PAGE SIX THE MICHIGAN DAILY WEDNESDAY, ATARM 26, 195 0 PAGE SIX THE MICHIGAN DAILY WEDNESDAY, IWARcIK 26, 19&2 SL Attempts Close Contact With Dorms Meeting Proceedings Related to Residents By Elected Chairmen In an attempt to bring Student Legislature in closer contact with the women in the dormitories, a system involving SL dorm chair- men has been set up. Initiated by SL member, Lee Fi- ber, the system centers about chairmen elected in each dorm to attend SL meetings and carry in- formation concerning its activi- ties back to the dorms. Started two weeks before peti- tioning for SL began, this method is expected to combat ignorance of student government activities. Each dorm chairman attends the SL meetings and receives cop- ies of the minutes and the agen- das. The chairmen then meet in a body to discuss current problems facing SL and ways to create in- terest in its activities in the dorms. Reports are then carried to dorm house meetings or given to corridor chairmen who discuss the reports with the residents. The dorm chairman system is in effect in only the women's dorms since men's dorms have re- presentatives from the quad coun- cils attending SL meetings. SL feels that information about its activities should be well-pub- licized in the dorms especially during election time. 1952 Union Opera To Open Three-Day Stand Tonight Uncomfortable skirts will rustle and un- accustomed false eye lashes will blink today as the 1952 Union Opera, "Never Too Late" presents its premier performance. With an original book by Jim Kemper, '52, the 32nd edition of the traditional all- male musical will feature original music by University students in its run April 26, 27 and 28 at the Michigan Theatre and its subsequent road trip to Toledo, Flint, Buffalo and Detroit. , * * * "Never Too Late" is a satire of radio audi- ence participation programs. With Michigan males in the roles of dainty females the show relates the adventures of house wife Jenny Jenks who wins her greatest desire-a chance . .n Hollywood. Before the adventure is over everyone becomes completely wound up in the yarn of a sweater factory with shapely glamour "girls." * * * * -Daily-Matty Kessler INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS-Mrs. Roy Swinton pours tea for Esson M. Gale, counselor for for- eign students, Taffara De Guefe from Ethiopia, Diana Lahde, from the United States and R. N. Sahni from India at one of the International Center's weekly teas that are held from 4 to 6 p.m. every Thursday at the Center. * * * * SOCIAL HOURS: International Center Holds Weekly Teas w Serving tea for several hundred students is a weekly occurrence at the International Center where teas are held from 4 to 6 p.m. ev- ery Thursday. The weekly social. hours in the International Center Rooms in the Union have become a tradition on campus and is one of the few ac- tivities that ' is held throughout the year except-during University vacations. Cementing international rela- tions on campus is the principal aim of the teas. They provide an opportunity for foreign students to become acquainted with Ameri- can students as well as their fel- low students from other countries. Also directors at the Center feel that the weekly social gatherings provide a definite period when students can take time out from their many activities and studies to relax for a while. Approximately 6 0 & students drop in at the International Cen- ter to chat with their friends each week. Frosl Teams SparkRivalry Casts, Committees Prepare for Weekend With Frosh Weekend still a month away, the Maize and Blue teams are swelling the tide of competition with publicity stunts, rehearsals, and committee meet- ings. The Maize team's floorshow re- hearsals will start tonight at 7 p.m. The names of the women in the cast will be posted in the Lea- gue today. Also under Maize plans are a publicity committee meeting at 10 a.m. Saturday in the League and a decorations committee meeting at 11 a.m. the same day. The Maize Moonshiners will stage a Virginia Reel at noon to- day on the diag. All students will be invited to join them. The Blue team has scheduled a publicity stunt for noon today to be held on the steps of Angell Hall. According to the publicity chairman, all bets should be plac- ed by noon in a secret election, the winner of which will be brought before the public in the big ralley in front of Angell. Bet- ting "windows" have been set up in front of Angell and the Library. Another stunt, the 'Blue team sweeping the nation" has been scheduled for noon tomorrow in front of Angell Hall. This stunt as well as the one for today, are top secret and the final 'dope' will be let out at the rally itself. I- Many students feel that it is a good opportunity to get to know about customs and how people live in the different parts of the world. At the social gathering, time is reserved to honor any outstanding guests or students for their achievements, such as completion of a doctorial degree. The International Center .car- ries on a wide number of activities for the foreign students including dance classes, international din- ners and Sunday evening informal discussion groups. with any other KING-SIZE cigarette HIGH FLYING-Andy White, '54, practices some of the "dancing in the air" he will perform in his specialty act in "Never Too Late." The show contains several feature acts in addition to the regular plot. White will appear in the Ann Arbor shows only. Previous comittments prevent his going on the road tour. PERFECT FIT-Carol Eiserman, '52, and Bill MacArthur, '55E, help a "chorus girl" take care of the details incidental to changing men into women for the show. Costuming is the only part in the Union Opera open to women. DAILY PHOTO FEATURE Pictures by Jack Bergstrom Story by Alan Luckoff T 4 '4 IT'S THIS WAY, BOY-Jay Mills, '53, (right) playing a Holly- wood producer, explains things to Jim McGlincy, '52, with song and gesture. McGlincy, who plays the genial radio quizmaster with the million dollar prize, is president of the Mimes organiza- tion that helps back the Opera each year. Couples To Dance In Pirate Setting At Kelsey House Treasure Island scenery will set the mood for the "Kel Sea Ren- dezvous" semi-formal from 9 to midnight Saturday in the Kelsey house dining room. Men from Kelsey house will present the first annual Kelsey spring formal amid a pirate's ad- venturous atmosphere. Pirate island decorations will be surrounded by sand and the illu- sion of water to give a realistic af- fect. Couples attending the dance will have to step through the mouth of a skull at the door to enter the 44 , 1 .y ° .. 3r It * N :. :. ~ _ _ .. .:. :yi.G :k i... . ." .. ,. r ,i . WE" { S