OF - - Monday, February 11, 1952 T HE MI CH IGA N D A ILY Page Seven ,Mndy Feray1.1 H IHGNDIYPg ee AGGIES WRECK MPLAN RA3 SE EE APHISCRY " s By BERYL FRISKEY, JR. An insidious ring of agents from a mid-state agricultural college has completely un- lermined the entire Intra-mural athletic program here and caused a ringing cry for deem ;hasis of non-varsity sports. The ring, headed by IM Czar Beryl Friskey, has been planted in the IM building for several years supposedly directing a program of physical education but their actual purpose; it became known last week was to nurture prospective athletes for their green and white clad UY FR DEu-EMPrHASIS MAY LEAD OTHE ND o ALT ISi nvestl atinof Buxr D Uy U %4eginS By GIMMY NICHOLS Special to The Dily WASHINGTON-Subsidization of buxom beauty con- test winners at Rives Junction, Mich., football school was 4barged yesterday by a key witness in hearings before the Figuson Pigskin Committee. Elsie "Miss X" Boredom, a 1937 graduate of Pisano State Farm, testified she entered PSF on a scholarship granted for "exceptional measurements' - below and beyond the call of nor- vert the committee from probing malcy." PSF's allegedactivities, Hamma told Figuson in the Senate cloak- I MISS X, who nervously sippcd room, "I'll give you free rein on on canned milk throughout the this, Omar, if you don't take it." s6ven-hour proceedings, cuffed . PSF head foreman Jon "Greasy tFiuson told The Dait i ua Toe" Manna for "monetary en- 'ar last ngt that "thers ud tiement of both bovine and hu- der pashurs needin' rakin' far man females to attend the institu mres hi dear o's testimony f tion for publicity and other pur- ossed a frnic,'seek-tony, f-fa- posesto-tua search to locate the pit- Pressed by Sen. Omar Finson otal vwitness. Her closest friend, IS, Hrdlu) for explanation of Minnie the Hootcher, had told the "other purposes," Miss ore- Washington newsmen, "What Et- dom yawned and whispered rasp- sic's got to say has got to be good." ily into the microphone, "A football team travels on its FOLLOWING the heralded ap- stomach." pearance of Miss X on the stand, Later in the day, Hamma, who a shy, slender housewife, identified rode all the way from Rives to as "Miss Gridiron," told the com- alswer the accusations, told re- mittee, "If it wasn't fr my schol- porter's, "This is a lot of bull. I arship, d never got a eddication." resent Elsie's horning in on affairs The pert blonde, clad in a pnk of college. She ought to mend her mink coat, said she was approach- own fences first." ed by a PSF scout shortly after * * *winning the Miss Mermaid award IN AN APPARENT move to di- at an aquarium in Muncie, Ind. rc- > o o:>o;::>o<:::::o:::;>o:;:><:::>o <:::>co<::o<>o Everything you need to make your Room more homelike . . . . Bates Bedspreads Scatter RugsO Shoe BagsO Laundry Bags Sheets and Pillowcases Dresser Scarfs Bath Towels Blankets O o and if you need just the right gift for your Valentine wej 1 ave that too. Come in and let us help you. Quality haso no substitute (GAGE LINEN SHOD II Nickels Arcade Open 9:00to.5:30 favorites. THIS was the reason that IM" sports have become such an im- portant factor in campus life. THIS is the reason that Spartan athletic teams have increased their dominance over the Wolverines in recent years. THE AWESOME plot was bared when Sid Simished, a lanky pole vaulter f r o m Twin Lavaliers, Minn., became despondent over his athletic progress. His faulty vi- sion had consistently caused him to miss the cup with his pole, and often found himself on his back in the sawdust extracting long splint.- ers of bamboo or aluminum. This was painful. Sid's despondency and newly revived interest in the Uis c - sitY, due to a buxom coed named ltolky from Toledo, caused him to report the whole mess to the athletic baard. Friskey was im- mediat summoned and when eunfronted vwith the evidence, shakily contfesse d. His story was a mixture of loy-; alty to the alma mater that taughtj hin to make his fortune repairing part number 45637 of the Inter- state Harvester tractor FF No. 6, end of sabotage to a school that symbolized victory of the intelet over brute foirce such as his osn. AFTER GRA'UATION, and a six months apprenticeship at an Ioew a farm commune riskey was adnmittcd to the 4-HI Club. From hec the step to prorinence was short. Reyl ,as on the inside and nothitg could stop him, well at least so long as nn one else knew as much about part number 45037. Beryl's new interest in the alma mater brought him to Ann Arbor, where his knowledge of folk dancing, gained at the com- mune, got him a job with the Women's Association. His switch to the other sex's athletic plant was quick though veiled. He immediately began to seek out potentially good athletes, who had not showed an interest in varsity competition. His pecuni- ary offers brought him success and scores of athletes were scho oled in Spartan system, wilhi the shadows of Ferry Field. After a year of this work, done completely at Friskey's ex- pense, the athletes dropped out of the University and applied to the agricultural school. Admission is relatively easy. It is expected that Friskey and his staff will be demoted and pos- sibly dropped from the faculty. To minimize the effect of the quiet and inactivity of the building, University officials decided to have a dance there this past weekend. Michigan State must shoulder full responsibility for the Michigan J- Hop. 3r .. Buyyour Brcade jewelry gifts at shop fegstered JewelrsAmeracnemSocety . . where they will engrave your pu rchaose at no additional charge at jaw your VAL ENTIN E HEADQUARTERS SL Ful ac nyl siz( tiz' fro H-eart-Stealing girts tor your valentine's aay remembrance. Lovely, lace-trimmed lingerie and soft, luxurious cashmere sweaters that are sure to catch her eye and affections. I Fashioned CASHMERE e-trimmed pullovers.... ...14.95 on tricot in cardigans.. . ...18.95 es 32-38, from 3.95 and NOVELTY SWEATERS Ion Half Slips in new pastel shades es S., M., & L. from 3.95 m 3.95 TOWN and COUNTRY SHOP 302 SOUTH STATE STREET 77