THDE ETERNAL PSEUDONYM See Page 4 Y asr Latest Deadline in the State :4346 or lit !,A& VOL( TX TVtT nJ,.712 I X %JJUs L1%.11s IN V l 14 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN. THURSDAY. MARVU 13. 1 952 . .aNN aRROsR. T 1 1TA1 '1\TTa~f+ ~I?~lAV NADW1LJ riiS 19 ifl, IEC Aproves All-Semester Era terni Party Stalemate Prospects Rise From Primary MANCHESTER, N.H.-(A')-The prospects for a Republican con- vention deadlock and some "new faces" on the Democratic ticket rose last night out of New Hampshire's candidate-testing primary, the nation's first in 1952. Complete unofficial returns from the state's 297 precincts showed Democratic Sen. Estes Kefauver of Tennessee snapped President Tru- man's election victory string by a decisive 20,147-16,298 vote--a margin of 3,849. * * * * -7 } t 1 t j x 1 t f s f v a is e Y t 0 ti i Y y Y2 T 1 W n xx a, IN THE REPUBLICAN "popularity" race--the preferential test- supporters of Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower put' some ballot substance E * * behind their "I Like Ike" buttons P ay' with a rousing 10,677-vote victory over Senator Robert A. Taft of KEpert S.yThe final count: Eisenhower K efauver 46,497;. Taft 35,820. To the winners went the nation- U-al convention delegates-14 Presi taPow 'er dential votes for Eisenhower, eight forsKefauver. Of the two trium- phant candidates, Kefauver the "crime buster" proved himself the Eisenhower Victory better vote-getter, percentage wise. Not Unexpected BOTH KEFAUVER and Gen. Eisenhower said yesterday they By MIKE WOLFF were happy about their victories in Campus political experts con- the New Hampshire Presidential sidered Sen. Kefauver a serious primaries. contender for the Democratic But the losers didn't concede nomination as a result of Tues- anything either. day's primary but expressed di- Kefauver, who beat President vided opinions as to the signifi- Truman in the Presidential poli- cance of General Eisenliower's ularity contest and also won victory, the New Hampshire delegates Most of the political scientists to the National Democratic Con- felt President Truman was still venjion in Chicago, said: strong enough to have a power- "I have won a very wonderful ful voice at the convention al- victory. though Kefauver's sweep had un- He promptly announced that he doubtedly given his candidacy would enter every primary he can. quite a boost. EISENHOWER,\who has taken GeorgedA. Peek of the political no part in the campaign, said of science department pointed out his victory, in the Republican pri- that "while the voters might want mary over Senator Taft of Ohio: a new face, the results did not "Any American who is hon- seem to show a repudiation of the ored by so many other Amern Democratic prograni since Ke- cans considering him for the fauver has generally gone along Presidency should be proud or, with Truman's policies." by golly, he is not American." Taft's headquarters issued a CALLING the general's victory state t h ai an unexpected and overwhelm- "The Eisenhower managers cer- ing defeat of Taft," Prof. Samuel tainly have little to cheer about J. Eldersveld of the political sci- New Hampshire was their strong- ence department claimed that the est state, . and all they could 16,000 vote plurality over Taft in get was a bare 50 per cent of the the face of hard core Republican total vote." pposition was an indication of President Truman had no com- errific public support for Eisen- ment. h rower. As to the meaning of the New Prof. Eldersveld emphasized, Hampshire primaries, it all de- however, that while the primary pended on from what angle you was an indication of public opin- were looking at it. ion, its results were by no means Se e n gles: conclusive since the delegates Some sample angles: are not bound by law to keep Sen. Martin (R-Pa.): "The com- arer notbd by le aw toneep plete repudiation of Trumanism by their pledges at the national the Democrats of New Hamp- convention.shr.3 Prof. James K. Pollock, chair- shire."t nan of the department, also com- Kefauver: "I don't think this is mented that "a great reputation a protest vote against President4 netedthto"eagrfeatireputati- Truman. In general, I agree with; Plan Passed By Divided House Vote Minority Claims Rule 'Unsavory' A divided IFC House Presidents' Assembly last night passed a new rusing plan, permitting a man to be pledged at almost any time during this semester. The vote was 29 to 13. THE PLAN CALLS for a two week Dead Period of inactivity af- ter the regular two week rushing period is over. After that time men may be pledged without reg- istering with the IFC. However, any man pledged during the extended period may not be initiated with the pledge class taken at the beginning of the semester. Instead he must wait to be initiated with the pledges taken the following semester. The new ruling will go into ef- fect at 9 am. Monday when pledge cards wil be available at the Of- fice of Student Affairs. * * * MEN PLEDGING in the next ten weeks will also be able to take advantage of a two-week old IFC ruling waiving minimum scholas- tic requirements for rushing and pledging. According to IFC Rushing Chairman Pete Thorpe, '53, "the plan will give fraternities that want to help themselves an op- portunity to do so." The drop in pledges this semes- ter was not the only factor bearing, on the decision, he maintained. The plan was also based on the philosophy that if a man feels he's going to fit into a group, he should; be allowed to pledge. Opposition to the plan felt that it would. make rushing a year around business. Such a condition, several presidents felt, is quite un-' savory. World News Roundup By The Associated Press SEOUL-A North Korean bat- talion supported by artillery and mortars attacked last night along a two and one-half mile front but! the veteran U.S. 25th Division stopped the Reds cold. The night fight on the Eastern front was the heaviest Communist attack in almost a month. * * * CLEVELAND-Railroad strikers in Elkhart, Ind., voted last night to return to work on the New York Ceitral, wiping out the last ob- stacle to resumption of normal -Ed Basset-Detroit Conegian NEAR RIOT-A crowd of 2,000 students at Wayne University were almost involved in a riot when Glenn Irving (right) jumped out of the throng and challenged John Cherveny (left) to fight after the latter had begun to talk to the crowd at an unauthorized rally sponsored by the Student Com- mittee to Defend Mrs. Lorraine Meisner. Cherveny had previously appeared before the House Un- American Activities Committee as an accused Communist. E 1 t a l . , I E S t A * * * * RAIN AND COLDER SIX PAGES ty ledging Editor Charges McPhaul Once In Red Party Cell By JERRY HELMAN Special to The Daily DETROIT-In a jam-packed last session 0f the House Un- American Activities Committee's probe into alleged Communist in- filtration into Detroit labor unions yesterday, David Averill, editor of "Ford Facts," said Arthur McPhaul was "very definitely a member of the Press Steel Branch of the Communist Party." McPhaul, who had been banned from speaking on campus by the University Lecture Committee and spoke last Thursday night at a private dinner in the Union" * * branded Averill, an avowed form-- P r t s . er Communist, as a "liar" when rotests contacted by The Daily. AVERILL was not asked by the ne C oed. committee to elaborate on Mc- Phaul's status, but later told The Daily that when he was a mem-" ber of the Party in 1942 and 1943 S usnens on he had collected dues from Mc- Phaul and that although he had - not seen him since, "In my mind By HARLAND BRITZ 'I know that he still is a member, Student Legislature last night but I cannot prove it." protested the. recent action of When told of Averill's state- Wayne University President David ment, McPhaul countered that Henry in suspending coed Lorraine Averill 'fhad never collected any- Meisner after her appearance be- thing from me and to prove he's fore the House Un-American Acti- a liar, I just saw him last week." vities Committee in Detroit. A member of 'Ford Local 600 The SL motion, offered by Hu- employed in the Press Steel Divi- man Relations Committee chair- sion, McPhaul further charged man Roger Wilkins, '53, opposed that Averill was a member of the the methods used by President Socialist Workers Party-"which Henry. The bill acused President is known as a Trotskyite group." Henry of bl tl71:~f 1 ~ cl i...tS _ _ 7 _* * Editor Hits Inaccurate journalists "'Keyhole Kefauvers, profound pundits, and syndicated Socrates" of the newspapers are presenting a real threat to the accurate inter- pretive type of news that should be reported -today, Lester Markel, Sunday Editor of the New York Times said yesterday. Speaking before a large gather- ing at the Rackham Amphitheatre as part of the journalism lecture series, Markel emphasized that newspapers must give the people the ability to understand facts. * ' -*' "THESE pseudo-journalists, who pose as authorities, dabble in so- cial affairs, make great predic- tions and give readers facts that are not questioned, are not fulfill- * * * f k Rally at Wayne Causes Near Riot By HARRY LUNN Special to The Daily DETROIT-Wayne University seethed yesteday following a near riot caused by an unauthorized campus rally which featured alleged Communists John Cherveny and Coleman Young as speakers. Leaflets advertising the rally, which was sponsored by the Student Committee to Defend Mrs. Lorraine Faxon Meisner, appeared on the Wayne campus early yesterday. An estimated 2,000 people had gath- ered at the meeting site when it started at noon. YOUNG'S SPEECH was concluded without incident, but trouble began when Cherveny started to talk. A restless crowd booed and heckled him and some students started singing a chorus of the AVE~tLL'S testimony was the highlight of the day as he ad- mitted that Communist Party pro- * * -* * * * ASP Council Cancels p''anel On Red probe The forum on the "Conse- quences of the Un-American Af- fairs Committee Hearings" sche- duled for tonight's meeting of the Ann Arbor Council of the Arts, Sciences, and Professions has been cancelled by the group's Executive Committee. Scheduled speakers were: Elliott Maraniss, former Editorial Direc- tor of The Daily and ex-copy edi- tor of The Detroit Times; Cole-, man Young, former CIO officer recently accused of being a Com- munist at the Detroit hearings; and Prof. emeritus, John L. Brumm of the journalism depart- ment. Though the Executive Com- mittee still feels it would be desir- able for the scheduled speakers to be heard in Ann Arbor, it has can- celled the discussion "merely to avoid confusing the current de- bate concerning campus speakers." In place of the cancelled pro- gram the meteing at 8 p.m. today in the League will be devoted to giving consideration to the prob- lems involved in the sponsorship of speakers in a college communi- ty. q,"Star Spangled Banner." . "I told the crowd that Wayne is trading five and ten cent morality for Kresge Grants," he said. "I tried to tell them how the demo- cratic tradition of the American Youth for Democracy has been squashed on this campus." "Then Glenn Irving came, out of the crowd and challenged me to a fight," Cherveny said. "He claimed that I was a member of the Wayne Communist group when he was." Cherveny told Irving, a former Communist who left the party, that he was against force and vio- lence and refused to fight. MEANWHILE, Detroit Police who had been alerted and were on* campus, stepped in to prevent the brewing riot by separating the two men. At 1 p.m. as the crowd drifted away and tempers cooled, Cher- veny was served with a subpoena to appear before the House Com- mittee at 2:30 p.m. However, the Committee never got around to hearing him. When the Committee first vis- ited Detroit two weeks ago, Cher- veny was called for questioning. At that time he refused to testify. Then the day following this re- fusal he appeared in the Commit-i tee room at noon recess, declared that his fellow workers wanted to lynch him, and demanded the: Committee's protection. ARTHUR MCPHAUL .. . did he pay dues? * * * paganda was spread to the 50,000 members of Ford Local 600, the largest group in the CIO, through its official organ, "Ford Facts." He claimed that Communists gained control of the local by aiming at election to secondary positions. Last witness, Archie Acciacca, president of the local's Dearborn Stamping Plant unit and an ad- mitted ex-Communist, attempted to discredit Romano's testimony on Tuesday by charging that he is still a Party member. Before Acciacca's testimony was completed, the committee had to adjourn to catch a plane. Hear- ings will be resumed before March 26 in Detroit or Washington, Batista Sworn In HAVANA-(A')-Fulgencio Ba- tista, Cuba's strong man, took the oath as Prime Minister of his re- volutionary government late'today in the presidential palace. The man he kicked out of of- fice, President Carlos Prio Socar- ras, remained at the Mexican Em- bassy, where he had fled for asy- lum. 1-FAILING to notify Mrs. Meis- ner of reasons for her suspension prior to the actual suspension. 2-Suspension prior to an op- portunity, for a hearing, 3-Failing to offer her a hearing before a disciplinary committee containing student voting mem- bers. These actions, the SL felt, were contrary to the ideals of the U.S. National Students' Association Bill of Rights. * * * THE MOTION, made it clear that President Henry was within his rights in suspending the coed as outlined in Michigan law, out that his methods were not in keep- ing with student ideals of govern- ment. The motion passed with but two negative votes. There was little debate because the body had devoted considerable time to the issue last week before it was sent to committee. President Henry's action came after Mrs. Meisner had refused to cooperate with Committee ques- tioners at the Detroit hearings. She reportedly giggled at her in- terrogators. President Henry felt that Mrs. Meisner's refusal to answer ues- tions indicated "either an unrea- sonable refusal to cooperate or prima facie evidence of criminal action." Mrs. Meisner was given a hear- ing by a board of deans after the suspension and the results of the hearing are expected today. SL Calls for Non-Profit 'U' Book Exchange A non-profit bookstore sponsor- ed by the University, was support- ed by the Student Legislature last night. The action was taken -in accept- ing a report by the Campus Action Committee submitted by Bob Ely, '54E. THE REPORT authorizes a committee of legislators and law students to submit a brief to the Board of Regents. Currently a Regents By-Law prohibits University competition with local merchants. The re- port claimed that the University ning votes as a lot of speech-mak- ing." ' Calling attention to the fact that New Hampshire is one of the more internationally-minded states in New England and thus one might expect an Ike victory there, Prof. Joseph Kallenbac: considered Taft's margin of defeai insufficient to injure the Ohioan's strength in the Midwest and parts of the South and West materially. * * * THE CHAIRMAN of the "Taft for President" club, Ken Mack- ness, '54, claimed that Taft had made a good showing in an "Eis- enhower state" but added that his = club had recently passed a resolu- tion giving their support to what- -ever candidate the Republicans finally nominate. According to Dave Cargo, '52 BAd, president of the "Eisenhow- er for President" club, "Ike's vic- tory shows that in spite of his being 3000 miles away the pub- lic still has confidence in his integ- rity and ability." Eisenhower Club Plans Future Rally The Eisenhower for President Mr. Truman." service on the line.' SUPERSTITIOUS? cers Face Four Year Jinx in NCAA By ED WHIPPLE Special to The Daily COLORADO SPRINGS-Michi- gan battles St. Lawrence Univer- sity and a four year jinx on de- fending champions here tonight in the opening game of the 1952 NCAA hockey championships. The winner qualifies for Satur- day night's title game against the winner of tomorrow's Colorado College-Yale 'semi-final. The two losers will play a consolation con- test Saturday afternoon. MOST OF THE 40,000 people in this mile high home of Colorado College have gone slightly hockey happy. But only 2,600 will be able to jam the Broadmoor Ice Palace to watch Michigan assault the Larries and the hex that has kept to win even its semi-final match upon returning the next year. Michigan's 1948 kings were knocked off by Dartmouth as Bos- ton College took the 1949 trophy; Colorado tripped BC in 1950 and went on to beat Dartmouth for the title; last year the Wolverines trimmed Brown after the Eastern- ers had disposed of Colorado. And this year? MAIZE AND BLUE hopes rest with 15 Wolverines and .Coach Vic Heyliger, who is guiding a 20-game winner into the playoffs for the fifth straight time. Heyliger has said he will stick to the combinations that lost only to Colorado, Denver, North Dakota, and Montreal during the season, but he declined to LESTER MARKEL *, * * ing the newspaper's role. The prime function of a newspaper is to give its readers background in- formation and facts so that the public will be able to formulate sound opinions." Interpretation of the news is an essential function of news- papers but differs from opinions in that it is free from any emo- tional judgment. Markel was careful not to indict newsmen who present accurate facts in proper relationship with their background and significance. "Many papers in circulation to- day have ceased to be newspapers. When non-news features over- whelm the papers it has lost its place as a newspaper and is en- dangering its own survival." LSA Committee '3 £t1' e ONLY 3 UNQUALIFIED: City Denies Curtailing Student Vote By ZANDER HOLLANDER Rumors that University students were deprived of their right to register for voting in Ann Arbor's April 7 election were sharply de- nied by city authorities yesterday. Only three students had been turned down when the registration period ended Monday night, ac- . . .3 ..-4..... _ . BACKGROUND of the registra- tion tussle lies in a constitutional provision which prevents students from acquiring voting privileges in a college town merely by virtue of attending the institution. But later interpretations of the rule have modified it. Ac- cording to Looker, if the student takes a job here or can present tions, the City Clerk pointed out that an "exceptional" number of students did register this year, al- though he could give no exact figure. Looker's statement was con- firmed by party leaders who in- dicated that the upsurge in stu- dent voting interest may be in-. spired by a referendum on the I