INVESTIGATING COMMITTEES See Page 4 LwL Dait V. Latest Deadline in the State SHOWERS VOL. LXII, No. 116 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, MARCH 18, 1952 SIX PAGES ---------------- - President's Book Stirs Controversy HST Says 'No Man Indispensable; Hits Wallace, Byrnes, Lewis, Baruch By D. HAROLD OLIVER Of The Associated Press WASHINGTON--R)-President Truman stirred up new contro- versy with two of his former cabinet members by the publication last night of a book in which he says among other things that there is no indispensable man in a democracy. Gov. James F. Byrnes of South Carolina termed "absolutely un- true" a Truman story that he roundly scolded Byrnes in 1946 when the latter was Secretary of State. HENRY A. WALLACE, fomer vice president, said that if Truman ever acknowledges that a "Mr. X" referred to in the book is Wallace, "I shall charge him with the same deliberate character assassination which he finds so despicable in others." From the book's context, it is apparent that."Mr. X" is Wallace., In connection with his statement that there is no indispen- sable man in a democracy, Truman says he has woked to organize the government so that it could function efficiently no matter who is President. "I do not believe the fate of the nation should depend upon the life or health or welfare of any one man," he says in an interview in the widely-heralded new book, "Mr. President." * * * TRUMAN SAID in an accompanying memo that the book is not "a political act." His friend and biographer, Jonathan Daniels, saw it as "the best and perhaps the only evidence yet available that Truman will not run again." The new book is by William Hillman, former Hearst newsman now a commentator for the Mutual Broadcasting System. The volume also contains criticism of Bernard M. Baruch and John L. Lewis, but neither man couldsbe reached for comment. * * * * THE BOOK discloses Truman's informal thoughts on such a wide vange of topics as: Corruption in government ("There would be no corruption if it were not for the corrupters"); Pendergastism' (The Missouri boss was a clear thinker whose wor1 was better than "the con- tracts of most businessmen"); and "flaws" in the U.S. Constitu- tion (it makes no provision to fill a vacancy in the vice presidency.) The book put the President on record six months after the close of World War II as vigorously opposed to "babying" the Soviets. THE VOLUME divulges for the first time such material. for the historian, biographer and stump speaker as: 1-A scorching memo from the President on Jan. 5, 1946 to Secretary Byrnes upbraiding him for not keeping himinformed of what Byrnes was doing at the Foreign Ministers' Conference in MocQw in late 1945. He told Byrnes he had infinite confidence in him and in his ability but "there should be complete understand. ig between us on procedure." 2-The President's belief that a third world war was imminent during the Berlin crisis in 1948 and whn the United Nations forces were taking a licking from the Chinese Reds in North Korea In late 1950. 3-A reference to libraries show Truman apparently was re- ferring to Henry Wallace, then Secretary of Commerce as a "Paci fist 100 per cent" and a "dreamer" who "wants us to disband our armed forces,-give Russia our -atomIc secrets and trust a bunch of adventurers In the Kremlin politbureau." 4-A critical letter-tamer and briefer than rumored in the past- to Bernard Baruch, who had turned down a presidential request that he serve or, the Democratic Finance Committee at a time when the party was badly in need of campaign expense money in 1948. The President told the elder statesman on Aug. 19 that year: "A great many honors have passed your way, both to you and your family, and it seems to, me when the going is rough it is a one-way street. I am sorry that this is so." 5-A description of John L. Lewis as a "demagogue in action," as a man who had "overreached himself" in the 1946 coal strikes, and who for the first time found he had "no pipeline to the White- House." I World News IFlorida Trip Dutch Queen1 TO Visit 'U' on U.S. Tour Juliana's Entire JourneyMapped WASHINGTON - (P)- The State Department announced of- ficially yesterday the complete schedule for the tour Queen Juli- ana of the Netherlands will make in this country next month, in- cluding her visit to Ann Arbor April 17. Queen Juliana is also slated to visit the Detroit area April 14-15. with short sojourns at River Rouge, Greenfield, Mich., and Wil- low Run. On April 16, she will conclude the tour of Michigan with a visit to Grand Rapids, where the Queen will lay a wreath at the grave of Sen. Arthur H. Vandenberg, and thence, to Hol- land, Mich. THE QUEEN is arriving by air April 2 and will be the guest of President and Mrs. Truman are newly renovated White House. She will be accompanied by Prince Bernhard and Foreign Minister Dirk U. Stikker. President and Mrs. Truman are to welcome her upon arrival and will be hosts at a state dinner that evening. An address to a joint Congress session is scheduled April 3. The first weekend of their stay, the Queen and Prince will be the guests of Mrs. Franklin D. Roose- velt at Hyde Park, N.Y. The Easter weekend will be spent at Sea Island, Ga. The itinerary also includes: April 5-A visit to Philadelphia, West Point, Kingston and Hyde Park, N.Y. April 6-Guest of Mrs. Roosevelt. April 7-April 10-New York City. April 10 -- Knoxville, Tenn., Norris Dam of the Tennessee Valley Authority, and arrival at Sea Island, Ga. April 11-13-- Sea Island. No official engage- ments. April 18-19-San Francisco. April 20-21-Los Angeles. The Queen and her party will leave LosAngeles for Canada April 22. PrimaySet. In Minnesota ST. PAUL-()-Minnesota vot- ers today take part in the nation's second 1952 presidential primary -enlivened by a last-minute write- in campaign for Gen. Eisenhower. Only candidates on the ballot are Harold E. Stassen, former Minnesota governor, and Edward C. Slettedahl, both on the Repub- lican side, and Sen. Humphrey (Minn.) on the Democratic side. Slettedahl is a St. Paul school teacher who has, come out for both Gen. MacArthur and Sen. Taft (R-Ohio). Humphrey has said he will turn over his dele- gation to another candidate at the National Democratic Con- vention. Sen. Kefauver (D-Tenn.), Ei- senhower and MacArthur had been filed in the primary, but court ac- tion took them out. Sure, An' It's Green Beer! Gen. Eisenhower Shows Readiness To Give Up Post By The Associated Pre&s Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower said yesterday he is not "indispen sable" as Supreme Allied Commander in Europe and left it up to President Truman whether he should quit his post abroad. The new message from the five-star general, a letter to a con gressional group, marked a possibly significant change in his attitud toward handing over his duties in Europe to others. And he promised ACE Code Tossed Out 1 the would "regularly re-examin his position in the future. On Jan. 7, Eisenhower issued statement in Paris declaring th "under no circumstances" wou he ask to be relieved of his assg went overseas to campaign for t) Republican presidential nomini tion. -Daily-Malcolm Shatz PROSIT!-A battery of St. Patrick's Day celebrants raise their green-beer-filled mugs as they observe the day at a local institution. Crowds of eager' holiday-seekers flocked to the tavern yes- terday, tipped their party hats to newcomers, and good-naturedly sung themselves into a stupor. rFete St. Ps D I 7 <; r- y : . +, T "# I IRoundup- By The Associated Press M JNSAN, Korea, Tuesday, March 18-Red truce negotiators failed to answer to Allied satisfac- tion today seven sticky questions about their plans for an exchange of POW's ,as truce talks bogged down. WASHINGTON - The Army and Marine Corps will draft another 19,000 men in May, the Defense Department announced yesterday. * * * WASHINGTON-With a show- down nearing in the steel industry labor dispute, a top government defense official cautioned yester- day that any strike wil be "dis- astrous." WASHINGTON-Sen. McCar- ran (D-Nev.), chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee yes- terday accused Newbold Morris of "utter disrespect of Congress" and said he will never vote to give Morrie subpoena powers for his investigation of govern- ment wrongdoing. . ** * TALIPEH, Formosa-(AP)-The U.S. plans to double its military advisory group this year to speed the training of 500,000 troops for the defense of this Nationalist Reservations for the Wolver- ine Club's "Sunland Special" train trip to Florida may be made from 1 to 4:30, p.m. on week days until March 26 in the Administration Bldg. Transportation tickets at re- duced rates are priced at $69.50. Special rates are also offered for housing and entertainment features for the stay in Fort Lauderdale during spring vaca- tion. By DONNA O'HENDLEMAN The stuff that flowed at a Lib- erty St. tavern yesterday looked like green soda pop. But it tasted and reacted like beer for those who were lucky enough to celebrate St. Patrick's day at the local pub. WHILE underlings could only PULP:' Bloody Issue Of Gargoyle To HitStands "Well, it's this way," drawled Peg Nimz, '53, Gargoyle managing editor, puffing gently on her fa- vorite Meerschaum, "three of our junior editors went down to do- nate a pint of blood, and once they got the thing going they just couldn't stop." "It got so that the Red Cross ran out of tanks in which to take the blood, and there were the boys, just a-bleedin'. Since we hated to see all those corpuscles go to waste, we decided to put out a Bloody Pulp edition." WHEN ASKED where the pulp came from, junior editor Dave Palmer, '52, announced with be- coming modesty, "We made it our- selves." Her brown eyes crinkling with sly good humor, Miss Nimz said "Shaddup." Miss Nimz went on to recite all 40 pages of the new Gargoyle by memory, her gray eyes a-dance with cinders. The blue-eyed editor then perched upon the radiator to ex-, plain that Gargoyle's Bloody Pulp is a parody on all sorts of pulp magazines. Gazing with purple eyes at one Don Malcolm, '53, Garg curator, Miss Nimz insisted that this is- sue will be one of the best to hi campus in quite a while. Malcolm nodded stonily. Her green eyes clouded over with remorse, Miss Nimz denied rumors that the price of the Gargoyle had sky-rocketed to 26 cents. "Don't you believe it for a minute," she protested, "it's not worth any more than a quarter." In response to the question when is Garg coming out, Miss Nimz whispered, "TOMORROW.' ! !" Cleary May Run look in through shamrock-speckled windows, aged party-goers guzzled the bright beverage and sang rous- ing choruses of anything. Nothing mattered as people tumbled' over people in good- natured observance of i day which was being celebrated,. more generally, in Dublin. Despite the free flow of spirits, tempers were generally mild. And a chorus of husky scholars who croaked out "God Save the Queen" were unable to 'rile up some Irish- men." Everyone was to busy to bother with simple ancient rival- ries. The local younger set had less to shout about. But, in feeble at- tempts to get in their green eye's 'U' Graduate Buys House j Over Protest DES MOINES, Iowa -(P)- A Hawaiian-born University gradu- ate and his wife finally decided to move into their new Des Moines that anonymous telephone pro- home after neighbors assured them tests did, not represent prevailing sentiment. James Nishimura, '47, said he had agreed to buy the house-for the second time in five days-af- ter being assured "they want us here." The first sale was balked Sat- urday when the real estate com- pany returned the couple's $500 down payment and advised them not to move into the neighbor- hood. The company reported getting anonymous telephone calls about the couple. Neighbors on both sides of the house said they did not protest. Don Wissler, who lives next door said: "There is quite an uprising in the neighborhood over this dis- crimination. Frankly we would like to have them occupy the house and we have said so." Nishimura, an internal revenue agent, also is a World War II vet- eran. They plan to move into the house around July 1. worth, they flouted patches of' lime around the campus. For the benefit of those who couldn't get the other stuff, spudnuts were sold frosted a soft, sea-like green. * * * IN DUBLIN, pubs were closed, but hardy Irishmen, undismayed, dragged their wives to "fireside parties." Big event in the Irish capital, fountainhead of venera- tion for the saint that brought. ,Christianity to Ireland nearly 1700 years ago, was a giant parade down to the city's main street. The only reported disturbance came from North Ireland, where ardent wearers of the green and orange battled it out until both sides were towed to jail. In New York, wave on wave of Irish - and the not-so-Irish - turned Fifth Avenue into a surg- ing sea of green. It was New York's 190th annual St. Patrick's Day parade. An estimated 95,000 trod the avenue, hewing to the green traffic line painted down its center. The Asociated Press reported that a million and a hialf lined the avenue . . . watching. SL, SRA Seek ReligionDept A new committee, under the sponsorship of Student Legislature and Student Religious Association will meet at 3 p.m. today in the SL building to discuss a possible plan for the creation of a Depart- ment of Religion in the University curriculum. All the major denominations will be included at the meeting in the representation of three SRA and three SL members. The com- mittee will work to formulate a plan which can be presented for approval before the two sponsor- ing groups. Representative Alan Berson, '52, pointed out that the University is one of the few large institutions which does not have a department of this type. Courses in the depart- ment would strive for interdenomi- national appeal, he added. BylBigt en By CRAWFORD YOUNG The much-publicized American Council of Education code of ath- letic reform was discussed and found wanting by Big Ten presi- dents, athletic directors and fac- ulty representatives at weekend meetings in Chicago. " After a thorough-going consid- eration of the seven-point ACE code, sometimes labelled the "Sev- en Pillars of Wisdom," it was agreed that the Big Ten rules were much better in the two cru- cialarea s of athletic policy, sub- sidization and recruiting. "ONE OF THE tragic things' about the ACE code is that in the key places where athletic prac- tices can be improved, It not only fails to improve the present set- up, but actually goes backwards," Prof. Ralph W. Aigler, Michigan faculty representative, declared. He pointed out that, contrary to many newspaper reports, the code, drawn up by a group of educators under the leadership of President John A. Hannah of Michigan State College, actually sanctions athletic scholarships. Current Big Ten prohibitions on subsidization and recruiting are stiff enough, Prof. Aigler said. The only problem is enforcing the provisions already on the books. NOTHING specific was done at the metings to toughen enforce- ment, he reported. A few minor changes in the Big Ten code were made at the metings, but these for the most part only served to bring the Conference rules closer to the University's. New rules are: 1-Athletes, to maintain eligi- bility, must have a grade average (usually C average or better) sat- isfactory for graduation. 2-Competition must be com- pleted within five years of resi- dence. 3-Schools file academic records of athletes annually with the con- ference commissioner. ' 4--Athletes accepted for en- trance and taking up residence at a school cannot be contacted by any other conference school. The much-publicized issues of spring practice and post-season contest bans were not discussed at the meetings, Prof. Aigler indi- cated. Both policies remain un- changed. 'U Art Lecture Slated for Today The-second lecture of the Thom- as Spencer Jerome series of art lectures will be given by Prof. Gisela M. A. Richter, at 4:15 p.m. today in Rm. D, Alumni Memorial Hall on "Arts of Italy in the Greek .and Hellenistic Period." BY CONTRAST, his new mes- sage said he does not plan to leave his military post in the immediate future in "the absence of a com- pelling call or relief by higher authority." President Truman, obviously the "higher authority" in this case, told a news conference on Jan. 10 that he would not relieve Eisenhower of his post unless the General asked him to do so. As for Eisenhower's mention of the "absence of a compelling call" to warrant his return to the Unit- ed States, .Eisenhower-for-Presi- Ike Favored DETROIT -(P)- A survey made by a commercial public opinion reSearch firm shows that Wayne County Republicans favor Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhow- er for president by a 2-to-1 mar- gin. The poll also showed that Democrats in Wayne County favored President Truman for renomination. The survey gave Truman 47.6 per cent against 28.9 for Sen. Kefauver. dent boosters noted that his mes- sage was dated March 10-the day before the New Hampshire pri- mary election. . * * .* IN PARIS, Paul G. Hoffman, a leader in the Eisenhower move- ment, said yesterday he has urged the General "to come home when- ever he can with a clear con- science, whether this be tomorrow or in May." Hoffman said Eisenhower is an active candidate for the Re- publican nomination "whether he likes it or not." "I said to him," Hoffman as- serted, "'It is going to be rather tough on you to run the NATO show and run it as though nothing had happened in New Hamp- shire. '" Meanwhile, the Senate For- eign Relations Committee yester- day put off a decision on the po- litically touchy question of asking Eisenhower to come home from Europe to testify on the $7,900,- 000,000 Foreign Aid Program. Ford Local Chiefs Yield I 'PERFECTION': Shaw C1 Concert' The widely-hailed Rober Chorale will give a Chora concert at 8:30 p.m. ton Hill Auditorium. Variety will be the key the concertuwhich is slated clude "Requiem" by Mozart beslieder Waltzes" by , "Three Songs" by Ravel,a cerpts from "Porgy and B Gershwin. * * * CRITICS from manyl musiccenters have agreed high degree of perfection a h the 'hne. Perhan th 4orale To Give Tonight at Hill rt Shaw temperament and no mean skill." 1 Union His musical career began as di- ight in rector of the Pomona College glee club where Fred Waring spotted note of him as a. director of great capabili- d to in- ties. 't, "Lie- Brahms, ON THE invitation of Waring, and ex- Shaw, assumed direction of the 3ess' by Waring Glee Club. It was in this period that the original Chapel leading Choir and subsequent Collegiate on the Chorale was formed. ittained Supplementing his present du- e most ties, Shaw is presently head of the To Pressutre DETROIT -(P)- Ford Local 600, making no protest, yielded its top offices to the CIO United Auto Workers International yesterday. The International, as represent- ed by a four-man administrative team, clamped its own controls on big 600 after a tumultuous five days of inner-union crisis. " * * HEADS OF Local 600, who have been dressed down on charges of condoning Communist "influ- ence," gave up peaceably. Without resistance, President Carl Stellato and his three co- officers turned over the local's headquarters at Dearborn to the administrative group. Earlier one of the disciplined of- ficers, recording secretary William R. Hood, had said he wouldn't give in "without counsel with my membership." However, Hood went along with the other three .in yielding the premises. For a year or more Local 600, world's largest union local with 50,000 to 60,000 current members, WORLD-WIDE CELEBRATIONS: University Marks 115th Anniversary By MARGE SHEPHERD Alumni groups throughout the world, from Ann Arbor to Korea, will mark the 115th anniversary of the founding of the University to- day. In addition to the numerous alumni anniversary celebrations in this, country, the, founding will be markied by former stu- dents in Bombay, Manila, Tokyo, Honolulu, Hong Kong, Baghdad, Legislature passed an act "to es- tablish the Catholespistemiad of Michigania!" The joint founders of the limit- ed, classical academy were a French missionary and a' Presby-