Y THE SPEAKER EDITS See Page 2 Latest Deadline in the State &iiliit a. fl PARTLY CLOUDY ANDSCOLD VOL. LXII, No. 108 ANN'ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, MARCH 8, 1952 r FOUR P) -,0 FOUR P Probe Begun Of MePhaul Appearance Sponsor of Talk Still Not Known By BARNES CONNABLE A University investigation was launched yesterday into mysterious circumstances surrounding the ap- pearance of banned speaker Ar- thur McPhaul at a private Union dinner Thursday night.' McPhaul, executive secretary of the Civil Rights Congress' Michi- gan branch, addressed a group of 30 persons under unknown aus-F pices three days after being barred by the University from speaking on campus., DEAN OF STUDENTS Erich A. Walter announced the Student Af- fairs Committee was "looking into whether any University regula- tions has been violated." - The SAC will hold a regular meeting next Tuesday.. An in- formed source said $ome stu- dents present at the Union din- ner may be called upon to supply the Committee with infotmation. T1e dinner was booked on Tues- day under "Henry Gerard" of De- troit. A Union official said "Ger- ard" made arranger ents for the affair by Phone and left a, e S troit number. Newspapermen who checked both the name and the number be'lieve '"Gerard" to bq- fictitious. PROF. EMERITUS John F. Shephard, faculty sponsor of the Young Progressives club who was present at the dinner, denied yes- terday that the-YP's had any con- nection with the spon oring. "If a false name was used, it was an unfortunate blunder," he said. "I don't know who did the booking, but whoever he was, he was probably afraid to make his name public." Prof. Shepard criticized,, the widespread publicity given the "private" meeting in papers throughout the state, claiming that "as I understood it, the din- ner was not open to the press." Only reporter present at the meeting was a Daily staffer who was informed the speech was for publication. s +'* FRENCH CRISIS: DeGaulle Return Seen - - - * - # GEN. CHARLES deGAULLE . . . he's waiting Joy Claims U..POWs Insd e Chin Party Given Court Intervention Right" MUNSAN, Saturday, March 8- (/)-Allied truce negotiators to- day accused the Communists of secretly holdingAmerican prison- ers of war in Manchuria. The Communists contend all pri- s'oners are held in North Korea. But Rear Adm. R. E. Libby, Allied negotiator, told the Communists at Panmunjom: * * * "WE HAVE convincing evidence that you are holding prisoners of war in detention camps outside of Korea witlout , having reported them to our side." Libby. declared., that a cap.R tured Communist prisoner "de. scribed in detail a prisoner of war processing center" in Har- bin, which is deep in central Manchuria. Brig. Gen. William P. Nuckols, United Nations Command spokes- man, told newsmen the captured Communist prisoner said he saw more than 1,000 Allied prisoners- American, South Koreans and others-at Harbin. (Any reoval of Allied prisoners to Communist China would imply a belligrent status of Red China in the Korean war. The'Peiping regime has striven to avoid such 'an appearance, maintaining that all its soldiers ii Korea are "vol- unteers.") * * * NUCKOLS SAID the informant was a Chinese officer, a lieutenant, "and he told us of seeing Cauca- sians and he described them, and Negroes- in the processing center." The fiery exchange came at a subcommittee session on item four of the agenda-exchange of war prisoners. The session on item three, supervision of a truce, was much calmer. As abruptly as they. brought it up, Red negotiators dropped an apparent attempt to Write a Kor- ean armistice that would ban a U.S. naval blockade of Communist China. Dictatorship Of Wartime Head Feared PARIS-(I)-Fear of Russia and fear of financial collapse may, bring General Charles deGaulle back to power-to rule France with a strong hand. Many Frenchmen express the fear deGaulle's return would mean dictatorship. Yet many say the risk must be taken. * * * DEGAULLE is no politician, and some hold that against him. The stern general headed a wartime government-in-exile, and came home a national hero in 1944. He 'led a provisional govern- ment until 1946, then quit in disgust at the party politicking he ran into. To charges that he is a potential dictator, the 61 year old general says: "I could have been one then, but I stepped down, didn't I?" There is widespread agreement that France's latest plunge toward catastrophe has brought his mo- ment nearer. BUT HIS followers say "the fi- nancial situation will have to get worse before the political situa- tion gets better." It is true things may have to get worse before enough politicians submerge their fear to hand de- Gaulle the government. Thus, the immediate prospect is that France will keep mud- dling along with weak coalition cabinets. This week the National Assem- bly voted in Antonine* Pinay, a conservative independent, as pre- mier. There is doubt that any cabinet he forms will last longer, than those of his predecessors. t F' , I 'I t ANTONINE PINAY ..._ for him to fail I? oM ,YP MEMBE RS steadfastly maintained last night they had told McPhaul not to come to cam- pus after their Petition to the Uni- versity Lecture Committee was turned down. YP chairman Joan Berler, '54A, said "I was not invited to thedinner as a member of YP. If I knew who arranged the din- ner and were asked by the SAC, I would certainly not hesitate to name him." A Former YP head Gordon Mac- Daugall, '52, and treasurer Steve Smale, '52, registered the same sentiments. MacDougall had in- vited The Daily to attend. He said he knew that news of the dinner would be ,rinted. Of those who attended the af- fair, two were invited to repre- sent the Student Legislature. One of them said last night she "was told other welt respected campus groups would be repre- sented. "When I got there," shecontin- ued,' "I was surprised to see that practically none were."~ A dinner on behalf of McPhaul was announced in Thursday's Daily but no mention was made of where it would take place. Im- mediately following the event ad- ministration and Union officials denied having any knowledge of the nature of the "Gerard" dinner. McPhaul was introduced by My- ron Sharpe, Grad., who also col- lected money for the dinner bill from those who .attended. Sharpe could not be reached for comment yesterday, but he had previously stated he knew nothing of who ac- tually Deserved the Union room. Court Gives City Intervention Right LANSING-UP)-The State Su- preme Court yesterday permitted the cities of Detroit aind Ann Ar-. . atio ia Roundup By The Associated Press RICHMOND, Va.-A special three-judge Federal court yester- day unanimously upheld'the con- stitutionality of Virginia laws re- quiring separate public schools for whites and Negroes. The court, ruling on a suit brought by parents of Negro school children in Prince Edward County, said it fo~nd "no hurt or. harm to either race"' in the sta- tutes requiring separate but equal facilities for the races. * * * SAN FRANCISCO-Twenty- three persons were indicted yes- terday, charged with conspiracy in a "multi-million dollar," na- tionwide heroin distributing, racket, with the notorious New York convict, Waxey Gordon, named as the source of supply. * * * NAVAL AIR STATION, QUON- SET POINT, R.I.--Two daring bandits-wearing masks and car- rying short, stubby revolvers- risked gunfire from three U.S. Ma- rine sentries and snatched $100,000 in cash yesterday from the air sta-" tion credit union nanager and an armed civilian guard. senhower Rally Gets Approval By VIRGINIA VOSS The University Lecture Commit- tee yesterday gave the campus Eisenhower-for-President club the go-ahead on an Eisenhower rally March 13 in Hill Auditorium. "Ike" backers Sen. Wayne L. Morse (R-Ore.) and Arthur H. Vandenberg, Jr., National Chair- man of the Citizens Committee for Eisenhower, are scheduled to speak. DELEGATES to the county con- vention on March 18 and several Republican officials will also be on hand. The Lecture Committee's ap- proval of the rally Is an appar- ently unprecedented move. Since the Committee was set up 17 years ago, it has consistently barred avowedly political meet- ings in University buildings. Both the approved speakers, Sen. Morse and Vandenberg, are noted as strong internationalists. Sen. Morse's foreign policy has been in- fluenced by his close ass'ociation with the late Sen. Arthur Vanden- berg. * * * KNOWN AS A "maverick" Re- publican, Sen. Morse worked with Sen. Vandenberg to push the North Atlantic Pact through the Senate. He has recently visited Eisenhower at NATO headquarters in Paris. Vandenberg Jr., leader of the national Ike movement, is stil counted as a possibility -for the Michigan Senatorial race in spite of his denial that he will campaign for the nomination. Both Sen. Morse and Vanden- berg will be guests at a public reception to be held previous to the rally at 4 p.m. in the League. .U' of Toronto Paper Banned For Sex Gag TORONTO-()-Varsity, the University of Toronto student paper; is under indefinite suspen- sion allegedly because of the sex theme of its "gag" issued Wednes- day. Its first woman editor-in- chief, Barbara Browne submitted her resignation Thursday. It was believed that other members of the Varsity staff have resigned. The Student Administrative Council ordered suspension Thurs- day because of the eight-page is- sue which satirized the SAC, Dr. Sidney Smith, University presi- dent, certain professors and the University in general. "It is the most salutary ac- tion," Dr. Smith said in com- menting on the SAC decision. "It is a great testimony to stu- dent self-government. I was de-- lighted to find it had been done. I was just so pleased." Sidney Wax, SAC president, said the Varsity had violated the con- stitutional contract between the the newspaper, the publications nnm iF~n A +a L At I Y . a Presidential Campaigns Stepped Up Taft Makes Gains In Kansas Upset By The Associated Press Three presidential candidates and backers of a fourth stepped up further yesterday their strenuous campaigns for votes in next Tues- day's New Hampshire primary, first in the nation. Traveling by auto, making speeches and shaking hands were Senator Robert A. Taft of Ohio and Harold E. Stassen, Republi- cans, and Senator Estes Kefauver of Tennessee, Democrat. Support- ers of Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower for the GOP nomination brought in two senators, Lodge of Massa- chusetts and Carlson of 'Kansas. FEIGHT Associated Press news- papers in the state, estimated in a late survey that Eisenhower has a slight lead but that Taft's late personal campaign had closed some of the gap. The two are con- testing for the state's 14 delegates to the GOP nominating convention and are entered along with Stas- sen. in the presidential poll. Kefauver, on the Democratic ticket, is bucking President Tru- man. The President flew yester- day from Washington to Key West, Fla., for a vacation. He may announce his political in- tentions on his return to the capital around March 29. In Kansas, meanwhile, Taft backers turned back a "favorite son" movement for Eisenhower in selection of delegates from one dis- trict, the sixth. A district conven- tion elected two delegates pledged to Taft and recommended another delegate-at-largeG who must be ratified by a'state GOP conven- tion on April 10. Kansas will have 22 delegates to the national con- vention. The three delegate can- didates favor publicly Taft, but the district convention adopted a resolution which left them official- ly uninstructed. Gen. Douglas MacArthur took himself out of the April 15 presi- dential primary in New Jersey, saying his name was entered with- out his tcongent. That left the names of Taft, Stassen and Eisen- hower in the GOP primary there. Taft made his strongest direct attack in New Hampshire on Eis- enhower, renewing his contention that the voters cannot know where the General stands on major is- sues. Morris Under Senate Fire WASHINGTON -(P)- A New York attorney testified yesterday that a foundation headed by New- bold Morris, the government's cleanup chief, had the power to halt a subsidiary company's oil trade with Red China, but did not exercise it. The oil shipments have come under the fire of the Senate's In- vestigations Subcomimttee. Sen. Mundt (R-S.D.) has denounced what he called "the blood-soaked profits" made in the traffic. Witnesses have testified the shipments began in 1949 and con- tinued in early 1950. They ceased before the fighting began in Korea.. Under questioning before the Committee yesterday, Houston H. Wasson, Morris' law partner, ac- knowledged that the China Inter- national Foundation, Inc., could have stopped the shipments be- cause it controlled the tankers op- erated by United Tanker Corp. LORRAINE MEISNER AS SHE APPEARED BEFORE THEHOUSE SUB-COMMITTEE. SHE IS ACCOMPANIED BY HER HUSBAND. ,.* ** * * SuspendedWayneCoed" A'waits Dean's Decision By SID KLAUS Special to The Daily DETROIT-Lorraine Faxon Meisner, suspended last week frorl Wayne University after appearing before the. House Un-An'ierican Activities Committee, met with school officials yesterday to deter- mine whether she will be allowd to re-enter school. The hour-and-a-half long closed hearing was conducted by the Council of Deans subcommittee on nonacademic discipline. The sub- committee's recommendation will be forwarded Thursday to uni- versity president, David Henry, who will rule on the suspensiqn. * * Senate Seeks FOLLOWING the hearing yes- terday, Mrs. Meisner, told The o oDaily that she wasn't a Commun- Sow own 011 ist. McCarthyism WASHINGTON-R)-A decision was made yesterday to seek a Sen- ate showdown on Senator McCar- thy's challenge of the authority of a subcommittee which has been inquiring into his fitness to serve in Congress. The Rules Committee voted 8 to 3 to seek a vote within a rea- sonable time, which was not speci- fied. Under the terms of a reso- lution the committee approved, McCarthy will be invited to force the issue; if he does not, the com- mittee itself will do so. SENATOi Benton (D-Conn.) is seeking to have McCarthy, a Re- publican from Wisconson, ousted from Congress. A rules subcom- mittee for some six months has been conducting a preliminary in- vestigation. McCarthy ,Is questioned the jurisdiction of the subcommittee and, the group says, has "im- pugned the integrity" of its mem- bers. Last Wednesday the sub- committee voted 4 to 1 to ask the Senate for a vote of confi- dence. The full Rules Committee en- dorsed that idea yesterday. Chair- man Hayden (D-Ariz.) said the members who opposed it were GOP Senators Jenner (Ind.), Dirksen (Ill.) and Welker (Idaho). Favor- ing the Senate test were two Re- publicans - Senators Margaret Chase Smith (Me.)-and Hendrick- son (N.J.)-and six Democrats- Green (R.I.) Gillette (Iowa), Ben- ton, Clements, (Ky.) Monroney (Okla.) and Hennings (Mo.). Hay- den said he did not vote and Sena- tor Lodge (R-Mass.) was absent. Truman Again Appeals For Budget Approval; Sees World in Balance I During her recent appearance before the JJn-American Activi- ties Committeershe refused to answer any questions other than those of a routine nature. She # giggled continually while on the stand. president Henry who suspended her by telegram last Thursday night said her refusal to answer questions about alleged Communist activities was "prima facie admis- sion of criminal action and that her attitude was "not in ,keeping with the responsibility of a uni- versity citizen." MRS. MEISNER'S lawyer, Sey- mour Goldman, said yesterday that his client's apparent unconcerned attitude toward the House commit- tee was the result of "an emotional state after waiting two and a half days to testify." Goldman also said that if Pres- ident Henry expelled Mrs. Meis- ner, the ruling could be appealed to the Detroit Board of Educa- tion. However he didn't indi- cate whether he planned to do so. Dean Victor A. Rapport, the sub- committee chairman,.told reporters that Mrs. Meisner had been, asked yesterday if a stenographic report of her testimony before the House committee was accurate. Goldman told the subcommittee that it was. Rapport also said "we discussed whether this thing was good or bad university citizenship." Mrs. Meisner lives in Detroit. She is a junior in the College of Liberal Arts. 1' President Hit Commiittee' investigation Charges Politica Use of 'Cleanup WASHINGTON -(P- Makir a third appeal within 24 hours f his $7,900,000,000 Mutual Securi' Program, President Truman to' Congress yesterday that in Wes ern Europe "the year 1952 m well be the critical timei ti defense buildup." "The ultimate decision betwee free world and slave world ies the balance," the President said, "WITH STRENGTH, the _r1 nations would best be able to e further Communist aggession,4 to repel it if itoccurredGv such strength and the ,moral sta dards which inspire It, the fri world could move forward in co fidence of the ultimate decay tide Soviet slavd world." If such strength Is to be ere ated, he said, continued U.S. ad is needed. Truman's latest arguments fi the foreign arms and economic a program ;were contained In' b first report on operations of ti 1951 Mutual Security Act sent 1 a Congress which displayed eye+ evidence of trying to reduce ti nearly eight billion dollars he h asked to run the program d the year which starts July 1. THURSDAY the Presidentse Congress his formal request f $7,900,000,000 for that purpos and said the amount was not dollar too large -nor too small. z a radio-television address to I nation, Truman appealed for poI ular support against an electic year effort to cut the program. But legislators of both partiel predicted reductions, and some administration supporters spec uated, as to how smallra cu they could induce Congress 1t make. One omen of slashes to con was the House Appropriatio Committee vote for a nine per cer cut in the K'esident's $1,069,542 652 request -for more than 20 fe eral agencies. The bill the Committee sent' the House floor for debate ne: week was marked down to $970 192,943. LATER in the day the Preside: switched from pleading with, lashing the Congress, in two le ters to Capitol Hill. Just before leaving for a va cation at Key West, Fla., th President: 1. Disclosed he had ordered governzent agencies to refuse House subcommittee's request f data on cases they have sent the Justice Department for pros cution. The subcommittee . opined an investigation into t] Justice Department, which h been charged among other thin with laxity in. pushing- proseci tions of tax law violators. AttornE General McGrath has already r fused to supply a long list of da demanded by the sub-committe and Truman backed McGrath t yesterday with his blast again "dragnet" methods. 2. Accused critics of hs Intern Revenue reorganizatione plan seei~ng to "play politics" with ti nation's tax-collecting system a of being "nrore interested in the political patronage" than in'clei government. The reorganization plan woul among other changes, abolish t system under which the jobs Collectors of Internal Revenue a political plums. Instead most the tax bureau's officials wou be put under Civil'Service. STUDENTS TRAML: Faculty, Em ployes Lead In Campus Blood Race By MARGE SHEPHERD The faculty and non-academic employe division of the all-campus "Beat Texas U" blood campaign is running the student group a close race, placing one pledge-card ahead of the students in yester- day's tallies. More than .800 cards have now been turned in to the Office of Student Affairs, Joseph H. Fee, assistant to the dean, reported, as competition between housing units, organizations and University de- partments slowly gains impetus. * * * STOCKWELL dormitory has or- blood donation procedure, "Cri- sis in Korea," which portrays the first year of the Korean war and "Muscle Beach," a comedy, have been secured from the Uni- versityAudio-Visual Center to be shown at the party. Fee announced that postcards announcing the donation time have been sent out to the pledges. Donating will begin Friday and will continue through March 21 in the basement of the South Quad where a Red Cross mobile unit will be stationed. 'M' TITLE HOPES DIM:f I MSC Lead Wrestlers r a By PAUL GREENBERG, Illinois, Indiana and Michigan State, each placing six men in the semi-final round of the Big Ten Wrestling Championships, estab- lished themselves as the leading contenders for the crown that will be decided tonight at the I-M Building, was stopped in his first match by Bob Gunner of Michigan State. Nelson, who was hampered se- verely by a lame back, had beat- en Gunner decisively in an earl- ier match at Lansing. Sam Cos- tanza of Wisconsin mauled Gal- lon in their 137 pound match, winning 5-2. pionships in their divisions. Indiana with Bobby Carlin at 115 pounds, Tom Triumph at 130, Dick Wilder at 137, Jim Ellis at, 147, Kay Hutsell at 177 andr Heavyweight Harry Jagielski will furnish the Illini with their strongest competition. Carlin, Wilder and Jagielski are Voting Registrat Deadline Nearii I I