THE MICHIGAN DAILY SATURDAY, The Speaker Edits SINCE THE Lecture Committee took its re- cent action, several editorials have ap-, geared upon this stage which-sought to ex- plain and justify the decision to ban the. wo suspected communists. The first editorial, written by the Night Editors, claimed that the Committee was :orced to jecide as it did because: 1) The proposed speakers would have made a "dubious contribution to the cam- pus scene." 2) The invitations were extended in an, "irresponsible manner." The most that can be said for the first. reason is that it is unique. If the same rule were expanded and applied to the national scene, it would be branded as suppression of free speech. Applied on a college level, it till retains this suppressive character. Their second point is also a quaint inno- vation--namely, that the way in which an organization invites speakers to their meet- ing should be a determinant in deciding whe- her he be allowed to lecture. This idea has no relevancy whatever to the Regents' by-law which forbids Communists to speak on cam- pus. All recognized groups have the right to1 send invitations tol anyone they care to. They, can select a person's name out of a hat, if they want to. It is their business and no one lses. Further arguments were advanced by pointing out that both Green and McPhau were members of the Civil Rights Con- gress, which is on the Attorney General's subversive list. This blithely ignored the fact that a recent Supreme Court ruling declared the subversive list illegal. These, and other reasons, such as McPhaul's and Greene's refusal to DENY they were Com-' munists, led the night editors to conclude that the "mere presence of such suspicions sharply point up the need for further in- vestigation into the background of the men." In other words, it must be proven that they are NOT Communists before they are allowed to appear. This concept is a complete reversal of the long accepted, basic principle of Anglo-Saxon law, that you are innocent until proven guilty. Harry Lunn, in a more recent editorial, employed a different argument. He asserted that the American people believe that all Communists advocate the overthrow of the government, and that if a person refuses to deny he is a Communist, then he automati- cally must be one. While hinting that per- haps this might be an illiberal attitude, and that it contained debatable assumptions, The Prophet of Public Opinion firmly declared. "The public is in no mood for any such de- bate . . . . This attitude of the American Public is reflected in lecture committees and loyalty oaths. It is reflected in the University Lecture Committee's action in barring these men from campus until more is known about their speaking plans." It would be interesting to know the loca- tion of the oracle where all this informa- tion was gathered. Certainly it wasn't at the University of California where the loyalty oath was received with anything but a jubi- lant welcome. On this campus, the over- whelming majorty of students who expressed an opinion on the Lecture Committee were vigorously opposed to it. More basic than this, however, is Mr. Lunn's willingness to submit to any thing which the "mood of the public" crys out for. The mood of many a lynch mob has called for blood, but that doesn't justify taking a life. In a similar way, fleeting emotions which obtain a grip on large seg- ments of a population do not justify vio- lating the laws and basic principles of a nation or government. The faulty reasoning and the irrelevant, fancied arguments of these editorials, point up the impossibility of defending an action which had no legal or moral basis. -Mary Stevens Wayne Collegiant AN INCIDENT last week at Wayne Uni- versity provides an excellent example of well-meaning newspaper censorship which completely misfired and was totally unneces- sary. During the course of hearings by the Un- American Activities Committee in Detroit, Darwin D. Martin, Jr., editor of the Wayne paper, the Detroit Collegian, imposed a ban on opinionated editorials about the Committee. When the House group left Detroit to investigate elsewhere, Martin promptly lifted the ban. But Monday the Committee arrives in Detroit for further hearings and investigation, and their re- turn raises the question of whether or not Martin will re-impose his gag rule. It might be well to review his reasons for placing a ban in the first place. Stating that the decision was not forced upon him by outside pressure, he voiced his belief that the Committee should be allowed to hear witnesses and make facts available to the public before its activities were attacked or supported in Collegian editorial columns. Martin cited his responsibility as editor to both students and the university, and as- serted that his decision worked in the best interests of both. Reminding his readers that the Collegian is often looked on as spokesman for Wayne, he stated that "to permit the Collegian to be used by students who either inadvertently or deliberately would damage the University would be a be- trayal 'of trust put in your editor by the University and his fellow students." Martin charged that there were "a few students at Wayne who think so little of the University and their fellow students' that they are determined to associate Wayne with their activities which are questionable to say the least." He concluded that if his policy were judg- ed on the grounds of whether or not it was best for the university, the facts would jus- tify his position. At one time cpnsidered "radical," Wayne has had a transformation into a rather non- controversial university through the efforts of its administration to keep any red taint away from the school. The abrupt, suspen- sion of Mrs. Meisner is probably a good re- flection of this effort. But in his consideration for the univer- sity and its students, Martin lost the point that a good student editor can never ban an issue from his editorial columns be- cause it is too "hot" or because it might have unpleasant results. This whole dispute merits a discussion of "the editorial" as a journalistic concept. A college newspaper editor has a right to ask four things of his writers and of himself: 1. Is the editorial truthful? 2. Is the editorial within the law? 3. Is the editorial accurate, and fair? 4. Is the.editorial in good taste? Provided these four cbnditions are full- filled, an editor has no right to exclude material from the editorial columns of his newspaper. in the intellectual college community, the student newspaper serves too important a function to have this pre- cept ignored. We must face the unfortunate conclusion that Martin, in attempting to live up to the responsibility of an editor to the stu- dents and Wayne University, actually per- verted . this responsibility. It can only be hoped that when the Committee arrives Monday, Martin will realize that intelligent editorial discussion is necessary in a college community, and will not re-impose his cen- sorship. -Harry Lunn For Want Of A Nail A Shoe Was Lost 1 -a - 1 - /t/'4 TO THE EDITOR The Daily welcomes communications from its readers on matters of general interest, and will publish all letters which are signed by the writer and in good taste. Letters exceeding 300 words In length, defamatory or libelous letters, and" letters which for any reason are not in good taste will be condensed, edited or withheld from publication at the discretion of the editors. ON THE Washington Merry-Go-Round,' WITH DREW PEARSON ' 1 WASHINGTON -- Weary United Nations negotiators will make a last, desperate bid this month to end the Korean war in the big parley tent at Panmunjom. But if their pleas fail, General Ridgway is ready to blockade the Chinese coast with battleships and to hit Chinese bases with bombers. Here are the latest, inside developments that could lead to peace or full-scale war in a matter of weeks: 1. Orders from Washington are to persu- ade the Communists to sign a half truce- n other words, to nil down in writing the agreements that have already been reached >rally. It is hoped this will prevent the Communists from backing down on their word and speed the truce talks.. 2. However, the Central Intelligence Agen- cy is convinced the Chinese will try to prof. ong the Korean stalemate indefinitely. Thus he Chinese Communists can continue to iraw war goods from Russia to equip their armies and build a powerful air force..But CIA also reports that the Russians are wor- ied about China's growing strength and are secretly urging a truce as an excuse to cut off the equipment. 3. If the truce negotiators cannot come to terms, General Ridgway wants to block- ade the Chinese Coast and bomb the Chin- esemainland. The final decision must come from President Trumnan, however, who still hopes for a peaceful way out. 4. Inside the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Gen- ral Vandenberg has warned that we don't nave enough planes to waste on conven- ional bombing of China. He points out that "hina's principal cities (are now protected, >y squadrons of jet fighters, and argues that ,e can't risk losing bombers in China-ex- ept to deliver the Atomic bomb. The danger is that bombing China might >rovoke war with Russia, * * * -PENTAGON PIPELINE- HE PENTAGON has hushed it up, but radar units have actually tracked 25. flying saucers." Each was sighted by at least one eyewitness and also picked up on the radar screen . . . The Air Force is still skeptical, points out that radar, too, is sub- ject to illusions. For example, radar once picked up a formation of unidentified bomb- ers heading for Washington. President 'gru- man's private warning signal was even sounded before the Air Force discovered the "enemy bombers" were nothing but harm- less, ionized clouds ... . President Truman is still looking for an ,excuse to get rid of Gen. J. Lawton Collins as Army Chief of Staff in August. The President dislikes Col- lins, considers him a pop-off. ... The rea- son Truman didn't reappoint Gen. Hoyt Vandenberg for a full term as Air Force chief was to avoid setting a precedent that might make it necessary to reappoint Col- lins too . , . . At the same time, the Presi- dent doesn't want to appease Senator Taft by releasing one of the Joint Chiefs-not while they are under political attack from Taft..... The Pentagon will send special public- relations missions around the world to put our military representatives on their best behavior in foreign countries. We want the local populaces to be on our side in case of trouble.. . One officer who has not helped win good will abroad is Lt. Col. Leonard Haseman, deputy army engineer in charge of building air bases in North Africa. He ig- nored the lower bids of legitimate Moroccan businessmen; and ordered tent frames and floor panels from a French five percenter. It cost the taxpayers $50,000 extra to meet the five percenter's higher prices ..., The same Colonel Haseman also built himself a fancy home at the taxpayers' expense, but he wasn't satisfied with the floor covering. So he ordered a special rubberized linoleum installed. This whim cost the taxpayers $2,113.81. (copyright, 1952, by The Bell syndicate, Inc.) MMEROF FACT By JOSEPH and STEWART ALSOP CONCORD, N.H.-Sen. Robert A. Taft is certainly among the the shrewdest professional politicians in the United States. And when, against the advice of all those around him, Sen. Taft entered his name in the primaries here in New Hampshire, he may well have made one of the most brilliant political moves of his career. His chief rival, General of the Army Dwight D. Eisenhower, has one immense asset. This is his immense appeal to the mass of the voters. It is this asset-and it is really just about Eisenhower's only asset with the hardshell Republican professionals- that Taft undoubtedly hopes to weaken fatally in'the primary voting here next Tuesday. For Taft can reasonably hope to run a very glose second to Eisen- hower in the preferential primary-the "beauty contest" as it is called here. He can even hope, with luck, to win this contest, and thus seem to puncture, once and for all, the "myth" of Eisenhower's greater popularity. The fact is that Taft is in a peculiarly enviable position here. For he and his backers have carefully cultivated the notion that he has entered the New Hampshire primary with all the cards stacked against him, in an admirable spirit of derring-do. In fact Taft has all sorts of political aces up his sleeves. GEN. EISENHOWER, forgexample, has the enthusiastic backing of such conspicuous Republican figures as Gov. Sherman Adams, former Gov. Robert O. Blood-both of whom are running as Eisen- hower delegates-and Sen. Charles Tobey. But the powerful political organization of that agile operator, Sen. Styles Bridges, is worth the backing of all these put together. Bridges is maintaining in public a rather smug attitude of neutrality. Yet it is significant that Bridges became *stnate minority leader with the indispensable help of Sen. Taf, and that he is considered here A sure bet for a place in any Taft Cabinet. It is significant also that Bridges' former assistant, Wesley Powell, who almost beat Tobey in the 1950 primary with Bridges' silent help, is the leading Taft delegate candidate. Bridges also has'a most intimate understanding with "The Manchester Union Lead- er;" a powerful New Hampshire newspaper several degrees to the right of "The Chicago Tribune." This paper, which blankets the state in its morning edition, is violently pro-Taft and anti- Eisenhower. Taft has, moreover, the immense advantage of appearing in the flesh, complete with crushed felt hat, baggy pants and reassuring man- ner, while Eisenhower remains an admirable but rather dim phantom' thousands of miles away. Despite such assets, most of the Eisenhower delegates-say ten out of fourteen-are expected to win. This Taft defeat has already been pre-advertised as a Taft victory. But the triumph the Taft forces are really hankering for is a closer vote, or even a Taft majority, in the preferential primary. For such a result would seem to knock into a cocked hat the claims for Eisenhower's superior vote-getting powers. In fact, it would mean nothing of the sort. IN THE FIRST PLACE, the perennial Harold E. Stassen is entered h in the contest, and will undoubtedly draw some votes from Eisen- hower. But a far more important factor is the very nature of this pri- mary vote. As elsewhere, the voters who take the trouble to vote in a primary compose the hard cores of their party. In the hard-fought Dewey-Stassen contest here in 1948, fewer than half the Republicans who later voted in the election bothered to vote in the primary. Eisenhower's principal strength is not, of course, among the hard-core Republicans. It is among the independent voters and disgusted Democrats-the "mugwumps," as Taft calls them dis- dainfully-who are demonstrably essential to Republican national victory. And here in New Hampshire primary voters usually repre- sent a hard core of a hard core. New Hampshire's famous town meetings coincide with Primary Day, and thus the rural and small town Republicans vote in force, while the more independent- minded city voters sit on their hands. And New Hampshire's rural Republicans are about as conservative a body of voters as are to be found anywhere in the nation. Under such circumstances, a good majority for Eisenhower will be a downright miraculous tribute to his universal popularity. Yet a Taft defeat here will not much hurt Taft, as this outcome has been written off in advance by Taft himself. And a Taft majority in the preferential poll will be interpreted as a catastrophic setback for Ei- senhower, while if Taft runs a close second, this will be hailed as triumphant proof of Taft's strength with the voters, even in Eisen- hower-minded New England. In short, it is difficult to see how Taft could lose much here, and very easy to see how he could win a great deal. This is why Taft's entry into the New Hampshire primaries, bold to the point of foolhardiness as it seemed at first, may be the shrewdest gamble he has ever taken. (Copyright, 1952, New York Herald Tribune, Inc.) Depression Headaches EVERY FEW YEARS our industrial system gets the jim-jams. Capital flies to cover, factories close and labor goes tramping Visiting Artist . To the Editor: T HANK YOU FOR the report on M. Sultan, the Pakistani ar- tist. I would like to add that Sul- tan's visit to Ann Arbor was made possible by the courtesy of the In- stitute of International Education, New York, which is sponsoring a three-month observation tour of American Art institutions under a Roskefeller Foundation grant. Ann Arbor was not originally in the itinerary and I feel obliged to the Institute for their kindness. On campus here Sultan received much hospitality, .kindness and encouragement from students, professors and other friends. As ant artist more prompt and fami- liar with the paint brush, Sultan is not generally able to express all that he would wish in words. Be- fore leaving for Chicago he was however very anxious that his deep gratitude to all those who had been so kind to him and had encouraged him could somehow be conveyed to them. I seek to do this now through these columns. Accompanying Sultan were two other artists: Dhanraj Bhagat from India and T. Sumardio from Indonesia, and it was a pleasure to meet them and get to know about their work. Art, it seems to me, is often able to appeal more readily to the spirit of universal brotherhood,' transcending barriers of class, creed and color, than religions or political systems. -Hassan Habib Red Threat.. . "TRAITORS TO Freedom Under a Guise of Liberalism." Now that the fact that we have Communist cells in MIichigan, Wayne, etc., has been brought to light; the precailing attitude on campus seems to be one of indig- nation. Not, however, indignation or alarm that these units exist here, but rather a feeling-that here we have a group of honest "lib- erals", harmless "study groups" merely seeking intellectual free- dom, and they are being prose- cuted for it. In short, everybody seems to feel sorry for them. ~ DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN When will we recognize the Communists at Michigan, and the Communists everywhere, are not merely intellectuals, and liberals; but people who believe in Govern- ment by Terror; who will attempt to lull us into a sense of security by telling the "big lie", and then, if enough of us believe it, rule the country and the world by terror. Letus recognize them for what they are; spies for a foreign pow- er who seek to take over the coun- try and rule it by force, by terror and by concentration camps, and gas chambers. Harmless study-groups! %They are about as harmless as a cage full of rattlesnakes. -Beecher F. Russell Area Study,. To the Editor: THE'STORY on the Detroit Area Study in this morning's Daily incorrectly gives theimpression that this is g aproject of the So- ciology Department. This project is designed to serve the training and research interests of a variety of social science departments. During the present year one of the principal research projects is in the field of political behavior and involves the participation of Pro- fessor Samuel Eldersveld of the Political Science Department and a number ofahis graduate students. There is at least one graduate student in the project from each of the following .,departments: Economics, Political Science, Psy- chology, Social Psychology, Soci- ology. The executive committee of the project consists of faculty rep- resentatives from the departments of sociology, political science, psy- chology, and economics. -Ronald Freedman Director, Detroit Area Study ** * ** YD Disunity... To the Editor: R ECENT letters from officers of the Young Democrats have stoutly maintained that there is no disunity in the Democratic party. Well, if there is none, omething is wrong! With all of the scandal and corruption that over these past years has oozed forth from the Democratic party, I should think there would be widespread dissention within the ranks. For the YD's to say that there is Unity implies that they condone the ac- tions of so many of their ignomi- nious party leaders. -Dave Belin For the Communists, the very people, who seek most to destroy our liberties, have, by loudly shouting their identification with freedom of speech, freedom of the press, etc., achieved a sort of "in- tellectual coup"; they have shout- ed the lie long enough and loud enough that people have begun to believe them. It is true we have a great deal wrong with the United States; we have race prejudice, unemploy- ment, corruption in government; but, (borrowing from Joe Louis) we have no defects that Commu- nism will ever cure. The favorite trick of the Com- rades is to point out in loud voices the defects of this country; always with the implied assumption, that Communism has the answer (viz, wipe out all non-liberals by the concentration camp) . . But let us not be taken in, and make the assumption that the Communists desire us to make; the assumption that therefore what they have to offer is better. -*I U' Calendar UMT Abroad By J. M. ROBERTS, JR. Associated Press News Analyst W HILE THE argument over Universal Mili- tary Training is still fresh, and since it is expected to come up again after the elec- tion, maybe it's just as well to recall what America's chief allies do about it. In France it has been part of the na- tional life since 1798. Military service comes as surely as death, and much more surely than taxes, to the able bodied man. Compulsory military service begins in high school, with physical education and rudi- mentary training in arms. In his'nineteenth year a youth is called for his physical and classified. During his twentieth year he be- gins 18 months as a private, after which he is liable for three years to be recalled into immediate service. Gradations of activity continue for 28 years-for 45 years in the case of officers. If a boy goes to a university he passes from the rudimentary high school military training into something much like the Am- erican R.O.T.C. If he passes his tests in this general. He will be kept according to rank. A private gets about three cents a day pocket money. This is not a matter of circumstance. It is part of a definite idea that military ser- vice is sometling owed the nation. Britain has had UMT for 12 years. Since the war more than a million men have been traine4, at first for 18 months and now for two years. And then returned to 42 months of active attachment to auxi- liary services. Conscripts, or national ser- vice men as they are called officially, make up a large part of Britain's 800,000-man military force. The training runs at the rateof about 250,000 a year, which means that nearly all the 20-odd year olds are now fully-trained and available in an emergency, with officers ready to form the new commands. The only men exempt are ministers of the gospel, the insane and blind, and some gov- ernment workers. Some miners, students and' merchant seamen get deferment under cer- ALTHOUGH THE Huntley-Crary proposal or revising the University calendar has several serious shortcomings, the evil of the "lame duck" teaching session between Christmas vacation and semester examina- tions is apparent and should be corrected. By making a few revisions in the profes- sors' plan, both its shortcomings and the "lame duck" period could be eliminated. In the first place, classes should begin the week after Labor Day, which would enable students to finish the required 15 weeks of classes before Christmas. A three- week vacation might then be given with students returning to take exams in the middle of January. The exam period, as it now stands, is too long. By shortening three-hour exars to only two-hodrs, the entire period could be compressed into one week, and registration might take place in late January, moving Commencement up to the end of May. Although two-hour exams would leave the possibility of a student having three in one day, he would have just returned from a three-week period in which he would have prepared for all his exams. Professors are already working on an accelerated rate of correcting finals; two-hour tests would be shorter and more easily corrected. Such a program would eliminate the "lar duck" period, a longer Christmas vacation would be made possible, and examinations would be cut to a more practical length of time. Still existing would be the problem of new second semester students, who would find the semester ending at other schools while the new one was beginning here. However, as this effects a relatively small number as opposed to the many persons who would be The Daily Official Bulletin is an official publication of the University of Michigan for which the Michigan Daily assumes no editorial responsi- bility. Publication init is consruc- tive notice to all members. of the University. Notices should be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 2552 Administration Building before 3 p.m. the day preceding publication (11 a.m. on Saturday). SATURDAY, MARCH 8, 1952 VOL. LXII, No. 108 Notices Women Students planning to attend the 1952 Summer Session may now ap- ply for housliig in the Office of the Dean of Women. Accommoedations for graduates and undergraduates will be available in residence halls, league houses, sororities (for non-members as well as members) and cooperative houses. Academic Notices Seminar in Complex Variables: Mon., March 10, 3 p.m., 247 W. Engineering. Mr. George Brauer will complete his report on Sets of Convergence of Taulor Series. Concerts The Chicago symphony Orchestra conducted by Rafael Kubelik, will give the final concert in the Extra Concert Series, Sunday evening, March 9, at 8:30, in Hill Auditorium. Arthur Gru- miaux, distinguished Belgian Violinist will be heard as soloist in the Bartok violin Concerto. The progrom will be opened with the Overture to the "Bar- tered Bride," followed by the Bartok work; and close with the Beethoven Symphony No. 3 (Eroica). A limited number of tickets are still available at the offices of the Univer- sity Musical Society in Button Memor- ial Tower, and will also be on sale at the Hill Auditorium box office ,after 7 o'clock on the night of the perform- ance. May Festival Single Concert Tickets will go on sale beginning Mon., March 10, at 9 o'clock, at the offices of the, University Musical Society in Burton Memorial Tower, at $2.56, $2.00 and $1.50, each. Events Today Square Dance Section, Faculty Wo- men's Club. Month of March dance, 8:30-11:30 p.m., Sat., March 8, Barbour Gymnasium. Guest caller: Capt. John H. van Nest. Saturday Luncheon Discussion Group will be held together with the Annual Meeting of the Society of Friends, Methodist Church, 12:15 p.m. Coming Events Taft Club. Meeting, 7:30 p.m., Mon., March 10, League. Mr. Kirk Denler, secretary of the Michigan Taft Corn- . I Sixty-Second Year Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board of Control of Student Publications. Editorial Staff Chuck Elliott........Managing Editor Bob Keith .:...............City Editor Leonard Greenbaum. Editorial Director Vern Emerson........Feature Editor Ron Watts...........Associate Editor Bob Vaughn.........Associate Editor Ted Papes ...............Sports .ditor George Flint ....Associate Sports Editor Jim Parker . .Associate Sports Editor Jan James............women's Editor Jo Ketelhut, Associate Women's Editor Business Staff Bob Miller"..." "...Business Manager Gene Kuthy, Assoc. Business Manager Charles Cuson ...Advertising Manager Milt Goetz......Circulation Manager .