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March 05, 1952 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1952-03-05

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I -' E


The Speakers and the Committee
'HE UNIVERSITY Lecture Committee had . in the Committee's opinion, would advocate
no choice. the overthrow of that state.
Not as defensible as the Committee's deci-
By inviting two speakers whose contribu- sion are the methods used by both groups in
tion to the campus scene would be dubious- inviting the speakers. YP in particular seems
and doing this in an irresponsibie manner, to be interested only in forcing the issue on
the C.il Liberties Committee and the Young the Lecture Committee when it is in the
Progres ives forced the Administration into most awkward position to approve.
an action unpleasant io both the University .
and campus liberals, besides leading an un- With the CLC it is more a matter of
deserved cloak of martyrdom to the two bungling which may cost it the good reputa-
would-be lecturers. tion thus enjoyed. A determined minority
The n nrammed the motion through five minutes
einvitation extended to Abner before the meeting was to be adjourned,
Greene, executive secretary of the Amen- when a number of the members had already
can Committee for the Protection of the trickled home. Only those few who were
Foreign Born, was railroaded through the pushing Greene had heard his name. In-
stead of logically tabling the matter pend-
The request that Arthur McPhaul, execu- ing investigation, the rest of the group auto-
tive secretary of the Civil Rights Congress' matically approved him, then adjourned.
Detroit branch, be brought to campus, was In the brief submitted to the Lecture
clearly based on McPhaul's recent belligerent Committee requesting approval, the CLC de-
appearance before the House Un-American scribed Greene as "author, lecturer and
Activities Committee. . lawyer." But when the Lecture Committee
We know asumuchl about Abner Greene as made a check, they found he was not a
the Civil Liberties Committee-very little. member of the bar, had no books listed in
We dd know this: he is a member of two the library, and left no evidence of being
organizations branded subversive by the At- a lecturer. The request was returned to CLC
torney General; he was recently in jail for for further information. And then the CLC
cdntempt of Congress; he did not deny to instead of frankly listing his contempt of
The Daily that he is a member of the Com- Congress conviction and similar pertinent
munist Party, information-of which Greene's sponsors

Associated Press News Analyst
JUST A WEEK AGO this column was warn-
ing against too-ready acceptance of all
the optimism emanating from Lisbon about
progress on European defense.
Developments in France, key nation in
everything that has been done in Europe
since the war, have followed so swiftly as
to be shocking.
France, bolstered by the promise of a half
a billion additional aid from the United
Stateg, agreed at Lisbon to extend her re-
armament program. The National Assembly
approved, but flatly refused to vote the taxes
required. Another cabinet fell.
The whole European defense program has
thus fallen back into the doldrums.
And there is strong fear, both among for-
eign diplomats and middle-of-the-road poli-
ticians in France, that the De Gaullist fac-
tion, which opposes nearly everything which
the United States seeks to accomplish in
France, may return to power.
De Gaulle is not even for the Schuman
Plan, providing for supranational control
of a unified European coal and steel in-
dustry which, if it worked, would most
surely make war between France and Ger-
many impossible.
The financial strain under which France
suffers is, of course, very real. The expenses
of the Indochina war started at a million
dollars a day and are now up to something
like three million. That just about equals all
the aid France has received from the U.S.
since the war. The country's trade balance
is in the ied. The value of her currency is
dropping almost daily.
France is also working under heavy pres-
sure from the United States which may not
be entirely wise. Congress is making threat-
ening gestures toward using -a meat cleaver
on the aid program. France is being warned
to "pull her weight" or else.
But there is another angle to it. There
is general acceptance in America that, re-
gardless of what happens to Britain, even
regardless of what foolish things she might
do to herself, the U.S. will see to it that
her hands are upheld in an emergency.
France has some claim to such considera-
tion, too, though she frequently makes it
hard for herself.
In France's present situation, bickering
and impatience can make no constructive
contribution. A constant awareness of her
value to the United States from a purely
selfish standpoint and aside from tradition-
al friendship, should be weighed against
even the barest suggestion of an idea that
she could be abandoned.

"What Do You Suppose Keeps Them Away?"
Ar 7

The Daily welcomes communications from its readers on matters of
general interest, and will publish all letters which are signed by the writer
and in good taste. Letters exceeding 300 words in length, defamatory or
libelous letters, and letters which for any reason are not in good taste will
be condensed, edited or withheld from publication at the discretion of the

We know as much about Arthur McPhaul
as the.Young Progressives-quite a bit: he is
a member of the Civil Rights Congress,
which has been labelled subversive by the
Attorney General; he did not deny to The
Daily that he is ra Communist; he has
charged the American people with "geno-
cide" on the Negro race; he has appeared
here at Lane Hall in behalf of Willie McGee
under the sponsorship of the Civil Rights
These facts do not in themselves indict
the two. But the mere presence of such
suspicions sharply point up the need for
further investigation into the background
of the men.
In the meantime, the Committee had the
duty to refuse McPhaul and Greene permis-
sion to speak on campus. This is, after all, a
state university, and as such, has certain
responsibilities to the people of the state to
prohibit the use of its property to those who,
Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writer only.
This must be noted in all reprints.

were very well aware-accompanied by a
well-reasoned statement why CLC felt
Greene was not a Communist and had a
worthwhile point of view to express to the
campus, the group merely replied with some
irrelevant family statistics.
In this touchy' situation, where an or-
ganization is struggling to establish itself
on campus as an organ of liberal opinion,
it is folly to allow itself to be associated in
the public mind with Communism. In this
way the YP, once a potentially useful
group, has ben rendered completely inef-
fective and worthless. And the CLC, by
inviting Greene as its guest with such
blithe disregard for the possible repercus-
sions of profligate hospitality, took a long
step towards being merely another "radi-
cal" club.
The Civil Liberties group, fortunately can
still retain a good name by passing at its
Thursday meeting the resolution disavowing
those who advocate totalitarian forms of
With mature judgment on the part of
committees such as these, a Lecture Commit-
tee would be unnecessary.
--Harland Britz, Cara Cherniak,
Barnes Connable, Donna Hen-
dleman, Zander Hollander, Sid
Klaus, Cal Samra, Crawford



(Continued from Page 2)



SINCE SEPTEMBER, I have not noticed
any student-faculty comments on any
of the exhibits at the Museum of Art in
The Daily letter column, andI have come to
the conclusion that our cheery campus is
art unconscious. And if the currently show-
"Advancing French Art" doesn't arouse
someone, I'll throw in the towel. The 37
paintings in the West Gallery of Alumni
Memorial Hall are violently striking, what-
ever else one cares to say about them.
The eight artists shown actually only
represent the abstract school, not French
art as a whole. Stuart Preston wrote of
them in the New York Times, "It looks
to me . . as if pure abstract art has fi-
nally come of age." Actually, Mondrian is
as purely abstract as one can get, and he's
been pretty well established for some time.
Only three of the entrants achieve Mon-
drian's purity, but Mondrian is also a
constructivist with the accompanying ar-
chitectural traces evident in his composi-
tions. The constructivists are apparently
more rigidly disciplined, but if one may
believe the not totally disinterested par-
ties who write press releases, these gentle-
men are equally painstaking in their ar-
rangements of color and form.
This may be true, but I can't help re-
calling the youth who recently got a con-
sidered (if not laudatory) judgement from
a Canadian authority on a piece of board re-
trieved from the wastebasket, on which a
number of commercial artists had dabbed to
clean their brushes, test colors, and whatnot.
The answer of a fellow authority that the
commercial artists were unconsciously exer-
cising sound aesthetic taste in where (in re-
lation to previous smears on the board) the
dabbled, and that the hoaxer unconsciously
exercized his aesthetic taste in selecting that
particular board to trim and frame, is not
entirely satisfactory, but does give rise to
a series of questions in relation to modern
First, how much credit for aesthetic cre-
ativity can be assigned to the workings of
the unconscious? It is true enough that
countless juxtapositions of colors, forms,
lines, and contrasts of light and dark can be
considered pleasing without reference to
meaning, symbols, ideology, or whatever.
Practically any combination will suit some-
one, and many will please a great number of
people. But is this art?
According to at least one view, the ans-
wer is a loud and unreserved YES! This
immediate, diriect sensory appreciation has
always been important to graphic art of

acy in this respect, and got his contrasts
within a natural framework. Other paint-
ers who weren't concerned about natural
treatment of light obeyed self-imposed
restrictions of their own.
But now we have painters attempting to
abstract the qualities as such; the qualities
are not now of the painting, but are them-
selves painted, are themselves the painting.
That this is a valid aim of art no one should
deny, but I hope the abstractionists won't in-
sist that it's the only valid aim. We'll as-
sume that they are content to live and let
live, and proceed.
Since the abstractionists now attempt to
put what were formerly qualities of paint-
ings on their canvases, how are we to judge
their merits? Not by the number of identi-
fiable qualities present in the picture, sure-
ly, for you can have every conceivable
quality represented and still have an ugly
arrangement. "Pleasantness" is not a thing
that can be painted; it is there in greater or
lesser degree depending on the appeal of the
arrangement for the individual. Now, which
individual? The artist? The sensitive observ-
er? The unsympathetic acadamician? The
blind man? Who can say? Who has the right
to say?
We could sit for a century arguing innum-
erable such points without achieving chaos.
Let's just say the normal observer. He must
first brush aside the cobwebs of preconceiv-
ed standards and stop demanding qualities
that have no place irk pure abstract art
(such as realism), and then he is fit to
judge for himself whether or not a parti-
cular arrangement is satisfying.
* * *
THIS LEADS, of course, to aesthetic an-
archy on two different levels. On the'
higher plane, it means that every school of
art must be judged by different standards.
This becomes obvious when we take the
broader example of the differences between
oriental and occidental art. Until purpose is
given proper consideration to each by the
other, judgements are of no consequence.
Most critics want to draw a line somewhere,
but that is another question that will never
be solved. It is certain, however, that science
has nothing to do with aesthetics or the
prescribed- formula would have been discov-
ered by this time and everybody could have
a reproduction of the one best combination,
and further artistic activity could be elim-
inated as useless and unnecessary.
Now that the normal man's taste is his
own (not yours) criterion of good and ,bad
in abstract art hasn't evervone an au1

to tell you that it can only be completely
applied to three of the artists in the show.
Only Gerard Schneider; Hans Hartung,
and Pierre Soulages qualify as pure ab-
stractionists in any strict use of the term.
It is perhaps no accident that Schneider's
paintings collectively make up an opera,
since music has always been the least
representational of the arts. A deliberate
attempt was made in the early 19th cen-
tury by German romantic writers to du-
plicate the irresponsibility of music, but
they failed. Judging by Opus 400, which
for me is the high spot in the exhibit,
Schneider and his two free-abstractionist
accomplices have a chance to succeed
where writers could not.
Soulages is the most consistent of the
three; it is more dificult to choose between
his works (with dates for titles) than be-
tween the sometimes better, sometimes
worse, numbered paintings of Hartung.
THE TWO "non-blacks" in the show, Jean
Bazaine and Maurice Esteve, owe some-
thing to Paul Klee and Mondrian, but not
enough for their own good. They also owe
something (perhaps unwittingly) to the old
picture puzzles captioned "How many faces
can you find in this picture?" To some ex-
tent they are representational-more so than
the others-and Bazaine himself declares
that he is trying to create "an equivalent
world" for the objective world, in much the
same way, I suppose, as T. S. Eliot seeks his
lingual "objective correlative" for emotions,
and with about the same success.
Charles Lapicque is, like Bazaine and
Esteve, primarily a colorist, but unlike
them he uses black to a considerable ex-
tent. He is a little more successful than
they, partly on this account (Les remous),
partly because of his saving grace, humor.
The last two Nicolas de Stael and Andre
Lanskoy, are of Russian birth and rather
gloomy. Their colors are predominantly dark,
and they substitute modelling in thick pig-
ments for variety of coloration, with prac-
tically no success whatever. Lanskoy's Nuit
de Bethlehem is the sole exception. For the
most part their shapes blend into one anoth-
er, and any effect these might have pro-
duced is lost in a muddy morass.
This exhibit is at least stimulating, and
if anyone wants to see in what direction
French art is advancing, he has until
March 22nd to do so. Another question that
arises is whether such art has any lasting
value; I won't go into it now, but try to
coniuun a en iman a ofa fw o fh an t -e

History M.A. Language Examination.
Fri.. March 7, 4-5 p.m., 212 A.H. Sign
list in History Office. Dictionary per-
Aero Semina?: Prof. J. D. Schezer
will discuss "Trends in Aircraft Dy-
namics," at 4 p.m., Thurs., March 6,
1504 E. Engineering Bldg. Interested
students, staff and researchers are wel-
5, 4:10 p. in, 3001 Angell Hall. Profes-
sor Rainich will continue his talk on
"Generalized Equivalence Relations and
Projective Geometry".
tics): Wed., March 5, 2 p. m., 3001 An-
gell Hall. Mrs. Kampe will speak on
"SingularPoints of First Order Ordi-
nary Differential Equations".
Doctoral Examination for Arthur W.
Howard, Education; thesis: "A Pro-
gram of Physical Education for India,"
Thurs., March 6, 3 p.m., 4024 Univer-
sity High School. Chairman, C. A. Eg-
Doctoral Examination for Doro-
thy Twichel Chappell, Psychology;
thesis: "Reduction of Spasticity In
Paraplegia by the Use of Hypnosis",
Wed., March 5, West Council Room,
Rackham Bldg., 3 p. m. Chairman, D.
G. Marquis.
Engineering Mechanics Seminar:
Wed., March 5, 3:45 p.m., 101 W. Engi-
neering Bldg. Prof. W. W. Hagerty will
speak on "Osborne Reynolds and His
Seminar in Applied Mathematics:
Thurs., March 6, 4 p.m., 247 W. Engi-
neering. Mr. Donald J. Ritchie will
speak on "Linear Analysis ofFeedback
Control System."
Seminar in Physical Chemistry. Don-
ald H. Payne will discuss "Rotational
Molecular Motion in Crystals" at 4:10
p.m., Wed., March 5, 2308 Chemistry
Bldg. Visitors are welcome.
Museum of Art, Alumni Memorial
Hall. Advancing French Art; Peiping
.(LIFE photographs). Weekdays 3 to 5,
Sundays 2 o 5. The public is invited.
"Class Work"18 students represent-
ed. (Lithographs, etchings, and aqua-
tints are included). 1st floor exhibition
corridor, College of Architecture and
Design; through March 17.
Events Today
Michigan Arts Chorale will have its
regular rehearsal at Lane Hall, 7 p. m.
At 8:20 we will sing at the Rackham
Building for the Religion in Life pro-
Michigan Christian Fellowship. Every-
one is invited to the Bible study in
the League Chapel at 7:15 p.m.
Religion-in-Life Lecture. Rackham
Lecture Hall, 8:30 p.m. Speaker: Canon
Bernard Iddings Bell. Subject: "Reli-
gion and Knowledge." Reception at
Lane Hall following the lecture.
Wesleyan Guild: School of Christian
Living, 6 p.m.. at the Guild. Guest
speaker: Mr. Walter R. Drury. Guilders
are urged to attend the assembly at
8:30 p.m. at the Rackham Lecture Hall
when Dr. Bernard Iddings Bell will
speak on "Religion and Knowledge."
SL Meeting. 7:30 p.m. at the Alpha
Tau Omega house, 1415 Cambridge
Road. All girls are requested to get late
permission. All possible candidates for
the legislature are invited to the meet-
Photography Group meets at.Lane
Hall, 7-8 p.m. Open to all interested
Undergraduate Botany Club. Meeting.
7:30 p.m. at Dr.' Clover's house, 1522
Hill St. Speaker: Prof. Bartlett, 8 p.m.
Opening Tonight: "Don Giovanni,"
tragi-comic opera by Mozart, at Lydia,
Mendelssohn Theatre, 8 p.m. Presented
by The Department of Speech in con-
junction with The School of Music.-
Performances also on Thursday, Friday
and Saturday. Tickets on sale at Men-
delssohn box office 10 a.m. thru 8 p.m.
daily. Special student rate tonight and
Scabbard and Blade. Active members
will be expseted to attend the meeting
tonight at 7:45 p.m., TCB in uniform.
Scabbard and Blade members wishing

are invited to come and meet the mem-
bers of the Psychology department.
Congregational-Disciples Guild: Sup-
per Discussion groups, 5:30 to 7 p.m.,
Guild House.
Eisenhower for President Club. Meet-
ing, 8 p.m., Union.
Polonia Club. Meeting, 7:30 p.m., In-
ternational Center. Final preparations
for the dance will be made.rDancing,
playing charades, and refreshments. All
students of Polish descent or those in-
terested in Polish culture are invited.
Society of Automotive Engineers:;
Meeting, 7:30 p.m., 229 W. Engineering.
Two movies on American and European
auto racing. Everyone welcome.
U of M Rifle Club. 7:15 p.m., ROTC
Rifle Range. A shoulder-to.shoulder
match will be fired with the Dearborn
Rifle Club. Also the team to fire at the
University of Illinois Match will be se-
Lutheran Student Center, Hil at
Forest. Wednesday evening Lenten Ser-
vices at the Center at 7:30 p.m. Ser-
-mon by Dr. Henry . Yoder on "Cyn-
ics or True Believers in Christ."
University Lutheran Chapel, 1511
Washtenaw. Lenten Vesper Service,
7:30 p.m.
Delta Sigma Pi. Open meeting, 7:30
p.m., 130 Bus. Ad. Subject: Marketing
Problems of the Auto Industry. Speak-
er: Benson E. Billings, Asst. Mgr. Mar-
ket Analysis Dept., Chevrolet Motor
Div., GMC. Everyone welcome. Refresh-
Work may be submitted for the Inter-
Arts Union Student Art Exhibit noa
Inter-Arts Union Student Art Exhi-
bit. Work may be submitted for the
exhibit on Wed., Thurs., and Fri., from
9 to 12 and from 1:30 to 5, in the Mu-
seum of Art office, main floor, Alumni
Memorial Hall.
Aiee-Ire: Informal Coffee Hour, 3-5
p.m., 3084 E. Engineering. Movies and
refreshments. All faculty and 2.E's In-
Coming Events
U of M Sailing Club. Open meeting,
Thurs., March 6, 7:30 p.m., 3 R-S, Un-
ion. Everyone welcome. Movies, refresh-
Kappa Phi: Rushing banquet at the
Methodist church, 5:30 p.m., Thurs.,
March 6.
Pershing Rifles: All members with
money to return on the Military Ball
should contact Jim McNally, 6812 Gom-
berg House, South Quad, or Bill Fish-
er, 404 Strauss, EQ immediately. All
tickets and money must be returned by
Thursday night, March 6.
International Center Weekly Tea for
foreign students and American friends,
4:30-6 p.m., Thurs., March 6.
Congregational - Disciples G u ii d
Freshman Discussion group, 7 to 8 p.m.,
Thurs., March 6, Guild House.
Graduate Student Council. Meeting,
Thurs., March 6, 7:30 p.m., Grad Out-
ing Room, Rackham Bldg.
Literary College Conference Steering
Committee. 1011 Angell Hail, Thurs.,
March 6, 4 p.m.
Hillel Seminar: "Is Religion Neces-
sary for Happiness?" Thurs., March 6,
7:15 p.m., League. Room will be posted.
Everyone welcome.
Civil Liberties Committee. Meeting,
Thurs., March 6, 7:30 p.m., Main Room
(downstairs), Lane Hall. A constitution-
al amendment will be voted upon; all
members are urged to attend. Those
members who have not paid dues, must
pay before the meeting in order to
The Skeptic
"NO MAN ever quite believes in
any other man. One may be-
lieve in an idea absolutely, but'not
in a man. In the highest confi-
dence there is always a flavor of
doubt-a feeling, half instinctive
and half logical, that, after all, the
scoundrel may have something up
his sleeve. This doubt, it must be
obvious, is always more than justi-
fied, for no man is worthy of un-

Supreme Court Ruling
To the Editor:
IN THE article on Abner Greene
appearing in Sunday's Daily
reference was made to his work
on the American Committee for
Protection of the Foreign Born
and to his serving as one of the
Civil Rights Congress Bail Fund
trustees. It was pointed out that
both organizations had been
placed on the Attorney General's
subversive list.
'However, it was not pointed out,
and should be I think, that the
Supreme court in the case of the
Joint Anti-fascist Refugee Com-
mittee vs. McGrath, 341 U.S. 123,
ruled the subversive list illegal,
Themajority opinion stated that
organizations named on the list
had not been given the right to a
bearing, in violation of a basic
principle of democratic procedure.
In view of this finding it would
appear prudent not to consider
the listings as having been fully
validated and fairly judged. Fair
reporting should note this fact or
not note the listing at all.
-Meyer Zald
* * *
300 Words«..*
To the Editor:
Backhaut editorial, I summed
up the journalistic talents of this
aspiring young "liberal" in the fol-
lowing manner, (1) He had a
course in Political Science 1 and
2. (2) Somewhere along the line
he read a book on Alexander Ham-
ilton who believed basically that
"the people are too dumb to gov-
ern themselves." (3) He graduated
from the three-week training
course usually prescribed for Daily
"cub reporters". Taking these
things into consideration we can-
not be too hard on our young
friend when surveying his com-
pleted product.
Reporter Backhaut also claims
that the resolution going on rec-
ord as opposed to the Speaker's
Ban was "railroaded" through the
Young Democrats by a "majority
clique" and that "there was no
real debate on the question". The
facts contradict such a statement.
In the Y. D. Club we like to de-
cide questions by majority vote-
as happens in most clubs. After a
full twenty minutes of discussipn
on this problem (15 minutes of
which was allotted to Mr. Back-
haut who seemed to be the only
one opposed to the resolution) a
vote was taken and the "majority
clique" w h i c h "railroaded it
through" consisted in a vote of
Mr. Backhaut sounds like a very
strange liberal to me. He sounds
even stranger when he professes
to be a Democrat. Mr. Backhaut
distrusts people. Democrats never
The great Jefferson said. "The
will of the people is the only le-
gitimate foundation of any gov-
ernment, and no government can
continue good, but under the con-
trol of the people."
Under President Andrew Jack-
son, the Builder of American De-
mocracy, the motto was "Let the
people rule."
The scholar, Wilson, proclaim-
ed,"... and I believe with all my
heart that the common people of
this nation are to be implicitly
And in his Four Freedoms
speech in 1941, the greatest of all
American statesmen said that the
fii'st essential human freedom is
"freedom of speech and expres-
sion-everywhere in the world."
As long as we continue to be-
lieve in these ideals-ideals which
proclaim that the ultimate au-
thority of government rests in the
masses, we can be assured that
the "government of the people,
by the people, for the people,"
which Lincoln spoke of, will never

"perish from this earth."
Eugene D. Mossner
Door Rule ".
To the Editor
H AIL the downfall of tradition
In a new enlightened Union.
Dropped from its rules one old
The closed front door for the
other half.
But in her quest for equality
A series of impending dooms.
For what (in this day of the
portal wide open)
Can we do with the door
(Call it a bit of intellectual

To the Editor:
HAVE you noticed how many
people have colds? (Snif)
Everydne seems ,to be walking, or
dragging themselves, around with
some form of the flu. Classes re-
sound with the strident trumpet-
ing of infectious students. The less
stalwart have given up the pro-
verbial ghost, and have taken to
bed, haunting dorm nurses for
sick trays, and omnipresent (and
worthless) gargle pills. If a person
should venture g3ear Health Ser-
vice he is given more gargle pills
(still worthless),' and ifs he is ex-
tremely unfortunate, a penicillin
shot. This, however, provides him
with an excellent excuse for not
going to classes. Why? Simple.
You can't sit down. Speaking of
Health Service, and now we ap-
proach the crux of this epistle;
this year Health Service declined
to give free flu shots. Consequent-
ly many students did not have the
opportunity to gain some immun-
ity to the pervasive germs, (Snif)
In view of, the widespread symp-
toms of flu, why doesn't Health
Service reverse its stand and now
give the students still left alive
-Nicky Wood


and we are limiting the Senior
Ball to just six hundred couples,
this dance is dedicated to the
class of '52. If this dance is a suc-
cess, and we sincerely believe it
will be a tremendous one, your
Senior social board will plan other
social events for graduation week,
It's up to you as Seniors. Just re-
member that important date-
Senior Ball, March 15, nine to
one, semi-formal, and in the Un-
ion Ballroom. Your obedient ser-
vant, Mark Sandground for the
Senior Ball Committee,
So-called SL . *
To the Editor:
MR. BACKHAUT'S editorial
"Against the Speaker's Bu-
reau"''loses its validity through an
important fallacy: We do not
have a legislative body here on
Much of his argument rests on
the point that "the legislative body
should have the sole authority to
decide legislation" and "the sep-
aration of duty between the voter
and the elected official," He ar-
gues the disadvantages of direct
rule as opposed to the advantages=
of representation through legis-
lators, each of whom "when he
considers a bill, judges it in terms
of the whole interest as well 'as
in terms of those whom he repre-
sents" and "can be held responsi-
ble for what he votes for."
This line of reasoning may well
apply to the government of the.
United States, to which Mr. Back-
haut constantly refers. However,
on this campus, the only body
resembling a legislative body is
the so-called Student Legislature,
which is not a law making body,
but rather an assembly which in
matters such as the speaker's ban,
can-only make recommendations.
If in fact we had a governing
body duly elected by the students,
with the power to remove thet
speaker's ban, a referendum would
be superfluous. But since the stu-
dents have no choice in the selec-
tion of the real law givers, in lieu
of such representation, a referen-
dum is the best way, in fact, the
only way open to measure "the
consent of the governed." '
-S. Johnson
** *
FreFlu Shots.




Sixty-Second Year
Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board of Control of
Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
Chuck Elliott ........Managing Editor
Bob Keith.................City Editor
Leonard Greenbaum, Editorial Director
Vern Emerson.........Feature 'Editor
Ron Watts............Associate Editor
Bob Vaughn ...........Associate Editor
Ted Papes...............Sports Editor
George Flint ...Associate Sports Editor
Jim Parker .....Associate Sports Editor
Jan James .............Women's Editor
Jo Ketelhut, Associate Women's Editor
Business Staff
Bob Miller..........Business Manager
Gene Kuthy, Assoc. Business Manager
Charles Cuson ... .Advertising Manager
Milt Gtz, ......ircu12±1atin MTanager U0


-Chuck Kauffman
* * *
Senior Ball ..~.
To the Editor:
ON MARCH 15, the class of 1952,
your class, is preserting the
annual Senior Ball in the Union
Ballroom. By now, we all realize
that Michigan is a big school-

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