IARCH 12, 1952 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE FIVE. Unity Reigns At LloydHall, Coeds May Participate In Dormitory Projects Besidesan efficient form of self government, New Women's Dormi- tory (featured in a previous Daily article) has also gone all out for the comfort, happiness and wel- fare of its residents. Each week the dormitory as a whole is invited to an informal tea, held around 4:00 pm. in the lounge of one of the houses. Any woman or man that happens to be in the dorm about that time is wel- come and a pleasant, friendly at- mosphere prevails throughout the afternoon. Other activities which the hall carries on include the dormitory as a whole or sometimes the indivi- ctaual houses. An auction was held last week with lost and found articles mak- ing up the "to be sold" list. New dorm women run the dorm library which also has a large ex- am file, quite popular to those who have taken advantage of it. Re- ference books, fiction and un- abridged dictionaries make up the list of books available. Discussion was acted upon for the spring formal tobe sponsored by all four houses, which will be held late in March. Positions on the committee will be petitioned r for by the coeds in the dorm and interviews will be held by the In- terdorm Council. rians for speakers during Reli, gion in LifeMonth were discussed * and motions were made and passed to have guests at dinner and then have an open coffee hour after- wards that will be thrown open for debate. This also is an inter-dorm project. Between the separate houses is a keen competition, both scholasti- cally and in house and dorm acti- vities for possession of the parti- cipation cup. Rivalry has grown up and the houses work together as separate units for the honor of having the coveted cup sitting in their lounge. ADVENTURE 35 Days-Frem $300 Offered by America's largest organization for educational travel. Scholarships available. Sm More-Spend Less Tomto MEXICO.. Thes "'*l Mest, Alske, South America, sermuda The Ore"'. Our 19th year aor wi s VITA T~= L:; 5 FIFTH AVE., NEW YOM~ 17. MU 7020 SPIKE'S SYMPHONY: Jones To Introduce New Numbers i Hill Auditorium, often scene of fine classical music concerts, will be the site of an entirely different type of music at 8 p.m. Monday when Spike Jones irings his "Mu- sic Depreciation Review" to Ann Arbor. Musical madness is the descrip- tion Spike gives of his versions of the popular songs in America. Jones claims that there is more skill involved in conductingrhis band than a symphony orchestra. * * * "AFTER COAXING pigs to squeal on cue and timing doves as they fly out of a lady singer's hat, it would be easy," says Spike. "All you have to do when you conduct a symphony is worry about the notes." There are some composers that Spike respects and admires so much that he refuses to satirize. Debussy is one of these men. "Clair De Lune" and "Afternoon of a Faun" are both too beautiful, according to Spike to touch. JONES WILL introduce some new numbers when the review comes to town. Among them are "In a Persian Market," "Ill Bar- kio," "Rhapsody from Hunger(y)"' and his own version of "Some En-, chanted Evening." The instruments thatare used in the City Slicker's band in- clude everything from wash- boards, tin cans, gongs, auto horns, pistols, gaspipe, water- buckets and slot machines to the new invention of Spike's called a "pianothirty." The "pianothirty" is for mem- bers of the band who can't count high enough to play the piano- forte, according to Jones. Tickets for the Spike Jones Show are on sale now at Hill Audi- torium and are priced at $1.80, $1.50 and $1.20. Panhel officials wish to empha- size the fact that although many of the posters around campus state that the show begins at 8:30 p.m. they are wrong, for starting time is 8 p.m. Hillel To Give Annual Show Hillel will present its annual show, Hillelzapoppin, at 8 p.m., Saturday, March 22, in Tappan Auditorium. Heading the central committee are co-chairmen Joy Sidenberg and Joyce Rashte. Other chairmen are Norma Seidon, programs; Lou Pollack, stage manager; Al Gendel- man, tickets; George Irving, tech- nical advisor; Shirley Messing, make-up; Sam Dodek, ushering; Bob Satin, judges; and Lyn Ru- dolph, publicity. Military Ball Today in Administration Daily Classifieds Bring Quick Results U- ~ b~ - SAN DLERU ~~* -Daily-Larry Wilk TARGET PRACTICE-Membership is still open in the WAA Rifle Club. Practices are held from 7 to 9 p.m. Mondays through Thurs- days in WAB, with each member signing up for one shooting ses- sion. Barb Meier is manager of the club, which is now busy prac- ticing for the nitional match. Skating Club Will Present Carnival; SoloIsts, Cast of 200 To Perform IP OF ,9wn Wonderful Shoes To Walk in A-1-1 Dway L-o-n-g The new Aire-Crepe or Rajah soles make these grand shoes the last word in walking com- fort! Toast, Red or Brown calfskin Navy, Black, White buck pair Wanty & Reule Or I . ', 1 -- , ,; Kr. ... i I ." . a , s .' ,,", w .. .+'" ) w "Melody on Ice," the 10th an- nual ice carnival to be presented by the Ann Arbor Figure Skating Club, will be given at 8 p.m. Sat- urday and at 3 p.m. Sunday in the University Coliseum.. The program is being arranged and produced again this year by the club professional, Marilyn Ja- cops. A cast of 200 skaters will present the show which features the .appearance of four University students in solo numbers. Exhibition numbers will be given by Sue Morgan and David Arnold, while Judy Cushing and Harry Pennington will present solos. Others in the program include 20' Ann Arbor skaters in solo or fea- ture roles. Tickets may be purchased at the Union, the Coliseum and several local stores. GENUINE MOCCASIN with Handsewn Vamp and back $895 (44 V Acn'44 Coritpu COEDS - It's the Short-cut - 5 Stylists to Please - No Appts. -_ - The Dascola Barbers Liberty near State 4 IL 1OoDAY SALE V f V y on ^ COPPER and SIAMESE JEWELRY ' INDIA ART SHOP v 330 Maynard Street 40450= e~c~ o c0 o o t ceo o - HATCHER TEA-President and Mrs. Hatcher will hold another tea from 4 to 6 p.m. today. ORIENTATION LEADERS - Coeds who are interested in work-' ing as orientation leaders or in the information booth during regis- tration next fall may pick up peti- tions in the Undergraduate Office of the League. BOARD MEETING-The Lea- gue Board of Representatives will meet at 4:30 p.m. today at the, League. SENIOR NIGHT - Money for Senior Night tickets may be turn- ed in at the League Undergraduate Office from 9 a.m. to noon, and 1 to 5 p.m. Thursday and Friday and until noon on Saturday. HILLEL PETITIONS-Petitions for the Hillel General Council are due today in Lane Hall. The elec- tions will take place on March 23, 24, and 25. * * * BADMINTON CLUB-All men and women interested in badmin- ton are invited to attend the co- recreational club meeting from 7:15 to 9 p.m. today in Waterman Gym. * * * FOLK AND SQUARE DANCE -There will be a meeting of the co-recreational Folk and Square Dance Club at 8 p.m. today in Bar- bour Gym. Closest thing to barefoot freedom*... the upper leather goes under the entire foot to cradle every step. Skilled craftsmen hand sew the vamp and back , , gives you a soft-going flexibility and fine fit. Sizes 4B to 11 AAAA VAN BOVEN SHOWS 17 Nickels Arcade Your Downtown Store the drifter 210 S. Main Ph. 2-5102 MADEMOISELLE SUITS IN THE FASHION WHIRL WEATHER VANE Here's a suit you'll find many occasions to wear! Dressy or tailored with short or long jackets. And look at these colors: navy, aqua, yellow, red, lime, powder blue, lilac, toast, white, black, and checks. Sizes 9 to 15 and 10 to 20. $17.95. AI nrry 1 i al-. i+ .n . ^ . i,' .*. -- -- IX:: £il ry. N _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ... K ,P4tZ oop andc ComortcdlI , 100% FLANNEL AND CHECKS A flannel suit spells "fashionable" with a capital 'F.'? Choose from the latest styles for spring and early summer wear. Navy, grey, beige, or delight novelty checks. Sizes 9 to 15. $27.95 to $35.00. GABARDINES AND WORSTEDS Your important suit . .. in town . . traveling . . . wherever you make an eye- stopping entrance. Lasting styles detailed for distinctiveness. Choose from our bril- liant selection of truly fine suits. Sizes 7 to 15 and 8 to 20. $45.00 to $65.00. LINEN SUITS A lovely linen suit will do wonders in solv- ing your spring and summer wardrobe prob- lems! Beautiful tailored and classic styles in navy,,natural, pink, white, coral, toast, powder blue, and dark green. Sizes 9 to 15. $16.95. w WIVES CLUB PRESENTS SPRING SILHOUETTE FASHION SHOW Prepared by: MADEMOISELLE SHOP ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN Tuesday, March 18, at 8 o'clock 0. Good telephone positions for outstanding women Take the first step from college to career ... find out about MICHIGAN BELL'S OPPORTUNITIES for CUSTOMER REPRESENTATIVES handling customer contacts in the business office for WOMEN IN MANAGEMENT preparation for good supervisory positions * no special courses or experience necessary * good salary from the start * regular increases * many more advantages ARRANGE FOR AN INTERVIEW I, Sandals of Imported Italian Raffia North Community Building Willow Run, Michigan Admission 25c Door Prizes I Ili , ofvuaf