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March 21, 1952 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1952-03-21

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FRIDAY, MARCH 21, 1952


(dit A noThte
FOR THE LAST couple of years, there has
been a rumbling of discontent in colle-
giate circles about the accent put on athle-
tics. The rumbling finally grew to natiorlly
audible proportions last summer, and in the
fall, a commission of college presidents was
set up to discuss reform measures.
Under the auspices of the American
Council of Education, the presidents drew
up/a list of seven recommendations, de-
signed to reinforce the weak spots in ath-
letic procedure and, generally, to put
athletics back into focus with the rest of
academic life.
Several of these recommendations were
radical ones, advocating a ban on out-of-
season practices, post-season competitions,
freshman competition. Some were quite or-
dinary: equal admission rules for athletes
and other students; limitation of competi-
tion career to five years, with normal pro-
gression toward a degree. Some were fairly
practical departures from current practices:
restriction of competition to schools with
similar policies; no extraordinary "recruit-
ing" practices. And some, lastly, Were rather
ambiguous: "no aid to exceed normal col-
lege expenses; no aid contingent solely on
athletic ability;" "institutional control of
athletics and aid to athletes."
ast weekend, Big Ten college presidents,
athletic directors, and faculty representa-
tives met to give the whole matter a run-
over. When they had finished, most of the
seven ACE recommendations had been dis-
carded, and, in a fit of something resemb-
ling collective egotism, the current Confer-
ence rules hailed as much better in the
areas o( athletic policy; subsidization, and
It was admitted-and this may be the
turning point of the whole matter-that
the main fault with the Big Ten rules
was their enforcement. According to Prof.
Ralph Aigler, law school faculty man and
long-time conference representative from
Michigan, rules already on the books con-
cerning subsidization and recruiting are
quite stiff enough. The most obvious thing
to come out of the weekend meetings,
however, was the fact that nothing had
even been ventured in the way of enforce-
ment proposals, indicating either that
nothing is there to be done, or else that
the Conference feels that it has not the
authority or desire to do anything.
It appears that there are two distinct
areas in which action should by rights be
taken: first, definite measures for enforcing
rules should be adopted, not half-heartedly,
but enthusiastically and collectively. Second,
- certain progressive steps, such as banning
post-season competition and compulsory
qut-of-season practice, must have positive
consideration in the overall light of put-
ting athletics back where they belong. No
reasonable excuse, except financial gain,
has ever been presented in favor of Bowl
games, and little more can be said for the
extra-season practices.
As for rule enforcement, the representa.
tives to the recent Chicago meetings were in
an excellent position to do something con-
crete. One of the rejected ACE proposals,
which recommended restriction of competi-
tion to schools with similar policies, would
have provided a fine starting place. The evi-
dence for rules being broken seriously in
such schools as Michigan State and Illinois
is pitifully easy to find; many of the illegal
actions are carried onunder the filmy pro-
tection of a name, or worse, openly and
consciously under no cover at all.
There is no good excuse for these acti-
vities being permitted to continue, espe-
cially when the Conference has officially
censured them, and called their own rules
adequate to deal with them. The rules may

be adequate, but no amount of verbal in-
vocation and moral gesticulation will ever
make them work. They must be directly
enforced, and the recent meetings were
the place to implement it.
Is the Conference willing to improve it-
self? If we go by past record-right up
through the last week-it must be admitted
that it doesn't seem so. Whether through
natural, but, more or less inexcusable, re-
luctance to severely criticize some of its
membership, or simply because it thinks
that nothing is wrong, the Big Ten has
left itself wide open for criticism.
Ike's Power
THE MAGIC NAME of Eisenhower again
displayed its political potency in Min-
nesota Tuesday, as the absent General
amassed a phenomenal write-in total.
Senator Taft now finds himself in an
unhappy plight in his perennial quest
for the GOP nomination. He is fighting
a bandwagon--as relentless an opponent
as were Don Quixote's windmills. Adding
to his woes is the fact that his hard core
of support comes from the professional
politicians, a group which finds band-
wagons particularly alluring.
Few people see in General Eisenhower
another Thomas Jefferson or Franklin De-
lano Roosevelt. But elsewhere on the poli-
tical horizen, they see only the reaction of

Republican Convention


The Americans Sent You!"

THE 175 or so people who jammed into
a chamber of Washtenaw's dilapidated
courthouse Tuesday night for the county
Republican convention seemed to be im-
bued with a real sense of involvment in the
democratic process.
Of themselves the assembled citizens
were a walking refutation of the bulk of
the speeches they made and heard. The
talks, blessedly brief, nevertheless came
through with the expected wolf-crying
attacks against the moral rot which has
permeated government since the insti-
tution descended from the treetops.
Yet the Republicans persisted in regard-
ing themselves as a race apart from the

Art Feud
THE RETURN OF Diego Rivera s contro-
versial painting, Tuesday, has brought
to a close the bitter fight between the ar-
tist and the Mexican government.
An avowed communist, Rivera was com-
missioned by the Mexican government to
paint a mural for an exhibition of Mexi-
can art in Paris. After its completion, the
government noticed its pro-communistic
and anti-Western contents and promptly
rejected it. Rivera stirred up so much con-
troversy that the embarassed government
decided to take the work away from the
National Museum of Fine Art for "safe
After the action Rivera accused the gov-
ernment of stealing his work (Rivera was
sent 30,000 pesos which he refused and of
which 10,000 pesos was placed on his bank
account.) He referred to the action as "a
brutal attack on liberty" and that it showed
that "the government is afraid of the fight
for peace."
Tuesday, Rivera's work was returned to
him and his 10,000 peso advance was handed
back to the government.
The situation itself clcarly points out
a stupid blunder on the part of the Mexi-
can government. As a democratic govern-
ment which supports art on its own value
regardless of the political beliefs of the ar-
tist, Mexico deserves our respect. But in
failing to distinguish between honest cre-
ativity and mere propaganda the Mexicans
have been naive.
An unpleasant situation could have been
avoided had the goverment recognized the
difference and realized that a painting of so
fanatical a communist supporter as Rivera
(who has vainly been trying to get back
into the party since his ousting during the
Trotsky Revolt) could easily be nothing but
a propaganda vehicle.
The incident, despite the varied world
repercussions, is now closed. Rivera has
his work back and will continue to enjoy
his right to depict American soldiers cru-
cifying North Korean guerillas.
But positive value can be derived from the
incident if the Mexican government will
learn a lesson and in the future choose its
artists with a keener insight into their sin-
cerity as creators rather than as ideological
-Jan Winn
At Hill Auditorium ....
OPEN CITY, with Anna Magnani and
Aldo Fabrizi; directed by Roberto Rosselini.
THIS IS THE movie that supposedly start-
ed the foreign film "craze;" it is not
difficult to understand why.
Although it was made only six years ago,
"Open City" has already attained cinematic.
immortality. The combination of Anna Mag-
nani and Roberto Rosselini as a star-direc-
tor team was sadly broken by Rosselini's
affair with Ingrid Bergman; the effect of
this picture Is to make the separation of
the two Italian artists even more deplorable.
Perhaps the thing that strikes us first
as we see this picture is the complete
naturalness of the actors-all the actors,
from the smallest child to the most insig-
nificant extra. Magnani, the "Greta Gar-
bo of Italy," is magnificent. No one could
have added more poignancy or tenderness
to the role of the Italian war widow. In
her grief she is perfection. Her deathabe-
comes at once the most horrible and ang-
uished secen ever filmed.
Aldo Fabrizi, as the Partisan priest, is an
eceptional actor. His portrayal gives a new
meaning to the words "faith" and "pa-
triotism" which areseldom so convincingly
materialized. He is a crystallization of the

intense desire for liberty that enabled the
people of Europe to withstand the inhuman
indignities of the occupation.
The child who played Miss Magnani's
son provided some of the most touching
scenes in a deeply moving film. It is
amazing to see the maturity that even a
child assumes at the capable hands of
Director Rosselini.
It is only natural that the picture should
be weakened by the addition of subtitles;
for while they accurately translate the
story, they cannot possibly convey the emo-
tional charge of the Italian lines. Despite
this flaw in an otherwise perfect produc-
+i^% i- i atirlri'+1~+ * ^V ..Vi a ~a. c

welfare-conscious, common-lay of human-
ity, many of them subscribing in full to
sentiments typified by local Congressman
George Meader's telegram paying homage
to the GOP as "the last hope of liberty."
In fairness it should be noted that a hand-
ful winced..
*s *
THERE was another aspect of the GOP
spectacle loaded with significance for
those who would evaluate the party, and
brimming with warning for the Republican
This was the glaring disparity between
the vote of the 50 delegates who turned
thumbs down on a motion endorsing Gen.
Dwight D. Eisenhower for the GOP nomi-
nation, and the more than a hundred
delegates and spectators wlo applauded
the motion wildly when placed on the
If the wheelhorses of tie party pay no
more attention to the wishes of the great
majority of voters in nominating a candi-
date than they did Tuesday night, they will
certainly mourn their lost patronage for
yet another presidential term.
* * *
THERE was a glimmering of a realization
of this happy circumstance in the even-
tual fate of campus "Ike" Committee presi-
dent Dave Cargo's motion putting the con-
vention behind the principles of equality of
economic opportunity, regardless of race,
creed or color.
When proposed by Cargo, who thought
himself a delegate, duly elected repre-
sentatives and spectators alike roared ap-
proval of the idea and passed it by an
overwhelming majority.
Later, when Cargo was ruled out as a
delegate on a technical irregularity, it was
feared that his resolution would be de-
clared invalid.
After a night of sleeping on it, the
party leaders concluded it had best be
kept since the rank-and-file had favored
it so heavily.
But this reversal compensated only in
part for the shabby treatment given Cargo
in the reversal of his delegate status. Cargo,
deputized by Manchester's absent delegates
to act in their stead, was summarily dis-
qualified by the chair after an ominous
huddle of local chiefs.
*W * *
All of which adds up to the conclusion
that the GOP, at least on the local level,
is still the party of the few. But there are
signs of vitality in an elephant which has
seemed dead from the neck up; to make
them more than signs the local GOP needs,
as the Minnesota primary seems to indi-
cate the national party may get, new ma-
-Zander Hollander
Women's Hours
THE BOARD OF Representatives of the
League has set up a committee to work
out a better system of women's hours.
There are three alternatives which are
under consideration:
1. Graduated curfew hours according to
2. Automatic late permissions, not in-
cluding activities, such as concerts, plays,
etc., to be aloted also on the basis of seniori-
3. A blanket change of over-all hours.
No matter which change is decided upon,
it will be an improvement over the present
However, there have been several objec-
tions to extending curfew hours. First, the
new measure would inconvenience house
directors and their assistants who have to
stay up until the dorm is closed. Actually
this problem is not so great because the new
closing hours would not be late enough to
cause that much trouble. Now the directors

are bothered much more, for if a student
has obtained special late permission, she
must rouse the director by ringing the bell.
Thus, the woman on duty must keep answer-
ing the door several times during the night.
A second objection arises from the sug-
gestion that curfew hours be based on
seniority. Supposedly, because of this,
freshmen and sophomores would resent
juniors and seniors. Although the set-up
might cause envy, it would not cause bit-
j ter resentment. Lower classmen would
know that after they had reached the
junior level the same privileges would be
extended to them. If there were any re-
sentment it could be no more than that
felt by senior women who are forced to
be in the same time as women three and
four years younger.
Another reason for maintaining the status
quo is that dorm activities would suffer,
since house meetings and parties are car-
ried on at 10:30. The meetings could still
begin at 10:30 and the announcements of
the business could be posted for those who
did not attend. As for dorm parties, since
they are not compulsory, they could also
begin at 10:30 without waiting for late
University women have a chance to change
conditions that they have been complaining
about for so long. Any of the alternatives
wouldm vtend nrivilos that corllege women


The Daily welcomes communications from its readers on matters of
general interest, and will publish all letters which are signed by the writer
and in good taste. Letters exceeding 300 words in length, defamatory or
libelous letters, and letters which for any reason are not in good taste will
be condensed, edited or withheld from publication at the discretion of the




The Daly official Bulletin is an
official publication of the University
of Michigan for which the Michigan
Daily assumes no editorial responsi-
bility. Publication in it is construc-
tive notice to all miembers of the
University. Notices should be sent in
TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 2552
Administration Building before 3 p.m.
the day preceding publication (11
a.m. on Saturday).
FRIDAY, MARCH 21, 1952
VOL. LXII, No. 119
To instructors of Engineering Fresh-
Five-week grades for all Engineering
Freshmen are duein the Secretary's
Office, 263 W. Engineering Building on
Fri., March 21.
Personnel Interviews
The B.F. Goodrich Company of Akron,
Ohio will have a representative here
Tues., March 25, to interview men grad-
uating in June in accounting for their
Accounting Training Group and Field
Auditing staff, in addition to individu-
als interested in training for Produc-
tion Management. and Time Study
The City of Cincinnati will have a
representative on the campus Sat.,
March 22, to talk to individuals inter-
ested in a position as a Redevelopment
Engineer. This position would entail
carrying on redevelopment planning
work under supervision of the head of
the department, make field studies to
determine land use, research activities,
prepares plans and designs for rede-
velopment with particular emphasis on
neighborhood and highway planning,
and other related work. This is primar-
ily a technical rather than an admin-
istrative position. A degree with a ma-
jor in City or Regional Planning, or re-
lated field, in addition to two years
experience in city planning or urban
The Department of the Navy, Bureau
of Ordnance will have a group meeting
at 5 p.m., Tues., March 25, 229 W. En-
gineering, with a representative from
the Navy Department to talk to June
graduates interested in reserve com-
missions as Ensigns in the U.S.N.R. All
students are urged to attend this meet-
ing regardless of fields of specification
or draft status, exbept N.R.O.T.C. stu-
The Household Finance Corporation,
Chicago, will be on the campus Wed.,
March 26, and are interested in talking
to men graduating in June and Aug-
ust for their Training Program. This
program is designed to train men for
managerial appointments.
The Wurzburg Company, Grand Ra-
pids, Michigan, will be here Wed., March
26, to interview women graduating in
June for their Promotional Training
Program and men for their Control
Division or Merchandising.
Dearborn Motors, (Division of Ford
Motor Company), is coming to the Bu-
reau on Wed., March 26, to talk to in-
terested accounting majors graduating
in June.
The Kroger Company of Cincinnati,
Ohio, will have 'a representative here
on Wednesday and Thursday, March 26
and 27, and is interested in interview-
ing Business Administration students
with accounting, merchandising, per-
sonnel, real estate and transportation.
June and August graduates may make
Procter and Gamble, Cincinnati, will
have a representative on the campus
Thurs., March 27, to talk to men inter-
ested in merchandising and marketing
for their Advertising Department. This
is a Business Manager Program
rather than copywriting work. June
graduates of Business Administratio
or LSA students may make appint-
The Peoples Gas Light and Coke Com-
pany, Chicago, Ill., will be here Thurs.,
March 27, to see men graduating in
June in accounting for General Ac-
counting and Property Accounting De-
The First National Bank of ,Boston
will be here Friday morning, March 28,
to 1alk with men graduating in June
and August who are interested in
banking as a career.
The Mueller Brass Company, of Port
Huron, will be interviewing in the Me-
chanical Engineering department to-
morrow. They are interested in talking
to Bus. Ad. students who are interested
in sales work.
Personnel Requests
Corn Products Refining Company,
New York, is looking for two young
ladies, preferably with graduate degrees
in marketing for their Market Research
Staff. Office, field, or faculty experience
is desirable.
The Chas. Pfizer and Company, Inc.,
Terrv Taute Tndiana has onenings for

ments, 3528 Administration Bldg., Ext.
For appointments, application blanks,
and detailed information contact the
Bureau of Appointments. 3528 Arminis-
tration Building, Ext. 371.
The Thomas Spencer Jerome Lectures.
Third lecture: "Graeco-Roman Art: Cop-
ies and Adaptations in Painting and
the Original Contributions" (illustrat-
ed). Dr. Gisela M. A. Richter, Honorary
Curator, Greek and Roman.Department,
Metropolitan Museum of Art. New York.
4:15 p.m., Fri., March 21, Rackham Am-
Academic Notices
Preliminary Ph.D. Examinations in
Economics: Theory examinations will be
given on Thursday and Friday, April
24 and 25. The examinations i other
subjects will be given on Monday, Tues-
day, and Wednesday, April 28, 29, and
30. Each student planning to take these
examinations should leave with the
Secretary of the Department not later
than Wednesday. March 26, his name,
the three fields in which be desires to
be examined, and his field of special-
The School of Eucation Testing Pro-
'gram (for all students working toward
a teacher's certificate) will be adminis-
tered in two sessions on Tues., March
25. Students should report for the af-
ternoon session at 4:15 p.m. and for
the evening session at 7 p.m. The tests
will be held in 130 and 131, Business
Administration Bldg.
History 50 Midsemester. Tues., March
25, 9 a.m.: Section 4, 1209 A.H.; Section
8. 37 B.A.: Section 9, 1121 N.S.; Section
10, 1018 A.H. All other sections will take
the examination in N. S. Ad.
Organ Recital: The second program of
music by J. S. Bach will be played at
4:15 Sunday, March 23, in Hill Audi-
torium, by Robert NoehrentUniversity
Organist. It will include the Prelude
and Fugue in A minor, Pastorale, two
chorale preludes, Nun komm' der Hei-
den Heland, and Ich ruf' zu dir, Herr
Jesu Christ; Fugue in G major, Wenn
wir in hochsten Noten sein, and Fan-
tasia and Fugue in G minor. The gen-
eral public is invited.
Events Today
Motion Pictures, auspices of the Uni-
versity Museums, "Marine Animals and
their Food," "Beach and Sea Animals,"
and "Born to Die." Fri., March 21, 7:30
p.m., Kellogg Auditorium.
Canterbury Club: Following .the regu-
lar Friday Tea at 4 p.m. and the Lenten
Supper at 6 p.m. in Canterbury House,
the program at 8 o'clock will feature a
movie about life among the Navaho
Indians, "Window in the Sky."
SRA Coffee Hour, Lane Hall, 4:30-6
Forum on College and University
Teaching. Rackham Amphitheater,
"How to Use Teaching Aids," 3-4 p.m.
Presentation: Ford L. Lemler, Director
of the Audio-Visual Edufcation Center.
Film: "Accent on Learning."
Rackham Assembly Hall, 4-5 p.m.
"Planning a Course." Presentation: Al-
go D. Henderson, Professor of Higher
Education, This is the fourth of the
meetings of the Forum, same time and
place on successive Fridays. Graduate
students, teaching fellows, members of
the faculty of the University welcome.
IRE-Detroit Section meeting joint
with AIEE-IRE Student branch, 8 p.m.,
Rackham Auditorium. A. B. Macnee,
Prof. Electrical Engineering, Univ. of
Michigan, will speak on "Transistors."
Acolytes. Meeting, 8 p.m., East Con-
ference Room, Rackham Bldg., Prof.
Warner R. Wick, University of Chicago
will speak on "A Current Issue About
Moral Philosophy." Refreshments.
Inter-Arts Union Student Arts Fes-
tival. Friday, Saturday and Sunday,
March 21, 22, and 23.
Fri., March 21-8:30 p.m., Rackham
Lecture Hall.
Piano Sonata-Karl Magnuson; Talk,
"Creative Integrity and the University"
-Prof. Ross Lee Finney; and Violin
Sonata-Donald Harris.
Sat., March 22-8:30 p.m., Rackham
Assembly Hall.
Concerto for Chamber Orchestra-Ed-
ward Chudacoff, and Violin Sonata -
Roly Yttrehus. Music and poetry from
Generation magazine, followed by a
discussion of the magazine.

Confusion . .
To the Editor:
UST what is the name of the
Distinguished Turk you fea-
tured in Sunday's issue? When he
is astonished at America's pro-
gress in the musical field, he is
called Mitat FENMAN; travelling
under the Department of State
auspices he assumes the alias
FENMEN; and do not let an-
body mistake the gentleman in
the neighboring picture for him:
THAT is MR. FENNEN. An ap-
parent connection is accidental
or due to the editor's and proof-
reader's conscientiousness.
I have a vague feeling that the
Daily likes to jar its readers'
orthographic sense. Wasn't it
senor Christopher ColOmbus from
ColUmbia (South America) who
complained a while ago? But I
have discovered a useful outlet
for the Daily's propensities to
Lautverscheibung: you see, when
I was small and helpless I was
blessed with the name Agathan-
gellos Metaxoskolikotrofu Hadzi-
papaharalambopulos and I am
still experimenting with suggested
improvements. I am very anxious
to see the impact of your crea-
tive genius on my most recent
-Stefan Valavanis-Vail
Backyards . .
To the Editor:
THE letter concerning Confed-
erate flags which appeared in
this column on March 18 is char-
acteristic of the stupidity shown
by those who rant and rave on a
subject completely foreign to
them. As northerners, the writers
doubtless consiler themselves
quite qualified as Negro agitators.
It is really pitiful what some
people will, use as an excuse to
vent their hatred of the South.
The letter needs no answer. It
stands alone as glaring proof of
the writers' ignorance and desire
to foment as much undesirable
agitation as possible.
If the writers are really serious
in a desire to promote better race
relations, why do they rot look
to their own backyards first? I
am sure many of their Negro
friends will be only too happy to
point out the various Ann Arbor
restaurants that refuse to serve
any but "Caucasian" patrons.
-F. R. Scott
LSA President . .
To the Editor:
THIS letter is sent to protest the
decision by the Men's Judi-
ciary which d1ualified Doug
Lawrence from running for LS&A
senior class president. The deci-
sion presumed that because Lawr-
ence is enrolled in the School of
Architecture and Design, he is
naturally prohibited from running
for an LS&A office.
This action is a travesty on
both the moral and legal rights of
Doug Lawrence. In a moral sense
he is as capable and eligible as
any other candidate. Two weeks
ago he was informed by Mike Mc-
Nerney, the chairman of the SL
election committee, that he had
the right to run. McNerney knew
of his scholastic.status' when he
accepted Lawrence's petition.
After a two week lapse Lawrence
assumed his candidacy had been
accepted, and proceded to plan
his campaign. Ie ordered the
necessary political paraphanaha,
such as posters, which involved an
outlay of capital. Then the boom
was lowered. Only the day pre-
vious to the Judic's decision did
he even know -his candidacy had
been questioned.
The facts are these: There are
no senior class officers in the

Arch school. Arch students in the
past have been allowed to vote for
LS&A class officers. They have
not been prohibited from voting
in this year's election. If they can
vote, why can't they run?
Legally there is no rule prohibit-
ing Arch students from running
for LS&A offices. The only rule
that could possibly be. applied is
that "officers shall be elected from
their respective schools." There
is no rule in the election code dis-
tinguishing between Lit and Arch
students in elective qualifications.
There is a proposed change of
election rules for next year which
would separate the two schools
for this voting purpose. But today
there is no such distinction. What
has been prop6sed should have
no bearing on this year's election.
In all fairness to Lawrence and
to those who want to see him
their class president, the judic's
rule should be immediately
-Joe' White
* * *
Vote Yes .. .
To the Editor
WEDNESDAY endorsement by
the Young Progressives
brought into existence the Vote Yes
Committee. Composed of the
Young Republicans, Young Demo-
crats, Young Progressives, Stu-
dents for Democratic Action and
Civil Liberties Committee we will
urge students to vote yes on the
referendum to oppose the speaker
ban at the campus elections April
1 and 2. Our policy statement fol-
Vote "Yes" on the speaker ban
referendum. The political science
department spends much time, ef-
fort and money trying to make
students politically aware: The
Regents then forbid political
peakers, killing student interest in
politics. The ban on political
speakers should be lifted.
The banon "subversive" speak-
ers is unnecessary because the
Michigan constitution already for-
bids subversive speech. The Re-
gents' rule invokes prior censor-
ship, long hated as the worst kind
of speech control. This makes
speech which is legal in the state
illegal at the University, which
should be a bulwark of free speech.
As the rule is enforced it makes
membership or alleged member-
ship in certain groups enough to
ban a speaker. It is assumed that
such people will necessarily advo-
cate overthrow of the government.
These rules keep you, the voters
and leaders of tomorrow, from
hearing important political issues.
So we urge you to vote "Yes" on
the anti-speaker ban referendum.
-Floyd Thomas, YR
Gene Mossner, YD
Marge Buckley, YP
Ted Friedman, SDA
Devra Landau, CLC
L* *
Limon Review ...,
To the Editor:
Miss Karen Irwin and Mr.
Marvin Carpenter for having writ-
ten the best review The Daily can
boast of since I've been reading it.
Their review of Jose Limon in
Sunday's Daily shows good under-
standing of the modern dance form
and due appreciation for one of its
greatest exponents.
Also comiuendation are due to
the Inter-Arts Union for bringing
to the campus this great dancer.
Let's have a repeat performance
sometime next year.
-Ann Bandler





Hall, 7:45 p.m., followed by a guest
speaker, Prof. Mischa Titiev.
Journalism Square Dance, sponsored
by Theta Sigma Phi, Rumpus Room,
League, 9 p.m.
Journal Club, Department of Romance
Languages, Meeting, 4:15 p.m., East Con-
ference Room,, Rackham Bldg. Panel
discussion by Professors Ham, O'Neill,
and Bart on the preparation of papers
for graduate work and publication, and
on the PMLA Style Sheet.
Coming Events
IZFA, Intercollegiate Zionist Federa-
tion of America. General meeting, Sun.,
March 23, 7:30 p.m., 4League. Albert Ela-
zar, from Detroit Hebrew Schools will
speak on The Pan-Arab League.Every-
one interested is invited. Israli folk
songs and dances.
Education Honoraries Pay Tribute to
Dean Edmonson.
Sat., March 22, 1 p.m., Dean and Mrs.
J. B. Edmonson will be feted at a spe-
cial luncheon banquet at the Michigan
Union in honor of the Dean who is re-
tiring at the end of the current semes-
ter. The banquet is sponsored by the
following Education School honoraries:
Delta PiEosilon (Business Education).


Sixty-Second Year
Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board of Control of
Student Publcations.
Editorial Staff
Chuck Elliott ........Managing Editor
Bob Keith ..................City Editor
Leonard Greenbaum, Editorial Director
Vern Emerson.........Feature Editor
Ron Watts............Associate '!ditor
Bob Vaughn ...........Associate Editor
Ted Papes.............. Sports Editor
George Flint . ..Associae Sports Editor
Jim Parker .....Associate Sports Editor
Jan James............Women's Editor
Jo Ketelhut, Associate Women's Editor
Business Staff
Bob Miller ..........Business Manager
Gene Kuthy, Assoc. Business Manager
Charles Cuson ....Advertising Manager
Milt Goetz.......Circulation Manager


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