Wayne Suspension
THE academic fate of Lorraine Faxon Meis- your answers may incrim
ner will be decided Thursday when the dicates either an unrea
Wayne University Deans' Council mates its cooperate or a prima f
recommendation on the coed's recent sus- criminal action on your p
pension. it is inconsistent witht
responsible university ci
Mrs. Meisner was suspended from Wayne cordingly you are hereb
following her appearance at the House university membership p
Un-American Activities hearing in Detroit. view of this action as yo
Admittedly, her flippant attitude toward
the Committee was disgusting. She The facts noted inf
laughed and giggled while testifying, and true, but the conclusion
in general, as the only student subpoenaed, Henry draws are not va
gave the Detroit papers a rather one- From Mrs. Meisner's P
sided view of American college youth. under the fifth amendm
But certainly her personal opinion of the tution, is neither unreas
Committee, expressed possibly in the most nal.
effective manner she knew, is not cause Mrs. Meisner has emph
enough for expulsion. Her lawyer, Seymour the Daily that she is a C
Goldman, had a plausible explanation of her
behavior. He told the deans that Mrs. Meis- She explained her refu
ner was under "an emotional strain" after as evidence of guilt nor a
having been made to wait two and a half to cooperate with the Con
days to testify. as a fear that the Com
The official reasons for Mrs. Meisner's something on her" if she
suspension, and no doubt the deans' main
area of discussion, were voiced in a telegram This fear, whetherj
sent to Mrs. Meisner at 11 p.m. on the day could easily be re-enfo
of her appearance. Wayne President David present stories of "lib
Henry wired the student that "you have re- roaded into jail. The ri
fused to answer questions of a duly consti- an eager listener in th
tuted investigation body on the ground that dent, subpoenaed to testi
inate you. This in-
sonable refusal to
facie admission of
part. In either case
the obligations of
tizenship and ac-
hy suspended from
ending official re-
u may request."
the telegram are
ns that president
oint of view, hiding
ent of the Consti-
;onable nor crimi-
iatically denied to
usal to testify not
as an unwillingness
mmittee but rather
mittee would "get
had made a defi-
justified or not,
rced by the ever
erals" being rail-
umors would find
e frightened stu-
fy before a House
will be called be-
ng its stay in De-
ne should not set
of regarding as
ar before the Com-
nswer because oaf
-Sid Klaus
V x
.r rir i i rY i . rrr
Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff'
and represent the views of the writer only.
This must be noted in all reprints.
Perhaps other students
fore the Committee duri
troit. The deans at Way
the dangerous precedent
criminals those who appea
mittee and refuse to a
ideal considerations.
+ MUI +
THE concert by the Chicago Symphony,
under the direction of Rafael Kubelik
was as exciting a concert as I have heard
in Ann Arbor. This excitement was generat-
ed both by the high level of music, and,
particularly in the Beethoven and Smetana,
by masterful interpretation. The program,
itself, was very well-balanced. The Smetana,
a work of straight-forwardness, provided
contrast to the broader and more profound
conceptions of the Beethoven and Bartok,
composers of very different eras.
The Bartered Bride overture, which
opened the program has its simplicity as
its greatest virtue. Smetana was not'con-
cerned with subtleties, and Kubelik very
ably brought out the boisterous character
of the work. Of particular note, however
is the Bartok violin concerto. This work,
written in 1937, is certainly one of his
most expressive. It is very violinistic and
full of passages of the lyricism and inten-
sity that is associated with the instrument
itself. The concerto embodies all the mo-
tival and associative devices that have
become a trademark of this composer.
The work is cyclical in that the beginning
CLC Meeti ng
THE slipshod manner in which many clubs
are conducted can well be the cause of
the apathy that most students show toward
campus organizations: What occurred last
Thursday evening at the Civil Liberties
Committee meeting is an example of how
a group can best lose the respect of its
The president of a club has an impor-
tant responsibility. He must be able to
conduct the meeting in an unbiased man-
ner along the correct rules of parliamen-
tary procedure. Where the president is
not thoroughly equipped with a knowledge
of Robert's Rules of Order, the meeting
soon becomes lost in a maze of conflict-
ing opinions as to what is or is not cor-
rect. Where the President is biased, he
tries to crush the opposition either by not
calling on them or by steering the meet-
ing in a manner favorable to his own side.
The basic misfortune of the Civil Liber-
ties Committee meeting last week was the
fact that its president, Devra Landau, failed
to fulfill her responsibility as a presiding
officer. Unequipped with a complete knowl-
edge of Robert's Rules, she left herself at
the mercy of a half dozen "parliamentari-
ans" in the group; none of who seemed to
agree with one another. As a result, Miss
Landau was placed in the position of mak-
ing arbitrary procedural decisions, some of
which were of questionable legality.
If this, in itself, had not lost the respect
of the members, the president's continual
statements regarding the discussion, all said
without her leaving the chair, werenot in
keeping with the role of a presiding officer.
Adding to her behavior was the fact
that Miss Landau would smile at those
who were in agreement with her position;
while a look of confusion would dawn on
her fact when the opposition spoke. The
president would even help those in agree-
ment with her by advising them what they
might do, procedurally, to aid their cause.
It is no wonder that the meeting was
thrown into confusion; the spirit of the
material of the work provides the deriva-
tion for subsequent material. But more
vital is the way'in which the derivative
material is varied in order to achieve the
mood that the composer desires. In this
way we see the relationship of the rondo
theme with the theme of the first move-
ment, yet the characters of the two themes
are obviously different. In the same
fashion the opening pizzicato string motif
and the twelve tone row, used as the sec-
ond theme of the first movement, recur
throughout the work in different guises.
We can distinguish many influences upon
this work, such as folk music or the twelve
tone row, but in essence the work is of clas-
sic structure. Bartok has re-evaluated the
forms neglected by certain of his late nine-
teenth century predecessors,. and has incor-
porated these forms into his own style. The
work is tonal and the classic three move-
ment design is used. But the rigidity of
pattern which we find so delightful in Moz.
art, such as a static exposition and recapitu-
lation as opposed to a non-static develop-
ment, this pattern is now avoided and in-
stead we have constant contrast of tonal
levels and static and non-static passages.
Add to this the many contrasts of mood and
dynamic level, and we can see how Bartok
has given a new and refreshing expressivity
to the classic structure. Also worth men-
tioning is the orchestration which always
compliments the solo line, an example
being in the first movement development
where the intense sound of harp, celesta,
and tremulo strings give poignant color to
the vibrancy of the violin.
Arthur Grdmiaux played the solo part
with real mastery over some very difficult
technical writing, and at no time did I
notice that he had failed to fulfill the ex-
pressive potential of the work. The orches-
tra, however, lacked the clarity and pre-
cision of attack that it had in the other
two works. Perhaps it was a lack of rehear-
sal time, but at any rate many of the cli-
maxes and general sounds of the music
were ineffective because of an unsureness
of notes. The second movement was parti-
cularly beautiful as to a blend between or-j
chestra and soloist.
The performance of the Eroica sym-
phony was the finest that I have heard.
The orchestra was a perfectly trained in-I
strument ready to answer the conductor's
every call. The only deviation was in the
third movement where the bouncing bow
effect was heavier than desired. Kubelik
brought out the dramatic quality of the
work and was masterful in achieving a
contrast between the loud vigorous pas-
sages and those that were quieter and
lyric. This is a mastery essential to a work
of the dramatic and structural proportions
of this symphony.
As in the Bartok, we are aware of an
associative quality in this symphony, but
it is in the highly developmental aspect of
the work that the large proportions take on
purpose. Beethoven has expanded the sym-
phonic structure to a degree unprecedented
in previous symphonic literature, and by
so doing has made the dramatic impact
more profound and dynamic. From the open-
ing two chords Kubelikhad the work under
control. He understood the work as a whole,
and the intense quality of the slow move-
ment giving way to the third movement
with a lightness of attack and a tempo not
WASHINGTON-For some time it has been
a mystery as to why the Navy, with
carrier-based planes off the Korean coast,
did not participate in the tough job of com-
bating the Red's jet-propelled MIGS instead
of leaving it to the Air Force. Navy pilots
are among the best and most courageous in
the world, but except in a few cases, they
have been kept a safe distance from the
This column is now able to give the ans-
wer. The Navy has not been able to de-
velop a jet plane able to stand up against
the Russian MIGS, and because of Army-
Navy rivalry, has been unwilling to accept
an Air Force type engine with which to
do the job.
This is no reflection on the thousands of
Navy airmen who have been itching to get
into the Korean jet fighting, but rather on
the brass hats at the top who have been un-
willing to accept the spirit of the unification
Investigation of this rivalry also reveals
shocking waste, extravagance and ineffi-
ciency, which once again seems to result
from lack of unification.
Today the Navy's Bureau of Aeronautics
is spending $50,046.57 each for a Pratt-Whit-
ney jet engine, the J48-P-6, for use in jet
fighter planes, when it could buy a better
Allison engine, the J-33-A-16 for only $31,-
T HE ALLISON jet job weights a little less
than the Pratt-Whitney, is a low-pres-
sure engine, and has been given an OK by
the Naval Air Test Center at Patuxent, Md.,
whereas the Pratt-Whitney engine has not
passed inspection. On or about Feb. 25, Pa-
tuxent reported to the Navy's board of in-
spection and survey in Washington that the
Pratt-Whitney J-48 was "inacceptable." Des-
pite this, a total of 2,435 of the Pratt-Whit-
ney engines already have been ordered, and
will cost a current price of $50,046.57; while
only 201 Allison engines were ordered at a
current price of $31,000.
The extra cost to the taxpayer is $48,-
Meanwhile, the' J-48 built by Pratt-Whit-
ney flies 150 miles per hour slower than the
Russian MIGS. In jet warfare, of course,
speed is all-important, and failure to pro-
duce a fast Navy jet fighter is the reason
Navy pilots are sitting on the sidelines off
the Korean coast today.
Navy officials, when asked why Pratt-
Whitney was given a contract for a more
expensive engine when Allison was produc-
ing a better engine for one-third less, had
no comment.
It is known, however, that one of the
Navy's civilian engine experts, Vernon Hay-
nes, has been protesting vigorously inside the
Navy and has been arguing for the Allison
engine. Mr. Haynes, being a civilian, pre-
sumably is not affected by Army-Air Force
Scores of other younger Naval officers also
feel strongly that the Navy should accept
the Allison engine. They point out, however,
that if the Navy ordered the Allison jet job,
it would be made under Air Force supervision
at Indianapolis, since the Allison plant is
under Air Force "cognisance."
On the other hand, Pratt-Whitney at
East Hartford, Conn., is under Navy "cog-
nisance," which means that Pratt-Whit-
ney is one of the plants under Navy jur-
Younger Naval officers and the pilots who
have to fly the planes believe that the chief
reason the brass hats ordered 2,435 Pratt-
Whitney engines at an extra cost to the tax-
payer of $48,000,000 is because the Air Force
had jurisdiction at the Allison plant, and
the Navy takes pride in developing its own
engines in factories under its cognisance.
PRATT-WHITNEY has built some A-1 en-
gnes, but at present, the Navy is still
tinkering with the inadequate J-48, which
the brass hats seem determined to force
down the throats of Navy pilots. Already
$1,772,000 has been spent to put this engine
in acceptable shape.
At first the engine had turbine blade
failures, then screen failures which mixed
up oil and gas inside the engine. On Jan.
17 the engine was grounded because of
burning on take-off, a fuel nozzle having
broken inside the combustion chamber.
The engine was sent back to Pratt-Whit-
ney for repairs, following which Navy
testers discovered incipient bearing fail-
ures, and later four flame-outs during the
testing program.
In all, nine defects were discovered by
Navy testers during the tests at Patuxent. As
of this writing, the engine is conditionally
ungrounded for operation over land only,
while Pratt-Whitney is working on a shot-
gun ignitor to throw magnesium into the
engine at the start in order to prevent
flame-outs. A flame-out on a jet engine
means that the flame goes out-which is the
equivalent of engine stalling.
Meanwhile Navy pilots who have to fly
those engines point out that the Allison
engine has had almost none of this trouble
-even though it is built under Air Force
Whitney production engineer, told the
Navy: "give me one of those Allison engines
and I'll show you they're no good."
So the Navy shipped two Allisons up to
Pratt-Whitney, where they were tried out
in a Grumman plane.
The Wolverines...
To the Editor:
THIS LETTER IS a reply to
Miss Stone, and an open let-
ter to the entire campus. Spirit
A-. been missing from the Michi-
gan campus-ana it's no wonder.
The old wolverine which formerly
clawed and snarled in his cage
and on the football field-the wol-
verine who saw one championship
after another come our way, is
dead. His demise occurred only
about a year ago, but we can see
the serious effect his passing has
had on all phases of University
The Wolverine Club, which was
founded as a direct service to the
students and as a preserver of the
great Michigan tradition, grate-
fully accepts the challenge to
lead a'drive to obtain a live wol-
verine for the University of Michi-
We will do everything in our
power to secure a wolverine .. .
even if it means sending an ex-
ptdition to trap the animal. But
we're certain that many of you
have some good suggestions on
how to go about procuring a wol-
In order to coordinate these
ideas and to formulate plans for
acting on this important task, the
Wolverine Club will throw open
its doors to the entire campus at
its next regularly scheduled meet-
ing tonight, 7:45 p. m. in the
You don't hav to be an ath-
lete, fur trapper, junior Tarzan
(or Jane) to attend this all-cam-
pus open meeting. We want peo-
plt to help us who are really in-
terested in preserving a great tra-
dition . . . one which we feel
worth working for to maintain.
-Edmund M. Gibbon
Pres. Wolverine Club
Error . .
To the Editor:
Spike Jones informs us that
"Jones' sensational career was
started by a colored cook working
in a railroad station in Imperial
Valley near Calexico, California."
Aroused, our curiosity remains
unsatisfied. What color was the
cook? Purple, chartreuse, orange,
or glen plaid? If it is newsworthy
to remark on the tintedness of a
culinary artist, think how much
more valuable would be data on
the specific hue involved.
-Arty Goldberger, Grad
-Sy Mandell, Senior
EDITOR'S NOTE: Apologies are due
from the women'saeditor who violated
the Daily's ethical code by printing
the story in that form. A person's
race or religion is never mentioned
unless it is pertinentetovthe story. In
this case it definitely was not.
* * *
African Protest ...
To the Editor:
W ITH reference to Mr. Klein's
letter of Feb. 29, 1952, con-
cerning the humiliation of an
African Student by Mr. Klein's
landlady, we, the members of the
African Union, deplore such an
act of discrimination as a flagrant
disregard of human rights.
We want to make it known that
African students are placed under
a severe handicap and have been
frequently insulted and mistreated
in this country on the basis of
our race and color. The dignity of
man which everyone prizes above
all other values, unfortunately, has
been an element for which we
have had to battle in the United
States. It is with horror that we
recognize this sad situation and
with the same feeling ask: What
has democracy done with the dig-
nity of man?
There are two points which
make this incident very pathetic.
First, the landlady is said to be a
school teacher. Second, it is un-
derstood that Mr. Klein has since
been served with a notice of evic-
tion. These two points force us to
wonder whether such a teacher
has not been doing more harm
than good to the youths who have
had the misfortune to be under
her care, and to thetcountry in
Has anyone the right to make
friends with the people of his or
her own choice in these days of
America, we have been led to
believe, stands for "Democracy for
all," but it is obvious that these:
irresponsible acts of discrimination
and racial prejudice cannot be a
true interpretation of Democracy.
The days of servitude lie buried,
in the past. Let us practice real
Democracy, NOT merely preach it.
-Fola Ajayi, President
The African Union
* * *
The Mystery Man . .
To the Editor:
SINCE there has been some dis-
cussion of me in the Michigan
Daily, please permit me to intro-
put his ideas in writing, he came
to me for aid. He was worried, he
feared that his employer might
discharge him. So I gave him the
name Richard Saunders. Not long
afterwards the whole world began
to read Poor Richard's Almanac
and the name of Richard Saunders
became as famous in those years
as the name of Benjamin Franklin
in his later years.
About one hundred years later
an intelligent, talented English-
woman summoned me. She, like
Ben Franklin, wanted to write.
But the rules of society at that
time barred women from writing.
So I gave her the name of George
Eliot, which is today better known
than. her real name of Marian
So, today, I have come to the
University of Michigan to help
those students who are trying to
keep the same ideals for which
Ben Franklin and Marian Evans
fought from being suppressed. As
long as there will be restrictions
on the freedom of thought, I will
be around. I presume you will
hear more from me.
-Henry Gerard,
The Eternal Pseudonym
s *
To the editors:
THE controversy over the Lec-
ture Committee has had some
beneficial results. The S.D.A. and
Young Democrats Club condemna-
tion of the committee in conjunc-
tion with the fine front page Daily
Senior Editor's editorial should
make it clear that more than the
extreme Communists are concern-
ed with finding a better solution.
The redundant and unnecessary
restrictions of the Lecture Com-
mittee are not only humiliating
to the adult student community,
but certainly harmful as well. Free
access to campus facilities to all
political view points is fundamen-
tal to the education of mature
citizens in a democracy.
The national S.D.A. Bill of
Rights for Students vigorously
condemns all arbitrary adminis-
trative limitations of this basic
right. What is legal outside of
campus must surely be permissible
and protected on the campus, es-
pecially since we are a state uni-
Arbitrary, unfair, and unneces-
sary limitation of political expres-
sion and action extends far beyond
the Lecture Committee. We ought
all to be aware that the attack on
this "silence of fear" is being
joined by many eminent non-Com-
munist and positive liberals. The
S.D.A. is proud to share this fight
with Supreme Court Justice Wil-
liam O. Douglas. We endorse im-
portant examples such as Justice
Douglas, Black and Frankfurter's
denunciation of New York's Fein-
berg Law, which makes their
school system into "a spy project."
The national chairman of
A.D.A., Francis Biddle, F.D.R.'s
wartime attorney general, has
vigorously indicted the proceedings
of House Un-American Activities
Committee, the McCarran Act,
University Faculty oaths, and the
creeping atmosphere of hysteria
and despair. President Truman has
chastised lawyers and senators for
their attack on fundamental liber-
We hope that liberals of every
political creed will join the cam-
pus fight to protect our immediate
freedom of expression and oppor-
tunity of learning.
Ted Friedman
President, S.D.A
x " ,
Canon Bell .
"'Coo' Yourself!"
" s + " L t el {' ' aw.t , L . 1.''958 e _ rW "N .s e
the classroom is slanted toward an
intellectual response which omits
the supernatural and thus does
not deal with the essence of estab-
lished religion. The thought thus
stimulated is not unbiased, nor
can it truly be said to be distinctly
religious thought. And I believe
that Canon Bell is quite well aware
of the amount and the type of re-
ligion which is now being "taught"
in our classrooms.
In the second place, how ca
"church clubs and extra-mural
agents" be more effective in pro-
moting an understanding of all re-
ligions when they are fighting a
basic lack of knowledge about or
interest in religion of any type?
And we cannot deny that most
university students do have a basic
lack of interest in religion (except
perhaps what they might term an
"intellectual questioning" of it).
Anyone who is in any way con-
nected with any of the religious
"extramural agents" on this cam-
pus is well-aware of this basic lack
of religious 'interest among the
students. Whatever the reason be-
hind this religious apathy, we can-
not deny its existence on this cam-
pus' regardless of courses in phi-
losophy,. sociology, etc., which deal
with "religion stimulating thought
leaving evaluation up to the stu-
dent," and regardless of the "ex-
tra-mural agents" on this campus
(which, by the way, enjoy coopera-
tion and encouragment by the uni-
versity administration.)
If one assumes with Canon Bell
that religious knowledge is one of
the four necessary types of knowl-
edge, that religious knowledge
(knowledge, not belief) is neces-
sary to a well-balanced education,
then he must assume that-under
existing conditions-the integra-
tion of this religious knowledge
with other types of knowledge
must be the task of the school and
not the church, simply because the
average student rarely goes beyond
the school.
-Margaret Thomas
* * *
A Campus Ode...
To the Editors:
To Hell with you and
To Hell with me and
To Hell with people
Fighting for liberty
Let's live quietly and
Let's be content
Just to talk of the
Money we've spent girls we've
had cars we've driven, etc., etc.
Sam'l Davis
Abner Greene...
To the Editor:
THERE'S BEEN A lot of talk of
communism, democracy, civil
rights,s andfree speech. We've
seen speakers banned, protests
made, letters and editorials. A
big question is "was Abner Greene
going to preach revolution and
communism, or describe the sta-
tus of civil rights of the foreign-
born in the United States, today?"
I talked to Abner Greene when
he visited Ann Arbor; he told me
what he would have told others
if he'd been allowed to speak. He
told me of 3,400 people the Jus-
tice Dept. is considering for de-
portation, 200 already arrested.
Many of these people have been
in this country over 25 years, and
they've come to love it deeply.
Many have wives and children who
are American citizens. They are
being deported because they have
been active in liberal or radical
groups at some time since they
arrived here.
He told me of an attempt by
speech of such students by veiled
threats of deportation.
Mr. Green asked me some ques-
tions too. Did I think that these'
abridgments of the freedom of the
foreign born would not be extend-
ed to the native-boi'n? Did I think
that the Un-American Activities
Committee's tour was unrelated
to this abridgment of rights? Did
I think that the hysteria and sup-
pression of liberal thought that
follows a Committee investigation
was coincidental?
And do the American people re-
alize that only so long as' they
have the right to speak, can they
protect their country from fas-
These are the things Abner
Green told me and the qestiojs
he raised. Do they justify the Lec-
ture Committee's ban?
-Ivan Gluckman
Un-American Committee
To the Editor:
THERE STILL IS the possibility
that the Committee might
come to Ann Arbor at any time.
Therefore I would like to look into
the Committee's activities and to.
suggest what should be done to
prevent it from coming to this
University. The purpose of such
a Committee is quite obvious,
namely to fight communism. In-
deed, would it not be unreasonable
and risky to tolerate any 'existence
of subversive elements In this
country at the same time when
young men including our school
friends shed blood while fighting
in Korea? Nevertheless some peo-
ple say that the existence and
acting of such a Committee is an
injustice and a contradiction to
the Constitution, per se. This is
not true. It must not be forgotten
that communists act against the
Constitution because they con-
spire to take over the Govern-
ment by force. Thus the commu-
nists have no moral right at all
to refer to the Constitution be-
cause they do not respect its pro-
visions. Now schools should train
characters of high quality. If one
permits communist activity, then
instead of a healthy nation there
would prosper traitors of the type
of Mr. Rosenberg, Mr. Hiss and
others who helped Stalin to de-
velop atomic weapon knowing
that some day that weapon may
become pernicious to the U. S.
A. If the USA does not want to
share in the fate of the nations
conquered by Russia they should
put an end to the communist
menace. The slaughter in Korea,
loss of freedom of the Baltic, Cen-
tral-European States, and China
would not have come about if the
Western Powers had studied how
the Soviet Russia subdued its
first victim - Ukraine. This was
the first link in the chain of the
Soviet conquerings. If millions of
communist victims, murdered in
dungeons and perished in the con-
centration camps could resurrect
from their graves they would warn
you once more. Decided steps
should be taken now because it
might be too late some other time
and in result we might face the
"liberation" of the United States
from "capitalists" by the American
communists and their Russian
As far as this University is con-
cerned the school authorities
themselves should investigate and
check the communist activity on
the campus if we do not want to
see the Un-American Committee
doing this job.
-Mykola Dumyk
tr~i~ll 4:41tt
Sixty-Second Year
Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board of Control of
Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
Chuck Elliott ........Managing Editor
Bob Keith...............City Editor
Leonard Greenbaum, Editorial Director
Vein Emerson .........Feature Editor
Ron Watts ....... ...Associate Editor
Bob vaughn ...........Associate Editor
Ted Papes ................Sports Editor
George Flint ....Associate Sports Editor
Jim Parker .....Associate Sports Editor
Jan James ............ Women's Editor
Jo Keteihut, Associate Women's Editor
Business Staff
Bob Miller ...........Business Manager
Gene Kuthy, Assoc. Business Manager
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