THE MICHIGAN DAILY WEDNESDAY, MARCH 19. 1952 THE MICHGANDA.L rI WEDNEas r.S.A. MiARCH lfl 1 i7 !l io 'Muscovit ACE Washington correspondent, Fulton Lewis, Jr. aimed his ravings at the Uni- versity last week. Or what he evidently considers to be one aspect of the Univer- sity. In his March 14 column, which could be called at best an example of insidious ranting, Lewis charges that this campus is one of the nation's hotbeds of Com- munism. Noting that Senate investigators are currently looking into Communist ac- tivity on University campuses, he subtley implied that Michigan would be a good place to investigate. He leveled similar charges against the political temper at the University of North Carolina. And he hit the editors of the Caro- lina paper, the Daily Tar Heel, for writing South Africa THl UNION of South Africa has just begun a three week celebration of its 300th birthday. However, threats of new race riots and increased racial tension have created an incendiary atmosphere which has dampened the holiday spirits. The crux of the unrest is the Nationalist government's insistence of enforcing apartheid (legal racial segregation). This policy has led several Indian and African organizations to call for mass dem- onstrations and a boycott against the commemoration activities. While many Af- rican leaders have come out against resis- tance to the festivities, the leading African group, African National Congress, has called participation in the affair, "tantamount to rejoicing over 300 years of slavery." The birthday anniversary has served to highlight the dynamic forces which are stirring in the South African nation. But the conflict between natives and white in- tolerance is not merely confined to South Africa. The fact must be realized that the native non-white populations throughout the world are tired of domination. The feeling for self respect and self determina- tion extends far beyond the borders of' South Africa. The fighting in Indo China, Malaya, and the newly acquired'indepen- dence of Indonesia are a few examples of the willingness of native people to fight for what they believe right for themselves. South Africa aid other nations must rec- ognize this powerful drive and adjust their policies, both internal and external, so as to permit expression of a people's desire for freedom. --Mary Stevens Michigan' on "academic freedom." In passing, he de- cried a lecture that was delivered on that campus by the ex-president of Hangchow Christian College. The lecturer spoke on the "subversive" topic, "American Imperial- ism in the Far East." Michigan got slammed like this: "The ripest example (of Red activities at universities) at the moment,,is at the University of Michigan, where Muscovite stooges are concentrating on the student body with a barrage of Kremlin-inspired boloney." The "boloney" cited is a publication called New Foundations, "which was scattered across the campus within the last month." The publication, he notes, is a "Communist rag which is getting wide distribution on other college campuses, as well as on Michi- gan." New Foundations may well be a "Com- munist rag." But, after a good deal of dig- ging I was able to uncover the whereabouts of one copy. It was not available for gen- eral perusal. New Foundations is not in the Library. It is not in the dorm or house libraries. It probably can be found in some private rooms. Some people will have heard of the magazine. A few others will have read it. And some, most probably, believe in what New Foundations has to say. They are hardly the "student body." ' Only one bit of Red propaganda has ac- tually had "wide distribution" on campus lately. That is the Neafus Club letter to students of Philosophy 63. It is, without a doubt, "boloney." It probably was put out by "Muscovite stooges." It did not re- flect the temper of the Michigan student. Even if Lewis had been bright enough to use something which had really been dis- tributed (like the letter) the fact of distri- bution would hardly have proved that Michigan is Communist infested. It is unfortunate that articles which have no factual basis are printed as if they were true. It is unfortunate that vicious, distorted statements like the ones found in this article are distributed for the benefit of any comers. It is sad that Lewis can only fight Com- munist "baloney" with "baloney" of his own. -Donna Hendleman Wolverine Trip THE Wolverine Club is offering another bargain vacation trip, combining the enjoyment of spending spring vacation with a group of students and a trip to Florida at reduced transportation and entertain- ment rates. Every year the club sponsors similar trips which have proved to be popular and successful ventures, from every angle except the money difficulties which it encounters. In an attempt to sponsor inexpensive trips, the club has operated close to the border of financial failure. Now members are asking the support of students in this latest venture, which may determine whether or not the club remains active on campus. Sponsoring this and similar excursions is only one function of the group. It is the only organization designed for the specific purpose of promoting Michigan spirit, through pep raliles and other projects. Composed of a few active members, the club has not secured the attention and sup- port that it deserves from the campus. A group such as this is essential. It can be and should be expanded to undertake many more projects, including the con- troversial Tug Week, which it could han- dle with the help of efficient organiza- tion and student participation. To be successful at all, the Wolverine Club needs the backing of students and of other campus organizatiops. The first indication of this support would be in a large turnout for the Florida trip which promises to be up to the usual Wolverine excursion stan- dards. -Marge Shepherd Feinberg Law FREEDOM in education received anothei major setback last week when the United States Supreme Court upheld 6-3 New York's Feinberg Law. The law provides for the dismissal of any school employee who teaches the violent overthrow of state or federal gov- ernment or who belongs to an organiza- tion which is considered subversive by the State Board of Regents. Membership alone is-prima facie ground for dismissal. Teachers who are accused of belonging to proscribed organizations have a right to a hearing and a court review. The dangers in the law were expressed cogently in the minority opinions of Justicss Black and Douglas. In regards to the elaorate spy system which the law sets up, JusticehBlack said, "Regular loyalty reports on the teachers must be made out. The school principals become detectives; the students, the par- ents, the community become informers. Ears are cocked for telltale signs of disloyalty. The prejudices of the communit come into play in searching out the disloyal." Posing questions which might arise un- der such a system, Black went on; "What was the significance of the reference of the art teacher to socialism? Why was the history teacher so openly hostile to Franco Spain? Who heard overtones of revolution in the English teacher's dis- cussion of "The Grapes of Wrath." Such a school system in which thought is controlled by the state renders education sterile and at best meaningless. A basic liberty-freedom from fear-be- comes extinct. Teachers can no longer count on their good service, abilities and knowl- edge to support them. They must constantly be on guard and must bury their social and political creeds for fear they will be mis- construed and used against them.- The majority opinion of the Court stresses the point that "The State has the most vital sort of obligation to maintain the integ- rity of its schools and to avoid conditions which aid perversion of the educational process." Two problems arise here. No one will deny that our public schoos should not become instruments for the Communist party. Admittedly this princi- ple lies behind the Feinberg law, but its danger is that it goes further. First the law sets the undemocratic precedent that a citizen may be deprived of a livelihood without committing an unlawful overt act. Second, it is impossible to tell what or- ganizations beside the Communist Party will be included on the Regent's list of subversive organizations-a list which can easily be as arbitrary as the Attorney General's blacklist. Those who are afraid of what this type of legislation will do to free thought and political liberty should realize that the Court's sustension of the Feinberg law will be the green light for other states. People throughout the country must be prepared to fight similar laws wherever they are pro- posed. -Alice Bogdonoff THE ROBERT SHAW Chorale's first Ann Arbor appearance last night was the superlative sort of thing that occasionally occurs when an ingenious conductor has a closely integrated group of musicians at his command. It has scarcely been equalled all year. 3 i l R c "Maybe We're Not So Bad Off" Rry - e~r - A /ettep TO THE EDITOR The Daily welcomes communications from its readers on matters of general interestsand vill publish all letters which are signed by the writer and in good taste. Letters exceeding 300 words in length, defamatory or libelous letters, and letters which for any reason are not in good taste will be condensed, edited or withheld from publication at the discretion of the editors. - : n W. t ,; :< : !" " ° ~-- i o ,;;. 4s#" Fx+S.tE cK .: tor sss- xe vtas+se ct nPCarre+e., ON THE Washington Merry-Go-Round with DREW PEARSON 'Mr. Morris SENATOR Pat McCarran has laid himself and his backers open to suspicion by Insisting that the Senate have the right to confirm presidential nominees for the posi- tions of special investigator or Special Assistant Attorney General. This move was clearly instigated to remove corruption ninvestigator, Newbold Morris, from his controversial probing job. The Senate has been extremely an- tagonistic toward Morris because of its recent inquiry into the business deals of his law firm. Nothing definite has been proven against Morris, but he is still un- der vehement attack. Furthermore, his search for corruption in Government agencies is being obstructed by the Sen- ate's denial of subpoena privileges. This hesitancy of the Senate to give Morris "teeth' with which he can carry out his probe also shows that it is reluctant to have its affairs investigated. The "con- firmation" plan is the Senatorial way of making sure that any cleanup ever advo- cated by the President or anyone adverse to Senate interests would be promptly squelched. There is more than one "skeleton" in Senate closets. Morris would do his best to find them-if he lasts that long. -Arlene Bell WASHINGTON-The final decision regarding a steel strike will de- pend primarily on four men. These men belong neither to the union nor to a steel company. They are the government officials who must decide whether they can permit a boost in wages to be compen- sated for by a boost in the price of steel. The four men are: ex-Governor Ellis Arnall of Georgia, now on the immediate price firing line as director of the Office of Price Stabilization; 2, Roger Putnam, Springfield, Mass., manu- facturer, now head of Economic Stabilization; 3, Charles Wilson, former head of General Electric, now head of Defense Mobiliza- tion; and, finally, President Truman. All four, at the moment, are agreed that the steel-industry profits are zooming, that they have never been so high before, and that they are ample to take care of the wage boost being proposed by the Wage Board. They also agree that to grant an increase in steel prices-- beyond the rdest boost which comes automatically under the Cape- hart Amendment-would start more inflation. Furthermore, OPS Director Arnall feels so strongly about this that he would resign before upping the price of steel. Arnall doesn't believe in fireworks or fancy resignations. But he has told close friends that he'll politely pick up his hat and go back to Georgia if he is ordered to grant an increase in steel prices. Significantly, President Truman feels exactly the same way. He has told advisers that he won't give the steel industry a penny of price increase. So, if the men at the top and bottom stick together, the steel in- dustry may be in for a rough time. --JET CENSORSHIP- SECRETARY of the Navy Dan Kimball has put himself in the posi- tion of censoring Navy subordinates for talking to the Washington Merry-Go-Round, yet at tle same time criticizing the Washington Merry-Go-Round for allegedly failing to talk to the Navy. Last week, this columnist published a comparison of Naval jet engines purchased from Pratt-Whitney in East Hartford, Conn., and Allison Motors in Indianapolis, in which it was pointed out that the Allison jet job cost only $31,000, while the Pratt-Whitney jet job cost $50.46. Yet the Navy ordered 2,435 of the more expen-N sive Pratt-Whitney engines and only 200 of the Allisons, though Naval pilots, as of February, still found the Pratt-Whitney perfor- mance "unacceptable." Immediately following publication of this column, one Naval technician, Vernon Haynes, mentioned as favoring the Allison engine, was sent a peremptory letter by the Navy, demanding an explanation as to why he had "talked to Pearson." Subsequently, Haynes was summoned to the Office of the Secre- tary of the Navy and asked to explain why his name had "appeared in Pearson's column" as favoring the Allison engine. Simultaneously, the same Secretary of the Navy wrote an official letter inquiring why Pearson had not discussed jet engines with Navy press relations. In other words, the Navy appeared more concerned with smok- ing out my news sources than cracking down on officers responsi- ble for the jet-engine blunder. "Talking to Pearson," it seemed, was a greater crime than having no jet engines capable of. meeting the enemy in Korea. Note-Naval pilots, who are among the best in the world, but who have been kept out of the Korean jet fighting by poor naval engine design, point to some interesting comparisons between the Pratt- Whitney J8 engine and the Allison J33. The turbine blades on the Pratt-Whitney, they point out, cost $99 each, on the Allison only $19. Likewise, the Pratt-Whitney tail pipe costs $800 while the Allison tail pipe costs $200. -KEFAUVER'S CHANCES- THE REAL test of whether Senator Kefauver can buck the united weight of Truman forces and city bosses will come within the next 60 days in four key primaries. They are Wisconsin and Nebraska, both on April 1, New Jersey on April 15, and Florida May 27. Of these the ,most interesting battles will be in Nebraska and Florida. The Nebraska primary is against Sen. Bob Kerr, genial Okla- homa oil millionaire who has the backing of Truman's former counsel, Clark Clifford. This results from the interesting fact that< Clifford is Washington lobbyist for Phillips Petroleum, and that Senator Kerr participates in various Phillips oil and gas leases in the southwest.c The Florida primary, however, will be even more significant. Heret Kefauver will buck overwhelming odds, as follows: A. The popularity of Senator Russell of Georgia. B. The big money of the big gamblers. C. The political machine of Florida's Gov. Fuller Warren. Florida will be the first test between Senators Russell andt Kefauver. Generally speaking, southern senators are jealous of their Tennessee colleague, feel he is too young, has served too briefly in the Senate. Seniority counts heavily in Congress, andt men like George of Georgia, now over 70, and McKellar of Ten- nessee, now over 80, bitterly resent Kefauver's youth, energy, and popularity. . That's one reason they goaded Senator Ru6el into becoming aT candidate. -GAMBLERS WANT REVENGE- AN EVEN greater handicap i Florida, however, will be the gamblingI money sure to oppose Kefauver. Gamblers all the way from Chi- cago to Miami have made no secret of their hope that the Tennessee Senator would enter the Florida primary. And they are laying to get him, no matter how much it costs. . . . . . . . _ - . . The Eternal Pseudonym To the Editor: THE DEFENDERS of freedom are not those who claim and exercise rights which no one as- sails. They are those who stand up for rights which mobs, conspi- racies, or single tyrants put in jeopardy; who contend for liberty in that particular form which is threatened at the moment by the many or the few. "Henry Gerard," because of his interest in hearing the unpopular views of a speaker, banned from the campus of the University of Michigan, has been likened, in a recent editorial, to Willy Sutton and Al Capone. Yet we are forced to inquire of what crime Henry Gerard is guilty. His crime is desiring to secure an au- dience for a dissenting opoinion infringing upon the sacredness of political conformity which has permeated the common sense of the community. This is a presi- dential election year; a fertile season for the politics of fear. Al- ready Senator Eastland has pro- posed a resolution declaring a na- tional emergency, demanding the arrest and confinement without trial of persons who have commit- ted no crime. Thousands of loyal Japanese-Americans will testify from bitter memory that the threat of concentration camps in this country cannot be dismissed as fantastic. When a co-ed re- cently invoked a constitutional immunity of freedom from self- incrimination, President Henry of Wayne University dismissed this as a prima facie evidence of built. It is a surprize that when a stu- dent's status is so tenuous that he should resort to the use of a pseu- donym? Established evils naturally pose an iron front to reform; and the spirit of reform, gathering new vehemence from opposition, pours itself forth in passionate efforts. Should we not labor to guide aright and temper excessive zeal instead of persecuting it as the worst of enemies? In an age of inquiry and innovation it is a sus- picious tenderness which fears to touch a heavy yoke, because it turesgrows into the necks of our fellow-creatures, while a people, whose moral sentiments are pal- sied by the interweaving of all their interests with a system of oppression, become degraded with- out suspecting it. Yet we bow be- fore numbers and prescription. The idea of Civil Liberties, that "great idea" of our age, and on which we profess to build our in- stitutions, is darkened, weakened, so as to be to many little more than a sound. They alone deserve to be called free who are per- mitted to participate in the ac- ceptance or rejection of their po- litical ideologies in a marked ov- ert. May the Eternal Pseudonym forever spring forth. -F. Neil Aschemeyer s ea a Impersonality, . To the Editor THE ABOMINABLE lack of spir- it and tradition on this cam- pus can, I tthnk, well be illustrated by a situation in which, to my disgust, I was recently placed. In my geology 12 lecture section, I sit in row M, seat five. On the last hour examination, I achieved a modest score of 64 while the class median was 68. This consti- tuted a weak C and undoubtedly I'; had a harmful effect on the over- all average of row M. Yet I was neither reprimanded, gently reproached nor encouraged 1 to do better by any of my fellow 1 "row M'ers". I later found out that no one had even taken the trouble to calculate the average of our row. It seems that nobody cared. Now here is an egregious ex- ample of campus apathy. I am sure that if I had done well on the examination, not one person would have congratulated me and told me what a great job I was doing for our section of the al- phabet. Something must be done about this pitiful situation. It should not be sufficient for students to study merely for them- selves or their dormitories or fra- ternity, sorority and co-op houses. We should recognize the heritage with which we have been endow- ed by the countless alumni of this university who have sat in the same rows before us. I consider the case of Row M particularly aggrevating in view of the fact that the letter M has been worn by many of the Uni- versity's finest athletes and, through the years, has become a symbol of the University itself. Surely, here is a banner for my row to rally round and fight for, As far as others are concerned, it is up to the individual students. You, taking physics 26 in seat D16 -you in political science. 66 sit- ting in L20 and you, taking his- tory 49 in seat J12 must encourage each and every student in your row to do his best and preserve the tradition that is the Universi- ty of Michigan. Oops, I almost forgot you in Russian Lit. 121, seat W28. -E. Sterling Sader cPhaul's Test... To the Editor: IT IS IMPORTANT that the stu- dents be presented with the content of what Arthur McPhaul had to say in his talk before a small gathering of students in the Michigan Union recently. This seems to me of far greater impor- tance than any so called mystery about Henry Gerard. McPhaul tried to give a descrip- tion of the condition of the Ne- gro people in the United States. He gave very concrete and vivid examples of how Negroes are sys- tematically deprived of social, po- litical and economic rights. He cited examples of outright mur- der of Negroes with the compli- ance of government officials. It is within this context that McPhaul claims the United States government is guilty of genocide against the Negro people. He gave the U.N. definition of Genocide which was adopted by the Con- vention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Ge- nocide December 9, 1948. The major idea is that certain ac&s committedi with "intent to des- troy, in whole or in part, a na- tional, ethnical, racial or religi- ous group" would constitute ge- nocide. For example: 1. "Kbiling members of the group, 2. causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group, 3. dell- berately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruc- tion in whole or in part." McPhaul'secharges are serious: they are well documented. They are worthy of serious considera- tion. -Robert Schor iA~i04ri I t : r {. Shaw is one who has never been afraid of innovations in the field of choral con- ducting. In physically arranging his chor- us, for instance, he has dispensed with the traditional four-choir distribution and, relying on the power of individual singers, he makes a practice of alternating differ- ent ranged voices. There is room for twice the thirty-odd singers on stage, but Shaw reasons that spaces between singers are far more effective than additional choir members. t Ful 9v 9 999 car 9 w V y y y a" 999 999 99e . 9 MAGAZINES h +Itt~L ~ . I ~ A£& AA*A A ~ A ~ 4 4l DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN t' I THE MARCH issue of the Gargoyle, which will be polluting the campus today, re- minds one of that ancient adage-"It takes a wise man to write like a fool, but no fool can write like a wise man." Generally, the "Bloody Pulp" owes its success to a battery of shrewd Garg staf- fers writing like fools. As such, it is hilar- ious in some aspects, rather shabby in others-which is to be expected. Not even the New Yorker can maintain a constant rhythm of humor. The theme of the latest ticklish night- mare is, simply, blood. And there's plenty of it, intermingled with the not so singular Garg attitude toward the Libido. The the- matic play evolves into a kind of parody on various authors-Kipling, Doyle, Huxley, and Cervantes, writing under Capote pseu- donyms. Truman Capote, however, was strangely missing. The Garg's cover is one of the happier accomplishments of the staff. Designed by William Gilmore, it is both striking and ingenious, perhaps one of the best to bind the magazine in quite a while The ovr. on Kipling. Her "Blood, Sweat and Peers" rolled smoothly and is a credit to her quick wit. Also well-done were "Alimentary, My Dear Watson," by Tom Harris and Howie Nem- erovski (characterized by a remarkably stu- pid "Sherlock Holmes"); the proverbial "Who Stole My Dinosaur?"; and "Bang, Gotteth Thou," by Harry Reed (a short take-off on Don Quixote). Jan Winn's "I Been Had," the amusing monologue of a Hollywood demi-rep, sparkled in places more than any of the others, but fell flat at the end. Larry Pike's "I Was A Satellite," though well- written, suffered the same fate. (By the way, Webster says "sattelite" is spelled "satellite.") Don Malcolm exhibits a nice style in "Bang, Gotcha!" but unfortunately, slumps into what English professors call "over- writing." Sad in spots; excellent in others. In passing, Jack Bergstrom's "Oi! The Jury" carried the blood drive just a bit too far. My other criticism: too many campus characters reminiscent of the J-Hon Extra. In practice, Shaw's theories result in the best integrated, most profound choral work the country has witnessed in a long time. The potential strength of a well-knit group of instrumentalists and vocalists, accustomed to performing together, was extremely well realized last night in the Mozart D Minor Requiem. It is impossible to doubt the valid- ity of his streamlined arrangement after hearing the "Rex tremendae" from Mozart's Requiem. Certainly no addition of voices could have made it more majestic. And the ensemble work last night was amazing. The instrumental voices were lifted to their prop- er proportions, and well-modulated, care- fully-studied dynamic effects were a tribute to Shaw's intent conducting. If the first half of the program was un- mistakably Shaw, the second half represent- ed a strong but not obtrusive Fred Waring influence. As for Porgy and Bess, it was something of a treat to hear it interpreted by one who could untangle Gershwin's rhythms and make music doing it. -Virginia Voss New Books at the Library Vestal, Stanley-Queen of Cowtowns- (Continued from Page 2) Assembly Newspaper. Staff meeting, Thurs., March 20, 4 p.m., League. All copy must be in. The Polonia Club. Meet at the Inter- national Center at 7:30 p.m. Election of officers, dancing, charades, and re- freshments. All students of Polish des- cent and their friends are invited. Coming Events Canterbury Club: Morning Prayer and the Litany at 7:30 on Thursday in the Church. Literary College Conference Steering Committee. Thurs., March 20, 4 p.m., 1011 Angell Hail. U. of M. Sailing Club. Meeting, 7:30 p.m., Thurs, March 20, 311 West Engi- neering. Shore school on crewing. work party at Whitmore on Saturday and Sunday. Finance Club. Messrs. E. H. Cress and L. A. Tappe of the Ann Aror Trust Company will speak to the Club on Thurs., March 20, 4 p.m., 131 Buiness Administration Bldg. All interested stu- dents are invited. Informal coffee hour will follow. Sixty-Second Year Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board of Control of Student Publications. Editorial Staff Chuck Elliott.......Managing Editor Bob Keith......... ...City Editor Leonard Greenbaum, Editorial Director Vern Emerson.........Feature Editor Ron Watts...........Associate Editor Bob Vaughn ..........Associate Editor Ted Papes ...............Sports Editor George Flint ....Associate Sports Editor Jim Parker .....Associate Sports Editor Jan James ............ Women's Editor Jo Keteihut, Associate Women's Editor Business Staff Bob Miller ..........Business Manager Gene Kuthy, Assoc. Business Manager Charles Cuson ....Advertising Manager Milt Goetz........Circulation Manager I