Sir qjau A&F ,:43attly .% a 8 MUSCOVITE MICHIGAN See Page 4 Latest Deadline in the State SNOW, COLD *iLN asr.+iIe "i VOL. LXII. No. 117 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 19, 1952 TEN PAES "Got'cha!" " ZAPOMENJISTE e ja s jsem nejlepsiji o da" shrieked Scott. "I hate you too," drawled back Ross. r Thus unanimously agreed on their 'bloody good humour' newly planted assistant art editors, Stu Ross, '55 and Larry Scott, '55. launch their wild careers in Gargoyle's bloody Pulp issue. (It's coming out today, whoop!) Russian non-born, 'wary Larry' as his cohorts call him, speaks Pa nslavski come special occasions, likes Dusseldorf mustard, loves Botany 122 and Is wild about Gertrude Stein. A native of Brooklyn; Ross is an advocate of the Pre-Cambrian School of painting. "I like Art--it's so pretty," he confessed. RIGHT CHALLENGED: Architect Seeks To Serve As Lit Class president By HARLANDI BRITZ An architect's claim to serve as president of the literary college senior class will be decided tonight by Men's Judiciary. The architecture student is, Doug Lawrence, '53 A&D, captain- elect of the Wolverine basketball team, whose petition for the position has been challenged. ? He bases hiS claim to run on recent procedure which has oc- casionally allowed students from his school to vote for literary college senior class offices. HOWEVER, available records are silent on all aspects of the issue. Currently the architecture school.-elects no officers-of its own. Arguments against Lawrence's candidacy also are based on precedent. To anyone's knowledge, no senior class literary college Corruption Prober Hits Senate Snag Morris Refused Subpoena Power WASHINGTON-)--The Sen- ate Judiciary committee yesterday refused to give Newbold Morris power to subpoena witnesses and documents in his hunt for cor- ruption in government. Instead they approved a plan to set up an independent inves- tigation. SWIFTLY following on these de- velopments: 1. House investigators voted to ask President Truman to give them the income tax returns of Attor- ney General McGrath and 19 sen- ior officials of the Justice Depart- ment. 2. McGrath was invited to ap- pear in person March 26 at an open hearing of the House Ju- cdiciary subcommittee investigat- ing his administration of the Justice Department. 3. Morris announced that he had requested McGrath and 595 top officials of the Justice Department for detailed information about the inancial affairs of themselves and their immediate families. 4. Joseph D. Nunan Jr., form- er Commissioner of Internal Revenue, was closeted with house tax scandal investigators in a close-guarded secret session yesterday. Nunan, who headed the Bureau from -1944 to 1947 has come under the fire of Sen. Williams (R-Del.) for his subse. quent legal efforts in behalf of clients in tax trouble with the Federal government. Morris, President Truman's No. 1 cleanup man, made it plain to reporters a month ago that the subpoena power was thenbasic tpol In his investigation and said he would have to have it "to accom- plish the mission." When a reporter asked him late yesterday whether he could func- tion effectively without it, Morris said it would be of great value. Then he added: It's like trying to ski with one hand behind your back. You have better balance with both hands." Morris disclosed his plans to in- terrogate the top echelon of the Justice Department at a news con- ference. Tell Ike' to Come On Home To Win PARIS-(IP)-Paul G. Hoffman said yesterday he has advised Gen. Dwight Eisenhower to give up his NATO command and go home to work for the Republican presiden- tial nomination. From high sources it was indi- cated Hoffman felt he had brought the General part way toward agreement. Publicly Hoffman, a leader in the Eisenhower movement, said Eisenhower had made no commit- ments whatever about returning. Grass Roots Politics Write-in Candidate Eisenhower Runs Close Behind Favorite Son Stassen MINNEAPOLIS-(P)Gen. Eisenhower, fresh from a victory in New Hampshire's presidential primary election, ran a strong write-in second to favorite son Harold E, Stassen last night with nearly one- sixth of the precincts reporting in Minnesota's primary. In Hennepin County, the State's most populous, Eisenhower was running nearly two to one over Stassen with about one-fourth of the precincts reporting. MOST POLITICAL OBSERVERS had believed the primary would be a "shoo-in" for Stassen, elected governor of the state three times. Returns from 645 of the state's 3,769 precincts gave Eisen- hower 18,123 votes to 24,807 for Stassen. The totals included no write-in votes from St. Paul, O I I the state's second city. Only automatically counted voting machine figures were available at first from St. Paul. On the Democratic ballot, Sen. Kefauver (D-Tenn.), ran well ahead of President Truman in the write-in race. However, Sen. Humphrey (D-Minn.), the only one whose name was printed on the Democratic ballot had an- President To Address Legislature 'Ike' Second in Minnesota Race -Daily-Manny Kessler DISAPPOINTED-George Wahr Sallade, local "Ike" chkirman, urged Washtenaw Republican convention delegates to endorse Gen. Eisenhower for GOP presidential nominee. His motion was tabled, 50-47. -Daily-Manny Kessler DAVE CARGO .. Disqualified ** * * * * * * CountyRepublicans Table Ike' Motion I.- By ZANDER HOLLANDER Washtenaw County Republicans last night pigeonholed a resolu- tion which would have instructed' their state GOP convention dele- gates to back Gen. Dwight D. Ei- Clarilication Given of Big Ten. Changes Under the revised Big Ten rules, Ted Topor would still have been eligible to play football last sea- son-but prize halfback prospect Jerry Musetti would be getting ready for spring practice with the Maize. and Blue rather than don- senhower for the Republican presi- dential nomination. The motion, offered' by City Councilman George Wahr Sallade, chairman of the local "Ike" com- mittee, was edged out in a tense 50-47 roll call vote which tatpled the endorsement. AT THE SAME time the 109 delegates to the county get-togeth- er approved a resolution urging Ypsilanti's Owen J. Cleary to seek the GOP nomination for Michigan secretary of state on theRNovem- ber ballot. Cleary, State Republi- can chairman and keynote speak- er of the convention, slammed in- YD's'Afffliate With'Vote Yes' (, T9'41" I .I World News Roundup officer has ever come from an outside school. And in many elections of the past, only lit- erary college students were given the right to vote for those offices. ning the green of Michigan State ! U'7 o mm itee College. t1 By The Associated Press SEOUL, Korea, Wednesday, March 19-An abrupt flare-up in fighting on the Western Korean battlefront Tuesday died down to light patrol, action early today. Meanwhile, armistice negotiators wrangled over Korean ports of en- try amid unaccountable under- currents of restrained optimism. However, major issues still were unsettled. * * * CAIRO, Egypt-Two key mem- hers of the recently ousted Wafdist Party cabinet were arrested yes- terday and spirited out of town. Political circles termed the ar- rests 'the first major blow" by In- dependent Premier Ahmed Naguib Hilaly Pasha against the powerful Nationalist Party which ruled Egypt for two years. SACRAMENTO, Calif.-Frank McKinney, National Democratic Chairman, yesterday asked De- mocratic leaders to withdraw President Truman's name from California's June 3 presidential primary. * * * WASHINGTON - Secretary of State Dean Acheson told Congress. yesterday the administration's $7,900,000,000 foreign aid program has already been trimmed "to the limit of safety." He advised the lawriakers to look elsewhere for possible cuts in President Truman's overall budget of 85 billion dollars. WASHINGTON - Industry members of the Wage Stabiliza- tion Board reportedly failed yes- terday to put over a proposal to give the strike-threatening CIO Steel Workers a 13.7-cent hourly boost in pay and contract bene- fits- Strangely enough, the current senior class officers of all schools have just completed a reorganiza- tion program to take care of such emergencies just as soon as the Student Affairs Committee stamps it O.K. IT IS EXPECTED that this plan will go into effect next year, ac- cording to Nancy Watkins, '52, literary college senior president. By its terms, each school and col- lege will be privileged to elect its own class officers. No student from one school then would be per- mitted to run for office in another school. SAFE SEPTEMBER? College Enrollment May Stabilize, Experts Say Athletic Director Herbert 0. (Fritz) Crisler returned from thet weekend Big Ten meetings in Chi- cago yesterday to clarify the four1 minor changes in the Western Conference code.k * * * THE NEW RULES are: 1) Athletes, to maintain eligi- bility, must have a grade average= (usually C average or better) sat-i isfactory for graduation.1 2) Competition must be com-. pleted within five years of resi- dence. 3) Schools must file academic1 records of athletes annually with the conference commissioner. t 4) Athletes accepted for en-1 trance and taking up residence at a school cannot be contacted by any other conference school. - * THE FIRST regulation will not affect Michigan, Crisler said. Ath- letes will, as before, have the right to appeal for eligibility if their average is close to the required 2.0 and there are. some extenuating circumstances. As a casein point, Crisler pointed out that the new rule would have had no effect on the controversial decision allowing Topor to compete on the grid- iron. The fourth regulation, accord- ing to Crisler, is aimed at ending such incidents as the recent Mu- setti case, where the all-city De- troit Denby halfback was safely snuggled in a South Quadrangle room, only to wind up at MSC. However, there have been seven or eight similar cases elsewhere in the conference, he added. I The other changes were of a more technical nature and would have no particular significance here, he said. YP's May Sponsor A resolution to affiliate with the "Vote Yes" Committee, which7 will urge students to condemn the power of the Lecture Committee in the spring election, was passed by the Young Democrats last night. The YD's, the fifth and final campus group to endorse the "Vote Yes" Committee, added an amend- ment which would prohibit any member group from distributing literature, sponsoring speakers or taking any other action without the approval of the entire commit- tee. Lyn Marcus, '53, who proposed the provision said that "it was iecessitated because of the action of the Young Progressives on the Committee Ito End Discrimination two years ago." At that time," she explained, "the YPs participated in action which harmed the CED and after a bitter fight a resolution similar to ours was passed. The present restriction is proposed in order to forestall such a fight." The "Vote Yes" Committee will meet again tomorrow night. The YDs also decided last night to hold a campus Jefferson-Jack- son Day dinner April 18. New oficers were elected by the club to replace several who have recently resigned. Bernie Back- haut, '55, was elected recording secretary, John Campbell, '55, corresponding secretary, and George B. Levy, '52, treasurer. to the Democratic Administration figures. "Ike" supporters, confident at; the outset of pushing through their motion, steadily lost nerve as the evening wore on. By the time the Sallade resolution got the floor it was the opposition which was confident. It was evident from the dis- parity between 'he "Ike" applause and the Genera's tally that much of his backing came from the 75 or so non-delegates. But it was not until the almost unanimous op- position of the Ypsilanti delegates had been heard that the Eisen- hower forces knew they were licked, ** * SIGNIFICANT items in the roll call, which followed an indecisive voice vote, were the unexpected support given by announced "Ike" backers foi' the tabling motion, and the pointed absence of Cleary when his name was called. Cleary explained later that as state chair- man he had declined to take a side in the dispute. Efforts of "Ike" groups met with similar lack of success in most Michigan conventions last night, a signal exception being Isabella County where six out of eight delegates are announced supporters of the General. Sallade, flushed but good-na- tured after the defeat, said he was "naturally disappointed that the tabling motion passed." But he emphasized that Washtenaw had "proved conclusively by the vote that Eisenhower has tremendous support in this country." Not so good-natured was Dave Cargo, Grad., president of the campus Ike group, who was ruled out as a delegate from Manchester by Chairman John Dobson, off a technicality. 'Afterwards Cargo was red-faced and angry because in disqualifying him the Chairman had virtually negated the convention's support of a Cargo motion which put the body on record as favoring equality of economic opportunity, regard- less of race, creed or color. Dobson told The Daily this morning that the validity of Cargo's motion was still being decided. When the evening's fireworks were over the conclave finished up the routine business of selecting 46 uninterested delegates to the state GOP convention on April 5 in Detroit. LATEST RETURNS Republican ballot 1,640 of 3,769 precincts-Slettedahl 130,- 853, Stassen 72,746; (write-ins) Eisenhower 58,635, MacArthur 834, Taft 13,345, Warren 2,843. Democratic ballot 1,641 of 3,769 precincts-Humphrey 77,- 384 (write-ins)-Kefauver 14,- 747, Truman 3,061; Russell 30, Douglas 37, Stevenson 14. nounced he would turn over his delegation to the President if he chooses to run again. No campaign had been made for Truman in the state. A small effort had been made for Kefauver. Humphrey in 644 precincts got 17,279 votes. Kefauver polled 3,344 and Truman 654. A surprisingly heavy vote was recorded in some areas of the state, despite mixed rain and snow that fell most of the day. In Hen- nepin County, which includes Minneapolis, polling places ,ran out of ballots and had to substitute scratch paper. Interest in the primary had dwindled after court decisions left only the names of Stassen, Edward C. Slettedahl, a political unknown, and Humphrey on the ballots. Ei- senhower, MacArthur and Kefau- ver had been filed. A State Attorney General's rul- ing last Friday saying write-in votes would be valid set off a drive by Minnesotans for Eisenhower. SL To Hold All-Campus Opeii House The campus at large will have an opportunity to meet their SL members and candidates for the April 1 and 2 elections from 3 to 5 p.m. today at the SL house at 122 S. Forest St. According to public relations committee chairman Sue Popkin, '54, the open house will give stu- dents a chance to talk to all the candidates and see them in their own environment. Many present members of SL will also be on hand to answer questions about the functions of the governing body. The 42 candidates will have a chance to talk over their i plat- forms not only among themselves but also with interested students. "We hope that people who don't live in University housing, or who won't be able to attend meetings for candidates in their dorms or houses will make a particular ef- fort to come," Miss Popkin said By CRAWFORD YOUNG President Harlan Hq Hatcher will m-ountthe rostrum at 2 pm. today before a joint session of the State Legislature in Lansing where gen- erations of University presidents have launched eloquent -- and sometimes bombastic - pleas for the University. The 54-year-old president was forced to cancel an address last night to the local alumni club 'U' birthday celebration because of a slight attack of flu, but Dr. Albert C. Furstenburg, dean of the medi- cal 'school, promised he would e. able to make the Lonsing trip. It was merely precautionary the physician reported. * Speaking for the ailing presi- dent, Vice-President Marvin L. Niehuss traced the growth of the University and cited the tradition of far-sighted leadership the 'U has had since its founding. * * * PRESIDENT Henry Phillip Tap. pan set a fiery precedent in the Civil War era for his bouts with the Legislature. "He spoke too well," University chronicles re- late-the strong-willed president left the Legislature floor for the final time with the bland state- ment, "The time will come, gen- tlemen, when my boys will take over here." In 1869, President Erastus O. Haven trekked to Lansing With a speech in his brief case-but President Haven presented the Legislature with smooth rhetore instead of derision. Largely through his efforts, the Univerr sity won a certain fixedpercent- age of the state property tax. This remained as the chief source of state revenue until 1947. Itremained for President Mar ion Leroy Burton in 1923 to watch the mountain come to Mohammed -the State Legislature bivouaed in Ann Arbor for a two day in - tion of 'U' facilities-and a little eloquence from President Burton, * * * THE UNIVERSITY was in a post-war crisis similar to the re- cent one-tremendously increased enrollments crammed the cori- dors. The campus was in the throes of a big expansion program President Burton's address was i eminently successful - sizable grants were obtained from the state to complete University Hospital, and build numerous t other buildings which are now landmarks. However, this was the last oc- casion on which a Universit, President addressed a joint session President Alexander G. Rut4vt appeared often in Lansing, bu never before a joint session. The Legislature rarely extend such invitation to outsiders. How ever, President Hatcher finds him self one of a triumverate this ses sion has bestoied such honorm upon, the others being Genera Douglas MacArthur and Re Charles Potter (R-Mich.). Gen. MacArthur will appear i the middle of May, but Rep. Pot ter declined with thanks. Scabbard DubW By DONNA HENDLEMAN Barring unforseen defense needs, the nation's college enrollment in September ought to keep pace with this year's figures. That is the optimistic prediction of Washington experts, according to a story in the New York Herald Tribune. At the same time, man-power experts are wary over the discard- ed Universal Military Training program,the Tribune said. "Although the shelving of .UMT may seem reassuring to some col- leges now, it is likely to turn out by 1955 to have been a short- sighted move." Local administrators refused to comment, either on impending University.enrollment or on more distant figures. They protested the defense situation was too fluid to warrant their "going out on a limb" now. N* * * t THE TRIBUNE listed three an influx of Korean veterans to boost college enrollments. ., * , PREDICTIONS are all based on this year's figures. Altogether 80,- 592 fewer students are enrolled at colleges and universities this year than last, but there are still 2,- 116,000 men and women taking courses in higher education, the Tribune noted. The overall drop from last year to this was eight per cent. University figures for last September generally followed the national trend. Then the fig- ures dropped 10.2 per cent lower than pre-Korean War figures. As of this semester, the latest local figures read a six-year low of 17,742 students enrolled. Crux of the whole enrollment problem is the deferment issue. If defense needs stay stable then there is no immediate problem, ac- cording to the Tribune. POET CAPTIVATES CROWD: Jarrell Reads Works to Full House , , , NI By PHYLLIS WILLAR Randell Jarrell, one of the lead- ing young poets on the contempo- rary scene today, captivated a capacity audience with a reading of his poetry yesterday in Kellogg Auditorium. Sitting in the small group, his broad smile flashing, his shy- ness began to melt. With many humorous digressions, he an- swered the first charge of how he would judge his own poetry. "There is no objective standard SAN FRANCISCO - Another blizzard howled down on the Sier- ra Nevada yesterday, closing main I New Squres