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March 28, 1952 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1952-03-28

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FRIDAY, MARCH 28, 1952

ivine Poesy
IT ISN'T every day that the Michigan State
Legislature takes a moment out of its
weighty duties to pay honor to a great artist.
This week, however, the encouraging
news that the Senate unanimously passed
a resolution designating Poet Edgar Guest
"Poet Laureate 'of Michigan" came out
of Lansing. Noted for his homespun lyric
tendencies, Mr. Guest has always held a
peculiar place in the hearts of many mem-
bers of the University English department,
and it seems appropriate to go on record
at this time heartily congratulating the
Senate on its literary taste.
The resolution itself, drawn up by Senator
George Higgins (R., Ferndale) showed re-
markable acumen in pointing out Guest's
gift for "subtle humor and philosophy."
Thousands of illustrations could be presented
to show how right that gentleman is; a new
one appears every day, in fact, on the edi-
torial page of the Detroit Free Press. Here's
% sample from a recent piece:
A drum for him I'd like to thump
Who first made sugar in a lump
And gave to childhood such delight
At table morning, noon, and night.
Or this (for philosophy):
I marvel at the miracles a garden small
I plant a few dry stems of wood, and
from them I'll get roses.
Some will be white and some be red. For
that I trust the label.
But how that miracle is worked, to learn
I'm never able.
But it is eminently unnecessary to say
mor-e; the poetry speaks well enough for it-
self. It embodies, as the Senate has so well
recognized, the very heart and spirit of
Mih gan's artistic soul.
-Chuck Elliott
Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writer only.
This must be noted in all reprints.
k~ ,
Associated Press News Analyst
THE NEED FOR a common front in West-
ern Europe against Communist aggres-
sion is now extending its pressure to the sup-
ply of basic human needs which, before the
days of "total war" were not considered
directly a part of military defense.
Secretary Acheson was not overlooking
this when he referred yesterday merely to
the "political and military" organization
of Western Europe in connection with
Allied-Russian negotiations over Ger-
many. Economics is now as much a part
of defense as of politics.
With the first beginnings in Benelux, a
customs union initiated soon after the way
by Belgium, the Netherlands and Luxem-
bourg, and then with France becoming the
center on a broader scale, economic coopera-
tion has become a prime goal. It has been
spurred by U.S. demands in connection with
the Marshall Plan.
First came more customs unions, such as
the highly tentative one between France and
Italy. Then the Schuman Plan, by which
France found means of cooperation with
Germany for the general benefit without
constantly having to fear German coal and
steel production as the basis of German mili-
Next was the Pleven plan for an inter-
national army, which seemed at first a
wild dream by which France might have

been seeking to avoid the rearming of Ger-
many, but which now is expected to be-
come an almost inconceivable reality.
The countries began to do something,
through the ECA pool, about convertibility
of currencies. But in the effort to establish
a common market in Europe, industrial pro-
ducts were the chief concern.
Now the representatives of 16 nations are
meeting in Paris to study ways and means
of establishing a common market for farm
products and at the same time to increase
The idea is for another supranational con-
trol body akin to the European defense
community and the Schuman Plan.
It is admittedly a long-term project.
But the idea is another revolutionary step
toward something-European federation-
which under Russian pressure has suddenly
been metamorphosed from an impractical
dream into a goal for practical men.
The nations propose to turn over large
sections of their national budgets to in-
ternational, control for military purposes.
Basic national resources, coal and steel,
are to pass under international, suprana-
tional control. Men are to pass out of na-
tional armies into an international army.
And now food.
If these separate supranational agencies
work, the day when one central suprana-
tional agency-a federal government-will
cover the rest of the field can hardly seem
so far off.
JJERE IS A great and distinctly American
college making the most emphatic affir-

Citizen Iudenz

"How Can You Sink So Low?"



LOUIS F. BUDENZ, former Communist
and editor of the Daily Worker, is a
man of revelatory and menacing memory-
menacing, that is to those whose names he
claims to dredge from his muddied mind.
Since 1945, when he renounced the Par-
ty and embraced Catholicism, he has be-
come a prototype of something new to the
American scene, a man devoted to wag-
gling a wobbly finger of treason at a
steadily Increasing number of his fellow
And wherever the Budenz finger stops, a
black spot appears, which in the twisted-
thinking, period of the present, stands vir-
tually ineradicable, come denials, counter-
charges, contrary evfdence or even all-
cleansing truth.
That is why even such a notable attempt
at counter-action as columnist Joseph Al-
sop's "The Strange Case of Louis Budenz" in
the April Atlantic Monthly will probably
have little effect.
Alsop's piece draws upon his personal
experience to prove that in at least one
of his major accusations, against State
Department expert John Carter Vincent,
Budenz deliberately lied before Sen. Pat
McCarran's Internal Security subcom-
Briefly, Alsop has this to say:
Budenz testified, in one portion of the
McCarran hearings,' that the Politburo of
the American Communist Party had relied
upon Vincent and Owen Lattimore to "guide"
the. then Vice-President Henry A. Wallace
"along the paths" of the Communist Party
line when Wallace undertook his 1944 jour-
ney to China. Vincent was the mission
State Department adviser while Lattimore
represented the Office of War Information.
Yet (and here is where Alsop draws up-
on his own experience as a liason be-

tween Gen. Claire L. Chennault and Wal-
lace) the Wallace recommendation, later
followed by President Roosevelt, was that
Gen. Joseph W. Stilwell be removed from
his post as Theatre Commander and re-
placed by Gen. Albert C. Wedemeyer.
This recommendation (which Alsop him-
self typed out and filed with the American
consulate in Kunming) was directly con-
trary to both the American Communist
Party line, and to the interests of Mao Tse-
tung's Chinese Communists.
Most important of all, Vincent was in
large part responsible for the Wallace mes-
sage, Alsop relates (this again from first-
hand experience).
"The great step-the step over which
Wallace hesitated until Vincent persuaded
him-was the dismissal of General Stil-
Alsop has more to say. He touches upon
less glaring but equally significant misre-
presentation on Budenz' part; notes such
striking aspects of the Budenz character as
its devilishly neat technique of "recalling"
that so-and-so, whom Senator McCarthy
has just slandered, was also a Party mem-
ber; this, although 3000 hours of FBI in-
terrogation had previously failed to bring
so-and-so's name to light.
But the crux of Alsop's case is this:
The fact that Americans and their leg-
islators have lent credence to the flimsy
testimony of a Budenz in the face of con-
crete evidence that the man is lying, and
what is more are continuing to have faith
in the man's mouthings, can mean only
that we are ready to cast aside even a
pretense to justice and individual rights.
If the trend is confirmed, Alsop says, and
we agree, "the informers may be coming,
one fine day, for you, 'and you, and you,
and me"-and us.
-Zander Hollander

The Daily welcomes communications from its readers on matters of
general interest, and will publish all letters which are signed by the writer
and in good taste. Letters exceeding 300 words in length, defamatory or
libelous letters, and letters which for any reason are not in good taste will
be condensed, edited or withheld from publication at the discretion of the


WASHINGTON - General Douglas Mac-
Arthur's statement last week was con-
ned over, if not exactly nervously, at least
with a faintly anxious interest, by the lead-
ears of the campaign for General Dwight D.
Eisenhower. And all concerned reached the
same, conclusions.
First, General MacArthur must now be
counted an active candidate, at least on
a contingent basis. Second, if Senator
Robert A. Taft's campaign really collapses,
as it shows some signs of doing, MacAr-
thur will then become the spearhead of
an all-out, last-ditch stop-Eisenhower
drive backed by the powerful "anti-me-
too" wing of the Republican party."
It is not easy to define, of course, the pre-
cise point at which the Taft campaign might
at some future date be said to have failed.
Taft's definition would certainly differ from
that of the Eisenhower men. Some of these
are already, in fact, saying that "Bob Taft's
all washed up," on the grounds that Taft's
only real chance rested on showing un-
challengeable strength on the first ballot at
Chicago, and that this is now clearly im-
A more sensible view seems to be that two
tests must first be applied, before it will be
clear whether or not Taft is out of the run-
ning. The first test is obviously the Wiscon-
sin primary on April 1. Even the Taft men
agree that Taft has every possible advantage

in Wisconsin-notably
that Eisenhower is not

including the fact
entered there-and



that Taft must win hands down in Wiscon-
sin if he is to win at all. Taft's Wisconsin
manager, Tom Coleman, has predicted that
Taft will take all thirty delegates. He might
drop two or three to a second string candi-
date, Harold E. Stassen or Governor Earl
Warren of California, and still survive. But
if Taft loses more than a handful of dele-
gates, he almost automatically becomes a
second string candidate himself.
THE SECOND TEST is in many ways more
decisive. Taft's basic strength has al-
ways rested with the regular organizations
in the non-primary states, notably in the
South, where delegates can be delivered
more or less at will by a few professionals
By and large, the professionals have been
for Taft, in part simply because they sym-
pathize with his views. But especially among
Southern Republicans, ideas are far less im-
portant than being for the winner. A rush
of the professionals to Eisenhower, as the
probably winner, would of course spell Taft's
The Eisenhower leaders claim that at
least a biggish trickle has already started.
They are coy about names, for obvious
reasons, but they are saying that they
have been approached by numerous pre-
viously pro-Taft professionals from Flor-
ida, Kentucky, and other southern states.
The alacrity with which Governor Dris-
coll of New Jersey jumped on the Eisen-
hower bandwagon after New Hampshire,
and the current effort of the Warren sup-
porters to identify their man with Eisen-
hower, at least make these claims sound
If Taft does poorly in Wisconsin, the
trickle will tend to become a flood. Then.
only General MacArthur might stem the
flood, given the determined support of the
large numbers of powerful Republicans who
have no stomach for the foreign policy of
which Eisenhower is a symbol.
* * *
IT IS TOO easily forgotten that, at least
judging from the voting record in Con-
gress, these Republicans are an actual ma--
jority in the party. Ever since the death of
Senator Arthur Vandenberg, well over half
the Senate Republicans, including nine of
the thirteen freshmen who stand this year
for re-election, have rather consistently fol-
lowed Taft on foreign policy. Eisenhower's
nomination and election would be some-
thing like a death-knell for this wing of the
Republican party.
And this wing of the party is certainly
not going to accept sentence of death
without a struggle. If the Taft candidacy
clearly fails, a MacArthur candidacy will
give the anti-me-too Republicans a chance
to match military glamor against military
glamor. And MacArthur is nothing if not
anti-me-too, on domestic as well as for-
eign issues. The tone of his recent state-
ments and speeches-in one of which he
went so far as to warn that creeping so-
cialism even threatens professional foot-
ball-places MacArthur well to the right
of Taft.
The question remains whether an active
MacArthur candidacy could restrain the ner-
vous professionals, if the Taft candidacy
bogged down. Since Eisenhower's extraordi-
nary personal popularity is clearly his cen-
ta l sst th answuerlarelv deennds on

Two Anniversaries . . .
To the Editor:
THE MONTH of March is a sig-
nificant one for the Ukranians.;
In this month the Ukrainian Stu-
dents Club of this University cel-
ebrates the anniversary of two'
great compatriots. Their names'
are: Taras Shevchenko and Taras
Chuprynka. The first is Ukraine's
greatest poet, born March 9, 1814.
You will find his works, which ex-
press an ardent love for his coun-
try, in every Ukrainian home;
his poems have been translated
into many languages (Prof. Man-~
ning of Columbia University trans-
lated some into English). Because
Shevchenko advocated the inde-
pendence of Ukraine which at that
time was under Russian occupa-
tion, the Russian tsar deported
him for 10 years to Siberia. That's
why he is often referred to as a
martyr for Ukrainian indepen-
The second name is that of a
great Ukrainian General. Taras
Chuprynka was Commander-in-
Chief of the Ukrainian Insur-
gent Army, which during 'W. W. II
fought German and, after W. W.
II, Russian occupation. The aim
of the Army was to overthrow
Ithe Communist government in
Ukraine, because it was hoped that
Russia would be very weak after
the war. But the immense support'
which was granted to the Coin-
munists in 1944-1945 by English
and American governments made
the efforts of the Ukrainian na-
tion temporarily vain. The Army
commanded by Gen. Taras Chup-
rynka was compelled by united
forces of the Soviet Union and
Communist Poland and Czechoslo-
vakia to indulge in utmost under-
ground and secret operations. Ta-
ras Chupynka died the death of a
hero in a battle against Commu-
nists on March 5, 1950. His name
became the symbol of the fight
for freedom and independence not
only of Ukraine but of every other
nation already subjugated by So-
viet Russia or still free.
-Olexa Bilaniuk
* * *
To the Editor:
DURING THE past few weeks
much mis-statement of fact has
been circulating in regard to the
Association of Independent Men.
It is the purpose of this letter to
clear up some of the misconcep-
tions which are present because
of these half-truths.
AIM is a service organization,
-not a governing body. It does
not influence in any way policy
within the various dorms, nor does
it intend to. Representatives are
chosen from Residence Halls be-
cause they provide a convenient
structure for representing inde-
pendent men. AIM's functions are
outside of the Residence Halls
government, and anyone who says
that AIM is attempting to move
in on Quad government is either
ignorant of the facts or inten-
tionally misrepresenting them.
At present we are operating the
Little Club, publishing the AIM
elections bulletin, and are again
offering athletic equipment at dis-
count rates. We are offering a
$15.00 award to the independent
house or houses which turns out
a 100% vote in the coming all-
campus elections.
It has been said that AIM and
an inter-dormitory council, should
one ever become operative, can
not co-exist on this campus. This
is fallacious because the functions
of the two organizations are com-

interest in having AIM disappea
are not all students. We feel tha
a service organization, not con
nected directly to any governin
group, can most effectively serv
the independent men on the whol
campus. For the reasons herei
expressed, AIM will continue t
operate and fight any attemp
by individuals with particular sel
fish interests, to destroy the org
-Bert Braun
Vice-President, AIM
* * *
SRA Dispute .,.
To the Editor:
In the current S. R. A.-NeW
man Club dispute over the righ
of students to choose their ow
speakers, several vital question
have arisen.
In a *religious association that
exists to promote inter-fait
understanding, we must firs
recognize that a religion is a wa
of orienting man's life to his sur
roundings, and, if need be, modi
fying the surroundings to facili
tate this. That which is moral i
that which aids this adaptation
and that which is immoral is tha
which retards this.
To maintain that a religio
must consist of a personalize
Supreme Being is to exclude som
of the largest religions in th
world, BuddhismrandConfucia
nism, which are non-theisti
Supernaturalists believe in an un
seen deity who composes their sur
roundings, and therefore spen
their time praying, worshippin
and talking about him. Natura
lists on the other hand see n
evidence of the existence of th
being and deal directly with th
real surrounding influences. Tb
majority of the world's religion
are composed of a mixture o
these two elements. The attemp
to equate theology with religio
is usually made by a member o
a theistic religion for the purpos
of narrowing down the definitio
to include only himself.
In order for man to work f
his own betterment and for;
fuller life, he must be free to d
so. We believe that democrac
therefore, is not only desirab
but a necessity. Thus, we may s
that authoritarianism in churc
or social order subverts the pu:
pose of religion. Also, we rega
any threats to academic freedo
by the University in the formc
the lecture committee as immor
because they undermine the dem
ocratic set up of society.
The other question that h
arisen in S. R. A. is "Should soci
action, particularly that of saf
guarding democracy on t
campus, be a religious associati(
function?" We strongly belie'
that it should and view a
attempt to narrow down the fie
of S. R. A.'s action to thatc
inter-cultural retreats and di
cussion groups, again, asa
attempt to narrow down the de
nition of religion to exclude tho
who differ in religious beliefs.
We also feel that in passi
the resolution 14-1 despite stro
Newman Club opposition th
understanding has been promote
S. R. A. can never resolve fund
mental religious conflicts. It c
only try to have them understo
by bringing them into the ope
The majority of S. R. A. n
understands the Newman Clu
position in the matter. We ho
that the Newman Club n
understands the position of t
majority and will work with it
areas in which there is agreeme

(Continued from Page 2)
and Tuesday, March 31 and April 1, to
interview candidates for teaching po-
sitions at the Near East Colleges in
Beirut, Istanbul, and Greece. Interested
graduate students may make appoint-
ments by calling the Department of
Near Eastern Studies, Ext. 2235.
Personnel Requests
The National City Bank of New York
will have a representative here on Mon
day to interview students interested in
banking as a career. They have open-
ings both here and abroad.
Central Grain and Malting Company
of Piqua, Ohio, has an opening for a
Chemist to learn the art of malting.
Minneapolis - Honeywell Regulator
Company of Chicago, Ill., has vacancies
for a Mechanical Engineer or Physicist
for Research and Development work.
They prefer one with a year of experi-
ence either In research or development
which could be applied to their pro
Saul Parker a Certified Public Ac-
countant in Detroit has open some po-
sitions for Junior Accountants.
Electric Auto-Lite Company of Bay
City, Michigan, advises that they have
openings for Methods Engineer and
Electrical Engineer. Engineering School
training is preferred particularly in the
electrical field but mechanical student
" withsome electrical courses will be
The American Thread Company o1
New York has openings for Trainees
for their Sales Division; Trainees fo
their branch office in Los Angeles, Dal-
las or Chicago; Industrial Relation
trainee in Conn.
The Public Service Company of Nor.
thern Ilinois in Chicago needs Engi-
neers in addition to women for Office
Gransden Hall Company of Ann Ar.
bor has vacancies for Clerk Typists
Women are needed to fill positions.
t ..Quaker Oats Company of Detroit
- Mich., has an opening for a Retai
g Salesman. Man Is needed for Detroi
eand one for Flint area.
A doctor in Ypsilanti has an openin
e for a Receptionist. Typing is not re-
n quired, and one should have an interes
O in handling people
itSouthfield Township School of De
-troit has an opening for a Burrough~
Bookkeeping Machine Operator. Person
will be trained by Burroughs to run the
Fairbanks, Morse and Company of De-
troit has an opening for a Sales Engi
neer Trainee. A graduate Mechanica
or Electrical Engineer is eligible.
Batel Memorial Institute of Colum
bus, Ohio, has the following openings
Metallurgist, C h e mn i c a 1 Engineers
Chemists; Mechanical Engineers; Phy-
sicists; Electrical Engineers and Cera
- mic Engineers.
t The Cleveland Tank Plant of Cleve
n land, Ohio, is in need of Accountant
13 fqr open positions within the firm.
The Detroit Arsenal of Center Line
Michigan, has a vacancy for a Physicis
t to test, and for research and develop
h ment duties in the field of illuminatio
t and sound.
The Michigan Children's Aid Societ
of Pontiac, Mich. has an opening for
- Children's Worker. A woman with a de
- gree in Social Work is desired and Jun
- women can make application.
s The Firestone Tire an4 Rubber Corn
Zpany of Akron, Ohio alas openings i
the Detroit area for Retail Sales, Whole
t sale Sales and Store Manager Trainees
The seventh U. S. Civil Service Re
n gion, (Illinois, Michigan and Wisconsin
d announces examination for Investigat
or. The 3work involves conducting per
e son41 investigations and other confi
e deditial work. A Master's degree is re
- quired for the grade of G-7 and above
c.The Blake Business Machine of De
- troit has an opening for a ,Salesma
to sell office equipment. One mus
- have a car for the job.
d A. C. Spark Plug Division of Flint i
g, in need of Cost Accountants for open
- ings within the firm.
Wetli Landscape Service of Gree
Bay, Wisconsin needs a man to d
is simple drawings for small homes an
e to also act as foreman in the Lad
le scape Department.
i The Metropolitan Life Insuranc
Company of New York has opening
for June graduates in their Manage
t ment Training Program. Students i:n
n the Business Administration school ma
f apply.
e For further information contact th
Bureau of Appointments, 3528 Admi
Bldg., Ext. 371.
Or Applications for Fulbright Awards Ic
a University lecturing and advanced re


search in the East Asia and the Pacific
competition for the 1953-54 Academic
Year, which are open to postdoctoral
students and faculty, are due April 15.
This is also the deadline for applica-
tion for special interim programs for
Denmark, Iraq, Pakistan, and Japan.
Applications must be made to the
Conference Board of Associated Re-
search Councils, Committee on Inter-
national Exchange of Persons, 261 Con-
stitution Avenue, Washington 25, D.C.,
but information on the opportunities
and conditions can be obtained at the
office of the Graduate School.
Academic Notices
Bacteriology Seminar, Fri., March 28
Yat 11 a.m. In Room 1520 East Medical
a Bldg. Speaker: Captain John Stauch,
U. S. Air Force. Subject: Diagnostic
and Research Problems in a Base Hos-
Seminar in Transonic Flow: Fri
March 28, at 4 p.m., in Room 1508 E.E.
Mr. McCully will conclude the discus-
sion of the work by Tomotika and To-
mada. Mr. Sellars will discuss the cor-
responding work of R. Bauer.
Psychology Colloquium, Fri., March
28, 4:15 p.m., Rackham Assembly Hall.
e Dr. Dwight W. Chapman, Visiting Pro-
fessor of Psychology, will speak on:
d "Two Recalcitrant Problems of Social
e Psychology." Refreshments at 3:45.
e Preliminary Examinations in English:
f Applicants for the Ph.D. in English
who expect to take the preliminary
examinations this spring are requested
- to leave their names with Dr. Ogden,
3218 Angell Hall. The examinations
s will be given as follows: English Liter-
ature from the Beginnings, to 1550,
- April 15; English Literature, 1550-1750,
April 19; English Literature, 1750-1950,
'eApril 22; and American Literature,
April 26. The Tuesday examinations
will be given in the School of Business
. Administration, Room 140, and the
, Saturday examinations in Room 76.
Bact sConcerts
9 Bach's St. Matthew. Passion by Uni-
versity Choir, Maynard Klein, Conduc-
t tor, and Chorale Choir from Michigan
High Schools, 8 p.m., Fri., March 28; in
Hill Auditorium. Soloists: Harold
hHaugh, Philip Duey, Norma Heyde, Ar-
lene Sollenberger; David Murray, Rus-
e sell Christopher, John Wiles, Allegra
Branson, Mary Jo Jones, Ruth Orr and
James Fudge. Open to the general
- public without charge,
Events Today
S.R.A. Coffee Hour, Lane Hall, 4:30-6
- p.m. Special Guest; Mrs. Mildred Beam.
All students are welcome.
- Candidates Open Houses
4:30-5:30-Jordan.Hall, 200 Observa-
, tory.
A 4:30-5:30-Martha Cook Building, 906
-S. University.
- 5:00-6 :00-Victor Vaughn House, 1111
Canterbury Club: Cante ury House
- Tea at 4 p.m. Evening Prayer at 55
t p.m. in the Chapel.
Motion Pictures, auspices of the Uni-1
n versity Museums: "The Work of Rivers,"
- "Ground Water," "Limestone Caverns."
. 7:30 p.m., Kellogg Auditorium.
- Wesleyan Guild: Movie party at 8 p.m.
- Meet at the Guild lounge.
-- Coming Events
e- School of Music student Council:
m Meeting Sat., March 29, 1 p.m., room
t 406 BMT.


Faculty sports Night. IM Building,
Sat., March 29, 7:30-10 p.m. All facili-
ties will be available. Children will not
be admitted unless- accompanied by
their parents.
For further information telephone
Mrs. Dixon, 25-8475.
IZFA Intercollegiate Zionist Federa-
tion of America Book Dance on Sun.,
March 30. Square and Folk Dancing
with a caller from Detroit v9i11 be held
at the New Hiliel House at 8 p.m.
Admission is a textbook. Proceeds to
Hebrew U. Everyone is invited.
Communion Breakfast Sun., March
30, after 9:30 Mass. Speaker: Monsignor
Hardy, who will talk on "Our Lady of
Fatima." Tickets on sale in Chapel Of-
fice or after Sunday Masses. Get your
ticket now, because space is limited.




Architecture Auditorium
THE BAKER'S WIFE, with Raimu.
T IS PICTURE might be called "earthy,"
"passionate" or "intensely emotional."
These terms are all applicable; but if these
were the only attractions 'The Baker's Wife"
has to offer, it would merely be another
story of an old man and his beautiful young
It could have been done any number of
ways: as a farcical comedy, a blazing love
story or a soul-stirring tragedy. As it is
treated, the picture is something much
more than any of these. It is a deep, poig-
nant study of the love, even adoration, of
a sensitive man for a woman who appar-
ently shares little of his feeling. Under-
standably disillusioned, perhaps embittered
by the physical impotence of her husband,
she turns to a man who is his complete
Aimable, the baker, refuses to accept the
reality of her cruel action. In an attempt
to hide or forget his anguish he becomes
drunk, and in his state shows even more
vividly his deep wound. The comedy of his
behavior is perilously thin, his grief break-
ing through and revealing the close mar-
riage of pathos and humor.
In the end it is his very qualities of
sensitivity and kindness that his way-
ward wife comes to love with a finer, more
spiritual feeling than the shepherd could
ever have evoked. The final scene is a


sistence with our declared in-
terest in 'the rights of freedom of
speech . . .' and 'in all spheres of
social, political, intellectual and
cultural life' would uphold the
right of any campus group to bring
to campus a movie such as "Birth
of a Nation," and any religious
speaker who would want to say
why he believes his is the true
Despite the recent excellent
amendments to this group's con-
stitution, it is known that some
members of the C. L. C., some
of those most actively upholding
the right of communists to be
heard on campus, have acted in
the past to prevent the above-
named film (allegedly against one
minority group) from being shown
on campus. Likewise, some of
these same people have main-
tained that sectarian religious
speakers should not be heard at
a state university (sic!).
I feel the students should know
whether the C. L. C. is going to
be consistent in its championing
of civil rights. "Students . . .
must learn to cope with all ideas
in all stages of their maturation",
as one C. L. C. member recently
said in a letter.
Before voting on next week's
referendum on the Lecture Com-
mittee, I would strongly recom-
mend that students ask C. L. C.
members whether or not they

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Sixty-Second Year
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