OPEN MEETINGS FOR THE REGENTS See Page 4 Y idi igmi :43 ii4y FAIR AND WARMER Latest Deaaine in the State LXII, No. 86 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 12, 1952 EIGHT PAGES EIGHT PAGES rRUMAN THIRD: 'Ike' Wh ips Taft In Student Poll By CAL SAMRA Capturing 51 per cent of 5,131 votes cast; the popular general- ke'-won an overwhelming victory over all other candidates in The daily's poll of students during registration week. Though The' Daily does not pretend the poll was scientific, here re the results: With a grand total of 2,658 votes, Eisenhower walloped his closest ompetitor, Sen. Robert A. Taft, * * * y 1,683 votes. Taft, who suc- eeded in mustering only 19 per ent of the total voje-975, was eaten by a 3 to 1 ratio.X * * * BUT TAFT had one consola- .:,.f ion: he whipped President Tru-r aan, who placed third in the - hree-day presidential preferences lo11 with 496 votes. The presi- lent gathered only 9.6 per cent of he total vote. The coonskin cap of Sen. _ : Estes Kefauver, crime-busting< TV star, attracted 340 votes, 6.6 per cent of the total vote. The senator from Tennessee placed 4 . Without reservation, the Deio- cratic Party was handed a thor- ough thumping in the poll. The Republican candidates amassed 4,013 ballots, 78.2 per cent of the total vote, while the Democratic candidates pulled in only 20.7 per cent, 1,060 votes. Harold Stassen, Republican presidential aspirant, came in fifth with 148 votes, 2.9 per cent of the total-with Gov. Earl War- ren of California following closely on his heels with 142 votes, 2.8 per cent. * * *. THE ONLY other Democrat who made a decent showing was Sen. Paul Douglas of Illinois, who claimed seventh place with 111 votes, 2 per cent of the total vote. Supreme Court Justice Fred Vinson, touted as a. "favorite" of President Truman, received only six votes, but " his colleague, mountain-climbing Justice Wil- liam O. Douglas impressed 41 voters. Democratic Gov. Adlai Stevenson of Illinois, another ru- mored "favorite" of the president, polled 33 votes. Republicans w he received more than 10 votes were: Gen. MacArthur, 33; Gov. Thomas Dewey of New York, 31, and Sen. Joe McCarthy, Wisconsin, 11. All in all, the "independents"- everyone from Earl Browder to Gerald L. K. Smith-grabbed 1.1 per cent of the total vote. -They were led by Norman Thomas, past Socialist candidate, and Henry Wallace, '48 Progres- sive candidate, who received 29 and 21 votes respectively. ** * OTHERS WHO mustered six votes or less were: Eleanor Roosevelt, 6; Sen. Ful- bright (D-Ark.), 4; Sen. Hum- phrey (D-Minn.), 4; former Pres- ident Hoover, 4; Gov. G. Mennen Williams, 4; John L. Lewis, 3; Sen. Russell (D-Geo.), 3; Gov. Driscoll (R-N.J.), 3; Sen. Lodge (R-Mass.), 3; Earl Browder, Com- inunist, 2; Gerald L. K. Smith, Christian Nationalist, 2. Sen. Byrd (D-Va.), 2; Paul EISENHOWER ... the student's choice *- * * Hoffman, 2; Paul Robeson, . 2; Vito Marcantonio, NY Progres- sive, 1; William Foster, Commun- ist, 1; Sen. Morse (R-Oregon), 1; Alf Landon (R-Kansas), 1; Sen. Dirksen (R-Ill.), 1; Gov. James Byrnes (D-S.C.), 1; Vice-Presi- dent Barkley, 1; Gov. Duff (R- Penn.), 1; Dean Acheson, 1; Ber- nard Baruch, 1; Bill Halby, '53, 1. * * * CAMPUS TAFT supporters were a bit chagrined by the poll re- sults, insisted it was nothing but a "popularity contest." "It sure was," an elated Dave Cargo, president of the Stu- dents-for-Ike Club, replied, "It's obvious who the popular choice is. Now all we have to do is convince the politicians." Because the poll was uncon- trolled and unscientific, the re- sults will no doubt be held in question. Though the entire student body was given an opportunity to vote, a large number of students regis- tered a "no opinion." Another factor to be taken Into consideration is the fact that political issues have not yet been defined. Thus, the students who voted were prob- ably strongly committed to one party. Moreover, the poll did not take into consideration t h e back. grounds of those who voted, an essential in any scientific sur- vey. And, of course, an element of "pressure" is involved in any poll conducted without secret bal- lot. * * * ASSISTANT STUDY Director Warren Miller of the Survey Re- search Center said that the Daily poll was reminiscent of the pre- '48 election survey by Roper. Rop- er's poll gave. Dewey 52 per cent, Truman-37 per cent. In the end, Truman ended up with 49 per cent of the vote while Dewey had only 45 per cent. 'GU'Regents' Secrecy Lid Held Legal Closed Meetings OK'd by Lansing Secrecy of meetings of the Board of Regents was called legal yesterday by State Attorney Gen- eral Frank G. Millard. The move threw more coals on the fire of the "closed meeting" squabble, ignited last week when the Michigan Press Association hit the Regents and the State Board of Agriculture for erecting procedural barriers against the press and public. * * * MILLARD SAID the- governing bodies of the University and Michigan State College are cre- ated by the constitution without limitation on their powers. Ac- tions of the boards are entrusted to their discretion and judge- ment, he said. The controversy, which has cropped up consistently in bi- annual State educational elec- tions, was brought to a head by the MRA attack and newspaper articles throughout the state. Newspaper surveys have shown that only one Regent and one member of the MSC body favor opening - up the meetings. They are Regent Alfred B. Connable and Agriculture Board member Connor Smith. OTHER TRUSTEES have fa- vored the present set-up by which mimeographed information is handed out to the press after the monthly board meetings. Main reason given by the twelve officers opposed to open parleys waS inhibition of frank discussion if press and public wpre present. One MSC trus. tee, Frederick H. Mueller, said, "We are afraid meetings would be attended by student report- ers who are not as experienced in judging and writing news as older hands." Only Regent waiving comment on the issue was Vera B. Baits, who called it "a very complicated subject." However, a Daily ques- tionnaire answered by Regent candidates in 1949 shows at that time Mrs. Baits favored open meetings. * * * THE TWO men in favor of lift- ing the lid of secrecy pointed out the Regents a n d Agriculture Board members are elected by the constituents who should be given an opportunity to review their ac- tions. Regent Connable felt "the Board would grow in public re- spect and confidence" if its meetings were open. "There is no reason why the Board's business could not be transacted in full view of the public," Regent Connable said. Both boards were named in an MPA survey of newspaper people throughout Michigan as out- standing examples of agencies which erect barriers to the press. The Board of Agriculture has invited an MPA committee to meet with it Thursday in Lan- sing to discuss public inspection of its proceedings. The Regents have not set a similar meeting. \ ELIZABETH, N.J. -(R) - The third grave air disaster in two months closed busy, deadly Ne- wark Airport yesterday. A clamor arose to keep it closed forever. "In my opinion, the present Newark Airport is dead," said Rep. Canfield (Rep.-N.J.) *T*S * k THIRTY PERSONS were killed when a four-engined National Airlines plane hit this crowded city like a guided bomb early yes- terday. It had just taken off from the airport. The death toll in the crash rose to 31 last night when a horteymogner, Harold De Fiore, died in Elizabeth General Hos- pital. Fourteen A thletes Called Scholastically Ineligible DISASTER SCENE-The battered fusilage of the National Airlines DC-6 which ripped into a 60 family apartment in Elizabeth, N.J., lies amidst smoking debris. The death toll in the crash rose to 31 last night. 40 persons were injured. (See additional picture on Page 7.) * * * * *' * * * * Crash Death Toll Rises to 31; Newark Airport Shut DoW By DICK LEWISj Fourteen varsity athletes, ten of them freshmen, have been de- clared schblastically ineligible for second semester competition. The hardest hit team was Coach Don Canham's Wolverine track squad which lost five per-; formers. Three basketball play- ers, three swimmers, two football- ers and one hockey star have also. been ruled out for their respec- tive current campaigns. UN Set Against. Red China Seat At Peace Parley Major Davis, Top U.S. Jet Ace, Killed in Fierce Korean Air Battle By The Associated Press Rear Adm. C. Turner Joy told the Communists yesterday by their own standards Red China is not entitled to a seat at a Korean peace conference. Meanwhile, fierce air battles that cost the life of America's lead- ing jet ace raged for the second day over northwest Korea while ground action remained negligible. AT PANMONJOM, the chief UN truce negotiator warned if the Communists insist on discussing - - PERHAPS THE greatest loss TRYOUTS TO BEGIN TODAY: Evans Here To Direct Union Opera The arrival of broadway director Fred Evans in Ann Arbor yester- day signified the beginning of seven weeks of hard work which will be climaxed by the 1952 Union Opera, Mar. 26 to 28. With his sleeves rolled up check- ing the musical score, director Evans announced that tryouts for "It's Never Too Late" will be held from 3 to 6 p.m. today through Friday in Rm. 3-G, Union. "With the tryouts beginning im- mediately we hope to have the cast selected by the end of the week and begin rehearsals next week," Evans said. IN URGING all male students with singing or dancing talent of any kind to audition, Evans em- phasized that no one will be ex- pected to rehearse more than three times a week and that the rehearsals will not last more thank IL v 1 l k t a V r f e C C V t C t a f v t S. c f, CITY BEAT: Deaths Mar 'U' Vacation By ZANDER HOLLANDER The seasonal lapse in campus activity brought no counterpart on the city scene., While most University students had an uneventful between-semes- ter vacation, two met with tragedy. CARROLL KORNEFFEL, '54, a 19 year old Detroit resident, died in a Windsor, Ont. hospital on Feb. 2. Miss Korneffel's death followed injuries sustained when the car in which she was riding smashed in- to a concrete abuttment near the Canadian city. Another highway tragedy was Robert Burleigh, a 24 year old graduate student in pharmacology, whose homeward-bound car col- lided with a truck on Friday. Bur- leigh, a West Quad resident, was killed near Elyria, O., on his way to State College, Pa. HERE IN Ann Arbor the contro- versial city amusement tax came a step nearer to realization last week as the City Council voted to put a proposal approving a modi- fied form of city excise tax on the April' 7 election ballot. If approved by Ann Arbor vot- ers, the measure would permit the Council to levy a 10 per cent ex- cise on amusement tickets but would require specific approval by the voting public of all other ex- cises desired by the city. A "number" of local firms faced possible Office of Price Stabiliza- tion prosecution this week with the announcement that local OPS En- forcement Director John J. Frank would seek .injunctions against es- tablishments, mostly cleaning shops and bowling alleys, who were charging over-ceiling prices or had was that of John Matchefts, lead- ing scorer of Michigan's defend- ing NCAA hockey champions. The Eveleth, Minn., junior had notch- ed 27 points in 16 contests, com- pleting his 1951-52 season with a four-goal effort against Michigan Tech.j Matchefts just two months ao refused a berth on the United States Olympic hockey t e a m which is currently encamped in Oslo, Norway. The loss of three fresh- m a n basketball competitors has made Coach Ernie Mc- Coy's attempt to stay out of thA Big Ten hoop basement just a little bit tougher. Bib Bob Jewell, 6-foot-five-inch crowd-pleaser from Indianapolis, is the one of this trio who will be missed most. Elkhart, Indiana forward*Ralph Kauffman and top prospect Dick Powless are also missing from the Wolverine cage ranks. GENIAL SWIMMING coach Matt Mann was not so genial fol- lowing the falling of three top- notch freshmen. Chicago free- stylers Ron Gora and Jim Mc- Kevitt, and Ypsilanti diver Char- ley Bates all bit the classroom de- ficiency dust. Gora had recently been a leading figure in two record shattering events. McKevitt's most recent win was in the 440- yard free-style against Purdue, while Bates had been regarded as the squad's number two div- er. Michigan's Big Ten Title track hopefuls received a serious blow when Detroit junior Joe LaRue became ineligible. Other thinclads missing from the squad, are Berwyn, Illinois freshman Dave Hessler, Riverdale junior half-miler Delance Hyde, and two football players turned shotputter, freshmen Leo Schlicht and Glenn Bowers. Wolverine football losses were Flint junior Bill Billings and Ana- conda, Montana freshman half- back Ed Hickey. The quartet of footballers will be eligible next fall if they mat-e up their defici- encies this semester. Four of the dead were trapped in a 2-family apartment house, set afire by the thundering crash of the doomed airliner. Forty persons - mostly plane passengers-were hurt, a third of them seriously. THE PORT of New York Au- thority, a bi-state agency of New York. and New Jersey, which op- erates the airport and other area transportation facilities, ordered the shutdown within three hours after the national airlines plane cracked up in the early morning hours. "In the light of these tragic events and pending further in- vestigations," the Port of New York Authority said, it "closed all runways at Newark Airport as of 3 o'clock yesterday morn- ing and notice to airmen has been issued to that effect." Residents of Elizabeth a n d nearby areas for some time had been protesting low flying planes in residential areas and Mayor James T. Kirk had announced his city was living under "an um- brella of death". GOV. ALFRED E. Driscoll said the Port Authority had ordered the shutdown after conferring with him "because we could not afford to await action of federal authorities." There was *no indication from official sources as to when or if the ban would be removed. Stassen iStarts Campaigningr In Oklahoma IHariold, Stassen brought his campaign for the Republican Presidential nomination to Okla- homa yesterday. He expressed hope of becoming a compromise candidate at the GOP convention in July. MEANWHILE, Oklah'onta Re- publicans kept their powder dry for any presidential bandwagon that may start rolling for Sen. Robert A. Taft of Ohio or Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower. In a compromise arrangement, the state GOP convention pre- pared to 'approve the final four delegates in a 16-vote Presidential nominating slate generally regard- ed as slightly favorable to Taft. The Senator from Ohio swung into the Pacific northwest yes- terday and told Republicans they must have a presidential candi- date "willing to present the issues clearly enough to enthuse" party workers. such "inappropriate" matters as the future of Formosa and other sweeping Asian problems. the United Nations may block action on armistice agenda item five- recommendations to governments involved in Korea. The Allies already have said emphatically that unless both sides agree on recommendations none can be made. The Communists may attempt to. justify Red China's participa- tion in a post-armistice confer- ence in a meeting at Panmumjom which began last night. "DURING THE course of the hostilities in Korea," Joy told the Reds yesterday, "both the Demo- cratic Peoples Republic of Korea and the People's Republic of China have repeatedly insisted that the Chinese units engaged in the hostilities are volunteers and that their sudden appearance in Korea was completely unrelated to any official action on the part of their political authorities. "Clearly, the People's Repub- lie of China would not qualify (for a peace conference seat) under your own criterion." Joy suggested a possible solu- tion might be to eliminate. all names of specific governments from a proposal for a post-armis- tice conference. THE FIFTH Air Force disclosed yesterday that Maj. George A. Davis, Jr., of Lubbock, Tex., was shot down in a battle with Com- munist MIGS Sunday. In two days of aerial fight- ing, four Red MIGS were des- troyed-two of them by Davis -and nine others damaged. Allied losses were not revealed except for the special an- nouncement that the top jet ace had not returned. Officially Davis was listed as missing in action. However, pi- lots who witnessed the crash said the F-86 he flew did notgo down in flames. They saw no para- chute before his jet hit the ground. Davis destroyed seven Japanese planes in World War I and 14 in' Korea for an overall total of 21 in two wars. Truman Asks M~ore Controls WASHINGTON-(MP-President Truman asked Congress yesterday to extend existing economic con- trols for two years and strengthen them to create "an. invincible strength in the free world." "We are just now entering the period of greatest strain in our mobilization effort," he said in a special message sent to Congress. "We can prevent inflation from weakening us if we have the will to do so and the courage to take the necessary steps." The President asked for author- ity to stabilize prices, wages, cre- dits and rents until June 30, 1954. The present law expires June 30. Enrollment Slips Down To 17,742 By CRAWFORD YOUNG University enrollment ebbed to a six-year low of 17,742 students for the spring semester. Registrar Ira M. Smith expects final tabulations to bring the total up to about 18,700. But even so, this will be the low-water mark in enrollment since the early post- war days of spring, 1946, when only 14,481 attended the Univer- sity. THE REGISTRATION report showed 15,695 resident on campus, with 2,047 more taking credit courses in the six University Ex- tension schools throughout the state. This represents a drop of about 600 from the first-day to- tals this fall. However, spring enrollment customarily slumps a little from the fall figures, A larger drop of 1,200 from last spring is shown by the early regis- tration totals. The decline, how- ever, is mostly explained by the dwindling veteran enrollment, Smith pointed out. Only 3,943 vet- erans are now on campus, as com- pared with 5,765 at this time last year. AFTER REACHING a postwar peak in fall, 1949, of about 24,000. the enrollment trend -has 'been steadily downwards. It is quite possible this may be 'the bottom point in University population for some time, if world conditions get no more unsettled. University officials are now en- gaged in a careful study of prob- able enrollment trends. A breakdown of enrollment by- schools shows: College of Archi- 4ecture & Design, 521; School of Business Administration, 710; School of Dentistry, 422; School of Education, 489; College of En- ' gineering, 1,466; Horace H. Rack- ham School of Graduate Studies, 3,827. Law School, .773; College of Lit- erature, Science and the Arts, 5,197; Medical School, 942; School of Music, 445; School of Natural Resources, 204; School of Nursing, 216; College of Pharmacy, 176; School of Public Health, 150; School of Social Work, 139; and Hospital Training, 18. Vandenberg Statement Due 'A OPPORTUNITY FOR ALL: Daily Will Open Ranks to Tryouts DETROIT -(P)- A prediction that 'Arthur H. Vandenberg, Jr., will announce his candidacy for the U.S. Senate today came last night from an already announced Republican candidate, Dr. Eugene Keyes of Dearborn, a former Lieu- tenant-Governor. Keyes declared, however, that he was "in the race to stay" al- though he conceded he had said in announcing that the entrance of young Vandenberg "might" in- fluence him to withdraw. Dr. Keyes said he failed to get a pledge from Vandenberg that he would stay in the race if General Dwight D. Eisenhower failed to get Michigan's delegation to the Pres- . a.. + .1Y , ." i . r" .r tr__ --- - - When opportunity knocks a wise The first meetings are designed man at least opens the door, to familiarize interested persons And opportunity will be rattling with the various aspects of Daily the lock off your door tomorrow work and to give them the chance when The Dailr hnls its firet trv- In examine the Tfcilities anda sk writing, proof-reading, news and editorial writing and many other phases' of journalism. * * * SI1 ! OPPORTTNITIES for individu-