A THE MICHIGAN DAILY SATURDAY, MARCH 22, _______________________________ S __________________________________ U N _____________________________________________________ a I I I I Riot. OCCASIONALLY, you meet up with something so outrageous that you are struck dumb in the face of it. Thursday night's revel is an excellent example. It defies flippant treatment, at the same time making moral condemna- tion seem stupid by its very obviousness. It is the sort of happening that makes one turn to-the psychologists and sociolo- gists for explanations, for anything to slide the whole matter off into the realm of impersonal science.' Somehow, though, it isn't as easy as all that. We are left with the conflict- ing pictures of a night of rioting, the earlier, funny stages slowly changing as the night went on into unpleasant dem- onstrations of near-viciousness, pic- tures of supposedly mature students acting as something worse.than chil- dren. Coalesced, these impressions leave one hard core: the University of Michigan can no longer boast of an entirely res- ponsible, intelligent student body. This fact will be planted solidly in the backs of thousands of minds: of parents, Re- gents, faculty-and all those others who will hear of the incident and wonder why it happened. The result? It will be quite a while before students can again hon- estly ask for responsibility, or to criticize parallel juvenility without hypocrisy. -Chuck Elliott Religion Class BY ESTABLISHING A department of re- ligion the University would be correct- ing a major deficiency in its program. Religion touches our lives every day in some form; we could not get away from it if we tried. Therefore, it seems illogical that so widespread a subject should be so neglected at one of the country's leading educational institutions. Yet Michigan lags far behind many col- leges in this field. There is no course the student can take to gain a better understanding of his faith. There is no means by which the student can get an idea of the bases of other religions. Local church classes fail to supply the need for objective instruction in the bases of religion. The one-sided view presented In such a class where everyone is of the same faith tends to drive the outsider away. He is hesitant to take instruction with the church members merely to learn about that particular faith. A classroom approach could effectively solve this problem. The classroom course would be taught from a more objective point of view because of the mixed beliefs of the students. There would be a more unrestrain- ed exchange of opinion and a feeling of be- ing in an unprejudiced, free-thinking group which would not be present in the church class. Instituting such a selection of courses would necessitate some kind of a credit program. Many students would be pre- vented from taking the courses by a lack of time, unless they could gain scholas- tically. This could be easily accomplished by giving distribution credit for a religious course much as credit is given for philoso. phy, or by allowing it to be used as a cog- nate to various programs in the field of social science. University officials should consider a de- partment of religion. Itf would correct a basic inconsistency and coordinate the cur- riculum more fully with the student's life. -Joyce Fickies The Murals ALTHOUGH DIEGO RIVERA is a com- munist, his work should not be con- fiscated for the supposed welfare of the pub- lie. The Mexican government made its mis- takes with Rivera by attempting to sup- press his commissioned work and succeed- ed, only in creating a loud controversy. But in the meantime Detroit must fol- low suit. Councilman and ex-mayor Eugene I. Ant- werp, who admits that "I do not like mo- dern art-I cannot understand it," intro- duced a resolution in Detroit's Common Council to take down Rivera's murals in tlhe Detroit Art Institute. Antwerp also admits that he doesn't know what communist symbolism is or how to look for it and yet claims that Rivera's mur- al is full of communist symbolism. For fear of exposing an alien thought to the very democratic city of Detroit he advocates sa- crificing a fine work of art. This is not the way to prove Rivera's theories are wrong. Suppression never proved an idea wrong yet. Every idea, par- ticularly one as powerfully expressed as Rivera's, has a right to be heard and seen. In a country that claims to stand for freedom of speech, freedom of the press-- freedom of thought, this incident is deplor- able. Our next step will be the burning of Karl Marx's books. -Carol Hershey New Books at the Library ... Bolles, Blair-How to Get Rich in Wash- ington. New York, W. W. Norton & Co., Tnn 105 Rushing Rules LAST WEEK, THE Interfraternity Council approved a plan permitting men to rush and pledge for the entire semester (with the exception of a two week "dedd period" di- rectly after formal rushing). Three weeks ago, IFC passed a rule waiving the minimum scholastic require- ments for rushing and pledging. These two measures will increase the num- ber of men rushing and give the fraternities larger pledge classes. It is obvious that there is a shortage of neophytes. This is partly a result of certain attitudes on the part of a few members of the system. Another factor is the Korean War. Undoubtedly there are students who do not wish to pledge because of the possibility of induction. The fraternities are being squeezed. Un- less there are enough members in house groups, living costs rise to prohibitive amounts. But the attempt to alleviate the situation by lengthening rushing and dropping standards can easily result in the following evils, as the fraternities themselves admit. (1) The smaller houses feel that the large fraternities will have an unfair advantage in this rushing period because of their size. They would be able t'o contact more men more often. However, it is possible that they wouldn't need to as much as the small ones. 2) House activities would have to be drop- ped or curtailed because of the constant rushing. This would defeat one of the pri- mary purposes of a fraternity. 3)Most important, from the rushees point of view, would be the constant har- assment all semester. With no contact limitations, those considered highly de-- sirable would be subjected to continual pressure and eternal salesmanship. As a result, many would undoubtedly join, in- .fluenced by pretty words, not reason. The system can pull itself out of the hole only by making fraternity life more attrac- tive. Unless the plan is changed, fraternity life will become even less attractive, pushing the system deeper into trouble. Such a re- sult would be detrimental both to the fra- ternities and to the campus. -John Somers DORIS FLEESON: Truman's. Pdress WASHINGTON-President Truman's urge for self-expression and self-justifica- tion is now amply on view in the William Hillman book, "Mr. President." It must have agreeably surprised Mr. Hilman when he uncovered it early in his negotiations with the President. It has transformed what would have been just another tIcture book about the White House into a controversial historical do- cument that certainly should be a best seller. Whose fault is it that Mr. Truman was so dissatisfied with the portrait of him af- forded by the various channels of public information during his presidency? There is at least one opinion that it is largely his own fault for tolerating the sus- picious mediocrity of the Truman staff. In this respect, among others, the President has been badly served throughout his ten- ure both by his press office and by other aides. They did more than keep him from an easy informality, if not intimacy, with the great numbers of writers and commenta- tors with whom it is not too difficult in Washington to develop mutually helpful friendships of convenience. Most of the Truman circle-with some honorable ex- ceptions--have been belittlers and what the Irish call "ferninsters." No critic was ever met halfway nor any attempt made to disarm him. Information tending to show the President in a more favorable light than the first heat of con- troversy indicated has had to be' dug out of the White House with a bulldozer. The President complains in his book that editors throw mud all year and then think they should be hugged and kissed when they make one favorable statement. The answer to that is: look who's talking. Mr. Truman feels aggrieved at much that has been written about him and his af- fairs. Yet efforts to clear the record have had to come from the enterprise of indi- vidual reporters who usually, were snub- bed for their pains at the White House. And when they succeeded, anyway. Mr. Truman's reaction was that for once of course they were right. The same aides who have insulated the President and iced his relations with many reporters possess no talent of their own for building up their chief's public relations. They are apparently afraid to make friends among the press in any number; they have no imagination and no humor with which to create a Truman legend. The sad part is that they have had a lot to work with in the Harry Truman disclosed in the informal memoranda and letters of. "Mr. President." There are wry spots in the new volume for which the currently most famous Missourian need not apologize to another writing Missourian, Mark Twain. Mr. Truman's first press secretary, the late Charles Ross, was an old friend and completely loyal to his boss but he was y.nvnno frm +.haar rvno Un npwn , MATTER OF FACT By JOSEPH and STEWART ALSOP WASHINGTON - A sullen surface calm now reigns in Egypt. The same sort of calm reigned in Iran a little more than a year ago, before the assassination of then Premier Razmara sparked the crisis which still threatens the whole Middle East. And the parallel is a deadly one. For another explosion of the most dangerous kind is sure to come soon in Egypt, in the view of the most experienced observers, unless the curi- ous, lethargic paralysis which has afflicted Western policy in the Middle East ever since the war can somehow be shaken off. King Farouk of Egypt is capable of act- ing with decision, as he proved when he courageously dismissed the corrupt, fan- atic-ridden government of Premier Na- has Pasha during the bloody rioting last January. Yet now the King is frightened, and he has reason to be. For the first time, the powerful Wafd party of Nahas Pasha has become openly anti-royalist. Farouk and his able, honest new Premier, Hilaly Pasha, are being lump- ed together with the British as the enemies of Egypt. If the Wafd, the only organized political party in Egypt, again takes power, Farouk is doomed. So, for that matter, is any chance of reaching a reasonable agree- ment between Egypt and the West. There is just one way by which the ground can be cut out from under the Wafd, and that is by at least reasonably successful negotiation between the new Egyptian government and the British. "The crucial moment will come," one of these reporters wrote from Cairo last au- tumn, "when the present government (of Nahas Pasha), discredited by its own im- potence, can safely- be replaced by King Farouk. Any new government will be quite literally the last chance for the West. THE CRUCIAL moment has come, and the government of Hilaly Pasha is almost certainly "the last chance for the West." If it is ever to be possible to reach any sort of rational agreement with the Egyptians, it should be possible now, when moderate and reasonable men, at least by Middle Eastern standards, control the Egyptian government. Yet nothing is done. There are various reasons why nothing is done. Farouk, fearful of the reaction of his Wafdist enemies, fears to permit Hi- laly to enter into negotiations. Sir Ralph Stephenson, British Ambassador in Cairo, and his able American opposite number, Jefferson Caffery, have been urging that the British nevertheless take the initiative. But the British commander on the spot, Gen. Sir John Erskine, inclines to the simple military solution; before Farouk dismissed Nahas, Erskine had detailed plans for occupying Alexandria and Cairo If Farouk failed to act. Aside from its explosive political implica- tions, the trouble with this sort of simple solution is that the British themselves have estimated that it would require a permanent garrison of between 60,000 and 70,000 Bri- tish troops to occupy all Egypt. This would knock the planned British contribution into a cocked hat. Even so, the Pentagon rather inclines to the Erskine view. * * * THE BRITISH Foreign Office, moreover, is under; extreme pressure from the Con- servative party's own back-benchers to "stand firm" against the Egyptians. And the Foreign Office is inclined to hope that somehow Farouk and Hilaly ?asha can keep the Wafd under control by using the "cor- ruption issue" against it Since corruption is the normal state of affairs in the Egyp- tian government, and always has been, this seems a forlorn hope. As for the State De- partment, it suffers as usual from divided counsel. The European division would like simply to "leave it up to the British," while the Middle East experts generally agree with Stephenson and Caffery that something must be done if disaster is to be avoided. The question remains, of course, wheth- er it is possible to reach rational agree- ment even with the government of Far- ouk and Hilaly. Some sort of Western in- fluence and Western power must be main- tained in Egypt and the Middle Eastsgen- erally. But Egyptian adherence to the Mid- dle East Defense Command automatically ensures the availability of the Western alliance of bases in Egypt. And, as Foreign Secretary Anthony Eden has more than implied, Western strength in the Middle East need not necessarily take the form of tens of thousands of British troops per- manently stationed on Egyptian soil. It may indeed be impossible to negotiate reasonably even with the present moderale Egyptian government. It will not be easy under any circumstances. But surely it is worth a serious try. A little foresight, com- bined with a sense of timing and a feeling for the realities of the situation, might rather easily have prevented the Iranian crisis. A worse Egyptian crisis may still be averted in the san way, although with much difficulty. But it is already very late. (Copyright, 1952, New York Herald Tribune, Inc.) In every democracy, old and new, there is this conflict between executive and legisla- tive power, embittered now because while the executive sees the need for trying new paths in international organization, parlia- ments and political parties are inclined to "You Mean These Aren't Enough?" Xette/'4 TO THE EDITOR The Daily welcomes communications from its readers on matters of general interest, and will publish all letters which are signed by the writer and in good taste. Letters exceeding 300 words in length, defamatory or libelous letters, and letters which for any reason are not in good taste will be condensed, edited or withheld from publication at the discretion of the editors. 1147, op- Mii'lllr WNlNpdNiN "1 YM 7 I n a f f s f a a C e a a r. r a k i '1 ti ON THE Washington Mery-GoRound WASHINGTON-Politics wasn't mentioned during the backstage debate on bringing General Eisenhower home, but -it hung over almost every word of the discussion. Except with a handful of senators, the real question-the security of Europe-was lost sight. of. Here is the background story of the debate over bringing Ike back from Paris. Well before the New Hanipshire primary, President Truman sent word to Eisenhower through Averell Harriman, inviting him back to Washington to testify on aid to Europe. This was at a time when Eisen-I hower supporters were wringing their hands over the danger of his defeat and privately urging Ike to come'home. Truman's plan to bring Ike home, therefore, dovetailed right into the plans of Senators Lodge and Duff and Governor Dewey. Until New Hampshire, they were strong for it. But suddenly, after Ike's victory in New Hampshire, they had a change of heart. Suddenly they figured their man could win without coming back to the U.S.A. Suddenly also they decided that the risk of having Ike testify on the controversial question of foreign aid was such that he should remain in Paris. That was why Senator Lodge, the Eisenhower campaign manager., voted by proxy in the foreign relations committee to keep Ike in Paris; also why Smith of New Jersey, an Eisenhower Republican, did likewise. ** * * GEORGE SAYS NO No MATTER WHAT you think of Harry Truman, however, in this case involving the all-important questioni of foreign policy, he played the game straight. Truman's main idea is to get foreign aid passed. I Having already invited Eisenhower to come home and testify, he assumed this would be done. So also did the Joint Chiefs of Staff, who, until last weekend, were making plans for Ike's arrival. However, some White House advisers thought it would be more diplomatic to have the two congressional committees which must pass on foreign aid extend the official invitation to Eisenhower rather than have the President "order" him back. So Senator McMahon of Connecticut, one of the ablest administra- tion leaders in the Senate, picked up the ball and demanded that the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, of which he is a member, ex- tend the invitation. When the vote came up in a closed-door session, however, politics obviously dominated the debate. Senator George of Geargia led the drive to block Ike's return, probably because George, is strongly in favor of cutting the mutual-security funds; also, though a Democrat, friends say that he leans toward Taft for President. Though George cooperates with his Georgia colleague, Senato Russell, there never has been too much love lost between them. Significantly, both groups of Republicans were against having Ike return. The pro-Taft Republicans feared Ike might make political hay by winning over the congressional committee; while the pro- Eisenhower Republicans figured there was no use taking the chance of having their man get mixed up in the foreign-aid controversy. FRANK REPORTS ON ARGENTINA. THE SURPRISING PROMOTION of Manhattan businessman Ells- worth P. Bunker from his first diplomatic assignment as Am- bassador in Buenos Aires to envoy in Rome is due to the fact that Bunker sent more real facts home from Argentina than did his three predecessors put together. Thanks to the Ambassador's very plain talking in confidential reports, not only to the State Department but also to N.Y. business and banking groups of which he is a member, U.S. government and commercial circles now seem to understand just what Juan Peron's regime stands for. Despite everything that has happened during the six years of the glib Gaucho's dictatorship-ruthless suppression of civil rights and freedom of the press, plus totalitarian economic policies-most people in Washington's foggy bottom and on Wall Street have kept on behav- ing as if Peron was really a "right guy" who just acted tough for home consumption. Ambassadors George Messersmith and Stanton Griffis all helped keep that myth alive by leaning over backward to be cordial to the Peron, and acting like Juan and Evita's paid press agents every time they returned home on leave. Most important, those envoys said nothing in t eir confiden- tial reports to temper or modify that public attitude. Even when writing only for their chiefs' eyes, they hewed to the line that the Argentine tyrant was really a sheep in wolf's clothing and could be usefully cultivated by pats on the back andfat financial hand- outs. The climactic result of this wild theory was the $125,000,000 in cash and credits-largest single postwar grant to any Latin-American country-which Peron received through the Export-Import bank and a group of private financiers in 1950. Fantastically enough, 70 per cent of that loan was earmarked for repayment of sums confisacted by the Argentine government from U.S. business firms during the previous four years. Even so, it was seriously approved as a "sound" investment. -What that term meant was that the loan's sponsors believed it would make Peron more tractable and easy to do business with, but it hasn't. And, during the past 10 months, the State Depart- ment has been getting plenty of evidence on that score from Am- bassador Bunker. To the Editor: E: "Muscovite Michigan" printed in Wed. March 19, 1952 Daily. I very much resent the use of my name in your editorial by you and by one "Fulton Lewis, Jr." I feel that this is libelous and de- famatory of my character. The statements made about me are false and I am willing to sign affidavits, oaths, pledges, protesta- tions, peace treaties and even appear before the Un-American Committee (with or without tel- evision), and I hereby disaffirm Miss Hendleman's and Mr. Lewis' accusations. "The ripest example (of Red activities at universities) at the moment, is at the University of Michigan, where Muscovite stooges are concentrating on the student body with a barrage of Kremlin- inspired baloney." In the first place, I am not "Red" nor are any of the fellows with whom I may trayel. Secondly, I am under the im- pression that a Daily policy is not to mention color. Thirdly, my friends and anyone with whom I may travel resent being called "stooges". Fourthly, I am not "concentrat- ing on the student body", my academic field of concentration is philosophy and my social con- centration is on female type stu- dents. Lastly but not leastly, I don't care for baloney, nor for very many other types of sausage or similiarly stuffed objects. -Seymour Muskevitz To the Editor: WE OF THE central committee for the local United Jewish Appeal campaign want to take this opportunity to thank the Daily and the many individuals who are at present cooperating with us either by publicizing or by solicit- ing for the drive. The success of the two week fund raising campaign now under- way on the campus and through- out the country is of vital impor- tance. Some of the funds raised will go toward putting new immi- grants to this country "on their feet" and starting them on their way to becomning loyal' and ambi- tious contributors to the American Way of Life. Another large por- tion of the contributions will go to the young State of Israel where a successful but still uncompleted effort is being made to help the newcomers settle down and be- come useful and productive citi- zens. Their appreciation of the marvelous support which they are receiving from the people of the United States will go a long way toward the assurance that the people of Israel can be depended upon to remain a friendly bulwark of democracy ,in the vital Middle East. These are a few of the reasons why we so appreciate the coopera- tion which is being given the drive; and why, by the same token, we urge all those who agree with us about its worthwhileness to con- tribute toward its success. -Gloria Krigsten -Sue Popkin -Fred Keidan -Bud Schwartz -Ray Slavin the central committee SFTBUA KDSMFPMR To the Editor: PLEAS4 ANNOUNCE that the Neafus Club now has a recent- ly added sub-chapter-The SFT- BUAKDSMFPMR (or The Society for the Building UP and Knocking Down of Straw Men xor the Pres- ervation of Minority Itight& . "Genocide" is the current straw man. We must admit the racial preju- dice in this country, the fact that it needs abolishment; we have made great progress in the last 15 years with a row of Supreme Court decisions hitting at segregation . and other inequalities. In fact w have made so, much progress that the Communists in the country have become alarmed; they are losing' one of their is- sues- so they determined to keep it alive. In short, the ward has come to the Communist Cells in the US- "Fan race prejudice - keep it alive; then when you stir it up, rise up in seeming wrath." Of course in most cases differ- ent cells are assigned to the "building up" of the straw, man, and others to the "knocking down." (Otherwise people who are genuinely interested in minority rights might catch on.) Of course inconsistency of po- sition is . something that never bothers the Communists; to ques- tion such an order would be "Chauvenistic D e v i a t i o n ism" (thinking for themselves)-and that is the worst sin of which a party member can be guilty. -Beecher F. Russell i #, °a I: d Y [DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN The Daily Official Bulletin is an official publication of the University of Michigan for which the Michigan Daily assumes no editorial responsi- bility. Publication in It is construc- tive notice to all members of the University. Notices should be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 2552 Administration Building before 3 p.m. the day preceding publication (11 a.m. on Saturday). SATURDAY,, MARCH 22, 1952 1 VOL. XII, No. 120 Academic Notices Seminar in Complex Variables. Mon., March 24, 3 p.m., 247 W. Engineering. Mr. Osborn will begin the discussion of the Fabry Theorems. Preliminary Ph.D. Examinations in Economics: Theory examinations will be given on Thursday and Friday, April 24 and 25. The examinations in other subjects will be given on Monday, Tues- day, ,and Wednesday, April 28, .29, and 30. Each student planning to take these examinations should leave with the Secretary of the Department not later than Wednesday, March 26, his name, the three fields in which he desires to be examined, and his field of special- ization. Doctoal Examination for Mohamed Ezzeldin Hilmy, Mineralogy; thesis: "structural Crystallographic Relation Between Sodium Sulfate and Potassium Sulfate and Some Other Synthetic Sul- fate Minerals," Mon., March 24, 4083 Natural Science Bldg., 1:30 p.m. Chair- man, L. S. Ramsdell. Events Today Congregational - Disciples Guild. Par- ty, 8 to 12 p.m., midnight, Evangelical & Reformed Church. Meet at 7:55 at Guild House to go together. Lane Hall Program. Mr. and Mrs. Sen of Shantineketen will present a pro- gram at Lane Hall, 7 p.m. Mrs Sen will sing some Tagore songs and Mr.' Sen will lecture on the great poet. All stu- dents are invited. Graduate Outing Club and Town and Country Club, square Dance, 8 p.m., WAB. Inter-Arts Union Student Arts Fes- tival. Sat., March 22-8:30 p.m., . Rackham Assembly Hall. Coming Events Volunteer Naval Research Reserve. Unit 9-3. Meeting, 7:30 p.m., Mon., March 24, 2082 Natural Science Bldg. "Exploration for and mining of dia- monds in SouthAfrica." Prof. C. B. Slawson, Mineralogy Dept. Graduate Outing Club and Town and Country Club, Square Dance, Sat., March 22, 8 p.m., WAB. IZFA, Intercollegiate Zionist Federa- tion of, America. General meeting, Sun., March 23,,7:30 p.m., League. Albert Ela- zar, from Detroit Hebrew Schools will speak on The Pan-Arab-League. Every- one interestedis invite4. Israli folk songs and dances. -1 Sixty-Second Year Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board of Control of Student Publications. Editorial Staff Chuck Elliott ........Managing Editor Bob Keith .............City Editor Leonard Greenbaum, Editorial Director Vern Emerson........Feature Editor Ron Watts .............Associate Editor Bob Vaughn,...........Associate Editor Ted Papes..............Sports Editor George Flint ....Associate Sports Editor Jim Parker ....Associate Sports Editor Jan James............women's Editor Jo Ketelhut, Associate Women's Editor Business Staff Bob Miller.........Business Manager Gene Kuthy, Assoc. Business Manager Charles Cuson ....Advertising Manager Milt Goetz......Circulation Manager ,? i