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March 15, 1952 - Image 6

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1952-03-15

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Limon To Perform T onight
Jose Limon, renowned modemn
dancer, will appear before a, ca-
pacity audience at 8:30 p. m, to-
night a t Lydia Mendelssoh4

a a sell-out performance, the
Lcer and his troupe will feature
r of their best-known numbers,
he Moor's Pavanne," "La Ma-
he," "The Story of Mankind"
e award for the finest new work
he year, "The Moor's Pavanne"
ssents, within the formality of
ancient court dance, the tragic
ry of Othello's betrayal. Limon
done his own choreography
this work.;
"La Malinche" recounts the
ory of an Indian princess who
as given to Cortez on his ar-
val in Mexico. According to
Bend, the maiden served the
inqueror well and was hated by
r people. After death, she re-
tred to earth to aid her peo-
* In their struggle for libera-
n and to expiate her former
h a lighter vein, "The Story of
nkind" is taken from the car-
n by Carl Rose and portrays
n's rise from the cave age to
penthouse, and his return to
cave. Chorpography for this
nber is done by Doris Humph-
a prominent dancer in her
n right.
Concert" is a dance which fol-

Will Honor
Rev. Yoder
In honor of the Reverend Henry
0. Yoder, who is completing his
twentieth year as Lutheran minis-
ter at the University, Dr. George
Forell of the National Lutheran
Council has been brought to cam-
pus as part of an anniversary pro-
Dr. Forrell, who is connected
with the student service division
of the Council, is meeting with in-
ter-denominational and Lutheran
f aculty groups.
In addition to participating in
discussion groups of the Lutheran
Student Association, Dr. Forell
* * *

Work Goes on in Angell

Quiet onOutside,
But -Busy Withi
Zn the summer of 1950.construction was started on the new addi-
tion to Angell Hall.
Since then the building has been progressing steadily towards
completion. Recently, however, the addition has taken on the appear-
ance from the outside of a deserted giant of brick and steel. To, the
passer-by it may seem as though work has stopped and the once
"active" building is now standing alone with an occasional grumble
or clatter emitting from its interior.
But if one were to venture inside the structure, the grumble
and clatter would take on a different aspect. For through a maze
of halls and half-finished rooms you can see carpenters, brick-
layers, electricians and welders going about their work. Occasion-
ally an absent-minded professor or bewildered student is led to the
outside world after wandering through the maze and not being
able to find his own way out.
Many people wonder what type of rooms the addition will
tain and many probably wait impatiently for their completion,
they may see for themselves the finished product. Lecture halls an
classrooms will fill the building and from the looks of things they
promise to be modern.
A sign across from the general library states that by Septem-
ber, the place will be ready for classes. Although no one knows
exactly when construction will be finished, the University expects
completion sometime this summer.
Meanwhile the honeycomb of rooms and corridors is in various
stages of construction. In some places plasterers are finishing the
walls and ceilings, electricians are running wires for lighting ahd
heating, plumbers are layig i pipes, while in other places brooms
are being pushed and debris is being cleared in preparation for the
painters and interior decorators.
Steadily and surely the new addition to Angell Hall is nearing





lows more closely the ballet school,'
set to the Preludes and Fugues
of Bach. Limon is the choreo-
grapher for this work.
* * *
A STUDENT OF Doris Humph-
rey and Charles Weidman, Limon

,fis a convert to the modern dance

J' Information Center Aids
tudents with Draft Problems

An informed answer to many
tudent's draft problems may be
ound in a little known corner
If the Residence Halls office in
he Administration Building.
Under the direction of Gordon
Hanson, it is the only place on
ampus where complete and up to
late records of all Selective Serv-
.ce regulations are on file. The of-
ice is intended to aid students who
re concerned about their draft
tatus or related matters, such as
hances of deferment or the meth-
d of appeals from draft board de-
HANSON, WHOSE official title
Regents Plan
Press Meeting
Official invitations for a lunch-
on with the Board of Regents
iave been dispatched to the Mich-
.an Press Association, it has been

is "Selective Service Counsellor,"
has had a varied career in prepara-
tion for the job.
As a front line soldier in Eur-
ope during the Second World
War, he learned the problems of
army life from first hand ex-
perience. After receiving his dis-
charge, the genial counsellor at-
tended the University, where he
received degrees in civil engi-
neering and business adminis-
Although he has direct contact
with Washington on draft matters,
the counsellor can not make offi-
cial statements. "My job is to in-
terpret and explain the Selective
Service regulations," H a n s o n
pointed out.
"One of the most common ques-
tions asked;" he said, "is how reg-
istrants should treat their local
boards." .
"The advice is to keep your
board well informed and try to
maintain good relations with
them; for example, if they request
some information from you, be
prompt and accurate in giving it
to them, Hanson ,said.
"In case nothing is heard from
your draft board," he advised,
"'Let sleeping dogs lie'."
Publication Board
OK's Five Petitions
The Board in Control of Student
Publications met yesterday and ap-
proved the petitions of Larry Scott
'55 and Stu Ross '55 as assistant
art editors on.Gargoyle.
Marge Shepard '54, and Diane
Decker '54 received appointments
to the position of assistant night
editors on The Michigan Daily edi-
torial staff and Kathy Zeisler '54
was appointed to night editor on
women's staff.

field. He originally planned to be-
come an artist, and was, in fact,
pursuing this line of work when
he became interested in dance.
His first appearances on the
dance stage were made with the
Weidman- Humphrey concert
group; from which he attained
his present position in the dance
Jose Limon's company includes
guest artist Pauline Koner and
Lucas Hoving, Betty Jones, Ruth
Currier with concert pianist Si-
mon Sadoff.
Tonight's performance will be
Limpn's only appearance in this
area for this year.
Navy Program
Seeks Recruits
In AllFields
In a greatly expanded program,
the Navy is making appeals for a
large number of June graduates,
W. H. Tidman of the U.S. Naval
Recruiting Station in Detroit an-
There is a need for both men
and women in a wide variety of
fields, including such subjects as
forestry, economics, h is t o r y,
mathematics, and archaeology. In
all, there are more than 75 techni-
cal and non-technical areas in-
In certain fields, a commission
will be granted immediately upon
induction while others will require
a short training program.
Students interested should ap-
ply immediately, since it will be
necessary to take a series of tests
in the late spring.
Until recently, naval enlistments
were limited to 150 men per
month. To make room for the new
program, however, monthly quotas
have already risen to 600, and by
June, the 30 day .enlistment will
have reached 900 men.
For further information stu-
dents may see Gordon Hanson in
1056 Administration Building or
contact Tidman, U.S. Navy Re-
cruiting Station, Office of Naval
Officer Procurement, Room 417,
New Federal Building, Detroit, 26,
Michigan. .

* * *

will be guest preacher at the regu-
lar services beginning 10:30 a. m.
HE WILL ALSO address a joint
meeting of the Lutheran Student
Association, alumni and friends of
the Association. The meeting will
be held in the Foundation's new
center, which was dedicated in
Born in BreslauhDr. Forell
was educated in the gymna-
siums of Germany and took his
university training at the Uni-
versity of Vienna. He has also
studied at Columbia and at
Princeton, where he received his
Master of Theology degree, and
Union Theological Seminary in
New York City.
Rev. Yoder came to Ann* Arbor
in 1932 as Pastor of Trinity Luth-
eran Church and part time pastor
for Lutheran Students. He re-
mained in this capacity until 1945
when he was asked by the Nation-
al Lutheran Council to become
full time pastor for National Luth-
eran Council Studenth.
The anniversary will bring back
miany former foundation students.
Co-ops Will Hold
'Roamin' Dinner'
A novelty Ides of March, "Roam-
in' Dinner" and dance, sponsored
by the Inter-Cooperative Council,
will be held from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m.
today at the Women's Athletic
The first part of the program
will consist of an exchange supper
between the Michigan, Nakamura,
Osterweil, Owen, and Stevens Co-
op houses. After the dinner there
will be square, folk, and social
dancing at the WAB. While the
dinner is confined to Co-op- mem-
bers, everyone is invited to the

A Daily
Story by Bob Apple
Pictures by Don Campbell

< 1


The MPA has recently under-
taken a .campaign to open the
meetings of the Regents and the
Michigan State College "State
Board of Agriculture." At their
February meeting, when the issue
first airose, the Regents had indi-
cated their willingness to meet
informally with representatives
of the MPA Committee on Infor-
mation. -
The MPA had thus far concen-
trated its efforts on the State
Board of Agriculture, with whom
negotiations are now under way
on means of solving the problenm.
The luncheon will be held next
Friday in the Union, when the
Board of Regents will hold their
March meeting after the lunch-


- .



~~~cde jewetuy
V shop
v e§s1'ed Je el ers.Amercan Gem SO&*


March 15, 1952

Dear Sir:
To you who are about to purchase your first gem.
In this letter I shall offer you facts and advice on how
a fine diamond. Some of you may not know how to choose a
you often lack the knowledge of how to select him.


to select and purchase
reputable jeweler because

Claims in diamond advertisements only tend to further confuse the buyer.
The first step to a successful purchase of your diamond ring is to select a jeweler you
have confidence in.
To make that selection you must look for a jeweler with these three primary
qualifications: 1. Knowledge. 2. Integrity. 3. Experience.
By knowledge I mean the jewel must be a trained and qualified gem expert.
Not one to simply give some convincing sales talk but to personally grade each and
every stone he offers for your consideration; to point out the merits of each stone; to
offer explanation as to why one stone is not of the same gem value as another.
r (tr

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t....f. ,.. v ..,...,

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