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March 28, 1952 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1952-03-28

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:43 a t I

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, , '

Latest Deadline in the State




State Senate Quad Men Refuse
Group Visits IFC' Overtre

Needs Surveyed
The Senate Finance Committee
last night paid a quick visit to
k Ann Arbor for consultations on
University appropriations.
The sessions between eight
" members of the committee and a
delegation of University officials,
included a quick tour of several
campus buildings currently under
discussion in Lansing.
* * *
about University needs, present
and anticipated, in capital outlays.
Bills providing, for construction
funds customarily originate in the
The committee has already
t reported out a capital outlays
bill, providing only funds for
completing the Angell Hall ad-
dition and the Out-Patient Clin-
ic. But there remained a chance
that some of the other cuts
might be restored, University of-
ficials speculated.
In particular, the need for re-
habilitating the Natural Science
Bldg.,University Hospital, and the
Architecture Bldg. came up for
discussion. Also, there was talk of
the $4,250,000 library expansion
program and $12,500,000 medical
building plans.
* * *
HOWEVER, the medical and li-
brary plans probably fall in the
category of long-range hopes, as
both have been more or less writ-
ten off for this year. The State
Legislature appears committed to
a policy of appropriating money
only to complete construction al-
ready in progress or restore exist-
ing facilities.
The committee tour included
spot checks of the Natural Sci-
ence Bldg., the Automotive Lab-
oratory and the Angell Hall Ad-
An $800,000 request for a new
automotive laboratory'on the pro-
jected Huron Campus has been
cut from the U' capital outlays
appropriations by the committee.
The visit by a legislature com-
mittee is nothing unusual,Univer-
sity officials reported. The Fi-
nance Committee comes down
most years, but did not last year.
The House Ways and Means
Committee, which concentrates on
the general operating budget, also
comes down most years, but the
conferences with University offi-
cials were held in Lansing this
Russia Wants
Japan Terms
For Germany
MOSCOW - (P) - Diplomatic
sources said yesterday that Russia
has told the West that Germany
should get the same military deal
as Japan got in the San Francisco
Peace Treaty, even though Rus-
sia still regards that pact as il-
legal. -
Foreign Minister Andrei Vishin-
sky, in a highly unusual step, gave
his country's views Tuesday in a
half-hour oral analysis of Ameri-
can, British and French replies to
Russia's proposal that the Big
Four sign a peace treaty with a
unified Germany.
HE TALKED to diplomatic rep-
resentatives of the three western

nations after receiving the texts
of their replies, delivered jointly
to the Kremlin. Western sources
expected more detailed written
comment from Russia soon.
Vishinsky told the diplomats
Russia stands firm in rejecting
western proposals that elections
for an all-German government
be supervised by the United Na-
tions. He said such elections
should be prepared by the pres-
ently divided East and West
German governm-ents with
whatever aid is necessary from
the Big Four.
The West insists that a United

Reject Plan To Allow Dormin
Rushing During Orientation Week
With feeling running strong against fraternity " high pressuring"
the newly formed Joint Quad Council last night rejected an IFC re-
quest that fraternity representatives be permitted to enter the quads
during orientation week and the official IFM rushing period. .
Presented by IFC President Jack Smart, '52, Rushing Chairman
Pete Thorpe, '53; and Executive Committee member Jerry Helfenbein,
'52, the request centered around two .points:
1-that new quad men who request the services of IFC rushing
councillors will be allowed to meet them in residents' rooms.
2-that outside affiliates be permitted to contact rushees
during the regular rushing period in the main lounges of the quads.
The IFC leaders saw in this step a solution to the "deplorable
relations" between the fraternities and quadrangles, stressing its

* ' *
Men Reject
The East Quadrangle doesn't
want any women boarders.
Taking a stand against any plan
to house women in East Quad, the
Quad Council is moving to shift
them to South Quadrangle in-
* *, *-
ACCORDING TO Quad presi-
dent Earl Aldon, '52, the possible
alternatives of housing women
either in Green and Tyler Houses
or the old (north) section next
year, now being considered by
University officials, "would dis-
rupt Quad government and go
against the ideals of the Michigan
House Plan."
The plan was announced last
week by Frank C. Sheil, man-
ager of University service enter.
prizes as well as a possible step
to combat the possibility of there
not being enough men to fill
East, West and South quad-
rangles, already short of capa-
"Only at the thinking stage" ac-
cording to Sheil, the alternatives
would involve either Green and
Tyler Houses of East Quad being
converted into women's facilities
or the old section of East Quad
being turned over to women, with
Victor Vaughn switched from a
women's residence to housing for
medical students.
* * *
THE EAST QUAD Council in
taking a stand against the propos-
al offered a substitute plan. In the
case of a necessary shifting of
women next fall, the Council sug-
gested South Quad as the logical
men's residence to be affected.
"As a housing unit of barely
a year's standing the step would
not be too damaging to its new
government," Aldon said, stress-
ing the plan's drastic affects on
"the solidarity and tradition" al-
ready established in the East
South Quadrangle president, Al
Warshawsky, '52, saw no "real ad-
vantages" in the counter-proposal,
asserting that "women would dis-
rupt South Quad government just
as much as that of East Quad."
Benton Asks
For Fast Trial
With McCarthy
WASHINGTON --(A)- Senator
Benton (D-Conn.) yesterday chal-
lenged Senator McCarthy (R-
Wis.) to face him in court and
thrash out their two-million dol-
lar libel dispute before McCarthy
comes up for re-election in No-
McCarthy promptly declared he
is "very much in favor" of a quick
showdown. He told newsmen:
"It would also be fine if he
(Benton) would consent to move
up the pre-trial examination,
which normally can't be held
until 20 days after the suit is
This was a reference to the of-
ten long-drawn process of taking
pretrial depositions in civil suits

< benefit as an informational device
to the new student.
* * *
WEST QUAD President Ted Bo-
huszewizs, '52, took a strong stand
against the proposal, asserting
that in effect, "We might as well
forget about student government
in the dorm." Bohuszewizs main-
tained that "the first two weeks
are the most crucial in the cut
throat competition between the
dorms and fraternities."
Other representatives, ques-
tioning the motives of the re-
quest felt that "if the frater-
nities are so stable a Union
meeting place would be ade-
quate for informing and obtain-
ing rushees."
Supporting the IFC proposal,
South Quad President Al War-
shawsky, '52, declared that "We
don't have to be afraid of the fra-
ternities." Warshawsky stated that
"if the quad is to be a real home to
the men they should be allowed to
invite anyone, including Rushing
* * *
ANOTHER representative
claimed that acceptance of the
proposal would, "Give us a position
of magnanimity" seeing the quads
as strong enough to combat frater-
nity competition.
$ohuszewiez' motion against
the IFC proposal was neverthe-
less passed by a 23-8 vote.
After a decision Pete Thorpe
expressed his regret, stating, "It is
unfortunate that some compro-
mise could not have been reached
between the two viewpoints."
Proceeding to the problem of re-
imbursement to the University of
funds for damage suffered during
Thursday night's demonstration,
the Council went on record in sup-
port of each Quad taking a portion
of financial responsibility as
against East Quadrangle's propos-
al, Wednesday, for a campus wide
Vehicles Trap
Tiwo Childreni
T w o ,squalling towheaded
youngsters were imprisoned in a
squashed Chevrolet for 15 min-
utes yesterday afternoon after
their uncle jammed their car be-
tween a giant haulaway truck and
a heavy Crysler sedan before a
stoplight at S. Main and E. Huron.
But no one was injured in the
three-way crackup, which left the
middle car mashed to little more
than two-thirds' its original width.
While passers-by offered candy,
trying to .soothe the shaken chil-
dren, a four year old boy and his
two year old sister, a wrecker
hauled away the battered Chys-
ler which had blocked the door.
The uncle was issued a traf-
fic ticket for faulty brakes.

Taft Makes'
Strong Bid
In Primary
'Mac' Men Offer
Wisconsin Fight
MILWAUKEE --(')- W i t h
opponents shooting at him from
all sides, Sen. Robert A. Taft of
Ohio ploughed ahead yesterday in
a back-breaking campaign to sell
his brand of Republicanism to
Wisconsin voters.
Taft, apparently pacing the
race for the state's 30 Republi-
can presidential nominating del-
egates in the April 1 primary,
shrugged off fresh attacks from
supporters of former Minnesota
Gov. Harold E. Stassen and of
Gen. Douglas McArthur.
*K * *
McARTHUR has said he isn't
a candidate, but a slate headed
by Grant Ritter of Beloit is ru-
ning for him anyhow. And Ervin
Hohensee,national chairman of
the McArthur for President org-
anization, issued a statement in
Washington calling for Taft to
quit the race and help get the
nomination for the General.
Hohensee said Taft ought to
quit "kidding himself" that he .
can win the nomination and
should "save face" by coming
out for the Ritter slate.
The Ohio Senator, drawing the
largest crowds of any of the
candidates who have campaigned
here, ignored the suggestion even
if he couldn't ignore the possibil-
ity that the Ritter ticket will take
some support away from him in
a race where he hopes to come up
with 50 per cent of the vote, or1
* * :k
STASSEN, who has promised
to deliver to 'Gen. Dwight D.
Eisenhower half of any delegates
elected for him, flung a new
"isolationist" charge at Taft.
Eisenhower's name isn't on the
ballot here and state law does not
permit write-in votes.
Although he avoided any di-
rect attack on Taft or his pol-
icies, Gov. Earl Warren of Cal-
ifornia made a backhanded bid
for Eisenhower support in a
contest where his backers con-
tend he will run close to Taft
and might harvest out of any
week-end Eisenhower surge that
might develop in his direction.
Warren was asked by a mem-
ber of the audience after a speech
at Beloit how an Eisenhower
rooter should cast his vote to make
his sentiment felt.
"My immodesty makes me say
that any Wisconsin voter can best
serve his integrity by voting for
me," Warren replied.
Because of the nature and cir-
cumstances of the question, this
put the California Governor in
the position of bidding openly for
Eisenhower support although he
had insisted previously he was
running on his own.
'U'Expert Hits
Wonder ]Drugs
University specialist says "tremen-
dous" complications are occurring
in arthritis patients who have been
given two years' continuous treat-
ment with ACTH or Cortisone.
Dr. Jerome Conn made this re-
port to the American Academy of

General Practice.
He said some of the nation's
chief arthritis specialists now
"feel that it would be much better"
not to give such patients the drug
at all.

POOR MAN'S ANIMAL-Offering stiff competition for the GOP
elephant and Democratic donkey is pig, 'Popa Secaucus, cam-
paign for the Poor Man's Party. The political pig is being led by
Henry Krajewski of Secaucus, N.J., who is running for President
as the Poor Man's candidate.
'St. Matthew Passion'
Set for Concert Tonight

Steel Settlement
Attempts Slowed
Taft-Hartley Law Could Be Invoked
If Truman Thinks Step Necessary
WASHINGTON-(A)--High-level government efforts to break the
steel industry's deadlock with its CIO union workers ran into unex-
plained snags yesterday amid signs the whole dispute may be turned
over to President Truman.
The President returned from his vacation at Key West, Fla:,
yesterday. He could invoke the emergency provisions of the Taft-
Hartley act, which call for an 80-day cooling-off period, if he thinks
that step is necessary to avert a strike threatened for April 8.
MOBILIZATION CHIEF Charles . Wilson called off a meeting.
of his top aides to discuss the steel-wage situation. He also discarded
plans to issue a statement setting "

Voices of 1,500 high school 'stu-
dents will be heard with the Uni-
versity Choir at 8 p.m. today in
Hill Auditorium when the first
performance in Ann Arbor of
Bach's St. Matthew's Passion is
given in observance of the Lenten
Directed by Prof. Maynard
Klein of the music school, the
concert represents hours of re-
hearsal for both the choir and
the 30 individual high school
choral groups involved. Perfection
has had to be achieved by all
groups as the choirs will not have
a chance to practice ,together be-
fore the performance.
* * *
Ann Arbor residents and studentsj
will assist the choirs and a separ-I
ate brass section will occupy the
second balcony with the high
school choruses to accompany,
them in their part of the program.
Every high school invited to
take part in the presentation
has accepted and will arrive by
bus this afternoon from points
as far as Lansing and Grand
The performance will feature
several music school soloists and
student accompanists. Prof. Har-
old Haugh, tenor, will sing the
role of the Evangelist, Prof. Phillip
Duey, baritone, will portray Jesus,
and soprano and contralto solos
will be taken by instructors Norma
Heyde and Arlene Sollenberger.
BACH WROTE St. Matthew's
Passion for performance during
Vesper service of Good Fridayand
the two main parts were origi-
nally separated by a sermon. As
far as the records show the first
performance was on Good Friday,
1729 in the Church of St. Thomas
at Leipzig with less than two
dozen singers participating.
Bach's Biblical narrative for
the work is taken from two great
Passions of his that we still
possess-one according to St.
John and the other to St.

Matthew. The words of Jesus
are set off from those of the
others by use of string. accom-
paniment and original Biblical
narrative is interpreted at fairly
regular intervals by chorales.
Passions of Bach's type met
with the strong disapproval when
they first appeared and much of
his church music fell into com-
plete oblivion after his death.
S * *
vived under Mendelssohn's direc-
tion in 1829 and is now considered
one of his most inspired and
monumental creations.
The entire performance will be
broadcast over station WUOM
and a special interview with Prof.
Hans David, authority on Bach,
held during intermission.
The performance will be open
to the public free of charge.
Law Students
Choose Class,
Bar. Officers
Jim Gamble, '53, and William
Griffith, 53, were elected presi-
dent and vice-president respec-
tively of the Student Bar Asso-
ciation yesterday in the annual
Law School spring elections.
John Lodwick was elected presi-
dent of the senior class. Tom Rice
was ciosen vice-president and
John Lees was elected to the office
of secretary-treasurer. John Ryder
and Dick Rohr were named new
senior class Bar Commissioners.
The junior class elected Don
Stein and Hugh Harness, presi-
dent and vice-president respec-
tively. Jim Hildebrand and Len
Kravets were named Bar Com-
missioners of the junior class.
Jack O'Neil captured the office
of secretary-treasurer..
In the mock presidential pri-
mary Eisenhower polled 199 votes,
Stevenson 62, Taft 53, Truman
42, Kefauver 40, and Warren 18.

worth the government position.
Instead, Wilson met separate-
ly with Roger L. Putnam, head
of the Economic Stabilization
Agency; Chairman Nathan P.
Feinsinger of the Wage Stabil-
zation Board; and Ellis Arnall,
Director of the Office of Price
The WSB last week recom-
mended a settlement which would
include a three-installment pay
boost of 17% cents an hour, plus
other benefits worth about 5 cents
an hour, for the 650,000 steel-
THE UNION, headed by Philip
Murray, acepted the proposal and
started individual talks with pro-
ducers on the basis of the. WSB
plan, which Wilsol described as a
serious threat to the whole stabili-
zation program.
Feinsinger replied "Hell, no"
when asked whether Wilson had
suggested yesterday that the
WSB back-track and recom-
mend a smaller wage boost. Ar-
nall declined comment on his
talk with Wilson.
At Pittsburgh, the Jones and
Laughlin Steel Corp. and the un-
ion broke off talks indefinitely, as
the United States Steel Corp. and
the union had done Wednesday.
So did Youngstown Sheet and
Tube and Republic Steel.
* * *
THE WSB recommendations
stirred controversy that has en-
veloped Administration leaders
and Congress members. There has
been sharp disagreement as to
whether the recommendations are
Several leaders have said
prices would have to be boosted
$12 a ton to meet the cost of the
WSB plan.
Murray-differs. He told union
members in Pittsburgh that a $2-
a-ton increase would cover the
WSB recommendations. He called
the proposed wage boosts "mod-
erate" and said his union members
didn't get all they wanted.
Government officials, charged
with analyzing the effects of wage
boosts on prices, differed with
both union and industry.
One official said a $4-a-ton in-
crease would be needed to offset
a 17/2-cent boost. This would not
take into effect industry claims
that for each dollar of wage boosts
its costs go up another dollar.
British Counsul
Says Empire
Not Decaying-
Strongly denying the decadence
of the British Empire, W. N. Stor-
ey, British consul general in De-
troit, gave a wide picture of Great
Britain's policy to the members
of the Beacon Club in the Union
Commenting on the difference
that Churchill's government would
mean to the nation's foreign pol-
icy, Storey stated, "British foreign
policy changes its course little no
matter what party is in power."
STOREY explained Britain's
policy towards its territories as a
program -of development and edu-
cation working toward an inde-
pendence which would "knit them
together under the British Crown."
The United States and Great
Britain are often separated by
a common tongue, he said, but
the two countries are firmly
united against outside strife.
11.V -1 r ..« 41..4 U. .a..4 -

Truman Hit
Asks For Hands Off
Policy on Nomination
By The Associated Press
Sen. Estes Kefauver called on
President Truman. in effect, yes-
terday to keep hands off and let
#the nation's Democratic voters
choose their own nominee if Tru-
man himself decides not to seek
Kefauver spoke out after read-
ing reports - unconfirmed but
not denied by the White House-
that Truman has asked Gov.
Adlai Stevenson of Illinois to be-
come the adniistration's candi-
date for president.
,* * *
TRUMAN withheld any com-
ment on the purported offer to
Stevenson. Returning to Washing-
ton from his Florida vacation,;
the President told newsmen 11e
could not say anything about it
at this time.
In Omaha, where Kefauver Is
pushing his own campaign for
the Democratic presidential
nomination, he told newsmen:
"If President Truman doesn't
want to run, I think the people
will want to choose the Democratic
nominee, as they have been doing
in voicing their sentiments in the
primary elections."
* * *
ALONG WITH Kefauver's jab
at any king-making move by the
president, a well-informed Dem-
ocratic source in Washington sug-
gested that Truman may have
little say about the choice of a
successor by the time the Dem-
ocratic National Convention rolls
around in July. .
"The president may find he
will have lost complete control
of everything by that time,"
the capitol informant said.
With the White House still
silent on the subject, reports of
a Truman bid for Gov. Stevenson
to head the Democratic ticket con-
tined .to crop up.
The Chicago Daily Sun-Times
said Stevenson has "firmly de-
clined Presindent Truman's in-
vitation to seek the Democrati
presidential nomination."
THE NEWSPAPER said it had
also learned that "only a full-
blown convention draft" could
shake Stevenson's decision.
Commenting on the Sun-
Times story, Stevenson, relter-
rated that he is a candidate for
re-election as governor "and
that is all I want."
The Sun-Times noted that
Stevenson will attend the $100-a-
plate Jefferson-Jackson. Day din-
ner in Washington tomorrow -
with Truman as the top speaker
and it commented:
"That dinner could develop a
show of Stevenson enthusiasm
among the party's great and near-
'great. An enthusiasm outburst
there for Stevenson-or a word
directly from Mr. Truman-would
pour fuel on the Stevenson po-
litical fire."
Meanwhile, party officials dis-
closed that Truman will sit at the
same table with Stevenson at the
banquet. Officials insisted there
was no special significance to the
fact that Truman and Stevenson
-will dine together.

Lecture Ban One of Many Voting Issues

When students go to the polls
April 1 and 2, they will be con-
fronted with the following refer-
endum: "Do you oppose the em-
powering of the Lecture Commit-
tee to restrict any recognized cam-
pus organization in its choice of
speakers and subjects?"
Under e x i s t i n g conditions,
speakers invited to appear in Uni-

sey over the Lecture Committee
began last December, when stu-
dents found that an appearance
of Senator Robert Taft (R-
Ohio) could be blocked because
his speech might be political in
Most recent action of the com-
mittee was banning Arthur Mc-
Phaul and Abner Greene until
sufficient evidence was produced

However, Bob Satton, '53 said
that "in a recent discussion with
one of the Regents, he indicated
that an overwhelming student re-
sponse might lead to forthcoming
changes in the present regulations
from that quarter."
*5* *
COMMITTEE members have
justified existence of the ban in
several statements. In December,

UPHOLDERS OF the committee
maintain that the average student
is not mature enough to separate
the good from the bad in speeches,
and point to the many students,
"radicals for the sake of radical-
ism," who would be influenced by
Communist speeches.
The "Vote Yes" supporters of
the referendum counter that re-

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