'U' Rivaled by Hot Scholars
"We make it our business not
know anything," the grey
aired, distinguished-looking busi-
ess man soberly explained.
"And naturally, we settle noth-
g," another apparent paragon
intelligence asserted.
sued from some Congressman's
fice. They were emitted right 4
ere in Ann Arbor by representa-
ves of a group of University pro-
ssors and townspeople who have
en running a rival "university"
ght in the lap of this venerable
at of learning.
Their institution, the Univer-
ity of Hot Air, unswervingly de-
roted to the furtherance of
nebulous talk, stupidity and in-
tction, his thrived here for nine
rears in semi-secret existence
traduating hundreds of "orn-
try" alumni each year.
Organized along very loose
es ("We wouldn't want to get
ything done"), the Hot Air Uni-
rsity is headed by President Les-
A. Wikel, local pharmacist, and
mer dean of the education
h001 James B. Edmundson, the
red of Trustees. Their staff in-
ides several University profes-
S O M E T HI N G N E W IS A D D E D --- Curved ribs of a radical design lift this German
racing boat clear of the water at bow and MAxa as it makes its maiden run on Weser River.
H O M E M A D E M U R A L S-Mrs. Georgia Neikirk works
on one of a series of historical murals painted by native amateur
artists for the Fountain County Courthouse at CovitXgton,'Ind.
-Daily-Bill Hampton
* * *
* * *
* * *
BUT NO ONE involved ever has
a meeting. "Nothing must ever be
resolved, you know-if we do get
together, we only talk."
In order that they won't
break their rule that nothing
must ever be done, the univer-
sity officials have arranged to
do everything (when they do do
something) backwards. Thus,
Lounge Affair
Still Unsettled
At Stockwell
The Stockwell Lounge problem
is not yet solved.
A measure was passed by the
house council last week, following
a public opinion poll within the
dorm, which favored the estab-
lishment of a patrolling commit-
tee. A member of this committee
was chosen from each corridor,
and the patrollers got ready to
function this week.
HOWEVER, resi&ents of one
corridor of the dorm opposed the
so-called "high-handed" policy of
the council and demand& that a
house vote be taken. Council ap-
proved this plan and submitted
thequestion to the house on Tues-
day night.
Although a majority of the
dorm's 85 percent voting mem-
bers favored adoption of the
plan, including punitive meas-
ures for offenders of +ither so-
cial probation or forbidding
them the use of the lounge, the
necessary two-thirds was not
obtained, . so the Stockwell
Lounge is once more without
Among the reasons' given by
those opposing the plan was the
disapproval of students themselves
governing its usage-a number of
the girls expressed the wish that
enforcement be left up to the
house directors.
A petition is being circulated to
lift the two-thirds ruling in this
case and make the majority vote
determinant. Final results of the
petition have not been compiled.
Marketing Club
Elects Officers
Recently elected officers of the
Student Marketing Club are Wil-
fred Calmas, Grad., president;
Louis Wolfson, '52 BAd,' vice-
president and treasurer; and Joan
Enzler, '52 BAd, secretary.
entering students receive their
diplomas as soon as they regis-
"We expect them to come back
for their courses, of course,"
Wikel stipulated. "But this isn't
too much to ask, seeing as we hold
no classes."
* * *
NEITHER he nor Dean Ed-
mundson would provide any exact
enrollment figures. "Someone
might want to .investigate the
books if we tell-and we don't
keep any," Wikel said,
The Hot Air University has
gone its blustery way since its
conception nine years ago in the
general vicinity of the education
and engineering schools. "It all
began when some of us noticed
how much hot air was floating
around the area," Wikel ex-
plained, reminiscing. "We de-
cidedit ought to have some, not
too much, but some, organiza-
Students Get
Kenneth K. Marcus, '52 and W.
Gerald Warren, '52. received the
William Jennings Bryan Political
Science Award this week.
The prize, consisting of $50 in
books, is presented to the "gradu-
ating seniors concentrating in
political science who show the
most proficiency in their studies
in the department."
William Jennings Bryan, the
famed statesman, set up the award
in 1899 after a guest lecture here.
He received an honorarium from
the University and gave it to the
Good Government Club to pro-
vide an aid to exceptional stu-
The present prizes are made
from the interest accumulated on
this fund.'
Cancer Fund Gift
Presented to '
The University received a Da-
mon Runyon Cancer Research
Fund gift of $7,884 from the Fra-
ternal Order of Eagles, it was an-
nounced yesterday.
The gift will be used to study
the effects of immune serums on
cancer. Prof. Walter J. Nungester,
of the Medical School, will direct
the research.
The money was part of more
than $250,000 contributed by the
national F.O.E. organization to
various institutions for cancer in-
vestigations in the last two years,
according to Lester L. Johnson,
F.O.E., Grand Lodge Justice.
The mental calibre set for the
university's students is one of the
most rigidly adhered to standards
of the school. "No one connected
with us can be too smart!"
THESE unbendable require-
ments have kept both ex-president
Alexander D. Ruthven and Presi-
dent Harlan H. Hatcher, of the
more commonly known Ann Arbor
institution, from being accepted
as Hot Air scholars. "They're too
Because of the rather nebu-
lous nature of the university,
Wikel says his job as president
isn't too demanding. "But every
summer there is one headache,"
he admitted. "We have to screen
hundreds of applicants, visiting
professors who have heard of us
and think it might be nice to
Pressed for a preview of future
plans, President Wikel did admit
to one semi-formulated idea. "We
want to be right out with the
University when they move to the
north campus by the Huron," he
revealed. "We have a notion we
might build a building to go with
the others. But naturally, we'll
build it from the roof down."
Naturally. -
Women Seek
Sports Voice
(Continued from Page 1)
jority of the athletic board feels
on the issue. However, student
member Don McEwen, '52, gave
a hint to how many members
would feel when he said last
night that "women don't need
representation on the board.
It's only logical that men don't
tell women what to do at their
dorms. The athletic board is
men's business."
He added that they should be
-happy with V -ir free admissions.
The Student Legislature plan
would not alter the current repre-
sentation of two members elected
in alternate years. Board positions
to be filled in the coming all-
campus elections will follow the
existing By-Law.
Bob Perry, '52, former represen-
tative on the board, thinks women
have the legal right to work on
the board, but does not hink they
have the background to discuss
the issues involved. However,
"They should be allowed to vote
for board members," he main-
Politicos Form
Kef auver Club
The Kefauver for President Club
held an organization meeting yes-
terday afternoon in the Union at
which they made plans for future
publicity and elected temporary
Joe White, '53, newly elected
temporary chairman of the club
emphasized that if enough cam-
pus support can be gathered the
Tennessee Senator may make an
appearance here. The temporary
secretary is Betty Kornman, '53.
White explained that he decided
to form the club after noting that
340 people voted for Kefauver in
The Daily poll conducted at the
beginning of the semester. This
figure compared favorably with
the 490 votes cast by Truman sup-
The club plans to hold its next
meeting Thursday, March 20.
sidents Attend
* C 0 M I N C U P, S I R I '- London waiters start race over a half-mile course at Chiswick's
Polytechnic Stadium. Winner carried a full glass of champagne without spilling a drop.
B E T T E R T O S E E\ B Y - A mirror which reflects cars
passing through Strand Gate, Winchelsea, Eng., gives motorists
approaching the blind corner a better view from either side.
Allen, Crandon Park Zoo, Miami, -_Fla., director and lion tamer,
shows three cubs which will pose problem for her in near future.
T U R K E Y I N TH-E S T R A W _-Turkey gobbler that sat for five weeks on a nest of duck
eggs looks at. the 27 ducklings that emerged in pens of C. V. Brandenburgh, Rawlings, Wyo.
General Calls Detroit'
Atomic IBomb Target
DETROIT-()-New York City
and Detroit would be the no. 1
and 2 targets of any enemy atomic
bomb attack, in the opinion of
General George C. kenney, retired
veteran leader of strategic , air
General Kenney spoke at a din-
ner here last night that marked
the close of the Society of Auto-
motive Engineers passenger car,
body and materials meeting.
"This is a collosal struggle
we're in, whether you call it a hot
or cold war or a police action," he
said, ."and it can't go on forever
without some kind of an explo-
sion.' /
General Kenney was command-
ing general of the Far East Air
Forces during the latter part of
World War IL At his retirement
last August he was in command
of the Air University at Maxwell
Applications Due
For Vet Housine
S E A G OIN G H O U S E -- Pontoon-mounted house . at
Kennebunk, Me., waits rising tide to be towed nine miles to Goose
A I R A G E S U N D A Y SCHO OL - Children of men at Hunter Air Force Base,