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March 07, 1952 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1952-03-07

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Latest Deadline in the State


VOL. LXII, No. 107



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-Daily-Matty Kessler
BANNED SPEAKER-Arthur McPhaul, executive secretary of the
Civil Rights Congress' Michigan branch, speaks at a private Union
dinner held last night under mysterious sponsorship. On the right
is Myron Sharpe, Grad., who introduced McPhaul.
CL COK's Amendment
SberIp Issue

In spite of parliamentary red-
tape, the Civil Liberties Committee
last night passed an amendment
which in principle bars any sup-
porter of totalitarian organiza-
tions from its membership.
Nearly 60 voting members ap-
proved the amendment by a close
revote in a meeting packed with
campus observers.
THE GROUP'S decision clears
the way for Prof. Kenneth Bould-
ing of the economics department
to remain as faculty adviser. Prof.
Boulding said Monday he would
resign unless the Committee added
Six from U.S.
Vie for Nobel
Peace Prize
OSLO, Norway-(P)-A half doz-
en Americans are among 27 indi-
vidual candidates for the 1952 No-
bel Peace Prize announced yester-
day by the Norwegian Nobel Com-
mittee. Four institutions-one of
them American-also were named.
The American candidates for the
prize of 171,135 Swedish kroner
($33,000) and the prestige that
goes with it are the American So-
ciety of International Law and the
f following individuals:
Guiseppe A. Borgese, Sicilian-
born Chicago University profes-
sor and expert on international
law and world literature; Frank
Buchman, Pennsylvania - born
founder of the International
Moral Rearmament Movement;
and Ewing Cockrell, former
Warrensburg, Mo., circuit judge
who has campaigned for inter-
national police force under the
United Nations.
4 The list continues with Raphael
Lemkin, Polish-born international
law professor at Yale University
and veteran of the underground
fight against the Nazi invaders of
Warsaw; James Thomson Shot-
well, Canadian-born historian and
former president of the Carnegie
endowment for International
Peace; and Clarence Streit, Mis-
souri-born editor, author and fom-
er foreign correspondent.
Morris To Hit
McGrath First
WASHINGTON -(p)- Federal
anti-corruption sleuth Newbold
Morris said yesterday that when
he sends out income question-
naires to 25.000 top-bracket gov-
ernment officials, Attorney Gen-
eral McGrath will get question-
naire "number 1."
The towering New Yorker, se-

a definite statement of principle
to its constitution.
Earlier in the meeting Boulding
urged the group to make its own
decisions iegardless of his views.
The five-paragraph amend-
ment, included as a separate ar-
ticle in the constitution, states
that the "CLC membership "is
properly subject to the test of
consistency in the defense of
civil liberties."
It further states: "The CLC
therefore holds it inappropriate
for any person to be a member of
this organization who is a member
of any organization which sup-
ports totalitarian aspects of any
country, or who by his public de-
clarations indicates his support of
such a principle...."
Opponents of the amendment
argued that it was "put up as a
stick which will not be used."
*s . *
TO PUT TEETH in CLC policy,
one member suggested a bylaw
which would censure a member for
overt action inconsistent with the
group's principles. The bylaw as a
substitute for the amendment was
defeated in a "second" meeting
reconvened after a moment's ad-
This was necessary because
the CLC constitution provides
that amendments shall be pre-
sented in a meeting priorrto
their being voted on. Robert's
Rules of Order upholds the mo-
mentary adjournment escape.
The proposed by-law can be ap-
proved as an addition to the ap-
proved amendment in the CLC
meeting Tuesday.
All Petitions Due
All petitions for all offices in the
coming University elections are
due at 5:30 p.m. today at the SL
Bldg., 122 S. Forest, according to
Mike McNerney, '53.

Of Speech
House Red Probe
Committee Hit
Blasting the House Un-Ameri-
can Activities Committee as "an
arm of the millionaire forces of
Wall Street," Arthur McPhaul,
banned Monday from speaking on
campus by the University, put in
a colorful appearance at a private
Union dinner last night under my-
sterious sponsorship.
* * *
"THE COMMITTEE is smearing
union and educational leaders to
help secure the grip of America's
60 families on our national econo-
my and government," he charged.
"They are trying to break the
backbone of the labor movement
and indoctrinate the leaders of to-
The outspoken Detroiter said
the Committee will continue on
its return next Monday "to pro-
race riots" in the Motor
City and "throw innocent wit-
nesses out of jobs and security."
"Don't be surprised if they come
out here," he warned. "If they do,
by the time they're through, a
number of progressive-minded
people will be 'Reds'."
MEANWHILE, Arthur L. Bran-
don, director of University rela-
tions, said the University may "ask
for an investigation to determine
whether any regulation" was vio-
lated by McPhaul's appearance.
Union officials denied any
knowledge of the natue of the
dinner, which was booked under
the name of "Henry Gerard"
Lindley M. Den, Union assist
ant house manager, reported 'he
had reseved space by phone for
"Gerard," who left a Detroit
A check revealed that one Henry
. Gerard in Detroit was listed
under another number. He de-
nied to The Daily that he had
made arrangements for the dinner.
A woman answering the Detroit
number left at the Union by "Ger-
ard" said no such person was at
that residence.
* s .
ONLY 30 PEOPLE attended the
dinner, which was held in a room
adjacent to the Union's main din-
ing room. All said they had no
knowledge of how the affair was
Officials of the Young Pro-
gressives, reported as sponsoring
the talk in yesterday's Daily,
quickly denied any direct con-
McPhaul was introduced to the
group by Myron Sharpe, Grad.,
who also collected money for the
dinner bill from those who at-
tended. Sharpe said later he was
asked to make the introduction
only shortly before the dinner and
knew nothing about "Gerard" and
the booking.
At the beginning of his speech,
McPhaul said he was informed
that "for all practical purposes,
this is off-campus." He said he
did not wish to "deny the authori-
ties, although I think the ban was





Reds Reveal
New Budget;
Billions Set Aside
For Military Use
MOSCOW --(P)- The Soviet
government last night unveiled a
budget proposing 113,800,000,000
rubles for military purposes in
This figure-$28,450,000,000 at
the Russian-fixed rate of 25 cents
for:the ruble-is the.USSR's high-
est since World War II.
Finance minister A. G. Zverev
presented the budget to a joint
session of the Supreme Soviet, the
Russian parliament, for approval.
He said it estimates total revenue
for the year at 508,800,000,000
rubles and expenditures at 476,-
A * *
468 billion rubles last year, Zverev
said, and spent 441,300,000,00.
Last year's military expenditures
were listed at 96,335,000,000.
This dispatch, which passed
through Soviet censorship, did
not mention intricacies of Rus-
sian finance which have led to
Western charges that the Soviet
budget figures do not tell the
whole story about the buildup of
the Soviet military machine.
A U.S. navy commander, Wil-
liam T. Greenhalgh, reported in
an analysis of Russian military
expenditures in 1950 that the
Kremlin's figures are misleading.
He said Russia budgeted atomic
research under an education head-
ing, aircraft under industrial pro-
duction and other military work
under various headings of civilian
construction. He estimated the
Russians then were spending the
equivalent of slightly more than
45 billion dollars yearly on their
armed forces.
On the face of the figures, the
United States defense bill would
be almost twice that of Russia's.
But the ruble is not an accurate
standard of measurement of the
Soviet military establishment in
comparison with United States
Pinay Named as
French Premier
PARIS--P)-Antoine Pinay was
confirmed by the National Assem-
bly as French Premier yesterday
through a dramatic split in the
usually solid opposition of De
Gaullists to anyone but their own

Red Threat,
Not Election
Fund Request Hit
By Legislators
WASHINGTON- )---President
Truman appealed to the nation
last night to support his foreign
aid program against an election
year economy drive, saying "We'd
be better off to win the fight
against Communism than to win
any particular election."
Earlier in the day, the President
formally asked Congress to vote
$7,900,000,000 in new foreign aid
funds. He said every penny of
that is needed to meet a Russian
threat against the "survival of
Ir that message, Truman said
a policy of "retreat"-of concen-
trating on defending the Western
hemisphere and on building up sea
and air power - would raise an
eventual threat of "bloody battle
on our own shores." While he
mentioned no names in either the
message or his speech, this was
obviously a reference to the policy
advocated by former President
Herbert Hoover.
MANY legislators of both parties
immediately called for its rang-
ing up to one-half the total. Chair-
man Richards (D-S.C.) of the
House Foreign Affairs Committee
said the Administration would be
"doing pretty darn well" to escape
with a billion dollar cut.




-Daily-John Campbell
HAT DANCE-Five members of the 1951 Junior Girls Play tell the plight of foot-sore hat shop clerks
in an act from the Pint Size Revue given last night at Hill Auditorium as a kick-off to the March 10
to 21 blood drive.
er* * * * * * r
PitSz eveSakBodDie

A series of spectacular surprise
acts greeted the audience viewing
the Pint Size Revue blood drive
show at Hill Auditorium last night.
In fact Emcee Steve Filipiak,
general manager of station
WHRV, gave his all to the pro-
gram-including a pint of his own
In an on-stage demonstration,
Filipiak proved just how simple it
is. During the showing of a Red
Cross film, he gave his first pint of
blood and was back at the micro-
phone 15 minutes later.
Truce Talks
Still Stalled
On Prisoners
MUNSAN, Korea, Friday, March
7-(P)-Allied and Red truce ne-
gotiators repeated an old refrain
of "no progress" on prisoner ex-
change today and adjourned tran-
quilly but unbudged.
Rear Adm. R. E. Libby, chief Al-
lied negotiator on the prisoner is-
sue, stressed again that voluntary
repatriation is a minum position
"beyond which we will not go."
North Korean Gen. Lee Chang
Cho replied that the Allied posi-
tion "is a principle which we ab-
solutely cannot accept."
The meeting adjourned after 581
minutes until 11 a.ni. tomorrow (9
p.m., today Ann Arbor time.)
A Communist proposal yester-
day that neutral truce observers,
including Russia, be permitted to
inspect secret military equipment
wound the talks a notch tighter.
Meanwhile, Sabre jets patrolling
MIG Alley over Northwest Korea
shot down one Communist MIG
and damaged another yesterday
while small but fierce ground
clashes erupted on the central and
eastern battle fronts.
Gas, Oil Battle
WASHINGTON - (P) - Presi-
dent Truman sent the nation-wide
oil and gas wage dispute to the
Wage Stabilization Board last
night in an effort to head off a

"When the nurse told me it was
all over, I didn't really believe
her, it's that easy-.and painless,"
Filipiak said.
S* * *
SPECIALTY performer in the
talent program was former Uni-
versity President Alexander G.
Ruthven who appeared in a rock-
ing chair and settled back to "en-
joy his retirement." In support of
the drive, he said, "Michigan has
had many championships, let's
make this campaign another."
Lansing Officers
Support Red Ban
LANSING- (R) -Top State law
enforcement, officers joined today
in supporting a bill to outlaw the
Communist party and to require
Communists to register with State
Attorney General Frank G. Mil-
lard and State Police Commis-
sioner Donald S. Leonard said at
a Senate Judiciary committee
hearing that the measure would
give them the weapon they need
to cope with subversive activities.

The bands of Bob Elliott and
Bob Leopold appeared between
acts in a jazz battle which raged
during the show and kept on for
half an hour after.
A "Michigan Beat Texas" cheer,
led by the Fiji marching band of
Phi Gamma Delta, Eugene Wax-
man and two Michigan cheerlead-
ers gave the program a peppy
FIVE MEMBERS of the 1951 Ju-
nior Girls Play appeared in a hat
dance from the show, followed by
the Jerry Strauch trio /playinig a
George Shearing medley.
Bob Elliott's band and the
members of the Hawaiian club
collaborated in an unusual
treatment of the "Hawaiian War
Chant," with a hula by Kiyo
Taira, Grad.
Others featured in the show
were tap-dancers Patricia Skinner,
'52, and Phoebe McLean, '54,
Marilyn Begole, Grad., with a bal-
let dance,.and Ann Letsis, singing
"Black Smith Blues."
More than 700 blood donation
pledges for the Beat Texas U cam-
paign have been received so far.

Regents' OK Required
For W~omen on Bhoard

Truman, in an address broad-
cast and televised from the
White House last night, in effect
accused those who advocate re-
ductions in the program of put-
ting political moves above con-
cern for the welfare of the na-
tion and the free world. He said
they are really helping Com-
munism, no matter how much
they denounce it.
"It is awfully easy to 'dema-
gogue' in favor of economy and
against what is scornfully referred
to as 'foreign aid,"' he said. "Con-
gressional action on our Mutual
Security Program will be a real
test of statesmanship.
"IF THE CONGRESS meets this
test, it is in our power to leave our
children the most priceless legacy
of all-a peaceful world and a bet-
ter life. History has given us this
responsibility and this opportuni-
What Congress does with his re-
quest, the President .said, "has a
great deal to do with our chances
of avoiding another world war."
And he told his nation-wide aud-
"It may make the difference
between life and death for many
of you who are listening to me
He said the $7,900,000,000 figure
was not "just taken out of the
air," but was arrived at after
months of study as the exact
amount which national security
Limits aon Auto
ernment eased slightly yesterday
its curbs on auto production and
on construction, but Price Director
Ellis Arnall told Congress that
"this is no time to start demobili-
Arnall, the former Governor of
Georgia who took over as head of
the Office of Price Stabilization
(OPS) two weeks ago, predicted
+n t.Qi not Tanking Committee

SLecture Commiittee History Reviewed

The much-publicized job of re-
viewing petitions for all speakers
on campus has been with the Uni-
versity Lecture Committee since
1935, but until it first banned a
speaker five years ago it lived an
unheralded existence.
* * *
IN ITS 17 YEAR history; the
Lecture Committee has refused
five speakers-all avowed Com-
munists - permission to speak.
Three of the denials have resulted
in spectacular off-campus rallies.
Policy-wise, the recent tempo-
rary banning of Abner Green
and Arthur McPhaul is the clos-
est the Lecture Committee has
come to denying speaking per-
mission to anyone not an onen-


of the Committee indicated ad-
ministrative confusion over who
should have jurisdiction in review-
ing speakers.
In March of 1935 a University
Committee on Lecture Policy
banned British Communist Johnj
Strachey on the grounds that
the officially recognized Nation-
al Student League was not suf-
ficiently responsible to sponsor
lectures in University buildings.
The enraged NSL retorted with
the claim that University vice-
president Shirley W. Smith had
previously approved the speech.
* * *
moved forward in the state legis-
Inirf- PraPCiapnA+ l arn dpunth_

ings to approve speakers. The
debate again moved off campus.
For ten years following the Re-
gents move to abolish jurisdiction-
al confusion with the new Lecture
Committee, the Committee worked
IN DECEMBER of 1947, the
Michigan Youth for Democratic
Action was prevented from hear-
ing Communists Gerhard Eisler
and Carl Marzani.
The decision touched off the
most spectacular of off-campus
appearances. Nearly 2,500 disor-
derly students armed with snow-
balls stormed Felch Park where
Eisler was scheduled to speak.
Evading the mob, Eisler later

The Student Legislature has
emerged as a new champion of
women's rights on the campus.
" But the road to female repre-
sentation on the Board in Control
of Intercollegiate Athletics will
not be as smooth as was the pas-
sage of the SL motion Wednesday
A major change in the By-Laws
of the Board of Regents stands in
their way and beyond that impos-
ing barrier stands a sure cold-
blast from many current athletic
board members.
A. * *
THE NEW provisions approved
by SL are these:
1. All women students shall vote
for board members.
2. Women students that satis-
fy the other requirements are
eligible to serve on the board.
3. Any student can run who has
two consecutive years of residence
, . -- 41 - . .....1.

nate two candidates. Only sopho-
mores are allowed to run and va-
cancies are filled by the Board.
The new plan got stront sup-
port from Student Legislator
Valerie Co en, '54, who has also
flaunted the women's banner on
the Union front door policy.
Miss Cowen believes that since
women, as well as men, pay a part
of their tuition to the intercol-
legiate athletics department, and
because they aredvery interested
in the University's athletic for-
tunes, they should be allowed
equal board status with the males.
AT PRESENT, about seven dol-;
lars per year is turned over to the
intercollegiate athletic depart-
ment from every- student's tuition.
The sum total of these funds, how-
ever, is relatively small, compar-
ed to the department's overall
n" .-. n ho zirlpof fl a . ra

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