.P.4 THE MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY, MARCH 16, 195 iTERPRETING THE NEWS: Austrian Peace Treaty By J. M. ROBERTS, Jr. Associated Press News Analyst )NE OR TWO CLAUSES in the Allied- proposed peace treaty for Austria make it pretty clear, although the diplomats say they aren't thinking that far ahead yet, that they are working toward political arrange- ments there similar to those which have been made in Germany. In other words, an interim partition of Austria pending .overall agreements with Russia now seems likely. The Allies seemed to recognize the pro- spective failure of their proposal even as it was being made. The U. S. State Depart- ment went so far as to issue a simultaneous denunciation of Russia's attitude and her failure to keep her 1943 promise to co- operate in re-establishing Austrian inde- pendence. Although Russia has agreed to withdraw her troops from Austria if a treaty is reach- ed, she has always raised objections at other points to keep that from happening. Withdrawal from Austria would also re- move the legal justification for Red troops in the former German satellites now con- trolled by Russia. But the one main clause in the pro- posed treaty which is expected to block the whole thing before it ever gets start- ed is the one requiring all the occupying powers to surrender to Austria all proper- ties they had claimed as former German assets or war booty. The Allies once agreed to let Russia have some such properties, although technically it was merely passing on loot which Germany had extracted from Austria first. This agreement, how- ever, was conditioned on Russian fulfill- ment of the entire Austrian settlement which she has consistently refused to do, and so the Allies are withdrawing the agreement. An immutable Russian rule is to mobilize the industries and resources of con'trolled territories for her own benefit, primarily for military purposes. That proposal practically assures that that nothing can come of the treaty move, Western AustriaETAOINSHRDLUSHRDT Once all hope of a peace treaty has been abandoned, the Russians will be frozen out of control councils as they affect Western Autsria just as they were in Western Germany. Whether a Western Austrian government will be formed, or whether some other ar- rangement will be found better under lo- cal conditions, remains to be seen. But the ultimate effect will be the same. .t M A TTft Or By JOSEPH and STEWART ALSOP WASHINGTON-THERE IS A good reason to believe that President Truman, as he ponders his fateful decision under the Florida sun, is now turning over in his mind a rather astonishing idea. This is the notion of a Democratic ticket headed by Adlai Stevenson, who is the President's fa- vorite for first place if he does not run him- self, and-here the element of surprise en- ers-with Sen. Richard Russell, of Georgia, n second place. This idea is not really so astonishing as it appears at first blush. It becomes less astonishing when one begins to un- derstand Russell's real motive in formally entering the Presidential race, and his relationship with both Truman and Ste- venson. Russell has been represented as being de- ermined to bolt the Democratic party and head up a splinter Southern party unless he South has its way at the Democratic D AN C E A WILDLY CHEERING audience climaxed the performance of Jose Limon and com- pany last night. After two years absence of professional dance from campus, the choice of Jose Limon, one of the greatest exponents of modern dance form, proved to be a fortu- nate one. Last night's presentation fulfilled the quality of program and excellence of per. formance that one has come to expect from this group. From the standard works of their repertoire, they presented a good variety- from the abstract and formal Bach "Con- cert" to the narrative "La Malinche;" from the humorous "Story of Mankind" to the powerful "Moor's Pavane." The entire pro- gram was characterized by both inspiration and good taste, and by a meaningful com- munication with the audience. The Bach "Concert" done to preludes and fugues integrates music and dance by placing Simon Sadoff at the piano on the stage among the dancers. This number was an interesting, if not too exciting, beginning. But it was a good indication of the group's technique and choreography, and at moments, such as Pauline Koner's solo, completely captured the essence of the music. "La Malinche" is an example of Limon's keen interest in the folklore of Mexico and its Indian problem. It is a gripping, as well as charming, legend and brings one in close contact with this people of mixed back- grounds and exciting rhythms. The story is framed with a delightful dance of traveling players who performed the legend. This de- vice also contributes to the careful formal structure typical of the works of Limon. Ef- fective use is made of symbolical props and costumes and original music by Norman Lloyd. Iere, as in the later Pavane, strength and sensitivity, power and tenderness are sublimely wed. "The Story of Mankind" is a clever sa- tire of the trials and tribulations of man throughout the ages, from his ever-present characteristics to his many period pe- culiarities. The delightful humor ranged from broad obvious satire to refined and subtle moments, hilariously and skillfully performed by the irresistable Miss Koner and a surprisingly transformed Limon. The "Moor's Pavane" is a work of perfec- tion. Limon's concept of dance as theatre, his keenly developed~ sense of form, and the incredible force and virility of the technique he has developed here come to the fore at their best. The dance begins on a high pitch of emotional tension admirably sustained throughout, and develops into an over- whelming climax. The dance perfectly re- veals Limo,',s concept of dance as an ex- perience of ecstasy. The great emotional impact of the story of Othello becomes all convention. Actually, Sen. Russell, who is both an able man and a Democrat to his fingertips, finds the thought of breaking up the old Democratic coalition, and splitting his party perhaps permanently and fatally, entirely abhorrent. Gov. James F. Byrnes, of South Carolina, and- Sen. Harry Flood Byrd, of Virginia, have both labored long and hard to persuade Russell to promise to run on a splinter ticket if Truman is re- nominated. Russell has steadfastly refused. * * * ACTUALLY, RUSSELL'S Presidential can- didacy is intended primarily as a sort of friendly warning to President Truman. The word "friendly" is used advisedly. Rus- sell has never been the typical Right-Wing Southern politician. On the contrary he has supported many New and Fair Deal mea- sures, and he is not and never has been a dyed-in-the-wool Truman-hater. On the other hand, Truman is known to be grateful to Russell for his able handling of the Mac- Arthur inquiry, and Rusell's name is always' mentioned with respect and even admira- tion in White House circles. Yet Russell, in announcing for the Pre- sidency, wished to warn Truman that he will split his party wide open if he runs again. And this is demonstrably true. The pressure on Russell himself to lead a splin- ter ticket will of course be very heavy in- deed if Truman is renominated. If Russell does change his mind, and agrees to head a Southern party, most Southern leaders believe that he will take every Southern state right around from Virginia to Texas without a break. Yet even if Russell stays regular, accord- ing to his present inclination, the Demo- cratic party will be broken in two all the same. For Byrnes and Byrd and the other Southern leaders are absolutely determined to run a Southern candidate if Truman runs. And they have already picked on Gov. Alan Shivers, of Texas, as second choice. Shivers would meet opposition in Alabama, North Carolina and Tennessee, since Ala- bama's Sen. Lister Hill and John Sparkman, North Carolina's Gov. W. Kerr Scott, and Tennessee's Sen. Estes Kefauver are ac- counted sure to stay regular. * * * THE IDEA OF A Stevenson-Russell ticket as a way out of this danger to Truman's party may seem strange. But actually, Ste- venson, despite the fact that he is a North- erner and a proponent of civil rights legis- lation, is by no means unpopular with the Southern leaders. He is an old friend of Gov. Byrnes, and he is actually a cousin of Sen. Russell. Moreover, he has strong feel- ings about both states' rights and govern- ment economy, and these views .are welcome in the South. Those Southern leaders who, likeRus- sell himself, do not really want to break up their party, realize that the convention can hardly wholly repudiate the 1948 civil rights plank. But, they say, if Tru- man himself does not run again, and if the South will stay regular, civil rights and all. Moreover, as a matter of practical politics, there would be much to be said for a Stevenson-Russell ticket. Sen. Rob- ert A. Taft is known to oppose compul- sory fair employment legislation, and Gen, Dwight D. Eisenhower is believed to op- pose it. Thus the Northern racial vote would have nowhere else to go but to Ste- venson. Moreover, Russell's presence on the ticket would reinsure the South absolutely against a Republican invasion by a ticket headed by Taft, and probably even by a ticket headed by Eisenhower. Of course certain rather ob- vious questions need to be answered: for example, how could a Presidential and Vice- Presidential nominee, diametrically opposed on a basic issue like civil rights, work in harness? Even so, a Stevenson-Russell tick- DREW PEARSON: Washington Merry-Go-Round WASHINGTON-THE COMPLETE story of how the four U. S. fliers were forced down over Hungary and later ransomed for $120,000 has now been reported to Wash- ington. The report came when the top Air Force command at Wiesbaden, Germany, pro- posed court-martialing the four men for incompetence. The truth is that the our fliers were not on a secret mission as the Communists claimed, nor did they get lost in a fog, as the fliers claimed. Furthermore, their com- pass was not jammed by Russian radio, as the fliers claimed. The official report forwarded to Washing- ton by the Air Force in Wiesbaden shows that the trouble was stupid navigation. The Air Force crew was flying on a clear sunlit day, but, as a result of poor navigation, got lost over Hungarian territory on a routine flight from Germany to Belgrade, Yugo- slavia. The oficial report also shows that the fliers signed a statement in either the Russian or Hungarian language which they couldn't read. Obviously they have no idea what was in the report, and Wash- ington is waiting to have it blasted out on the air in the form of propaganda. As a result of all this, the Air Force com- mand in Germany proposed court-martial- ing the four men on a charge of losing a $75,000 plane and costing the United States $120,000 in ransom money. When this was referred to the Pentagon, however, the court-martial was ruled out on the ground that the men had suffered enough. * * * SABOTAGING PRICE' CONTROLS PREMATURE PUBLICITY hampered but did not break up a meeting of cattle men - and food processors in Chicago the other day, called to put the skids under price con- trols. The meeting was held in the Crystal Room of the Hotel Sherman, at the invi- tation of the Corn Belt Livestock Feeders Association. Though some of the largest food groups in the nation had made plans to attend the "secret" meeting and 125 people had accepted, fewer than 40' people actually showed up. C. B. Watson, president of the Livestock Feeders, blamed "unortunate publicity" for the small turnout. The full story of the sec- ret meeting-and its purpose-had appeared in this column the previous day.- Chicago newspaper reporters, assigned to cover the meeting, were given the cold shoulder and told that the gathering was a private affair. A few minutes after the meeting was called to 'order, however, three of them entered the room through a side door and started taking notes in the rear. The were asked to leave. However, here is a summary of the pro- posals to sabotage price controls which were agreed to behind "closed doors": 1. A nation-wide propaganda campaign will be launched to discredit OPS. Radio, TV, newspapers will be used to "get the mes- sage across." 2. Millions of posters will be distributed condemning OPS. The posters, plus auto- windshield stickers, will be displayed by "every producer, distributor, manufacturer, apartment-house owner and stockholder." 3. Industry will send a "steady stream" of delegates to Washington to urge Congress to kill the OPS. "Congress will listen to us if we put enough heat on them," said one member of the group. 4. If Congress renews the Price Control Act, the group proposed buttonholing dele- gates to the Democratic and Republican conventions to persuade them to adopt platform planks denouncing controls. 5. A committee was appointed to raise the funds necessary for this campaign. * * * TWO NEVADA SOLONS NEVADA'S HOARY-HAIRED Sen. Pat Mc-, Carran openly paraded his power over his junior Nevada colleague, Sen. "Molly" Malone, the other day on the Senate floor. McCarran was anxious to get on with Senate business when Malone started in- terrupting with long-winded dissertations condemning the reciprocal-trade theory. McCarran tapped his foot impatiently, finally whispered to Senator George of Georgia that he would "put an end to this." Deliberately stalking across the front of the Senate chamber, McCarran planted him- self in front of Malone and fixed him with a cold stare. "We gift-loan to foreign countries money to enable them to outbid us in the world market . .. " Malone droned on, oblivious to McCarran's performance. Then the senior Nevadan caught his eye. Not a word was whispered; McCarran simp- ly gave him a withering look. Malone sput- tered like a motor out of gas, shrank meek- ly into his seat. McCarran turned on his heel strode majestically back to his seat. Malone looked sheepishly around to see whether anyone had noticed. The whole Senate had been watching. Several Senators laughed openly. But Malone chose to swallow his self-respect, rather than defy his power- ful colleague from Nevada. Note 1-Once before, Malone got in trouble with McCarran for talking too much. While McCarran was back in Ne- vada, Malone made the unortunate de- cision to filibuster the anti-slot machine THE WEEK'S NEWS ..IN RETROSPECT . Local ~SL proposal aimed at eliminat- L . . .ing bias clauses from University THINGS ARE TOUGH ALL <.approved groups. A provision OVER - University budgeters got without teeth, the proposal another headache Friday when would require organizations with the Senate Appropriations Com- constitutional bias clauses to mittee deigned to ignore a Uni- act "positively" against them versity deficiency request for $476,- in national conventions, or else 000 when they reported out a well- be denied recognition by the decimated appropriations bill. The ;f SAC. Before it can go into request was to cover a six per cent effect the motion must be ap- cost-of-living pay raise givento proved by President Hatcher University employees in January. and the Regents. *Y * GOING UP-Several thousand sNational students got a jolt Friday when the Administration announced a CLEAN SWEEP-Upsets in the new hike in dormitory fees, to be New Hampshire preferential pri- instituted with the summer ses manes for President gave Gen. sion. The'price rise, $24 a yeafr Dwight EIsenhower and Sen. Estes women and $34 for men, is neces- Kefauver a clean sweep of all Re- sary, according to University of -YS ta publican and Democratic dele- ficials, in order to "maintain the gates for that keynote state. Vet- prevailing standard" in the dormi- eran campaigners Harry Truman tories. and Bob Taft emerged somewhat shaken by the "upstarts" show of TRY, TRY AGAIN--Fraterni- -Day BlHampton formidable opposition. ty house presidents last week * * * voted in a radical new rushing Will I fit in here? TRAINS ROLL-A federal court plan which leaves rushing pro- -_.__ .injunction put an abrupt hal to cedure practically independent the newspapers to pick up a few OPEN SEASON - Almost 100 the two day railroad strike Tues- of the IFC. Under the plan men ,remainmg scraps, went unherald- campus hopefuls were announced day which paralyzed New York could rush almost anytime dur- ed, away. last week as contenders for 48 Central operations. ing the year without registering During the week they heard student offices to be filled by all- with the IFC. Only requisites: talkative David Averill. "Ford campus elections April 1 and 2. a two week Dead Period after Facts" editor. Local angle from SL Elections Director Mike Mc- International . . . regular rushing is over, anyone Averill: his testimony charged Nerney egged the contestants on pledged to be initiated with the Arthur McPhaul, banned from with a cheerful, "There's no limit NO PROGRESS-Korean Arm- next regular pledge class, speaking on campus, was at one to what you can do." istice negotiations stalled at its "If a man feels he will fit into time a dues paying Communist. now usual standstill on the ques- "If ma fels e wll it nto ea l ie d testu ntro-tion of prisoner exchange. Mean- a group, he should be allowed to Meanwhile, despite student pro- ROLL 'EM UP-Half over, the while, Gen. James A. Van Fleet, join," Pete Thorpe, rushing tests, Mrs. Lawrence F. Meisner, all-campus blood drive passed the Eighth Army Commander, dis- chairman explained. Cmmite ww1,000 mark yesterday, leaving two- closed that the Reds have built * * ~~~~~ Committee two weeks ago, thirds of the goal still unfilled. u oc f9000mno h expelled from Wayne Univer- up a force of 900,000 men on the THE House Un-American Ac- sity. Deploring her naughty con-j* * Korean front, but added he did tivities Committee scabbled duct, the Wayne deans explained, BIAS BUSINESS - For the not expect a major Communist through their last week of hinting "She spoke in a manner disgrace- second time in two years the offensive. that various Detroiters were or ful to a properly constituted gov- Student Affairs Committee put -Donna Hendleman were not Communists, and leaving ernment body " their stamp of approval on an and Alan Luckoff 0 Z er o e 0 lio x SDA Policy. ... To the Editor: THE FOLLOWING statement of policy was unanimously ac- cepted at the Students for Demo- cratic Action meeting Tuesday, March 11: The SDA is a national liberal political group which denies entry to its political instrumentality to Communists. Nevertheless, it views with grave concern the illiberal at- titude of silencing Communists at their own meetings, and urges spe- cial care in the branding as sub- versive, without full and sufficient proof, of any dissenters. Many may feel that violent overthrow of the government is a fundamental tenet shared by all Communists everywhere. The ad- vocacy of such violent overthrow is a Federal crime, punishable un- der the Smith Act, as the 11 Com- munist leaders were, before Judge. Medina 's court. Any person, Com- munist or otherwise, who does ad- vocate such violence at any public meeting would be committing a crime under existing Federal statutes. But it is distinctly not unlawful for a Communist to speak on de- po tation procedings, the House Un-American Activities, NATO, or Federal Housing. We of the SDA assert our unqualified concern that free speech, within existing, national and state statutory and! judicial limitations, be fully pro- tected. We believe that more than anywhere this is the deep concern of the university community: We find that the Lecture Com- mittee is an unnecessary hind- rance of all campus political clubs. Its ban on subversive advocacy of' violent governmental overthrow is redundant, in light of the Smith Act. ... What is legal subject material in Ann Arbor restaurants, in De- troit meetings, in conversation or formal addresses anywhere, must not be made arbitrarily illegal at; the citadel of free inquiry, the University... . , Accordingly, the SDA has origi- nated the proposal to form a unit- ed Vote Yes Committee of all cam- pus political clubs. The SDA vigor- ously urges complete acceptance of this program of coordinated action and whole-heartefl. support of the campaign to remove the Regent rule which guides the Lecture Committee. -Ted Friedman, '53 President, SDA Genocide . To the Editor: THE UNIVERSITY investigation of the private dinner at which Arthur McPhaul spoke, raises the question, not only of civil liberties and academic freedom, but also the question of the content of Mc- Phaul's speech. What does McPhaul speak about that provokes-first, a denial of the right to speak publicly, and secondly, such a stir when he speaks privately? What is the burning message that must be concealed at all costs? It is genocide as a policy of gov- ernment against the Negro people that McPhaul spoke about. It is about the nearly 200 pages of mur- der, rape, insult, and economic de- privation inflicted on the Negro people, catalogued case by case in the book "We Charge Geno- iide," that McPhaul spoke about. It is about a book which singles out such examples as that of for- mer Secretary of State Byrnes for his statement, that South Carolina would "find a way" to retain white primary elections, inciting geno- cide against any Negro who tried to vote in that state-it is about this book that McPhaul spoke. How far the Administration is willing to go to prevent an out- standing leader of the Negro peo- ple from presenting the facts of genocide, and to prevent students. from hearing them, is shown by its investigation of the private din- ner at which McPhaul spoke. Does it not appear somewhat ludicrous that an Administration, which has four years in which to mould the thinking of students, which de- cides who teaches and what is taught, should be afraid merely because one speaker presented his point of view to a small group of students for half'an hour? No University should allow the war hysteria to frighten it into joining the rash of attacks on civil liberties now going on throughout the country. Rather than investi- gating those who discuss crimes against the Negro people, why doesn't the University investigate discrimination in housing, in the barbershops, in employment, in faculty hiring policy, in racist textbooks? Just the other day, the African Union protested the "hu- miliation of an African student" as a "flagrant disregard of human rights." Why doesn't the Univer- sity investigate those who are guil- ty of denying aid mocking the hu- manity of Negroes rather than those who point to the fact that the Negro is slaughtered, exploit- ed and humiliated with impunity in the United States? -Mike Sharpe Ojog 1C 1 -01 - J I I' r DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN' (Continued from Page 2) Seminar in Complex Variables: Mon., March 17, at 3 p.m. in Room 247 W. E. Mr. Osburn will report on theorems of Pringsheim and Riesz. Probability Seminar: Mon., March 17, at 4 p.m. in Room 3001 A.H. Mr. Raiffa will be the speaker. Sociology Colloquium: Professor. L. J. Carr and Mr. Lawrence Northwood, both of the University of Michigan, will speak on "Research - Trends in In- dustrial Sociology," Wed., March 19, at 4:15 p.m. in the East Conference Room, Rackham Bldg. Everyone in- terested is invited. oncerts Organ Recital: 4:15 Sunday after- noon, March 16, by Robert Noehren, University Organist, in Hill Auditor- ium. This is the first of two Sunday afternoon recitals by Mr. Noehren cov- ering organ music by Johann Sebastian Bach. It will include his Concerto in G major, Chorale Preludes "Von Gott will ich nicht lassen" and "Jesu meine Freude," and Fantasia and Fugue in C, minor; Trio-SonataNo.3 in D minor and Prelude and Fugue in D major. The second program Will be played on March 23 at the same hour. Both are open to the public without charge. Cello Recital by Oliver Edel, assisted by Marion Owen, pianist, 8:30 Sunday evening, March 16, in Lydia Mendels- sohn Theater. The program will open with Boccherini's Sonata No. 6 in A ma- jor, followed by Bach's Suite No. 2 in D :minor, for unaccompanied cello. Dur- ing the second half Mr. Edel and Mrs. Owenwill play Sonata No 2 in C, for Cello and Piano, by Ross Lee Finney, The Robert Shaw Chorale and Con- cert Orchestra, directed by Robert Shaw, will give the ninth program in the Choral Union Series Tues., March 18, in Hill Auditorium, at 8:30. In the first half the chorus will present the Mozart Requiem Mass in D minor (K.626). The work consists of twelve parts for chorus, orchestra, and solo- ists. The second half of the program will consist of: Liebeslieder Waltzes, Nos. 8 to 16, by Brahms; Trois Chan- sons by Maurice Ravel; and excerpts from "Porgy and Bess" by George Gershwin. A limited number of tickets are avail- able at the offices of the University Musical Society in Burton Memorial Tower, and will also be on sale at the Hill Auditorium box office after 7 o'clock on the night of the performance. Exhibitions Museum of Art, Alumni Memorial Hall. Advancing French Art; Peiping (Life Photographs); Fourth Annual In- ter-Arts Union Student Art Ehibit. Weekdays 9 to 5. Sundays 2 to 5. The public is invited. Events Today Town and Country Club. Meet at Women's Athletic Building at 2:15 p.m. today for roller skating party at Ivory Palace. Bring your bikes. Deutsche Kaffeestunde-German Cof- fee Hour. 3-4:30 p.m., Round-Up-Room, League. Symposium of "Advancing French Art," Museum of Art; Prof. Chet La More, Prof. Marc Denkinger, Mr. Frank- lin Ludden, 3:30 p.m. West Gallery, Alumni Memorial Hal. Coming Events La P'tite causette meets Monday from 3:30 to 5 p.m. in the south room Union cafeteria. S.R.A. fxecutive Committee meets at Lane Hall, 4;45 p.m., Mon., March 17. Photography Group meets at Lane Hall, 7 p.m., Mon., March 17. All inter- ested students invited. Barnaby Club: Supper and business meeting, Lane Hall, Mon., March 17, 6 Sp.m. Sixty-Second Year Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board of Control of Student Publications. Editorial staff Chuck Elliott .......Managing Editor Bob Keith ..................City Editor Leonard Greenbaum, Editorial Director Ve*n Emerson........Feature Editor Ron Watts...........Associate Editor Bob Vaughn ...........Associate Editor Ted Papes ..............Sports Editor George Flint ....Associate Sports Editor Jim Parker ...Associate Sports Editor Jan James ........Women's Editor Jo Ketelhut, Associate Women's Editor Business Staff Bob Miller ...........Business Manager Gene Kuthy, Assoc. Business Manager Charles Cuson ....Advertising Manager Milt Goetz....... Circulation Manager Congregational-Disciples Guild: Meet Gilbert and Sullivan: Meeting in the at Congregational Church. 6 p.m. sup- League at 7:15 p.m., Mon., March 17th. per for members of supper co-op. 7 p.m. Important for all chorus. program for all Guilders and guests. Miss Ruth Cantieny, who has come Grad History Club meeting, Mon., from Germany to study dentistry at March 17, 8 p.m. i the East Conference the University, will speak on "World- Room at Rackham. Prof. Austin War- Wide Christianity." ren of the English Depgrtment will Wesleyan Guild: Morning Seminar, speak on "Readings and Recordings in 9:30 a.m. in the Pine Room. Fellowship English Literature." supper, 5:30 p.m. Program, 6:45 p.m. Guest speaker will be Prof. Arthur There will be a meeting of The Munk and his topic: "The Concepts of Society for Peaceful Alternativs nTizs., Man."I March 18, 7:30. at the Michigan Union.