c sIX THE MICHIGAN. DAILY SUNDAY, MARCH 30, 1952 Thirty-Eight Candidates Scramble for SL Posts I Campus Eleetion Slated For Tuesday,_Wednesday The month long all-campus election derby will end in the wee hours of Thursday morning. Between now and then campaigning will come to an abrupt halt, the students will flock to the polls and the ballots will be counted. The elections will be Tuesday and Wednesday. * * * TO AID STUDENTS in understanding how the Student Legislature candidates feel on certain key issues, The Daily has again prepared a list of questions that each of the hopefuls may answer. In addition, a brief, statement from each candidate is being printed. Because of space limitations the candidates were limited t4 yes or no answers. The questions are: 1-Will a time limit best further the cause of the SL in the removal of bias clauses from the constitutions of campus organizations? 2-Do you favor SL pressing for a coed Union in the foresee- able future? 3-Should SL move for the abolition of the University Lecture Committee? 4-Should SL support an annual inter-class Tug of War? 5-Does SL accurately represent student opinion? In question four, if the candidate favors SL making §ure that organization takes over the Tug-of-War, he should still answer yes. In other columns will be found the statements of candidates for other student offices. Thirty nine students are competing for the 22 SL posts. The last two elected will serve for only a semester, while the others will serve a year. * * -.* * I may serve the student body in a manner which will reflect the faith that they have placed in me and also in a manner creditable to the principles for which the University of Michigan stands." 4' 4 * Buckley, Marge, '54 1-yes; 2-yes; 3-yes: 4- yes; 5-yes. "As the only representative of the student body as a whole; SL has the right and duty to work cn such issues as face the student body, as the Lecture Committee, discrimination other than by affiliate groups, a student book store, etc. I feel that I could be useful in seeing that students get action in these and other vital issues." * * * Downer, Mary Jo, '54 1-yes; 2-yes; 3-yes; 4- no; 5-yes. "My experience in working on SL this past semester has shown me that SL is a very worthwhile organization. I would like to con- tinue in furthering student in- terests and helping the students maintain a voice in their educa- tion." Chacarestos, Mary Ann, '54 1-no; 2-yes; 3-yes; 4-no; 5-yes. "I believe in student govern-, ment, in improving the relation- ship between administration, fac- ulty and students, in improving students' say in campus problems. SL is the way to do this and I am willing to serve and use my ability to strengthen SL in carrying out its function on campus." * *1 * Cohen, Herb, '53 1-yes; 2-no; 3-yes; . *-no; pus orginazation. I would like to aid in its development." Davis, Sam L., '54 1-yes; 2-yes;3--yes; 4-no; 5-yes. "The Student Legislature should take a more positive stand on many campus problems. I feel that I'm qualified to serve on SL since I am willing to take a definite stand on issues and fight and work for them." * * * Diamond, Sondra, 1-yes; 2-no; 3-yes; 5--yes. (No statement) * * * '53 4-no; Alarie, Janet, '54 1--no; 2-no; -3-no; 4-yes; 5-no. "I desire to serve on the Student Legislature because I have a sin- cere and eager interest in the organization and its functions. SL is a means through which the students opinion may be voiced freely without restriction. It is my desire to take part in the work- ing of this agency and represent the entire student body to the ut- most of my ability." * * * Armstrong, Dale 1-no; 2-yes; 3-no; 4-yes; f 5-no. "If elected, I would strive to better coordinate and integrate our campus functions in order that we will get the most from our years here at the University. SL demands all the time of its legislators, and I have that time." Baity, John, '54 1-no; 2-yes; 3-no; 4-yes; 5-yes. "I desire to be on the Student Legislature because I have an active interest in all the affairs of the University of Michigan. I sincerely desire to help my fellow students so as to assure that their opinions will be considered and that their feelings be considered in the decisions and policies made on this campus. My wish is to be elected to the legislature so that Ely, Bob, '54E 1-no; 2-yes; 3-yes; 4-no; 5-no. "I am willing to work hard to make SL worthy of the full stu- dent support which it now lacks. My experience as president of my high school student government will be of great help towards this end. I was appointed to fill a vacancy on SL and am now work- ing for a University non-profit bookstore." Friedman, Mort, '53 1-yes; 2-no; 3-no; 4-yes; 5-no. "Having participated in various activities throughout the campus during the past two years, I now want to put my knowledge into practice to help expand the power of the legislature to the point where it can govern all student affairs as the true representative body of the students. I realize how .the actions of the Student Legislature affects every single student and I want to help guide it in the direction where it will do the most good for all the stu- dents." * * * Friedman, Ted, '53 1-yes; 2-yes; 3-yes; 4-- yes; 5-yes. "The views of the independent liberal and of the working student deserve capable expression. I shall work for a vigorous SL that will protect and extend the social, academic and political rights of all the student body." * * * Furstenau, Ann, '54 1-no; 2-yes; 3-yes; 4-yes; 5-yes. "I have been very interested in student government since I first came to Michigan and I feel that SL would give me a broader know- ledge of legislative activity, on our campus. I would work toward de- veloping an awareness of all stu- dents toward Michigan's SL,, therefore making it a more effect- ive governing body. SL has be- come an increasingly important part of campus life and I would like to work for its advancement." * * * Albert, Charles 1-no; 2-yes; 3-no; 4-yes; 5-no. "The Stlent Legislature has done a great deal on campus in the past few years and has great possibilities in the future. I would like to help make sure that SL does continue its good work in the future." * * * Glover, Robin, '53 1-no; 2-yes; 3-no; 4-no; 5-yes. "Two semesters on the SL cab- inet have given me experience which I hope to utilize toward making SL even more effective during the coming year. If re- elected I would put special em- phasis on the following projects: 1-working towards the feasability of. an .all-student Union; 2-the enlarging of a student book ex- change and supply store and 3- continued NSA participation BUT in a region of Big Ten schools." * * * Greenberg, Paul, '54 1-yes; 2-no; 3-no; 4-no; 5-no. "If I am elected to the Student Legslature I would like to work more towards cooperation between the administration and the Legis- lature. I feel that the recent ac- tions of the SL in constantly de- manding concessions from our administration and faculty leads to a feeling of animlosity, co-opera- tion would alleviate this situation and would in turn, I feel, make the Administration more inclined to work with us. I would also like to see the SL function as a co- ordinating force between various campus organizations. * * * Hicks, Fred, '54 1-no; 2-yes; 3-yes; 4- yes; 5-no. "There are particular issues (a full-time student book store and making the Union and League coed both in administration and activities) which I feel SL should promote, on which there has been taken little or no action." * *' * Hirschman, Stu 1-yes; 2-yes; 3-no; 4-- yes; 5-no. "I've attended every meeting of SL since first arriving on campus and realize from my observations that it is a dead debating society. Therefore, from you my fellow students, I am seeking the right to start making enough noise to wake them up. I'm not a Dean Martin or Jerry Lewis; but if you give me the opportunity, I'll create such a darn amount of noise, un- til bias clauses and the lecture committee are wiped right off campus." * * * Jones, Jean, '53 1-yes; 2-yes; 3-no; 4- yes; 5-yes. "My main reasons for running for re-election to SL are these: 1-I want to continue working on the book store, to enlarge it and find a convenient location. 2- There is much to be done on the Culture and Educational commit- tee, i.e. curriculum revision, re- quirement changes, student ad- visors program and calendar re- vision which I'd like to help along." Lardner, Pete, '53E 1-no; 2-no; 3-no; 4-no; 5-no. "Student Legislature should be a sober and responsible represen- tative of student opinion working for student needs and interest. I would like to see cooperation, often neglected at present, with other student groups and the ad- ministration"tocoordinate such plans as a student union, a stu- dent bookstore, and a satisfactory calendar. * * 4' Loomis, John, '53 1-yes; 2-yes; 3-yes; 4-no; 5-yes. "Student government is an in- tegral part of college life, perhaps the most important part. It is im- portant because it enables the stu- dent body to take an active part in their school's administration. I would like to be able to serve on the Student Legislature for this reason." * * * Mackay, Dorothy, 1-yes;s2-yes; 3-yes; 4-- no; 5-yes. "There are several reforms which I and many students 'de- sire to see accomplished on the campus. I would like to strengthen further the work of such projects as have already been taken up by the legislature, as well as to work with determination on arising problems." Mann, Pat, '52SM 1-no; 2-no; 3-yes; 4-no; 5-no. "It is an extremely important body in directing student activ- ities and working on student prob- lems, and I'm really anxious to help make it even more success- ful than before. I'd also like to see SL become more representa- tive of all groups and schools at Michigan." Moore, Al, '56 1-yes; 2-yes; 3-no; 4-yes; 5-yes. Through a stronger Student Legislature the student body as a whole has a stronger voice in University affairs. SL is being heard; I'd like to be a part of that projecting voice." W "* " "I want to continue my work on SL for the second year because there is a great need for ex- perience on SL. One of SL's most serious handicaps in the past has been lack of continuity and I want to devote all my effort and ex- perience to the task of providing this continuity. It is my desire to work in behalf of student in- terest through contact and co- ordination with the Administra- tion." Netzer, Janet, '54 1-no; 2--yes; 3-no; 4- yes; 5-yes. "I want to work on SL in order to help it realize its potential and gain a position of respect on this campus in regards to both the administration and the students. Phillips, Dick, '55 1-yes; 2-yes; 3-yes; 4- yes; 5-yes. "Many issues have recently arisen about which I have a great interest. Among these is the ques- tion "Should any man or group of men have the power to re- strict the full exercise of the free- dom of speech." I believe that re- fusing anyone the right to speak on campus is inconsistent with the philosophy of a free educa- tion and that the existence of any committee which does so is un- justified. T];herefore, I wish to be elected to the Student Legislature so that I might work on this and other problems to improve the University." * * * Popkin, Sue, '54 1-yes; 2-yes; 3-no; 4- no; 5-yes. "Being on the Student Legisla- ture for a year has convinced me more than ever of the importance of student government on this campus, and of the necessity of having experienced members on the SL to improve its position and make it better able to speak for and serve the campus." * * * Reardon, Bob, '54 1-no; 2-yes; 3-no; 4-yes; 5-yes. "Having worked with several campus organizations, I realize the need for good interested leadership. Because of my ex- perience and my desire to aid in improving the position of the stu- dent, I think I am qualified to assume a good share of this leader- ship." Sandweiss, Leonard, '53 1-yes; 2--yes; 3-yes; 4- no; 5-yes. "I should like to serve on SL because I feel that SL has an im- portant function in helping to form University policy, and in serving the students. I think that I possess the experience and knowledge necessary to be a cap- able legislator, and I should like to be part of an alert and respon- sible liberal voice in the Student Legislature." Sperling, Larry, '53 1-yes; 2-yes; 3-yes; 4- no; 5-yes. "I'm a political science major I 5-yes. "I feel that the Student Legis- lature, though it lacks in many ways, has the potentiality of be- coming an extremely useful cam- and Student Legislature is the practical application of all the theories I've been studying. I be- lieve that I can help to make SL a strong and effective voice of student opinion." * *' * Stevens, Marv, '54 1-yes; 2-yes; 3-yes; 4-- no; 5-yes. "I believe there is a definite need on SL for people who have an interest in working for the students and who are capable of carrying out beneficial action. I believe I can do that job." , ,* Sullivan, Joe, '52 1-no; 2-yes; 3-no; 4-no; 5-yes. "I wish to serve on the Student Legislature because it is my belief that student opinion can be effec- tively channeled through the med- ium of a truly representative stu- dent government. In this respect, I would work to stimulate a greater participation in the activities of SL on the part of the student body." Thomas, Norman, '53 1-no; 2--yes; 3-no; 4-yes; 5-yes. "I wish to serve on the Student Legislature so that I might help carry out policies which student opinion demands. I feel that stu- dent government is increasing in importance and I would like to have the opportunity to work with it in this upward movement." * * $ Willems, Chuck, '53 1-no; 2-yes; 3-no; 4-no; 5-yes. "In working on the Public Re- lations Committee I have become interested in the purpose and functioning of SL. I would like to become an SL member to aid in the realization of these goals and make Michigan a better place to live and study." Wladis, Sue, '53 1-yes; 2-no; 3-no; 4-no; 5-yes. "I believe that my past offices in various aspects of student gov- ernment on this campus have given me the necessary experience to reflect student opinion and to work effectively on St." *. * * Younkblood, Jim, '54 1-no; 2-yes; 3-no; 4-no; 5-yes. "For a long time I have wanted to reach more students on the Michigan campus; to project my ideas on a broader screen; and to receive many more view-points than I can get in the limited range in which I am now working. SL does these three things to the fullest extent." * * * Zarrow, Herbert, 55P 1-no; 2-yea; 3-no; 4-yes; 5-no. "I feel that being a member of such an organization would en- able me to get a broader view on many subjects and would give me a chance to get a more bal- anced education." STUDENT SUPPLIES Typewriters -I' Repaired Rented Sold Bought Webster-Chicago Tape and Wire Recorders Fountain Pens Repaired by a Factory Trained Man MORRILL'S 314 S. State Ph. 7177 t i I COLLEGE SHOP AI ,. I /1 Neary, 1-no; 5-yes. Bob, '54 2-yes; 3-no; 4-no; /> t) I IS ,. i R4 l1 4 G .r '3y ;:';:;''' ;. . .::: i t+: : r ,S{, i ,i . ,. k' t'y;;:. (:.;:. i ?12i: f i yy F 1 y4}l. ..,,,. A' Bat boy cop... smofl, large . . . 1.95. Reversible wrap jack reverses to soft Ter Faded blue or lime. S and large ... 11.95. Band bra ... small, large ... 2.500 Scants, the newest Sizes 10 to 16.. . !, medium and et . . . denim j ry cloth . . . ' 3ma I, medium medium and short shorts. 3.50. as advertised in Mademoiselle SPR ING 0-MANCGE 4; t, One of many styles ......... Sping Romance .. an excitement of striped rayon faille jacket es. corting a rayon sheer dress with pleats pushed back and held aloft by its own rayon taffeta petticoat. In navy with white, navy with pink. Misses sizes.. . 22.95 Others at 17.95 to 25.00,. . Junior Sizes DRESSES - TWIN PARLORS SECOND FLOO1 i( OFFER Vfaa A FRESH APPROACH to foreign language Vocabulary Study * 1000 bdlidual Cards * Most Frepetly Needed Words * FoEargWord oo side,. k s Rvom * Are Easy tis Ie * EWmin to Wasted Tr * FitM PiPocket or Purse * Alhays N 4 For Study at Odd Bomt Fun-and-Fancy Denim PLAYMATES by WHITE STAG Cover top, stripe front, solid back, Sizes 10 to 20. .. 4.50. Clacndiggers with side and back pockets. Sizes 10 to 20... 4.50. Sleeveless sheath jumper in stripe only. With button front and rope belt. Sizes 10 to 16 . . . 7.95. Half moon bodice .. sizes 10 to 20 25. j' I ri pct nrrivpr -s.in ,r cnrsr1-enn r rpl4,nn i f~:. I I 9 I