ds .!lit tgu Ar :43att IW mr y C POINTED PEN See Page 4 Latest Deadline in the State VOL. LXII, No. 109 , ANN AIOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, MARCH 9, 1952 LIGHT SNOW SIX PAGES LI House Group ~ To Resum1e "Red' Search Reuther Requests To Have Hearing DETROIT - () - Walter Reu- ther,,President of the CIO United Auto Workers, requested yesterday an opportunity to 'be heard by the House Un-American Activities sub- committee at the resumption of its hearing on Communism in Detroit tomorrow. Reuther, a longtime foe of Com- munism, made the request in a letter to Rep. John S. Wood (D- SGa.), chairman of the committee. * * * "IN THE hearings of your com- mittee to date," Reuther told Wood, "no officers of the interna- + ,tional UAW-CIO have been re- quested to appear before your committee. "Since the testimony in the Ietroit hearing has involved cer- . tain UAW-CIO members and lo- cal unions in this area, the in- ternational union feels that it should have an opportunity to present its position." "Accordingly, and by agreement of the officers of the international union, I am requesting an oppor- tunity to appear before your com- mittee during the coming week. Singe my schedule necessitates my being out of town the early part of the week, I should appreciate the opportunity to appear on Thursday or Friday, March 13 or 14, at whatever time the committee may find convenient." * * * DETROIT was expectant as the second session of the inquiry ap- proached. The first brought a ser- ies of sensations. Committee witnesses at the first session named hundreds of persons as Communists or linked with the Communist party. The effect was almost instan- taneous. It touched on the public schbol system, pigh union circles, municipal employi ranks, and the auto factory. Persons were fired, suspended, or forced'off the job, Kubelik Will Direct Concert Tonight at Hill Conductor Rafael Kubelik -will bring his Chicago Symtphony Or- chestra to Ann Arbor for the sec- ond concert of the Choral Uion Series at 8:30 p.m. today in Hill -Auditorium. The program will include "Over- Y "ture to 'The Bartered Bride'," by Smetana; "Concerto for Violin and Orchestra," by Bartok and Beet- hoven's "Symphony No..3 in E flat major." * * * Il VIOLINIST Arthur Grumiax will play the solo for the difficult Bartok work. Grumiax has been heard with more than thirty of Europe's leading symphony or- chestras and in his brief Ameri- can tour this season will appear with the Boston and Cleveland Orchestras. Now in its 61st season, the Chicago Symphony owns its own home-Orchestra Hall-in the windy city. It was built in 1904 with contributions ranging from ten cents to $25,000., Unique to the Chicago group is the training school for orchestral players called -the Civic Orchestra of Chicago which they conduct. Almost half of the regular sym- phony members have come from the Civic, including seven who oc- cupy first chairs, and many more have found a place in other lead- ing orchestras in the country. The group also has a weekly broadcast during their regular season and have made records for many of the outstanding record- ing companies. Tickets for tonight's concert will be sold at Hill Auditorium preceding the concert. Mundt's Charges Denied by Morris WASHINGTON -(R)- Govern- ment cleanup boss Newbold Mor- ris, denying he was active "in I -'knMM1n.-zf f nnt +P' f od q Illinois Sweeps* Mat, Track Titles Wolverines Second in Both Meets; Swiners Third, Gymnasts Fourth Michigan athletic teams were always the bridesmaids and never the brides in four conference meets held yesterday. Illinois kept the Wolverines from the altar three times, capturing the wrestling and track crowns over the second place Maize and Blue, and leaving Michigan in fourth spot in the gymnastics competition. Ohio State and Michigan State both finished ahead of Michigan in the Big Ten swimming meet. Van Fleet Discloses OWMNWANW . .. ... Have 900,000 In I * * * * * * Reds Korea War Front, Peace Talks' I Track... By JOHN JENKS Special to The Daily CHAMPAIGN-Illinois' superior depth paid off with interest here in the huge -Illinois Armory as the Fighting Illini edged Michigan, 59 3/5-52, to tack up their second straight Big Ten Indoor Track Championship yesterday after- noon. Iowa's 29 points was good enough for third, while OSU, MSC, Wisconsin, Northwestern, Indiana, Purdue, and Minnesota finished in that order. * * * FOR THE WOLVERINES it was a heartbreaking meet to lose. De- spite five firsts, the Maize and Blues were unable to cope with Illinois' avalanche of point-getting place berths. John, Ross tried to establish the pace by breaking the Big Ten mile run record with a 4:09.4 effort, which bettered the Conference mark by a tenth of a second. Teammate Don McEwen fol- lowed Ross across the finish line to give Michigan nine points in the .event. McEwen also stepped out in the two mile race to nail down winner's laurels. * * * BUT THE FLYING' Canadian's efforts were just about cancelled by Illinois' Ocie Trimble and Law- ton Lamb, who finished third and fourth, respectively, to match Mc- Ewen's five markers. In the day's most exciting race, the Wolverines' Jack Car- roll handed Cirilo McSween of Illinois his first collegiate defeat in the 440. McSween characteristically al- lows his opponents large leads, then puts on a murderous finish kick to win. But the policy back- fired with Carroll, who never re- linquished his lead to win handily with a 48.8 timing. * * * ROSS FOUND that his mile performance took too much out of him to successfully cope with the Illini's Henry Cryer in the half mile. The fleet sophomore set an early pace, but faltered on the backstretch, letting Cryer pass for the win. Cryer's time of 1:52.9 broke another Big Ten mark of 1:53.1 See MICHIGAN, Page 3 Gambling Revenue Below Predictions WASHINGTON-()-Based on current collections the annual revenue from the new gambling tax will be slightly over nine mil- lion dollars instead of the 400 million congressmen hoped for when they passed the law last year. The Revenue Bureau reports that only $1,455,392 has been col- lected from 16,029 registered gamblers since the law went into effect last Nov. 1. Wrestling. .0 By HERB COHEN Michigan's wrestling team came up with one of the greatest exhibi- tions in Wolverine mat history to stage a dramatic comeback and take second place in the 27th an- nual Big Ten Wrestling champion- ship here yesterday. Illinois finished first with a to- tal of 28 points as compared to Michigan's 21. It was a foregone conclusion after the afternoon matches that the Illini were going to win the tournament. They had placed five men in the final round, and had a minimclm total of 26 points, even if they did not win a match in the finals. * * * WITH MICHIGAN it was a dif- ferent story. The Wolverines had placed only two men in the finals, and in order to come close, they had to win all of their rempaining matches. F That's exactly what they did. Snippy Nalan copped the Wol- verines first championship when he decisioned Dick Gunner of Michigan State. Nalan wrestled superbly, and carried the match to his opponent, who hod prev- iously , defeated him 6,2 in a dual meet at Lansing. Dick O'Shaughnessy also won an individual championship for the Wolverines. In a very close match the Wolverine sophomore came from behind, and because ofI his aggressive style, he won on a' referee's decision. * * * BUT THE real point grabbers were the Wolverines who had been eliminated on Friday. Of these six five were declared eligible to seek points as third and fourth place finishers. Four See NALAN, Page 3 1Air Cutback InquirySet FWASHINGTON --OP)- "Anin- tensive investigation" into the ad- ministration decision to slow down the pace of U.S. air power expan- sion was announced last night by a Senate subcommittee. Sen. Lyndon Johnson (D-Texas) announced the inquiry by an Armed Services subcommittee on preparedness which he heads. The public will be told "every fact that can be revealed without en- dangering our national security," he declared. He said hearings, which will probably start March 31, will be open to the public as far as secur- ity permits. One chief purpose, he said, will be to get all the facts available on the relative produc- tion capacities of Soviet Russia and the United States. Johnson noted that the Truman Administration has announced a decision to postpone from 1954 to 1955 the target date for reaching present airpower goals. Doug Mullen Scores Late Winning Goal Tech Falls, 4-3 In TightBattle By BOB LANDOWNE A lowly Michigan Tech hockey team gave Michigan the scare of its life last night but the Wol- verines came from behind late in the game to garner a 4-3 victory. Immediately following last night's game, Heyliger, who is chairman of the selectin com- mittee for the two western entries, polled the coaches of the MCHL teams to decide whether Michigan or Denver should join Colorado College in the tournament. * * * IN LAST night's regular season finale Doug Mullen was the hero as he scored the winning tally with less than five minutes to play, The Wolverines were traliing with eight minutes to play but Paul Pelow notched his second goal of the night to tie matters at 3-all. Although Tech has won only two games all season and has been trounced three timesi before by Michigan, the Huskies kept the Wolverines in check all night. Doug Philpott gave the Wolver- ines a 1-0 lead after five minutes of play. The Michigan center con- verted a pass out from behind the nets by Pat Cooney. Cooney re- covered a blue-line shot by Reggie 'Shave that had been wide. THE HUSKIES got started eight minutes later, scoring twice within 76 seconds to take a 2-1 lead. First, Ray Puro ripped a 15- foot angle shot through Willard Ikola's pads to tie the score. Then Puro and Lloyd Rautiola rushed Ikola with only one Michigan defenseman back. Iko- la saved Puro's shot but Rauti- ola had no trouble in slapping in the rebound. Tech held the lead for the re- mainder of the period but at 3:47 of the second stanza Pelow tallied See SEXTET, Page 3 World News Roundup By The Associated Press Escape . VIENNA, AUSTRIA- Inspired by the "freedom train," a party of six Czechoslovaks has arrived in Austria after a dramatic escape across the Morava river in an amphibious jeep. They reached the Russian zone of Austria Feb. 17 and fled through the woods just as a pur- suing party of 32 Cqmmunist bor- der guards reached the Czech bank of the river. * * * Narcotics . . SAN FRANCISCO - Fast- moving federal agents yesterday accounted for all but three of the 23 persons indicted on charges of being involved in a multi-million dollar Waxey Gor- don heroin ring conspiracy. * * Convention Radio-TV . . WASHINGTON - The major party national committees an- nounced agreement yesterday on a limited and "dignified" commer- } CRISIS EASED: French Cabinet Formed By Conservative Pinay PARIS-(W)-Conservative Pre- mier Antoine Pinay succeeded yes- terday in forming a cabinet that reaffirms the place of France in the western world's defense. Now his big problem is to get the fractious National Assembly to approve his selections.' U.S., Franco To NVegotiate WASHINGTON-(P)-A special United States mission with a 100 million dollar bankroll will go to Madrid in a few weeks to negoti- ate with Generalissimo Francisco Franco for naval and air bases in Spain. Officials said yesterday the bas- es are desired on a standby basis for use if and when needed. Large installations such as the U.S. is building in French Morocco, North Africa, are not planned. But even the limited facilities to be nego- tiated with Spain will requite ex- tensive highway and rail develop- ment and probably considerable .harbor dredging. Indications are that whether the U.S. provides arms for Franco's military force probably will depend on what the Spanish leader insists' on, from his side of the bargaining table. But American experts say that available American funds could most profitably be spent to meet more basic Spanish needs, such as roads. Certainly it ap- pears'that the United States will urge that arms deliveries should not get first priority. Sixteen of the 17 men in the major jobs ape veteran ministers, mostly of the middle-road type. The one newcomer is a 46-year- old Independent, Pierre Garet, as- signed the labor portfolio. IF THE NATIONAL Assembly indorses the. selections, in a vote due Tuesday, the cabinet will be- come France's 20th government since France was liberated from the Germans in 1944- If it doesn't, France will drift further toward the inflation and insolvency that has threatened her role as the major continental power of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization. Robert Schuman remained at, the helm in the French foreign ministry afterha hard, all-night struggle. His friends insisted he be retained as a pledge France would continue support of NATO, armed resistance.to Communism in Korea ; and Indochina and a uni- fied European army including West Germans. Other ?politicians insisted that he be replaced. * -* * AT ONE POINT it looked as if the premier could not get the two sides together and would have to quit. Pinay, a well-to-do leather manuacturer whenrhehis not politicking, took over the port- folios of Finance, the Budget and Economic Affairs as well as the Prime Ministry. This gave the cabinet a right-wing tinge. The other big change was the' replacement by Ex-Premier Rene Pleven of Defense Minister Georges Bidau]V, who fell ill at the NATO conference in Lisbon. N.H. RHeady. For .Bitter GP Battle CONCORD, N. H. -(A')- The pattern for a bitter down-to-the- wire battle over the Republican presidential nomination is being threaded together in New Hamp- shire's snow-piled byways. Tuesday the Republicans of this state,- somewhat bewildered by all outside fuss being made over them, vote in the nation's first presidential primary. DEMOCRATS WILL go to the polls to cast some light on the political fortunes of Senator Estes Kefauver of Tennessee, who is drawing on his reputation as a "crime buster" to oppose Presi- dent Truman for the nomination. Surveys indicate Truman, who hasn't said whether he is running, may be the winner. The outcome is expected to Ie close in the battle between for- ces of Gen. Dwight D. Eisen-' hower and Senator Robert A. Taft of Ohio for endorsement in Tuesday's preferential (popular- ity) contest on the Republican ballot. With Gov. Sherman Adams and other "big name" delegate candi- dates on his sideEisenhower might get most of the state's 14 presidential nominating votes. Taft has said he would be satis- fied with four. Whatever the outcome, both sides have made it abundantly clear the fight will go on with in- creasing intensity and probably with increasing bitterness. At Low Ebb. Spring Offensive Thought Unlikel.y By The Associated Press Gen.,James A. Van Fleet dis- closed yesterday the Chinese and Korean Reds have built up a force of about 900,000 men in Korea, but reported that there is no Indi- cation of a spring offensive. With both the fighting and the peace talks at a low ebb, the Eighth Army conmander's state- ment provided the big news of the day in Korea. * * * THE REDS have moreW men, weapons and planes, but the Allies have enough to stop any attack, Van Fleet declared. He said there are about 450,000 Reds in the front lines. Van Fleet added tlat he would be "surprised" if the Communists attempted an of- fensive similar to their. costly but unsuccessful drives in April and May of last year. "I am confident we could stop any attack the Communists might throw at us," he said. "It would be a good thing if we could get those people out of their foxholes and dugouts to mow them down the way we did last April and May." STAFF OFFICERS arguing truce supervision seta conference record' for brevity-they imet fo only two minutes. The only agreement was to meet again tomorrow. Col. Don 0. Darrow, Allied stald officer, said, "I opened the meet- ing by saying that I had nothing to bring up this morning and tha the UN Command views wer clearly explained and well knowr to them. , "They replied with the same sort of answer and I suggested a recess and they agreed." Rear Adm. R. E. Libby, chie allied negotator on the prisone exchange, issue, :bluntly-and In detail-accused the Reds of secret ly imprisoning Americans and other allied troops in Manchuria Korean Maj. Gen. Lee San Cho,rcalled the charge a lie anc countered that the United Nationi command was using "nfamoun instructors" from Nationalis Chinese Formosa at UN prisor camps. MEANWHILE snow, rain and i dense overcast resulted yesterda in one of the quietest days of th Korean war. Allied patrols moving out fron frontline positions made onlys few light contacts with the Corm munists. A three-line communiqui from the Fifth Air Force reporte only 36 missions were flown dur- ing daylight hours. Tax Agency, Reorganizations Rouses Furor WASHINGTON -(p) - Angr accusations of "political patron age" and "graft" echoed in th Senate yesterday over Presiden Truman's disputed plan to revami the government's tax collectlo agency Sen. Monroney (D-Okla.), wh supports the reorganization I*ar told a reporter it may be kille "by the votes of patronage-bungr; Republicans." Sen. Mundt (R-SD3). who t against the Truman revision c the scandal-tarred Bureau of In ternal Revenue, said in a separat interview that the necessary 4 votes-one more than half the 9 Senators-can be mustered to kil A PLACE ON CAMPUS? AIM To Try Comeback At Meeting Tomorrow By JERRY HELMAN The Association of Independent Men will attempt a comeback to- morrow at its regular meeting when it considers the findings of two committees-one on constitu- tional revision and one on the pur- pose of AIM. When AIM showed definite signs of collapse two weeks ago, for the second time in a row failing to "Ov-e 0 -in..:mc af f arc ernment leaders, led by the three ,quad presidents, insisted that AIM had been infringing on their territory. They called in- stead for an inter-quad council. The major changes in the new constitution are in representation. If the new plan goes into effect, the AIM Council will consist of a representative from each house in the dormitory system, the three al n..4acri+a. n aA +w n ,.hprc. TAX ISSUE ON BALLOT: Voter Registration Ends Tomorrow Tomorrow is the last day to register for voting in Ann Arbor's April 7 election. Registering deadline is at 8 p.m. Then City Hall doors swing shut nn voters' chances to nass on precedent for further excises on other sources of revenue. Most University observers regard the proposed excise as a levy aimed primarily at students-pa- trons of movies, concerts. lays right to ta its operations, since it is a constitutional corporation and a branch of state govern- ment. Something new in techniques for persuading voters to register I I