Monday, February 11, 1952 T HE MI CH IGA N D A ILY Page Eleven SL'S ANTI-BIAS, HONETSL Daring, Surprise Decision Made By ARDY VARK Special to The Daily ALTO, Mich.--The Student Legature, by a convincing 19-21 count, early this morning aligned itself with the forces of anti-discrimination. In a boldly controversial move, the Ligature passed a resolution, which reads: "The Student Ligature is against discrimination." The measure was introduced by SL president L'm Pillbox, '49er, who cast the decisive votes. The meeting, which was held in the vacated dining room of Alto High School under 9SIL' new "tour-the-country" po-< * * ** icy, was sparked by 29 seconds of heated debate before members r taok the long-heralded step which, in effect, puts SL in opposition to dscriminatory practices. 'Procreation' Again in Offing The Mid-Winter edition of Pro- creation, the campus humor mag- The Mid-Wintcr edition ss a azine, will be sold tomorrow by vi- burlesque, a parody, a take-off, a vacious young coeds all over cam- satire, on everything that's new in pus, Dan Hopeless, managing edi- the Arts. tor, told anxious reporters yester- "We have poetry that's so unin- day. telligible it makes sense and stories "This time it's more hysterical so sparklingly obscene you'll roar than ever," Hopeless promised, with laughter even while blush- chuckling aimlessly while balanc- ing," Hopeless said, a slow smile ing himself on his left ear. lighting the left side of his face. 1Aw HOWEVER, Pillbox emphasized tkat SL is not committed to ac- tively oppose any specific instances of discrimination. Although only seven legislators were physically able to make the trip to Alto, a special "out-of- town" quorum, established last week by the National Student Ac-. tivity, was attainei. The new ruling, called OOT by parliamentarians, requires te presiding officer to throw the dice at the beginning of a meeting outside a college com- 'unity. The quorum is auto- matically set by the results of the seventh roll. Vfeanwhile, in Rochester. Mich., temhers of the Supreme Court of Males, contacted at an abandoned house five miles outside the me- tropolis, said they would look into charges of alleged irregularities in the SL action. Josephine Meringue, '69, who a ompanied one of the SCM members to the University-sanc- tioned gathering, said her date SPORTING GOODS 624 Su t Ma det Poanea2 we ma4e it 624 South Main Street Phone 2-4407 SL MEETS IN ALTO'S PUBLIC THRONE ROOM r a unable to intelligibly comment j at present but he was planning to investigate the situation when the get-together terminated 72 hours later. However she did say, "I kn w Jimmie don't give a hoot about OOT." SEVERAL SL members dis- agreed with the final tabulation, of votes inasmuch as they weren't present. Pillbox said Secretary Robbin Bobbin, 'Ibid, recorded all 40 of the votes because of the im- portance of the action. Miss Bobbin chirped, "Knowing all the fellas and gals as I do, I'm sure they would have voted that way." However, a wire from the Lan- sing offices of former SLegis- lator Tom Peeping, 'OOL, indi- eating the 19-21 vote meant the motion had not passed. Peeping eited 14 dissenting opinions of the New York State Narcotics Commission during the early New Deal period which he said sulported his view. On the other hand, Pillbox said, As, interpret parliamentary pro- edure, in a tie vote the president etermines the outcome." Inform- d had already voted five times d there was no tie, Pillbox said, 'A new organization is bound to Im some mistakes." IN HIS speech from the throne efote final passage, Pillbox said, 'As your president, I find myself orally obligated not to commit mysblf on this issue in any man- ner, shape, color or form. How- ver, I consider it my constitu- ional duty to point out certain onsequences of your votes." Winking surreptitiously toward he oyal Court of Regents seated the rear of the room wearing 'Pigt Discrimination" signs, Pill- x continued, "I don't want to fluence your vote, but, as on any estion, there is only one correct ay to cast it." As the 30-piece marching band f 'the NSA Anti - Prejudice ague launched into "You've otta Accentuate the Positive," illiox sat back triumphantly. Daily reporter Merwin Dung was ro n out of the meeting when insisted there was a typograph- al error in the resolution. 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