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March 25, 1952 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1952-03-25

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IFC's Bias
December went on record for a high-
sounding program of educational work to-
wards the removal of discriminatory clauses
from fraternities.
In the words of IFC's president, the so-
called Acacia Plan is "the fairest and most
constructive policy regarding the removal
of discriminatory clauses."
At that time, Harry Lunn, author of the
proposal; promised it would not be a do-
nothing policy, but rather a concrete plan of
non-coercive progress towards the removal
of bias clauses.
The Acacia Plan has been on the books
for three months-enough time to give a
fair indication of its practical operation. The
record is clear-perfectly clear. It's blank.
The Acacia motion promises an informa-
tion and counseling service to the fra-
ternities. After a fashion, there is one-the
discarded material of the study committee
and a file of Daily articles on the Group

SAC Plan

THE ANTI BIAS clause proposal scheduled
to go before President Hatcher and the
Board of Regents is only a faltering step in
the continuation of the Michigan Plan.
New campus organizations with bias
clauses will be denied recognition by SAC
through the definite power of the Michi-
gan Plan but existing groups can scarcely
be touched by the new proposal.
Last year's anti bias clause proposal stat-
ed.that by October of 1956 all organizations
still having bias clauses would be denied
recognition by SAC. But that proposal was
vetoed by outgoing President Ruthven last
spring. The present bruised and battered
plan lost the time limit in the process of
being abandoned by IFC and rescued again
by SL. Without the time limit it is half as
effective as its predecessor.
SAC has no specific power to make the
plan effective. It only states that SAC will
not recognize any campus group which has
bias clauses and isn't attempting to remove
them. Biased groups can report that they
are attempting to remove the clauses-and
keep reporting the same year after year.
SAC has to recognize them as long as they
are attempting.
In this way the proposal exists only as
a rambling fence through which biased
groups can easily slip. It points out the
University as a hypocritical institution.
Action is supposedly being taken to remedy
a bad situation when actually nothing is
being done. In its present form the anti-
bias clause proposal is nothing but good
intentions. Restoration of the time limit
will give it the power to defend itself.
-Carol Hershey
The Salesman
A MERICANS walk with lighter, more care-
free, step lately because of the benign
dispensation of a leading cigarette firm. We
had the stoop of our own shoulders lifted at
breakfast the other day when we spied our
benefactor's advertised permission to "stop
worrying about cigarrette irritation.*
So we did, it was as easy as that. Just
ignored the fool thing and turned to other
matters we'd been sort of neglecting lately,
like underarm odor, the ring around the
bathtub, several characteristics our friends
don't mention, and the future of mankind.
All this punctuated by a staccato, hacking
--Zander Hollander

Dynamics study of the bias problem. Thus
far, none of the houses have bothered look-
ing in the musty files-probably they've
forgotten about the existence of the "in-
formation and counseling service." The pres-
idents of the clause houses lave not been
told about the "service" or been encouraged
to look into the available material.
The plain fact is that IFC has not lifted
a finger towards implementing its "construc-
tive" plan.
At a recent Executive Council meeting,
the problem of whether to take an active
lead in informational and counseling service
was brought to the attention of the,group.
Observing that campus attention had been
focused elsewhere recently, the IFC leaders
decided to follow their traditional policy of
doing as little as possible.
Action on the Acacia proposal would pre-
sumably be carried out by the IFC Human
Relations Committee. Since the enactment
of the Acacia Plan, this committee has con-
sisted of one man-a chairman. No report
has been given by this "committee" since
the Acacia Plan's passage.
If total inactivity is "fair and construc-
tive", then it must be conceded that the
IFC is one of the fairest and most con-
structive bodies on campus.
But, many fraternity men expect from the
organization which represents them vig-
orous and positive leadership in solving from
within one of the most troublesome prob-
lems facing the fraternity system today.
They have a right to complain loudly that
the present drift in IFC policy is the worst
sort of sham and hypocrisy.
The composer of the Acacia resolution,
stated on this editorial page on December
14 that "There was no argument over the
fact that the clauses should be removed from
Michigan fraternity chapters ; . . The IFC
established a policy, then, and prepared
plans to carry 'out the provisions of its poli-
cy"-i. e. educational and counseling work
with clause houses.
Obviously, inactivity is not the intent of
the motion. This interpretation of it by
the IFC leaders has not made it the "large
stride in the right direction," its authors
hoped for, but rather a thinly disguised ex-
cuse to drop the issue-an interpretation
its writers would disavow.
The evidence is irrefutable. The evasion
of the intent of the motion is inexcusable.
Will the IFC ever have the courage of its
convictions? If the majority of the house
presidents agree with the present implemen-
tation of the Acacia Plan-and it must be re-
called it was passed by a slim margin under
highly questionable procedure,-then they
should pass a simple resolution embodying
the actual IFC policy, and renouncing all
further 'action on bias clause removal.
-Crawford Young

Dance Class
IT was obvious to those taking the masterj
class in modern dance from Jose Limon
last week that dance instruction at the Uni-
versity is painfully inadequate.
There is actually no dance department
here on campus. Classes in modern dance
are taught lnder the auspices of the
physical education department. Often the
teaching of these courses is taken over by
physical education majors who have no
real knowledge of the techniques of
modern dance. They know only what they
have learned through the classes taught
The practice of having students teach
class is common in the department. The
skills of basketball or volley ball can be
learned with less than a year of work. Un-
fortunately for those interested in learning
to dance, a year is not sufficient to make
even a fair dance teacher out of anyone.
Exceptions can be made to this, particularly
in the entire year, 8 hours a day are spent
in learning to dance, otherwise it is im-
Good dancers and good dance teachers
dedicate their entire lives to the profession.
Here, it is believed, blindly perhaps, that a
few courses, taught by an inadequate depart-
ment can make a dancer out of anyone.
Courses in modern dance composition
are also included in the list of dance
courses offered. These may be taken by the
student before he has a chance to acquire
any of the basic techniques. The excuse
given is "they are being taught to express
themselves." This is the same as request-
ing a child with no vocabulary to express
himself through speech.
On a campus of the size and reputation
of the University there should be an in-
dependent dance department taught by
teachers of quality and ability. A teacher
needn't be the finest dancer in the country,
indeed, many dance teachers never dance
for their classes. It is necessary, however,
for the teacher to have a strong background
in dance and to be able to teach it, with the
proficiency expected of a professional in any
Admittedly, it would be almost impos-
sible to draw such famous innovators as
Martha Graham, Jose Limon, Doris
Humphrey away from their schools and
work in New York, but there are many
young dancers without their own schools
and without big names, yet well known in
their field, who would be interested in a
situation that would permit them to con-
tinue with their own work, teach a re-
duced program, and have a steady income.
They would then have the same status
as a Composer or Author in Residence.
If such an arrangement could be made,
the Upiversity would have as fine a dance
department as any liberal arts school in the
--Jo Levine
Spring Fever
T HAPPENS all of a sudden like.
We pull down our coat collars and discover
dry necks.
We lift our heads slightly and notice peo-
ple have faces.
We lift our heads slightly more and no-
tice blue sky and sunshine are not just fic-
titious cliches.
We walk up marble steps to vaguely fam-
iliar classes and trip our sunbathers-we
come out of less vaguely familiar classes,
and become sunbathers.
All of a sudden we begin to walk about
aimless like and notice a couple of buds, a
shabby old robbin, that the Arb gate is open.
All of a sudden we wonder sort of. Why
blue books? Why grades? Why anything?

So its raining today. So it might snow
The birdies didn't come all the way from
Florida for nothing.
-Jan Winn
At The Michigan ..
Russell and Victor Mature.
This picture is not necessarily good.
Jane Russell is uu to her usual form. but
she fails to pull this one out of the fire--
she may even push a little. She uses up
her stock of facial expressions-mad, hap-
py, and nothing-in the first reel, and after
that there is not too much to distinguish
her from the rest of the scenery.
Victor Mature, who doesn't even man-
age to open his eyes all the way for this
picture, stumbles his way through love
scenes, sentimental bosh and a helicopter-
automobile chase to the death.
The whole thing turns out to be no more
than a large frame for la Russell to slink
around in; if that's what you want, take it.
A fifteen-minute short subject about col-
lege songs features the University Glee Club.
While the singing is enjoyable, the shots
of campuses across the country prove a little

Yi. f'


"If You're Going To Try To Win, I Won't Play

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SPONTANEITY is a wonderful ti....
Thursday night, for no appreciable rea-
son, some 2,000 students devoted six hours
and immeasurable energy to a wayward trek
from dormitory to dormitory in pursuit of
nothing. With absolutely no pushing from,
anyone, group spirit-which this campus
allegedly lacks completely - became the
keynote of the evening. t
On the other hand, for over a month,
major campus leaders have attempted to
arouse a sense of spirit, of competition with
Texas 'U', and rally students around to the
point of donating blood. The cause was
worthwhile, the drive backers were sincere,
yet, when the drive ended Friday, only a
little over 1,000 pints had been donated.
-Diane Decker

The Daily welcomes communications from its readers on matters of
general interest, and will publish all letters which are signed by the writer,
and in good taste. Letters exceeding 300 words in length, defamatory or
libelous letters, and letters which for any reason are not in good taste will
be condensed, edited or withheld from publication at the discretion of the


Washington M erry-GoRound
WASHINGTON - Defense Mobilizer Charles E. Wilson, the man
chiefly in charge of rearming the nation, has written a letter to
Sen. Lyndon Johnson of Texas, so far confidential, giving' the shock-
ing admission that he has no schedule for the armament program.
This is the equivalent of running a railroad without a timetable.
And it points to the probability that the President will have to get
a new mobilization chief or else let arms production continue in its
present bogged-down, helter-skelter condition.
When Wilson flew to Key West last December to discuss the arms
program with President Truman, he told the press that arms produc-
tion "was right up to our own schedules" and increasing at the rate
of $l.000,000,000 a month.
But Senator Johnson, chairman of the Senate Preparedness Sub-
committee, doubted this. He had previously warned that production
was lagging, which was one reason Wilson made his hurried trip to
Key West. So, following Wilson's statement, Senator Johnson wrote
the mobilizer and asking the pointed question: "What are your produc-
tion schedules?"
Oh Feb. 21, Mobilizer Wilson replied in a brief but revealing
letter. Slightly paraphrased, it read:
"I presume you are referring to my statement to the press at
Key West .. . the word 'schedules' was not meant to be taken literally
. As a result, my meaning was misunderstood. I meant to say that
the military production is keeping up to my expectations."
In this confession, Wilson revealed the amazing fact that he has
no military production goals. He also revealed the basic reason why
aluminum is now "running out of our ears," and why there is so
much steel on hand that the steel industry privately woul just as
soon have a strike in order to use up the surplus.
In other words new raw-material plants were set up without any
co-ordinated scheduling with military production.
* * *1 *
ON TOP OF THIS, the military program is bogged down far worse
than the public realizes. To illustrate, here are some shocking facts
that the enemy already knows about, but which the American people
1.In Korea today the Communists are firing twice as many
artillery rounds as we are. Obviously they are well supplied, while
our troops have to hold back. In fact, we are so short of shells that
the Army has given shells priority over anything else.
2. The only jet fighter plane we have equal to the Russian MIG is
the F-86 Sabrejet. Yet Russia is now producing MIGs at the rate of
3,500 a year while we are producing Sabrejets at the rate of only 200
a year. In other words, Russia is outproducing us at the rate of 18 to 1.
3. According to our estimates, the combined airplane production
of the United States, England, France and all other NATO countries
is not equal to Russian plane production and will not be for another
4. Russia now has a combat air force of 20,000 planes, over half
of them up-to-the-minute jets. Probably we have a bigger total
force when it comes to bombers and transport planes, but we are
about 50 per cent below Russia when it comes to combat planes and
jet fighters.
5. Russia has about 10,000 planes in mothballs, ready for an
emergency. We have only 8,000 planes in mothballs, and since we have
run out of spare parts of these older planes, we are now cannibalizing
the mothball planes in order to get parts.
6. We have sent Europe less than half the military supplies we
promised one year ago, NATO was organized on the theory that
Europe would supply the men, we would supply the material. I
But though we have supplied men-despite a huge unemploy-
ment problem in some parts of Europe-We have fallen down on
supplying planes, tanks, weapons. It is our recent about-face and the
demand that Europe supply more material that has disrupted
European economies and led to the government crisis in France.
These are some of the facts that the American public doesn't
realize; also why American industry suddenly finds itself with surplus
aluminum and more surplus steel at a time when materials were
supposed to be tighter than ever.
** * *
THE PENTAGON has just received an intelligence report, regarded
as highly reliable, that Russia plans to cut off Manchuria from
Communist China and set it up as a separate Soviet state. This would
strip China of its richest province, checkrein its growing military
might and keep it under subjugation as a Russian-communist vassal
It is no secret that the Kremlin is uneasy about China's surge
to power, and that Stalin personally doesn't trust the wily Chinese
communist dictator Mao Tse-Tung. The Korean war has not only
strengthened Mao at the expense of Russian equipment, but also
has made him a popular communist hero. As a result, Stalin sees
in Mao a possible Chinese frankenstein who might eventually chal-
lenge Russian supremacy.
To block this, the Kremlin has cooked up the scheme of setting
up a rival dictatorship in Manchuria and splitting Mao's strength in
half. The powerful jet air force and Russian military stocks, now
based in Manchuria, would probably go on to the new Manchurian
However, Mao is reported to have got wind of the Soviet scheme

and is rushing trusted political lieutenants to Manchuria to take
over the political reins. At the same time, his agents are keeping
close watch on the military stockpile in Manchuria, though the air
force is still under Rnsian control.

Tel heeeeee ...
To the Editor:
WAS perambulating Observa-
tory Street last Thursday night.
At about 9:30 p.m., a group of co-
eds, whose team formation resem-
bled that of the Minnesota for-
ward wall, came from out of an
orange colored sky and charged
violently towards the New Wom-
en's Dormitory. One waved a pair
of gentleman's unmentionables
and shouted "Weee! Look what I
got from the South Quad."
Five minutes later, a disorg-
anized group of male students ran
frantically from the New Women's
Dormitory. Many were gleefully
waving various foundation gar-
ments and one shouted, "Wow!
Look what I got from the fourth
floor of Alice Lloyd."
I paused for a few moments and
reflected. Where else but in Amer-
ica can something like this
-E. Sterling Sader
* * *
GOP Convention .. .
To the Editor:
JT SEEMS that Zander Hollander
is running true to form in his
editorial "Republican Convention".
It is another jumble of misrepre-
ented reporting that some of us
have grown to expect from Mr.
He claims "This was the glar-
ing disparity between the vote of
the 50 delegates who turned
thumbs down on a motion endors-
ing Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower
for the GOP nomination, and the
more than a hundred delegates
and spectators who applauded the
motion wildly when placed on the
floor." Therefore, Mr. Hollander
infers, we should have adopted'
the resolution. The facts however
are that the meeting was filled full
of people that Mr. Cargo brought
with him precisely for that pur-
pose, i. e. to railroad the resolu-
tion through. The delegates, and
not Mr. Cargo's crowd, represent
the country, 'and it was they who
voted against the resolution. I
hope Mr. Hollander does not wish
to imply that if a person is 'able
to get wildly cheering friends to
a meeting that what they want
should be passed. It might also be
wise to point out that it was one
of the delegates who requested
that the spectators be quiet so the
actual sense of the coiwention
might be felt.
No one (or certainly not many
people) had dny objection to Mr.
Cargo's resolution of racial and
religious equality of opportunity.
That is why it was left on~ the
books. However, Mr. Cargo had
absolutely no right to be a dele-
gate at the convention. Cargo was
not- ruled out on a technical
irregularity but rather for good
reason. No one can be a delegate
from his district unless he has
either been elected as such or
appointed alternate from that
district. Mr. Cargo was neither
elected nor appointed alternate.
He claimed that he had spokendto
a delegate from Manchester and
he gave him his oral o. k. for him
to be a delegate. However under
longstanding rules of the conven-
tion no delegate can assign his
vote in absentia. In order for Mr.
Cargo to have been a delegate, a
Manchester delegate would have
had to have been at the conven-
tion. There was no Manchester
delegate there. In other words,
Cargo, had no more right to be a
delegate to the convention than I,
as a spectator, had.
-Ned B. Simon
* * *
Psychology 31 ..,
WEDNESDAY, a disillusioning
experience, which unfortu-
nately is a typical manifestation

of the class-room attitude of too
many American students, has
made us think even more poorly
of the U of M student.
Wednesday, during the time
that Dr. Heyns usually devotes to
psychology 51. he permitted Dr.
Lebow to spe'ak to the lecture
class about participating in a
group dynamics project. When Dr.
Lebow had finished speaking at
2:40, Dr. Heyns began to give his
lecture. He was greeted by hisses
and boos. He started to speak
again, and again he received the
same greeting. Most of the class
evidently expected to be dis-
missed then. Abruptly putting
away his lecture material, he was
halted by some encouragement
from the class, and asked for a
concensus of opinion. Upon receiv-
ing a mixture of "yesses" and
"nos," he compromised and said
he would lecture for only 10 min-
utes. There was still some grum-
bling in the auditorium, but he did
continue to lecture for 10 minutes.
Dr. Heyns, far more lenient than
most professors here, has patiently
waited till 12 minutes past the

professor who has been more than
fair in his relationship to the stu-
dents. Perhaps Dr. Heyns wasn't
hurt, but we feel hurt for him,
and ashamed of ouselves as mem-
bers of that lecture class.
It seems that students who sup-
posedly come to this University
for an education, do their best to
avoid getting that education.
-Sandra Gotshalk
SDA Policy .. .
To the Editor:
A CAMPUS-WIDE distribution
of an excerpt from the Con-
gressional Record, quoting the
text of the Students for Democra-
tic Action Bill of Rights for Stu-
dents, is currently underway. The
Bill states forthright attitudes on
particular questions of student po-
litical and governmental rights
and needs.
T h e statement opposes "a
spoon-fed educational program,"
and declares that "totalitarian
dogmas can be defeated openly
and fairly without the curtailment
of the political liberties of their
In generalized reference to the
present campus effort to lift Lec-
ture Committee curbs on political
expression, this national state-
ment demands that student or-
ganizations be "free to invite and
hear on campus speakers of their
own choice."
The SDA "views with apprehen-
sion the increase of unwarranted
restrictions placed by many col-
lege administrations and State
legislatures upon thesrights of stu-
dents to organize groups ... (and)
to hear speakers of their own
choice." Students should "resist
infringements on these rights by
State legislatures."
The SDA National Bill of Rights
urges popularly elected student
government. It comments on press
freedom, faculty advisers, work-
ing students' rights, and other vi-
tal campus issues.
The Congressional Record ex-
cerpt is lengthy, but it is worth-
while and incisive. All members
of the academic community, stu-
dent, faculty, and administrative,
ought read it carefully, and,
wherever possible, follow it close-
ly. ,
--Ted Friedman
President; Students
for Democratic Ac-
Seat Takers ..
To the Editor:
I WOULD personally like to ex-
tend my thanks to the house-
mothers and other "elders" who
annexed some 20 center balcony
seats for the Senior Night perfor-
mance of JGP and refused to move
even when the seniors who held
those seats showed them their
ticket stubs.
Their utter rudeness should re-
ceive a standing ovation from all
those absolutely devoid of man-
-Ber Miench
Oath for Mob .. .
To the Editor:
SUGGEST that the University
compel every student to reply
under oath to a questionnaire
which will reveal whether he was
one of the hoodlums who partici-
pated in mob demonstration on
March 20. Let trespassers be
turned over to the civil authorities
for prosecution. Innocent people
should welcome a questionnaire
which will expose criminals.
-Edward March
a r



Odets. At the

THE MOON, by Clifford
Arts Theatre Club.

It's a play studded with the poetry of
people's speech, the terror of seemingly or-
dinary people living their seemingly ordin-
ary lives. Odets takes the essence of each
of our lives and rolls it up into a fierce work
of art. And the Arts Theater Club has re-
vealed the creative power of the playwright
in a production that is one of the finest,in
its history.
The Club has again proved that plays
aren't "dated" simply. because they are
concerned with problems whose details
are no longer troubling us. The basic
difficulties of men and women trying to
live in health and dignity in society are
problems that are always with us, and it
is this fundamental concern that is the
universal appeal of "Rocket to the Moon."
It is not simply a play about the frustra-
tions of dentists in New York during the
It is, much more, an affirmation of peo-
ple's unquenchable thirst for beauty and
goodness in the face of their own inadequacy
and despair and ignorance. It is a play
about the torment of reaching freedom
through the total acceptance and affirma-
tion of necessity.
Even the emotionally stunted dentist's
wife can cry out, "A woman wants to live
with a man, not next to him." They want

and elemental, but otherwise she was the
very prototype of the modern shrew as the
dentist's "credit-manager" wife. In the minor
roles, Harry Elton gives a fine demonstra-
tion of the selfish joylessness of American
promiscuity, Strowan Robertson is better
than usual but should be more careful not
to throw away the lines of his wonderful
speech beginning with "Love is a jumping
off place," and Bob Lanning, who also di-
rected, is responsible (as actor) for one
of the greatest moments in the production,
although his big speech in that scene, "If
only they invented hydrants in the streets
which give out milk and honey!" seemed too
It has been suggested that there are
"hints" in this play of "Death of a Sales-
man" and "Born Yesterday". But the ob-
verse of that statement has more validity:
the two latter plays contain hints of
"Rocket to the Moon". For Ben Stark,
Odets' hero, is a better, more deeply
realized man than Willy Loman. Rejecting
the temptations of money and romantic
love so that he can struggle to face his
real self, Ben understands, however dimly,
the false values that threaten the emer-
gence of wholeness and integration in
American life. And it is a funnier play
than "Born Yesterday" because its humor
bubbles up out of the despair its charac-
ters, as an antidote for that despair. Cleo
Singer, the dentist's attractive secretary,


Sixty-Second Year
Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board of Control of
Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
Chuck Eiliott.......Managing Editor
Bob Keith................ City Editor
Leonard Greenbaum, Editorial Director
Vern Emerson ..........Feature Editor
Ron Watts ........Associate Editor
Bob Vaughn ..........Associate Editor
Ted Papes..............Sports Editor
George Flint .'...Associate Sports Editor
Jim Parker .. . ..Associate Sports Editor
Jan James ..... Women's Editor
Jo Ketelhut, Associate Women's Editor
Business Staff
Bob Miller ...........Business Manager
Gene Kuthy, Assoc. Business Manager
Charles Cuson ....Advertising Manager
Milt Goetz...... .Circulation Manager




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