Journal Club.
Meeting, Wed., April 16, 4:15 p.m., West
Conference Room, Rackham Building.
Mr. Rafeal Marti-Abello will speak on
"Some Aspects of Colonial Hispanic
Society;" Mr. Sherman Poteet on "St.
Isidore of Seville and theeMedieval
Society for Peaceful Alternatives.
Meeting, Wed., 7:30, Union. At this
meeting we are making determined
effort to bring the S.P.A. and the issue
of Peace to the students here.

Student Science Society: Meeting,
Wed., April 16, 8:30 p.m., 1400 Chem.
Dr. Glaser will speak on "Particles of
Nuclear Physics." Refreshments.





Base Ball

EVERY COUNTRY, since the earliest times,
has had its National sports. Greece
had her Olympian games; Rome, her am-
phitheatre, and today America, her Base
Ball. It is safe to say that, in the United
States, this game is a characteristic of the
people. Almost every city and town of im-
portance in the country, boasts of its Ball
Club. The science has become almost a
mania in the East, and in the West its popu-
larity is fast increasing. The University
rightfully claims a position in the Grand
Ball Curriculum of the West, its members
having given much attention to this game
during the last five years. Previous to the
year 1863, there was but one organization
in the University; this seemed hardly to
meet the demands of the Students, qnd ac-
cordingly, the class of '67 organized the first

and a desire to render each best man a
skillful player, and to seek for him a posi-
tion on the "first nine. Only by this method
can Base Ball be perpetuated in the Uni-
Mil persons-Students, Professors, and
Regents-recognize the fact, that it is a
healthful exercise; and, above all, that it
offers inducements for pleasure to Stu-
dents, who would otherwise seek more ex-
ceptionable amusements.
The facilities for carrying on this excel-
lent game are not as perfect as we hope
they will be before the close of the year.
There are now upon the Campus two grounds
upon which Base Ball can be played; but
maxly dollars will have to be expended be-
fore they will be suitable. In consideration

Sixty-Second Year
Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
Chuck Elliott ........Managing Editor
Bob Keith ..................City Editor
Leonard Greenbaum, Editorial Director
Vern Emerson ..........Feature Editor
Ron Watts .............Associate Editor
Bob Vaughn ...........Associate Editor
Ted Papes ,...............Sports Editor
George Flint ....Associate Sports Editor
Jim Parker .....Associate Sports Editor
Jan James .............Women's Editor
Jo Keteihut, Associate Women's Editor

Bmsmn'ss Staf
Bob Miller ...........Business Manager
Gene Kuthy. Assoc. Business Manager
Charles Cuson ....Advertising Manager


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