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March 11, 1952 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1952-03-11

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See Page 4

Latest Deadline in the State CLOUDY AND COOLER



Nowak Accused
Of Red'Activity
Un-American Activities Committee
Reopens Investigations in Detroit
Special to The Daily
DETROIT-A former State Senator, who continually frustrated
committee members by his refusal to answer questions, yesterday
found himself accused of attending "what was understood to be a
Communist Party membership meeting," as House Un-American Ac-
tivities Hearings reopened here.
The former Senator was Stanley Nowak, who consistently employed
the Constitution's fifth amendment in order to avoid being "an
", informer."










Ba tis ta




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AIM Passes
}Revision Plan
AIM's constitutional revision
plan was passed at a meeting of
the Association of Independent
Men last night, after opinion split
over a proposed motion to termin-
ate AIM and to set up in its
place an Inter-Quad Council.
Heavy debate concerning the
two plans ended in a majority
vote for AIM's constitutional re-
** *
THE NEW constitution features
changes in representation reducing
members from 50 to 33. Each
house will be represented by one
elected member and each Quad-
rangle will be represented on the
Council by its president and two
members at large.
The constitutional provision
for the election by AIM of the
men's representative to the
Board of Governors was strong.
ly attacked by dorm leaders,
who termed it "impossible."
Sam Alfieri, '54, supporting the
Inter-Dorm Council stated its fu-
ture purpose as being "to integrate
the activities of the three Quad
Councils," and maintained that,
"twoseparate groups cannot exist
side by side."
According to Ted Bohuszewicz,
'53D, Adams House representative,
"the Inter-Quad Council will be
formed despite the existence of
AIM, which from lack of dorm
support and interest will ultimate-
ly collapse."
Dave Belin, former AIM presi-
dent, resisting the Inter-Dorm
Council, urged the members to
support AIM. "An organization
outside of individual dorm pres-
sures and concerned with the best
interests of the campus as a whole
is what the Independent wants,"
he asserted.

HIS ACCUSER was a certain
"Mr. X," later identified as Casi-
mar Rataj, 50 years old, of Marine
Brought face to face with each
other, the slight farmer claimed
that he had seen Nowak at the
meeting in August of 1937 here
in Detroit.
The next year Nowak was elect-
ed to the State Senate where he
eventually became the leader of
the Democratic delegation. Nowak
served for ten years on the body.
After the accusations, Nowak
refused to say whether or not he
knew "Mr. X." He said he feared
he might "lay himself open to
FOLLOWING this statement,
Nowak was denounced by dapper
Rep. Jackson (R-Calif.). "Noth-
ing this man could say would more
eloquently brand you for what
you are," the committee member
The dramatic accusation came
just before the committee ad-
journed for the day. Earlier
Nowak had refused to answer
questions aimed at associating
him with various "left wing"
Despite Nowak's failue to answer
about his affiliations, committee
members were armed with tomes
of documents showing that he
actually was associated with.many
dubious groups, several of which
had been named as "subversive"
by the U.S. Attorney General.
Some of the organizations with
which Nowak was allegedly con-
nected include the International
Workers' Order, Citizens Commit-
tee to Free Earl Browder, Ameri-
can Peace Mobilization, and the
Reichstag Fire Anniversary Com-
* . *
IN THE FACE of these accusa-
tions. Nowak stubbornly denied
that he was a member of the Com-
munist Party or that he received
pay from foreign governments.
Another situation in which No-
wak decided to speak occurred af-
ter he was asked whether he be-
lieved Socialists and Communists
have the right to air their views
here. After Nowak answered yes,
the committee counsel quickly
asked him if he thought a person
such as Gerald L. K. Smith should
also enjoy the right.
"I wouldn't try to stifle him,"
Nowak claimed, shrugging his
shoulders. He has the right to air
his opinions also, Nowak con-
Nowak became angry only on one
occasion. When asked if he were
at all influenced in the formula-
tion of his views, he shot back
with, "I do my own thinking and
I don't like inferences that I'm

Army Supports Bid
To .'End C orru pti~on'
By The Associated Press
Fulgencio Batista Yode back to power yesterday in an army backed
revolt, three months ahead of Cuba's scheduled presidential elections.
President Carlos Prio Socarras fled from his palace, where two
men were killed, after announcing that Batista had seized control of
Camp Columbia, the army's major military base. Prio was accom-
panied by two army officers and possibly was under arrest.
*i * * *
AT THE SAME TIME a Batista supporter, Lt. Rafael Salas, took
over police headquarters and announced himself chief of police.

SL Candidates
To Meet Today
The first meeting of the Stu-
dent Legislature Candidates
Training Program will be held
at 4 p.m. today in Rm. 3-B, Un-
SL Vice-President Bob Bak-
er, urged all legislator candi-
dates to attend.


-Daily-Cal Samra
COMRADE-Bill Halby, '53 (R-Taft Club) shakes hands with
Rep. Potter (R-Mich.), who informs him of Red menace at Detroit
S * *
Committee Not Planning
U' Investigation--Potter
Special to The Daily
DETROIT-The House Un-American Committee is not planning
to carry its Red probe into Michigan's educational institutions, Rep.
Charles E. Potter (R-Mich.) indicated yesterday.
At least for the present, the committee is so entangled in a
squabble with Detroit labor leaders that it evidently his no time to
bring its methodical threshing machine to Ann Arbor.
* * * *
POTTER ALSO said he knew of no University students or faculty
I " members who would be subpoenaed

By The Associated Press
Syran, MSA transportation chief,
testified yesterday he had "good
reason to believe" that an ocean
shipping firm to which Newbold
Morris' law firm gave legal ad-
vice was controlled by "a Chinese
group sympathetic with Soviet
* * *
WASHINGTON - Owen Latti-
more told Senate investigators
z yesterday that he was not con-
vinced the Soviet government con-
stitutes an international conspir-
acy to communize the world.
Slain Sutton
I ster Buried
NEW YORK -(A)- Salesman
Arnold Schuster, wantonly slain
after identifying bank robber Wil-
lie (The Actor) Sutton, was buried
yesterday while a vast city echoed
his mother's wail--"Why did they
do this to him?"
One of the greatest manhunts
in New York City's history was un-
derway. Every one of the city's
19,000 policemen was thrown into
the search, intent on avenging the
brazen assassination of a citizen
.rhn a e.nx _ma ue hlic

No H. Prmiary
Today To Test
Ike', Truman
Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower was
credited with a narrow edge over
Senator Robert A. Taft last night
on the eve of New Hampshire's
first-in-the-nation Presidential
primary election today.
Coincident with the Republican
balloting, New Hampshire voters
will choose between President Tru-
man and Senator Estes Kefauver
of Tennessee in the Democratic
Less interest centered on the
Truman-Kefauver race than the
Taft-Eisenhower clash. However,
an unexpectedly strong showing
by Kefauver would undoubtedly
boost the Senator's stock and
might influence Truman's decision
on whether to seek re-election in

to appear before the committee
this week.
However, the congressman in-
quired about the recent Union
banquet, at which Arthur Mc-
Phaul, executive secretary of
Michigan's Civil Rights Congress,
spoke to a group of 30 persons.
"I hear McPhaul eluded the
speaker's ban," Potter said. He ask-
ed how many students were pres-
ent, and whether University offi-
cials had taken any disciplinary
INFORMED of the recent rift in
the Civil Liberties Committee, Pot-
ter expressed sympathy with the
group's pa'ssage of an amendment
baring persons who would advo-
cate a totalitarian state.
"One of our greatest prob-
lems," the congressman insisted,
"is the infiltration of Commun-
ists into liberal organizations
whose members are sincerely in-
terested in safeguarding our civil
"The only solution is for such
liberal groups to make a genuine
effort to remove Communists from
their ranks," he emphasized.
THE DAY'S attention was focus-
ed on a sprightly middle-aged man
-former State Senator Stanley
Bushy - haired, mustachioed
Nowak twitched his nose ner-
vously throughout the hearing,
invoked the Fifth Amendment,
grinned, insisted that he was
not a "professional informer,"
and dodged questions skillfully.
The only crowd reaction was to
aretort by Rep. Jackson (R-Cal.):
"You're associated with all kinds
of people, and so am I. My busi-'
ness is to make Republicans out
of them. I'd like to know what
your business is." The applause
was quieted by a grim-faced Rep.
Wood (D-Ga.), chairman of the
U.S. Curbs Travel
Of Red Officials

Coup MightT
Effect .U.S.
Cane Rights
Cuba's revolution yesterday may
well have a significant effect on
American sugar interests in the
small Latin American country, a
political science expert on Cuban
affairs and a Cuban student indi-
cated yesterday.
In speculating on the relatively
bloodless coup which put ex-presi-
dent Fulgencio Batista back into
power, Philip Taylor of the politi-
cal science department called
American domination of the sugar
industry a fundamental economic
problem in Cuba and indicated
that a change of this economic
status quo could well be in the
back of Batista's mind.
TAYLOR'S conjecturedrew
agreement from Cuban student
Tawfiq Khoury, '54E, who said that
the Cuban people are discontented
about the whole economy and have
a feeling of exploitation.
However, he called both Prio
and Batista "no good," and com-
mented that "Prio's government
was not clean by any means, but
Batista is no better and is more
of a dictator."
He added that "the people
don't care any more about who
governs them. They are resigned
to the fact that everyone who
comes along will rob them."
According to Taylor, Cuba is
generally considered the "message
center" of Communism in Latin
America, and the revolution might
have some effect on Communism's
future down there.
* * *
HOWEVER, Khoury remarked
that both Batista and Prio were
anti-Communist and during Prio's
regime the party was outlawed and
its newspaper put out of business.
According to Taylor and Khoury,
Prio's downfall- probably stemmed
from a doublecross he pulled at
the time of the 1948 election. At
that time Prio promised to' follow
the wishes of all major Cuban po-
litical groups, including the Army
backed Batista. But after he was
elected, he discarded even his own
party and followed his interests
and those of a select group which
surrounded him.
'U' Apartments
Applications Due
Applications for the University
Terrace Apartments from out of
state married veterans for June or
September are now being accepted
in the Office of Student Affairs.
Applicants must bring their
marriage certificate and discharge
papers to the office when apply-

As a Cuban "strong man," Ba-
tista controlled Cuba for 10 years
between 1933 and 1943. He was a
declared presidential candidate
in the elections scheduled for
The announced purpose of the
revolt was to suppress corruption
and gangsterism, which has been
blamed for 30 killings since Presi-
dent Prio took office in 1948. Last
August a senator committed sui-
cide to "awaken Cuba against cor-
ruption in government."
Salas said Cubans were weary of
gangsterism and corruption and
army forces friendly to Batista
had asked him to take over.
lence marked Batista's bid for
power, which came as a complete
surprise. Two palace guards were
slain by submachinegun fire from
a speeding police automobile.
Batista said constitutional guar-
antees would be.suspended for 45
days in order to preserve public
However, Batista emphasized
that "this is a transitory govern-
ment which will give way to fair
and honest elections at the soonest
possible date." Batista, 51, is a
former Army sergeant who led a
revolt in 1933 against the Machan-
do regime and stayed in power
himself until 1943.
U.S. Condemns
Red's Bacteria
War Charges
MUNSAN, Korea, Tuesday,
March 11---(R-Gen. Matthew B.
Ridgway today charged that
"known falsehoods"-the Red ac-
cusations of bacteriological war-
fare-have brought the Korean
truce talks to a state where it was
impossible for him to guess what
would happen next.
The Supreme Allied Commander
angrily denied that the Allies have
waged bacteriological warfare.
"It is very trying on the patience
of Adm. (C. Turner) Joy and his
staff," Ridgway said. "It is a very
difficult thing for a man of in-
tegrity and principle to have to
deal day after day witn men who
see little relation between the
spoken word and the facts-who
resort to intemperate language
and deliberately employ known
falsehoods as part of their tactic."
MEANWHILE in the air war Al-
lied Sabre jets shot down seven
Russian-built Communist MIGs
and damaged three Monday in a
blazing repulse of Red attempts to
protect their harassed supply lines
in Korea.
Staff officers drafting truce su-
pervision terms adjourned after
only five minutes. Both sides re-
fused to budge on the issue of
Russia serving as a "neutral" truce

'U' Political
Groups Act
To Lift Batt
The 'Eisenhower for Presi-
dent Rally" slated for Thursday
at Hill Auditorium has been
cancelled, Young Republican
President Floyd Thomas, '52,
announced, last 'night.
The rally was called off,
Thomas said, because the two
principle speakers, Sen. Wayne
Morse (R-Ore.) and Arthur H.
Vandenberg, Jr. discovered at
the last minute they could not
be in Ann Arbor Thursday.
Representatives of five campus
political groups decided Sunday to
coordinate their efforts to lift the
Regents' ban on political and "sub-
versive" speakers.
Organizations, represented in the
joint meeting were Young Re-
publicans, Young Progressives,
Young Democrats, Students for
Democratic Action, and the Civil
Liberties Committee.
* * *
FORMING the "Vote Yes" com-
mittee, the group will attempt to
swing student opinion against the
speakers ban in an all-campus
referendum on the Student Legis-
lature ballot.
The referendum will be submit-
ted to student vote April 1 as a
result of petitions circulated by
the Civil Liberties Committee.
As now worded the referendum
will read: "Do you oppose the em-
powering of the University LectuMe
Committee to restrict any recog-
nized campus organization in its
choice of speakers and subjects."
The "Vote Yes" committee also
made plans to hold a Hill Audi-
torium rally to mobilize student
opinion in favor of the referen-
dum on March 31, immediately
preceeding election clay.
In meetings held sometime with-
in the next two weeks, the five
political groups represented will
decide whether to endorse the re-
cent action of the committee.
Three groups are scheduled to dis-
cuss the issue in meetings today.
The Civil Liberties Committee
will meet at 7:30 p.m. today in
the League. At 7:30 p.m. in the
Union, meetings of the Young Re-
publicans and the Students for
Democratic Action will decide
whether to approve the joint com-
mittee's action.
Only 1,200 Sign
For CityElection
Tentative estimates of registra-
tion for balloting in the April 7
election for city and county offices
hovered between 1200 to 1300 vot-
ers, it was learned last night.
Final figures on the registration
await complete tabulation of the
daily totals by City Clerk Fred
Looker today.


Plans Federal
Court Action
Future Effects
Feared in City
By The Associated Press
Paralysis still gripped the giant
New York Central Railroad Sys-
tem and the St. Louis Terminal to-
day as government attorneys pre-
pared to ask for a federal injunc-
tion against striking railmen.
The surprise walkout which be-
gan Sunday shut down the New
York Central and snarled all lines
out of the Terminal, a key switch-
ing point for several trunk lines.
Defense officials in Washington
said yesterday that an injunction
against heads of the engineers',
firemens', and conductors' broth-
erhoods and the unions them-
selves, would be brought in Cleve-
land, headquarters of the three
striking unions.
* * *
THE WALKOUT, which stem-
med from a three-year dispute over
wages and working conditions,
aroused particular concern last
night in Michigan where effects
of a continued tieup posed seri-
ous question marks. Some of these
involved shipments of food, coal,
steel and supplies of parts and
materials for state industry.
Locally shortages have been
at a minimum thus far. But
signs pointed to a real squeeze
on Ann Arbor if the strike con-
tinues for long.
With the local NYC depot shut
tered for the second time in is
history-the first was the last
strike in Feb. 1951-only Agent
E. M. Daly and an accountant
were at their jobs yesterday, and
they were kept busy answering
phone cafls.
* * ;*
BUS TRAFFIC figures zoomed
upwards late yesterday with totals
running 50% above normal, ac-
cording to Great Lakes Greyhound
Station Manager John R. Stokes.
But he was confident that Grey-
hound could handle the deluge.
Stokes looked for a mounting
stream of traffic as the rail tieup
went on, predicting the addition
of several new sections to import-
ant runs.
Willow Run Airport officials
reported only a slight increase in
flights yesterday but foresaw a
flood of extra sections today
when poor weather conditions
centering on the Chicago to De-
troit area are due to lift. Rain,
fog and a 200 ft. ceiling have
kept Willow Run traffic at a
See LAWYERS, Page 6
Russia Asks
Speedy Treaty :
For Germany
LONDON-(A')-Russia has de-
manded a Big Four meeting to
speed up a peace treaty with a
united Germany, the Moscow
radio announced early today.
Notes calling for action to ac-
celerate the peace treaty were
handed last night to envoys in
Moscow of the U.S., Britain, and

France by Soviet Deputy Foreign
Minister Andrei A. Gromyko.
Russia submitted a draft
treaty demanding an end to the
division of Germany, withdrawal
of all occupation forces from
Germany within a year after the
treaty comes into force, and fi-
nal establishment of Germany's
frontiers as "laid down by deci-
sions of the Potsdam conference
of the great powers."
The Big Three Western powers
have insisted for severas years that
the entern frontier nf Est Gpr-

SAC To Probe McPhaul
'Private' Union Speech
The Student Affairs Committee will meet today to investigate
alleged violations of University rules in the appearance of banned
speaker Arthur McPhaul at a "private" Union dinner last week.
Dean of Students Erich A. Walter did not comment yesterday on
whether any SAC action would be forthcoming .today.
gress' Michigan branch, was barred from speaking on campus early
last week by the University Lecture Committee. A probe was launched
four days later following his appearance at the Union under myster-
ious auspices.
Campus Young Progressives submitted the original petition
which was denied on the basis of a Regents' by-law prohibiting
speeches which advocate the subversion of the government. YP
officials later disclaimed any connection with the dinner on Mc-
Phaul's behalf.
McPhaul.addressed 30 persons at the dinner on the subject of


Red Letter Hits Philosophy Course



A mimeographed letter, attack-I

said that no rebuttal would beI

purpose. Not only does it stifle anyI

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