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Latest Deadline in the State
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Jentes, Ehlers Head Union
* *
* * *
B Daily-Larry Wilk
... new president
Potter Seeks
Senate Post
Also Asks Contempt
Action on McPhaul
Special to The Daily
DETROIT - Rep. Charles E.
Potter (R), Cheboygan, yesterday
threw his hat in the ring for the
Republican U. S. Senate nomina-
Potter, lone Michigan member
of the House Un-American Activi-
ties Committee, will compete with
State Auditor General John B.
Martin and ex-Lt. Gov. Eugene C.
Keyes for the nomination.
THE 35-YEAR-OLD Congress-
man's statement came as no sur-
prise to state politicians. He had
indicated the possibility of his
running for the Senate post dur-
ing the February-March Commun-
ism probe here.
An outspoken opponent of al-
leged Red activities in Michigan,
Potter recently announced he
would ask the House Committee
for contempt of Congress pro-
' cee&higs against 17 reluctant
Detroit witnesses.
Among those accused were two
witnesses whose speaking appear-
ances at the University under
Young Progressive sponsorship
were blocked by the Lecture Com-
mittee last month.
THEY ARE Arthur McPhaul,
executive secretary of the Civil
Rights' Congress Michigan branch,
and William R. Hood, recording
secretary of UAW Local 600.
McPhaul addressed a private
dinner in the Union shortly af-
ter being barred from speaking
on campus. Circumstances sur-
rounding the mysterious spon-
sorship of the affair are current-
ly being investigated by a stu-
dent-faculty committee.
Potter will also seek contempt
action against two University
graduates: Lebron Simmons, De-
troit lawyer, and Robert Cum-
mins, who refused to state his oc-
cupation before the Committee.
New Moves
To Hit, Uphold
Steel Seisure
By The Associated Press
In Washington last night con-
flicting moves developed to chal-
lenge and to strengthen President
Truman's power to seize a strike-
threatened industry.
New peace talks went forward
in the big steel labor dispute-
with "no real progress" but an
increased willingness to negotiate
reported-amid these develop-
1. On Capital Hill, Chairman
Murray (D-Mont) of the Senate
Labor Committee announced
that public hearings will begin
today on a pro-administration
bill setting forth the conditions
under which the President could
seize an industry to avert a
In effect, the bill would give the
President the legal authority
which some of his critics contend
he has already "usurped" by seiz-
ing the steel industry.
2. Two of the nation's most
powerful business organizations,
the U.S. Chamber of Commerce
and the National Association of
Manufacturers. set the state for
Bill Jentes, '53, and Jack Ehlers,
'54E, were named to the top posi-
tions of the Union last night.
Jentes will be the new presi-
dent while Ehlers will take over as
recording secretary. Both men
moved up from the Union's Coun-
* * *
THE announcement was made
by Dean Erich Walter, chairman
of the selection committee of the
Union's Board of Directors. The
men will be formally installed at
a banquet at 6:15 p.m. Thursday
at the Union.,
Jentes will succeed John
Kathe, '52P, and Ehlers will re-
place Jim Moran, '52.
Jentes is a 19 year old pre-law
student from Elmhurst, Ill. He ex-
pects to enter the Law School in
the fall under the combined cur-
riculum. He is a member of Alpha
Tau Omega fraternity and has
served as an interim appointee to
Student Legislature.
HE ALSO belongs to Phi Eta
Sigma, scholastic freshman hon-
orary society and is a former
member of ThenDaily's business
staff. His duties with the Union
saw him as chairman of the Per-
sonnel and Administration Com-
Ehlers is a 21 year old indus-
trial engineering student from
Atlanta, Ga. He is a member of
Phi Delta Theta fraternity, Phi
Eta Sigma honorary, the Engi-
neering Honor Council, Triangle
honor society and is co-chair-
man of the Michigras parade.
He has served as co-chairman
of the Union's House Committee
and has sung with the Men's Glee
Club for three years.
New Jersey
Primary Test
For Ike,_Taft
NEWARK, N.J. - P-- An elec-
tion campaign, scorched with bit-
terness and deep-seated anger,
ended yesterday in New Jersey
where upwards of 750,000 voters
will ballot In another great test
of strength between Sen. Robert
A. Taft and Gen. Dwight D. Eisen-
hower, today.
Eisenhower is the indicated fa-
vorite but his backers say they
believe the race will be close.
The New Jersey primary selects
38 Republican convention dele-
gates. Taft, Eisenhower, and ex-
Minnesota Gov. Harold E. Stassen
are competing for them.
Sen. Estes Kefauver is the only
candidate in the Democratic elec-
tion, which names 36 delegates
with 32 convention votes. ,
More important, a preferential
section of the ballot-the "popu-
larity contest"-is at stake this
year, for the first time since 1940.
In this, the people vote directly
for the presidential candidates, as
against the votes cast for dele-
Although the results of the pre-
ferential poll are merely advisory,
Gov. Alfred E. Driscoll has said
GOP delegates will be "morally
bound" to support a decisive win-
v -Daily-Larry Wilkc
... will be secretary
POW Talks
Could Begin
April 15-(JP)-A renewal of the
vital prisoner exchange talks,
which could break the Korean
armistice logjam, appeared im-
minent today.
Vice Adm. C. Turner Joy, senior
delegate for the United Nations
command, and Rear. Adm. R. E.
Libby, chief negotiator on the
prisoner issue, returned to Munsan
yesterday after a week to Tokyo.
* * *
THE Communists are ready to
resume. The talks were recessed
April 4 to give staff officers a
chance to explore separately new
avenues for a solution.
The Communists appeared to
be stalling on truce supervision,
the only issue on which nego-
tiations have been conducted in
the past nine days, until the
prisoners sessions could get go-
ing Again.
Tunisia Issue
Refused by UN
The United Nations Security
Council refused yesterday to con-
sider an Asian-African complaint
against France's treatment of
This was the first time the
council had ever refused to take
up a question brought to it by UN
The test was on a compromise
proposal by Chile that the issue
be placed on the council's agenda
but that discussion of the com-
plaint be postponed indefinitely.
The vote was five in favor of
the Chilean proposal, two against,
and four abstaining. Seven af-
firmative votes are required to get
an item on the council's work
By abstaining, the United States1
departed from its traditional posi-
tion, In the past-except in the
Moroccan case in the General
Assembly last winter-the U. S.
has always favored including all
items offered for the agenda even
when they were attacks on the
U. S.
Gives Okay
Earlier Slashes
Left Unaltered
The State Legislature early Sat-
urday morning approved the Uni-
versity operating and capital out-
lays budgets without restoring any
of the slashes made earlier in
The bill, part of an omnibus
state operatingappropriation
measure, now sits on Gov. Wil-
liams' desk, awaiting his signature.
UNDER THE provisions of this
legislation, the University will re-
1) $16,936,650 in general oper-
ating funds.
2) $1,308,403 to complete the
Angell Hall addition.
3) $726,000 to complete the
Ou-atient Clinic.
4) $325,000 for rehabilitation
of the Natural Science Bldg.
'5) $16,000 to draw up plans
for the remodeling of the out-
patient facilities at University
Overall, the funds obtained from
the Legislature amounted to a
little more than $19,000,000, or
about $7,000,000 less than origi-
nally requested from the state last
December. , * *
THIS AMOUNT, according to
President Harlan H. Hatcher, is
"below that needed to support ade-
quately the necessary services of
the University in the present eco-
nomic situation.
"The University will, of
course, proceed at once with a
detailed study of how to ac-
commodate its services to the
resources at its disposal," the
President added, stating that the
University "understands the dif-
ficulties confronted by the Leg-
Most of the $7,000,000 cut came
in building projects or improve-
ments which were not approved
this year and thus represent no
actual loss.
HOWEVER, approximately $2,-
000,000 of the cut represents a
slash of operating funds. The
Legislature cut the operating fund
request by $1,500,000, and dropped
an additional $500,000 deficiency
The early passage of the ap-
propriations wound up the Leg-
islature's work in record time.
University officials could not re-
call when the appropriations
had been settled at such an
early date.
Legislators went home last week
end, scheduled to reconvene May
14 to settle any problems created
by possible Williams vetoes of
some of the legislation.
Little chance was seen of a
veto of the appropriations bill,
* * *
* * *
* * *
____ .
Local Visit Will Chimax
Jliana's Tour o State,
Queen Juliana of the Netherlands flew into Michigan yesterday,
beginning a four day visit to the state which will culminate here
Thursday when the University confers an honorary degree upon her.
The degree, Doctor of Civil Laws, will be presented to the monarch
at a special convocation to be held at 11:15 a.m. Thursday in the
Rackham Lecture Hall.
Classes will not be suspended
S . fefor the event.
LOCAL proceedings will come
110 oorow
at the end of a visit
include two days in
city and short stops
Rapids and Holland.
which will
the motor
in Grand
Final arrangements for Sen.
Robert A. Taft's Hill Auditorium
speech tomorrow were announced
yesterday by the campus Taft for
President Club, sponsors of the
talk. .
The campaigning senator from
Ohio will arrive in Ann Arbor
from Detroit at 11:45 a.m. tomor-
row accompanied by party asso-
ciates and newsmen.
Sen. Taft's open address in Hill
Auditorium is set for 12:15 p.m.
Guard helicopter hovers over
two churches which had to can-
cel services on Easter Sunday as
flood waters from the Missouri
put them on their own private
little island at South Sioux City,
Neb. Many persons have been
evacuated from the city.
Football Ticket
Prices Raised
For All Seats
"Greatly expanded operational
costs" have necessitated a forty
cent increase on the price of re-
served seats for Michigan home
football games.
Athletic Director H. 0. 'Fritz'
Crisler announced the adoption of
a price schedule of $4.00 for the
reserved ducats and at the same
time announced a $5.40 levy for
box seats. The new prices, which
include federal tax, represent a
ten per cent rise over the 19511
Crisler pointed out that costs
in the athletic plant have risen
more than 200 per cent in the past
12 years. During that same period,
ticket prices to Michigan's home
games have risen only 20 per cent,
Crisler said.
Season tickets for the six-game
home schedule will be priced at
$24.00, while box seats for the
same slate will go for $32.50. Stu-
dent admissions are still free of
Flood Relief
Funds Sent
By Truman
Iowa, Nebraska
Cities Menaced
By The Associated Pres
Three-quarters of the city of
Council Bluffs, la-with 45,000
population-last night had been
moved out of threatened areasda
flood disaster hung by a slender
thread over the Bluffs and, across
the Missouri river, the sister city
of Omaha.
Seventeen square miles of the
two cities had a ghost town as-
pect as the maurauding Missouri
came pushing down after merci-
lessly punishing Pierre, S.D., and
Sioux City, Ia., along with a host
of smaller towns.
In Council Bluffs an estimated
30,000 persons had been moved
out of their homes and- in Omaha
an estimated 5,000.
*' * *
FROM South Dakota down
through Nebraska and Iowa, and
into Kansas and Missouri the riv-
er was tirelessly punching away.
In two other rich midwest
valleys, the Mississippi and the
Red River of the north were
creating misery.
It all added up to one of the
worst combinations of midwest
flooding in modern times-a rush
of water that the Red Cross trans-
lated into terms of 18,939 families
-perhaps 75,756 persons or more
-made homeless in an area em-
bracing the Dakotas, Nebraska,.
Iowa, Minnesota, Wisconsin, Kan-
sas and Missouri.
TO AID THE stricken are,
the President yesterday allocatd
$250,000 each to Iowa and South
Dakota from his emergency fund
for flood relief.
At St. Paul, the Mississippi
had driven an estimated 5,000
persons from their homes and
at Winona, one-third of the
city faced inundation if a dike
The Red River hit hard at the
twin-cities of Fargo and Moor-
head, routing an estimated 2,000
from homes and pouring over
about 50 blocks of ground.
TO MEET the threat there Gov.
Norman C. Brunsdale of North
Dakota ordered out three state
guard units. And the Red Cross
rushed out a call for volunteers to
work through the night building
sandbag dikes to protect the men-
aced Fargo Veterans Hospital.
For frightful depredations, the
Missouri was taking the lead.
Army engineers reported one
and a quarter million acres of
land, some of the richest in mid-
dle America, under water along
the Missouri and tributaries.
* * *
MEANWHILE, flood troubles
arose again yesterday to harass
parts of Michigan.
Four Rivers-the Grand and
Red Cedar and the Shiawassee
and Tittabawassee-were threat-
ening a rampage in the wake of
the Easter weekend rain storms.
The State Highway Department
reported M-20 was closed at Mid-
land because of high water from
the Tittabawassee River with 15
inches of water over the roadway.
It was the second time this year
that high water forced closing of
the road.
ONE FOOT of water was report-
ed over M-78 and US-27 near Mil-
lett west of Lansing. Traffic was
still getting through.
Half a dozen cities, including
Lansing, Midland and Owosso,
were warned to be on guard.
The Red Cedar at East Lansing
was already over its eight-foot
flood stage and the Shiawassee at
Owosso was all but touching its
seven-foot flood mark.
After 48 hours, intermittent rain
conditions eased in the Detroit
and Southern Michigan area.
The rains let up and watchers
The Queen, her husband,
Prince Bernhard and the royal
party arrived at Willow Run at
5:45 p.m. yesterday. They were
welcomed by more than 300 per-
sons, including Governor G.
Mennen Williams and Detroit's
Mayor Albert Cobo.
The Queen's Ann Arbor visit
will be short and concentrated.
Due to arrive here about 10:30
a.m. Her Majesty and the Prince
will gc directly to the president's
office in the Administration Build-
ing to be introduced to President
Harlan Hatcher, Mrs. Hatcher, the
Regents and their wives.
IMMEDIATELY succeeding this,
an informal reception limited to
some faculty members and Uni-
versity officials, will be held.
The degree will be conferred
upon the Queen by President
Amusement Tax Meets
Defeat in CityElections,
Don't Overlook Senator
Douglas, Moody Warns
ASpecial to The Daily
WASHINGTON-"Don't forget Illinois' Paul Douglas when specu-
lating on the next Democratic presidential nominee," Sen. Blair Moody
(D.-Mich.) told The Daily last week in the Senate Press Conference
Despite Sen. Douglas's repeated statements that he is not a candi-
date for the nomination, Sen. Moody felt the Illinois Senator would
not refuse to run. The two are close friends.
** * *
"IT WILL BE A WIDE OPEN convention," the former Detroit
News Washington correspondent pointed out. Sen. Douglas might be
a logical choice in the event of a convention deadlock between the two
leading contenders at present, Sen. (
Estes Kefauver of Tennessee and last year and a candidate for re-
Gov. Adlai Stevenson of Illinois. election this fall, declined to
And if the economics pro- comment on whether he would
fessor turned Senator should re- prefer to run against a GOP ticket
ceive the nomination, Senator headed by Taft or Eisenhower.
Mooddecaloaed mnhoatieall h
Despite spring vacation, which
prevented many students from
voting in the city elections, the
controversial amusement tax pro-
position was defeated by a great-
er than 4-3 margin.
It would have empowered the
City Council to tack an excise of
unspecified percentage on all en-
tertainment tickets.
The vacation-shuttered Univer-
sity had little effect on the rush
of other local events, with a coun-
ty suit against Washtenaw's West-
ern Union offices, a new over-ceil-
ing pay prosecution and a district
victory for Eisenhower backers
making the headlines over the
past ten days.
*5 * *
BIGGEST ITEM was the April
7 election which saw Republicans
make a clean sweep of seven Ann
Arbor Council posts and twelve
seats on the county Board of Su-
The one exception to the pre-
election form sheets came in the
proposal to annex the Ann Ar-
bor Hills area which got heavy
approval from city voters but
the State Supreme Court in Lan-
sing today as attorneys for the
giant communications outfit seek
to have the high court overrule
Circuit Judge James R. Breakey's
order that the firm open its books
to inspection by the prosecutor's
The case began June 24, 1950,
when Prosecutor Douglas K. Read-
ing charged that Western UnionI
was accepting horse race bets for
transmission to outstate bookies.
HARD ON THE heels of Satur-
day's National Wage Stabilization
Board Enforcement Commission's
decision against the J. D. Hedin
Construction Co. for paying wages
above WSB ceilings to laborers on
the new University Hospital Out-
Patient Clinic, WSB officials an-
nounced a new over-ceiling case
against a subcontractor on the
The WSB had postponed pro-
secution of the second case,
against the Anchor Fireproof-
ing Co., pending the outcome of
the Hedin violation.
The new hearing will take place
'U' Senate Denies Rules
Differ for Athletes Here
The alleged "double standard" treatment of athletes and non-
athletes on matters of eligibility has been flatly denied by an investi-
gating committee of the University Senate.
After an extensive six-month study, the Advisory Committee on
University Affairs erased the hotly-debated issue from its docket with
this answer to the literary college faculty's protest, filed last October:
*1 * 1 *
"STANDARDS of academic achievement required and maintained
for participation in intercollegiate athletics by students at the Uni-
versity are the same as those required by academic authorities for
participation in non-athletic extra-curricular activities."
The committee's findings in- 0
cluded a judgment that "the
evidence is clear that a C aver-
age is required for both types of
The literary college faculty,
however. hoA ncentrated its fire
while the Dean of Women or Dean
of Students do so for other stu-
The pattern of procedure fol-
lowed by the agencies concerned
ae thea en. the cnmmittee ad-