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March 29, 1952 - Image 5

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The Michigan Daily, 1952-03-29

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Union Slates
Annual Dance
Attention Will Center;
On Wishing Well
Couples will dance around a
wishing well at the annual Union
Wishing Well Ball from 9 p.m. to
midnight today in the Union Ball-
Spring and love will be in the
air with the Union Ballroom sport-
ing such decorations as artificial
green grass and brightly painted
tree branches planted in pots
around the room.
A RED BRICK wishing well in
the center of the dance floor will
add atmosphere to the traditional
ball where couples may help to
make all their wishes come true
by throwing pennies into the
Prizes will be presented to
those luckless wishers who fail
to captivate the charm of the
wishing well.
Providing the musical mood,
Clair Sheppard's orchestra will
play new and old favorites to
appeal to every kind of dancer.
A VARIETY of entertainment
including a magician act will be
featured at intermission.
Union staffers working on
Wishing Well Ball are: Hank
Mosteller, chairman; Al Bonnell,
entertainment; Tom Griffing,
decoration; and Chuck Smith,
Tickets may be purchased by
Union members for $1 a couple
at the desk in the main lobby of
the Union.

Photo by Matty Kessler
WELL WISHERS-Hammer wielding Norm Zilber, '53, puts the
finishing touches on the eight by four well for the Union Wishing
Well Ball today while Mark Oscherwiz, '53 comes up for air with
the aid of fisherman Raffee Johns.
Michigras Committee Seeks
'Danny Duster, Betty Bustle'


Deadline for Ann Arbor resi-
dents and University faculty mem-
bers to enter their children in the
Michigras Kiddies' Contest has
been set for Tuesday.
"Danny Duster and Betty
Bustle", who must be between the
ages of 6 and 10, are being sought
by the central committee to head
the 1952 Michigras parade, "Fifty
Years at Michigan."
tached photos or snapshots may
be sent to Roberta Richardson,
Helen Newberry Residence by
The Michigras central com-
mittee wilt choose 16 children
out of the field of contestants
on the basis of the photos sub-
These children will be entered
in the final contest, which will be
held at 3 p.m. April 16 in the
Grand Rapids Room of the
PARENTS OF the 16 finalists
will benotified bymail by April
4, in order to provide ample time
for costume preparation.
For the final contest, children
must be dressed in costumes
typical of the time of the first
car, according to the Michigras
central committte members.
Judges, selected for the choosing
of "Danny Duster and Betty
Bustle", are Mrs. Harlan Hatcher,
Dr. Nancy Furstenburg, Mr. Ches-
ter Roberts, Dr. Margaret Bell
and Mr. Gilbert Caswell.
WINNERS in the Kiddies' Con-

i 1 -

test will be given prizes and one
boy and one girl will receive
runner-up awards.
"Danny Duster and Betty
Bustle" will be King and Queen
of the 1952 Michigras parade,
which will feature humorous floats
sponsored by University and Ann
Arbor groups.

To Be Given
Tuesday Night
Sprechen Sie deutsch?
All music lovers, whether or not
they are able to speak German,
are invited to attend the Konzert-
abend to be held at 7:30 p.m.
Tuesday in the Hussey Room of
the League.
program, sponsored bythe Uni-
versity Deutscher Verein, is open
to all students, faculty members
and Ann Arbor residents.
Included in the program will
be the piano rendition of Beet-
hoven's "Sonata Opus 10, Num-
ber 3" by Carola Faltermeier.
Also featured at the Konzert-
abend will be Frances Henry, so-
prano, singing selectionsfrom
Schumann's "Frauen Lieben and
BEETHOVEN'S Sonata Opus 96,
number 10" will be rendered by
Ted Johnson, violinist, accompa-
nied by Patricia Joy.
Ruth Stein, pianist, will play
Schubert's "Opus 90, numbers
3 and 4", and Ara Berberian,
bass, and Bob Kerns, baritone,
will also be featured in the
IhRefreshments will be served at
the close of the program.
special program sponsored by the
German Club to further apprecia-
tion for the German language and
Bi-monthly meetings are held
by the Deutscher Verein for the
purpose of providing an oppor-
tunity for German students and
others interested in the lan-
guage to converse in an informal
German students, faculty and
special speakers participate in the
various events of the club and
offer members information on
important phases of German cul-
* * *
Games, singing, skits and the
annual spring picnic comprise the
main part of the meetings of the
Deutscher Verein.
Cook Coeds Plan
Farmer's Picnic
For Faculty Party
Centered around a theme of a
farm picnic and political rally the
women of Martha Cook will hold
their annual faculty party tomor-
row, beginning at 5 p.m. with a
buffet dinner at 5:30 p.m.
A mock political rally and pa-
rade will follow the dinner.
Candidates for dog catcher
Phyllis Grettenburger and Mary
Christie, representing the Tigers
and Lions Parties will try to sway
the vote of the country folk.
In keeping with the theme,
decorations will depict a farm-
er's picnic.
Waitresses will be dressed in
peasant skirts and blouses, and
Brandy, the dog, will attend the
rally with a few of his animal
Assisting General Chairman
Ann Hanson will be committee
chairmen Vonda Genda, Mary
Kings and Doris Vogtmann.
IZFA Schedules

The Intercollegiate Zionist Fed-
eration of America IZFA) will
hold a square dance at 8 p.m. to-
morrow evening, in the new Hillel
House. A professional caller from
Detroit will lead the group in
square dancing and Israeli folk
Admission to the dance is one
text book, which will go to the
Hebrew University in Jerusalem.

CRAFTSMEN - Surplus energy is channeled into creative work
as youngsters derive satisfaction from their artistic endeavors at
the Center's arts and crafts classes.
Story by Helene Simon
and Mike Wolff
Pictures by Larry Wilk

Dun bar Wo
The Dunbar {civic Center, a memiber of
the Red Feather Community Chest Organiza-
tion, provides recreation and hospitality for
people of all races, nationalities and ages.
Children whose parents are employed through-
out the day have the opportunity to learn inter-
esting hobbies and to play wit hothers their

work as well as the Center's spe-
cialties of a 30 piece rythmn band
and "see trips" to local points of
interest, including the waterworks
and surrounding dairy farms.
When asked to describe the
discipline problems' that invari-
ably seem to arise with hordes
of small children, Williamsex-
plained that "the Center tries
to give the children the same
kind of training they receive at
home. So far there have been no
major discipline problems. The
most effective punishment is
threatening the offender with
expulsion from Dunbar," Wil-
liams said.
As another incentive to good'
manners and self-control a good
behavior chart with the names of

|lcomes All
own age at Dunbar. Although many older boys
eventually take up scouting activities, teenagers
-who are always made to fee lat home-take
part in hobby'clubs and parties. Adults, too,
make use of Dunbar's facilities which are often
used for social groups who would not otherwise
have a place to gather.
* - * * *
Center Offers Recreation
Hospitality to Ann Arborites
More than seventy years separate the youngest and oldest member
of Ann Arbor's activity-crammed Dunbar Civic Center.
Located just outside the business district at 420 N. 4th Avenue,
Dunbar began its colorful career in 1923 by serving as a lodging house
and reading room for Negro workers engaged in the construction of
University buildings.
Today, however, the Center, under the direction of Douglas Wil-
liams of the Atlanta School of'Social Work, extends the facilities of
its 13 rooms to anyone wanting a good time-irregardless of race,
nationality or age.
The younger clientel at Dunbar enjoy weekly story-telling sessions
and a variety of arts and crafts9

the youngsters hangs in the hall-
way. At the end of the week a gold
star is pasted next to the names
of those who have been most co-
operative in complying with the
rules of the' Center.
One long-standing rule at the
Center refuses admittance to chil-
dren before 3:30 p. m. on school-
days. This measure was found nec-
essary to prevent over-enthusiastic
Dunbarites from playing hookey
from school to come to the Center.
Friday and Saturday are party
nights at Dunbar. Teenagers at-
tend recorddances in the comfort-
able TV-furnished living room or
take part in the singing and quiz
shows that may make up the fre-
quent Dunbar community nights.
The Golden Age Club, which
is composed of women from 40
years old and up, usually works
together on a project such as a
tablecloth or quilt for a charity
But in spite of their years.
they don't spend all their time
at Dunbar sitting around, cro-
cheting and sewing. At the Cen
ter's barn dances, Williams ob-
served, it's the older people that
seem to enjoy these affairs most.
Dunbarites have even tried their
hand at the newspaper business.
by putting out "The Dunbar
Dunbar's Center's fulltime work-
ers, Mrs. Ellis (who received a de-
gree from the University Music
School in 1947) and Thomas
Bridges are given valuable assis-
tance by volunteer workers, fre-
quently students at the University.
At the present time Williams
has hopes of the Center purchas-
ing a movie projector, which he
thinks will prove valuable for both
children and adults. Because of
religious reasons, some people
would not go to a theater but
would think it all right to see
movies at Dunbar, Williams com-

ONCE UPON A TIME - There is a pause in the reading at the weekly story telling sessions, while
the narrator asks questions relating to the day's tale. Answers are quick in coming from the in-
terested listeners.


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Photo by Matty Kessler
CARIBBEAN CAPERS-Wanda Michaels and Harry Easom are
shown putting the finishing touches on a tropical flower which
will decorate the Gomberg House semi-formal, to be held from 9
p.m. to midnight tonight in the South Quadrangle.
Fraternities, Sororities To Sponsor
Egg Hunt for Dunbarton Orphanage

BLUE TEAM-Any Blue team
member interested in the Pub-
licity Committee there will be a
meeting at 10:30 a.m. today in
the League. Room will be posted.
Monday has been designated as
Blue Monday by members of the
Blue central committee. Blue tags
for this may be picked up in the
League Undergraduate Office
Monday morning.
SCROLL-There will be a meet-
ing for members of Scroll at 1:30
p.m. today in the League.
There will be a meeting for all
athletic managers at 4 p.m. Wed-
nesday in WAB. Managers are
requested to bring softball team
lists from their houses.
* * *
Taylor House will hold their an-
nual formal Stairway to the Stars
at 8:30 p.m. tonight in the Flight
Room at Willow Run. John Haibue
and his band will provide the

Children from the Dunbarton
Orphanage will be honored at an
Easter egg hunt to be given from
2 to 5 p.m. tomorrow at six houses
on campus.
Three sororities and three fra-
ternities have teamed up in pairs
to give the party.
Working together will be women
from Delta Delta Delta and men
from Pi Lambda Phi, women from
Alpha Xi Delta and men from Phi
Kappa Tau and women from Pi
Beta Phi and men from Psi Up-
About 60 children from the
orphanage will be split into three
groups and each pair of sororities
and fraternities will handle a
Each group will go to the houses
of their sponsors and an Easter
egg hunt will be held.
After the hunt, the children will
go to the various- fraternity houses
for outdoor games, including an

Easter egg roll down the front
Following the games, refresh-
ments will be served at the three
sorority houses, and then all of
the groups will meet on the steps
of the Business Administration
Building for awards.
Prizes will be given for the
group that finds the most eggs,
and prizes as well as awards for
the individual winners from each
The child who finds the most
eggs of the whole group of 60 will
receive the main award.

20% Discouiit on all items
719 North University
Selection of:
Handmade Imported jewelry Handmade Imported Potlery
Italian Glassware. Persian Rugs

J with

... ::: ; ." .. ... ,._: PARTY NIGHT - Teenagers
JAM SESSION - Demonstrating more enthusiam than harmony, these young musicians get quite a enjoy an evening of dancing and
kick out of playing in their own rhythm band. Because the boys sometimes show too much zeal, they fun at a weekend social event
are confined to the quieter instruments. in the Center's living room.


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