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April 01, 1952 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1952-04-01

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* N U

YR Candidates

APART FROM THE extremely conserva-
tive and at times innocuous platform
adopted last weekend by the Midwest Feder-
ation of Young Republicans' Clubs, the most
significant part of the conference was the
sentiment expressed by delegates in regard
to various Presidential candidates.
It became apparent almost from the
start of YR proceedings that Taft would
be the choice of nearly all the delegates.
That the delegates should favor Taft is
not too surprising-they were representa-
tives of stolid midwestern Republicanism
which is undoubtedly the most conserva-
tive brand of Republicanism in the country.
It would probably be more interesting to
look at the number two choice of most of
these Taft men-the man they want to get
the nomination in event of a Taft-Eisen-
hower deadlock in the July GOP national
This alternate candidate is none other
than Gen. Douglas MacArthur, hero of
the Phillipines - whom delegates called
the man "Truman so unjustly and un-
heroically removed from his command
last summer"-the man "who had the only
plan to win in Korea."


There was a story floating around the
conference-I have heard it before here at
Michigan. It goes like this: 'MacArthur is
a great man-a wonderful orator. He will
be asked to make one of the major speeches
at the GOP convention. Then when Eisen-
hower and Taft deadlock, delegates will look
for someone to switch their allegiance to.
MacArthur will enter the convention hall. A
cheer will go up from the gallery. Someone
will yell "Mac for President," and then the
stampede will begin."
Considering past Republican conven-
tions and Gen. MacArthur's great dram-
atic appeal, this bit of "fiction" is not too.
hard to believe. Needless to say, such a
nomination is looked upon by many Re-
publicans as a major blot on the Party.
They feel, and rightly so, that MacAr-
thur wouldbe so autocratic, so dictatorial,
and so totally unfit for the Presidency
that he would ruin the Party.
But there are a good many people, almost
fanatical in their devotion, who would like
nothing better than to see MacArthur with
squashed cap, corn cob pipe, and all firmly
entrenched in the White House.
-Harry Lunn
the Union, which might alleviate the situa-
tion are in the distant future and even if
built would not be sufficient to handle an
increase in coed usage.
The argument that other Big Ten schools
have coed unions has little bearing on this
campus. These unions were built with that
purpose in mind. Michigan's Union was
built as a men's club when only 5,000 males
were on campus. With over 10,000 men here
now it is easy to see the difficulty involved
if the Union were to try and match the coed
structures at Ohio State or Wisconsin.
I must also be remembered that the Un-
ion and League operate with regard to
each other. A number of functions are
handled jointly and more are being plan-
ned. Both organizations are hailed as be-
ing the finest of their type in the nation.
The referendum will provide a sounding
board for student opinion on the issue but
aside from that it accomplishes little. A yes
vote will have little effect except to per-
haps raise student hopes in what might be a
worthwhile but still quite hopeless venture.
-Eric Vetter

dum calling for a coed student union to
supercede the present Union and League
structures is a fine idea but one that is
rather meaningless.
As the Union is presently set up it is
performing as many coed operations as its
facilities permit. Its cafeteria, which is
open to coeds during certain hours, oper-
ates at capacity during meal hours. Dur-
ing the, first few years after the war the
cafeteria was unable to handle the de-
mand on it and an enrollment increase
now might cause a repitition of the over-
crowded situation.
The bowling alley is now open to escorted
coeds but receives little use by them. The
billiard room was given a coed trial period
but met with such little 'success that the
idea was dropped. The swimming pool is
unable to handle women because of the
shortage of locker space and there is now
no room for locker expansion. The lounges
are too small to handle an increase in use
by coeds. Pendleton Library often is crowded
to overflowing. The proposed additions to

Mac's .Fedora
W ASHINGTON-Senator Taft's forces are
beginning to complain that General
MacArthur is dancing on their candidate's
grave before his body is cold.
The Taft people realize that the General
can't control all his admirers and they are
reconciled to sporadic problems such as
the fighters for MacArthur are creating
in Wisconsin. But they definitely do not
like reports from the General's Waldorf-
Astoria apartment in New York.
These reports quote the MacArthur staff
as saying that Senator Taft can't make it
against the rising Eisenhower tide and that
a conservative with mass appeal is needed.
The description obviously fits the General.
If General MacArthur really wants to re-
assure the senator, he must take much more
positive steps and take them more publicly
than he has hitherto done.
It is cold comfort for the Taft people that
General MacArthur has been increasingly
bold in his attacks on the Eisenhower can-
didacy. The General really opened up on
that subject to reporters who accompanied
him to Mississippi last week end.
General Eisenhower, be told them, was
'naive" and far too much in the hands of
"the Pentagon clique" that has been car-
rying out the Truman policies. General
MacArthur specified that "real leadership"
by the military as distinct from the Pen-
tagon variety was not to be feared.
General MacArthur was described in one
account at least as using a constellation for
his Mississippi flight which raised the ques-
tion here of whether his Far East military
aircraft was back in service for the occasion.
Accompanying reporters say the airplane
was not a constellation and that the host
state, Mississippi, provided it.
They noted that Mississippi Republicans.
who are for Senator Taft did not show at
the Jackson celebration which was entirely
in the hands of the states' righters. The
MacArthur party was described as confident
the General could carry the South if nom-
The fortunes of Senator Taft are being
closely followed here where the Senator is
best known. That he is suffering from
combat fatigue is apparent and it is not
surprising. He has maintained a vigorous
schedule that would tax a younger man
and the weather is rugged.
The Senator shares one weakness with
the President he so heartily dislikes. When
Harry Truman and Bob Taft are annoyed,
they show it. Washington is accustomed to
their major tantrums about minor issues;
the voters may react differently.
The senator from Ohio has another prob-
lem. Basically he does not like campaign-
ing; he would much prefer to devote himself
to his legislative duties. At the same time
he thinks a candidate has to meet the
voters to inspire them to follow him; with
him this is not merely a tactic, but a con-
viction that they are entitled to see and hear
the man they are asked to elect.
(Copyriget, 1952, by The Bell Syndicate. Tnc
CLC Motion
STUDENT AL BERSON has discovered
some very valuable information for the
Un-American Activities Committee. He has
found an infallible test to separate the
"sheep from the goats.
Berson has proposed that the Civil Lib-
erties Committee pass a resolution stating
that the group go down on record as fav-
oring the showing of such movies as "The
Birth of a Nation."
If the group does not pass the motion,
Berson says, he will "seriously question the
CLC's original intent in seeking the speakers
ban referendum."
Mr. Berson has an excellent point here.
By passing this motion the CLC will become
pure and safe in the eyes of the campus.
And while we're speaking of relevant
issues, why doesn't the CLC pass at its

meeting tonight a motion favoring "Na-
nook of the North"?
This would set a precedent and from now
on political clubs could take turns passing
on movies. Next week we should call on the
Young Republicans to voice their approval
of "The Roosevelt Story."
-Alice Bogdonoff

"What Returns From Key West?"



'W'ASHINGTON-One thing at least is
, clear about President Truman's flat-
voiced announcement that he will not run
again. Perhaps by concert, perhaps by de-
sign, it puts Gov. Adla Stevenson, of Illi-
nois; on a very hot spot indeed.
Sen. Estes Kefauver may be out winning
primaries. Sen. Robert Kerr may be cam-
paigning in Nebraska. Sen. Richard Rus-
sell may have-in fact undoubtedly does
have-the whole Southern group of dele-
gates in the bag. But as of today, the really
massive support of the big states is most
likely to go to Gov. Stevenson, provided he
is even a mildly co-operative candidate. Thus
Mr. President has in effect abruptly forced
Gov. Stevenson to decide whether to talk
hiiiself out of the Democratic nomination.
Perhaps he will be well on his way., to
doing Just that before these words are
printed-he had a strong tendency to do
so before the President spoke. But if only
for history's sake, it is at least worth re-
cording the results off a careful nation-
wide survey of Stevenson's potential
strength, which was conducted in part by
President Truman's own request and com-
municated to the President before he went
off to Key West to make his final decision.
his final decision.
The surveyors, who were headed by Gov.
Paul Dever, of Massachusetts, one of the
most astute political professionals in the
business, found strong indications of the
most powerful support for Gov. Stevenson
among Democrats in almost all Northern
and border states, from Connecticut right
across the country to Oregon. It is no use
tabulating states, since the situation is in-
finitely too uncertain for anything of that
sort, but the leaders who have tentatively in-
dicated Stevenson proclivities tell the story
to any politically practiced eye.
* * * -
IN CONNECTICUT, Sens. McMahon and
Benton are on the list. So are the chieftians
of both factions in Indiana, Gov. Schricker
and Democratic National Chairman McKin-
ney. So are Gov. Williams, of Michigan, Sen.
Murray, of Montana, the principal leaders
in New York and New Jersey, and National
Committeeman David Lawrence in Pennsyl-
New Books at the Library'
Caldwell, Erskine-The Courting of Susie
Brown. New York, Duell, Sloan and Pearce,
Cronin, A. J.-Adventures in Two Worlds.
New York, McGraw-Hill Book Company,
Inc., 1952«
Frank, Pat-Hold Back the Night. New
York, J. B. Lippincott Company, 1952.
Phillips, Thomas-Search for a Hero. New
York, Rinehart & Co., Inc., 1952.
.gr nfA1 T-iag2+h-rmd rvnL -- K

The Daily welcomes communications from its readers on matters of
general interest, and will publish all letters which are signed by the writer
and in good taste. Letters exceeding 300 words in length, defamatory or
libelous letters, and letters which for any reason are not in good taste will
be condensed, edited or withheld from publication at the discretion of the

vania. Massachusetts, where Gov. Defer, the
original pro-Stevenson professional, abso-
lutely controls the delegation, and Illinois,
Stevenson's own state, must also be listed.
as may be the delegate strength of a big
chunk of Ohio, and probably Minnesota and
What this roster adds up to is the con-
elusion that Stevenson hhs much the best
chance to° get the nomination, provided
first that he wants it, and second that he
does not spend the next three months with
his foot practically permanently lodged in
his mouth.
The best indices of the form so'far (which
probably influenced the timing and char-
acter of the President's announcement) are
the two talks Stevenson is known to have
had with Truman at their January meeting
at Blair House. Truman said he probably
would not be a candidate again, indicated
he personally favored Stevenson and asked
the Illinois governor to become a candidate.
In a later telephone conversation, Steven-
son left the door of the future open, but,
said that he was committed to run again
for Governor of Illinois and argued that he
could not simultaneously become an an-
nounced candidate for the Presidency, even
on a tentative basis.
THE PRESIDENT is known to have been
more than a little put out because the
Illinois Governor failed to meet his original
generous overture at least halfway. Other-
wise, the President's announcement would
probably have been accompanied by some
sort of sign, informal or other, that Steven-
son was his chosen successor. But as the
President certainly knew, the absence of
such a sign by no means greatly reduces
Stevenson's potential strength. It may even
have some advantages, if Stevenson does not
continue to shrink from the prospect open-
ing out before him.
The reason for the President's personal
decision, long forecast in this space, hardly
need be set down again. In deciding to with-
draw, Mr. Truman has shown once more his
curious knack of rising to big choices, often
the very day after he has stumbled over the
smallest ones.
Since Mr. Truman kept even the Demo-
cratic leaders who are closest to him (in-
cluding Democratic Chairman McKinney)
on tenter-hooks of lingering uncertainty
until the very last moment, no one on
earth can foretell the outcome of the re-
sulting turmoil in the Democratic party.
Especially if Gov. Stevenson continues to
be coy, the party professionals are quite
likely to find themselves landed with Sen.
Kefauver or even Sen. Kerr. The an-
nouncements of other candidates may also
be expected in due course.
It is fairly easy to foretell, on the other
hand that the President's decision will at


The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of the University
of Michigan for which the Michigan
Daily assumes no editorial responsi-
bility. Publication in it is construc-
tive notice to all Wnembers of the
University. Notices should be sent in
TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 2552
Administration Building before 3 p.m.
the day preceding publication (11
a.m. on Saturday).
VOL. LXI, No. 128
Student Tea: President and Mrs.
Hatcher will be at home to students
from 4 to 6 o'clock, Wednesday, April 2.
Automobile Regulations will be lifted
,from 5:00 p.m. Friday, April 4, to 8:00
a.m. Monday, April 14.
Convocation Honoring Queen Juliana.
A Convocation of the University will be
held at 11:15 a.m, Thurs, April 17, in the
Rackham Lecture Hall, in honor of the
visit of Queen Juliana of the Nether-
lands. It will be open to students, fa-
culty, and the general public up to the
capacity of the hal.
Faculty members are asked to parti-
cipate in the academic procession,
which will assemble at 11 a.m. in the
Graduate School office. Academic cos-
tume will be worn. Those who expect to
participate in the academic procession
are asked to leave their names with Dr.
F. E. Robbins (campus telephone 2645),
as special seating wil be arranged for
the faculty section.
Women students now on campus may
apply for housing accommodations for
Fall, 1952, on Tues., April 15, at the Of-
Ifice of the Dean of Women, 1514 Ad-
ministration Building. Graduates and
undergraduates may apply. Applications
will be accepted for both dormitory and
League House accommodations. Infor-
mation concerning the types of housing
available can be secured at any time in
the Office of the Dean of Women.
Personnel Requests
Ford Motor Company of Ypsilanti has
openings for Metallurgist, Chemist,
Chemical Engineer and Mechanical En-
gineer for their Monroe plant.
The Detroit Civil Service Commission
announces opportunities for Procure-
ment Inspector. This position includes
such work as supervising and/or per-
forming work involved in maintaining
surveillance over manufacturers in-
spection systems and inspectors in in-
dustrial plants and other related work.
Further details are available at the
The Portsmouth Naval Shipyard of
Portsmouth, N.H has openings for
Mechanical, Electrical and Naval Archi-
tects (or Civil Engineer).
The Standard Fruit and Steamship
ICompany of New Orleans, La. is in
need of Spanish Translators and also
Engineers for Honduras and Ecuador.
The State of Michigan Civil Service
announces examination for Recreation
Instructor A and Recreation Director I.
Recreation Instructor A works with pa-
tients in recreation programs at state
institutions and related work. For this
position two years of college with spe-
cialization in Physical Education is re-
quired. Recreation Director I organizes
and directs programs of physical edu-
cation and recreation at state institu-
tions, etc. A degree in Physical Educa-
tion with two years of experience in
recreation programs or three years ex-
perience as Recreation Instructor A.
The Detroit Civil Service has an open-
ing for a Survey Assistant. The duties
would include assisting in performing
Civil Engineer field and survey work.
This is open to students who have had
two years of Civil Engineering. An-
nouncement of examination for Packag-
ing Inspector has also been received as
wellas announcement for Contract Ne-
For further information, application
blanks and appointments contact the
Bureau of Appointments, 3528 Adminis-
tration Building; Ext. 371.
Hillel. Will those students soliciting
memberships for Hillel please return
their kits and the money.
Phi Eta Sigma. A reminder that all
freshmen eligible for Phi Eta Sigma
should sign up for membership at the
Administration Building from 1-4, Tues.
through Thurs., April 1-3.
Academic Notices
Sports and Dance Instruction for Wo-
men Students. Women students who
have completed their physical educa-
tion requirement may elect additional
classes on Tuesday and Wednesday in
Barbour Gymnasium. There are open-
ings in the following classes offered by
the Women's Department of Physical

"Relations between class numbers of
algebraic number fields."
Orientation Seminar (Mathematics):
Wednesday, April 2, at 2 p.m., in Room
3001 A.H. Mr. Hoffman will conclude
his talk on "Logical limitations of ma-
Logic Seminar: Wed.. April 2, at 2:10
p.m., in Room 2219 Angell Hall. Dr.
Clarke will continue his discussion on
"Algebraic Axioms."
Engineering Mechanics Seminar: Wed.,
April 2, 3:45 p.m., Room 101, West Engi-
neering Building. Professor J. W. Free-
man will speak on "Effect of Prior His-
tory on Material Properties."
Sociology Colloquium: Professors Dan
Miller and Edward Swanson, of the
University of Michigan's Psychology and
Social-Psychology Departments respec-
tively, will speak on, "Social Class and
Psychopathology," Wed., April 2, 4:15
p.m., in the East Conference Room,
Rackham Building. Everyone interested
is invited.
Voice Class Program under the direc-
tion of Arlene Solenberger, 4:15 p.m.,
Wed., April 2, in 506 Burton Tower. So-
loists: Faith Cook and Ann Albert, so-
pranos, Sylvia Schreiber, mezzo-soprano,
Miriam Broderick, contralto, Eugene
Guettler, baritone; accompanists: Jus-
tine Votypka, Glenna Gregory, Char-
lotte Hoyt, Lois Beyer, Lucille Stans-
berry. Open to the public.
University Symphony Orchestra, noa
U n i v e r s i t y Symphony Orchestra,
Wayne Dunlap, Conductor, will be heard
at 8:30 p.m., Wed., April 2, in Hill Au-
ditorium, with Benning Dexter, Asso-
ciate Professor of Piano, as soloist. The
program will open with Reznicek's Ov-
erture to "Donna Diana,'" followed by
Ross Lee Finney's Concerto in E major
for Piano and Orchestra in its first
American performance. Professor Finney
is Composer-in-Residence at the Uni-
versity of Michigan. Mahler's Sym-
phony No. 1 in D major will complete
the program. Open to the general pub-
lic without charge.
Museum of Art, Alumni Memorial
Hall. Accessions .to the Museum Collec-
tions through April 25. Weekdays, 9 to
5, Sundays, 2 to 5. The public is invited.
Events Today
Ballet Club. Barbour Gym Dance Stu-
dio: Intermediates: 7:15-8:15. Beginners:
Wolverine Club meeting-7:15 p.m. at
the Union. All students are invited to
Square Dance Group meets at Lane
Hall, 7:15 p.m. All students welcome.
Science Research Club. The April
meeting will e held at 7:30 p.m. in the
Rackham Amphitheatre.
Diffusive Separation in the Upper At-
mosphere from Rocket Measurements,
Myron H. Nichols, Aeronautical En-
The Effects of Bacterial Contaminants
in Transfused Blood, Apraham I.
Braude, Internal Medicine. Members
Deutscher Verein-The German Club
will sponsor an all German musical
program at 7:30 p.m. Tues., April 1, in
the Hussey Room of the League. Re-
freshments will be served at the Con-
zertabend. Everyone is welcome.
Civil Liberties Committee. Meeting,
Tues., April 1, ':30 p.m., Union.
The Young Democrats will meet at 8
p.m., in room 3M at the Union to dis-
cuss, "The Southern Democrats posi-
tion in the Democratic party." Dr.
George Peek will preside.
Coming Events
Phi Beta Kappa: Annual meeting,
Wed., April 2, 4:15 p.m., Room 1035 An-
gell Hall. Members are urged to attend.
Wesleyan Guild: Lenten morning serv-
ice and communion at the chapel at
7:30 a.m. Wed. School of Christian Liv-
ing at 6 p.m at the Methodist church.
Michigan Arts Chorale will meet Wed.,
April 2, in front of Hill Auditorium by
6:30 p.m. in full dress and ready to
leave for Farmington.
Auditions for new WUOM broadcast
choir will be held Wed., and Thurs.,

Union Opera .
To the Editor:
IT HAS BEEN recently noted in
the Daily that Andrew White,
colored student in the cast of the
Union Opera, would be unable to
travel to Buffalo with the cast due
to a previous engagement. With-
out attempting to doubt this In
the least, I would like to advance
a relevant bit of conjecture.
While in Buffalo the cast will
stay at the Buffalo Athletic Asso-
ciation where accommodations
will be provided free of charge
(for the cast) by that organiza-
tion. This has been arranged for
by the MIMES, Union Opera
Alumni Association. This is very
fine except for the fact that the
Buffalo Athletic Association does
not permit Negroes to use its fa-
cilities. The question now arises,
if Andrew White didn't have a
"previous engagement," would he
have been able to stay at the Buf-
falo Athletic Club or travel to
Buffalo at all?
-Sidney B. Weiner
* * *
To the Editor:
IF YOU ARE interested in Peace
you are invited to attend the
State Meeting of the Fellowship
of Reconciliation to be held this
Saturday in room. 214 of the First
Methodist Church.
Albert Watson, Midwest Secre-
tary of the organization will speak
in the morning on, "Can Midwest
Pacifists Meet the Challenge?" In
the afternoon Dr. Joseph Per],
former Moravian minister in
Czechoslovakia will talk on "Re-
sources for Pacifist Living and
All students really interested
in a constructive, positive peace
movement are urged to come. The
morning meeting opens at 9:30.
-R. Frederick Christmann
Chairman Ann Arbor Chapter
* * *
Red Fight.. ..
To the Editor:
THE OPPOSITION to the recent
outburst of wrath against
Communism seem to express the
same groundless indignation as
does . Vincent Giuliano. This is
only a natural result of Com-
munist aggression in the world.
today. Mr. Guiliano professes to
be a defender of civil liberties
and he would seek to extend these
liberties that we as free citizens
enjoy to those who would deny
us the same privileges. Is it pos-
sible to keep these freedoms for
ourselves and yet permit others
to destroy them?
The Communists are not a
typical political party as they
would destroy our system of gov-
ernment and the opposing politi-
cal parties along with it. They are
working outside of our social
framework and therefore they may
be denied the liberties that are
granted within this framework.
Mr. Guiliano is also laboring
under a misapprehension. The
lawyers who were defending "a
political party" were sentenced
not for their political ideals but
because of misconduct during the
trial. Obstructing justice and in-
terfering with a legal jury trial
is not part of the American Way
of Life. "The Order of the Stool-
pigeon", as Mr. Guiliano puts it,
is one of possibly hundreds of
ridiculous recommendations in-
troduced into Congress: We don't
claim to have a perfect legisla-
tive body because there are al-
ways a handful of bad nuts in a
barrel, but fortunately they do not
necessarily ruin the taste of the
others. "Struggles of Colonial
Peoples for Independence" do not

arise simultaneously and without
immediate causation. These bands
of roaming outlaws must obtain
their arms and incentive from
some outside source, I believe
that we can sensibly follow the
connection between the pattern
of Communist aggression in China
and Korea and the recent guer-
rilla warfare in the colonial ter-
I could continue to refute each
of Mr. Guiliano's arguments;
however I feel it is unnecessary
to become overly analytical. We
must defend Civil Liberties only
up to that point where they in-
terfere with the freedom of others.
The Communists seek to kill the
goose that lays the golden eggs
and in times such as these, we
must carefully preserve the goose
so that she will be able to produce
another day.
-Judith Wolfe
* * *
Spring . .
To the Editor:
COME SPRING and the promise

League and the Union with their
determined pride in sanitation as
a way of life and the independence
of the socially antagonistic sexes;
uniquely enough, men and women.
Come Spring I seem to forget
the old and new pain of bad plays
poorly produced by the Speech
Department and the fatuous pro-
gramming of musical shillelaghs
by the University Musical Society.
I seem to forget how these latter
two organizations function in
terms of commercialism; how they
steadfastly refuse to recognize
their responsibilities as educa-
tional organs functioning in an
academic community; how they
conservatively resist modern pro-
duction and experimentation and
know but meagerly the meaning
of cooperation.
But Spring lets me forget and
hope that the Speech Department
will produce good plays, well and
refreshingly performed and, fur-
ther, that the University Musical
Society will similarly consider its
responsibility to the arts and the
community by scheduling for
appearance challenging and re-
warding artists. Ann Arbor can
respond to calibre
Recently the Inter-Arts Union,
a student organization, assumed
the initiative and sponsored Jose
Limon and his modern dance
troupe which proved an over-
whelming success and received the
greatest audience response Ann
Arbor has witnessed in years. This
clearly is evidence of a need to
which the Universty Society could
minister effe'ctively in their pro-
gramming for next year.
-Adele Hager
* * *
To' the Editor:
WISH TO congratulate Miss
Ann Cotton on her fine, intel-
ligent letter concerning the
"S. R. A. - Newman Club dispute".
With the attitude that she has ex-
pressed, I am confident that the
S. R. A. has a much better chance
of attaining its goal. We all rea-
lize fully the difficulty of such an
endeavor. It is difficult enough
just to establish harmony and
understanding among peoples of
different nationalities and cus-
toms, let alone among peoples who
have different, even diametrical-
ly-opposed fundamental, concepts
of life, religion, God, and so on.
I am sure the Newman Club, as
well as all other similar organiza-
tions on campus, are willing to
join in any 'united action aimed
towards making our American way
of life the finest in the world.
Most typical of our way of life
is the principle of the '"Freedom.
of Worship". To impose our tenets
on others, we agree, is not in keeir-
ing with thi, principle. On the
other hand, to have to sacrifice
even one of our religus tenets
for any reason whatsoever is also
not in keeping with the principle
of the "Freedom of Worship".
Hence arises the dilemma involved
in trying to establish harmony
among p69ples of fundamentally
different concepts of life, religion,
SGod, and so on. All of us are will-
ing to subscribe to any action pro-.
vided it does not go contrary to
any of our beliefs.
Again, I wish to congratulate
Miss Cotton for her intelligent
approach to the problem. I pray,
also, that God will bless with suc-
cess this noble undertaking of the
S. R.sA.
-Chester Patrick










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ELIA KAZAN and John Steinbeck have
fashioned a gripping motion picture in
which the action concerns the overthrow of
Porfirio Diaz and the consequent scramble
for power among the victorious generals. Of
these, Zapata provides Steinbeck with the
stuff for a national hero. Marlon Brando,
late of Tennessee Williams' French Quarter,
moustachioed and constantly perspiring,
lurches his way through the role of the
Indian, peasant revolutionary with gusto.
Filmed almost entirely on location in
Mexico, Kazan wisely uses authentic lo-
cales and bit players. The camera has
succeeded in capturing the intensity which
is characteristic of the Mexican Indian;
the sullen dignity of the men, the morosity
of the women, their shyness, their inborn
wisdom in dealing with injustice are pro-
duced with fine fidelity. Of particularly

Sixty-Second Year
Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
Chuck Elliott ....... .Managing Editor
Bob Keith ..............City Editor
Leonard Greenbaum, Editorial Director
Vern Emerson ..........Feature Editor
Ron Watts ............Associate Editor
Bob Vaughn ...........Associate Editor
Ted Papes ................Sports Editor
George Flint ....Associate Sports Editor
Jim Parker .....Associate Sports Editor
Jan James .............Women's Editor
Jo Keteihut, Associate Women's Editor
BDsmen Staff
Bob Miller ..........Buslnes Manager
Gene Kuthy, Assoc. Business Manager
Charles Cuson ....Advertising Manager
Milt Goetz.........Circulation Manager

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