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March 26, 1952 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1952-03-26

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Latest Deadline in the State CLOUDY, COLDER

VOL LXII, No. 123




Daily Editorial Satire
Draws Russian Blast'

Daily Managing Editor
Daily editorials, long a local tar-
get for criticism, finally hit the
big time yesterday when theRus-
sian magazine Literary Gazette
labeled one "a slanderous attack"
against the USSR.
The editors hailed the an-
nouncement as "proving almost
beyond the shadow of a doubt that

say, on a very unpleasant 'hate'
story appearing in a recent Es-
quire magazine. That one was
called 'I Killed Stalin.' It extoll-
ed, in patriotic terms, the ex-
ploits of an American agent who
sneaked into the Kremlin and
heroically murdered Stalin.
"Turnabout was the logical
thing-so I wrote a piece called
I Killed the President,' starting
out on the other side of the Iron
Curtain and moving westward. In
order to make the biting satire
more biting, I said the story was
translated from the Russian mag-
azine called Krashdna Sovietski,"
Thomas explained.
THE LITERARY Gazette angrily
made the observation that "no
such magazine exists," and claim-
ed that Thomas' article was "yet
another intentional slanderous at-
tack on the Soviet Union." Swing-
ing wide, the Russians also hailed
the University as an institution
which "exists on gifts from Wall
Street and U.S. government sub-
Arthur Brandon, University
public relations head, was quick
to rejoin "Those are two sources
we don't get support from."
Thomas added the University
shouldn't be involved anyway,
since Daily editorials don't speak
for the Administration. "This," he
said, "is somewhat more than can
be said for Russian 'free' news-
* * *
TO THE RUSSIAN statement
that the edtorial was "a crude
forgery" editor Thomas retorted
that it was not crude. Shaking his
head sadly, he remarked "Satire
would seem to be as dead as Dean
Swift, these days...."

Contacted in Washington,
John B. Penfold, chief of the
State Department Press Rela-
tions Division said the Literary
Gazette and its fellow publica-
tions "would have blank pages
if they didn't run this kind of
stuff. According to them, every-
thing here is Wall Street."
A look at some old Daily files re-
vealed that Radio Moscow attack-
* * *


* * *
The Daily's editorial policy is con-
sistently ambiguous."
4 * * *
RICH THOMAS, '52, author of
the attacked article, was somewhat
elated that his work had been cho-
sen "for special condemnation of
Moscow." At the same time, how-
ever, he expressed dismay at the
fact that they had completely
missed the point.
"My editorial - 'I Killed the
President'-was intended to be
a takeoff, a satire, you might

ed the Michigan football team on
about the same grounds in the
Summer of 1950. The "bestial in-
stincts" of the University athlete
were being aggravated at that time
by "profit-hungry Wall Street
Daily reaction to the Literary
Gazette blast was pretty well
summed up by a University au-
thority (who asked to remain
anonymous) when he said "It's
nice to be remembered."

Students Riot
Over Return,
Of Trieste
Anti-U.S. Mobs I
Clash In Rome
ROME-(P)-Thousands of stu-
dents battled police yesterday
when Fascist and Communist agi-
tators turned a demonstration over
Trieste into a bloody brawl with
anti-American overtones.
Shouting for the return of Tri-
este free territory to Italy, other
thousands milled through Naples,
Milan and Trieste.
FIERY nationalism swept the
whole Italian peninsula. A rash of
anti-American slogans appeared.
Rioters marched on U.S. diplo-
matic missions in Rome and
Naples. In Milan, police halted an-
other student march against the
British legation.
Police hurled tear gas bombs
and charged crowds in Red riot
jeeps before the worst Rome
outbreak was quelled. Scores of
students were injured, one cri-
tically. Thirty police casualties
were led away.
More than 130 persons were ar-
rested in Rome and 70 in Naples.
The political office announced
"extremist elements" infiltrated
the ranks of 'teen-age student
demonstrators, forcing drastic po-
lice action.
REPORTERS mingling in the
crowd said older Communist and
pro-Fascist agitators were playing
key roles among what-until yes-
terday-were mobs of truant stu-
dent nationalists.
The Trieste rioting broke out
ast Thursay. In the past six
days 160 have been injured and
74 jailed in Trieste.
The wave of demonstrations was
touched off by Italian feeling that
the British-trained Triete police
were too severe in quelling Thurs-
day's outbreak.
NOW IT HAS widened into a
fiery new demand that Trieste,
severed from Italy after World
War II, be returned. The United
States, Britain and France in 1948
publicly announced they favored
the return. Yugoslavia fiercely op-
poses such a resolution.
Yesterday's anti-American turn
-apparently based on the pres-
ence of 5,000 U.S. occupation
troops in Trieste free territory-
was a new development. Club-
swinging police had to charge
10,000 demonstrating Naples stu-
dents who tried to reach the U.S.
consulate there.
IFC To Seek
Hatcher's Aid
At last night's Interfraternity
Council house president's meeting,
IFC president Jack Smart, '52, said
that an effort will be made to pre-
sent the fraternity stand on the
anti-bias resolution to President
Harlan H. Hatcher.
The Student Legislature resolu-
tion, designed to remove discrimi-
natory clauses from fraternity
constitutions, was approved by the

Student Affairs Committee and is
awaiting President Hatcher's rati-
Smart claimed that the action is
necessary because the IFC was not
given sufficient notice in which to!
present their case before the SAC.



Stabilization Controversy



V ote Splitup SRA Requests Student
With Stassen Speaker Responsibility

PhfotOoby Jack Bergstrom
Union Opera To Open Tonight

By The Associated Press
In an unprecedented bid for
votes, Harold E. Stassen last night
offered to throw half of his Wis-
consin strength to Gen. Dwight D.
Eisenhower on the first ballot of
the Republican national conven-
tion in July.
t iStassen thus topped an earlier
offer by supporters of Gov. Earl
Warren of California in the hectic
campaign for votes in the Wiscon-
sin primary April 1.
s* s
r EISENHOWER is not entered in
the Wisconsin race, and write-in
ballots are not counted there.
Stassen and the Warren camp
had previously announced they
would throw their support to
Eisenhower if convinced they
could not win the GOP nomina-
tion themselves.
The effect was an invitation to
Eisenhower admirers to vote for
either Stassen or Warren rather
than for the other GOP entry,
Sen. Robert A. Taft.
Stassen.went that one better last
night. The former Governer of
Minnesota said if his 30 Wiscon-
sin delegate candidates are elect-
ed, 15 of them will vote for Eisen-
hower on the first ballot at the
Chicago convention.
In Paris, close associates of Gen.
Eisenhower said yesterday they be-
lieve he will soon ask President
Truman for relief as NATO com-
mander so he can return to the
United States in May to campaign
for the Republican nomiiation for
Queen Juliana
Confirms Visit
University officials have re-
ceived official notification that
Queen auliana of the Netherlands
will visit here on April 17 during
her tour of the United States.
Word of the acceptance was re-
ceived from Willard Wickers,
director of the Midwestern Divi-
sion of the Netherlands Informa-

The Student Religious Association last night went on record as
favoring "student responsibility" for choosing speakers who appear
before campus groups.
The Newman club simultaneously recorded its formal opposition
to the-SRA resolution.
* * * *
IN A LENGTHY council meeting in which several amendments
and counter-proposals were introduced and subsequently voted down,

the council finally decided to ma

ke the statement SRA policy.
O The resolution read:

Big Three Ask'
East German
Elections Now
United States, Britain and France
challenged Russia yesterday to lift
its iron curtain around East Ger-
many if it sincerely wants to talk
about a peace treaty for all of
At the same time the three na-
tions firmly turned down Russia's
proposal for allowing' a unified
Germany to revive its army, navy
and air forces.
* *
IN IDENTICAL notes delivered
yesterday, they told Moscow it
must allow "free elections" in East
Germany before they will discuss a
four-power peace treaty with the
defeated Reich.
The American -British -French
notes, drafted after two weeks of
careful consultation, replied to a
surprise Russian note sent March
This Soviet note called for a
German peace conference "in the
nearest future" but specified its
boundaries must be limited to
those agreed upon at the Potsdam
Conference in 1945,
The three-power answer in turn
insisted Russia must first permit
a United Nations investigation
commission into Eastern Germany
to check on whether conditions for
free elections exist.
Dulles Quits Post

"We, the SRA, believing that
the students of this University
must learn to be responsible citi-
zens . .. believe that the stu-
dents should themselves, in their
recognized organizations have
the responsibility of choosing
the speakers whom these groups
feel may be able to further the
mental and moral development
of their members within the re-
striction of state and national
At the same time, they squelched
a sister resolution which would
have set up a standing committee
to investigate the speakers' ban
situation "on this and other cam-
* * *
BOTH resolutions were effected
n'egatively when the council voted
down an SRA Executive Commit-
tee recommendation which sug-
gested dropping the proposals.
They had been tentatively passed
last week.
The action represented a com-
promise between the SRA and
the Newman club. The two reso-
See FAVOR, Page 5

Many changes have taken place
since the first Union Opera open-
ing night, 46 years ago, but amidst
the Broadway premiere festivities
tonight, the footlights will reveal
the same kind of traditional all-
T ruman Policy
iscussed at
Four student speakers echoed
domestic and foreign arguments
last night in a forceful Young Re-
publican-Young Democrat debate
on the Truman administration.
Agreed that the issues were
neither black nor white, the de-
baters tried to determine which
party could be trusted with the
succeeding administration.
YD speaker Lyn Marcus, '53L,
cited Greek recovery, the Mar-
shall plan and NATO as several
Democratic victories in the foreign
policy field. Concentrating on
Asiatic policy, his YR opponent
Bill Halby, '54, said that blockad-
ing China and bombing Manchuria
should be permitted to solve the
Korean muddle.
In the domestic field, the debate
hinged on government corruption.
While Republican Ned Simon felt
that the Truman administration
has been "inefficient, corrupt, and
hopelessly wrong on rearmament,"
YD speaker Jim Nopper answered
that 100 dishonest politicians did
not corrupt a whole party.

male musical that Michigan
alumni and students expect.
The curtain will raise at 8:30
p.m. on the 1952 version, "Never
Too Late," a song and dance sa-
tire of modern American movies
and radio.
OPENING NIGHT festivities
will be at their zenith, with an
on-the-spot radio commentator
ready to interview visiting celeb-
rities, such as Governor and Mrs.
G. Mennen Williams and former
President Alexander Ruthven and
his wife over station WPAG at
8 p.m.
Club Cancels
The "Sunland Special," Wolver-
ine Club student train to Florida
during the Spring vacation has
been cancelled, "because of an un-
expected lack of student interest."
According to Bob Golten, '54,
special trips chairman of the club,
only six people have signed up to
date, making the trip financially
unfeasible. He emphasized that the
Wolverine Club was still prepared
to make housing arrangements in
Fort Lauderdale for Florida-
bound students, through their Ad-
ministration Bldg. booth.
The trip had met with some
criticism in the last few days as
being discriminatory against Ne-
groes, since it would have had to
abide with segregation rules in
Florida and other states en route.

The play itself, written by
Jim Kemper, '52, is the story of
a housewife who is granted ful-
fillment of her fondest wish as
a contestant on a radio, quiz
show. She becomes beautified
and sets off for a Holywood
The complications that arise are
many and hilarious, as she gets
entangled with the workings of
her husband's sweater factory.
FOUR ORIGINAL songs, includ-
ing the title tune "Never Too
Late' and two ballads, combine
with solo and chorus dances to
round out the musical.
"Never Too Late" will continue
at 8:30 p.m. tomorrow and Friday
at a local theatre. Friday's per-
formance is sold out completely,
but a few tickets for today's and
tomorrow's show will be on sale

Labor Split
Over Issues
Check on WSB
Voted by House
WASHINGTON - (P) - Presi-
dent Truman was expected yester-
day to intervene soon to halt a bit-
ter free-for-all over steel wages-
a fight which threatens to wreck
the government's price-wage con-
trol machinery.
The row split top echelons of of-
ficialdom, and found labor leaders
swapping hot statements with in-
dustry. It also prompted the House
Rules Committee to vote, 7 to 4,
for an investigation of the Wage
Stabilization Board, center of the
* ** *
THE FIGHT started when the
Board, with industry members dis-
senting vigorously, proposed 171/
cents an hour pay boosts plus
other major benefits for 650,000
CIO steelworkers.
This aroused Defense Mobiliz-
er Charles E. Wilson. Returning
Monday night from a talk with
Truman at Key West, he de-
clared that the proposals were a
"serious threat" to the anti-in-
flation program.
Then these developments fo-
lowed in swift order:
1. CIO President Philip M urray,
who also heads the Steelworkers
Union, called Wilson a "biased and
uninformed" big businessman and
refused flatly to meet with him 4n
the steel dispute. The uniQn is
threatening to strike April 8 un-
less a settlement acceptable to it is
2. Industry members of the
18-man wage board said the
Board "should go out of busi-
ness." They said it was "causing
inflation and creating disputes."
3. Labor members of the indus-
try-labor-public board said that
if Wilson does not "reconsider"
his "untenable position" on the
steel case proposals "he most cer-
tainly has made the heaviest blow
at the wage and price stabilization
program struck thus far."
4. Wilson's office said he still
hoped to talk to the Steelworkers
Union and the industry in an ef-
fort to reach a settlement and
head off the threatened nation-
wide strike.
5. The House Rules Committee
voted to send to the House a reso-
lution by Rep. Allen (R-Ill.) call-
ing for an investigation of the
The aim would be to find out
whether the Board has violated
national labor policy as spelled out
in the Taft-Hartley Labor Act, or
has made recommendations "in-
consistent with the intent of Con-
gress with respect to stabiliza-
Chairman Sabath (D-Ill.) in-
formed reporters the resolution
was "forced through" by Repub-
lican members and Reps. Cox
(D-Ga.) and Smith (D-Va.). He
said he would "delay as long as
possible" before sending the mea-
sure to the House.
A&D To Vote
For Officers
1 1001

For the first time in recent
years, the School of Architecture
and Design will hold elections for
senior class officers, the newly
formed Senior Board announced
The voting will take place at the
time of the all-campus elections,
April 1 and 2.
The Senior Board, composed of
the presidents of the University

See Pictures, Page 6

tween 1 and 5:30 p.m. today at
the Union ticket counter and from
1 p.m. to curtain time today and
tomorrow at the theatre box of-9
World News
By The Associated Press,
LANSING-In a letter to Attor-
ney General Frank 'G. Millard,
State PoliceCommissioner Donald
S. Leonard yesterday asked for a
grand jury investigation of Com-!
munism in Michigan as "the most
effective way to establish proof of
the adherents and practitioners of
* A -
Cross reported yesterday a sur-
vey of the tornado - ravaged
Sokith has disclosed that 238
persons died and 1,202 were in-
jured in the six-state disaster
last Friday.
* * *
WASHINGTON-Testifying yes-
terday on the Foreign Aid Bill,


South Africans Riot Against Malan

Riots erupted in several of explosive South Africa's cities this
week against the Apartheid advocating government of Prime Minister
Daniel F. Malan.
In Pretoria, Johannesburg and Capetown mobs clamored for
Malan's resignation as a result of his threat to curb the powers of
the South African Supreme Court because of its invalidation of his
pet Voter's Act.

out of approximately 12 million South Africans, only 2.5 million-the
white Europeans-have the right to vote.
In South Africa, anti-Malan organizations are split as to
what action to take. The African National Congress, a colored
group, plans to go ahead with a civil disobedience, campaign,
while Cyprian Solomon, the paramount chief of the Zulus, advo-
cated nlacing grievances before the proner authorities.


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