ood Drive Kickoff, 8:30 P.M. oday, Hill Auditc * * ** * * * * * * L7 h airl :4Dait*l J )rium * * ANTI-RED REFERENDUM See Page 4 Latest Deadline in the State VOL. LIII, No. 106 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, MARCH 6, 1952 I I FAIR AND MILD SIX PAGES Talent Show To Precede Blood Drive ,: University Aims At Texas Record SL Urges Carea On Lecture Ban Wilcox Motion Also Asks Student Representation on IT' Lecture Body By HARLAND. BRITZ Student Legislature last night called upon the University Lecture Committee to "use extreme care" in prohibiting speakersffrom the campus. The body also reaffirmed its previous policy of attempting to secure student representation on the powerful group. No action was taken on the committee's recent prohibition of Abner Greene and Arthur McPhaul. * * * * THE SL PROPOSAL, offered by President Leonard Wilcox, '52, Truce Deadlock May Result in High Level Talks M k" A variety of student talent will provide an unusual program of en- tertainment at the Pint Size Revue at 8 p.m. today at Hill Auditorium. The rally is designed as a kick- off for the March 10 to 21 "Beat Texas U" blood donation drive. * * * , STEVE FILIPIAK of Station WHRV will emcee the schedule of singing, dancing and diamatic routines included in the show. Features of the rally will be a preview of the coming Union Op- era and a hat dance number from the 1951 Junior Girls Play. Pa- tricia Skinner, '52, wil deliver a selection from her star role in "Joan of Lorraine" and will also appear in a dance routine with 4 Phoebe McLean, '54. r Robin Renfrew, a "Gulantics" participant, will present a vocal selection and Kiyo Taira, Grad., will hula to the tunes of a Ha- waiian band. Bob Leopold's Ann Arbor Alley Cats and the Barton Hill Beavers, directed by Bob Elliott, '52SM, will fight a grueling jazz brittle. # Also included in the revue will be drum major Eugene Waxman, live wire cheerleaders Larry Price y and Steve' Cash and former Presi- dent Alexander G. Ruthven who will appear in a "rocking chair" routine. TO ACQUAINT students with all details of the drive a film "There Is No Substitute" will be shown tonight and Dr. Otto T. Mallery of the University Hospital will further explain the blood pro- gram. A cup to be awarded to the or- ganized women's group obtaining the highest number of blood pledge cards and a trophy for the win- ning gmen's group will be display- ed. Additional individual prizes will be announced at the show. jThe total number of blood pledge cards received has almost reached the 700 mark according to Joseph H. Fee, assistant dean of students, who is organizing stu- dent participation in the drive. SL Backs Drive The canpus blood drive was en- dorsed by the Student Legislature. by a vote of 24-2 last night. The motion was passed with the stipulation that the blood donor should specify whether he wants his blood to be used for the local blood bank or the war effort. "The Legislature wants the full cooperation of the students. We are sure that it will help the war drive," President Len Wilcox, '52, said. Kefauver Club To Hold First M~'eetingToday Haul out those coon-skin caps -a Kefauver for President club is now operating on campus. j A recent addition to the league of campus Presidential clubs, the Kefauver-suppor-ting group will hold their organizational meeting at 4:15 p.m. today in the Union. PRF. PRESTON Slosson of the history department will be the faculty adviser for the club. SBos- son praised Kefauver as possess- ing the best qualifications of any avowed candidate now in the Pres- idential nomination race. "I am impressed by his progres- sive record on domestic policies and by his interest in the develop- ment of the Atlantic Union on the international front," Slosson ex- plained. Joe White, chief organizer of the Kefauver club urged student sup- port of the new group. White seemed confident that Kefauver' would be able to come to campus to speak. "But in order to get him here we need 'unified campus sup- who had relinquished the chair, " 6 t Committee Revises AIM Constitution, A Constitutional Revision Com- mittee, appointed over a week ago by the Association of Independent Men, reported yesterday they had agreed upon a new constitution. The major proposed changes are the following: house presidents will no longer be allowed on the AIM council; voting will be done by an elected representative from! each house with several members at large from the quadrangles; outside independents will not be represented and the independents' representative to the Board of Governors will be elected by the council. S * - IN AN ATTEMPT to dispell ru- mors that AIM was falling apart, Bert Braun,.'54, committee chair. man, said that the group is con- fident that AIM has a purpose. "We feel that AIM has the function of relating independent problems to campus problems, something which quad organi- zations cannot do because they are too concerned with internal questions, to the detriment of external ones," Braun said. To reduce the council's member- ship and streamline the organiza- tion, house presidents willno long- er be voting members "because they are usually too bu y to give time to AIM," according to Braun. To replace them, there will be members at large elected from each quad. * * * ANOTHER new feature is a qualification that a man must be a sophomore before he can be elected. Before the revised constitution can go into effect, it must be ap- proved by the AIM Council Mon- day night, be ratified by two-thirds of the houses in the men's dormi- tory system and pass the Student Affairs Committee. Officers in dormitory govern- ment, who were rumored to be planning to set up some sort of inter-quad organization, were not available for comment. reminds the Regents and the com- 4mittee that the fundamental pur- pose of the Universiy is the free discussion and expression of ideas and that the level of maturity, in- telligence and good sense of the student body requires that the existing Regents By-Law be inter- preted as liberally as possible con- sonant with state law." The Regents By-Law referred to says "no addresses shall be al- lowed which urge the destrixe- tion or modification of govern- ment by violence or other un- lawful methods." There vas practically no dis- cussion on the issue and t passed with no objections. Two legislators abstained. THE MOTION also asked that SL "continue its full support of the Nptonal Students' Association Bill C Rights in "striing to aclpienon this ca-.Ypus freedom for stc ents to hear speakers of their own choice on subjects of their choice." In making his motion, Wilcox said, "The national security can be as seriously threatened from within as from without our na- tion, "The University must recognize its particularly vital role in care- fully weighing the considerations involved in. freedom of speech and discussior to insure the main- tenance of our free educational ccmmunity." w . * EARLIER in the evening, the legislature finally passed the long pending motion to establish female participation on the Board in Con- trol of Intercollegiate Athletics. The completed bill, proposed by Mike McNerney, '52, requests the Regents to change their cur- rent By-Law so that the two student members come from the campus at large and be voted on by the entire electorate. Only men are curerntly allowed to run and vote for the positions. The bill also asks that all candi- dates be nominated strictly by the petition method. At present the athletic managers can nominate men. In other action, the legislature okaved two referendums for sub- mission to the all-campus elec- tions April 1 and 2. One referen- dum will ask student opinion on a co-educational student union su- perceding the current, Union and League structure. The other asks opinion on a University sponsored non-profit bookstore, handling new and used books and supplies. TOO WARM-Red-faced Truman supporters in Manchester, N.H., promptly ordered the large sign on a former fur store moved after they were showered with wisecracks about "mink coat scandals" minutes after the headquarters was opened. Loyalty Rish Given Help By Acheson WASHNGTON--(P)-Secretary of State Acheson acknowledged yesterday that he personally clear- ed O. Edmund Clubb after a loy- alty-security board found Clubb a security risk. Acheson's action permitted the veteran foreign service official- who otherwise could have been fired-to retire on a $5,800-a-year- pension. The Secretary of State said, however, that his decision had nothing to do with Clubb's re- tirement.. CHAIRMAN McCarran (D-Nev. of the House Judiciary Committee promptly demanded that Congress reverse the Secretary of State "by cutting off the pension." Senator Ferguson (R-Mich.), a member of McCarran's Internal Security Subcommittee, demanded to know how many State Depart- ment officials have been allowed to retire on pensions while under in- vestigation. Acheson brought up the Clubb matter ;himself at a news confer- ence today, saying: "I am responsible for the ulti- mate judgment, which was that Ciubb was not a security risk." "U' Women Feel Impact of Red Investigations By MARGE SHEPHERD' Current investigations of alleg- ed Communist activities being con- ducted throughout the nation have hit home for two University wom- en whose fathers face deportation under the McCarren Act. "Because my father took ad- vantage of his constitutional right to freedom of speech at a meeting in the 1930's he has been plagued; for more than 16 years by a series of charges aimed at securing his deportation," one student claimed. She requested to remain anony- mous because of antagonistic feel- ings which have already been evi- dent among her fellow students. Explaining the situation which originated the immigration de- partment charge, she said that her father had been an active par- ticipant in a mine labor union in which there were several known Communist members. * ,-t ON ONE occasion several union members reported to immigration officials that her father had en- tered the country illegally. He was unable to deny the charge because he could not, See FATHERS', Page 2 Churchill Receives Arms Plan OK LONDON -(P)- Winston Chur- c~hill' handlin of Britih rearm RELIGIOUS ILLITERATES: Canon Bell Attacks Lack Of Religion in Schools By HELENE SIMON "The average student comes to college with a vague conglommera- tion of ideas in their own religion and ignorance of all other religions," Canon Bernard Iddings Bell asserted last night. Speaking for the Religion in Life Series yesterday at Rackham Auditorium, the outspoken clergyman attacked the lack o religion in the nation's schools resulting in a society of "religious illiterates." "EVERY EDUCATIONAL institution should have a Coordinator of Religious Instruction to see that the integration between religion and * * * i f i i i *other intellectual discipline are recognized in the curriculum," the noted author and lecturer sug- gested. But in order to have some re- .ligious knowledge to integrate, he pointed out, every student should be required to take a course on re- ligion in addition to the usual arts and sciences curricula. The usual American youth, who is exemplified in Henry Al- drich, "has scarcely more than infantile notions about God and devotional techniques which rarely go beyond 'Now I lay me down to sleep' and 'God bless daddy and mother'," the critical Canon charged. Calling the nation's culture "learned but lopsided," Dr. Bell in- sisted that unless modern, man supplements his factual knowledge with religion, "the human race wil continue to grow increasingly unbalanced, mutually unhappy, resentful and, therefore, self-de- structive." It is the bright, not so young literati-th,e editors, syndicated columnists and playwrites, un- aware that the world has moved ahead of them-who Canon Bell considers the obstacles to cooper- ation between the scientist and the religionist. Dr. Bell is Canon of the Episco- pal Church's Cathedral in Chicago and representative of the Episco- pal Church at the University of Chicago. MUNSAN, Korea, Thursday, March 6-(.P)-Basic differences on prisoner exchange and Russian participation as a neutral truce in- spector pointed strongly today toward a high level decision to break the Korean armistice deadlock. Advance United Nations Command Headquarters would not con- jecture on how the stalemate might be broken. But observers believed the problems were receiving a careful consideration in Washington and perhaps in Moscow and Pei- ping. VICE ADM. C. Turner Joy, Sen- ior UN delegate was in Tokyo Wednesday and presumably V briefed Gen. Matthew B. Ridgway, isit supreme UN commander, on the latest, developments in the armi- stice tents. This would not neces- H ereToday sarily mean any change in the Al- lied position. Truce negotiators, despite lack Arthur McPhau, temporarily of progress, scheduled more dis- banned speaker, will be on campus cussions in Panmunjom for to- today to visit several residences day,,,and attend a private dinner held presented the fourth and latest list But no public off-campus ap- of Allied prisoners believed to be pearance has been scheduled ac- in Communist hands but not ac- cording to officials of the Young knowledged by the Reds. The list Progressive club, who were to originally carried 174 names but sponsor McPhaul's talk tonight. one name was removed at the last * * * moment. THE UNIVERSITY Lecture During the two-hour, 20-minute Committee Monday denied Mc- session, Rear Adm. R. E. Libby Phaul and Abner Greene permis- sternly demanded a "satisfactory sion to speak until "sufficient" accounting" for these and some evidence was produced to indi- 50,000 more prisoners mainly cate the speeches would not be South Koreans, who the Commun- subversive. ists declare "do not exist." McPhaul is executive secretary On the battle front Allied an4 of the Michigan chapter of the Red raiders yesterday tested each Civil Rights Congress. Greene is other's defenses in the eastern executive secretary of the Ameri- Korean hills and found each had can Committee for Protection of fortified well in the long days of the Foreign Born. Both organiza- twilight wai. tions have been branded subver- sive by the U.S. Attorney General. The Civil Liberties Commit- House Denied tee, who petitioned to hear Greene talk, is also making no M cGrath Aid immediate plans to sponsor Greene of campus. WASHINGTON-P)--The Jus- ' The CLC will meet at 7:30 p.m. tice Department yesterday refused today in the basement of Lane to turn over a huge stack of rec- Hall, but according to chairman ords to a House committee inves- Devra Landau, '52Ed, discussion of tigating Attorney General Mc- Greene is not on the agenda. Grath's conduct of his office. A constitutional amendment to It declared tartly that the ex- exclude from the CLC any personj ecutive branch of government is who supports totalitarianism or "independent and equal" to Con- any organization favoring it will gress and that the Committee is be voted on today. Climaxing de- exceeding its powers. bate on the amendment Monday, The House Committee had de- faculty adviser Prof. Kenneth manded records on all tax and Boulding of the economics depart. other prosecutions which have ment stated he would resign un- been quashed in the last six years, less such an amendment were ap- or are still pending, proved. There have been charges that the Justice Department under Mc- Cae Grath has been lax in the prosecu- a l U tion of cetain tax cases, some m p them involving big-time racketeers Backers Plan and gamblers._ Lattimore Admits Rallyat HIll Asking Red Aid The campus Eisenhower for President club is planning to push WASHINGTON - P) - Owen the local "Ike" movement from the Lattimore testified in effect yes- campaign-button to the rally level terday that he tried to get Presi- with a public Hill Auditorium dent Truman to give American meeting next week. military aid to the Chinese .Reds Sen. Wayne L. Morse (R-Ore.) in 1945. and Arthur H. Vandenberg, Jr. t 1 k t f CANON BERNARD J. BELL COVER WIDE RANGE: Research Projects Win Financial Aid from 'U' Research projects which run the gamut from sex offenses to blood clots won over $33,000 worth of financial backing from the University School of Graduate Studies, Dean Ralph A. Sawyer announced yes- terday. The 35 grants will support faculty investigation in such varying fields as fine arts, language, literature and physical, biological, social and health sciences. * * * 1 World News Roundup By The Associated Press Washington-A green-eyed New York and Palm Beach beauty who called herself "Oilboat Olga" told intrigued Senators yesterday of reaping over half a million1 dollars in fabulous deals in U.S. war sur- plus, ships, two of which even- tually wound up hauling oil and other supplies to Red China. Czech-born Mrs. Olga Konow .said she helped engineer the tran- sactions, but she made it clear her motive was strictly profit with little or no interest in an inter- national implications. Washington-President Tru- man's proposal to reorganize the scandal-tarred Bureau of Inter- nal Revenue was voted down by the Senate Expenditures Com- mittee yesterday, 7 to 5. The resolution of disapproval now goes to the Senate floor, with administration forces pre- dicting the opposition will not be able to muster enough votes to stop the reorganization from going into effect. ** * Washington-President Truman wants another vote on Universal Military Training at this session of Congress, Rep. Bryson (D-S.C.) said yesterday after a White House conference. Tokyo-Relief and repair crews on skis and horse-drawn sleds struggled through driving snows REORGANIZATION: Group Plans A llmSchool Senior Class Cabinet By BOB APPLE A senior re-organization committee, formed to revamp the entire senior class set-up here, has advanced a plan calling for an all-school Senior Class Cabinet. The reorganization idea, based on the theory that the graduating classes of the various schools would be more efficient if united was formulated by Nancy Watkins, '52, class president. * * *' * LED BY MISS. WATKINS and Irv Stenn, '52, literary college senior class treasurer, the commit- -- tee, of ten has developed the 1ol- 4. The schools' class officers lowing planh: would be chosen in the spring all- 1. Presidents of the senior classes campus election. would form a central board to be 5. Student Legislature° would known as the Senior Class Execu- probably conduct the elections, tive Committee. One member but this would not be manda- would be elected to preside as com- +o..r . vo. f .th- -hnl. National Chairman of the Citizens Committee for Eisenhower, are scheduled as the principal speak- ers. Both men are noted as strong internationalists. * * . THE UNIVERSITY Lecture Committee is expected to an- nounce its decision today on the Eisenhower club's petition to hear the two speakers. Scheduled fior March 13, the rally is expected to help Eisen- hower backers in the March 18 county convention to put "Ike" delegates in the Michigan con- vention. Officers of the Eisenhower for President group felt. that an Ei- senhower rally is "not only due here but will go over with a bang." U.S. Denies Deal For Oatis' Release WASHINGTON - (-) - Hints AMONG THE ENTERPRIZES approved is a field study deter- mining why there is a marked difference in the number of sex offenses in two outstate areas of Michigan. Prof. Lowell J. Carr of the sociolo- Both regions are primarily rural. gy department will conduct the in- The study will take about five quiry. months. The statistics, which indicate* * * that a six-county region in Central A LONG-DORMANT project Michigan has a significantly high- Aelng-o reanhpe- er sex offense incidence rate than delving into the relationship be- , ,