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February 12, 1952 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1952-02-12

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_______________________________________________________ U U

Open Meetings
- TwoI
TPHE OPPOSITION to open meetings re-
cently expressed by the majority of the
University's Regents is, to say the least,
The Board of Regents is an eight-
member constitutional corporation which
holds the University's charter for the peo-
ple of the state and exercises the su-
preme power in University affairs.
Two members are elected to the Board
in the statewide spring educational elec-
tions every two years. They represent the
people in guiding an educational institution
which is owned and largely supported by
the people.
This is the theory. But, in a sense, the
success of its implementation is dubious.
The fact is, the Michigan voter is
represented by the Regents but he has no
way of determining the quality or method
of his representation. There is no news-
paper in the state which can accurately
report the workings of a Regents meeting.
Reason: Regents meetings are closed.
Defense for this venerable custom is seem-
ingly logical. Many of the matters con-
sidered by the Regents are of a confidential
nature. And even on matters less secret,
the presence of the press 'and the public
limits free discussion.
These are important objections to a
change in the existing set-up. But they are
difficulties which can easily be ironed out.
The bulk of the Regents' work would
continue to be handled privately in the
committee-of-the-whole. But every issue
brought to an official vote, and accom-
panying discussion if so desired, would be
a matter of public record.
The open meeting would give individual
Regents opportunity to express agreement
or disagreement with policies adopted by a
majority vote of the. Board.
The closed meeting is not a small mat-
ter of procedure. It is primarily responsible
for the widespread ignorance concerning
the Regents, which results in relatively low
otes sending them into office. It has led to
a fallacious impression that the Board is a
solid unit of infallible experts which rapidly
achieves urfanimity on every issue with an
omniscient, godlike precision.
But, more importantly, closed meetings
violate the democratic principle which
holds that the free flow of information is
essential to intelligent voting.
There is no doubt that people of consider-
able intelligence and leadership have the
final say in the University.
But in Regents meetings it is the people's
business that is being transacted and the
people have a right to know the manner of
that transaction.
Closed meetings can only be harmful.
The fact that they cannot be logically
justified leads people to mistakenly specu-
late on what goes on In them.
By opening Regents meetings, the Board
has nothing to lose but an antiqiated, un-
supportable tradition which benefits no
one. It is squarely up to the Regents of the
University to take the initiative in allowing
their actions to be reviewed by their consti-
-Barnes Connable
T aft's .lecture
EN. ROBERT TAFT must have been ra-
ther surprised when he received a note
from the Young Republicans telling him
that he must not deliver a "political" speech
but an "educational" one when he appears
here in April.

for the Regents
Views -
OF LATE, the University's Board of Re-
gents and MSC's State Board of Agri-
culture have been lapped with fire by a
press determined to crack the secrecy en-
shrouding their meetings. The "freedom of
information" crusade, recently launched by
the state's newspapers, has been aimed pri-
marily at these two boards.
Besieged with charges of being "un-
democratic," a majority of the Boards'
members are nonetheless standing firm
("adamant") in opposition to opening the
meetings ("iron curtain"). The argu-
ments of the University's Regents against
open meetings are not to be overlooked.
For one, in considering professorial and
deanship appointments, it would indeed be
difficult to consider candidates frankly and
freely with a news-hungry press hovering
over a meeting. The Regents would be
compelled to guard their statements-good
or bad-in the interests of the candidate's
public reputation.
Then too, Regent J. Joseph Herbert brings
up another problem-how newspapers would
handle disciplinary cases brought up by the
Board. Even if an accusation against a
faculty member or administrator were un-
founded, his reputation might be ruined by
connecting his name with adverse head-
What can happen when the press is
allowed to attend a closed meeting was
sadly illustrated several months ago at a
local conference of the American Asso-
ciation of University Professors. At that
meeting, which was called to discuss Uni-
versity athletics, Prof. Harry C. Carver
personalized the discussion with a vitriolic
attack on Athletic Director Fritz Crisler
and his "one-man control of University
Prior to the discussion, the only reporters
present--two Daily staff members and a De-
troit Free Press "agent"-were sworn to se-
crecy, so that a free discussion could be
carried on. A week later, a Free Press
sports writer blared out, word for word, the
charges against Crisler.
As it was, the real issues were sidetracked
in favor of a sensational story which ques-
tioned the ability of Mr. Crisler to hold his
job. The issue of de-emphasis was lowered
to a personal level.
Comparably, it would appear that rip-
ping the "regent's iron curtain" would
serve only to personalize issues at the
risk of reputations.
And, of course, there is the matter of poli-
tics creeping in. As a nonpartisan educa-
tional institution, the University cannot af-
ford to permit the political leanings of pros-
pective appointees or dismissals to be ad-
vertised statewide. In the long run, it might
also lead to a damper on academic freedom.
Surely, the University's faculty would view
such a situation with compunction.
Moreover, there is the matter of the Uni-
versity buying property. Had the Univer-
sity advertised its plans to build the new
Huron campus before acquisition of the ex-
tensive Glacier Way acres, prices would have
been skyrocketed beyond actual value, and
a very worthwhile project would have been
hampereoi by cost.
Finally, to the credit of the Board, there
Is no record of the misuse of state funds
or private bequests by the Regents. And
the University-under successive Boards
operating with closed meetings-has un-
deniably become one of the finest educa-
tional institutions in the country. Whe-
ther it would stay that way if thrown into
the arena of partisan politics, name-
calling, and scandalmongering is question-
The state's newspapers, who do have a
case in principle, should take these argu-
ments into consideration before pressing
their crusade for freedom of information on
the University and MSC.
If the meetings are to be thrown open,

an adequate system of safeguards ought to
be worked' out, a'nd the press will have to
acknowledge the delicate responsibilities
which go with reporting of such discussions.
-Cal Samra

WASHINGTON - Louey Johnson, the
pleasant, barren-beaned ex-Secretary of
Defense, has had three private talks with
the President, all through the White House
back door. Two were at his request, the last
was requested by Truman.
What the President cLiefly wanted,
Johnson later told friends, was to get the
veterans straightened out politically. He
figured that Johnson, a big wheel in the
American Legion, with his law partner,
Don Wilson, now national commander,
might be able to swing a lot of the vets
back into Democrat ranks.
But Johnson was quite unenthusiastic.
"I don't think I could very well go to the
veterans," he said, "with my reputation for
having been fired, and expect to make a suc-
cessful political appeal."
The President didn't comment on this,
but asked his ex-secretary of defense what
he thought of the political situation.
"I don't think Eisenhower will get any-
where," Johnson told friends that he re-
plied. "But I think he has enough strength
to block Taft. In the case of that deadlock
I think MacArthur will be the nominee,
and he is one man, Mr. President, you can't
FELLOW REPUBLICANS have been whis-
pering behind Bob Taft's back about
the way the Senator from Wisconsin has
been pushing the Senator from Ohio around.
What they say is that McCarthy barked
and Taft jumped the other day when he
issued his statement supporting McCarthy.
For exactly three months, the Wiscon-
sin wildman had been demanding such
an endorsement-in fact, ever since Mr.
Republican stepped on his toes last Octo-
ber by declaring that McCarthy's charges
had been "overstated."
"I don't think anyone who overstates his
case helps his own case," was what Taft told
the press on October 22. "The extreme at-
tack against General Marshall is one of the
things on which I cannot agree with Mc-
Carthy. I think some criticism of General
Marshall was justified, but he should not
have been accused of affiliation with any
form of Communism."
This infuriated McCarthy. Shortly there-
after, he cornered Taft in the Senate and
demanded a repudiation. At first, the
Ohioan sidestepped. He tried to placate Mc-
Carthy by repeating in subsequent speeches:
"I don't agree with everything McCarthy
says, but we can't criticize McCarthy for
starting the Communists-in-government in-
Of course, McCarthy didn't start the
Communists-in-government probe at, all,
but jumped on the soapbox long after
Alger Hiss and William Remington had
already been exposed, largely by the un-
American activities committee and by Mc-
Carthy's fellow Republican, Senator
Nixon of Illinois. Yet even this indirect
tribute from Taft didn't satisfy the Wis-
consin Senator. He began talking tough
to Taft and threatening political re-
prisals. He even boasted about it after-
ward, until it became common gossip in
the Senate cloakrooms.
Finally the harassed Taft knuckled down
and announced on January 21: "McCarthy's
investigation has been fully justified . . .
This administration has been dominated by
a strange Communist sympathy."
What made this all the more humiliating
for Taft was that it was completely one-
sided. While he announced his support of
McCarthy, the Senator from Wisconsin said
nothing about supporting Taft. In fact, on
December 14, McCarthy came out for Gen.
Douglas MacArthur for President "and a
younger man for Vice President"-meaning,

of course, McCarthy.
Ironically, it was McCarthy who defeat-
ed MacArthur in Wisconsin's 1948 pri-
mary by claiming that MacArthur was
"too old" and by smearing him with
Catholic voters on account of his divorce.
However, the political winds have shifted,
and McCarthy is now trying to tie himself
to MacArthur's kite.
Meanwhile Senator Taft explains to Re-
publican colleagues privately: "Joe was
threatening to come out for Stassen in Wis-
consin, and Wisconsin is very important to-
me. Also I had pressure from party leaders
to support McCarthy."
He identified the other party leaders as
Herbert Hoover and General MacArthur.
NOTE-Though Taft indicates to friends
that he isn't happy about his forced alliance
with McCarthy, a March of Dimes solicitor
calling on the Taft home the other evening,
discovered Senator McCarthy seated com-
fortably at the Taft dinner table.
IT HAS NOW BEEN exactly two years to-
day since McCarthy made his first claim,
in a Lincoln's birthday speech at Wheeling,
W.Va., that there were 205 Communists in
the State Department.
Immediately thereafter, at Salt Lake
City, he changed his figure to 57 and an-
nounced that he would supply the names
to Secretary of State Acheson on request.
Later he upped the figure to 81. But so far
McCarthy has supplied the name of no,
one who has been proved a Communist,

"I Have The Same Trouble"





(Continued from Page 2)

The Daily welcomes communications from its readers on matters of
general interest, and will publish all letters which are signed by the writer
and in good taste. Letters exceeding 300 words in length, defamatory or
libelous letters, and letters which for any reason are not in good taste will
be condensed, edited or withheld from publication at the discretion of the

SA Baas Action . .
To the Editor:
SOON, the Student Legislature
will be taking up'the contro-
versial bias clause issue again. It
is an issue which many of us feel
is very important, and it is the
duty of SL to come up with the
best solution.
The only feasibile solution
since IFC's complete failure to do
anything at all about this matter,
is the passage of another time-
limit resolution.
There are those on campus who
say that a time-limit plan can
never work . . . that we must wait
around and let the fraternities
and sororities "evolve" their own
solution. I do not agree. The cam-
pus has witnessed the miserable
failure of IFC to cope with the
problem time and time again. No
one can condone such failure and
still call himself a believer in the
fundamentals of democracy.
When President Ruthven vetoed
the time-limit motion last year, a
great hue and cry went up from
every corner of campus. Even soft-
spoken President George Roumell
of SL was fed up then and said
in a letter to the Daily:
"The IFC has not won a victory.
They have gotten themselves over
a barrel. They claim they are
against discrimination. Yet they
show little action toward the
elimination of bias clauses. Ac-
tions speak louder than lip ser-
vice! It is true that the IFC has
no legal obligation in this matter
now. Yet, the moral obligation is
still there. What is IFC going to
do about it?.."
Well, just what has IFC done
about it? Absolutely nothing. A
few weeks ago they came to SL
and said in effect that they were

reflective reasonsing the infer-
ences which I can draw as the
reasons why I have not gained
admittance are as follows:
(1) My father is not an M.D.
(2) I haven't enough political
(3) My marks are average, and
erefore I need to possess (1) and
(2). The (1) is eliminated by
4) There are too many appli-
cants, and not all of the qualified
applicants are accepted. The med-
ical schools claim that the reason
is that they haven't got the facili-
ties to teach all. The United States
Government has plenty of money
with which it could easily invest
in the medical schools in order
to get this country out of this
dilemma, but the AMA, the cause
of this dilemma, influences the
United States Government not to
correct this situation. How long
will the people of the United
States stand for this is the ques-
tion. I haven't the answer, but
let us not forget Newton's Third
Law: Action-Reaction.
Now let us speculate at the
question of why do I want to study
medicine. I have always been in-
terested in the human body as
long as I can remember. I am
extremely interested in human
pathology, and the therapeutics
of these pathologies. I am fasci-
nated by this science, and I do
not really know why. All I can
know is what I can feel and ob-
serve. I feel myself drawn towards
this science, and get a lot of pleas-
ure out of studying it. Therefore
I want to obtain a medical educa-
tion since my interest is in this
field. I am also sympathetic with
all persons with pathologies, and
I wish that I could help all of

The lectures will be given in 25 An-
gell Hal at 4 and 7:30 p.m. as per
the following schedule:
Lecture No. Day Date
1 Mon. Feb. 11
2 Tues. Feb. 12
3 Wed. Feb. 13
4 Thurs. Feb. 14
5 Mon. Feb. 18
6 Tues. Feb. 19
7 (Final Exam) Wed. Feb. 20
You may attend at either of the
above hours.aEnrollment will take
place at the first lecture. Note that
attendance is required.
Health Lectures for Women not giv-
en second semester.
The University Extension Service an-
nounces that most of the Spring se-
mester classes offered in the evening
program for adults open this week.
Students electing courses scheduled
to be held in the Business Administra-
tion Building (Monroe at Tappan) and
in the Architecture Building may reg-
ister from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m., Monday
through Thursday during the first two
weeks of the semester, beginning Feb-
ruary 11, in Room 164 Business Ad-
ministration Building. Students elect-
ing courses scheduled to be held in
all other buildings may register in the
thirty-minute period preceding the
first class session in the rooms desig-
The following classes open tonight.
February 12:
Appication of Punch-Card Methods
to Research Problems. Kurt Benjamin,
medical statistician and supervisor of
the Tabulating Service, will offer this
course covering principles of punch-
card methods; suitable organization of
data and coding systems; basic func-
tions of all recent IBM machines and
their adaptation to simple statistical
and mathematical problems; illustra-
tions with various computational prob-
lems; sources and control of errors;
and discussion of programming actual
problems. Prerequisite: a course in
elementary statistics or the equivalent
with the instructor's permission, and
quantitative research experience. Six-
teen weeks, $16. 7:30 p.m., 170 Bus-
iness Administration Bldg.
Ceramics. A study of the materials
and forms of pottery offered by J. T.
Abernathy, instructor in ceramics.
Basic ceramic design applied to the
potter's wheel and simple use of
glazes. Open to students who have
had previous work in ceramics. Class
limited to 20. Sixteen weeks. $16.00;
laboratory fee, $5.00. 7:30 p.m. 125
Architecture Building.
Chamber Music for Recreation. In
response to a continuing demand for
this performance course, Prof. Oliver
A. Edeeisrepeating it in the spring
semester. Participants will be organ-
ized into small ensembles, with major
emphasis to be placed on performance
experience of each group. Enrollment
is open to University students and to
members of the community who can
play string or wind instruments and
can read the easier chamber works. No
previous ensemble experience is re-
quired. Eight weeks. $5.00. 7 'sn.
1022 University High School.
Faster Reading. This course is de-
signed to increase ability to read faster
with greater comprehension. Selected
printed passages are used as well as
comprehension checks on all reading
passages; also Harvard reading films
and the tachistoscope. Prof. W. Robert
Dixon is the instructor. Registration
must be completed before the second
meeting. Eight weeks. $4.00. 7:30 p.m.
131 Business Administration Building.
Introduction tothe Literatue of
Music. In this course, Prof. Glenn D.
McGeoch brings to the layman a prac-
tical method of listening to instru-
mental music and familiarizes him
with the significant forms and styles
of music composition heard currently
in the concert hall and over the radio.
Its aim is practical and its approach
is nontechnical; no previous knowledge
of music is necessary. The last eight
sessions, beginning April 15, will in-
clude the programs of the 1952 May
Festival and may be elected for a fee
of $8.00. Registration for the sixteen-
week course, $16.00. 7 p.m. 206 Burton
Semantics: Scientific Living I. In
this introductory course, Prof. Clarence
L. Meader will discuss the fundamen-
tals of the science of meaning, with
special reference to the meaning of
words as a guide to successful living;
sane thinking and sane conduct. Ap-
plications of general semantics to the
solution of personal and social prob-
lems wil also be touched upon in the
lectures, demonstrations, and discus-
sions. Eight weeks, $5.00. 7 p.m. 171
Business Administration Building.
The following classes will open on
Wednesday, February 13:
Contemporary Novel. Dr. William A.
Steinhoff, instructor. Eight weeks,
$5.00. 7:30 p.m. 165 Business Adminis-
tration Building.
Great Books (University of Michigan
Great Books Course). John E. Bingley,
instructor. Eight sessions on alternate
Wednesdays, $8.00. 7:30 p.m. 69 Bus-

mess Administration Building.
Office Standards - and Procedures.
(Bus. Ad. 109, two hours credit). Fred
S. Cook, Instructor. Siteen weeks,
$16.00. 7 p.m. 267 Business Adminis-
tration Building.
Painting. Richard Wilt, instructor.
Sixteen weeks, $16.00.. 7:30 p.m. 415
Architecture building.
Personnel Administration (Bus. Ad.
142, two hours credit). Tom H. Kin-
kead, instructor. Sixteen weeks, $16.00.
7 p.m. 170 Business Administration
Writer's Workshop. Dr. Sheridan W.
Baker, Jr., instructor. Sixteen weeks,
$16.00. 7:30 p.m. 171 Business Admin-
istration Building.
Faculty Concert: John Kollen, As-
sociate Professor of Piano in the School
of Music, has planned a program of
works by Mozart, Schubert a n d
Brahms, for his recital at 8:30 Wed-
nesday evening, February 13, in Lydia
Mendelssohn Theater. It will open
with Mozart's Fantasy InC minor, K.
475, followed by the Sonata in 0 ma-
jor, Op. 78 by Schubert; after inter-
mission Mr. Kollen wil play Brahms'

IVariations and Fugue on a theme by
Handel, Op. 24. The public is invited.
Faculty Concert: Robert Courte,
Lecturer in viola and Chamber Music,
and Violist of the Stanley Quaret, will
be heard in recital t 8:30 Tuesday
evening, February 12, in Lydia Men-
delssohn Theater. His program will
include works by Marin Marais, Hadn,
Homer Keller, Olan Shulman, Paul
Hindemith and Darius Milhaud, and
will be open to the public. He will be
accompanied at the piano by Mrs.
Fine Arts under Fire, a photographic
exhibition prepared by the editors of
LIFE Magazine, Feb. 11 through March
1, first floor Exhibition Corridor, Col-
lege of Architecture and Design.
Museum of Art, Alumni Memorial
Hall. Four Centuries of French Prints,
through February 26; Venice (LIFE
Photographs), through February 28.
Weekdays 9 to 5, Sundays 2 to 5. The
public is invited.
Events Today
Choral Union Members are reminded
of the regular rehearsal tonight at 7
o'clock sharp, in Kellogg Auditorium.
Members are urged to come sufficiently
early as to be seated on time.
Finance Club. Organizational meet-
ing, 130 B.A., 7:30 p.m. Movie on
banking from the Federal Reserve
Bank in Minneapolis. Coffee hour will
follow. Any student interested in fi-
nance is invited.
Congregational-Disciples Guild: Tea,
4:30 to 6 p.m., Guild House, 438 May-
Christian Science Organization: Tes-
timonial meeting, 7:30 p.m., Upper
Room, Lane Hall.
Wolverine Club. Meeting, 7:15 p.m.,
League. All students are invited. Re-
French Play: Meeting of the cast at
7 p.m.,In 200 Romance Language
Building. Everybody must be present.
Michigan Dames. Meeting, Rackham
Building, 8 p.m.; sponsored by the
Child Study Group. "Child Develop-
ment in General" Dr. Byron 0.
Hughes, University Elementary Schoo.
Square Dance-opening night of ne
semester, Lane Hall, 7:15,p.m. Students
from all departments of the University
welcome. Opportunity for instruction.
Religion-in-Life Month Publicity
Committee meets at Lane Hall, 7 p.m
SRA Council meeting, Lane Hall, 5:15
Coming Events
Student Legislature. Wed., Feb. 13,
7:30 p.m., Cooley-Hayden dining room,
East Quad.
Congregational-Disciples Guild: Sup-
per Discussion Groups, Wed., Feb. 13,
5:30 to 7 p.m., and Freshman Discus-
sion Group, 7 to 8 p.m., Guild House.
Literary College Conference Steering
Committee Meeting, 4 p.m., Wed., Feb.
13, 1011 Angell Hall.
Wesleyan Guild: Do-Drop-In for tea
and chatter, 4:15 to 5:30 p.m. Wed. at
the Guild. Visitors are invited. School
of Christian Living at 6:15 p.m., Wed.
In the social hall. Prof. Musky will
be guest speaker. Guild cabinet meet.
ing at 8:30 p.m., Wed. in the Green
room. All Guilders are requested to
Atr~tiall I

4 j

- ,i



I pa opatc eiiea
powerless in this matter.
The course of SL, then, is very a general practitioner.

Ana "Mr. Republican" has
for surprise and possibly
There are many students
whose vote he would like to
Yet Mr. Taft is forced by a
ents ruling to steer clear
peeches. The rule stipulates

good reason
on campus
Board of Re-
of campaign
that no Uni-

versity property may be used to further a
candidate's political cause but must be used
only for "educational" speeches.
Not only is it ludicrous to restrict the
freedom of speech of right wing Sen. Taft,
but it is also ludicrous not to realize that
anything Taft has to say will have political
Though questionable as to their wis-
dom, many policies, domestic and foreign,
have come from the presidential aspirant.
His name is attached to the well known
Taft-Hartley labor bill, he is the author
of a book on foreign policy, he has had
something to say on the Senate floor con-
cerning practically every issue that has
come up.
The Ohio Senator wants to be president
presumably because he believes in these
policies. As a candidate in a democracy it
is his duty to bring these policies to the
voting public.
Mr. Taft seems to realize this. The Uni-
versity Board of Regents does not.
They speak of education yet fail to rea-
lize that a political speech is of positive
educational value to students.
In all political science courses the import-
ance of a well informed electorate is stress-
ed. In view of the coming elections what
could be of more informative value than to
hear Sen. Taft discuss his political plat-
Moreover, the tendency to separate poli-
tics and education while ridiculous is also

At The Michigan .. .
I WANT YOU, starring Dana Andrews,
should give a great boost to attendance
at television sets. In a flag-waving attempt
to glorify the draft, it even fails to be a
-Barbara Goldblum
* * *
At. The State . .
THE LONE STAR-Featuring top box of-
fice stars, this saga of Texas does not
deserve serious consideration. Mock history,
corn, superhuman feats of violence, insipid
love making, melodrama and bad acting join
hands to smother the audience in a fit of
laughter and self pity.
--Mark Allen
New Books at the Library
Davis, H. L.-Winds of Morning. Kings-
port, Tenn., The Kingsport Press, 1952.
Devoe, Aan-This Fascinating Animal
Worwld. Newo'irk-Mr fptaw-H..ill 'Ronk roam-

celar. It has given IFC time, it
has compromised, it has shown
every desire to cooperate with
fraternities on this vital issue.
Yet, all SL gets in return is a slap
in the face!
Right now, those of us who sup-
port a time limit are in a slight
minority. However, if those people
on SL who originally favored the
time limit last year would vote for
it now, there would be no ques-
tion as to its passage.
I hope that those who really
think the time-limit is a good
thing will shake their timidity
and vote with us in the affirma-
tive. We are fighting for a princi-
ple, not for that which is most
The students of this campus are
waiting to see if SL has the cour-
age of its convictions, or if it will
bow to those who say SL has no
power or right to pass this motion.
They are waiting to see if SL has
the courage to stand up in the
face of possible defeat and say
that it is right on this issue.
-Gene Mossner
* * *
Med School and Me . .
To the Editor:
THE PAST two years I have ap-
plied for admission to this
Medical School and a few other
medical schools in the Midwestern
part of the United States. Obvi-
ously,I have not been successful.
The reasons are obvious to me.
Thorugh observation and through

-Ben Johnson
Two ords,. .
To the Editor:
rWO WORDS in your editorial
1 "Sequel to 'Assassination'"
call for comment. One of these is
"flaunt" and the other "lightly."
The use of the word "flaunt," to
parade or display ostentatiously
(ACD) where the proper word
would be "flout," to treat with dis-
dain (ACD) would hardly warrant
comment if it were not for the
fact that it has been a kind of
Daily tradition to confuse the two
Far more significant is the other
word, which appears in the statq-
ment, "Orientation of hatred is an
extremely d r a s t i c propaganda
measure, and one which should
never be employed lightly." In a
Christian society, at least, hatred
should never be employed in any
-Joshua McClennen
Weakest Links
The weakest links in the dmeo-
cratic system of the major western
European countries are the demo-
cratic political parties that have
become ingrown, unrepresentative,
and unresponsive. They are sup-
posed to be the links between the
people and their governments. The
way the parties are now, they
make the voters skeptical about
their governments.
-The Reporter

S rty-Second Year
Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board of Control of
Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
Chuck Elliott ........Managing Editor
Bob Keith................ City Editor
Leonard Greenbaum, Editorial Director
Vern Emerson ..........Feature Editor
Rich Thomas .......,..Associate Editor
Ron Watts .. .........Associate Editor
Bob Vaughn ........,..Associate Editor
Ted Papes..............Sports Editor
George Flint ....Associate Sports Editor
Jim Parker .....Associate Sports Editor
Jan James............Women's Editor
Jo Ketelhut, Associate Women's Editor
Business Staff
Bob Miller ...........Business Manager
Gene Kuthy, Assoc. Business Manager
Charles Cuson ....Advertising Manager
Sally Fish ....... .Finance Manager
Stu Ward ..........Circulation Manager
*Telephone 23-24-1
Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively
entitled to the use for republication
of all news dispatches credited to it or
otherwise credited to this newspaper.
All rights of republication of all other
matters herein are also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann
Arbor,.Michigan, as second-class mail
Subscription during regular school
year: by carrier, $6.00; by mail, $7.00.


And if you don't have your sixth
birthday I won't have to go away.

ue. But lots of people never]

Wait, Barnoby. He's grown up himself.

. : rL oW




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