:J r EXTRA ar g :43 aiiy - a~ Latest Deadline in the State CLOUDY AND WARMER VOL. LXIL No. 127 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, MARCH 30, 1952 EIGHT PAGE I * * * * * * * * * * * * Says e Clarification FOUR Of Handbill ' Rules Made S Campus Littered By Throw-aways Five c an election Distribution of handbills by stu- anti-speake dent groups in and around the, Schedu campus brought a clarification rally will b yesterday of University regulations ing around from Dean of Students Erich A. Walter. DURIN r In a statement in the Daily will air the Official Bulletin Dean Walter re- Committee, iterated an earlier ruling that "no guage depa iandbills or other printed matter Students f shall be distributed" on campus, Buckley, that posters, signs, or hand- young Pro' ills may be posted either on Uni- The four versity bulletin boards or, if per- I mission is granted, on the diag re es r ou front of the General Library. referendu .es dayand OBJECTIONS to the handbills Legislatur stemmed not from their contents Sponsore but from the resulting cluttered Liberties C 'nd messy condition of the campus dum reads afterwards. empowering ture Comm "The campus belongs to the recognised students", Dean Walter said last its choice o night, "and we like to think they Rally che take pride in its appearance." '52, preside At least two organizations are cans, urged potential ": inown to have distributed ma- cided" vote; terial in the past week: the first, the speaker Students for Democratic Action, is a regular student group; the SPEAKIN other group, the Labor Youth voe IL League, is not a recognized cam- vote, CLC pus organization and operated off dau, '52Ed University limits-although many against the Mf its members are students, her belief n 0 . and studen SDA PRESIDENT Ted Fried- Her argue nan last night revealed that he by represen had been called in to see the Dean sponsoring t *fter the distribution, are Young While all parties agree> that Democrats, giving out handbills on University Students f property is forbidden, the real and the Civ controversy is over their distribu- tion near campus - and the re- 0ffic Sultant debris which accumulates on the campus proper. Further handbill distributions H ope are planned this week by the five political groups supporting the SL glections referendum calling for an end to the University Lecture Committee. WASHING . But the president of one of the threat of a groups emphasized last night that 8 still hung all material would be distributed terday, but Iff campus. hopeful it Chief h talian Trieste rested on starting in Policy Draws THESE T Labor Tobir Belgrade Blast se*e npro interrupted > BELGRADE, Yugoslavia -(')- "I am sur Angry protests against Italy's at this hou newly stiffened demands for re- -nterview. urn of all of Free Trieste were raised yesterday on the floor of ANN AR ugoslavia's Parliament and in ass street demonstrations. Thumping the speaker's desk, Rep. Velibor Ljubic told his fellow legislators that the Italian cam- paign has been promoted by Se 4Facist bands and I would like to meet them, face to face, with 9 gun in my hand." His remarks drew a storm of The abs applause even as thousands of April 7 ele cheering demonstrators - many spring vacat of them students - paraded past The prey Parliament House. ballot is ba figures, acco: County Deis LOOKEI Convention Set to City Hall proposal, w Won 't Run Again; No Successor Named * * * s TO SPEAK: rote Yes' Rally ated Tomorrow By VIRGINIA VOSS ampus political clubs will join forces tomorrow to sponsor n eve "Vote Yes" rally urging affirmative support of the er ban referendum. uled for 7:30 p.m. tomorrow in the League Ballroom, the e heralded earlier in the day by a "Vote Yes" band march- campus. * * * * NG THE RALLY, two faculty members and two students eir arguments against the existence of a University Lecture . They are Prof. Hayward Keniston of the romance lan- artment; Prof. Marvin Felheim of the English department; or Democratic President Ted Friedman, '53; and Marge '54, co-chairman of' * gressives. -. r speakers will urge NSA Group eo on an all-campus m appearing on Tues- W d e d ys S u e t Ha s Tl W esay's Student e election ballot. Sd originally by the Civil ommittee, the referen- lossoii : "Do you oppose the g' of the University Lec- ittee to restrictn Speaking before the National f speakers or subjects." Student Association's Conference airman Floyd Thomas, on Academic Freedom in Detroit, nt of- Young Republi- yesterday, Prof. Preston Slosson of a all students whether the history department cited "so- yes," "no," or "unde- cial utility" as the basic argument rs, to turn out to hear for free selection of speakers on a rs' arguments. " * * college campus. Taft Voted Top Choice By YRClubs Convention Will AdoptProgram By HARRY LUNN Special to The Daily EVANSTON-In a straw vote presidential preference poll taken last night at the banquet meeting here of the Big Ten Midwestern Federation Conference of Young Republicans' Clubs, delegates overwhelmingly voted Sen. Robert A. Taft their top presidential choice. Coming as no real surprise, the action reflected the conservative tone of the whole convention which was evident from first ses- sions on Friday, and is expected to be strongly reflected in the con- vention platform which will be adopted this afternoon. SEN. TAFT captured 71 per cent of votes cast by 250 delegates, while Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower made a poor second place showing with 21 per cent of thegdelegates behind him. Gen. Douglas Mac- Arthur finished third with 5 per cent of all votes. Gov. Earl Warren and Harold Stassen trailed the field with 1.5 per cent each. Although balloting was secret, it was known that nearly all of Michigan's delegation voted their support to Taft.j During yesterday's business ses- sions delegates approved a consti- tution which united the Big Ten Young Republican's clubs and the Midwest YR Federation into one district organization. This action welded the final link in the or- ganization of a five district na- tional conference of college groups. Michigan delegate Ron Seavoy, '53, was elected Secretary-treasur- er of the district conference for the coming year. AFTERNOON sessions were giv- en over largely to committee work, and from a preliminary consensus of delegate opinion, the final platform wil be more an affirma- tion of GOP "old guard conserva- tism' than an endorsement of the liberal wing of the party. Michigan's delegation voted in caucus early yesterday morning to hold fast on their stand endorsing compulsory state fair employment practices laws, but decided to op- federal anti-lynching or anti-poll tax legislation. Sen. Herman Welker (R-Idaho) keynoted proceedings yesterday morning with a rousing speech thoroughly condemning Truman and his administration. PRFSIDENT HARRY S. TRUMAN . .. I do not feel that it is my duty vG in favor of a "yes" chairman Devra Lan- d., based her stand Lecture Committee on a "maturity of students t organizations." anent has been echoed tatives of all five clubs the rally. These groups Republicans, Young Young Progressives, or Democratic Action, il Liberties Committee. oials Still To Avert Strike GTON -()- T h e steel strike on April over the nation yes- some officials were will be averted. ope for avoiding it producer-union talks New York tomorrow. ALKS led Secretary of n to predict yesterday ke will take place, and tion will continue un- until mid-1953 at least. re no strike will occur r," Tobin said in an Prof. Slosson outlined students' rights as the "sensitive area of liberty" today. In his experience he has found that "invasions of student liberty are much more common than invasions of faculty liberty." * * * EARLIER in his talk, the pro- fessor divided faculty freedoms in- to two categories: (1) The rights guaranteed every citizen within the limits of the law; (2) The academic right of every professor, within the limits of his specialty, to seek out the truth and express his beliefs. Prof. Slosson was the principal speaker at the morning session of the Academic Freedom Confer- ence, sponsored by the National Student Association. About forty representatives of seven Detroit- area colleges. attended. Discussion in the afternoon meetings centered around the NSA Student Bill of Rights, adopted last summer after four years work by a total of 1,200 NSA represen- tatives. The most controversial of the Bill's 17 enumerated rights was that of "students to hear speakers of their choice, subject to clearly stated educational policies of the institution." FAREWELL TRIP? Ike May Make Flying Tour of NA TO Capitals SUPREME HEADQUARTERS, Allied Powers in Europe - (P) - Gen. Eisenhower may make a fly- ing farewell tour in the next six weeks to the capitals of the United Reds Refuse ! To Talk. About Russia's Role MUNSAN, Sunday, March 30- (P)-An Allied spokesman today said the Reds seemed to be side- stepping a full-dress argument on Russia's role in post-armistice Korea until the prisoner exchange issue is settled. Lt. Col. Joseph J. Borchert told correspondents that Communist staff officers in the truce super- vision meeting spent nearly two hours Friday in discussing the use of two words in the truce draft. They bickered over the Korean word for Korea. The Reds want "Chosen,' the Allies, "Han Kuk." The Communists agreed, however, to the Allied choice for United Na- tions, "Kuk Che Yon Hap." MEANWHILE on the Western Korean fighting front, Red troops supported by heavy artillery and mortar fire drove an Allied raiding party off a hill twice yesterday. The Allied raiders moved out in- to the "no-man's-land" west of Yonchon shortly after daylight and occupied the commanding height. States' EuropeanAllies, officers at SHAPE said yesterday. Guessing here is that Eisenhow- er, a candidate for the Republican presidential nomination, will re- sign his Supreme Allied Command sometime in late May and return to the United States. THE GENERAL has not been in some of the capitals of the North Atlantic Treaty Organiza- tion (NATO) since he arrived in Europe more than a year ago to take over as commander. On a trip early this month to Greece and Turkey, the newest NATO members, Eisenhower re- marked in Athens "I hope to come back in the spring." He also is known to have promised govern- ment leaders in some other na- tions of the alliance that he would visit them again. The tour probably would in- clude visits to Belgium, Luxem- bourg, The Netherlands, Norway, Britain, Portugal, Italy, Turkey and Greece. If the general does plan to re- sign and go home in late May, he might use this last tour as a means of getting the approval of NATO governments for his replacement. GEN. ALFRED M: Gruenther, the Chief of Staff most mentioned in speculation here on Eisenhow- er's successor, probably would go with him. Gruenther returned to Supreme Headquarters yesterday from Washington after testifying before Senate and House committees on new foreign aid appropriations. President Shocks Dinner Listeners Retires with Hope He Has Served Country Efficiently and Honestly By The Associated Press WASHINGTON-President Truman announced last night he won't seek and wouldn't accept nomination for another four years in the White House. His announcement came, out of a clear sky, at the end of a typically Truman give-'em-hell speech to a $100-a-plate Jefferson-Jackson dinner. TRUMAN GAVE not the slightest public indication that he favors any particular candidate for the Democrats to run in his place this year - thus apparently throwing the race wide open. A spontaneous demonstration developed at the dinner for Gov. Adlai Stevenson of Illinois as the Democratic standard bearer. Stevenson, flushed and apparently overwhelmed, said he wasn't running for anything but another term as governor of Illinois. A f or the presidential nomination, Stevenson said: "I'll cross that bridge when I come to it." Supporters of three avowed candidates-Senators Estes Kefauver of Tennessee, Richard B. Russell of Georgia and Robert Kerr of Oklahoma-immediately stepped up their campaigns. RUSSELL WAS the.only one of the three to attend the big, noisy dinner of 5,000 democratic officials and other party stalwarts last night. The other two were out of town campaigning. Russell said of Truman's announcement: "I hope that it means a free convention." Kefauver said at Hastings, Neb., that he would continue 'to work hard to win the nomination. Truman made his announcement with every appearance of calmness. It was greeted by scattered cries of "No, no" from the food: laden tables in the dimly lighted armory auditorium. Truman told a reporter there was no chance "whatsoever" he would change his mind and run. PERSONS CLOSE to his car when it left for the White House afterward said the President and his wife were in tears. Truman made his announcement after a scathing assault on what he called Republican "holier-than-thou" practices and a prediction that the Democratic candidate-"whoever he may be"-will be elected next November. * * * * READING FROM HIS OWN hand-written notes in a leather- covered copy of his speech, the President told the diners and' a nation-wide radio and television audience: "I shall not be a candidate for reelection. "I have served my country long-and, I think, efficiently and honestly. "I shall not accept a renomination. "I do not feel that it is my duty to spend another four years in the White House." MANY DEMOCRATS at last night's dinner expressed belief Truman's withdrawal had left the race for the Democratic nomination wide open, despite whatever preference the President might later express. Senator Moody (D.-Mich.), for one declared: "The picture now is wide open, so far as I can see." Senator George (D.-Ga.), backing Senator Russell, his Georgia colleague, for the party's presidential nomination, said Truman's announcement "came like a bombshell." Meanwhile, near Paris, Gen. Eisenhower's headquarters was closed and the General presumably was asleep when news reached here at 5 a. m. today that President Truman had announced he would not run again. Observers in Paris were confident that the President's decision would relieve Eisenhower, as a candidate for the Republican nom- ination, of some embarrassment he may have felt in running against the man who was his boss in wartime and who made him the North Atlantic commander. <>ALTHOUGH shocked by True man's surprise statement Republi- can voters still glanced to Nebras- ka and Wisconsin and the nip- Cand-tuck primaries in those states These are the highlights and major developments in the two condoned,' the statement contin- key states: ued. "Freedom in the classroom Taft sunorters in Nebraska. BOR POLITICS: rivy Absentee Voting 1/n1 inLocal Election By ZANDER HOLLANDER entee ballot will get a heavier than usual workout in the ction since polling day falls within the University's ion and a record number of students are slated to vote. sence of a controversial amusement tax referendum on the ck of the "unprecedented" student voting registration ording to City Clerk Fred J. Looker. * * * * R HAS SAID that most of the students who rushed down to register openly expressed their opposition to the tax hich would empower$" World News Roundup By The Associated Press CAIRO, Egypt -(A')- The Brit- ish-Egyptian dispute appeared header for possible solution yes- terday with reports in both Ciaro and London that Britain may agree in principle to Egypt's de- mands on the Suez Canal and the Sudan. WASHINGTON -( P)- The Communications Workers of America (CIO) said yesterday it will strike April 3 against Michigan, Ohio and Northern California telephone companies if contract disputes over wages are not settled before then. ', '-. TRUSTEES RULE ON ISSUE: jRed Teachers Banned The Trustees of Columbia Uni- versity have declared that they was not to be construed as "a license to attack our basic free- .. ... ... .... r ..., ..« r I