FOUR THE MICHIGAN DAILY WEDNESDAY, APRIL x, _ 1952 FOUR WEDNESDAY, APRIL 2, 1952 City Elections (EDITORS' NOTE: This is the first of two ed- itorials on the issues in Ann Arbor's April 7 election.) HE APRIL 7 ELECTION, usually a source of profound disinterest in Ann Arbor, nevertheless is important this year. No great harm will come to the city should either Democrats or Republicans carry the City Council or the County Board of Supervisors; most candidates of both parties are honest men of good will and it is a safe assumption that none will, if elected, act to the city's detriment. The section of the ballot which will have more important meaning to the voters and will bear heavily upon their future well- being is that of the nine referenda. The first four may be dismissed briefly; they are mere requests for formal voter ap- proval of council procedures not specifically provided for in the City Charter but which -have been followed for several years with beneficial effect albeit. without public con- sent or for that matter, public cognizance. It should be noted that more than a few city officials are apprehensive over placing these procedures on" the ballot even now. For if the voters should some- how disapprove the formal statement of current practices then the authorities would morally and legally be bound to desist from them. Faced with a choice be- tween expedient efficiency and the com- pliance with democratic principle, city authorities have chosen the 'latter. The voters should not disappoint them. The annexations, of Ann Arbor Hills and' a subdivision of Huron River Hills, are very definitely no formality; they are essential to the continued growth and progress of Ann Arbor. The city's steady growth has dan- gerously decreased the amount of available vacant land within its bounds. And the prospective influx of thousands more resi- dents, from the new aircraft plant at Willow Run and the University's north campus, will make matters even worse if we do not ac- quire more room to stretch in. The initial expense, notably the cost of installing adequate sewerage in Ann Arbor Hills, will be heavy. But it is an expense we must assume as the price of prosperity. Therefore the voters should approve the annexations. The two propositions approving bond is- sues deserve approval for much the same reasons. The city needs a new fire sta- tion to the southeast, has needed it for some time. To hold off means added ex- pense to home-owners whose insurance rates are bound to rise without sufficient protection against fire. Ann Arbor already stands tenth among twilve Michigan cit- ies of comparable size in fire protection facilities. By the standards of the Nation- al Board of Fire Underwriters we are sim- ilarly found wanting. Therefore the pro- posal to build and equip a fire station should be put through. The proposition calling for the purchase of park lands through the issuing of bonds is part of a projected buildup of city re- creational facilities commensurate with an- ticipated growth of population. The city now has an opportunity to acquire the Fair- grounds, a well-developed park tract at an advantageous price. To postpone planning for the future may mean considerably more expense at some later time or a consider- ably less worthwhile city in years to come. Therefore, property owners who will vote on this proposal as well as the fire station referendum, should give the go-ahead signal for these bond issues. As for the final item on the April 7 ballot and the issue which has made this election something more than perfunctory-the amusement tax referendum-the wording of the proposition is poor and therefore should be opposed at the present time. It is a tax designed to hit the low-in- come citizen, the fellow who can least stand the bite. It is inequitable, discrim- inatory and could prove a real threat to both the public pfirse and to some of our most worthwhile pastimes. For the present it should not be passed and it is up to you to do it. -Zander Hollander ON THE Washington Merry-Go-Round WITH DREW PEARSON WASHINGTON - Friends of President Truman attribute the following reasons for his historic decision not to run again. First, the wishes of Mrs. Truman; 2. His age-he would have been, if elected, the oldest president ever to take the oath of office; 3. The advice of party leaders, in. cluding Speaker Sam Rayburn and Chief Justice Fred Vinson; 4. The embarrassing setback given him by Senator Kefauver in New Hampshire; and finally, the prospect that he would have to run against his old friend, General Eisenhower. For a long time the President has indicat- ed to members of his family hnd to his closer friends that he did not want to run. More recently he intimated to one close in- timate that the barrage of criticism was get- ting on his nerves and he wanted to get out. "There are too many b-----s in this busi- ness," he said: Probably only three or four of his friends really knew how he felt, one of them being the Chief Justice, whom the President had urged to be the Democratic nominee himself. At one time, approximately nine to twelve months ago, it was Mr. Truman's plan to appoint the Chief Justice to a key post in the administration such as Secretary of State or Defense Mobilizer in order to give him a springboard to the presidency. This was to get around the fact that the Chief Justice has held a vigorous view that the court should not be a springboard into poli- tics and that no ran should step from the court into an active candidacy for any of- fice, even the presidency. This plan was sidetracked in part by Senator McCarthy of Wisconsin, though McCarthy to this day probably doesn't re- alize it. However, the constant barrage of criticism fired at Dean Acheson made it imperative in the mind of Mr. Truman, whose loyalty to his friends is legion, that Achesen be continued atthe helm of the State Department. Later, as time passed, the Chief Justice felt it was too late for him to step into another office as a springboard to the presi- dency. Not enough months remained before the campaign. * * * -TAFT TEMPTED TRUMAN- JT WAS at this point -- approximately around December and January -that President Truman seriously reconsidered changing his mind about running. This per- iod coincided with Senator Taft's reputed gains of delegates and when the Eisen- hower backers were discouraged', At that time, it looked as if Taft would be the Re- publican nominee, and nothing has titillated Truman's political nostrils more than the idea of defeating his old critic and enemy, Bob Taft. This itching on the President's part to take on Senator Taft was what caused some of his most revered political friends, including Speaker Rayburn and the Chief Greece and Turkey from communism, in' putting across the Marshall Plan and in con- ceiving the North Atlantic Pact for the de- fense of Western Europe. It would also give him credit for his courageous stand on civil rights. But if he ran again, Truman's friends be- lieved, the Democratic Party would be torn asunder, first over the civil-rights issue, also in part over foreign policy. The campaign would give the Republi- eans a chance to attack that foreign pol- ley as was not done in the 1948 campaign when Senator Vandenberg was alive. Thus, it was pointed out, Truman's great mile- stones against communism might be plow- ed under. This advice by Democrats of great stand- ing in the party is reported to have offset the importuning of the palace guard that the President should run again. A few weeks thereafter came Eisenhower's show of strength in New Hampshire and the victory of Senator Kefauver which clinched Mr. Truman's decision. --IKE WAS FEARED-. OF ALL THESE deterrent factors, perhaps the most important was the probability that Mr. Truman would have to run against Eisenhower. Friends of the President who sat with him on the "back porch" of the White House in June 1948 recalled how worried he was over the prospect that Eisenhower would consent to have his n1ame entered in the Democratic convention in Chicago. Truman made no se- cret r his belief that Ike could take the Democratic convention by storm, and he stewed mentally over some means of taking Eisenhower out of the race. It was on this particular evening that George Allen was sent to New York to get a letter from the General guaranteeing that he would not run. Simultaneously another close friend of the President tele- phoned Milton Eisenhower, the General's brother, also to get an assurance that Ike was not a candidate. Almost four years later, in the late sum- mer of 1951, Truman again took confidential steps to make sure he would not face Eisen- hower as a candidate. He remembered first a commitment he had made to Ike through their mutual friend, George Allen, in 1948-- that if Ike wanted to run in '52, he, Truman would help him. He also doubtless remem- bered how formidable Ike would be as a candidate. Therefore, the President invited George Alen for cruise on the yacht Williamsburg in order to talk about their mutual friend in Paris. Truman told Allen that he considered the North Atlantic Pact one of the most important cornerstones for world peace and that Eisenhower's leadership was es- sential to it. He added that he was wor- ried over Republican statements that Eis- enhower was available for the GOP nomi- DORIS FLEESON: The Master WASHINGTON-In the brief moments be- fore they paraded to the dais at the fateful Jefferson-Jackson Day dinner, President Truman told Vice-President Bark- ley, Speaker Rayburn, National Chairman McKinney and Mrs. India Edwards, na- tional vice-chairman, that he would make an important announcement at the end of his ppeech. Without exception, they expected him to say that he would be a candidate for re-election. So surprised were they when he didn't, they sat frozen almost into im- mobility for a few seconds. The President's decision is popular. All hands are quoting Henry V's famous epitaph on Falstaff that nothing in his life so be- came him as the manner of his leaving it. Mr. Truman is automatically an elder statesman. He will be much alone but neith- er will he be subject to such violent criti- cism. For his own part, there should be a great release of tension. A historically minded man has cooperated with history instead of bucking it. Politicians agree that the primary results thus far indicate that peo- ple want fresh faces and new tasks; Mr. Truman has proved again that he under- stands the politics business. In one stroke he has released the creative energies of his party givig it the chance to rejuvenate itself and has robbed the opposi- tion of its principal emotional impetus which was the anti-Truman drive. Now the issues which do not lend themselves so well to breast-beating must come to the fore. President Truman as a candidate had a vested interest in his mistakes which he was bound to defend. His principal enemies- Senator Taft and the Dixiecrats like Sena- tor Byrd and Governor Byrnes-have erred in concentrating their fire on him personally. They will not find it easy to transfer the emotions they aroused to the other Demo- cratic aspirants. By clearing the air in his own party, Mr. Truman indirectly invites the Repub- licans to look to the future also. To that, extent he has hurt Senator Taft. It is true that Mr. Truman has removed from the lists one of the best campaigners and greatest fighters in politics. Some Re- publicans, in fact, contend that this is a service to them-even to Mr. Taft. This argument is impaired by two facts. One is that the corruption millstone around Mr. Truman's neck is greatly lightened- though not removed entirely-for his suc- cessor as the Democratic standard bearer. The other is that the primaries show in both parties a desire for change. General MacArthur is injured in his am- bitions by the Truman example of turning to the future, not the past. So is the Vice- President. Mr. Barkley, who is 74, will run for president and he will be a factor. The day will never come when he will not get a great hand from Democrats as he did Sat- urday night. But most of them will be very polite and non-cooperative. Senator Kefauver is justified in the pri- mary fight he has made. He is, practi- cally speaking, ahead right now in actual and potential delegate strength. Senator Russell is weakened as the South's symbolic scapegoat retires. A great drive to put him on a ticket headed by Gov. Adlai Stevenson can be looked for. Senator Kerr has gained and lost. He has complained of being hurt by his avowal that if Mr. Truman ran 'he would support him. But he had depended on covert White House help to buck Senator Kefauver. Ap- parently it won't be forthcoming. Democratic liberals have the bit in their teeth since Saturday night and they won't take Senator Kerr while they can choose between Governor Stevenson and Senator Kefauver. Governor Stevenson will wait until after the Illinois primary to declare himself. He is genuinely humble and awed by the op- portunity now clearly his. A man of char- acter, he cannot be stampeded. If any- thing, being an intellectual, he is likely to see all sides too clearly, weigh all pos- sibilities too carefully, and wait too long. Politics is not a science; it is an acci- dental, human and emotional business. If Mr. Truman's bombshell proved anything, it proved that. Other candidates will swiftly come to the fore-such as Senator McMahon of Connec- ticut, who will be proclaimed a favorite son. Should the Stevenson boom falter, Senator Douglas of Illinois must be included in. The psychological effect on General Eis- enhower is bound to be that he will feel an urge to come home as he cannot now depend upon an obvious target for his campaign. Washington, on all sides, is in a tre- mendous ferment. For the first time since Roosevelt took over 19 years ago, it is not dominated by the personality of one man. (Copyright, 1952, by The Beli Syndicate, Inc.) Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writer only. This must be noted in all reprints. NIGHT EDITOR: BARNES CONNABLE might like to make the nominating speech himself. Finally, the President suggested that George Allen fly to Paris and have a heart- to-heart talk with Eisenhower. Allen countered by suggesting that Mr. Stevenson . . To the Editor: SATURDAY night, Harry S. Tru- man announced that he would not accept the Democratic nomi- nation for president. But the Democratic party is not left with- out capable leadership. It. is ob- vious that the man most capable of leading this country in the at- tainment of the principles of the Democratic party is Governor Ad- lai Stevenson o Illinois. The main interests in the Demo- cratic party must now unite in the support of Alai Stevenson. In local, national, and international affairs he has consistently proven his worth Serving as assistant Secretary of State under Stettinius and Byrnes he was instrumental in formulating American foreign policy in our most crucial period. After participating in the San Francisco United Nations confer- ence, he worked with the United States delegation to the General Assembly. It was in these posi- tions that he demonstrated his keen outlook on foreign affairs. His first Washington assign- ment was a special counsel for the administration of the Agriculture Adjustment Act. He was later spe- cial assistant, speech-writer, and general trouble-shooter to the Secretary of Navy. He is no stranger to the ways of Washing- ton politics. On the state level, he has proved himself an able administrator. combating gambling and political patronage which had long flour- ished in Illinois. In order to initiate an active campaign on the University of' Michigan campus, the "Adlai Stevenson for President Club" is now in the process of organization. The first meeting will be an- nounced shortly. -John Apple -Kenneth Recker * * * AIM'S Aim . .. To the Editor: FIRST LET me state that all views presented herein are my own and not those of any organi- zation to which I belong. Now I would like to quote from Article II of A. I. M.'s Constitu- tion. "Purposes: The A. I. M. Council has been formed to 1. Give adequate representation in cam- pus affairs to all independent men." Next I would like to say that in the opinion of Mr. Mossner, AIM is out of the crises. From these two ideas it would appear to me that A. I. M. has overcome the obstacles placed in its path and is again representing all independent men. At the last meeting of A. I. M. eight Residence Halls were dropped from A. I. M.'s rolls, but A. I. M. represents all independent men. Three had either been prev- iously dropped or never members. This left a total of 14 houses as members. At this, they barely made a quorum of the required nine houses, still A. I. M. repre- sents all independent men. This is approximately 5/12 of the men in the Residence Halls and not even close to that fraction of in- dependent men. And yet A. I. M. is representing all independent men. It only remains to be said that the gentlemen running A. I. M. are lucky that they have this sliding scale so that they will be able to represent all independent men, and that I would be happy to offer my services as a fourth for bridge when the time arrives. -Harry Piper * *n * Coneto To the Editors: I HAVE JUST returned from the Mid West Young Republican convention where I was a delegate. As a self designated "Liberal Re- publican"; I was completely dis- gusted with the reactionary spirit that dominated the entire conven- tion. Here are some prize examples of that extreme conservative spirit. I was told that: (1) Joe Mc- Carthy was a "real" gentleman. (2) Herbert Hoover is our greatest living American, and (3) Democ- racy is anti-liberal because it authorizes lynchings which are controlled by mobs. Our speakers were the isolationist Senator Wel- ker from Idaho and the arch-con- servative Rep. Clarence Brown from Ohio. Only token opposition, mostly from Minnesota, was offered to the convention platform which made a farce out of civil rights and which supported a "nationalistic" isolationism in the field of foreign policy. After three days of this "rattle- 'trap", I was forced to ask myself the question of whether or not I day in the person of that great American, Dwight D. Eisenhower. 3) Only with the nomination of Eisenhower, or a similar liberal Republican, can millions of cit- izens, like myself, regain confi- dence in the Republican party. In view of this, I would like to urge everybody to join me in the crusare for "IKE". --Mal Schlusberg Sec. "Students for Eisenhower" SRA... To the Editor: THE CHAIRMAN of the Uni- tarian student group made two statements in his recent let- ter upon which I should like to expand. One is that "we . . . view any attempt to narrow down the field of SRA's action to that of. intercultural retreats and discus- sion groups, again, as an attempt to narrow gown the definition of religion to exclude those who dif- fer in religious beliefs." In the first place, no one in SRA could or would forbid any person or group to carry out themselves their individual or group ideals; and certainly it would seem that the fewer the activities of SRA as a whole, the more likely they might be to be agreeable to every- one. In the second place, to be considerably more serious, the limits of SRA's activities must necessarily be set by all of its mem- bers. If only one of them finds a certain action or policy impos- sible to reconcile with its own principles, then, as a body of* people who by their religious com- mitment, naturalistic or super- naturalistic, are dedicated to love and charity toward everyone, SRA cannot even attempt to force, the idea down that group's throat. What is more, the original motion, couched in the terms of the ref- erendum on the spring ballot, was objected to by many if not most of the council members, not only as negative rather than positive in its approach to the problem, but also as far too political in nature for a religious group. The present resolution sought to satisfy both those who wished SRA to take a stand on student responsibility for speakers and those who (believing that political matters such as re- strictions during periods of emer- gency are the concern of the indi- vidual in his political group, how- ever he may be motivated by his religious convictions) felt that SRA should not take part in the present political action on the question. It remains an attempt, not to narrow the limits of SRA activity, but to do what is pos- sible within those limits set up in the SRA constitution by the members of the association. The other is that "we may see that authoritarianism in church or social order subverts the purpose of religion." If religion's purpose is to help man to better himself, as the Unitarian student chair- man says, then authoritarionism in the church, which in theory at least is the granting of power to those who by virtue of their train- ing and capabilities are expected to be able to guide wisely the de- velopment of the less experienced, does not automatically subvert that goal. -Robina Quale SEA Intercultural Dept. * * * Quo Vadis .. . To the Editor: IT IS MY opinion, and I'm not alone, that your staff's critical MGM should have tried "a little3 harder to find a story . . . worthy of their effort," isn't a Nobel{ Prize winner good enough? Since the movie story, to which your critic may have been referring, parallels the book almost com- pletely, it should be worthy ofy MGM's millions and Mr. Arp's "ninety-five cents." But, perhaps he never heard of the book, much1 less read it. Having done so twice,' I might suggest it. I agree that the performances of the actors who played Nero and Petronius were of note, but I think there were some others for whom something could be said. With so large a cast, it is hardly possible that every member should give a star performance, or even that a large portion of them should. But the final blow in the analy- sis is that the Christian beliefs are "treated with a tongue-in- cheek attitude," that the Christ- ians are wrongly portrayed as "the weakest members of the Roman society," and that they "often do rather silly and ridiculous things." It seems the only "tongue-in- cheek attitude" is Mr. Arp's if that is the way he.felt when he watched' this display of the "martyrdom and glory of (those) early Christ-' ians." As for their weakness, they were very weak in the Roman society, where the only standard of strength was physical power .. I don't say that "Quo Vadis" is a great movie because I am not capable of judging that, I do think it very good, however, and an accurate screen version of a great book. That's why I ob:tct to Mr. Arp's criticism of the story. As to his remarks about the poor por- trayal of the Christian beliefs, they are a difficult thing to por- tray, possible because half the effect is an' audience's feeling for them. -Barbara Wood Prejudice -. - To the Editor: ONE TAKES such a beating when one has a letter printed in the Daily, that one hesitates to write; however, I feel quite strongly on the subject of the audacity of the Wolverine Club in its sending - rather attempt to send - a trainload of Mich. people into the Deep South where they will be unable to stay on the same train cars and unable to room at the same luxurious hotel with one another. In fact it pleased me to see that one co-op group did itsbbest to see that, the trip would be a failure, and did so in its own "small"-take it as you want it-way. And since I do not find fault without offering constructive sug- gestions, I propose to the Wol- verine Club, which acted only in forgivable ignorance, that they re- map the trip and send the group or try to get a group to send, to Central Alaska. There will be little prejudice, or anything else for that matter, found there, and they tell me, the Eskimos, that is, that it is wonderful in Central Alaska now that spring is here. I have one further suggestion to augment the program of brother- hood of man in this university. The Vulcans have for too long been allowed to send special cars to such towns as New York and Chicago, towns well known as breeders of racial, national and religious bigotry. Moreover, the re- turn passage which is at a lower than normal rate to induce us stu- dents to come-back, is to Ann Ar- l 1 i l ... ,Cetteri to the 6k0r.. -0 * -0- "Wow!!!. . . . . Some platform . . ." and all the rest who have been doing such a fine fight in the re- moval of prejudice from the minds of us ignorant peoples who cannot. see through these plots of hate at first. -Jim Holway, '53L * * * Arab Students . . To the Editor: AS CHAIRMAN of the general planning conference of all the Arab students in the United States, I express the gratitude and deep appreciation of these students for the encouragement and coopera- tion of the University of Michigan, officially represented at the con- ference by Arthur L. Brandon, di- rector of University Relations. I do extend the thanks of the Arab students for the attendance and advice of Dr. Esson M. Gale, director of the International Cen- ter; Dr. George Cameron, chair- man of the Department of the Near Eastern Studies; Dr. Douglas Crary, assistant professor of geog- raphy; and Dr. Garland Evans Hopkins, vice president of the American Friends of the Middle East. It is a great pleasure for the Arab students in the United States to hold their first convention of this kind in Ann Arbor, at the University of Michigan, which has offered the use of its wide facilities to the planning conference and the general convention. It was decided by the planning conference that the general con- vention will be held here in June for several hundred Arab students. The purposes of the convention will be as follows: 1. To afford an opportunity for the Arab students in the United States to get together to discuss their American experiences and Arab World problems. 2. To bring about closer co-op- eration between Arab students and Americans of Arab origin. 3. To develop and promote a better understanding =between Arabs and Americans. The idea of the convention was originated by the Arab Club of the University of Michigan; and the planning conference was held by delegates of Arab students from seventeen universities located throughout the United States. -Mounir E-Khatib * * * Lecture Committee To the Editor: RECENT controversy over the speaker's ban seems to have overlooked one pertinent fact. In 1948, at the suggestion of the Fac- ulty Senate, the Regents deleted the clause in their by-laws for- bidding meetings or lectures "on behalf of a particular candidate, party, or faction." It is true that the Regents' interpretation of the bylaw still reads "These regulations . . . are designed to serve the educational interests of the academic com- munity rather than the political interests of any party or candidate. The Lecture Committee has con- sistently interpreted this to mean that, as long as one group does not try to monopolize time and space, political speeches should not only be allowed but encouraged, The Committee feels that such speeches are fundamentally of an educational value. Since 1948 the Committee has put no restrictions on political speeches as such. There is no ban on political speeches by party members, by candidates, or by their supporte -John M. Hale I Sixty-Second Year Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Editorial Staff Chuck Elliott ........Managing Editor Bob Keith ..................City Editor Leonard Greenbaum, Editorial Director Vern Emerson .......,..Feature Editor Ron Watts ...........AssociatEditor Bob Vaughn..........Associate Editor Ted Papes..............Sports Editor George Flint ....Associate Sports Editor Jim Parker .....Associate Sports Editor Jan James..........Women's Editor Jo Keteihut, Associate Womren's Editor Bisterss Staff Bob Miller..........Busness Manager Gene Kuthy, Assoc. Business Manager Charles Cuson ... .Advertising Manager Milt Goetz........ .Circulation Manager